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Had to be drug-related right?

I don't think they do that to white gringos

I legitimately hate mexicans. Having lived there and traveled all over the country, and having visited 30+ countries in my life, mexico is the worst one. You cant trust anyone down there. Fuck mexicans.

They are mexicans, they have no real principles. Don't trust anyone down there.
It's not about principles unfortunately, it's about not drawing unnecessary attention to yourself.
dude on the right has some nice hair.
wish I had that haircut.
you can just tell they're the douche gringos thinking they can do whatever they want in a foreign country
this is the most first world post I've ever read in here
mfs really don't know how things work here
Your dad is retarded. There's a difference between actual cartel operations and a random ahh drug dealer.
You tell the latter to fuck off. Simple as.
Three bodies have been found, never been to Mexico or Baja California but surely you have to put yourself in these situations right?

If you were literally there just to surf and didn't get cheeky and take something you weren't meant to or spoke the wrong way to someone you weren't meant to, this doesn't just happen

I am Australian and I can just tell by looking at these fellas they put themselves in harms way in the wrong country.
>or spoke the wrong way to someone you weren't meant to, this doesn't just happen

can a "puta madre" get u killed in mexico?
I shouldnt go there then lol
everyone says puta madre all the time, they'd look at you weird if you didn't say it within a few minutes of time
Oh, then maybe Mexico is made for me after all
absolutely any 'dude weed; white boys especially broke hippy aussies are drug runners why else are they there
I hope you can pull it off. Guys with long hair are either very attractive or look like shit, there doesn't seem to be a middle ground.
>I am Australian and I can just tell by looking at these fellas they put themselves in harms way in the wrong country.
I'm friends with a few Aussies in California and they (actually it's mostly their friends who come to visit for the first time) always do this even in the US. They'll want to wander around a ghetto just to see what it's about or looking for drugs then they'll get fucked with or have shit stolen. Or try to fight someone in a state where you can legally pull a gun and pop someone over that stuff. Australians are very naive imo as the country doesn't have a lot of social problems.
These guys might not have realized they were doing something dangerous. There's tons of talk about it on facebook and forums for people that go to Baja (I go there a lot) and where they went looks like an isolated area, you'd think you were somewhere off the south coast of Australia, as for it's like there, but dispersed camping in Mexico is dangerous. They probably didn't see anyone around and thought it was safe because there's no slums nearby. People always have eyes on you in Mexico even if you don't know it. Local criminals target surfers because they always have nice shit.
These guys who did this probably weren't cartel connected but the area is a cartel staging area where they use the coast for launching drug and migrant smuggling into the US.
Even if these guys didn't have a run-in with the cartel, those areas jut have a lot of criminal impunity. The perpetrators probably weren't cartel but may have been familiar with them and occasionally worked for the cartel as lookouts or guides if they're locals of the area. Guys like them operate with impunity to do petty crimes.
The only reason they were caught was due to immense pressure from the American and
Australian government and assistance from US law enforcement, they picked up the GF of one of them who had one of the victim's mobile phones on her. If this happened to Mexicans they'd never get caught.
Then you have Mexfags telling people Mexico is safe...
It is safe, you just can't go wandering around setting up camp wherever you want, like you're in fucking Yellowstone National Park. You can't go wandering around the countryside in general. Might run into some shit you weren't meant to see, like a cartel's secret poppy fields.
i take it with a grain of salt like when Americans think their country is safe when there's a mass shooting every month
It's relative though. There are 400 million people in the US. If you're looking at violent crime, you typically look at murders per 100,000. The US has 6.4 murders per 100,000 and isn't even in the top 50 most dangerous. Mexico has 26 murders per 100,000, which is quadruple the US. So yea, Mexico is dangerous compared to the US and pretty much any other country in the world. But honestly 60 percent of the people murdered in the US are black. If we're talking about your chances of being murdered as a white person in the US, it's the same as it is in most European countries.
Ask these people where they are talking about Chances are they are always talking about some resort or tourist town in Tijuana, Rocky Point, or cancun. Maybe some people talking about Mexico city because they went once for a few days or as a student going as a 'culture exchange'. Most people bragging about mexico are Passport Cardlet holders who don't want to cross the pacific or live close enough to the border to just drive down for a few weekends and then back up.

>took the tires
oh yeah there were drugs in there
once you factor in the gang-on-gang and suicides, gun deaths in the US are pretty much a non-issue. lefty/turdie shills always seem to neglect to include this info for some reason...
And once you factor the straight up lack of reports in shitholes like mexico it takes the lead again.
im an extreme gringo... i'll be safe in histórico in cdmx right???????
Mexicans don't like gays or accept that faggotry. Aussies pretty much tow that line and love to be drugged out degenerates constantly drunk. So, do the math
When Tyrone shoots Jamal Daquan and Kareem in some Baltimore ghetto it’s considered a mass shooting. The media won’t tell you that part but love to use the statistic to trick retards
im pretty sure they weren't actually fags. they were brothers
Ain't shit gonna happen to you in CDMX. Try to stick to the safe areas.

It's wandering around in the countryside that you need to worry about. Check travel advisories for provinces that are safe and ones that are verboten. If you're gonna go to a smaller city, try to follow a Facebook page that covers local happenings (shit might pop off with the cartels, if it does you'll hear word of it there, Latinos still use Facebook as a social network).

Here's a map of CDMX that shows you where the dangerous parts are:
Hope you find a therapist who can help you :)
Chad thought he could blow off a brown manlet with a gun
Chad thought wrong
There won't be a next time for Chad, but let it be a lesson to you: if youre already at gunpoint best just give them what they want.
It is quite sad and comic that every time someone says with facts that mexico is unsafe all mexicans jump in to try to convince people that it is not.
It is, I lived in neuvo leon for a year and travelled through some cartel territories during road trips to mazatlan and the US border. Had some moments that made me nervous but I was fine because I kept my head down, paid the 'toll booths' (farmers with guns blocking roads and demanding cash), didn't walk around looking like rich cocky fags like these guys and didn't mouth off to anyone even when drunk just in case.
It also helped that I stayed in a gated community and didn't go camping along a coastline that is known for drug smuggling.
Australians are nice, but they are fucking naive and that is being polite
>Australians are nice, but they are fucking naive and that is being polite
Very true, our murder rates are South Korea tier and not concentrated in ghettos so our thinking is warped.
I just wouldn't go to Tijuana or close to it the same way you shouldn't go to Baltimore as some unexperienced tourist. You'll end up in some shitty neighbourhood or drug trade place. I don't see any reason the same would happen in Cancun or Oaxaca

I wouldnt go to mexico period. Fuck mexico and fuck mexicans. Worst country i have ever been to. I say we boycott you shitbag people.
>Had to be drug-related right?
no, mexican criminals are like black criminals in the US, dumb, violent and borderline psychopathic. It is very likely they killed them just because the australians didn't bend over.

no it really is about principle, if they stole everything the surfers had and left without hurting them, or even if they did hurt them but didn't kill them, they would have never faced any consequences, as per this reply >>2656184 , they only got caught because the retards kept their phones and got tracked through find my iphone. Mexicans have very little regard for the lives of others, we don't like each other.

>surely you have to put yourself in these situations right?
not really, trouble finds you in this country

>can a "puta madre" get u killed in mexico?
if you say it to the wrong person they could pull out a gun and shoot you but not a lot of places where that can happen.

>>2656242 >>2656620
I don't say this ever and I don't like seeing other Mexicans in this board say it's safe because it's not, you're NEVER really safe, as you'd be in a first world country, if you stay in the three big cities or in very popular tourist locations or small towns, you'll probably be ok. But on the road in-between locations you'll be extorted by cops, cartels or literal highwaymen that will raid your caravan. It's not 'safe' for even local backpackers to travel around the country so everyone flies to their destinations. It's safer for Mexicans in general but not for foreigners, you people seem to bleed green.
>It is very likely they killed them just because the australians didn't bend over.
There's been a lot of speculation that these guys tried to by drugs from the perpetrators and got set up for a robbery or they just got robbed for what they brought with them but decided they could try to fight off 2 5'7" scrawny brown dudes.
Never ever going to fucking Mexico or any of those countries. I can see all the fucking violent and retarded Latin Americans I want in any major city for free.
Australians? Using drugs?
No, never.
this doesn't make sense, sorry. you buy drugs on the spot in a very busy place, even large amounts you just go to the flea market and peddlers will try to sell you weed and poppers at 3x the local rate. Dealers will approach foreigners because they know they want drugs, simple as.
This is Mexico. The country is sketchy and violent and full of untrustworthy people.
Whether or not these guys tried to buy drugs and were set up for a robbery or not, the Mexican cops are now saying this was a robbery and the Aussies tried to fight the robbers off and one of them pulled a gun. Girlfriend rolled over on them under interrogation.

All over a laptop, a couple cell phones and some nice wheels that were on the one guy's truck.
Fuck off cunt. It was a surfing trip, and the motive was robbery and the fact Mexicans are brown lawless poor niggers

ther was another body in the hole that was someone else they killed earlier, so i doubt it was all just an innocent accident during a robbery
yes that is indisputable, they tried to fight robbers and they just killed them because mexicans don't value human life and it's just easier to kill them for trying to fight back. they only got found because of foreign pressure and find my iphone. t. mexican
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>all these people saying these dudes must have resisted in some way
>shot in the head
How do you singlehandedly shoot three extremely fit white guys in the head while they're fighting back? This is why you should always carry two weapons in third world countries; one to visibly disarm yourself against the assailant if they hold you up with a gun, and one to use to fight for your life against the assailant when they seem the least guarded or most distracted.
Retarded cuck reditors thinking fighting back against some methed out mexican has the same risk profile as fighting back against the cops.

I have been to 35 countries in my life. And mexico is the worst one. They really are such a shitbag people.

8 People were just gunned down outside a resort in me*xico. Seems like such a great place to visit...


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