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Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread
>also known as /sqt/ (Stupid Questions Thread)

For your quick one-off questions that pertain to travel.

If your question is long or convoluted, it might deserve its own thread.

If your question is specific to a popular destination, ask in a relevant thread/general instead.

Previous thread: >>2600606
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I’ve had visas where the conditions included proving means at the border. This was easily done by printing off a bank statement but they also accepted physical money, stock certificates and precious metals.

Dunno which border you were watching but I can imagine it’s that
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Hey bros, I need to get from Paris to Pamplona on the 6th of Jan. I've got a few options but I don't know what to choose.
>5 and a half hour expensive train ride from Paris to San Sebastian getting off at Hendaya/Hendaia to switch trains. Then catching an hour and a half bus from San Sebastian to Pamplona to get into Pamplona late afternoon/evening where I can check into my hotel
>12 hour bus with Flixbus/Alsa/BlaBlaBus that would get me into Pamplona the morning of the 6th, losing me a morning in Paris and forcing me to wait until 3pm to check into my hotel in Pamplona
>Flight to Biarritz then a bus to San Sebastian and another bus to Pamplona which is the fastest but also the most annoying route as flights are unruly and a pain in the ass and I'd get in late at night on the 6th
I'm leaning more on the overnight bus even though I hate sleeping on buses. At least if I arrive in the morning I'd be able to dump my shit at the hotel and see the official start of San Fermin at noon.
Anyone done this route? What would you choose?
Depends on the country honestly
Also depends on your skills. It's entirely possible to not speak a word of the local language and communicate well enough. Remember that speech is actually a small part of human communication. I recommend learning the basics and then whipping your dick out, putting it on the table and letting them handle you. They want your money, they'll figure out what you'll be babbling about
Anyone here been to Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan?
Looking to go to in June, 11th to 30th. Aiming for 2 days in Tashkent, 3 days in Samarkan, 2 days in Bukhara and 2 in Khiva. Then fly out to Almaty and the surroundings for the remainder of the trip.
Good idea to go there in june?

Why is Poland so underrated? Why do tourists pick even the (imho) ugly dilapidated shithole of Budapest over any city in Poland? There's nothing to see in Budapest except the parliament building... and even it is p boring I mean it's just a single feature repeated like 1000 times. And there's nothing glorious about it or anything of Hungary's history of subjugation first by mongols then by Turks then by Austrians...

I think the erstwhile capital of the Most Serene Sarmatian Republic, Kraków, mogs both budapest AND prague. Prague is cool because the old town is huge, but it doesn't even have a market square or any landmark.
Kraków even has an Art Deco-inspired MODERN skyscraper (Unity Tower)
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i think breslav is better
i lived there for years but only in warsaw. people are incredibly cold socially, the men are all whiny cunts, their english is terrible, their language is useless to learn, the food is awful, and you’re not close to driving or taking a train to anything nice. so no one goes there unless they have to. the expats are a small group and theyre all miserable, even the polish americans that speak polish cant wait to leave. the only person that enjoyed it was that pickup artist in poznan but i guess he had a thing for polish girls. theyre pretty mid, their noses are too big. huge asses though
warsaw is extremely walkable and clean, and its beautiful with all the parks, and zabkas on every corner have good food and snacks
maybe tricity would be better to live for an expat, but if you work remote theres just way better options. vienna for example you could make the same arguments about people being cold, but they speak better english and learning german is actually worth a fuck, the food is better, you’re a short drive from a ton of beautiful cities and landscapes, blahblahblah
>the food is awful
hard disagree, 13 out of 100 is bretty good https://www.tasteatlas.com/best/cuisines
Beautiful but doesn't Austria levy a 90% tax for high earners?

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I am considering going to the DPRK with Koryo Tours: http://www.koryogroup.com/tours/dprk-north-korea/group

I know there are other tour groups but they seem to be the most experienced with a large amount of options. They also seem to have a good relationship with the gov. The DPRK just seems to be one of the most interesting and fascinating countries ever, and I want to see it for myself, but i am worried and heavily considering going to Central Asia instead. Has anybody gone/considered to gone then thought better? Recommended things to see?
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you have zero clue what you're talking about lol. I am sorry you live in fear. I know you are one of many victims of fear mongering.
american can't go so they can't even consider going

You went there 10 times and never went outside Pyongyang? You sound full of shit or are really dumb.

I went in 2019 with Uritour. I remember prefering Uritour over Koryo because Uritour was staying at 3 different hotels so there was less time wasted on the bus.
I stayed 5 nights and really enjoyed it.
are you allowed to take pictures? is there a procedure for asking what you want to take pictures of
NOTICE: The North Korean border is currently closed due to the Coronavirus pandemic. Please check COVID-19 & North Korea for updated information. NO Tours to North Korea (DPRK) will be taking place until the border is open again. The tours below are planned departure dates but until the country is open to tourists again all tours will remain suspended.
From the Uritour guide they sent me:

As a rule of thumb, the photography/video rules are as follows:
● Do not take photos of the military (soldiers, installations, checkpoints, military
● Do not take photos of construction sites
● When you want to take a picture of (or with) a local Korean, ask permission from
that person first
● When taking photos of monuments, portraits or artworks of the Great Leaders,
capture the entire monument, portrait or artwork in its entirety (eg. no cut off
● There will be times when you are not permitted to take pictures from the car or
● Always ask your guides first when in doubt, and their decision is final

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I'm here right now and fail to understand the draw of this place. It has the demographics of India and some South American Venezuelan ghetto with a sprinkle of habibis on top and at night becomes a degenerate absolute hellhole dump reminiscent of a favela
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sure why not, if chemistry is there
Barcelona is such a mid place, it's unreal, just as dirty as paris, just as criminal as london, you can go party but it's not as good as Berlin, you have beaches but they are a bit dirty.
You still have some culture tho with the Picasso museum (but his subjectively best works are in Paris and New York) or the MNAC which is good.
The Gaudi stuff is pretty unique as well.
Overall it does a lot without being exceptional in anything.
I wouldn't spend more than a week there, also go during correforc.
how much would a month in barcelona cost
i spent 800€ for a week, so probably 3500€ could or more, could be a bit less if you sleep in a room with 11 other people.
The place I stayed in had to have a balcony and a an ac, but why would you want to spend a month there?
I used to autistically wander around black ghettos all the time in my early travel days, trying to understand every facet of America and all that. No, the blacks don't kill random whiteys who are merely passing through. It provides absolutely zero benefit for the block and draws way too much heat from the pigs. I nod say "good evening" when I pass by the loitering guys, they return the respect. Euros always love to exaggerate the danger of America when confronted with the unpleasant realities of their own diverse and walkable cities.
>lived here for several years
>don't know anyone who has had anything stolen
You must be fantastically oblivious to your surroundings, kek

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>be me
>still going to school
>live shit life, boring and monotonous, day after day, depressed
>only few superficial friendships, little if any connection to family, dislike distanced and work- and efficiency-focused culture here in Germany
>thinking about moving to Finland
>"happiest country"
>EU member state
>welfare state
>nordic countries usually score best in pretty much every ranking
>chance to get away from it all, start anew there, independently
>have good education, can probably get somewhat well-paid job here to begin saving money
>probably financial backing from parents/grandparents' estate
>maybe sidejob for the time being

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>Finland is on place 146. Out of 183.
>8 years of residence
>must be employed and pay taxes during this time period
>proficiency in either swedish or finnish
>no serious criminal record
>median household wealth is over 100k


>wealth of over half million, which is basically a decent apartment/house near the capital

Uh huh... ?
Look at this horrific human rights violation, how can finns live like that? How do they survive?
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are you trolling or just retarded? if the house is cheap it's in a horrible condition and will cost enormous amount time and money to renovate. there will be tons of red tape and labor costs are very high

here is a 2-bedroom apartment 5km from the city center
this is the price you pay if you don't want to be surrounded by somalis and iraqis

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Norway, Iceland, Sweden, Finland or Iceland?
which is your favorite and why? looking to visit one of them, or can i go in all 4 as a use citizen in the course of 1 month.
You could go to all of them, but you wouldn't be able to see much. West to east in order of best to worst.
kek look how tiny Denmark is compared to the rest
is norway bad? i went to college with people from all of em excluding iceland. I got along with the norwegians the most. i mostly heard Denmark is the best in everything except the women, and Sweden Norway and Finland are all like the game Train simulator, just bland nothingness.
how are the women there? would they consider fucking a foreigner?

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So, basically, I got an invitation to live/work in Japan. I work in software engineering. I'm not a fanatic about Japan, but I think it could be a great experience in my life.

white male, 32yo

I speak some Japanese, and I can understand most conversations. However, I have some doubts about what to expect regarding day-to-day life. I'm taking a small preparatory course about the customs, but most of the content is related to work place or work related manners.

I'm going to live in a place around a big city.

I would like to know what the nightlife is like, the day-to-day life, and what I can really expect from my coworkers. What do people usually do on weekends? How is the dating scene, and how should I really behave on a first date?

Most of the info videos on this topic lack of useful information; some are overly positive, while others are just blackpilled. If anyone knows of a more realistic source about what to expect when living in Japan, I would appreciate it.
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White man can't stop winning.
>I’m not a fanatic about Japan
>I can understand conversations in Japanese
Pick one and only one.
>What can I expect?
Getting mauled to death by short Japanese women with big boobs trying to bear your progeny.
Does this work if I’m the same as OP but bald?
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where can I get some acid/shrooms around Tokyouuu
I need to readjust my brain in order to understand the language and culture

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What is it actually like to live in Florida?

To put it short. I'm sick of cold winters. I want to live next to theme parks... (not a disney adult)
I've visited Orlando a few times, so I'm not just shooting in the dark, but I wonder from any locals, what do I not understand as just a tourist?
What is the deal with all of the development complexes and HOA's? how do you even know which ones are for old people? What area's do I avoid?
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Philly is much better than people think. The people who hate on it the most haven’t spent much time there.
Surely California and Texas are better. Aren’t most of the Hispanics in Florida Caribbean Islanders?
>born in ohio
>lived in florida for 7 years
>had to move back to ohio due to shit circumstances
>been 7 months
>this thread is making me miss it
god I wish florida was more affordable without being geriatric
Saying you want to live in a big city is one thing, but what exactly is so unique about picking NYC, Chicago, Philly, etc.? you are just saying you want to live "in a city"

The point I made about Orlando is that it has much more unique elements. FL is one of the few places that has pleasant weather through the winter, has lots of beaches, and is home to the largest tourist attraction hub in the US.
As someone born in Miami and has spent a lot of time in Miami and Orlando this thread is insanely depressing that apparently America doesn't get much better.
I fucking hate it here. I don't understand what anyone sees in this place.

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>ITT we describe "countries" we've been in dreams and other anons tell us which irl place matches the closest. I'll start with the dream I had this morning
>I went to "Peru"
>It was a LatAm country but forested with evergreen trees and streams of water, old run down neoclassical architecture and modern skyscrapers in disrepair but decent by thirdie standards with lots of wide open streets and unused real estate

Dream number 2
>Islamic Arid African nation
>run by military junta
>lots of gold statues and colorful 1 story buildings sprawling as far as the eye can see
>had to be escorted by hijabi tour guide
>was permitted to drink a single beer as a degenerate westerner
>Everything looked like Astana but with red soil everywhere

Dream 3
>"europe" but nothing but a sleigh styled open air tram running through endless bridge loop of giant masonry buildings of baroque clockwork architecture at night with a full moon the size of half the sky

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Dreams 5 & 6
>America but a very strange version. Dream 1 was a midwestern metropolis against the great lakes but not chicago. The giant shipping center was a ice encrusted megapolis that makes the mall of america look tiny

>the perfect ideal american town that can only be found by hitching a freight train and getting off in a random empty corn field at which point the invisible town will reveal itself to you. Everything was like the town from It but with a open air mall but there were no people anywhere and everything was like a giant dollhouse

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Booked a week long trip to PDC at an all inclusive for mid May. Anything to know about the area? Im a 23M who passes for Latino and went a few times with senpai but this is my first time solo
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I have three days in the region before flying back to Europe from Cancún.

Should I spend them in Cancún, Tulum, Cozumel or Playa del Carmen?
it's all the same cartel run tourist-filled dogshit

retarded nigger and spic americans like OP love to stay at the all inclusive resorts there, so the local spics have developed a particular disdain for tourists.

Tulum or Cozumel depending what you want to do
Are there any fun spots in Tulum for nightlife that aren't just beachfront raves or full moon party spiritual nonsense? My wife and I will be there next week and she wants to go out and dance a bit but neither of us are looking for these kinda things that are advertised everywhere.
What is a better beach locale on the eastern shore of Mexico?
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OP here. Kinda regretting the trip with me being the single guy at a mostly couples resort. Spent too much money for this trip so I might as well lean into the food/drink but all inclusives get boring quick

Where do your kin go for retirement? I'm an autistic polack and have enough of the winter seasons, are med countries liveable for social retards?

Im going to Italy, starting with Rome than use the train system(trenitalia) to enjoy different cities, im doing an italy sweep trying to have the ultimate Italian experience, is 10-12 days enough? any suggestions on
>where i should go and do.
I can speak Italian so small villages wont be an issue. thought about using a fairy to reach sicily.
>any activities for a single man
like going to restaurants alone isnt my thing, most of my food would be breakfast at a cafe or some fruit from a grocery store. ( i did this during my spain and france visits)
>is tinder good in italy?
used it both in spain and france, was successful in both, but im a little older, i believe thats a big factor on getting matches.
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If anyone needs a job or a place to stay in Italy, I've got a offer in Sand in Taufers for you
based Austrian preying on 4chan incels to kill them with an axe and feed em to his pigs
If you want to try authentic Pizza pass by Caserta.
Probably not.
>"I can speak Italian"
>Asking questions that indicate you barely know anything about Italy

My main recommendations:
Search for the ultimate chicken alfredo recipe in Rome. The thing is, sometimes restauranteurs don't want to serve it to you because it takes a little more time to prepare the authentic version. But if you are insistent and keep pressing for the original chicken alfredo then you eventually will earn their respect.

The area right around the central train station is by far the most beautiful. Plan on spending most of your time here. People are extremely approachable.

Everyone speaks English here, even the old people, they can just be a bit shy about their abilities, but ultimately they prefer English. If they reply in Italian it just means they can't hear/understand you so just repeat it louder. They have these special zones called "ZTLs" that are like historical driving tours. Basically that means it's the section of town that the local government has set up for tourists to get the best drive tour.
>The area right around the central train station is by far the most beautiful. Plan on spending most of your time here. People are extremely approachable

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I'm going to Berlin for the first time this month. Any tips or recommendations?

I'm already pretty set on visiting historical sites and the museum island but I'm clueless when it comes to restaurants, bars, cafes and the public transport. Would also like to know the best student type sports bars. Also, is it safe enough to walk around at night?
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>Also, is it safe enough to walk around at night?
Just take the same precautions you would take when walking around any other city at night.
Study the public transit system before you go. Stay at a hotel or hostel near a major U Bahn or tram stop. It’s a big city but easy to get around quickly.
Canal boat tours. Potsdam. A shit load of museums. So much history.
Berlin is cheap when it comes to dining out, compared to other major cities in Europe.
Tip one is pretty good, but i stayed in arguably the most unsafe district, Wedding, and it was still fairly safe compared to Paris.
If you plan to go to clubs, prepare to gaymaxx, preferably have a male friend and hold hands when arriving at the line.
There's a few underground tours you can take (WW2 air raid bunker, Berlin Wall tunnels) but I did the nuclear bunker which was really cool. We met at the ticket booth and walked through the street to an unassuming door on a bridge that went down to it. Something different

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My sister and I just went to France and had a multitude of experiences that resulted in many laughs from our family. One being her trying to converse with the a local in broken Duolingo French. After 15 minutes of hearing us struggle, he started speaking fluent English despite listening to her and I converse in English. He just wanted to mess with us and it was all in good spirit. We had a great time.

Did you have any memorable travel experiences that has made people laugh when you recount it?
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wtf. Did nobody tell her to not be a whore? Did anyone remind her that it was meant to be time for family and not her small contribution to the Kalergi plan? What a whore
The first time I went to America as a French I was 19 and without much money. So when I was in Boston I decided to book the cheapest hotel online and it was far outside the city. I had to take a bus for one hour and then walk for half an hour. I didn't realize it was that far because I wasn't used to the scale of north american maps, I thought I was booking in the near suburb.
I ended up arriving at a motel on foot in a car dependent American suburb, it was already dark outside. The guy at the reception asked me where was my car, I acted like I didn't understand.
In the morning the half hour walk to the bus stop was especially weird, people looking at me wondering what the fuck I was doing in their neighborhood walking.
I'm german.
Was in Tbilisi years ago by myself in the hostel I used to stay at when I went mountaineering there. Decided to go for drinks with some of the other guys that were traveling by themselves. The evening ended up being very drunk for most of them while I - luckily used to strong Georgian alcohol - managed to remain only pleasantly buzzed.

At some point the Aryan German manlet ended up trying to convince the chill Israeli that Germany had collectively moved on from nazism by cracking Jew jokes. It didn't work, the Israeli was highly unamused but remained polite and calmly but firmly told the German to cut it off, at which the drunk German redoubled his efforts to prove he's not a nazi by attempting to fire off even more jokes. Had a good laugh at the sheer absurdity of the situation. We also lost the Canadian, who apparently fell asleep in the toilet of the last bar in town to be open.

Nice one, had a good laugh.
And you think that's funny?

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Saying fuck the US, moving over to PH since I can get a SIRV visa and stay as long as I like. I've got bare minimum $600/month in passive income to live off. I like to think I have a pretty solid plan here, but feel free to tell me I'm stupid and I'll let you know if I thought of it.

Anyway, I wanted to travel around a bit off Credit cards before I get there, so I should have around $30k to work with, plus a couple grand cash for the things that won't take cards. I want to visit Japan, see Tokyo and visit some of the whisky distillers, check out some of the historical stuff. Maybe visit South Korea? Then head to Thailand for a bit for the nature, temples, etc. Then off to Philippines to figure out where I'm settling down.

Just wanted to know what /trv/ thought, if there's things I should be sure to do in those countries, if there's other countries I should check out, or anything else I should know. I like to walk/hike, have no problem going out off the beaten path, and I've got a pretty strong stomach and enjoy authentic Asian food, so no need to find McD or shit like that.

Anything I should know, resources I should check out, trolls complaining about what I'm trying to do?
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I’m currently living in the Philippines.
I recommend OP stay for 3 months and he will learn a new appreciation for whatever location in the US he is currently trying to eacape.

$600 a month is barely enough to live off rice and hotdogs. he wont even be able to afford hotdog spaghetti. Or grocery bill is higher than it was in the US for much lower quality food. Thankfully my filipina wife is also ready to go back as soon as her mother is in better health. my filipina wife is the major bread winner. im disabled and she is a travel nurse when we live in the US. she affords is a wealthy lifestyle. i cant complain.
I live in Philippines. If I wasn't making at least 3.5k USD I think, I wouldn't enjoy living here. Manila is actually heaven on earth if you have an abundance of disposable income. I love it here as a successful young guy.

I'll be honest though I fucking hate bugs. If you're cheap, you're far more likely to encounter them. The bugs here are huge and disgusting. Perhaps consider some place in southern Europe.
3.5k usd is not successful dude. thats like $55k a year before taxes. which you arent paying
Oh, no. 3.5k a month isn't. I was doing that online before I was 22 on ebay. But 4600 per week is with zero income tax :-)
Clearly fake

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