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What is it actually like to live in Florida?

To put it short. I'm sick of cold winters. I want to live next to theme parks... (not a disney adult)
I've visited Orlando a few times, so I'm not just shooting in the dark, but I wonder from any locals, what do I not understand as just a tourist?
What is the deal with all of the development complexes and HOA's? how do you even know which ones are for old people? What area's do I avoid?
didn't live in orlando but I lived down south about 30 minutes away from ft lauderdale and a bit over an hour north of miami
lots of nigs and homeless people, horrible drivers
cheap complexes are infested with blacks and hispanics, anything that isn't cheap is going to cost you $600 or more/mo than what you'd pay in the midwest
I've lived here (Central FL) for about 15-20 years, I think giving you a list of cons is probably the quicker way to answer your question(s).

- If you're in tech, there's no real tech industry here and will pay substantially less than most of the East/West coast. Winning move is full remote with an out of state org while living here.
- Population explosion means sharp increases in traffic, and cost of living, which is mostly irrelevant if you work remote.
- No real hiking, and obviously no snow sport activities.
- Summers can get pretty oppressive with the heat and humidity. Much better than freezing though as it's easier to cool down at the beach/lake/pool.
- Homeowners insurance is skyrocketing because there's no real regulation to stop it from doing so, thanks Manlet.
- Hurricanes. If you live on a coast and get hit with a cat 3 or above, you're straight up not going to have a good time. Much more tolerable inland.
- No culture. Everyone's either a tourist, or they're coming here from somewhere else. Try exploring the panhandle for pockets of "real" Florida.

That's all I can think of right now for negatives. There's so fucking much to do here it absolutely outweighs the cons. MIA and MCO are phenomenal travel hubs to the Americas and Europe. Plenty of cruise ports if you're into cruises. It's beach weather for probably 9 months of the year, and 12 if you're brave. Any water based activity you can think of is here. And yeah, theme parks, with more to come. No income taxes, and CoL is still cheaper than a good chunk of the US.

We're full btw.
Sounds like renting is the better option right now. Maybe I'll have to just join an apartment complex somewhere between Orlando and Tampa. I already live in an increasingly expensive area (SLC) so I don't even think it would be an increase to go over there.
Between the two Tampa is better than Orlando but it's far more expensive than it used to be. Are you remote or are you planning to work in Florida?
mainly remote, though I wouldnt mind seeing if I can get a job around there.
Just have to be ready to pay $10k a year in homeowners insurance and enjoy 90% humidity and 90 degrees for 10 months of the year.
Summers in central Florida are hell. Every time you leave an air conditioned building or vehicle it’s like someone is throwing a hot, wet blanket on you. I could live in a smaller town like Lakeland, or maybe Tampa to Sarasota. Not Orlando tho, Orlando sucks. Busch Gardens is fun if you like roller coasters without all the theme park shit and crowds
Horrible drivers, yes. I visited St. Pete with my sister in 2021, her car was backed into by a neighbor, and also we saw a wreck and multiple near-misses in an hour or so of walking around on an average winter day. Everyone is so drugged & distracted behind the wheel in FL, it's disgusting.
The black neighborhoods can be really gnarly; the Hispanic neighborhoods vary widely, with some of the world's wealthiest Latinos living in Florida. Hialeah is very Hispanic, but is a safe and decent city, albeit rather concretized and charmless.
The I-4 corridor is one of the busiest in the nation. With the sprawl, driving around Florida is not very pleasant, so keep location in mind when buying property. Arcadia is one town that is relatively quiet and far enough south to escape the winter cold. There is still a lot of space in the South Florida interior if you can handle the scrubbiness, isolation, and tropical heat. Fatass boomers complain about Florida's heat, but the truth is, south Florida rarely gets very hot. 100 F is rare, and nights always drop to around 80 F. Humidity is high of course, but as long as the breeze blows, it is bearable. Same as anywhere in the tropics, stay in the shade when the sun is high. Park your car under a canopy. And thank God you are not in Houston or New Orleans, places that know true summer swelter.
>Homeowners insurance is skyrocketing because there's no real regulation to stop it from doing so

All of that regulation is what kept the price low for as long as it did. Then all of the insurance companies told the State Dept of Insurance to go fuck themselves and that they are leaving the state. (Shocking). Florida had no choice but to allow carriers to take on additional rate since they have billion dollar storms every other year.

Also Florida allows for the Insurance Carriers to be sued more than any other state and often frivolously.
Too flat. Just go to Hawaii.
lol @ South Florida rarely gets very hot.
>it's only 95 degrees, bro!
let's be real tho, the humidity is the real issue
were full sorry anon
don’t bother. It’s full.
Please don’t move here
>we’re full btw
America’s been full for 30 fucking years.
if I wanted to live in an area that is a tourist destination, where in Florida would be a good place to do so?
thanks for the recc. having lived in Nashville for a while, I like being in the center of a tourist area because there’s a constant rotation of girls looking to get laid in a way they won’t get caught for. having an apartment walking distance from downtown is like easy mode.
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crab island is pretty fun. floating bars and restaurants and in the summer even a live band
Gross. Poor. Smells bad. You are literally drinking swamp water.
Morning dew in Florida is crazy. Like, I get up and it looks like there a thunderstorm just passed through a half hour ago even though I know there wasn't. Everything is soaking wet and there are puddles in the road. It's literally just condensation because the dewpoint was 90+ overnight.
I guess other tropical places must be like this but I haven't seen anywhere in the US where that happens.
Americans don’t drink water
How is Tallahassee? Seemed like an affordable/interesting town.
There is nothing but the government and FSU. It's not somewhere you want to live.
>Seemed like an affordable/interesting town.
Why would you think that unless you really like FSU sloots
>we're full
literally every place says this lol...
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I lived in Orlando for 3 years. I fucking hated it.
>Very "diverse"
>Rents skyrocketed since the pandemic (went from $800 to $1500)
>Toll roads if you want to go faster than 55
>Nobody can drive
>Tons of homeless people because the weather is good
>Insurance is very high
>Car registration and other mandatory taxes more than make up for the lack of an income tax
>People act stuck up, like the worst of new York aggression and southern backstabbing
>Attractions district has the worst drivers
>Theme parks are a rip off and get boring after the 5th visit.
It's a shit hole. It is truly an awful state, it is the worst of blue and red states. Lots of money to live there and few services
You just sound poor tbqh, Florida still has one of the lowest overall tax burdens in the US btw
Car registration and property taxes are still much lower in Florida compared to the high tax states that soak you with these and THEN also want 5-10% of your income. Gasoline and groceries are also cheap in Florida by national standards and in-line with the south. Wages, like the rest of the south, are shit though.
I grew up in Florida. It's a nice place if you like to look at highways, parking lots, strip malls and scraggly trees. Zero public transportation. Orlando was listed as one the most pedestrian unfriendly cities in the country. Hurricanes and heat are getting worse every year. I moved to the northeast because I prefer to live in a walkable city instead of a boomer filled suburbia.
Where at in the northeast, anon?
going from florida to georgia the price of gas drops half a dollar, wtf are you talking about.
I'm looking at a bunch of apartments near Universal that list around 1400-1500 a month, but I can't find HOA info anywhere...
What is the average HOA fees around here? and do they include utilities?
Florida is like a low IQ magnet. Not exactly just the southern type of braindead, though that too does exist. The most unbearable northeasters, rude ass spics, rednecks, HOA karens, old rotting brains. Add them all on the road and you get a SPECIAL driving experience, double fold every winter! I hope you like learning new license plates, because it will be your next new hobby while sitting in traffic! Also, If you're from New York and can't live without your fucking pizza, stay in fucking New York, we're tired of hearing how better it is.
You pay an HOA is you own the property. If you are renting the place, you don't need to pay HOA. HOA is baked into your rent.
I drove on the I-4 between Orlando and Tampa once.
It was fairly wide open at the time, not too much traffic, but everyone was going a different speed. also it was more surprising when someone DID use their signal to change lanes.

The foreigners really bring a lot of crime and poverty to the area, that's why there are HOAs and gated communities
The crazy thing about the airports and cruise terminals for me is that they're the only reason I stay here, and it's all to get the fuck out of here lmao
>Fatass boomers complain about Florida's heat, but the truth is, south Florida rarely gets very hot. 100 F is rare, and nights always drop to around 80 F
I am a fatass but what I fucking hate is when you get long stretches of weeks in the winter where it's all in the 80s. That can't be good for my mental health when I know that everyone else up north is enjoying snow.
>enjoying snow
Man, there is nothing enjoyable about snow... makes it so much harder to get around. Traffic gets 10x worse during a snow storm, and the cold is constantly uncomfortable
Does Jacksonville have any redeeming qualities, or is it a full on Noghive?
There is nothing enjoyable about snow. You don't like snow; you like the idea of snow. Months of bitter, oppressive cold, with less than eight hours of sunlight. Also the snow tends to be less cozy and powdery, and more dirty and slushy... when it isn't frozen solid, that is. This isn't even touching on the type of people you have to deal with up north; *everyone* is shady on at least some level, and most people look like they smell like cigarettes; the "white trash underbite" is endemic. There is no culture to speak of, the "food scene" only impresses someone who has lived here their whole life, and everyone lives vicariously through laughably terrible sports teams.

t. Floridian stranded in Bumfallo, Jew York
Jax beach is nice but the city itself is shit
Jacksonville is indeed shit. Unless you're there for a Jags game (lol) there's no real reason to stick around. Honestly baffled the city even has an NFL team.
it sucks dont even bother
Snow can be cozy if you are apart of a community. Shit like taking care of your neighbor who is stuck etc.
>think about moving to the midwest
>think about moving to south east
>think about moving to north east
>think about moving to the west coast
>This isn't even touching on the type of people you have to deal with up north; *everyone* is shady on at least some level
this just isn't true for any city/state/region. there are too many people to say "everyone". you're either a very young person or just being dramatic
Buffalo is 43% white, down from 97% in 1940. It's one of upstate New York's shitholes, and it's ridiculous to insist that the shitty people in Buffalo represent all of the north. The rest of upstate NY is amazing, some of the most beautiful countryside and idyllic towns anywhere in America.
Weather is the biggest plus when it comes to moving to the Southeast.
Thinking about moving to Polk county from Atlanta, redpill me.
>Inb4 I-4 traffic is bad
I think Atlanta has already gotten me used to shitty traffic so I'm not concerned
Is snow really that horrible compared to getting hit by a major hurricane every year?
The problem with upstate NY is there is just nothing in those towns despite their quaintness. No jobs. Just retired people living out the rest of their lives. Nothing to really do besides look at the trees. It's like the rust belt.
Yes. Especially if you live inland.
I only drove in Atlanta once. Morning rush hour I75 back in 2000. The work commuters in Atlanta were fine in the dry. I've heard these days the big sprawling place is just slap full of people.

Florida is a different sort. Mostly fucking idiots driving sloooow as fuuuuuck. No signal lights, never get the fuck out of the passing lane, take forever to react to a green light, forever to get up to speed....like, if you had Florida drivers at LA volume there, it'd be a war zone. If you had LA drivers at Florida volume here, the roads here would be heaven.

LATAM transplants in commercial vehicles are the worst. Olds in Central Florida, Necks in Central/North Florida...sharing the road with these people fucking blows goats. Orlando, every decent road is a toll road, and there's always some idiot in a box truck, work van, towing a flatbed with lawn shit, or some WASP local/tourist going 5 under in the passing lane right next to someone else.

If you pass someone on a dotted yellow, expect them to speed up. Make sure you get a head start and you're going +10 when you pull out to pass. They're happy going 5 under with you behind them and they'll go 15+ over to keep you there.
There is a reason so many moving firefights happen in Florida.

Hurricanes suck but it's just a few days unless your shit gets 3'd, 4'd or 5'd. The miserable heat and humidity is like 8-9 months below Orlando and 5-7 months above. Still better than snow if you can't ski or snowboard.

Brevard County is close enough to Orlando yet far enough away from South Florida. Daytona's suburb towns can be very comfy. For the poster lookong for close to Orlando theme parks. South Florida, Tampa, and Orlando are a pain in the ass. Sarasota and Naples are for pretentious snobs with no taste who.

The Panhandle has lovely beaches and some very small rolling hills, but the people are largely ignorant judgemental white trash religious fundamentalists.
Florida is genuinely full and natives are leaving in droves as New Yorkers and Californians price everyone out. This isn't a meme. Its literally happening.
Florida weather is dogshit and it says a lot that the people who move here for the sunshine stay inside all day cranking AC. Have fun burning money
>but low taxes
Have fun getting home insurance retard
Nah ill take snow over our weather any day
Florida is a great place to live if you hate your kids, hate yourself, like staying inside for most of the year, are a retard who fetishizes latinas because you've never had to deal with one. Its a wonderful combination of new york snobbery, california vapidness, boomer do-nothing conservatives, retarded old hippies, holier than thou pseudochristianity, obnoxious liberalism, southern style violent ghettos, 3rd world hell hole, 1st world prices, San Francisco homeless, northeastern drug addicts, natural disaster heavy hell.

But hey you can enjoy our nasty artificial beaches filled with nasty people and brag to your friends back home.
Zoomer here who lives in Naples and is constantly contemplating suicide, ama
Best responses itt
>Also, if you're from New York and can't live without your fucking pizza, stay in fucking New York, we're tired of hearing how better it is
I'm the Floridian stuck in Buffalo for work. NYC pizza is hilariously overrated for the most part; there are a few places that take serious pride in their pie, but that's like five pizzerias out of a city with over two thousand, and the rest are very much coasting on the reputation.

That's NYC. Now let's talk Buffalo...


It's surreal, everyone who lives here can't stop going on about how amazing the food scene is, but the only reason they think that is because they've never left the 716, and therefore have nothing to compare it to. Macy's is great... if you like paying $50 for pizza where the cheese and toppings are undercooked to the point of sliding off the crust, which is somehow manages to be burnt to shit, oh, and all the specialty pizzas have DUDE WEED themed names, because this place reeeeaaally likes to lean into the "there's literally nothing to do in this frozen dumpster fire of a city other than fuck, eat, and medicate one's self comatose."

Every restaurant downtown, or up/down Allen and Elmwood feels like it was designed by people who were hitting up ChatGPT for fine dining ideas; $30 for a bowl of ramen, BUT IN AN ARCADE!? La Nova and Duff's slap, though. Gotta give credit where credit is due. Anyway, NEW YAWK pizza can get fucked; Moon River mogs them all.
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>Moon River mogs them all.
my nigger
My brother in Christ, what's your order? You can't go wrong with the T-Rex, or pepperoni/onions/mushrooms, or white/olive oil base with 'chovies/feta/onions/spinach/garlic.
pepperoni onions and artichoke hearts
Please don't move here. This especially applies if you're from NY or CA, because it *will* be held against you.
What if I'm from Georgia
...Motherfucker you already know you're alright. GA, 'Bama, either one of the Carolinas, all are welcome. If you were born anywhere else, fuck off, we're full.
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Why the fuck are the license plates in this state so kino?
Outside of tourism, what other major industries even exist in Florida? I know there's some finance/entertainment in Miami and a large Navy presence all over (because, ocean), but most of the state just seems like strip malls and Publix.
Aerospace and Clean Energy are big. That said, don't underestimate just how much tourism brings into the sunshine state; Disney alone pulls over 10mil in profits a day.
He obviously really likes FSU sluts. There’s no other reason to want to go there. That being said, they are very hot.
Florida natives make up only 35.2% of Florida's population as of 2019. Now it's probably 30%. It's literally a state of random uncaring strangers who happen to live in somewhat close proximity to each other. Go to Walmart and everyone treats you like a non-person.
>look it up
>it's real
>only behind fucking Nevada in non-natives
I was writing off most of this thread as people being overly negative about Florida especially when it comes to traffic though I admit that I've never been anywhere else but Florida, so I don't have experience outside of it, but is it really that bad here? If I went to pretty much any other state will things be an improvement over Florida especially when it comes to traffic and people not being "uncaring strangers"?
Yes. Florida is the southernmost state and it is where all the worst of the country has sunk down to
Good - stay away please!
As if telling people to stay away is going to do anything at this point. Wake up retard, the rest of the country has already moved to your dank shitty swamp and there's nothing you can do about it.
I heard Miami/Ft. Lauderdale is rapidly becoming based and red pilled (conservative). I doubt, but I guess I can’t deny it outright because I don’t know.
You're a retard like a real one
I'm from here
All are welcome, just please, for the love of God, if you're fleeing a libtard dystopian shit hole that is literally imploding under the weight of it's own degeneracy, have the good taste, not to mention good sense, to leave behind the politics that led to you needing to flee in the first place.

In other words, if the place you hail from can best be described as a cautionary tale, you're welcome in Rome, but the expectation is you'll do as we Romans do.
Miami sort of is because the largest growing segment of the population are Hispanic refugees from socialist countries who vote Republican. Palm Beach County is becoming redder because a lot of rich, old white people move there. I don't think Fort Lauderdale and Broward more generally will be red anytime soon. It is not as blue as it used to be but around 60-70% of the population are either black people or white liberals
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Need locals to confirm.
Pretty accurate. I would say the "south" more starts above Deland. I live in that "Sprawl" area and would definitely call it Puerto Rico lite.
Dont forget about all the broward yids
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OP here.
I've spent the past few weeks looking at just about every apartment complex in the area on zillow.

I was first leaning towards Millenia, where there are tons of apartments and shopping areas, while still being close to the theme parks, but after hearing how sketchy the area can be, I've leaned more towards a spot on the Dr Phillips side of I-4.

I still have 6 months to decide, and it looks like prices are slowly coming down now too.
Isn't FSU a bunch of rural black people?
Going to Horizon West for MILFs desu

>Floridans have a town called Dr Phil
Someone RED PILL me on Apopka.
West coaster here.
can someone explain toll roads to me?
I know you are supposed to get some sticker to put on your windshield, and you will get charged automatically when driving through certain checkpoints, but it looks like those obvious checkpoints are pretty rare.
Do you still get charged if you hop on the highway for 1 exit, while not seeing any big checkpoints? how much are the fees usually?
The info on all this seems to be so hidden. I just want to be able to calculate the cost of driving short or long distances.
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>florida thread
>not ONE person mentions biodiversity or biology, unrivaled anywhere else
>cranes, hawks, eagles ospreys, vultures, cormorants, ibis, herons, egrets
>frogs toads and motherfucking sirens >herps of all kinds
>can own almost any pet you want
>sharks, stingrays, tons of fish
>black bears, deer, hogs, bats
>all in your goddamn backyard or 10 mins away

You guys really are all boring consoomer faggots who stay inside aren’t you? Every other states wildlife and biodiversity is boring and shit compared to florida. It’s a heaven if you like animals. Only MAYBE Arizona compares

Pic related
yeah because I dont want more people movig here
Biodiversity is cool and all, but it's only a marginal benefit that you have to compare with all the downsides that come with moving to Florida (everything spoken about in this thread).
skill issue
>t. WI/NH chad
Seems nice if you live in Miami and have a ton of money, but pretty terrible otherwise. A lot of boomers like to go there to LARP as Jimmy Buffett. For some reason, their icon of “made it” is Jimmy Buffett.
Uh pretty sure there's an actual toll calculator available at least for the central Florida expressways. Maybe even the Florida turnpike. Don't know about the rest of the state.
It's boomer run society here. So take that as you will. It probably will be until the very last one drops dead. There's a huge underbelly of Hispanic/Black population living in crowded homes with shit pay from the only industry in Florida. But you're paying NY/CA prices nowadays for worse pay now.
I think what is lost on some people is everywhere has downsides, but Florida is one of the few (read: admittedly not the only, but one of maybe five) states that actually has some upsides, and I'd say of that select few, has the most unique upsides.

It's not a matter of skill, it's a matter of snow and grey skies for months at a time is legitimately unpleasant and bad for mental health. Wisconsin is quite beautiful, though; Apostle Islands are worth visiting any time of the year.

Miami isn't half bad, but is hardly the only place worth living in the state. The emerald coast in particular comes to mind. Jacksonville is awesome, just avoid the noghives.
>have a ton of money
There's really no excuse for not being financially literate at this point, given how freely available and accessible the information is. It's so stupidly easy to make money in current year, that I'm convinced the only reason anyone remains poor is they're stupid, lazy, or both; they either lack the mental capacity to process the information, or they want to will changes into being rather than do the work. Not even trying to sound like an asshole, but if you've got a phone and a passion for anything, you can have a passive income stream established in a year or less. That's not even touching on learning how investment/stocks/crypto works.

I'm not saying this to upset or diminish anyone, I'm saying this as someone who was making $40K a year before the lockdowns, and am now making over $200K a year, and the catalyst for that change wasn't anything interesting, or exceptional, or profound, it was just a moment of me watching a Youtube video and going "wait a minute... how the fuck is this idiot so loaded? What are they doing that I'm not?" Followed by doing the research, putting together a plan, and following through. Didn't mean for this to become a TED Talk, it just baffles me how so many people don't understand just how easy it is to improve your life.
>passive income stream established in a year or less.
>That's not even touching on learning how investment/stocks/crypto works.
I was thinking you were talking about investing at first, how does getting a passive income without investing work?
Arizona is worse, we have a dystopian sci-fi movie where you basically have hit the logical limit of people for the water we have this means few people can move here anymore and rents have made Phoenix the most expensive city in the country when it once was kind of decent COL.
In heavily simplified terms, and with the caveat that this is just one way to go about it: pick something you're passionate about, identify demands pertaining to said something, learn basic video editing, and produce a couple (like, one or two a week is fine, especially when starting out) quality videos a week answering questions and/or satisfying demands about that thing.

That said, also definitely learn about how money works. Learning how the market works is important for many reasons, but if I had to distill the "why" of it to one idea, it's this: how we think about money, perhaps more than anything else in life, determines how far we go in life. A *lot* of people, and virtually all poor people think of money as something you trade for things you need, and things that make you feel good, not necessarily in that order, and usually quickly, lest someone takes it from you before you can spend it. People who are successful, and in contrast to the previous point, this includes virtually anyone with "fuck you money" knows the best thing you can do with money is use it to buy more money. A wise man once said "The first $100,000 is a bitch, but you gotta do it."

This is very true, because money doesn't grow in linear terms, it grows in exponential terms. You might have heard the comparison that a million seconds is just under two weeks, and a billion seconds is almost 32 years, and that's what I'm talking about here. The scope of numbers and dollars can be hard to fathom, even if you're aware of it. If you're making $30K/$40K/$50K and living on your own you're probably barely making enough to break even, and the temptation can be overwhelming to spend what little money you have left on dopamine. Don't do this. If you're stuck, do whatever it takes to get unstuck. Don't spend money on dumb shit. Get a roommate. Move back in with your parents. If you have an expensive gf get her on board with the not being broke plan, or ditch the bitch.
I feel like this is slowly becoming the best time to move to Orlando.
Epic Universe will be ready next year, and rent prices are starting to come down. Interesting to see where the market goes
Oh boy can't wait to see another state ruined by retards, only to flee to the next best state in a few years. I refuse to believe these people are human.
How common is it for someone to treat Orlando theme parks as a 'third place'? do lots of locals go daily and just hang out and make friends there?
Wealthy conquers. Like the Spanish coming to America, we will civilize you.
The actual parks? Uh I personally dont but my friend group goes to Disney Springs and Universal Citywalk pretty regularly just to hang out.
Can confirm that Disney Springs and Citywalk are poppin' on weekends. You can meet people at the parks, waiting in lines, organic interaction, etc. but you don't generally chat up strangers. It does happen though.

I've had uncanny luck hooking up while staying at the resorts, though.

Nah, the degenerate tide is already ebbing; we outlawed grooming, migrants, and squatters, what do you think we'll outlaw next?
If you move somewhere warm, be prepared to get swarmed by white trash and niggers. Northern states/countries without haven cities are the best imo. Especially the more European, historic small towns. Stillwater MN and Stevens Point WI were some of my favorite two. Stillwater being a wealthy white area built in the past by Europeans with old architecture and design keeping it walkable and diverse with shops. Stevens Point being very Polish maintaining a Rynek in the center is really cool for community shit. Kinda wealthy, white, and far from any nigger city so not in danger of being a victim to sprawl.
Bullshit. Hot is fucking hot.

The humidity only changes the feeling of being wrapped in burning burlap sacks to having someone hit you with a blowtorch while you’re wrapped in soaking wet burlap sacks.

IOW, a distinction without a difference.
>The Panhandle has lovely beaches and some very small rolling hills, but the people are largely ignorant judgemental white trash religious fundamentalists.

Yeah. THEY are the judgmental (you spelled that wrong, retard) ones.
>Especially the more European, historic small towns.
what are the affordable towns like this?
I have to finish college but once I graduate I just wanna move somewhere nice and start preparing for withdrawal from society
I AM a proud Disney adult and have thought of moving from suburban Oregon to Wesley chapel Florida near Tampa. Seems like a hot area and I can get a house for what I’m paying here but be 90 minutes from the MOUSE (praise Mickey!)

What’s the scoop on north Tampa it’s far enough away from the undesirables correct?

Other than hot rainy summers and bugs what are the downsides?
>Walking in sludge and having to shovel your driveway and windshield every morning
Wow so cozy
>thinking it's cozy to be either inconvenienced to help dig up 10 feet of snow or to literally save someone from asphyxiating to death from lack of oxygen.
Bro, just become a volunteer firefighter, or volunteer to clean up streets, or something like that if you want to help the community. Lack of snow isn't stopping you.
You have to understand that Florida is quite literally the only place that doesn’t totally suck. Miami is quite literally the only good city in this country. Everywhere else is totally overrun with insane leftists, junkies, basketball people, or F-350s (looking at you Texas) and is even more expensive. For the same price that I live in the 1/30th of Philadelphia that is actually livable but nonetheless packed in like sardines surrounded by industrial filth and a contaminated river, I can buy a high rise condo in Brickell and spend my off time fishing and smoking cigars. No brainer. Trust me, if there were somewhere else to go, I would, but there isn’t. Everywhere sucks and is rapidly getting significantly worse.
To be clear, the real problem with Texas is that Austin is literally just San Francisco and Los Angeles getting together and having a baby in Texas while Dallas, Houston, and San Antonio are nothing more than a giant network of highways.
What are the upsides in your opinion?
The way it works up north is that you pay a certain fee depending on when you get on the road and when you get off. They used to give you a little ticket when you get on and it says the fee for the exits. Now you just get on and they snap a picture of your license plate and mail you a bill, or else you subscribe and get a little sensor that nulls them mailing you a bill. So if you have the sensor, you just put it on your windshield and every month you pay a small fee, then you get off and on as you please.
I think people mistakenly believe it’s voters who installing activist district attorneys and the like. It’s not. People vote for more moderate candidates and then they appoint the insane prosecutors and sheriffs.
Heard someone say once that Miami is Switzerland for thirdies.
keked (its true)
This, pretty much. Although I'll mention the panhandle has some gems, and the Tampa and Orlando metros aren't irredeemable. However, as much as there is to love about Miami, I think my favorite thing is watching northern libtards come here, expecting some pozzed utopia, then learning that shit is well contained and stays in it's lane, and the Cubans (who are brown and therefore beyond reproach) are among the most conservative people here.

>God tier natural beauty, and I'm not talking about the beaches
>Most biodiversity in the country; camping and /out/ hits different here, the mountains of the NW are great, the deserts of the SW are great, but the jungles, springs, and keys of the sunshine state are criminally underrated
>An actual melting pot where most people get along to go along
>It never snows
>Between fishing, hunting, and gardening, you can actually live off the land here; I've gone months where 90% of my groceries were rice, beans, dairy, and eggs. Speaking of eggs, if you want to have a chicken coop that's rarely a hassle in this state.
>Laws in general aren't terribly restrictive; Floridians don't like being told what to do, especially on their property
>Always something to do
>Multiple thriving economies
>BONUS: The boomers are dying off

That could be accurate, what did he mean by this?
>what are the affordable towns like this?
That I know of. St Croix Wisconsin and Stevens Point Wisconsin are affordable but not that close to any cities. Grand Marais MN if you can actually get a job there. The main issue is the affordable ones are far out from work and the ones that haven't been shitted up by sprawl that are in relevant areas (like Stillwater) are expensive as fuck. Custer SD, Cody WY, actually Hudson WI is a pretty affordable one that isn't too far from the twin cities. A lot of people homestead just outside Hudson. Especially truckers. A lot of the white areas along the Minnesota north shore and lake superior coast are pretty good. If you want affordable withdrawal and can afford to live out here, I really recommend most MN north woods towns that are more than 40 miles north of Duluth.
I think he meant that similar to how Switzerland is a place where white people with money go to live it up in luxury the white people way, is where Latin Americans, Caribbean Islanders, Africans, Middle Easterners, etc. with some money go to live it up in luxury the brown people way.
Don’t think the Cubans are conservative so much as they are capitalist liberals fleeing a communist country, but one generation and that will be erased. Don’t worry. Hard to believe people show up to Florida expecting it to be pozzed.
Floridabros, did anyone see the eclipse today. Orlando here, I got meemed hard.
I did, last time I got hard fucked over by clouds but this time it was a lot better and I got a really nice view of it.
a bit hazy but could still see it fine
wildlife is a side perk, not a selling point.
actually the bugs kinda cancel out the positives...
Panhandle sounds like utopia
That's a sign that Florida is actually cooler than places like Bangkok, where the temps rarely drop enough overnight for dew to condense regardless of the dewpoint.
Go out and do what you're gonna do when the sun is low in the sky, or when it is dark. Have you retards never lived in a tropical climate?
why did you conveniently forget to mention the enormous biodiversity in the arthropod domain? >>2638241
Save water, drink beer
That was our motto in Terlingua, Texas
Everyone in Florida is sick and tired of fucking Yankees complaining about the heat
Don't move to the tropics if you can't handle basic-bitch tropical weather
Everyone who has spent enough time in Florida feels comfortable in 90 degree weather, no matter the humidity.
>Everyone who has spent enough time in Florida feels comfortable in 90 degree weather, no matter the humidity.
Nah that's total bullshit and I've lived here for 15 years already. Hot is hot, no matter where you are. You're not tough shit because you're too retarded to find AC.
Enjoy the strip malls
Do you suck retired boomer cock to pay rent?
I mostly hang out with old women because I live in boomerville, but I've actually seen the opposite where people from up north love the heat, and people who've lived here all their life hate it. I know a bunch of older women who say they've lived in places like Michigan for 50+ years, but then moved down to Florida because they like the heat, and I've seen them wear 4 layers in 60 degree, and complaining, and hoping that it gets hotter soon.
stop being so fat
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The theme park area finally just got updated on google satellite view.
Looks like it was taken a few weeks/months ago
What’s a good place to live for ~3 months per year in the Miami area? I’m hoping to find my snowbird spot that I can go to from now on. I’m open to other suggestions of smaller cities and towns, just not Jacksonville or Tampa.
I went and stayed in the Panhandle before, wouldn't wanna be anywhere else in the state
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Oh My Goodness the HECKIN Driverinos in <insert place here> ARE THE WORST

get a grip buddy, nobody cares about traffic soap operas
>Look at all these things that can kill me!
No thanks. I like civilization thank you very much.
Seconding this. Moved to Orlando from elsewhere in the state; Orlando is awful.
The panhandle has all the perks of old Florida and new Florida with none of the bullshit of new Florida. You can't really put a price on living within walking distance of emerald waters *and* not having to deal with black people.
Deed-restricted developments and HOAs are basically the white dominated neighborhoods of Florida. Only bourgeoisie POCs and Florida crackers can afford to move there, so they make them for euros from the north essentially. If you can't afford to move to one of those places, I wouldn't bother moving to Florida, otherwise it's highly immigrant culture dominated. Which I don't hate but it's not better enough than any other state to justify moving here. Another kind of neighborhood are rural Florida cracker areas where people mostly live in trailer/sears home neighborhoods. Which can be pretty nice given the space you have there, but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone who isn't both highly euro (whiter than mostly southern Europeans) and highly knowledgeable about Florida (lived there 15+ years). Source: lived in Central Florida 20 years now.

Florida is like California where the warm weather attracts undesirable types of people who don't get filtered by the cold. The state is basically one long traffic jam with palm trees and boomers. It's never been more full yet people keep coming because it's one of the few places that wouldn't capitulate to the plandemic and the overtourism makes it worse. But yeah not a single person down there is up to any good. You can get by minding your business, but just know that it is a sunny place for shady people. Anyone from Florida is a walking red flag and I've never been wrong. Imagine the worse aspects of blue states and red states all combined into one sinking degenerate shithole.
Thats funny because I'm moving from Miami to Philadelphia

Miami is a shithole. Phillie feels like heaven in comparison
>costs look low compared to other places with the weather and beaches until you factor in the unholy HOA's
>if you suffer from bad allergies good luck mold is a constant battle
>weather isn't bad... for 4ish months out of the year heat isn't the issue it's the humidity WITH the heat+random storms (from az heat does not bother me)
>not owning a car is a worse death sentence than no car in the midwest
>if you life in a place without a gate or without HOA hope you don't mind random fuckjobs coming in
>Homeless/petty crime is a real problem because tons of homeless end up in FL due to weather
>tourism bucks means many of the 'fun' things to do have tripled in cost and lowered in fun/value
>the amount of tourism constantly flowing through anywhere decent to live means you have to deal with all the pitfalls tourism brings
>tax savings are meaningless due to all the other bullshit you constantly pay for
>cheap housing almost always comes with income limits, Armed Forces, or 55+
>place is purgatory for tech jobs

If you have some remote gig that's not going anywhere good for you, but you'll need a fair bit. Panhandle gets a little cheaper but you're farther from things. If you love the mix of Caribbean food, lanito food, seafood, and bbq it's GOAT. Winters are unironically GOAT.

>Always something to do
Yeah if you don't mind 2 hours of traffic, it shutting down because the weather mid way through, paying out the ass for anything, and tons of families running around any place.
>- No culture. Everyone's either a tourist, or they're coming here from somewhere else. Try exploring the panhandle for pockets of "real" Florida.
You don't understand CULTURE means big iconic thing I saw in a Hollywood movie or poster! That's why midwest = no culture for USA, everything else is BASED.
How bad is it in Orlando? I remember seeing with my friends (5 of us in total) as they want to plan a move to Florida, and a shared a house rent seemed cheap up that a junior programmer could pay for (mind you at the ones we looked hat ad least 3-5 rooms).

It is good to know about the cons but really, how bad is it to afford living there? is it too much of a nigger shithole or are some places clean enough and safe to live around?
I don't really plan to tag along with my friends if the cons related to these questions are too high.
Just avoid Pine Hills or OBT most of Orlandob isn’t dangerous. Weather and traffic are awful though.
Orlando is a beautiful city/metro with some rough areas. Overall, it's a very nice place to live.
Anyone have experience with the kind of wildlife to watch out for around Orlando?
I know the mosquito / no-see-um issue is pretty bad around lakes, but what about snakes / gators?
And yes, I am planning on moving next to a lake.
Not an issue, really.
Also mostly not an issue, but as anyone from Florida knows a good rule of thumb is to assume any body of water large enough to hold a gator, does, and to keep your distance.
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Lived in central FL my entire life. If you live anywhere outside of Yeehaw junction 90% of your neighbors are transplants from all over the country who barely tolerate one another. That means an even mix of sketchy drug addicts and retirees on golf carts getting up in your business and generally being a nuisance. If you like fishing, hunting, hiking, camping, etc. there's plenty to do but parts of the state are in a development boom so there's a good chance that nice looking forest down the road is going to be cleared to make way for two dollar generals, a car wash, and a smoke shop before you know it.
Also we're full please don't move here.
Since GTA is now based in Florida, what do I have to do to land a criminal Latina girlfriend like this? I’m white, six feet tall, makes six figures and am a 7 in looks but I’m also not a degenerate drug dealing wigger.
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Sorry forgot the pic
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>there's a good chance that nice looking forest down the road is going to be cleared to make way for two dollar generals, a car wash, and a smoke shop
sad but true
Boy, you are in for a surprise.
Nobody is referring to heroin Buffalo when they're talking about NYC pizza. You might as well be in Topeka.
I hear about OBT a lot, and I see that it runs all the way through Orlando. At what point does it become good / bad?
This is my impression of Florida outside of the 1% lifestyles buying high rise condos in Miami or estates on the beach.
Any thoughts on st petersburg?
It's basically shit from the southern end until Apopka. Nothing good around it.
It's better than it used to be but Clearwater is nicer.
nta but its full where I am too, full everywhere I'd wanna move someday, and full everywhere I don't ever wanna be. Y'all should probably get used to the rising cost of living across the entire country, cause it's here to stay. If you don't like people moving to where you are, move to Alaska or something.
Florida has to be the best place to date Latinas in the United States, so thats a huge plus
>If you live anywhere outside of Yeehaw Junction
There's literally nothing there or around there. Vero doesn't count, that shit's still a boring ass 30 min drive away.
Why would you ever want to live near theme parks? WDW resort is fucking hollow shell of its former self. Especially Epcot. And Universal studios Orlando is worse then Hollywoods.
Saint Cloud anon here. It’s miserable in Osceola. Kissimmee has become mini-Puerto Rico and we’re not too far behind. I think it’s only a matter of time before Harmony, Holopaw, and Kenansville get fucked as well. We’re in a particularly shitty spot because we’re getting sandwiched between Kissimmee and Lake Nona.

There is no fucking end in sight to the growth going on in Central Florida. Were it not for the fact that I’m a single father and have strong family support here, my ass would’ve packed up and left a long time ago. I was considering Melbourne, but they’re spreading out now too.
This may be the most misleading first impression about a place you've ever had, and will ever have, in your entire life.

Yeah, but as MID as Buffalo pizza is... it's still better than NYC.
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>Universal studios Orlando is worse then Hollywoods
Hollywood is pathetic. its like a trial version of Orlando. It's not even close...
WDW does sound to be worse than before, but I never went before, so I don't have a frame of reference.
Universal, Seaworld, and Busch gardens are in a golden age right now, adding so much new stuff. Disney will have to do something to catch up in the next few years.
Blast your heater to the highest setting if you can tolerate that every single day. You can definitely live here.
Even worse living with my mom
>WDW resort is fucking hollow shell of its former self
I've noticed this, it seems less "magical" every year; the fuck happened? Did it just never return to pre-2020 standards?
Haven't been there since like 2012, but it could simply be the fact that you've gotten older, and you've likely been there enough times to get used to the attractions, so all the "magic" is now gone. It never returning to pre-2020 standards is also completely possible though. A lot of companies cut their costs by reducing massive amounts of staff during the lockdowns, and when it ended they just kept it that way because they realized that people are fine with their company running on just above a skeleton crew.
So many major cities have nothing unique and special about them. Orlando is one of the few that actually do.
I don't understand peoples reasoning when saying they really want to move to something like Pittsburgh, or Seattle, or Austin, or Nashville.
They are all just urban metros. Other than politics, how different could they really be?
What is so special and unique about Orlando? Disney? Pittsburgh is an actual city, and a lot better to live in than Orlando. I honestly don’t even see how someone could possibly disagree with this.
Philly is much better than people think. The people who hate on it the most haven’t spent much time there.
Surely California and Texas are better. Aren’t most of the Hispanics in Florida Caribbean Islanders?
>born in ohio
>lived in florida for 7 years
>had to move back to ohio due to shit circumstances
>been 7 months
>this thread is making me miss it
god I wish florida was more affordable without being geriatric
Saying you want to live in a big city is one thing, but what exactly is so unique about picking NYC, Chicago, Philly, etc.? you are just saying you want to live "in a city"

The point I made about Orlando is that it has much more unique elements. FL is one of the few places that has pleasant weather through the winter, has lots of beaches, and is home to the largest tourist attraction hub in the US.
As someone born in Miami and has spent a lot of time in Miami and Orlando this thread is insanely depressing that apparently America doesn't get much better.
I fucking hate it here. I don't understand what anyone sees in this place.
>What is so special and unique about Orlando
You don't know what "community" is until you've been to a Magic game. Culturally, it's one of the few places where "diversity" feels organic, unforced, and functional; Florida is like this in general for the most part. As for things to do, I have lived in the 407 my entire life, minus a few years here and there, and I still haven't run out of things to do within an hour of where I live. Climate is perfect (if 80/90 degree days bother you, you're fat; stop being fat) with god-tier natural beauty/experiences.

>Pittsburgh is an actual city, and a lot better to live in than Orlando
Yeah, if you like bitterly cold winters, having nothing to do, and having shady Northeastern neighbors. If I gotta some something nice about the Pitt... you're close to some really pretty woodlands, I guess?

Disney's problems are, in no particular order, that it's rested on it's laurels for far too long (thankfully, Epic Universe has put the fear of God into them, so things should improve here), they're out of touch with their core demographic (families with kids) and they've lost the script on their brand identity.

Also, Universal is MOGGING them right now; parks are better, special events are better, and CityWalk is so much better than Disney Springs it's kind of sad.

>Philly is much better than people think
Tell me why. I agree people get a little ridiculous with the shade, but how do you get around the fact that it's just another dirty, northeastern noghive?

What don't you like about Miami?
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>I don't understand what anyone sees in this place.

Lol really? I'd say it's mainly the weather and perception of it as a beach paradise. I live in Pennsylvania, and even here (not that far up North) I'd say it's cold/gray for a solid 6 months. Half the year.

Imagining a sunny warm place, with lush green areas and beaches seems like another world.

I get that you live in a city though and cities come with their own bullshit, crime and overcrowding and filth.
Are there any white but affordable places in Florida? I lived in Ft. Lauderdale for a few years before moving for work, I want to move back to FL but somewhere not shit.
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I second this question
The worst part about Florida is the pay, tourists, and how spread out things can be sometimes.
Lots of gorgeous Colombian, Venezuelan, and Puerto rican Ladies in Florida!
Where would you suggest living for decent pay but still nice weather?
Certain aspects get a lot better but unfortunately all the good places are currently overrun with leftists, druggies, and brown people with an affinity for violent crime.
Which part of Pennsylvania do you live in? Pittsburgh is significantly greyer than Philadelphia.
NYC, Chicago, and Philly are the only actual big cities in this country - high population, high density, navigable by foot. The rest are only “cities” in the sense that we draw up a border and call everything inside of it a “city”. So these are pretty much your only options as far as big cities go.

There are other cities - high density, relatively higher population - such as Pittsburgh, Boston, etc. but not that many.

So if you want city life, real city life, you only have a handful of options at each size. These other places are just highways and roadways with shitty fast food spots lining them and gas stations and shit like that. It’s not like that in the aforementioned places.

There’s a lot to do in Pittsburgh, a lot more than 99% of Florida actually. There’s great outdoors stuff there as well. And the neighbors are normal. They’re not shady. A Floridian calling other neighbors weird is a riot. I’ll grant you the winters are cold and it’s overcast often.
>There's a lot to do in Pittsburgh
That's cap.

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