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>be me
>still going to school
>live shit life, boring and monotonous, day after day, depressed
>only few superficial friendships, little if any connection to family, dislike distanced and work- and efficiency-focused culture here in Germany
>thinking about moving to Finland
>"happiest country"
>EU member state
>welfare state
>nordic countries usually score best in pretty much every ranking
>chance to get away from it all, start anew there, independently
>have good education, can probably get somewhat well-paid job here to begin saving money
>probably financial backing from parents/grandparents' estate
>maybe sidejob for the time being

Do you see any flaws here? I just started having this thought/urge lately. The idea just seems too good to be true.
I forgot to add that I'm planing to transition. How good are the doctors over there?
>>live shit life, boring and monotonous, day after day, depressed
>>only few superficial friendships, little if any connection to family, dislike distanced and work
bro this is finland
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Fuck off, we're full.
This >>2658116
You don't know real autism until you visit Nordic or Baltic countries. East asia is nothing compared to them
>bro this is finland
Yes and?

Unlike the US you can basically be a free individual who lives off the land I've seen YT videos where people buy small homes for under 20k USD and just live. The women absolutely destroy anything you can find in the US and this is coming from someone who lives in Cali not some fat flyover fuck. You have no worry to raise a family without the threat of poo's or american racism being shoved in their throats. It's to me the country that can make a man out of you and put you on the right track without issues coming up from groups.

To me this is more of a 'do or die' kind of thing looking at the world. While I don't have a degree I do plan to grad with a honor roll grade set. I could probably bring a bunch of knowledge of the west over to help.
kek don't believe everything you see on YT

>people buy small homes for under 20k USD and just live
living self-sufficiently may be possible but it's extremely difficult, first you need a lot of land so 20k won't be enough. your 20k house will be in a shit condition and will require another 20k/year in maintenance
winter lasts 6+ months so heating costs will rape you, especially due to "green policies"
also remember that you need a permit from municipality for everything, such as building a shed on your land or changing the color of your walls, unless you really live in the sticks
and what exactly do you plan to do in the middle of nowhere? remember that fuel is 2€/liter or more

> The women absolutely destroy anything
have you seen or interacted with Finnish women? they are fat, bitchy, lazy, and entitled. they may be better than american women but that applies to everyone

>You have no worry to raise a family without the threat of poo's or american racism being shoved in their throats
globohomo propaganda is extremely strong, it may be 5-10 years behind US but that's not much
for example blacks make 2% of population but are in 20% of ads
you can read constanly about muh patriarchy or how some white male was fired for offending feminists
gender discrimination (female quotas for high level positions) was implemented already decades ago
>permit from municipality for everything, such as building a shed on your land or changing the color of your walls
Wtf? What is the justification for this? Are Finnish voters really okay with that nonsense?
it's a socialist nanny state and Finns are proud of that

you need to have a construction permit for everything and that permit has all the tiny details such as size of the windows, material and color of the exterior, etc.
forgot to add that Finns are extremely envious, if someone is rich then it means he "stole" from others
Finns generally support the bureaucracy since it's used to prevent rich people from building "too fancy" houses

you want to build a luxurious house? sorry that goes against the county's zoning principles (and the decision will be made by a cousin of your envious neighbor who happens to work for the county)
Guys you're not really being helpful here
Half finn here who has lived most of their adult life abroad and am currently living in funland.

What exactly would you like to know?

Ignore the retards
Every finn I have met has told me the complete opposite about the place.
Thanks. Actually, I'm not really sure.
I'd like to know if the foreign image of finnland is correct. Is finnland really a country with a trust-based culture, greatly kind people, prosperity?
Would you recommend others to live in Finnland? Also, how's the capital, or other big cities, do they also have this sort of culture, or are they more western: expensive, distanced, big, anonymous, near but also far, etc?
And also, does Finnland have the now so common problem of right wing extremism (Germany does)? I heard they are actually pretty progressive and LGBT-friendly. I wonder, how strict are gender roles in Finnland?

Thanks in advance
>if someone is rich then it means he "stole" from others
Well it's not far from truth in most cases
Native Finnish here. I think we are honest, straight to the point, polite, quiet. I'd try a big city like Tampere, they're most LBGT-friendly. Pick a hobby where you meet people and you can make some friends.

Living is costly, we have high taxes. Our pay isn't great because of this but we can live comfortably.

It's generally safe, but druggies and 'roadmen' can cause some trouble, likely nothing compared to big cities elsewhere (yet). Right wing activity is rather suppressed, a political party True Finns gained traction a decade ago but they're limp-wristed. Right wing Kokoomus shamelessly rip off average workers but they're in a tight leash most of the time.

Learn the language, start practicing now if you're even tiny bit interested visiting or moving here. I met a Chinese guy who learned very well in three months, but more common story is someone communicating mostly in English. This is a problem because if you don't speak Finnish then you're not getting the jobs you want, you'll be cleaning or delivering foods with shit pay to make any money. At some point this might change if we're forced to adapt, but for now pls practice the language.

As for pleasure, we mostly save the fun for vacations and our short summer. You can enjoy the sun, beaches, ice cream and beer like elsewhere. It's not gonna be as warm but it's fun.

Drinking in addition to speaking Finnish is also important if you wanna forge deep connections with people. If you don't drink then double down on active hobbies.

Dating should be easy, a lot of men aren't actively dating so if you pick a woman and woo her and get past the initial barriers, you're golden.
I know, that's why I call it that.

It's a joke.

>Is finnland really a country with a trust-based culture, greatly kind people, prosperity?

It depends on the region but generally no, I'd say that northerners are the rudest while eastern finns are the nicest.
Nevertheless they're definitely nowhere near as welcoming and open as southern europeans.
They're very much like germans and it's not easy form friendships with them.

Interactions with strangers are really tiring as finns are pretty bad at holding up conversations and they lack basic manners which can come off as beibg rude but I think they're just autistic desu.

Rent Helsinki has recently become cheaper so it's more affordable than it used to be but if you're looking for fast paced big city life you won't find it anywhere here, Helsinki is very quiet for its size.
I wouldn't call it a very fun place to be but it's not totally dead.
The more remote, the more expensive basic necessities are but rent or buyibg is a house is dirt cheap.
However, if a town has dirt cheap houses it's definitely very boring since young people tend to move into bigger cities.
Small towns are plagued by alcoholics, senile old people.

There is one important thing to point out and it is that finland has three main ethnic groups, finns, fenno-swedes and sami people.

Samis are usually cold and hostile while fenno-swedes are very polite, friendly and generally happier than any of the other groups.
Their towns are wealthier and even the architecture is differe, however these regions are almost like a whole different country as a lot of them either don't speak finnish or straight up refuse to.
They're very conservative people though so there's a lot of social pressure in their communities and they will easily turb against you if you don't submit to their cultural standards.
Finnish "extremism" is nothing to be worried about, finns are are as soft and passive as it gets.
They love to whine but never really do anything, being mixed race myself I can confidently say that 90% of "racism" here is either bad humour or ignorance and not hatred that should be taken seriously.

Finnish women are aggressive and feminist while the men are whiney and weak, I'd say that women are more privileged here.
There's no real institutional inequality here no matter how much they love to whine.

I think the biggest issue here is that everything is just so easy and nobody has to struggle for any real reason so they start acting weird and nihilistic about everything and victim mentality is trendy for both conservatives and liberals.

Finland is lgbt friendly in the sense that nobody gives a damn if you don't shove it in their face but if you act like a fag or you're transgender they will shun you but there's no violence or anythibg like that, they will just hate you if you go around waving the pride flag.

Don't learn the language, it's completely pointless ubless you want to work in a service job.

Sometimes I speak english here despite being fluebt at english because there's nothing finns are massive anglophiles.

It's a funny country but it's not a fun country and by funny I mean weird, it feels like a massive social experiment where you would take a bubch of alcoholic cavemen and give them infinite resources and erase all poverty from society ubtil you're left with a hollow culture where people are confused and nihilistic.

It's not bad but it's a very sterile place to be.

To me it sounds like your problems have nothing to do with the country to live but your inability to live an exciting life.

No country will make your boring life interesting and no country will make an exciting life boring and that's just the way of the world.
Fluent at finnish* (not english)
>No country will make your boring life interesting and no country will make an exciting life boring and that's just the way of the world.
I'm afraid that could really be the case. But I still have hope - hope that a fresh start, standing on my own legs may bring the change I need to get my life straight.

Btw this thread is kinda demotivating but I do appreciate that because the illusion of a country w/o problems was dumb from the beginning. I'm glad you gave me your impression of Finnish reality.
>I'd try a big city like Tampere
I've lived there, it's a very small town and its identity feels forced and fake

>Our pay isn't great
Yes it is.
Typical finnish whining based on extremely high standards

>It's generally safe, but druggies and 'roadmen' can cause some trouble

They really don't, again, high standard whining

>shamelessly rip off average workers
Oh yea, finns keep whining about reasonable budget cuts beibg the end of the world because being middle class instead of uppermiddle is apparently a human rights violation

>Learn the language

Don't fall for this lie, it's completely pointless

>if you don't speak Finnish then you're not getting the jobs you want
It's a problem if you're looking for a service job

>you'll be cleaning or delivering foods with shit pay to make any money

This is irrelevant to first world expats, this guy's german not a chink

>Drinking in addition to speaking Finnish is also important if you wanna forge deep connections with people

This is possibly the most prole kela pleb thing I've ever heard, ignore this unless you're looking to hang out with bums and manchildren

>Dating should be easy




fub fact: Finland is a popular sex tourist destination for central and south europeans, lots of loose women out here but that comes with its own set of issues
You need contacts, if you just land in another country and you're not a socially talented extrovert there's no point in going abroad if excitement is what you're looking for

What you need is a lead, not a fixed destination
I'll take most of the flak, and

>Tampere, it's a very small town and its identity feels forced and fake
Thanks for the info. Then I'd assume Helsinki is better choice as there are all sorts of people, though I myself don't care much for cities.

>jobs in English
I'm curious about this, most immigrants I've talked with struggle getting a job from their field and are stuck doing entry level things.

>Learn the language
>Don't fall for this lie, it's completely pointless
How are you going to connect with people if you can't speak their language? You'll be always stuck behind a barrier. I admit I'm biased since I detest people not bothering to learn the language (of any country they're living in) and choose to stay in English speaking bubbles.

I don't agree but I don't know much better he he.
>How are you going to connect with people if you can't speak their language?
People here who can't speak english are either retarded, old or dyslexic, it's not like most european countries where everything gets translated into the local language barring the people from learnin

>most immigrants I've talked with struggle getting a job from their field

Depends on the field, obviously and also your ethnicity of course

Finland attracts losers because life is so easy and effortless but on the other hand job oppoturnities are very limited and there's little to no competition in most fields so talented people either use it as a proxy to gain access to other EU countries with more competitive job markets or they come here for easy living

Finland looks attractive on paper so it draws in people who have no contacts or clear idea of what they want to do while countries like UK, France and Germany attarct immigrants based on their sheer size, global reputation, culture and the fact that most immigrants follow their contacts and family to these places

Finland is a dumpster for clueless labourers

It's not easy to find a "good" job anywhere if you don't know anyone, have no special skills or know-how of how to get a job through networking
>>Our pay isn't great
>Yes it is.
it's less than 2500€/month after taxes on average
that's crap with high cost of living
rents aren't cheap anywhere where there are jobs, studio in Helsinki will be close to 1000€ outside city center

Finland is great place for:
1. taking advantage of education/healthcare
2. neetbux
3. if you happen to have a comfy well paid job, you can slack on it and do 2 monthly vacations per year in warm/cheap places, just minimize the spending inside Finland, it's simply not worth it
>Wtf? What is the justification for this?
Isn't it how things are in most 1st world countries?

That's nice anon, now consider the following:

> The women are disgusting pigs with attitude and feminism wrecked havoc on the women there. Finding a trad finnish girl to date is close to impossible nowadays unless you're into polyamory/getting cucked.

> Taxes will rape you, only people allowed to make money in scandinavia are drug dealers, politicians and pro athletes.

> Winters last 6-8 months, heating is expensive, most of the country is a barren fucking wasteland 8 months a year.

> Muh anti russia sentiment makes it acceptable for the government to overtax you on everything and absolutely fuck you over on green policies and people literally cheer for it.

> Food is nasty.

> Every finnish person with a brain i met moved to Malta or some warmer place where you can actually build a future.

You'll get even more depressed moving there, you won't fix your life by moving to the woods in that country.
>studio in Helsinki will be close to 1000€ outside city center

I'm currently renting a 70+ sqm flat in a suburb and I'm paying 1100€/m and I'm renting from a private company, if it was in a housing estate it would be well below 1k.

Previously I lived in a studio near the centre and paid 490€/m, you can easily find studios for well below 700€/m in the centre.
Estate studios go for about 400-450€/m in the suburbs.

Blatant lies

You sound like an unemployed hick, do you even travel?
> The women are disgusting pigs with attitude and feminism wrecked havoc on the women there. Finding a trad finnish girl to date is close to impossible nowadays unless you're into polyamory/getting cucked.

This doesn't apply to fenno-swede women though but they wouldn't date finngols anyways

> Taxes will rape you, only people allowed to make money in scandinavia are drug dealers, politicians and pro athletes.

Exaggeration, this is an issue only for people who are looking to get rich but for some reason middle class labourers with zero potential and aspiration to get rich whine about this.
Whenever I hear this argument finns bring up switzerland but if you actually went there's you'd know that all they whine about us the exact same things as you are

> Winters last 6-8 months, heating is expensive, most of the country is a barren fucking wasteland 8 months a year

>heating is expensive

I've never had to pay for heating but then again I've never owned a house.
My last utility bill was only about 40€ + 20€ for the month

> Muh anti russia sentiment makes it acceptable for the government to overtax you on everything and absolutely fuck you over on green policies and people literally cheer for it.

No, the reason why they tax the living hell out of everyone is because of denialist commies like you who think that everything should be free and cheap whike having a low tax rate and not only that but the government should never do budget cuts on services that eat up most of out tax money because your standards are insanely high

> Food is nasty.

Finland has no food culture, yes but the issue here is also that finns can't cook and they're lazy as fuck.
This is not an issue for someone who knows how to cook, reataurants are decent as 90%+ of all restaurants are foreign cuisine anyways.

> Every finnish person with a brain i met moved to Malta

I bet you mentioned malta because ylilauta admins moved there and you have no social life outside the web
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As much as I don't really think of finland as a great place to live I must warn all you guys reading this thread

The finns here are unemployed, social outcasts who rarely travel and all they do is browse 4chan and ylilauta all day

If these were typical educated finns that had respectable careers and ambitions they wouldn't be claiming all these things

These guys are losers, they're browsing /trv/ because they wish they could travel but they don't so they come here to project on their insecurities and denial over their loser lives

Finns who are doing good in life don't care about these things, they would probably mention something about the weather and social awkwardness but when it comes to salariea and coat of living only unemployed losers and uneducated manual labourers would have something to complain about

Finland is basically like switzerland but more homogenous, the architecture is uglier, people are a bit less friendly, salaries are closer to EU average and instead of beautiful mountains it's just lakes and flat pine foreats everywhere.

It's not great, it's ok

The only perspective these people can offer you os the mentality and opinions of the average young male loser who hasn't done anything valuable with their lives
I needed that. Already had the feeling something was off in this thread.
>The finns here are unemployed, social outcasts who rarely travel and all they do is browse 4chan and ylilauta all day
Isn't it how imageboard users in any country are?
>he isn't posting while WFHing
>don't believe everything you see on YT

Don't believe everythibg you hear on 4chan

>20k won't be enough. your 20k house will be in a shit condition and will require another 20k/year in maintenance

Not true, you can easily find houses for 20k in decent condition and you won't need to spend anything on renovating

>remember that fuel is 2€/liter or more

It's not, see pic

>have you seen or interacted with Finnish women?

As much as I don't like finnish women generally speaking I must say that you sound like an angry unemployed incel hick

Finnish men are useless, there's a very solid reason for why the women here are so loose
>24.5m^2 for that much

I live in Finland, and those cheap studios in the center are extremely tiny

Kontula is one of the "culturally enriched" districts, that's why it's cheaper
big apartments are cheaper since there is not much demand for them, but that doesn't help if you are living alone

>I've never had to pay for heating
if you are renting an apartment your landlord pays for the heating

please post those good 20k houses!

now fuel is a bit below 2€, but 1.8€ isn't cheap either

>muh incel
Finland was one of the first countries ruined by feminism, then they imported 50k brown men from middle east during the last decade which ruined the gender balance
women are loose because there is no downside of it: they always have simps and government will pay for their children
Finland has one of the lowest fertility rates in the world, women are content of riding cock carousel forever, over a quarter of women in late 30s don't have any children
just as everywhere in the west women are increasingly obese

if you think that Finland is a good place to find a sweet girl for a serious relationship you're completely delusional
Move somewhere decent like Canada.
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I get the feeling that men in Finnland are incredibly sexist. Pretty much everyone here says that Finnish women suck, wtf?
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I am American and I appreciate how Finns always give good and sincere advice, thank you.
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Low iq compulsive liar beta male

Touch grass

Im the opposite of commie you retard, i complain about taxes because i pay too much of them, unlike you.

> Exaggeration
> The reason why they tax the living hell out of everyone

You confirmed my point about taxation being a problem in Finland so yeah.

Malta is where every scandinavian who's tired of taxes and shit weather is holed up basically, your obsession with ylilauta and incels shows me this might be your problem specifically.

How about you stop being a little passive aggressive bitch every time someone posts about Finland when you technically agree with most points to begin with ?

You insecure retards larping as successful people are the worst on this board.
Here is an example of Finnish taxes: employer compensates you 100k€ per year, after compulsory fees your gross salary will be 82.6k€, which is very good by Finnish standards, less than 5% will earn more
if you live in "low-tax" county such as the capital, after paying income tax you will have 52.9k€ left, almost half has already disappeared
then you pay 24% VAT if you actually want to spend your money and there are also other taxes:
taxes make over half of the fuel cost
alcohol taxation is one the highest in the world

Finns are poor by western standards, median household wealth is just over 100k€ and that includes the primary residence. only 10% of households have wealth of over half million, which is basically a decent apartment/house near the capital and no other assets
>happiest countries
>highest suicide rate

Is it because dead people can't take surveys?
>no point to learning the language of the country where you're going to live

>everyone speaks English there
objectively false, and besides it's an important gesture of respect for the local culture to learn their language. Allowing foreigners to talk at you in a foreign language in your own country is tip top cuck. TIPPY top. Europeans must be in a really bad state for allowing this.

Also every language is worth learning for its own sake.

t. devoted three years of my life to learning Gwich'in
Nancy naysayers like you crush dreams and never accomplish anything in life. you spread misery because you're miserable.
How easy is it to get Finnish citizenship? I used to live in Estonia and I really clicked with Finland
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>Finland is on place 146. Out of 183.
>8 years of residence
>must be employed and pay taxes during this time period
>proficiency in either swedish or finnish
>no serious criminal record
>median household wealth is over 100k


>wealth of over half million, which is basically a decent apartment/house near the capital

Uh huh... ?
Look at this horrific human rights violation, how can finns live like that? How do they survive?
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are you trolling or just retarded? if the house is cheap it's in a horrible condition and will cost enormous amount time and money to renovate. there will be tons of red tape and labor costs are very high

here is a 2-bedroom apartment 5km from the city center
this is the price you pay if you don't want to be surrounded by somalis and iraqis
Don't listen to the whiners in this thread. Things are fine in this country, so people constantly whine about minor things.

Life is good in Finland if you get higher education and learn the language. You can survive with English too, but Finnish or Swedish is required for citizenship. You'll find other German people especially in universities.

People are generally very friendly, you encounter openly angry and hostile people only on the internet.
Just save up 50k and the bank will give you a loan. Or is working and getting loans an alien concept to you?
Just go to countryside, move into abandoned house, chop down the trees around for winter. If the owner some day shows up just go to next place.
that's exactly how the US is, you can't do shit with your land if it's zoned the wrong way and local ordinances don't allow what you want to do, can't even open a shop in your home.
in Finland the local government not only decides where shops are allowed, but also types of the shops
shop selling groceries are a special category
all this to maintain the local duopoly and prevent competition while claiming that Finland doesn't have any corruption
okay, this turned out longer than I expected it to be, but I will try to elaborate.

>live shit life, boring and monotonous, day after day, depressed
bro this is finland (x2)

I did that exact thing when I was 16 (moving to Finland because of bleak life), and moved out right after finishing school. I am Russian, so my experience may vary.

Yet, I know people who stayed in Finland. No social life. Fucked up universities. No job prospects. Even if you luck out and get a job at Nokia, you will be dealing with documentation that was written by a chinese dude who doesn't speak english. Good luck learning Finnish, or trying to make friends who are not immigrants.

>Is finnland really a country with a trust-based culture, greatly kind people, prosperity?
not if you're a foreigner
>does Finnland have the now so common problem of right wing extremism (Germany does)?
>I heard they are actually pretty progressive and LGBT-friendly.
It's pretty bad in my experience. Look at degenerates posting on /pol/. The farther away from Helsinki, the more prominent it gets. Nobody will beat you up for being gay, but Ukrainian children get bullied the fuck out of at school for being refugees. Never had such a problem being Russian (my finnish experience was around a decade ago though), but, probably they talked behind my back. They might do the same to you and/or snitch on you. That was standard protocol of separation of finns and non-finns in my school.

I had a German classmate in high school in Finland. Fun time, introduced me to weed, and he even got arrested once. He didn't fit in with the finns very much, and moved back to Germany before graduating.

On the other hand, if you wanna be autistic on your 24/7, this could be a good time for you. After all the groceries are high-quality, internet is quite alright, KELA's welfare is (was) quite decent. You can hike endlessly in complete safety, and drive up to Sweden for meatballs and snus.

I hitthe symbolimit
I did this but for shitden and it was the worst decision I ever made.

>weird antisocial people who are actively hostile towards foreigners unless youre african
>if you are african theyre just using you to boost their public image
>most superficial society Ive seen, california-tier shallow
>half of people on welfare, no way to escape this race to the bottom
>shit food
cant speak for finland
its not a nanny state, those nordic countries are police states. people go to jail for SAYING things
Finland is 5-10 years behind Sweden
why are you guys racist against anything non waspy?
>people go to jail for SAYING things
nobody goes to jail in nordic countries and if they do its just like 5 star hotel compared to shithole countries
Go visit countries that don't have proper construction regulations and then come to finland. I agree that small sheds etc. shouldn't be controlled too tightly but regulations are there for a reason
If you do not learn the local language of a country you migrate to, you should be expelled.
Based Central and Western Africa sending all their criminals to the US, kek.
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which countries actually do that?
in Finland relevant neetbux information is translated to multiple languages, not only to English but also to Arabic, Somali, etc.
Full of depression
Anon... out criminals are mostly spics and our local niggers. The African niggers mostly go to Europe.
Unless you plan on being some shitskin refugee, you're not getting benefits like that without being able to communicate in the local language.
only thing you need is the residence, and then you can get the benefits, no matter which language do you speak
KELA is actually spending tons of money and effort in order to educate foreigners on all the loopholes they can use to maximize neetbux, it also makes a perfect sense: if there will be less welfare recipients there will be less need for welfare bureaucrats, they are just protecting their jobs
This. If you suck at making friends Finland is going to be life on Hard Mode
You're right, it's unfortunately not required (at least if you're moving here just to be a waste of resources), but it should be. Not only here, but every country. Learning the local language is the bare minimum. If you cannot fulfill that bare minimum you should fuck off
>needing to submit a permit to change the fucking color of your walls
>proper construction regulations
So this is the power of the Eurocuck.
>in Finland the local government not only decides where shops are allowed, but also types of the shops
literally the same as the US, even in the spots where you are lucky to be able to open a business, if it's zoned for being a restaurant you have to open a restaurant. not to mention the parking minimums.
read stuff online. pick up coding. theres so much to do my dude

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