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Im currently working a shitty dead end job and want to find a new one. The only experience I have is various machinery and quality stuff. I'm relatively young and don't have any experience outside of that. I want to find a travelling job because it's the thing I enjoy the most outside of vidya. I don't think I would mind working with others but I'm not very social. I don't want to work another monotonous job. Is there any job that fits the bill or do they all require some sort of experience?
Oh boy another
>I want a travel job
>lists no skillsets or industry certifications they have
>don't list age or years of EXP
>no country listed
>no mention of possible dependencies to take care of
>no education listed

Yes anon that really helps!

Holy fuck why are people so braindead when they ask these questions, like this is why you don't have a remote job. It's because you have a room temp IQ level of providing useful information so I can only wonder what kind of mindless button presser monkey you are at work. No one can do this for you, I'm sick of people asking this shit.

The fact of the matter is unless you get insanely lucky, you're not just getting a travel job that isn't with some form of position in the mining industry or armed forces/supporting armed forces. People who travel often need some specialization and 3 years of solid work EXP to go about this. Remote/work anywhere jobs are being pulled back into the office by many companies, for jobs required to travel go be an airline mechanic.

You won't though just like 99.9% of people here 'wanting a remote/travel gig' only to realize it takes serious effort to get certified, training, experience, and/or degree.
I can be more specific if you would like.
I am 20 years old, I live in the New England Region of America. I have a high school diploma for a manufacturing gig, and I currently work in a non destructive testing job, which I have 3 years of experience in. I live with my parents. I can provide more if you would like, assuming you aren't just using this as an excuse to scream into the void.
fpbp, these type of threads are so annoying
Okay, look up on indeed "your job title" select travel required and roll.

Chances are they will want some industry certifications if you lack any of them you're not worth the time.
Alright, thanks. There is a ranking system for my field and I'm currently the second highest. I was looking to do train into something different due to the way my job set me up but this would be a good alterative. I don't know what I would want to do other then "travel" but that's too vague to ask another question about.
it's all so tiring
>be DN for going on nearly 10 years at this point now 32
>every hostel or pub ever
>explain I am a Systems Admin who does remote work for my company
>explain needing to get certifications to stand out, maybe learn a foreign language to help, get some real world exp, etc
>eyes glaze over OKAY BUT LIKE ANY COURSES I CAN DO IN 6 MONTHS? I DON'T REALLY DO ANYTHING OTHER THAN <entry level shit at best>.
>Try to re explain how it will take more work that just a simple crash course
>almost visibly see in one ear and out the other happening

Most people don't get that unless you have 2-3 years experience and something that makes you stand out such as industry certifications, getting a remote job is fucking hard. No having a N+ and being "a really hard worker" isn't going to pay for you to be a liability working in a foreign country of SEA for 22.50/hr when they could pay Pedro 7.25hr via a contract in the Philippines who has an office he goes to every day. Many companies have been burned to hell and back by remote workers doing nothing at all. When people realize it requires more effort than the work they do, they quit trying and go back to day dreaming. By the time you get the Certs and EXP for a remote or travel job, most people have gotten into a position with 4 weeks off+PTO or are good enough to change to a well paying job where travel doesn't seem all that much important anymore.

It's not impossible but unless you're going to look up industry certifications, CPA/Welding/HVAC/HAZMAT/CCNP/etc to couple along with your experience; it's going to be an insanely up hill battle most the time.

Then go get certified, go to an armed forces recruiting center ask if they know of any subcontractor agencies looking for <your specialization> or local community college etc. Most generally will point you into a direction.
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If threads like these annoy you so much, why dont you ignore them?
just get any wfh job and travel where ever you want. I've traveled all over Europe for over a year while still working an American wfh job
I think traveling for work is overrated. It's different from traveling for pleasure. You're just doing your job but in a different country and with inferior resources.
Maritime work is a great way to travel. The merchant Marines are a great way to get your foot in the door for free, that or the Navy. The aviation world is a tougher gig but getting a job as a flight attendant works too. Get creative anon
I've been a sysadmin. I still don't know how you pull that off remote. Sure there's remote admin tools but shit always breaks and occasionally gotta have someone on-premises to restart a box/router physically.
This, and chances are you have a normal office job that makes you sit by the computer until 5 pm ET anyway, which makes you all fucked up in your time zone or if you’re in the same time zone you can’t really do shit because you only get a few hours after work and weekends
Do you not configure your out of band management stuff?

Routers and switches have them
Servers and blades have them
Hypervisors can auto fail over (lmao who installs bare metal)
etc etc

Besides moving to a hybrid setup, my company is 99.9% cloud, core services being redundant is easy. If your the sysadmin work harder to make it so you should never have to leave your chair. Hell Colocate your server racks into something like IronMountain or Flexentail where they have remote hands and deal with all the UPS/internet/HVAC.
>not extending your business trips to get travel with zero airfare and no days off spent on transportation
I keep getting these ridiculous roles where parts of the company don't just want to avoid cloud, but modern architecture. Imagine 12 satalite sites and being forced to keep them separate workgroups. Can't use Powershell as we boss was afraid of reactivating a cryptoattack that's probably still in the system. Oh, and I kept getting hard passed on setting up just fucking basic MFA. I'm so glad I'm not there anymore.
>set up Azure Entra ID
>free up to 2000 objects
>add MX records
>now people sign in to devices with their email
>know have basic GPO and device management with hybrid AD
>enable MFA with azure's built in features that are free

Did it with over 30 sites, not that hard. If the red tape is in the way, go find something else you don't owe the job anything when they tell you no.
Yep you guys are right. I gave the absolute fuck up on remote work. I’m simply unwilling to do what it takes and that’s that

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