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Mount and Blade thred, what mods for warband apart from warsword still are in development? Any?
why would you do that
What mods do i need to make bannerlord enjoyable, last time i`ve tried something called banner kings cultures expanded and that was a bloated buggy fucking mess. Can this game be salvaged at this point?
anything that adds more culture, town, troops or faction is retarded anyway, why would you even try it ?
I think that it could be salvaged, but I'm convinced it actually will be.
he probably did it because he knew it would trigger you?
zooming around with a super fast horse + lance + saber is more fun in bannerlord than it is in warband because the horse animations are 20 times better
because this is a general
it isn't, general threads are being deleted from /vst/
get the thread banned
>long-term threads that exist for general discussion of a series
>a new one is created once the old one hits bump limit/gets archived
everyone knows these are generals dude, there is no functional difference
arbitrary difference as it may be, threads with 'general' in the op, or a copypasta with pastebins etc., or being linked to next/previous one usually get deleted, ones without that usually do not
especially if a game belongs on the board and there are 0 threads in catalog I would assume
457AD is the biggest one
Favorite factions? Either game

For me its
Warband: Sarranids
Bannerlord: Northern Empire/Vlandia
people mistake bloat for quality
>why would you even try it
To see how bad was it, and Vlandia with germanic paganism as a state religion with legless soldiers proved it was shit.
I'm posting Cao Cao in honour of the poster who was posting in honour of the original Cao Cao poster until we get a good Romance of the three kingdoms mod.
Rhodoks, Vlandians. Luv me crossbows, luv me brick of armor and shields for infantry. Dun' 'ate or luv Heavy cavalry, it has it's uses but isn't that cost-effective.
Empire, doesn't matter which it's all the same lel
What about that Dynasty Warriors mod?
Wow someone who actually enjoys fire and sword
How do you make custom banners in bannerlord?
hope it still works
Is there one that lets you use your own symbols like in warband?
no idea, I just remember using this thing and slowly piecing together the IMPLYING bit with simple shapes
>cao cao posting
You criminal, you fucking menace.
I've been playing again with a mate, its the first play through ive done that ive actually played long enough to have multiple kids come of age, even have grandkids now
unfortunately for all the daughters weve had (before realising we should save scum for boys) they will never get married, im not losing free party members with good skills
weve gone the independent clan taking rebel towns with impunity route, everything funded by smithing
also what happened to the general on /vg/? why are we here now?
>but I'm convinced it actually will be.
is this what you intended to write, tripsanon?
or did you miss a not?
this is very important.
I accidentally a 'not,' indeed.
too bad. the trips were given to the hopeful post.
bannerlord WILL be fixed!
Native is still worse than native warband. I'm not holding my breath.
first and foremost, who the fuck plays vanilla warband?!
addressing your point, all they need to do to make native bannerlord massively better than native warband is just add the little interactive features that warband had. it's not that hard.
vanilla bannerlord being better than vanilla warband due to the smoothness and qol features is an argument i'm not in the mood to enter.
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>first and foremost, who the fuck plays vanilla warband?!
i do ||it's actually diplomacy with a personally made edit to the nord troop tree, does that still count?||

>all they need to do to make native bannerlord massively better than native warband is just add the little interactive features that warband had. it's not that hard.
i agree, but it's been four fucking years and they still haven't done it, so I don't think it's ever happening.
>does that still count?
of course it doesn't count.
diplomacy adds a lot of flavor to warband.
>but it's been four fucking years and they still haven't done it
as much as i hate it.
i have to agree with the turks that fixing the base game takes precedence over adding new features.
imagine if sieges were still a slideshow.
but then again, the devs have kind of stated that warband features aren't coming to bannerlord.
but then agian again, mods will fix it like they fixed warband.
I think the only one of those "features" I've actually used is post-ko battle contiuation.
I would use autoloot, too, except it doesn't work. My companions just strip themselves completely of any weapon/armor/horse and put them back in the pool without replacing them.
>Have the Diplomacy mod on Bannerlord
>Kicking my enemies asses and taking their fiefs form them
>Somehow I am still losing the war according to the war exhaustion gauge
>Discord spoiler tags
More embarrassing than me knowing that it's Discord spoiler tags desu
Nords. Solely for the cheap high level archers
They all suck
My home board doesn't have spoilers and I just muscle memoried it without thinking.

I shall not be rectifying this mistake.
Yeah marrying daughters feels worthless. Independent clan also feels not super fun to me. At least near the end.
I play with the mod that lets me keep daughters in my clan and their husbands join our clan instead. Feels way better.
persistent empires
or how about joining them bretonnian larpers, they organise huge 400+ player battles
Setting is good and it has some neat ideas, what can I say? I honestly like it more than some of the more popular mods out there
>Start new Bannerlord playthrough
>Ah I wonder who I should marry this time
>Just marry Milanka of the Vezhoving again
She's the only one for me
>son turns 18
>go find him the first wife i can that isn't an old lady
>she's a fucking tank
>high skills
>always gets a high number of kills in battle
>constantly pregnant
Great addition to the clan
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>Carribean Legend
That's actually what I'm playing and it got me missing M&B combat.
>blood and gold caribbean will never be finished by devs or moddes
fuck this gay earth
>what happened to the general on /vg/? why are we here now?
we died because (you) didn't post anymore
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It really sucked.
The debs promised me personally (PIC RELATED) they were going to add in their WFAS combat system.
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Vaegirs, I just think they're interesting fellows and I really like their towns
Can't fight for shit, though
Khuzait, cheaper horses than anyone else and the only joy I managed to glean from the game was through the steppes
>With Fire and Sword
Toughest choice for me because the factions are all really cool and do different things very differently.
Probably Cossacks, but I've come to enjoy Polish-Lithunians a lot recently because of their unit variety
Jannysary spamming as the Crimeans is also a blast, and I really like the look of their cities, although I think Sweden has the best architecture in the game
>first and foremost, who the fuck plays vanilla warband?!
I do
I know it so well that its like returning to an old friend at this point
I really hope this doesn't become a "hurr Mountain blade was NEVER GOOD only the mods are" kind of shit which infests STALKER discussion
>I do *proceeds to describe how he plays with mods*
Fuck off discordnigger
The only feature of the mod that I wanted to use doesn't even work.
at least you use diplomacy so you don't have to walk up to the villag elder every time?
no I do not use diplomacy
Turn wfas formations on at least if you're playing vanilla
If I wanted WFAS formations I would simply play WFAS
It's changing a 0 to 1 in the module ini and it's entirely better than natives default commands
Have they added ships to bannerlord yet?
Is Blood & Gold good yet?
>when you catch the small 10 man looter party aandthe nearby Lord comes in with his huge ass army
I really, really enjoyed the core gameplay of Bannerlord. But since the Turks have admitted they have no intention of finishing the game themselves, are there any mods which actually have content yet?
The ASoIaF one was decent but last time I tried to use the new version I couldn’t get it to run.
Everyone talks a lot of shit about bannerlord, how bad is it? I'm new to the games, enjoying warband a lot right now, but I wouldn't mind playing something a bit more polished with better graphics.
With the hardware to run it I never had anything with the gameplay to complain about. But the “story” is nonexistent and their economy balance was pretty awful. Devs seemed resigned to just let mods fix it and the mod scene seemed to lack the motivated mod devs that really pump out quality mods (or they were over ambitious and are unfinished/unlikely to finish)
Multiplayer was fun but servers seemed pretty inconsistent back when I played
It's a bit less polished with better graphics.
why the fuck do we still not have control over which specific group our troops are in?
i want warbands troop thing back, i want to be able to split my troops how i see fit not just have them based on whatever equipment they have
i want my low tier archers separate from my high tier archers, maybe im fighting some shitty peasants and want my recruits to engage the enemy while my high top tier troops observe and shout words of encouragement
Is there a mod that let kingdoms form alliances?
in my mind this should just be a thing in the base game, only reason i can think of for not implementing it is that 2 factions could ally then take everything, imagine a valandia-khuzait alliance
also it would be nice if the rebel factions could create their own kingdom, not just join an existing kingdom (except the players, because fuck you apparently) if multiple rebellions happened at the same time they could form their own faction and have a chance at doing something other than immediately get destroyed or just get taken over by an existing faction
Wait this isn't even a feature a Bannerlord? How does it make combat a major focus yet take away or neuter mechanics from Warband?
nope, the troop formation thing at the start of thr battle has 8 groups, you can set infantry, archers, cavalry, mounted archers or mixed cavalry, thata basically it, you can set groups to favour certain weapons like 2 handers or shields but thats pretty fucking useless, if you have two different types of troops that use the same weapons you can't separate them at all
and dont get me started on sieges... watching troops endlessly run across the siege camp to put up a ladder then run back to where youve told the troops to hold, just to run straight back as soon as the enemy pushes the ladder over, again and again and again is absolutely dogshit and has been happening from day 1
you also cant starve a town/castle anymore, you can only starve out the garrison, the milita and any lords parties inside apparently dont need to eat and never starve
i do like bannerlord but jesus they managed to fuck some shit up
lords wont join your faction on their own anymore, you have to convince them to join you, every time
towns can rebel if their loyalty gets too low, they usually get taken back pretty quickly but if they survive long enough they become and independent clan, other kingdoms can recruit these lords, they player cant
when a kingdom has its last fief taken they immediately get declared not a faction, the lords clans all then become independent clans, which again you cant recruit but the other kingdoms can, if they dont get picked up by someone within like a week the clans get destroyed
>AI hugs the corner of the map again
Great... So glad they taught it how to do that
Why does Bakumatsu 2 has worse animations than 1
for the same reason everything else is going to shit. spending cuts to increase profit margins.
older animes were simply objectively better.
Im talking about a warband mod, its free
>2022 warband
New community tales just dropped. Banner sisters, we are so back.
Highlights of this iteration include linking to mods that haven't been updated in over a year and one of the links being auto-detected by Steam to be potentially malicious kek.
why don't you share the good part too, anon?
they know bannerlord is shit and are still accepting suggestions.
>We want to reassure you that we're still on this path and working towards future updates. We share your enthusiasm for what lies ahead and although it will take a while longer to finalize the new additions, be confident that they are coming.
>In the meantime, we encourage you to continue sharing your feedback and ideas with us. Your input plays a crucial role in shaping the future of Bannerlord, and we value your ongoing support.
*huffs hopium*
>Oh boy, Mount & Blade Bannerlord announcement from TaleWorlds?!

>Community Tales #9
>We share your enthusiasm
They're as tired of it as everyone else is?
>or how about joining them bretonnian larpers, they organise huge 400+ player battles
Who? Actually sounds like fun
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Is the asoiaf mod updated yet?
M&B needs hardcore combat realism. Anything else is optional, cut back other mechanics to Warband state, FOCUS ON COMBAT !
>hardcore combat realism
elaborate. taleworlds want the players to experience epic battles all the time. this is why armor is shit and you need to fight all the time to have money.
>cut back other mechanics to Warband state
other mechanics are not even warband level.
>cut back other mechanics to Warband state
I have some bad news.
They have yet to reach warband level.
Have you seriously not learned your lesson yet
the game needed less retards like you, maybe TW wouldn't have reworked the game from the ground up so many times
>all those anons cannot see the sarcasm in his post
we are truly ded
I've seen so many retarded take on the forums, this one isn't even one of the worst
It has become impossible to differentiate the retards from the trolls
>I've seen so many retarded take on the forums, this one isn't even one of the worst
please share some retarded forum takes.
it's been a couple of years since i last lurked them and i don't remember retarded takes like that anon's post.
most of them wanted better armor and deeper interactions.
there were some retards that believed armor shouldn't be better but they couldn't defend their view point except with the retarded "lower the dmg setting".
there is a bit of everything, from the deepthroat of TW to the instabanned for racism, as always
as for the retarded takes, among my favorites :
- wanting a late game invasion with ultra strong enemies (as if we didn't get enough battles)
- asking to stop the development of the game
- that one dude posting his 'update 1.3' that is him overwriting vanilla DLL
- the one asking for TW to moderate private servers
- those that think kingdom destruction was a bad addition ?
- the users that thinks everything is due to them and that mods are too hard to install and should thus be easier to install ?
- suggesting a bigger map/new faction DLC/more minor/major factions
- wanting a menu to edit NPCs appearance
- procedural map generation when starting the game
the last 4 comes from a single post from yesterday, tells volume about the level of some
Nords and Sturgians.
I just like big men with big shields.
What were the good large mods again?
1. Floris
2. There is no #2
By chance does anyone have a download for la Guerre de Cent Ans - Steel Edition?
Don't be so cruel
> I just like big men with big
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>please share some retarded forum takes
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Has Bannerlord even come close to Nova Aetas yet?
I remember that from 2014, shit that was 10 years ago...
is this what mbg has become?
Fuck I miss the old forum layout
I remember I used to scoff at this man
I have been humbled
Just another tales from the community and it will be almost as good as vanilla warband.
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>Decide I want to try Perisno again
>Make a new character
>Forgot that my favourite playstyle is horse archer
>Forgot that bows do basically 0 damage to anything above T1
>Forgot that every unit in Perisno has armour like a 40K space marine
>Remember all of this and quit

I guess I'll go back to playing lighlty modded vanilla Warband.
>Forgot that bows do basically 0 damage to anything above T1
are you sure?
i remember playing persino back in the day and making foot archers mercenaries and rolling over everyone.
>my favourite playstyle is horse archer
disgusting desu
Been playing poop where horse archery is required and it's the most boring gay play style
>horse archery is required
nah. it's the most optimal play style though.
Poop is designed around kiting and playing warband like a musou, no reason to use anything other than horse archery + block crush weapon in it desu
i played it with combined arms. foot archers CKO. 50% archers, 25-35% infantry and the rest were cavalry.
clashing with the big roaming doomstacks was fun.
one thing i've never tried is dealing with a knife ears doomstack with my own party. is it doable?
fuck. i'm itching for some m&b action but bannerlord sucks and big warband mods don't have dickplomacy...
Noldor have higher stats than anything else in the game, so you'd have to significantly outnumber them with quality troops
It's probably possible but not even worth it, mods designed around sucking elf cock
Is on halt atm but they say they will pick it up again.
The modding scene for bannerlord is half part grim and half part hopeful to me, you see these amazing armor models, more robust features and thought out ideas for total conversion mods like burning empires, that 15th century mod, the sengoku jidai mod, In the name of Jerusalem 2. But all of that is on shitcord or only in previews on moddb and seems to never come out. The 15th century mod guys said they cant even work on it right now due to hardware problems lmao. Dont understand why none of these cunts atleast release an alpha thats up to date.
Because every micro update destroys mods.
Yeah, but still theres months of delay now between updates, and anyway just tell retards to stay on version so and so. Thats how I kept my modded vanilla going for half a year or more.
>Wahhhhh retards post comments and dont know how to use the versions
Just ignore them lmao
>Dont understand why none of these cunts atleast release an alpha thats up to date.
because you can be sure retards will complain that it's half backed, that it doesn't work with X or Y mod, that a mod updates breaks save compatilbility, or simply because only part of the stuff is playable
Why should they? The less a mod group engages with the "community" the better for them. They can just focus on developing the mod without potential drama seeping in. Only serious people will contact them to collaborate, no pointless feedback on things that aren't finished, no attention seekers taunting the devs and agitating them (you know some people are really thin skinned and some fucking internet comments will make them quit etc).

Mods will be done when they are done.
I get all that, but nowadays people should be on a level of just ignoring the stupid comments, leave an instruction thats easy to follow and thats it. I dont have a problem with high standards and quality control of mods nowadays, its great. But the mass of retards and esls on the mod sites can easily be brushed aside.
I am just salty that theres nothing good to play with for bannerlord after 4 years.
PoP fucking sucks play perisno
is bannerpage any good
Have mods fixed Bannerlord yet?
how to actually spear brace? and why isn't it an actual settable formation like shield wall?
So the old pastebins and repos are lost to time now or what?
Perisno sucks too.
Mine is still up https://pastebin.com/agwZu9Df
Depends which type of spear bracing it is, if it's the modded kind you have to check what the mod keybind is for it
If it's the NW/wfas kind then you just crouch with a weapon that has that item flag, like a like
It's not a normal command because another modder made the code for it, not the guys who made the formation mods
Eagle Rising is unplayable now. Whyd they have to make RBM mandatory? what were they thinking
They weren't.
Are there any mods that fix Carribean?
Its good but it just has so much missing that feels like it could be easily added. So its bad.
RBM is good though
I'm talking native bannerlord for spear bracing
For me it feels like a sidegrade at best, I loathe it's artystyle (human models are all repulsive, look like cavemen and smile constantly like in an animated cartoon), I dislike the setting and worst of all turks admitted that they see M&B as a battle only game and have no interest in further expanding campaign or roleplaying aspects which was what I wanted the most in sequel. So it's just an endless, tedious battle after battle, usually against meaningless trash and context that could be provided by roleplaying or strategy layer is nonexistent. Bannerlord killed M&B for me to be honest.
RBM is the best bandaid we have for good armor until the overhaul mods and their integrated systems come out.
The problem is that the battles also suck often
Bullshit, you can just multiply unit hp by 1.5x to 2x and the game plays fine in vanilla without autism like super slow movement speed and other realism kitsch.
Sieges are really fun at first but once you realize that every siege plays out EXACTLY the same way it gets really tedious, and that's saying something coming from warbands sieges. Warband's have control to them, there is a reason to move troops around or command them in a siege, I've never commanded units to do anything in a siege in bannerlord, the game plays itself
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Will we get a Carribean! 2 on the bannerlord engine?
best armor system is warbandlord
RBM is only worth it for the AI, and then again it's a mess
>RBM is the best bandaid
>anything but a spear becomes completely useless and deals 5 damage
I've only installed 3 mods, ak47, rocket launcher and realm of thrones
the first 2 were just for fun when i fancied a quick fuck around game and also to see how much of the world i could conquer with just me, my companions and modern weapons, the ak is absolute dogshit, the crosshair disappears after the first shot, the rocket launcher is great though, incredibly satisfying to blast fuckers with
realm pf thrones i downloaded for an actual play through because i like game of thrones and like big maps with more factions
The two essential mods I always use are dismembermentplus and an arena overhaul mod, so I can adjust the XP rates for arenas so they're actually worth doing
All the troop tree mods I've seen are dogshit
just like real life wow
The best warband mods were the ones that removed the "lord simulation" parts and just made it about battles, like last days of the third age
I liked De Re Militarii
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TLD is utter fucking shite though.
I played it for the first time earlier this year and I was horrified. A buggy mess that broke down completely after Day 500 when your allies for some reason become complelety incompetent and just allow the enemy to run them the fuck over.

It's a serious blackpill about the state of Warband players when I remember that TLD is the most subscribed mod on the workshop.
These arent modlists
Also Cozur released a game of thrones mod for bannerlord on moddb, its still early stages but I liked it.
>The best warband mods were the ones that removed the "lord simulation" parts
I can tell that you like Bannerlord
>last days of the third age
Sieges don't even work in that mod and you're telling me it's the best wew
I am convinced that The Last Days is only highly rated because 99% of the people who played it did so for like 2 hours, said "WOW JUST LIKE MY HECKIN' MOVIES!" and then never touched it again.
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It's funny that a good deal of the mod's fans complain it doesn't look enough like the corporate approved vision of LotR when that's one of the better parts of the mod.
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I wish GOT was like that.
It's a shame that every GOT mod (except for the CKII one thankfully) goes by the show and not the books.
Example: Castle Black being modeled after the show instead of the book.
In the book "Castle" Black only has one wall on the north side (The Wall) while the east, west, and south sides have no walls. It being more of a small town with about a dozen buildings and half as many towers.
That shit is 8 years ago, people change
Some people change for the better but people like Cozur just become more gay and retarded (trans).
TLD is from the era when you could make anything LotR, and legions of fanboys would praise it to heaven regardless of how good it actually was.
>The best warband mods were the ones that removed the "lord simulation" parts and just made it about battles
we are truly ded
crusades and jihads, while being unfinished, was amazing
Tld was really good before the nightly patches feature creeped and fucked the mod up
>So many that nobody knows wtf is being added
>Keeps boating up the mod
>Changed minas tirith walls to be white
I love lazy modders
>Be me
>plan to marry into the Southern Empire eventually
>right before I’m a true vassal, Ira is married off to some random Aserai noble
It was only a few years into the game as well wtf. So much for carefully marrying your sole child and heir off. That’s fine though, I now own 6 fiefs (3 cities 3 castles) within the Southern Empire while everyone else has 2 or less fiefs. Idk why the ai loved me enough to allow me to obtain so many fiefs, but I’m so stupidly fithly rich it’s actually a pain in my ass to spend my money and I stopped bothering to ransom prisoners and looting battlefields (expect for very good loot or war mounts).
Is Legacy of the Dragon?
No, is Patrick
>I want to play Warband
>Start new game
>Make character
>Choose banner
>Pick starting city
>Kill mugger
>Talk to trader
>Arrive on world map
>Quit immediately
this is me but only when i'm testing to see if my mod works
Have they fixed the broken steam achievements for Bannerlord yet?
slowly, i started to hate them.
Pendor or Perisno
Tell me now.
persino has more freedom and doesn't need text editing to make custom troops quickly.
some people like the coherent design of pendor more.
you have to suck elf cock in pendor but not in persino.
I see, thanks. I'll try Perisno first then.
Moddb is up to date I assume.
If I only I could have Perisno without every enemy above T1 being a space marine. Feels bad that any bow that isn't he strongest bow in the game is basically worthless.
Yeah. They need to really tone stuff down.
y'all really play mountain blade for the SP? yeah it's fun for the first time and maybe when there's a new total conversion but it's it's just lightyears more entertaining against other players
why do you talk like a nigger?
i edited all of that out of my warband mod
Kill yourself
why the fuck is the modding for bannerlord so dead?
i expected someone to have made brytenwalda 2 and TW being halfway done copying it as a DLC by now
most the workshop mods dont even fucking work even tho its been like half a year since the last patch
Every update breaks something
Hello, I came here after someone recommended me the pendor mod (I'm on steam with 3.9.5 version), does anyone know if there's a way to identify the bandit search mission from the city guildmaster?
I don't know if they appear a different color, or if something identify them or if I should ask for clues somewhere or what.
well I think this is a vanilla mission and it fucking sucks balls like many of them
I think they should be colored blue? Also other lords should be able to give you hints?
But basically very few quests are actually worth your time, and hunting for a small bandit party that could be anywhere isn't one of them
>I think they should be colored blue?
Thank you.
the name description?
or the unit is colored that way?
I mean, my party got a kinda decent spotting (but not tracking) and what I want is to increase the favor of an specific town (but I guess I could just go for inviting drinks to everyone in the tavern every day to get the same result).
I don't know if there's a way to reject the mission or what would happen if I just fail it after the time is over, but the bandit they said is usually just around an specific area, but there are lots of them.
the unit name on the world map I think
unless it isn't
I'm sure that in the other quest that spawns 3-5 bands of looters you have to chase around they're all blue, not 100% sure if this also works here since it selects a party preexisting on the map to make it a quest objective but I think it does?
How is MP nowadays? I remember there was big enough player base for multiple servers in both sieges and TDM, but that was in 2020
Thanks again
lmao even
more seriously outside of clan event servers are never full
Quest parties are usually teal colored, sometimes they're flagged to always show up dependant on the mod
and well, I guess many people been playing wb for thousands of hours yet have not touched a quest from guildmaster in years, may even have trouble remembering what quests there are lol
quests for lords can be handy to raise relations with them, but in towns it's such a fucking pointless hassle
Can confirm.
When I first played Warband in 2020 I didn't realise guildmaster quests were a thing until like 50 hours went by or something.

Doing a new playthrough in vanilla Warband now and some of them are kind of a fucking pain to find. Gotta walk into town, look around for the guy, maybe he's just on the main road, or maybe he's tucked away in some little corner or back alley. Makes me appreciate Bannerlord's click-the-little-face UI tbqh.
Barely breathing
The only thing I just ignore from Bannerlord is the smithing system, for whatever reason I can't make myself to like it. When I started trying it, it was:
>go to that place with cheap wood
>buy lots
>make lot of charcoal
>unlock the "more charcoal" perk when reaching
>start melting stuff
>make weapons with whatever I get from melted stuff
>and this all while just staying resting in that town because for whatever reason you can't recover that stamina any way else, and it's just for smiting.
And all this for that "extra endurance point", but for me all that hassle wasn't worth it
>but you can make pretty OP weapons
I don't care, not worth the hassle for me anyways.
And having perks which "help with smithing" in other branches seem a waste of space.
The other thing I dislike is the hassle to raising commerce to 300 so I can buy/sell towns. I kind of found an exploit for this:
>pick a family member who can be used for leading a party
>make them lead a caravan
>be affiliated to any kingdom (being a vassal/mercenary/[haven't tried as king yet])
>find them in the road
>give them whatever expensive equipment you have (mostly looted stuff from enemy lords)
>suddenly they get loads of income because of that
>their merchant skill also grows a lot
That's the only way I managed to reach 300 in commerce with a character, and then retire and use them to do the towns buy/sell shenanigans.

I guess they put a lot of effort in adding all this smiting system thing (It's a minigame inside the game), but I really hate it, and you can't even make armors, bows, shields nor arrows.
I wonder if anyone else thinks like me, or even better, have a good idea of how this may be solved.
You now remember when Taleworlds was trying to market Bannerlord as an esport
>be me
>plan to marry Colambea (for whatever reason is my favorite Southern Empire girl)
>have to wait for her to reach marriage age
>once that happens, go to Raghaea and ask to unite our families offering my hand
>she offers Ira instead
>marry Ira
Things not always go the way we want...
With Fire and Sword already had the right idea by making it a commission to spend your obscene amount of late game wealth on. All they had to do was keep that feature and add in the customizable parts but of course they screwed it up.td0m
>captcha got copied into post
not even going to bother deleting
>With Fire and Sword
I played that for a bit, but stopped after seeing there weren't female unit trees (yeah, I like playing with "sisters only parties" for whatever reason).
How does this smithing system works? I never managed to reach a part in game where I could use it (didn't understand the custom mercenary system either).
you could get some let's call them end-game items that are not in regular stores by ordering them at blacksmith, there weren't many of them and they were expensive, and you could only do that if you owned a city/town? I think?
in general wfas tried to have a bit more linear gear progression, tied to your standings with your faction
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Thank you.
oh, I was expecting "custom parts weapons", but that sounds like less of a hassle.
>regardless of what orders you set troops run to put the laders up
>rebal clans can join other kingdoms, but not the players
>defeated kingdoms clans can join other kingdoms, but not the players
>npcs can ask to marry any of their children to any of yours, you are stuck with the oldest single person in their clan
>you can only starve a garrison not the militia or any lords parties in the town
>tribute payments are based entirely on village raids so even if you've killed thousands of their men and taken all their towns they still expect you to pay them because you didn't want to tank your relationship with lords and notables
>sallying out is just another field battle not a battle in the actual siege camp like with warband
ive played, and will continue to play, the shit out of this game but jesus christ some of this shit is ridiculous
I believe captured lords also add to war score.
so far i haven't seen it matter, I've had 20+ lords in captivity (over half their lords) after taking multiple towns off a faction and they still expect me to pay
Literally me.
I have over 700 hundred hours and I haven't smithed once. Not a single time. Never even gone into the menu apart from clicking it by accident. I can't explain it but for some reason I have this complete and utter aversion to smithing in Bannerlord.
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>Be a vassal of the Rhodoks
>Take Tevarin castle from Swadia
>King Graveth lets me have it right before we sign a peace treaty
>Decide that I should get some Swadians from the local village, Bambali, to garrison it
>The people hate me because I looted it earlier
>Despite the fact that, mechanically, it doesn't matter at all and rebellions can't even happen, I refuse to let myself recruit any soldiers from the village because I think they'd all hate me and betray me as soon as I leave the castle
>Decide that I won't recruit anyone from the village until I've done some quests to make it like me
>Admit to myself that this is such a silly way to think as I trudge off to Rhodoks territory to recruit a garrison from there instead

Anyone else like this?
That's called roleplaying, and yes, plenty of people do it.
I thought that was a sex thing
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Tried pendor for the first time, I never really bothered with any warband mods besides diplomacy. I kind of liked it for a bit but then all the cracks started to show, and after I read up on the wiki on some of the changes they made, I got even more confused at their design choices
>qualis gems required for top tier gear, CKO, upgrading self and companions. Super useful but ridiculously annoying to farm since they rely on a pre-rolled capture chance solely on unique spawns
>said unique spawns can become absurd deathballs that you need to abuse in a "surprise siege" but god help you actually get the triggers right on one, and god help you actually be there when it happens so you can take advantage of it
>you can actually fuck up your renown/prestige by spending too much of it if you go into lategame
>everything is grindy. Literally everything.
>specific troop lines can literally only be obtained by talking to companions. Then you have a small chance of getting maybe 1 or 2 free top tier troops. Even though they have high stats/gear you'll still never have more than maybe 5 at a time if you're consistently fighting, since you can only ask A SINGLE COMPANION a WEEK. example: you can't upgrade the hauptmann to a forlorn hope, you MUST ask Frederick and if he's not in your party, good luck. This wasn't the case in The previous patch
>the mod creators removed the level requirements for certain companions preferring to just give them shit gear, but left their pet faction noldor companion keep his for some fucking reason

Don't read the comments on the wiki, it's just full of weird "you should be grateful you get any type of QOL feature, the mod is supposed to be hard"

I'm not a fucking NEET, I'm not going to grind out 10 unique spawn captures just to get the ability to spend 100k denars on a single axe (which was ALSO nerfed to shit)

Does anyone have a mod that doesn't make me realize I don't actually have autism?
You didn't need a town, just a lot of cash.
It's been a long time since I played.
Will my character die of old age now?
Will I start to "get old" and lose stats like in warband?
Are you just immortal? Then how does having kids work? Is there some sort of soft cap?
Haha yeah what the fuck were they thinking
Because it sucks and it's the whole reason why the weapon variety in bannerlord is garbage
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Couldn't play for the trade sim because a bundle of javelins is worth more than a castle so last time I played (1+ year ago) it was the custom troop tree mod + skimpy outfits for chicks.
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so how does a fella without access to discord get his hands on the new warsword?
Honestly, Viking Conquest is kind of fun once you get past all the bullshit in the early game. Being able to cart around your own personal ransom broker is really nice.
Farmers have way too much health though.
You can find games through Clan events or Yuro hours, but you're gonna get your shit rocked. The only people left are duel savants with 4000 hours.
How the fuck do I get a wife in warband? 2 women hate me for harassing them, 3 hate me because I immediately besieged their homes when they didn't immediately agree to my marriage, and I had to beat 5 lords in a duel and still got rejected. What am I doing wrong?
holy shit using mods is so fucking retarded in this game
do i use vortex or workshop? or both? or just put the mods in the modules folder?
for some fucking reason harmony wont show up in the load order screen and vortex says the mod is redundant
i got it to work 1min after posting this
every fucking time
The fuck happened? What patch did you play on? Man I haven't played in over a year and this is what I'm gonna see with PoP now? Also on another note did anybody ported over the previous pendor mod to Warband or is it still stuck in the og one?
Actually just found the mod again, it's not Pendor, it's The Wedding Dance.
>Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vst/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/

we are so feeble that they allow us to exist out of pity
why aren't these threads on /vg/ anymore?
/vg/ moves too quickly because of bugman coomer gacha games.
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What Warband mods have you anons been enjoying lately? Not sure how long this thread might stay up but it would be nice to share screenshots from your modded campaigns.
>He managed to be an incel in Warband
Genuine accomplishment, well done
The made a board dedicated to mobile games but they didn't force all the mobile game threads on /vg/ to move there so normal game threads on /vg/ can't get bumped enough to keep up with the mobile game threads.
What mod is this
I've been bouncing around a lot but the only ones I really enjoy are Viking conquest and gekokujo
I think they're the two time periods where mount and blade's combat excels the most
The problem was that the new mobile game board, just like the new strategy game board and the retro game board etc, doesn't allow generals. It's not that the mobile game threads weren't forced to move, it's that they weren't allowed to move.
Big napoleonic wars MP event just happened. 100+ players it was fun.
Gekokujo for Bannerlord when?
Shokuho is the only one of these total conversions that will actually be finished
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Calradia 1415, my favorite mod of all time frankly.

>Viking conquest
If you enjoy for the time periods theres this mod called ''The Last Kingdom'', it's set in the dark ages period.
It's a big old and dated but seems like it has it's own style of AI tactics and alot of content to enjoy, picrel is a battle with battlesizer, you can really up it to the max since the mod isn't heavy at all.
So what the fuck is Taleworlds even doing besides breaking mods every few months. I just played after a year and it's the exact same as it was before and still nothing significant since when we started.
When the FUCK is the Bannerlord LOTR mod coming out
>playing warband
>Prophecy of Pendor mod
>manage to make the Jatu, the outlaws and the Noldor into allies
>plan to take Laria, so I prepared that way so they would deffend my villagers or at least leave them alone
>besiege laria
>try to sell stuff at the shops
>somehow the shops don't have money and just some blacksmith clothes at inventory
>go to my secret lair to pick up the jewels I and the stuff to make my knight order
>dude there is completelly naked, and the only stuff at my stash is the book which already got destroyed (in the quest to get the lair) and the shield I found there.
>check out older saves to see if I can get back at some point
>everything has the same issue, except a save from 26 days ago, before I did all the allying with brigands stuff
I don't feel so good...
Playing Red Wars and mourning Red Wars 2 neverever.
Seriously, everything in this mod feels bugged.
I may go back to World of Vasnar. It's one of the best total conversion mods I've seen since Sayazn.
Shame about Sayazn being unfinished
My warband game gets frozen in battle on horse after a while of playing (I mean, after hours of playing it), does the game have some ram issues?
ive never had that happen but ive never had a battle last more than 10 minutes
It's a 32 bit application, so yes
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I touch it every once in awhile. Usually any mods that I touch are for VC, or remain in the native world with QOL mods like Diplomacy.
I have no idea what it is that draws me into the world so much more than Bannerlord, but I genuinely end up losing half my off days to Warband when I play it. The only gripe I have with it is the sieges, but on the other side of the fence, Bannerlord genuinely fucks up everything else and improves sieges. Bannerlord feels 60% finished and like it was made by a team who is experienced with mobile games. It just feels like a cheap imitation of Warband with none of the good parts
>No feasts
>No neutral locations
>All the lords are connected to one another in regards to relations, so there are no dynamic stories that pop up
>Marriages and relations are fucked
>Every faction is fucking hideous, both the character models and the armor.
>Armor may as well be wet paper because its so ineffective
>No marshal system
>Lord personalities are gone, as is the internal kingdom management with balancing who to give fiefs to to keep everyone happy
>All the menus are minimalist and ugly
>They somehow fucked the smithing system up, so instead of ordering pieces, you, a lord or king, has to craft them yourself lmao
I do not like Bannerlord very much. Its tolerable with mods, lots and lots of mods, but Warband works right out of the box and has so much charm.
ive played on and off since m&b was in beta and i dont think ive ever installed a mod for warband (i have for regular m&b)
I really don't understand how someone could struggle to believe that people play and enjoy vanilla M&B Warband
Same thing with Stalker
they're solid games with solid mechanics and once you've mastered them its pretty fun to mixmax
I unironically like Floris
So is Bannerlord any good yet?
Has anyone ever paid someone to finish a mod? Because I'd pay just for Sayazn to get cleaned up. It was always my favorite.
But I kept seeing generals in there?
I thought the creators abandoned it to make their own game?
They had a progress update a month ago and stream the mod sometimes
Join their discord it's all on there
I'll pass
Don't blame you but you're never going to find out what is going on with any Bannerlord mod unless you're in their discord. Which is, of course, retarded, but that's just the state of mods now. You'd think that posting updates on moddb would be more effective
Ok retard then miss out I don't give a shit
>They somehow fucked the smithing system up, so instead of ordering pieces, you, a lord or king, has to craft them yourself lmao
well if your character is a smith then you can do it on your own character, if your character is a lord/king/above smithing then ignore your character on the smithing screen and just use companions
I spent almost all of yesterday creating a mod list. Bannerlord has some good shit, but sadly not so much in the graphics department. I still hate how humans look and some of the armor textures just scream 2008 and look out of place.
Share your modlist. I want a Vanilla+ modlist experience.

It has most of the mods you'd want in Vanilla+. Just ignore the ones you obviously wouldn't want like most of the clan/child stuff and petty kingdoms.
>No dismemberment+
It's insane to me how popular gacha is when it's essentially just gaming and softcore porn
Paradigm Worlds mod is kino of the highest order.
Play it if you haven't
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>It's waifu porn
>And gambling
>And a video game
>How could it be popular?!?!
Ain't exactly a mystery, chief.
That is still extremely fucking dumb. Just gut the system and replace it with VC's weapon/armor upgrade system and make it so you can BUY custom made pieces. As it is currently implemented, it feels and looks awful while being horribly imbalanced. It looks like something ripped straight from a mobile game and doesn't make any sense in the world. It doesn't help that your character specifically asks the master smith to forge something for him....and then leaves the PC to do it all on his own as well gather all the necessary pieces. Its so dumb.
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The newest gachas feature a system that acts like direct messages on facebook or instagram, so people can get DMs from their waifus. It's incredibly grim and incredibly grave and I urge you to avoid playing gachas like the plague. It cannot be good for your brain in the long-term to be feeding it DMs from imaginary women.
why do 4chan gamers love mobile game gachas. Lmao.
I know what you did
influx of normies
i still believe mobile 'gaming' is an abomination, not gaming, incredibly homosexual and contributes to the ruin of real gaming
One of the first mods I played for M&B Alpha in the 00s was a mod called "Yoshi's Pirates mod". It had ship combat mechanics and this exact swinging to an enemy ship by rope and then pistol/blunderbuss+sword fighting your way through the enemies. I wonder why no one managed to do anything like that again, except for this broken paid mod.

Here is an old video of that mod.

So much good shit from back then despite constant mod-breaking game updates every couple of months. Bannerlord doesn't have that, despite having only a couple updates a year.
There's some decent mobile TDs and a couple of roguelikes that are worthwhile, but the vast majority are just disguised money siphons.
Any good vanillalike mods for wives as companions? Is Dickplomacy the answer?
God please just give me a mod that removes crossbows and makes Bannerlord properly dark ages please
Still waiting for a proper co-op mod.
Still waiting for Gangs of Glasgow mod.
Crossbows were around in the dark ages too
What we really need is slings
Moving away from 4chinz due to health reasons, bye, /mbg/ frens.
see you tomorrow
cya tomorrow
Are any of the game of thrones mods any good?
Also, what's the best version of Gekokujo?
I'm enjoying realm of thrones, you can steal danny's dragons, hire giants and take white walkers prisoner and recruit them
the giant archers are really strong but they only have one quiver of like 22 arrows and their arrows hit multiple targets and can kill your own men through friendly fire, the white walkers are fucking tanks, they only have a two handed polearm but it has high damage, it's quick and they have high armour, the dragons are op, their breath will kill hundreds of enemies at once, it feels like cheating really the dragons can still be killed in battle but that's not going to happen if you're even slightly competent at playing, they also kill anything they walk into
it's been pretty enjoyable so far there are events that happen like the red wedding and danny's invasion, some you can intervene in like the red wedding some you can't, like stanis going to the wall, at some point regardless of how well stanis faction is doing he loses all his land and ends up with just eastwatch
Just play Rising Sun.
Aside from the Star Wars mod, did any of the other big mods from M&B got ported to Warband?
How do you hire giants?
>tribute payments are based entirely on village raids so even if you've killed thousands of their men and taken all their towns they still expect you to pay them because you didn't want to tank your relationship with lords and notables
this is an interestingly bad change.
it used to be tied to fiefs:clans ratio.
the higher the ratio the weaker you are considered and end up having to pay no matter the warscore.
it's all retarded.
>sallying out is just another field battle not a battle in the actual siege camp like with warband
i'm not sure about the warband thing but bannerlord has an "ambush" option that you has the siege scene and you can destroy siege weapons in it. at least i think they have finally added it.
>and will continue to play
it's sovlless. i dropped it when it "released" and can't bring myself to try it again. they simply didn't add role playing features to it.
>Does anyone have a mod that doesn't make me realize I don't actually have autism?
persino for fantasy shit.
dickplomacy+ploygamy fix+ctt for vanilla shit.
idk if the unique spawn capture chance is affected by the lord capture chance that can be changed with tweakMB.
>Will my character die of old age now?
if you tick the option, yes.
>Will I start to "get old" and lose stats like in warband?
>Are you just immortal?
if you ticked the option, sure. if not, no.
>Then how does having kids work?
you marry a fertile lady and they come automatically.
you used to have to spend the night with your wife in a walled fief then they changed it. idk how it works now.
>Is there some sort of soft cap?
yes. the formula used makes it so having kids after some number is less likely.
>How the fuck do I get a wife in warband?
win a tournament then attend the feast. find a lady then dedicate the tournament to her and then tell her you like her and want bobs and vagene.
then she will send you letters to come and visit her.
visit her and recite poetry that she likes based on her personality (you can learn poems from minstrels you find in taverns. i think there is one for each faction).
don't ask her for marriage before 20 relations or you might lose relations with her and she might not agree.
the other way is to befriend her father (or brother if she doesn't have a father) and he will invite you to visit her then she will start sending you invitation letters to visit her.
>I had to beat 5 lords in a duel and still got rejected
you got rejected by who?
if the daddy rejected you, you might be able to elope with the girl.
you're shit out of luck if the girl rejects you.
but i think you can still visit her if you didn't choose the option to end seeing her.
you can visit/court multiple ladies without drawbacks.
>we are so feeble that they allow us to exist out of pity
my sweet summer anon.
that "rule" is just for show.
see the starsector, ck2, ck3 and civ threads.
because the simple addition of battle continuation from diplomacy is a HUGE addition.
i refuse to believe someone can enjoy warband without wading into melee at least sometimes. you cannot just order a charge and go into melee without battle continuation because you'll lose the moment you get knocked out.
sieges become you watching your troops and the enemies duking it out because you will most likely lose when knocked out.
because "real games" are shit nowadays.
case in point:
>bannerlord vs warband
>ck3 vs ck2
>old total wars vs new total wars
>dd2 needing top of the line PC to not shit itself and being short with no real end game like the first game
warband? yes, dickplomacy.
bannerlord has marry anyone.
you need to go all the way north to thenn or frost fang camp, whichever is the furthest town north go to the tavern and speak to the giant, they are 10k each
No, base Geko is the best one
Tld and PooP were m&b mods
Just tried PoP and I keep getting killed by every wondering enemy I come across
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just get some mercenaries
what >>1765243 said
village recruits are a dead weight
young <faction> noble make a good cost efficient cavalry and can be leveled up to real bests (hero adventurers)
I remember bounty hunters were decent cheapo horse crossbowmen?
but in general especially early game you want to keep your numbers low and quality of units high, so you can outrun what you can not defeat
also, keep asking traveling merchants for rumors, they can lead you to chests with good rewards
also keep asking slave traders, they can have a bulk offer on decent units with discount price
Anyone here played with the Touhou mod? You guys got any tip on facing with the lords in game? Also ngl, I feel very afraid going into tournaments due to the hilariously tough combatants in it.

Stick with attacking looter, Red Brotherhood loons, and if you're feeling confident, vanskerry and tiny Heretic parties if you can. D'shar bandits are going to be a bit of a problem for new characters due to being a bunch of horse riders but they go down easily if you can pin them down. Don't mess with the Jatu, snake, bigger heretic parties, and especially the elf fucks, you will die fast. The Jatu due to being to a man heavy cavalry with decentish lances, the snakes and heretics for the tougher troops that's not basic bitch tier, and the elves for being overpowered pieces of shits that can snipe your ass from across the map and take you out as fast as one headshot if your unlucky.
this anont >>1765278 reminded me
I think the consistently easiest fights in the whole mod are brigands hanging around south of Marleon
Get good armor (you can farm arenas infinitely for 2k wins to build up money, levels, and proficiencies, just get the 2h practice sword and overhead to victory)
And an armored horse (45+ armor) then start farming mystmountain bandits, start with the outcasts and kill the melee riders (or their horses) first, then kill the rest
Super easy way to get renown and their archers can't even hurt you if you have 50ish armor on head/body
Also use the chest in Rane to store good loot you get for future companions, or those goodies you get you can't use for a while like qualis gems, gold bars, various loot etc
Horse archery + morningstar will make early game easy
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speaking of pendor
they're making a standalone game
all info is on facebook, it's nothing but bullshot sand seems like they have not even decided on the engine yet, lel
google saxondragon facebook warband or something 4chin won't let me link because spam apparently
Probably gonna suck, the brytenwalda team made some shitty scifi unity game and the wfas guys made some shitty sailing game (not Caribbean)
Is it worth playing Bannerlord to finish off steam achievements? Are any of them still bugged/inconsistent/not working, or worse?
i waited nearly a decade for bannerlord
i bought it day one
i put in about 17 hours
i have not touched it since
i have put another 1500 hours in warband since then
wtf how
Got it on day one. Gave it a really thorough honest chance, but it wasn't very enjoyable. Went back to playing WB on and off.
I have checked in a couple of times (once a year I suppose) and have not seen any big new things that fix its dullness. They flopped hard despite the massive pre-release hype and the lack of big mods over several years now has pretty much doomed the game to be an unknown. Whereas WB was carried to modest mainstream fame by its mods immediately after release, and kept steady interest with new mods for years after. I don't see how BL is supposed to somehow become good unless some giga autistic modders completely revamp how the game works and feels, but there don't seem to be any around to do so.
>won't let me link because spam apparently
How is it so wise
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This, I'm still mad. Wish it was never released, instead we've got a dead general and bunch of unfinished mods.
I'm a bit better off I guess, I put it ~20h day one, dropped it 'till they fix it'
but then sometimes late 2022 I gave it another 'proper' go which raised my hours to 76 total before dropping it for good
Unless there's some nice looking total conversion out I don't really see launching it eve again
meanwhile last time I played warband was yesterday, lel
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The years excitement for the game were more fun than the game itself. Utter disappointment
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WHO is really Gabrilduro for you?
please don't spout such hersey.
he wanted to make a poop bannerlord DLC for years
>Is this a mod for Taleworlds' Bannerlord?
>No, not a mod. It may be a DLC, but it will be a comercial development undertaking. We are undecided as to what platform we are using to bring this world to life and ultimately to you. We are creating an agnostic game design document then deciding what needs to be done.
>When will this be done?
>I have no idea, but as soon as possible. I wanted to divorce my thinking process from a particular game and with fresh eyes look upon what type of experience I wanted to create with the help of all of you, the fans of Pendor. Together we will shape the design document and systems, then we will begin development in earnest.
facebook com/Saxondragon/?_rdr (you'll need to scroll down a little)
ruined prospect for a better warband western fuck every last terrone
>Is it worth playing Bannerlord to finish off steam achievements?
>Are any of them still bugged/inconsistent/not working, or worse?
we don't know. we don't play bannerlord nor care about cheevos.
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He might be a sperg but he's not as retarded and autistic as others.
anyone born below the river po is african
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I have 836 hours so far. Most of that are campaigns that are 30% completed because I get bored and quit, the game gets unstable fucks up or trying (and failing) to mod the game into a somewhat enjoyable state. I think half the time was spent attempting to play because at launch the game barely worked.
After getting a semi-stable modlist with all the things I like and cut content from Warband, I realized the game is just kind of shit at its base and very boring. Everything is too fast paced, everything is half baked/poorly planned and you would need to gut the entire game to fix the issues. It feels very barebones and rushed. Kind of like a mobile game company made the game somewhere at the half way point.
I went back and played native warband + diplomacy to compare it to my heavily modded Bannerlord, and it kicked the shit out of it. No idea why, but it just feels more rich and feature complete. Even with the basic battle commands, battles are so much smoother than in Bannerlord.
Pretty much, hate how when you watch the AI fight/move in bannerlord they act like some collective consciousness
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Bannerlord genuinely depressed me with how half baked it was. I think everyone was expecting "Warband but extra" and instead we got a very barebones game with not even half the features, shitty world building, ugly armor, genuinely ugly npcs, an ugly UI, a worse formations/battle system, and no way to make custom formations or rename them.
you can do a lot more with your troops in battle tho. mounted skirmishers are way easier to actually skirmish with
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But your infantry and archers are dogshit. The circle and square formations are still bugged, so they are out. Line formation has issues with troops not raising their shields and blocking arrows/javs, and they will all turn around to face the single horesman instead of the 300 man blob 5ft away from them. Shieldwall moves at a snails pace for some reason and is genuinely worse than Warband somehow. Armor is basically non-existent without a major overhaul, and elite troops are less valuable due to that and due to the fact skills have less of an effect on gameplay. Its quite possible for looters with rocks to kill line breakers or heavy spearmen, when in the previous game you were invulnerable to rocks, low tier swords and some bows once you got your hands on good armor like a mail shirt. No idea how they fucked up so bad.
Dell'Arte Della Guerra team complains about lack of coders and blames hardware issues for delays in development.
Those skill icons already look better and more inspired than vanilla
It's distasteful how bland the vanilla interface is
UI is underrated, lots of games just make them into soulless mobile tier menus. Thematic interphases like Oblivion or KCD add a lot even though they're just cursors and buttons. Warband had the most simple UI possible and even that felt nice because of the aesthetic choices. The transparent black background with contrasting white font is awful for a fantastical early middle ages setting.
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The best way to play both games is multiplayer anyways. Which is really the worst flaw about Bannerlord since even after what, 3 years, it still lacks even a basic deathmatch arena, has only a couple maps and most importantly doesn't have roleplaying servers which are absolutely phenomenal on Warband.

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That is something I think plenty of games are missing. Most companies seem content cutting costs via using barebones, mobile tier menus and interfaces for their games. Having good UI that fits the setting is such a nice bonus that makes playing and immersion much more enjoyable. I felt like it was really missing from Skyrim and other TES games after Oblivion.
I will also say that good loading screens and event screens like are present in Warband and Viking Conquest also have that effect, and are sorely missed in the sequel. All of the loading screens and in game art in Warband were beautiful, while also being realistic in their presentation with arms/armor. Bannerlord looks really gaudy in comparison, while also looking like a Ren-faire due to the artists giving the characters larp tier armor.
What's the biggest battle size you can run in warband on silky smooth 60fps?
I have a decent computer and 400 dips to around 40 fps. I remember around 10 years ago when people were boasting that their PC can run battle sizes above 500, must've ran like absolute shit.

>"Even with occasional lag at the beginning, I am happy that my PC can handle this much :)"
>actually has like 5 fps
It depends on the module, but I almost always stick to around 300ish. My screen starts flickering black and lagging horribly if I go above that on Viking Conquest.
>must've ran like absolute shit.
nah. you'll get drops to 40s even at higher count.
I was able to run 500 with only 8gb RAM, it's not so bad. FPS would dip to 30-40.
Armour was nerfed in Bannerlord for MPnigger bullshit reasons.
>for MPnigger bullshit reasons.
they fucked over MP as well
>you can't pick and choose armor pieces and weapons with money earned
>can't handcraft your warrior to your liking, taleworlds have to keep balancing classes
>people naturally cannot agree on a balance so everyone is mad
Enabling single threading in the settings helps a lot, but any more than ~350 results in stutters for me. That was true 15 years ago on my ancient build with 4 GB ram, and still true on my current build. I read it's the CPU that bottlenecks FPS as the game engine was simply not designed for multi core processing. Although I'm not sure why a new CPU still struggles the same as one contemporary to the game's release.
Isn't that easily modded? There are WB mods that do a good job with this, where if you're wearing top tier armor then low tier arrows or shitty weapons can't hurt you at all.
Weird. I've got a very middling processor and 500 runs okayish. There's a little stuttering, but it's not unplayable.
Not even applicable since sp and mp use different module data
Warband had rcm values you could directly edit in the module ini that changed how armor behaved vs damage types, iirc it's not nearly as easy to do in bannerlord
>Not even applicable since sp and mp use different module data
they used to use similar balance for MP and SP but they stopped doing this.
they stopped this later.
one sure thing nerfed because of MP is spears. they used to be really good in the -MP- beta then they nerfed them and they remained nerfed in SP.
armor was shit since the early access started so maybe anon is right.
>Warband had rcm values you could directly edit in the module ini that changed how armor behaved vs damage types, iirc it's not nearly as easy to do in bannerlord
So fucking stupid. Warband only ever got popular from modding, and the modding potential is all people really cared about for Bannerlord. Why did they fuck that up?
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Incompetence, greed and zero passion. Everything down to the UI in Bannerlord has zero effort put into it. The only big improvement to Bannerlord was sieges, which wasn't hard seeing as VC fixed them as well. Even then, its only half way there just like everything else due to the fact that the defender AI is beyond fucking dumb and the attacking AI isn't much better. The amount of times I have hauled ass to the ladders, went up and killed hundreds of soldiers single handedly with a two handed axe in sieges, because all they do is ignore you to get to their pre-determined defense positions, is absurd. Warband sieges were a pain, and after a certain point I just alt + tabbed to ignore them, but they weren't stupidly easy and immersion breaking.
>fix sieges

I mean, I guess the actual storm the castle part is fine, but the entire system before that is ASS.
>can only wait in 16 hour increments
>you will lose troops to raids and be able to do nothing about it
>morale will take huge shits for no raisens
>even if you have allies with you, YOUR troops are the only ones affected by all of this
I get what they were going for but it feels like shit to lose a third of your dudes to shit you can't control.
I genuinely prefer a lot of the mechanics and added features in VC, particularly the sieges, but I understand not liking the randomness of that particular system. They could have done had tactics influence troop loss or something, and had a much better system IMO.
>They could have done had tactics influence troop loss or something
This would've helped. I think the best way to do it would be to let you participate in the offscreen battles where you lose troops - the "enemy raids your camp" ones at the very least. Even if it was designed to be unfair to make sure you lose people you'd get a sense of control, and that would help. The other thing is the "only you lose troops" bit; if it was divided equally between evety lord present that would be better.
That said, the main reason it feels bad is how long it takes to level troops. Getting even 5 pictish nobles or huskarls can take a half dozen ingame hours. This actually balances fine in the normal fights, because those troops are actually very good and worth the investment, but losing them to an event message in sieges is infuriating. So, you're incentivized to leave them behind, but that sucks because you probably want them to be there when you storm the fort.

I also mostly like VC. The camp follower stuff is particularly nice - being able to cart around extra storage and a ransom broker is a godsend. The botes are also neat (if a tad too expensive imo). My main problem with it outside of sieges is that the early game grind is even more tedious than vanilla (did farmers really need that much health?) and the "Gotcha!"'s they threw in. The Morgana quest is the worst offender, since there's no way to be prepared for it without metaknowledge AND it actually kills you, but stuff like the viking ambushes in villages or challenging the stone circle dudes is also lame. Once you hit mid-late game and have over 300 dudes the mod really shines, but I bet a lot of people get filtered before they get there.
I really like VC's design around troops and leveling/cost. Like how there's a significant difference between how fast light armor moves vs heavy armor. This makes the distinction between light infantry/skirmishers and heavy infantry real unlike every other mod I've played where all infantry moves at pretty much the same speed. It's brutal when your maille clad gigavikings get killed by javelins from light infantry because they couldn't close the distance very fast, and it feels good when you can have your own skirmishers fall back while skirmishing advancing infantry.

I also like how heavy cavalry like the Old Captain and Frankish Cavalry mercs are extremely rare and expensive. I've played games where I kept about 20 in my army (any more was unfeasibly expensive) and then used them sparingly, charging and retreating from the enemy rear using manual F1 positioning. It makes cavalry feel like a valuable tool you can't afford to simply charge like every other mod I've played. Combined, these unit touches give a new level of tactics to field battles that is absent in all the other mods I've played.
>get a fast horse and a lance
>1 v 30 vanskerry party
>run around them until they run out of javs and axes
>lance 'em
>get a shitload of renown
>shitload of loot as well if you have good loot skill
Is there a better way to get renown? This is the only method I know to beef up your army count.
>Inkarnate map
I can't ignore how shitty the factions and the campaign AI is, yes its fun to larp aa a viking fag and raid the English but soon you will realise you are the only person in the entire world who is actually doing anything. Most of the factions are so passive they might as well not exist, the Lords will just wander aimlessly doing nothing for 99.9% of the game, Sea invasions don't exist basically, Denmark(Other viking factions did nothing in every campaign I played)
could invade Britain every couple of ingame months and lose the captured city instantly because they will return home leaving it defenseless, The only wars that actually happen are the between the factions with the same culture and still its nothing compared to native where there are wars and campaigns 24/7.
if there was something that makes the AI more aggressive and actually able to navigate the sea it would be the best warband mod by far.
NTA, imo it's fully balanced around (You) being OP. Once you start taking some holdings for yourself or a king everyone in the greater motherfucking British area will band together to come shitstomp you. The Danes manage to use their boats just fine when it comes to sending a doomstack to your castle.
Otherwise, yes, I agree. I think they probably wanted to try to maintain a little historical accuracy by toning down the aggressiveness of the AI - the minor tribes would very swiftly cease to exist under vanilla rules. Or, it could just be pathfinding problems from the complicated map. Even aside from the ocean there's a lot of impassible mountains. The combat is improved enough that these things don't really matter to me, though. You can basically play ghetto Total War with the command menu and it feels good.
I'm sure it's path finding issues because I played that mod a lot and it's the same everytime
>Anglo/saxon/briton kingdoms fighting each other, Slower than vanilla but its something
>Scots fight each other but their borders are weird, The AI can't navigate their mountains for shit
>Irish kingdoms fighting each other
>Danes rarely attack but they are the only scandinavians who do
>Frisia, norway and that laithland might as well not exist
Basically kingdoms with land borders can fight, Others will AFK for the entire campaign. Its just not fun to play in a world where nothing happens
>soon you will realise you are the only person in the entire world who is actually doing anything.
I think it's more that it's too difficult for AI factions to take each other's settlements. When I play, they are always at war and fighting, but settlements rarely change hands. In really long campaigns I have seen the celt factions get wiped out by their enemies, but I probably played it out longer than most people would.

It makes the world feel bigger to me. Like each city is a major obstacle and not just a speed bump. As the player, you can't simply bully everyone else around with a small army of giga cavalry or archers that effortlessly mow down dozens of enemies apiece. You can start winning outnumbered battles once you build an elite army, but a 1:2 battle is not trivial like in other mods.
So you have to build an elite army AND establish yourself in a kingdom/as a faction before you can start dominating the map. But I prefer slow games overall. I can see how it would be boring as fuck if you're used to quicker action.

I do agree about seafaring though. It sucks because the map is well designed for that element. I have literally never seen Norway, Denmark and Frisia on the isles despite hundreds of hours played over the years.
>. I have literally never seen Norway, Denmark and Frisia on the isles despite hundreds of hours played over the years.
I've seen Denmark take dunwic or other east anglian forts, or even the eastern pictish coastal city once or twice, Norway take one or two pict forts, but frisia I've never seen go anywhere. I think the distances are too great before they return due to shit like controversy
I do love VC, it's far and away my favorite mod but I find a big problem with mods that try and add new mechanics is that it sort of fights against how warband is supposed to work, I've done a 180 on most of the optional mechanics VC has and play with them off
They could have simply slowed down the units recruitment for the player and the AI to slow down the game, I don't see why a kingdom in war with its neighbour wouldn't just gather its marshal army and destroy them instead of sitting aimlessly doing nothing, As for the cities being obstacles part it just gets fixed with the recruitment speed because they won't be instantly spawning a garrison and moving in to the next city without taking a break to recover
Most of the events are fine except the the sieges where they attack your troops with no consequences and rebellions which are straight up game breaking. I don't know why but they forgot to code that rebellions should only happen to fiefs that belonged to that faction, I had one save that got ruined because one of the meme factions that got destroyed long time ago rebelled and took half of my kingdom suddenly becoming the 2nd largest faction lol
Is it just my imagination, or was there a way to not upgrade/move all troops i.e. instead of ctrl-lmb, something to upgrade 10 at a time.
Unrelated but really wish they made horse rearing rebindable, cntrl+j is an awkward bind
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>they're making a standalone game
So that means the book came out?
>wfas guys made some shitty sailing game (not Caribbean)
No all those guys got sacked. It's the same studio but all new people working on Feral Blue.
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Wait that was the wrong image.
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How many of you go back and play Vanilla Warband, or a lightly modded version of it (Diplomacy, HD textures or some such)? I am doing a play through of Warband with just Diplomacy so far and I am loving it at 200 days in. I am not even really sure what draws me into the game so much as compared to Bannerlord but I wake up at like 6, get coffee and start playing and when I look up its 2pm. I just can't seem to be able to do that with vanilla or slightly modded Bannerlord where I add in old Warband features. I don't even mind the somewhat dated graphics. They have their own charm and I can look past them due to the art design and how good the armor looks. I can't do that with Bannerlord and I HAVE to mod in armors to fix the terrible design choices.
The sieges suck and some of the UI isn't as smooth, but everything else just flows so well.
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Hey last time I was here there was a /vg/ thread. Did it die too often to keep up?
Mainly VC and Geko, though I've been playing a lot of kcd recently, late medieval is kino
I would LOVE geko a hell of a lot more if it didn't stutter so much on the overworld map.
they dropped the ball so hard on multiplayer, I dont understand how they could be this retarded
I disagree. I much preferred the single player sandbox. The online community was great. It was one of the first PC games I hopped into for multiplayer and have fond memories of it. I really wish the game had something like Bannerlord Online though, minus the p2w mechanics and grindy nature.
After a certain point, Native Warband's multiplayer was only really fun if you got into the particulars of pvp combat. The skill gap eventually got so high that new players had about a 1% chance of actually killing anyone in a fair fight. I say this as one of those autismals who sunk 800 hours into MP which isn't even enough to be "good" these days.
That said, in the early days, when there was always a fullpop Siege, Battle, and Deathmatch server up at all times, it was a shitload of fun. Napoleonic Commander Battles are still a good time if you can find a populated server.
Yeah I get you, really annoying since the battles run pretty well on large sizes. Overworld still runs better than 1257
Any Oldfags know if the developers of Mount & Blade were big fans of Berserk?
Because I'm watching the 1997 series right now and it's freaky how much the whole story feels like a Warband progression.
>Anyone here played with the Touhou mod?
Much like the actual games they're based on, shooting niggas really helps. Recruit kappas.
yeah :/ every now and then some brave anon will try to make a new general but they always fizzle out
Took me a bit but I finally finished the story mode of the mod.

A few things to note, it's pretty dangerous to fight any of the lords as your own character due to them being able to hit really hard and having hitpoints in the low to mid hundreds. Just like a touhou game, range is god here and shields are pretty much mandatory to survive big battles. You can also cosplay as any of the lord level characters if you have high enough relations, and it is fun fucking people up with it. Also get ready for some really bullshit outfits, ie. random shitters being pretty much invisible except for holding a skull and/or torch. And finally, if your on a tourney run, pick the no powers mode if your just starting out, unless you want to fight fucking oni who can hit harder take pretty much no damage from you or having to deal with lords who can eat lance strikes like peanuts for over an hour.
I think the vg general died for good like 2 months ago now
but no wonder
I mean this very fucking thread right here is over a month old and not even at bump limit
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Because basically nothing is going on with Bannerlord. I mean we have stuff coming down the pipe to be released SoonTM, but there is little in the way of polished content on par with Warband's modules. Shit, even the current big mods are just rehashed sub-mods from warband or missing features from Warband or QoL fixes that TW can't do themselves. Bannerlord flopped. Yeah it got more mainstream appeal but its basically a husk of its former self and no one really touches it anymore. Warband has 1/4th of its player count despite being fucking ancient.
Is there a way to stop Vlandia from stomping the other factions or are horses just too OP?
No, not unless you want to get into field battles with them constantly. The auto resolve heavily favors cav-centric armies.
it's so strange to me how a game series that has been dormant for a number of years can have an active community and then when a new entry is released that is what kills it. obviously bannerlord sucks dick but shouldn't it have introduced a significant amount of people to warband? i just find it strange how instead of everyone unanimously agreeing to pretend bannerlord doesn't exist and going back to business as usual it killed any hope of the franchise coming back.
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From what I saw browsing around other sites and communities on Leddit and Discord, most of the new comers couldn't look past the older graphics, systems, ui and couldn't immerse themselves in the world. The only thing they saw were the newer graphics and the overhauled UI and jump to the conclusion that the sequel was automatically better.
The weird thing is though, most people realize "oh shit, this game is kind of shallow" after getting past the mercenary phase and then heap mods ontop of mods to try and fix the underlying issues. Some of the most downloaded mods are continued submods from Warband, missing features and total armor overhauls. The Elder Scrolls series actually have the same issue, where Morrowind, Daggerfall are much deeper and feature rich than their newer counter parts, but most people prefer the newer games because they look better and have a modern UI.
It doesn't really matter that the formations don't work, sieges barely function and are piss easy, that the armor system sucks, that we are missing majority of the features from Warband and those that are there are half implemented or watered down (looking at you lord relations and personality). All that matters is that battles are bigger and that graphics are updated (albeit with a much worse artistic design). Make a burner account for Reddit/Discord and join a community and you will see exactly what I mean when you ask people's opinion about the games and how they compare.
its worth adding I think that first the premature bannerlord announcement and then release pretty much killed warband modding scene, while bonerlord one never took of to that extent.
I mean it's even in the OP question, and seems like there's a total of 2 mods being still developed, lel
and by lel I mean it's pretty fucking sad but what can you do
Due to the way Bannerlord modding works, I think we are more likely to see a shit ton of smaller sub mods than actual massive completed modules like with Warband or NWN1. The most popular stuff on the nexus currently are submods for big mods (like Europe 1100), missing features or needed immersion fixes like disconnecting lords opinion of your from their clan or a handful of big mods like Warhammer, LOTR, Gekokujo 2.0, AD:DA, Europe 1100 AD, and I think even a recreation of vanilla Warband of all things lol. I don't think we are actually in that bad of shape as far as things go, but I will admit I do really miss the completed packages we got with Warband. Instead of an already finished product that is fairly well ironed out and bug free, you get a bunch of half fit together lego pieces and get told "have fun putting them together faggot".
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I wish we could get a Dickplomacy level mod for Bannerlord. Just one big mod for a great vanilla+ experience. Like Skyrim, Bannerlord has decent bones, it just needs some overhaul mods to make it not so shit.
You can get kind of close. Warbandlord + warlord fixes the armor and adds in missing warband mechanics. After that just throw on Diplomacy and whatever else you like.
when did it all go wrong, bros?
i blame covid campagin.
we were told we're going to die so the turks went in for the kill to collect our money before they lose a portion of their customers.
then to show that they're benevolent, they didn't bring their employees back to work in the office.
and by the time they were in office again, they had already lost several teamleaders and key people to foreign companies.
We can't finish this campaign until we're eating butter in Constantinople at the Hagia Sophia. It's NEVER too late for another crusade.
>Sultan Erdogan the magnificent turned Hagia Sophia into a mosque
>no crusade called
the west has fallen. the Catholic Church is done for.
it is now up to Real Believers to get things done.
now, how do we call for a crusade?
we'll take Jerusalem back while we're at it.
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The last chance the US had at a good, proper crusade was the Italo-abyssinian war. Now we just need to hope TW is bought by MS and an oddly successful show is made out of Warband/bannerlord so they pump out a decent installment a la Fallout. Until then I'm gonna keep playing as a 14 year old boy getting groomed by a noble lady.
Taleworlds is continuing making profits according to the company statements. They don't need to develop anything to be profitable.
>Like Skyrim, Bannerlord has decent bones
Wish this was correct. Skyrim has deceptively awful bones. Thats why even when you're sixty mods deep and have several entire systems overhauled the game still feels bland and stale. You keep thinking "just one more tweak" but even after all of them, its still shit.

Bannerlord might be saveable. I'm not holding my breath when it's still worse than vanilla warband.
>Like Skyrim, Bannerlord has decent bones
Only good thing about bannerlord is siege complexity and battlesize, everything else is a downgrade
Bethesda hasn't made a good game in over two decades
Skyrim is the only good Bethesda game
Bros...I miss /mbg/...
Close your mouth when you breathe
one day...
I have been playing warband for a while, and after I started playing bannerlord I just wondered...
where are the relationship with factions listed?
I mean, how do I know how much they hate/like me?
how can I become an ally of a faction?
can I become friends with the looters/mountain/forest bandits?
I liked to do that in warband (becoming friendly with hostile factions so they didn't bother my people and served as natural defenders for my future own kingdom).
Skyrim isn't even the second best TES game. Prettiest, though.
pretty sure that's not vanilla warband, but only modded/DLC as I was surprised when I saw it in VC
and it's not in BL either
I mean, in vanilla warband, if you see some bandits attacking villagers/merchants, and decide to intervene and help the bandits, you get points with them, and then you can just go to some city, ask the guard to talk to the lord, and pay a fine to reset it to 0. Paying gold to befriend bandits is something I liked doing.
nevermind, it was on viking conquest, you can't do that in native (you can't help looters there).
I mean, you can't befriend bandits, but there's an actual "number for relationship", if you suddenly attack a lord, your relationship goes to -3 with that faction, and you pay a fine according to that negative number to recover your neutrality. I don't see any relationship number with factions in bannerlord (and I'm not sure how you "pay fines" to recover neutrality there).
>we'll take Jerusalem back while we're at it
You'll take half of Jerusalem back and then face international condemnation for literally walking up a hill to a mosque. You're just asking for an intifada, buddy.
Can you form a line in warband?
I mean, If I have archers and melee units with shields, how can I tell the melee ones to form a line protecting the archers behind?
If I press f1 to move them to a position, they just form a ball and the enemies past by their side
do they form a ball? I though they stay in line formation, or maybe it's just mods
I think there was a "take 10 paces forward" command, maybe this will work?
tell the melee to hold in front of the archers? theres atleast 3 different ways to accomplish this
>theres atleast 3 different ways to accomplish this
I read I had to right click after holding f1, but that didn't seem to make them form a line, just move to that point, unless I need to raise my character tactics or something like that to be able to do that.
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the simplest way is to select all by pressing 0 then F1, F1 to command all to hold your current position, then press 2 to select archers, then press F2, F2 to command your archers to move back 10 paces
and... is there a way to customize how to form them? (like making 2 lines of melee defense or from point A to point B)?
or was that just a bannerlord setting?
>for literally walking up a hill to a mosque
we're taking it back from jews though?
is this a tony hawk stage?
no you cant really do that like in you can in bannerlord
Select infantry, hold f1 to select where you want your infantry, release
Select archers, hold f1 to select where you want your archers, release
You can also use shift to select multiple unit types at once, I usually do this in sieges
>Infantry and cavalry
>Spam stand closer
>F1 them to the breach
>Just gut the system and replace it with VC's weapon/armor upgrade system and make it so you can BUY custom made pieces
That would be cool especially if every lord had some of those custom pieces and you could steal one if you defeat them in battle.
If you enable WFAS formations, I made a guide on how to do that ages ago
redpill me about the sanada maru and we don't have it on gekokujo. and will we have it in the bannerlord sengoku mod?
>battle starts
>instantly press 1 for infantry, then F2 and F4 (x4) to form dense clump of infantry
>immediately press 2 for archers, F2 and F3 to spread them out
>find the nearest hill behind me, use hold+F1 to put archers on top, infantry below in front
>hide my cav behind them and wait for the enemy on top of the hill (ride out and poke them once or twice if they're camping)
It just works
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After doing some minor tweaking for Warband with HD textures and diplomacy, like adding in the WFAS formations, making the cattle follow me, and adding Viking Conquests leveling system, I don't really feel the need to play Bannerlord. I tried heaping around 20 mods onto Bannerlord, including ones to add in missing Warband features but its just not the same. I start to play Warband, reach the mercenary stage of the game and honestly get so fucking bored. I don't feel connected to any of the lords or my followers, I don't really have any favorite fiefs and instead of being excited for large field battles I find myself to be genuinely frustrated by them.
Reaching the mercenary stage of warband is just getting your foot in the door and it feels so good to finally beat your first handful of smaller nobles, and to maybe start getting interested in local politics of a kingdom, attempting to make friends and get married. In Bannerlord I don't have any of that I just go to some wenches dad (who somehow likes me despite me being a nobody because I did a single delivery quest for his son) and buy her for 15k denars.
Yeah, once you have West Jerusalem, you still have East Jerusalem to deal with.

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