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>imfuckingplying I will let it die
Battle bros thread, menace talk also cause why the fuck not. Found any sexy famed items lately?
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Those donkeys will be ever in your debt now.
>first contract: Bandits
>necromancer event
>second contract: Bandits
>another necromancer event
>third contract: Get artifact
>event talks about ancient deads
>fight is against necromancer
I hate this game
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Being Caravan Hand is suffering
>15 resolve Deserter
Is that the lowest you can get without any modifier?
Don't hate the game, hate the necromancers.

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Has anyone played this? if you're a border war enjoyer there aren't exactly a lot of games to choose from
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reminder rhodesians never lost a battle
niggers had to pretend that a humiliating defeat was ackchyually a war crime and that whitey massacred a refugee camp for shits and giggles
>northern ireland
>never lost a battle
>lost rhodesia anyway
that is even more shameful
foreign supported race wars
>no yugoslav-albanian border war of '54
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Finished my first game. Battered the absolute hell out of SWAPO, had some interesting times trying to keep UNITA alive, blew up a fair bit of FAPLA, and found the UN handover interesting. This empty and damaged vehicle was about to be repaired when the fixing crew had to go home. A built up SWATF and the odd spread of UN peacekeeping units held on and got me a decisive victory.

Before this two sittings playthrough I had a few aborted attempts that were more like tests and bug-hunts. Johan says my fucked up save files led to a few sort of serious issues being fixed. I would say that the game is at what 1.0 should have been now. You can play the game end to end and probably not break in any serious way. And if you do, tell Johan. He fixes stuff fast. Most of the big bugs are probably gone now.

Really fun game. I love just looking at it in action. The way your guys spread out over the territory and move back and forth. Some people don't like how these look. I love them all.

Why is creative assembly no longer capable of making good "historical" total war games? It's been a decade of disappointments. Maybe all the A-guys are focusing on fantasy.

Rome 2
Arguably Attila
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My lad, CA is no longer capable of making a good videogame.
It's one of those zombie companies, like Paradox, Ubisoft, Square Enix or Nintendo that only produc slop and DLCs. Getting money from brainwashed faggots who still think these are the companies they fell in love with 10+ years ago.
>Rome 2
While the gameplay was worse at least R2 was more historically accurate than R1, until the female generals update at least, you can't even properly mod that shit out.
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Because they refuse to return to the best military setting of all times (that still works with Total War rules)

>Victorian era
>high fire rate line battles
>massive leaps in military technology
>scramble for Africa
>American civil war
>franco prussian war
>worldwide campaign map
>maxim guns
>Zulu warriors
>factories and railroads
>political parties and rebels

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No one is capable of making good anything anymore, entropy won.
Tbf they can`t even make a good a fantasy game, warhammer fantasy does have formations and terrain advatages in tabletop. Right now they prefer to have stat boosting and SEM for warhammer over strong armies.

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Times of war are upon us.
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Yeah, if the trade ports only cost 1 logistic slot, this would already greatly help.
Besides it being lazy, AI artwork is completely devoid of humanity, "soul", the je nais se quois etc.
It sounds pretentious but you either get it or you don't really.
propaganda isn't art and the vast majority of what humans make isn't propaganda
They should be way cheaper, or maybe scale - starting cheap and getting more expensive the more you have
If you play TEC you can either build a second capital ship or two tradeposts, it's just stilly
The economy and the speed of the match both need to be fine tuned I think. The point of the Tec is to eco max so that by mid/endgame you can just drown your opponent in an endless swarm of ships. The reality is that everyone's economy is more than enough to maintain their fleets by endgame, and that a lot of matches are decided long before then so there's never really a chance for that idea to come into play anyways. Not to mention that when you lose a late game capital ship the real loss isn't the money and resources but the exp and levels. Late game flooding of lvl 3 ships is pretty shit compared to just having a bunch of lvl 8 ships you never need to replace.

Is there RTS or turn-based games where unit facing is important for gameplay like in tabletop wargames?
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Company of Heroes has most non-infantry units take facing into account. Two specifically has every vehicle have front, side, back, and under armor values, some tanks have no turret and their front must point towards the enemy to fire, and anti-tank and artillery guns must be set up to point towards their target in a forward arc.

People used to debate AT gun usefulness based on that firing arc, for example the German PAK40 had a fairly narrow cone but a higher rate of fire than its Russian counterpart while the ZIS field gun had a larger forward arc, slower shots, but could fire low velocity explosive shells as makeshift artillery. There were some light AT guns that had huge firing arcs, but typically their guns had bad penetration and were mostly for firing at fast moving light vehicles.
You have no idea what you are talking about. CoH2 has, for whatever retarded game design reason, only front and rear armour values and some weird algorithm for detecting when the “non front” armour is hit (I think they tried to copy the Flames of War tabletop system) . “Under armour”? What the fuck is that? A sportswear brand? Mines are the only thing attacking a tank from below, they always penetrate
All CoH games have directional cover for infantry and front/rear armor for vehicles
CoH3 has side armor as well
Wargame Red Dragon, Steel division and Warno have rear/side/back/top armor for vehicles
openxcom, disgaea, battle isle
Total War

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This is the best real-time strategy game (1V1) that exists, everything is dopamine-inducing, your little characters taking cover and shooting, destroying a tank with a PAK, everything is orgasmic in this game, why is it so unpopular?
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I kind of understand what they were going for since LV spam was kind of shit, but I also liked the overall focus on them over heavy tanks as it makes matches in 3 more fast paced and unpredictable (more sudden flanks, getting overrun by mobile units) overall. Hopefully they can find a middle ground.
The issue is just that nobody but Wehr actually has anything to spend resources on at that stage of the game except light vehicles or callins. LVs weren't necessarily being spammed because LVs were innately too strong. It's just that if you're going to spend enough resources in your intermediate tier to delay teching, you literally only have 1 or 2 things to build. That's a roster design problem.

Like what is US doing with a motorpool other than buying Chaffees and Greyhounds. That's literally all the building produces. The game probably needs more intermediate infantry with soft-AT to serve as a resource sink for players that want to go heavy into that stage of the game to press an advantage without literally just printing 3-4 copies of the same unit.
I was considering buying CoH 2 since it's on sale rn, but apparently like 80% of the game is locked behind DLC?
Is CoH 1 the same situation?
CoH1 is a complete package on steam I'm pretty sure, it had 2 expansions and no dlcs
CoH2 has lots of DLCs but if you're only interested in the single player then you need the main game and Ardennes assault, everything else is for mp or are dogshit theatres of war scenarios which I aren't worth playing.
You only buy the DLC for factions.
Western Front is USF and OKW faction (America and different flavor of bad guy)
Then there is the solo UKF(Bri*ish) DLC. Both of these are for only PVP so unless you like to matchmake it's not relevant.

Other than that, the other DLC is probably the sheer number of commanders, which are basically mini-doctrines which just grants a set line of options to compliment playstyle. These are mostly side-grades ever since community patch made it so that the default commanders are usually the stronger/reliable picks so people didn't live in a P2W world.

Ignore all cosmetic DLC because nobody cares what color of gay you put on your gopnik armor.

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Let's see your strongest Irene.
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If you want to know what the game looks like, go look up some gameplay on youtube. We're here to talk about the game, not to showcase it to lazy tourists.
50% of the thread's images are mastery boards which are way more interesting to people who've played the game compared to seeing some anon's blobs on a grid.
More like this?
Nope, the rest are even shittier. Damn I wish this game got more fan art.
It's a mistery indeed.

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What's the best way to play these in 2024? Is piracy the only way? Looks like Blizzard doesn't sell it anymore... only Reforged. I only care about playing through the campaigns really, not local or online multiplayer.
I know everyone hated Reforged a lot, but:
>Why SPECIFICALLY did people hate it so much?
>Was it never fixed, either by Blizzard or modders?
I don't mind buying it on sale for $15 if it can be made into a good experience, but if it's still completely irredeemable then I guess I'll just have to resort to piracy.
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>its not bad, but man it smells
You this shit isn't bad? Also you fucking retards have been absolutely SEETHING about this shit for YEARS, you can't turn around and say 'it's not bad' after all that.
This is the type of utter retard that's crying about Reforged, OP. Cunts that think shit isn't bad and moan about something they don't think is bad for years and years and NEVER let go. All for something the average person will never notice.
I haven't played ladder in this game since it came out 20 years ago. Are there enough noobs for me to enjoy ladder? I'm worried if I buy this shit I'll get fucking destroyed online
Grubby regularly casts low elo games. Check his bronze heroes videos.
I'll check it out. Also what race is the easiest/most OP? In other words, what is the protoss of WC3?
Orc is the easiest
NE is pretty good at top play if you know what you're doing

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>AoE2DE is touted as a gorgeous-looking masterpiece with a focus on PvP
>meanwhile the actual PvP matches look like garbage: unsightly grid, unnatural uniform pathetic trees, water that looks like someone spilled blue jelly, no actual fish, empty maps, ugly tilesets, and even the animations are choppy when you see it in action.
What gives? Top pic is nothing like the actual product.
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honestly poles and bohemians are the only fun ones to play, unless you really need *more* horse archers in your aoe2
Filthydelphia leaving out the china levels from V&V and the in game text about those 4 civs being changed doesn't sound that vague to me desu

not in current year, no.
Why cant they just tell us this desu.
Forgotten Empires have dogshit communication with the playerbase and I have no idea why.

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How do I salvage this situation as a country with 185k population?
It is a God's punishment for playing Alaska and with anime portraits.
Honestly, every time I get the itch and boot up hoi4 I stare at the country selector but never actually play anything. Is it over? Am I just hoi4ed out?
I do have the same issue, and it really goes for all PDX games. They just no longer satisfy me. I wanted to try Red Dusk, but I stopped before even setting productions. It truly is HoIver.

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Are logistics fixed yet?
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>Never promise something you don't intend to atleast TRY to do
i haven't been it's just frustrating having a faction which i frankly wish would get eaten by a giant spider
i've actually ran into a situation now where i have a huge surplus of metal thanks to finding deposits and private mines but i'm struggling with food, energy, water, labor, and logistics
i want to spam open farms where i have good rainfall (500-2000+) but i don't want to fuck up my stretched network with branches or have half my points just going to collect grain and i'm not entirely sure how branching and points decay works
my understanding is
>truck station makes points
>these carry goods from the shq out to stuff (how this works for trucks not at the shq idk i only have one truck station based on advice itt)
>traffic lights let you dam branchs because otherwise the points split equally
>forking is lossy
>it costs whatever the terrain details for them to move every tile
>assets consume logistic points to send goods back to the shq
but what i don't get is how to expand my network if building more truck stops isn't the answer because upgrading the one at home can only take me so far
i don't understand what supply bases do either they say they give free logistic ap so does that mean i can move my lp 50 ap worth of tiles freely between them whereas otherwise i'm consuming lp to move lp? basically i should have one every 50 ap tiles (or idk if they upgrade)

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Assets don't consume LP, they just need it on their tile. It doesn't get used up by the asset.
>i want to spam open farms where i have good rainfall (500-2000+)
Skip that one chief. Just go for Hydroponics if you struggle with food. Both Open Air and Domed farms require absurd amount of workers, which cost you a fortune both in wages and oppertunity cost of having them work such a shit job. Hydroponics scale really well with linear techs. Get those instead.
>assets consume logistic points to send goods back to the shq
They don't, actually. This is a bit of a confusing thing because if you look at the in-game pull points map it says they do, but they actually don't. You just need to 'prove' that the tile of whatever out-of-town building is within the logistics network.
Moving stuff back to the SHQ at the start of the turn costs nothing in logistics, your logistics points only get spent on sending resouces/reinforcements/ammo to assets and units that need them.
Place your farms along the road network you already built, that's good enough.
>traffic lights let you dam branchs because otherwise the points split equally
>forking is lossy
Forking isn't lossy, but what you wrote about traffic lights is correct, ideally you should just never make a network that requires use of traffic lights to begin with.
>but what i don't get is how to expand my network if building more truck stops isn't the answer because upgrading the one at home can only take me so far
It is the answer, just not in the same zone. Ideally you conquer a city or settle a new one and use that as the hub of your new truck station.

Basically every truck station can send its supplies roughly 12~ tiles along dirt road before they start dropping off, i think its like 18 on sealed roads (???, not entirely sure) and you ideally want your cities to be that far apart overall. But don't think of this as a hard rule.

Basically, you want your logistics network to be shaped like a branching tree, that starts from wherever your SHQ is located. New 'branches' in the tree should be in new cities with truck stations in them.
>i don't understand what supply bases do
In the previous section i outlined that truck logistics AP can go roughly 12 tiles on dirt roads before they start fizzling out. If you place a supply base 6 tiles of road away from your city, you can extend this. That's what supply bases are for.
>if i built a bunch of open farms with their own truck stop and traffic lighted lp from my shq
Don't. Just place them along any of the roads leading out from your SHQ, don't make a new one or you will split logistics pointlessly.
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Here, i drew a dogshit illustration in paint to show what i mean with the 'braching tree'. The only reason you should ever intersect branches of the tree is if its strategically relevant to do so, eg a pair of frontline cities where you may want to move troops between them without having to run through wilderness. Otherwise, make it so theres only ever one way back to the SHQ from any given start point in the network.
Use supply hubs if the distance between your cities is high, like 18 or more tiles. Place it in between both cities and both truck stations will the AP boost.

Final note about rail and railstations is that these, especially high speed rail, can cover incredibly vast distances. You will only need one rail station in your capital for most of the game, you will simply place railheads in the other cities in order to make use of all the logi points it gives. New rail stations should only be put up really, really far from your capital.

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Played battletech and might give the roguetech mod a try once I upgrade to 32gb ram. What other good mech strategy games are out there besides

>into the breach
>the weird one with the time thing
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mechcommander is pretty good, but i've had my fill of 2 spending days sniping cockpits and spending every penny salvaging mechs, you know? Even if it has my boy the Bushwhacker in it.
Roguetech is definitely a winner for me. If you manage to overcome its problems—a shitload of them actually—it’s extremely fun. Battles themselves are okay, but the amount of customization available for mechs is just insane. I spent most of my time in the garage just tweaking different setups and had the time of my life.

Still, barely acceptable performance and ridiculous random encounters prevent me from playing it all the time. After loading into battle for ~5 minutes, fighting for 30 minutes because of lag, only for some random ass reinforcements to appear literally on top of you, with retarded BAs, you just give up.

I just wish they would just abandon Battletech and make simple engine with barebones graphics.
newest version has "story arcs" for campaign gameplay
Yeah it's kind of wild, right? Like people remember the Front Mission games so fondly not just because of the gameplay, but because the setting is so enjoyable. The stories themselves are weak, but intrigue and conflict between possible near future superpowers is just an enjoyable setting for mech games.
Supcom and Total annihilation have armies of mechs

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>literally nothing to do other than spam buildings to watch numbers get higher so you can spam more buildings
>only input from the player regarding war is to build more soldier buildings
>war is determined by who has the most soldier buildings
>every single law group has one law that massively shits on the rest like one of the tax laws gives you the most money and makes your pops richer with no downsides
>every single country basically plays the same

What were they thinking with this pile of crap I really like this time period but I cant bring myself to play this piece of shit.
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This game would be tolerable if it had a dumbed down version of HOI4 combat where you just draw on the map where you want them to advance and they do their best to get there
I know this is bait but Mixed on Steam is basically a desecration of all that is sacred. You could sell a service of gross neckbeards shitting directly into people's mouths and it would still be Mostly Positive on Steam.
You should actually check the reviews of actually popular games on Steam. You'll be surprised just how many are Mixed.
>install the game
>ui looks like one of those "build your town and beat other players" browser/mobile games
>literally nothing to do other than spam buildings to watch numbers get higher so you can spam more buildings
False, the player can ignore their economy completely and just wage war all game (too boring to bother in vic 3)
>war is determined by who has the most soldier buildings
False, its also determined by Technology and Geography
>every single law group has one law that massively shits on the rest like one of the tax laws gives you the most money and makes your pops richer with no downsides
n/a passing reforms to make your POPs happy/richer is kinda the point of vic2s reforms system (unless the player is RPing)
>every single country basically plays the same

only 1/5 apply to Vicky 2 while 5/5 apply to Vicky 3

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Is it worth it? Tell me your stories with it!
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>unless I'm not understanding it correctly
Portals(hades, hell, elemental, etc) are blocked off
Any gateways to the Void is freely traversable, but most likely won't happen due how the neutrals calculate the CR rating of the defender.
Not on GOG, not worth it.
>teleport to the celestial plane
>War, 1 Seraph, 4 harbinger, 1 Arch Angel plus a bunch of angelic warriors and flaming swords instantly gank me
>heavenly ascension scroll
>its some weak T1 angels who has horrible spells like banish and bless and MR+
>but one fucking line of flaming swords
The great irony is that a fucking Troll King would only require a Ring of Protection and one of the many +100 flame resistance artifacts, to even attempt landing in Heaven.
I haven't been seeing many ant or spider queens lately. Been kinda boring.

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Been playing it a bit lately and having fun, was thinking of getting the DLC's. For people that have played it a bunch are they worth it? Or any of them considered a must get?
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meh... Very meh. Was looking after it but not worth full price.
I think its really fun with some neat ideas that switch things up a little bit but its also a game that i wouldn't play as much as a Civ or something like that. Its a game ill play for a bunch in a short burst but then not touch for a year or something. If you're a fan of civ like 4x's i would say for sure get it on a sale.
What about the new one, Behind the Throne? Seems to add a lot of new mechanics, and I see some steam reviews complaining about the balancing.

For me it's a game I enjoy now that I've grown tired of nu-civ and its limitations. Old World's 1UPT combat and combat AI mogs civ's 1UPT so hard. Not particularly difficult given how braindead 5's AI is, but still.
Not to mention actually finishing a game of Old World doesn't feel like a going through the motions chore the way civ nearly always does.
I really like the difficulty options for it. Im sure its not unique to other 4x games but one thing i hate about games and their higher difficulties is its just "AI is the same but they get a bunch of free shit." I love civ 6 but ive never played above prince cause i dont find that idea of "difficulty" very interesting. But its great that i can set the AI to be more agro and such but not give them a bunch of free economical bonuses. The game just has a bunch of options overall and its really nice to tinker with them if you have some ideas for a specific campaign.
its not bad but have some weird quirks
also the focus on female power and diversity insertions are ruining my immersion

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