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Has anyone else played this? It has its issues but it's really not bad. I enjoyed it.
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Was fun as a podcast game, though relatively short, and no replay value. You can play however you like, because (if you are normal) you don't care about sandnigger and slavshit lives, so you send them into the meatgrinder, send infantry to assault buildings, yolo, don't give a shit about side objectives, since shitskin lives doesn't matter, tank crew dies, who cares, get an other one. Was surprised how honest the game presented the low survivability of russian vehicles, despite russian creators. Liked the equipment salvaging part too, it reminded me of the old blitzkrieg games. Though as I started, no replay value, because the game simply cannot make you care about the lives, as in a lot of troops may have died during previous missions, but who cares, they were subhumans anyways. No reason to redo for perfect run, because getting through in any way is good enough. Not a hard game, once you understand basic game mechanics (ATGM using vehicles when avaible, always get the best tanks, crew every vehicles with tank crews, arties and helos are useless, get the bulkiest infantry squads avaible against buildings).
Oh and the equipment sell mechanics, you can sell the vehicles you salvaged, e.g. bring shitty truck manned by a tank crew, grab a tank when avaible, leave the truck behind, sell the tank for profit. Especially smart doing this with cheap supply trucks. Also with infantry, only a solo survivor in a squad, put him into a buidling, if survives the mission, rest of the squad is filled, with experience gained.
the only thing I dislike the most about this game is the fact that it has no skirmish mode and the modding is very limited
I'll probably play SW at some point just because of how much fun I found their Terminator game to be, even with the save-scumming.
Just pirate it for free. Buy it later if you liked it.

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Is there a business/economy/finance simulator that lets you grow from one dude or so to a massive megacorporation? Something like Mount and Blade, but for money and not horse.
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Game dev tycoon and its spinoffs?
They never really scale in the way that I feel would be fun. I'm talking like EU4 or Victoria 2, but businesses. Business grand strategy, maybe?
Software Inc. sort of does that.
If you're starting with one person, then, you're usually sticking with relatively, few people. In Mad Games Tycoon 1 and 2 you eventually reach a couple hundred employees, but not sure if that qualifies as a megacorporation. GearCity has you be a car tycoon, with well-populated factories, but you never see any of the employees, nor yourself.
The Guild 2.

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What went wrong?
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>When are you going back?
To where? Oh, reddit.

Nobody talks like this on reddit either. It's a me thing.

>(You)r culture is still worn on (You)r sleeve.
It's fitting somebody with no understanding of culture would misculture me.

> I don't think you even care about Humankind whether you think it's GOTY or trash.
I thought it was a fine but flawed game with a poor dlc model that made me lost interest. Your argument was just retarded.

>Your original point was "Culture is just clothes and restaurants".
And you proved that when you were actually forced to explain what you liked about your culture.

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Neither game was a bait and switch. They prominently featured blacks and everybody went into it knowing you were going to play as a black character.

It sold fine and made a profit but underperformed. Typical video game situation. If we apply this same logic to games starring whites, we shouldn't see a single one anymore.
You know you don't have to keep parroting world war 2 propaganda right?
First thing I can see is that 'Mankind' is spelled wrong.

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Lands of Lords thread

How goes your fiefs m'lords? I'm trying to make the highest quality wax and soap around just for the sake of it but it's not coming together well.
How about >(You)?
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*rattles back to life*
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Any old faces here? Defson? Ensburry? Brexit?
Anier, Bunyan, Brexit, Benis, and Sternmir are still around.
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Good to see some of the old guys are stll around
Ah fug the nostalgia...

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>title name and colour customisation
>CoA customisation
>custom faiths
>hybrid/divergent cultures
>architecture/fashion mix&match options
>achievements allowed with mods
Why did they never add these things back in CK2? Was player choice not respected back then?
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I just realized that the game has been out for almost 4 years and they still haven't added the ability to play as a merchant republic. Grim, they were fun as fuck in 2
Ck3 is the result of Paradox seeing a bunch of redditors memeing abut how hecking epic it is to marry your own sister in CK2 and deciding that they should base the next iteration in the series entirely on epic incest memes and screenshots.
It's because there were low numbers of people playing them so paradox won't waste dev time on adding them.
Help me pick between:
>Blobbing as a Hittite in the bronze age mod
>Blobbing in the Roman fall mod, if so then as who and with what objective?
>Blobbing in the Shogunate mod + Korea, if so then as who and with what objective?
>Blobbing in a(which?) East Asia mod, if so then as who and with what objective?
>Blobbing in Stellaris
Also for the love of God and all that is holy tell me of some difficulty/behaviour mod that makes the game more difficult and dynamic, I can already see from a mile away that even if I were to start a Manchu game with the intention to blob into China the latter would just sit on their ass for hundreds of years, waiting passively for me to get strong enough to rape them.
skill issue

Is there any other trading games liek Patrician 3 or Port Royale 2, where you lead a trading company? Doesn't have to be ships only. Or this it?
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There are quite a few, like The Guild series. For me it's Trade Empires. It's a little different from Patrician and Port Royale, but it's pretty nice and fun.
The Merchant Prince games.
They're trading games mixed with more Machiavellian vying for power.
How do you even play this? I tried installing it from abandonware and it bugs out.
I'll take a look.
Came to post this game

There are two copies in circulation, one with bugged patch, nad one that works. If you are willing to wait, I can offer the working one on Sunday evening, when I will be back from a weekend trek.
Keep in mind that Trade Empires is a very straighforward game in design, but it's intentional - it was designed to teach kids and teens how monopolies and various other market structures work and how prices rarely represent value of various commodities
> it was designed to teach kids and teens how monopolies and various other market structures work and how prices rarely represent value of various commodities
In fact I loved it as a kid back in the days.

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"HE OPENED THE Total War: Attila Thread,




The day of reckoning has come.
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Klaus Sweboz
Do you have any particular army compositions for early Western Roman armies? Let us say that it is turn 35 and you are finally in a position to start destroying those German barbarians. What would your 20 stack look like?
Are you playing WRE? If you do, prepare to build alot of theatres, because 90% of immigrant in EVERY your province will never be gone. It's will forever give you -9 public order in exchange of some money.
around 6-8 both your basic spear and sword units each, the rest is mercenary, cav preferably. Possibly one Siege weapon for quick siege, mostly for when you getting good auto-resolve chances.
6 Spears
4 ranged
4 Swords in reserve
2 cav
1 general
rest is mercenaries or meme units

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>He gives his dorfs 2x1 bedrooms
Anyways how is your fort going?
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What a twist
I know, I was asking because I fucking hate using third party programs just to play the game. At some point I realized that outside of minmaxing, you can get by fine without it.
sounds about right
how do i know what damage obsidian swords do compared to wood and copper ?
i have layers upon layers of the thing under my feet and noticed you can make swords out of it

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Relic finally fixed their engine edition

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yes - source: the survey the community put out
>can I see it
it came out years ago and was sent to emails. I took part in it and I'll go look for the email now
You know that you're not debunking anything, right?
American post.
I'm debunking the idea Italy is a great main faction for coh.
Yea man, it's not like those land conflicts were completely one-sided with a handful of tanks. Banzai faction not fun. As other poster said, the community already voted on it via a survey. It's not happening. You are the types who want a Croatian faction or Manchuko faction. Really?
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> I'm debunking the idea Italy is a great main faction for coh.
>i'm debunking italy as a main faction because the Germans provided some assistance to it, meanwhile Panzer Elite, OKW and DAK are totally fine as main factions despite just being a part of the Wehrmacht because... uh?

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aka the GOAT ck2 total conversion
Any news on the ck3 port?
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>I mean, since this isn't based on an already existing IP it's essentially making shit up with OCs around a post post apocalyptic america, I might be wrong though
That's a good point. I still like to try for more grounded characters.
>I'd love to see that!
I might include a few in the next update, then.
>dude that'd be great, thanks for adding them!
Hey, it's the least I can do, you did help, after all.
I just wish I properly credited the previous anons who contributed when I first released Deposed.
>Do you have any other things you need help with?
I can't think of anything atm, but there's definitely a few things.
>I remember that some anons were talking about revamping Texas and I've had some ideas but it'd be hard to get around that character that gets a lot of events in Texas
Speaking of which, I got around to replacing the old High Queen of Texas with the High King today. I hope I got everything.

Anyway, I just finished restoring the Kingdom of Carolina.
Currently, it's only formable via decision, requiring you to be independent and completely control all duchies within the kingdoms of Tarheel and Palmetto.

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>I can't think of anything atm, but there's definitely a few things.
alright then, looking at the discord screencap I posted here >>1751286, originally the HCC's capital barony was Fort Sumter but the FF devs renamed it to The Citadel, so that needs to be renamed, could you please do that?
if something else was changed/censored or you anons have ideas to replace the gayer stuff please let us know
>Speaking of which, I got around to replacing the old High Queen of Texas with the High King today. I hope I got everything.
I see, how did you get around the events and such? and what did you end up making him? my ideas were
>main texan house was called House Hillwalker, as a reference to KOTH and Walker, Texas Ranger, and maybe its founder's name is Clint
>their CoA is pic related it's supposed to be a reference to the strickland propane logo, with the flaming sword replacing the propane flame and it also just being a general christian reference, asuming we're making them christians instead of americanists
I did it in a rush so it's obviously not thought up properly and scaled properly but still
>Anyway, I just finished restoring the Kingdom of Carolina.
>Currently, it's only formable via decision, requiring you to be independent and completely control all duchies within the kingdoms of Tarheel and Palmetto.
>I'm still fine-tuning the requirements and description, if anyone has any better ideas.
I think the description is fine, can't wait to see the Kingdom of Dixie one!
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>originally the HCC's capital barony was Fort Sumter but the FF devs renamed it to The Citadel, so that needs to be renamed, could you please do that?
I saw that when I was making the Carolina decision and thought the name was weird and didn't fit. Reminded me of Fallout 3.
But yeah, definitely renaming that one.
>I see, how did you get around the events and such? and what did you end up making him?
I just edited the localisation files, I have a feeling I may have missed something, but I didn't find anything else.
I ended up making the High King a guy called George Walker as a reference to George W. Bush (His middle name is Walker), Walker, Texas Ranger, and General George Hammond (of Texas) from Stargate SG-1.
In my original plan, I was going to add a KotH reference in there as well, I was thinking of naming him George Walker-Hill, but I wasn't too sure on that at the time.
Actually, now that I think about it, George Hillwalker could work. It would also reference Hank's half-brother in his initials (Good Hank/G.H.).
>their CoA is pic related
I like it. Also, I'm going to leave him as Americanist, I don't want to change too much without input from more anons, and an earlier anon suggested keeping him as an Americanist.
>I think the description is fine, can't wait to see the Kingdom of Dixie one!
And here's Dixieland, I just finished implementing the decision. The description is very barebones right now, because I wanted to get it over with, lol. I think I'm done modding for the day.


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Wait no, The Citadel is an actual military college, so I'm not going to touch it. I kinda goofed there.
But Fort Sumter is actually still in-game, just not activated. I'll activate it so we can have both.
>Reminded me of Fallout 3.
honestly same lmao, it's supposed to reference this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Citadel?useskin=vector
>Actually, now that I think about it, George Hillwalker could work. It would also reference Hank's half-brother in his initials (Good Hank/G.H.).
cool, George Hillwalker is a pretty nice name, I chose Clint for the obvious cowboy reference
>I like it. Also, I'm going to leave him as Americanist, I don't want to change too much without input from more anons, and an earlier anon suggested keeping him as an Americanist.
thanks! but since you'll keep him americanist I'm not sure if the religious flaming sword might fit, I'm not sure what their CoA should be then
I would wait for input from other anons as well if we were to keep him as americanist or change him to a christian
>The description is very barebones right now, because I wanted to get it over with, lol. I think I'm done modding for the day.
yeah fair enough lol, modding ck2's a hassle sometimes
oh I see, well make Fort Sumter the main capital barony with the upgrades and add the Citadel

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I've recently finished the orc campaign.
It was pretty good. Quite easy to cheese(at least on normal difficulty) but then again so was Warcraft 2. It still has its bugs like the game crashing every 2nd time you load but otherwise nothing too serious.
Looking forward to the human campaign and the others that will come.

What did you think of it?
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Not really. I meant like how all the custom units and characters use share the limited base models. For example in the opening scene while their equipment are different, Orgrim, Rend, and Main are basically built on the same model (which is young Thrall I think).
I can see that now that you mention it
I suppose it's way easier to use an existing model as base rather than making one from scratch
I don't like how they lean in the movie designs
I really hate how they went with World of Warcraft designs. Too many bits on everything that don't make any sense. Basic grunts and footmen are way too ornate.
Refunded was such a colossal fuck up, it's amazing people are still trying to salvage it

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was this ment for tg or is there going to be a vidya accompanying the tabletop?
sorry, my first time using this, did I post in the wrong place?
The v in /vst/ stands for video games anon.
>>/tg/ is probably what you want.
I mean
tranny game

So... what's it like?
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Why does /vst/ hate on Rome 2? Sure the combat isn't as good as in Rome but it's still a decent TW game. The mods make it great for historical roleplays.
>historical roleplays.
>many cities and factions missing because world map shenanigans
>shitty trait system
>World of Warcraft genrals and armies making arr rook same
nah the nu games are the worst for historical autism and RP
It had a terrible buggy launch, and its the central divider in the series between old school TW design, and nu-TW design. Since then its just left a bad taste in everyone's mouths.
Disaster launch. Autists never forgive.
>combat is meh
>army/general and recruitment system
>province and building system
>agents spam
>exp and leveling of agents and leaders
>also as many mention terrible launch

Post your City, Anon.
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Oops. I might've bit off more than I could chew.
making it big in the world, finally proper stone and coal from Lyari and Jascken (forced it to be freeland after swarming the capitol). Otherwise still boxed in by that pig empire still. There's the possibility of getting gems from Jacksen too but man this Work Force/Build Points is like unlocking a whole new game layer.
Last progress for today. Stone and coal colonies is such a breath of air; mines are gone for good, making like at 270 steel yearly and my only bottleneck now is machine parts. I'd hit a point where I'm not too sure where to expand new industry zones now since I was trying to keep everything in one district. Mainly, I'm not too sure what to do with the western empty area there. Might just plop down wood/paper industry there... or more bread. 1.4k pop and like 6k bread/11k wheat.
How long can a citizen travel to work before it becomes a problem? Is it like 99% of city builders where it's within about half the width of their housing?
>maintenance eats everything instantaneously
Yep, not sure how much but there are moment where my 150 iron bars just disappears into low 50. Maybe it was due to my mostly fully upgraded pumps.

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Who is your /vst/ waifu?
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What are you talking about? To begin with it's WW2, and second the aesthetic is "What if the middle-ages got catapulted into the 20th century?". Every unit, even scouts, have some metal armor incorporated into their uniform. The anti-tank units use under-arm lances rather than over-the-shoulder weapons. Fencers and Maulers use shields and melee weapons. Light to heavy Imperial tanks have taken ques from castles in their design, ect.
I like the idea of Ferrier, but the design is just bad and as far as I recall she didn't get much of a resolution, at least not enough to back up the design and backstory. True to life I suppose since the man in the iron mask just died in prison without much fanfare.
Arab Princess.
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very nice
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Love pink women.

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