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Who is your /vst/ waifu?
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establishing butterfield control
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I want a crimson deluge of the goddess to wash over me
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there's just something hot about her
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for she
isn't that your sister you SICK FUCK
The WOAT. Waifu of all Time
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>tfw you've played so much Shogun 2 you are sexually attracted to ashigaru
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Game was meh, but she's a cutie.
The Empire Total War advisor
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>Who is your /vst/ waifu?
Don't judge me. That zussy must be out of this world if Raynor forgave her for killing his bff (and untold millions of innocents).

Also, Bente is better.
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The pirate lady is bangin too, they did a good job with the wiafus in that game
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Zussy Kerrigan and dime store Samus are great. Okay, Nova is boring but I like her design.
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I love CK2 for letting her spawn and being able to make her queen. And Total Warhammer gives us fantasy Jeanne
so many versions of this french witch
I can't get past her gigachad manface, sorry.
>And Total Warhammer gives us fantasy Jeanne
tbf that just makes her a proto-Adeptus Sororitas if you want to believe that 40k and Warhammer Fantasy are actually a part of the same timeline.
>french witch
disgusting bongoid hands wrote this post.
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>CK2 for letting her spawn
Guess I should install ck2 again

>part of the same timeline.
Never was a thing. Even when folding the two together was considered, Fantasy was merely some planet in the 40k setting and existing during the same time frame.
Based and piratapilled
Fuck sandniggers
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The original and the best. It's a shame she only appears in like 2 FMVs.
And all of them are best girl
If you want her to become your waifu in game, be a master seducer. The event only fires if your cynical or lustful and without the trait, you only have a 5% chance to win her heart. Or you could just tinker with the files
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elizabeth the first
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>dime store Samus
Since I grew up without knowing of or playing Super Metroid, Nova was Samus for me. Too bad I only got to play as her in SC2, instead of getting a full-fledged Ghost game.

Pretty much every younger woman in that game can be considered waifu material.
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the queen(s) from battle chess
And all of them are best girl. Jeanne redeems the human race
I prefer Jalter desu
It’s always been her
evil women are just more fun
Lash was hotter.
You're asking for the impossible.
>the guy bleeding to death on the ground: "worth..."
Nell mogs them both and it's not even close.
pretty sure she killed him because he was cheating on her
Many such cases, unfortunately.
>wears a medieval hajib
No thank you. I prefer renaissance babes because at least they were permitted to show off their feminine figure.
this is her IRL
so cute...
She's to perfect bro's, I will never secure the entirety of Italy in one marriage. Why even live...
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same energy
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I'm not sure, it's eithr Theodora(civ3), Theodora(civ5) or Theodora(civ6)
Nope, he survived. Iirc she stabbed him because she saw pictures of him with other women in a nightclub, dude worked there at the bar.
As a consequence she wanted to kill him and afterwards die herself.

Could there be a pattern? Nah , certainly not
>As a consequence she wanted to kill him and afterwards die herself
What an absolute cuckqean, this is the complete opposite of based.
>imagine killing someone over a basic misunderstanding
couldn't be me
>She gets blacked in the african expansion
Can't decide between Rosic, Merist or Tiva, so I'll just take turns with all 3 of them.
Yes I am aware of the Gnoll cockussy, that's why I love those freaky girls.
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It's crazy how cute the Brides are while being dessicated ghost zombies. Drowned Ophelia is good too.
>Dont talk to me or my daughter ever again
I dont think I ever got a good look at one that wasn't beheaded or maimed in some way.
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it was such a shit RTS, but damn if the waifu game wasn't on point
Huge or small, brides just want to be loved.
Thankfully there's the skirmish mode that allows you to do just that.
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she's cute by Civ 3 standards
>and being able to make her queen
she was queen cousin after all
Based yeenfag
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It will always be her
based giantess enjoyer
Why does the skeleton version have the most clothes on? What does a skeleton have to hide?
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>No Starsector women
Considering the shenanigans they've been getting into, I'm honestly surprised.
Where is the sauce bitch?
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because you're a terrible influence on her
the skeleton version is what she looks like when you marry her, very modest woman as in that game undead society is known for being ultra-conservative and hating dumb shit like women's rights and gay marriage
they will never be women
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Despite being a footfag, I must say that those are some rank-looking feet.
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kino game, don't care what the RA2 old farts have to say about it the boomers got it wrong
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Say what you want about the game, my cock's opinion of Eleanor won't change.
maybe if eternally salty nostalgiafags hadn't bitched so hard it would've been a actual rival to shitcraft
That means she is ideal breeding stock for eugenics.
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Generic recruitment image of heroine from Warlords II Deluxe is still the peak fantasy warrior woman for me.
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>RA3 Eva was an eager bubbly blonde in game
>She also was apparently able to rock the short haired tomboy look too
this woman
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Anno games always have really nice women. How do those autistic germans do it?
Obrero lady in 1800 is pretty cute too.
Well at least she isn't wearing a burka like Matilda from several dozen replies ago. Yes, i'm aware that it's a coif, retard. But it's the same difference desu, so I don't care.
>How do those autistic germans do it?
It's called having SOVL
but germoids don't have souls
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she was great
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Hard to believe Kelly Hu was in her 40s when she played Suki in RA3.
>t. brownoid golem
>Hard to believe
if she was white it'd be, Asian yeah I believe it
I was more into Dwarf lass but seeing how many variants of Ophelia there is imma gonna reinstall just for her.
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I can't blame you
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For me it is she
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I always try to gun for her
- Insane skills
- Good relations with her daddy
- She cute
Which /vst/ game has the best/most lewd mods?
Why do I like the stitched-together frankenstein version the most?
t. Illidan
More of her please.
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I'm pretty sure the full romance is on youtube
She has big tracts of land...
I'm more into Rhagussy.
Not even her daughter?
>- She cute
Haven't played in a while, but she looks pretty similar to every other female character in that game if my memory serves. Of course she might be the least fucked in terms of proportions, but it's honestly hard straying too far from that character in the given character creator.
Nah, Ira is not my type at all. Brown, short hair... Rhaggy is pale, long hair, sultry/smug look, more regal and noblewoman like.
if bonerlord counts, my Imperial married the Khan's daughter
he's got a steppe tomboy wife, living the dream I say!
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For me it's Theodora(civ5)
>steppe tomboy wife
That phrase activated my almonds
Is this game worth playing? I tried Warband but found it aimless and got bored pretty quickly.
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because there's nothing hotter than sharing a yurt with a fiery huntress with monster thighs due to a lifetime of horseback riding
all Indo-Europeans feel the call to RETVRN TO STEPPE, whether they admit it or not
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Alien females who have sex with human men!
Battle Realms geisha
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Why are feline aliens like this?
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ever since i've read personal recollections a month ago i've been thinking about her every day without fail.
Also, the very next game from my backlog turned out to be insired by her.
She doesn't have a manface. The face paint makes her face look more angular.
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Lash was supposed to be like 10 years old when the character got introduced. Only coomers and waifufags led to the producers' decision to make her more 'womanly' in the sequel.
bannerlord is about 20x more aimless than warband
I most often than not go for the battanians, but this thing, I can feel it in me, the need to impregnate a steppe tomboy.
Wtf is this?? Mods? Been a while since boot this game.
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Not that guy but it's something by Bo Wei.
Why was squad E filled with fuck-ups and weirdos? I can buy squad 7 from the first game being a bit off since it was comprised of home-guard and civil defence types that lucked into having competent commanders. Galia was also a minor power with little in terms of resources, so them sending the reservists into battles that should be blood-baths just so they can buy more time makes sense.
Squad E doesn't have the same excuse. Not only are they the regular army, but they are a mix of Brittain and the US, so getting competent people on the front line shouldn't be as much of a problem. Most of these people should have been shuffled off to logistics or support staff. I get that they are largely comprised of Galian volunteers, but I don't think the French foreign legion would accept drunkards, spies, thieves, children, manchildren (or whatever Thomas is), the elderly, or Finns, even in war-time.
I liked Vancey too. Her and fake Naked Snake were my go-to Shocktroopers
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I knew I liked nelves for a reason.
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For me, it was Shandris
Mostly because of her cleavage in her profile, but also because she was never really used in War3 besides a few-off Sylvanas reskins, allowing me to project whatever I wanted onto her
Other way around. 40k galaxy is in a jar in some WHFB wizards shelf. Nids was his accidentally spilling something else in there.
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One and only.
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Either her or Alexa Kovacs, but building an army of abandoned military hardware sounds fun so she wins. I bet she's also really strong from all of the tiberium exposure, not that that's something I'm interested in or anything haha.
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Which way, Vinci man?
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>Nova is boring
You've been brainwashed by modern society. There's yet time to turn back and embrace your actual preferences instead of being subconsiously ashamed of them.
Someone post the blonde Soviet air force girl, she's my favorite despite my hatred for anything Red
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This one?
>he said while posting generic plastic bitches
>neither won due to crystal aids
I'm still mad.
>>he said while posting generic plastic bitches
you're GSE-brained, fix yourself before the Jews get you entirely
>doesnt like Aryan blondes in skin tight suits
>simping for non Whites bugs
>capitalizes "jew"
Shalom rabbi.
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It's been always her
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My brothers from another mother
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cutest voice
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God bless the French
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I understand it's supposed to be fantasy ww1, but the aesthetics and numbers are kinda pre-napoleonic, and it was harder to have big armies at all
I can count the pixels
That's just enough pixels to fall in love
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For me it was the edgy bounty hunting tomboy.
Master of Orion: Conquer the Stars (2016)
Everybody wants her huge tracts of land after her jobber dad dies.
Very good taste my friend
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Move over, plebs
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>implying there's anyone else
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for you
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What are you talking about? To begin with it's WW2, and second the aesthetic is "What if the middle-ages got catapulted into the 20th century?". Every unit, even scouts, have some metal armor incorporated into their uniform. The anti-tank units use under-arm lances rather than over-the-shoulder weapons. Fencers and Maulers use shields and melee weapons. Light to heavy Imperial tanks have taken ques from castles in their design, ect.
I like the idea of Ferrier, but the design is just bad and as far as I recall she didn't get much of a resolution, at least not enough to back up the design and backstory. True to life I suppose since the man in the iron mask just died in prison without much fanfare.
Arab Princess.
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very nice
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Love pink women.
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You think Nova's boring not me. I like Nova, I like women in Korean/Japanese games, I like blondes.
>Yoko Taro crying hard in a corner after watching this.
Means you're either an insecure chinless loser or a pedophile, probably both
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my whore wife
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I just want her to calm down and be happy for once
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Oxanna Kristos.
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