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Is there any other trading games liek Patrician 3 or Port Royale 2, where you lead a trading company? Doesn't have to be ships only. Or this it?
freelancer does trading in space but you pilot the ship and defend against pirates
This is it
There are quite a few, like The Guild series. For me it's Trade Empires. It's a little different from Patrician and Port Royale, but it's pretty nice and fun.
The Merchant Prince games.
They're trading games mixed with more Machiavellian vying for power.
How do you even play this? I tried installing it from abandonware and it bugs out.
I'll take a look.
Came to post this game

There are two copies in circulation, one with bugged patch, nad one that works. If you are willing to wait, I can offer the working one on Sunday evening, when I will be back from a weekend trek.
Keep in mind that Trade Empires is a very straighforward game in design, but it's intentional - it was designed to teach kids and teens how monopolies and various other market structures work and how prices rarely represent value of various commodities
> it was designed to teach kids and teens how monopolies and various other market structures work and how prices rarely represent value of various commodities
In fact I loved it as a kid back in the days.
this game is very text heavy but its also very good
Too bad it relies on dice rolls for literally everything.
Thanks for the recommendation

My /lit/, /his/ and /vst/ interests might be satiated.
It's knockoff sunless seas.

Travel in the wrong place (no indication of which dangerous sounding places are the actually dangerous places) and you face dice rolls that are straight up "save or die"

it's so bad.
There's NOTHING as good as patrician 2/3
Excessively punishing. The game despises the idea of you making a profit and will do everything it can to fuck you in the ass.
It's a real shame because there are lots of nice little stories in it and plenty to explore and discover.
I love how these old games always have soulful reviews by some dedicated player
I'm playing Port Royale 2, I like it but the combat is being 1 ship only is kinda lame.
This. Play Guild when you get tired of boat.
I remember playing this one when it came out and really liked the concept but the game was not that good. Have been looking for something similar but done well ever since - growing a global naval trading empire
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Back from the pirate's nest, My tower destroyers failed, so I had to brute-force it. A zero sum endeavour
Uncharted Waters franchise
endless sky is better
Did you use the cheat where you unlock every townfrom the start?
There is a 40 towns map out there, I didn't use cheats.
as far as I remember the original game didn't let you load these maps
Works on my machine since 15 years, just pirate nests can be annoying to catch because they overlap with Edinburgh and you have to try like 20 times and you get no mission to found you own city.
Sea dogs series and its medieval brother Mount and blade lets you be a trader but thats more of a passive/supplmentary income

Sea dogs you could have up to 3 extra ships following you for trading purposes. A Russian 1.3 for Sea Dogs 2 patch even added slaves as goods commodity.

Mount&Blade lets you out right create merchant caravans and be a merchant caravaneer yourself. Also has batshit dynamic economy which changes prices according to supply and demand.
Did they also fix the problem with the distribution of the produced goods? As far as I remember when you clicked all towns at once every single one had only like 2-3 effecicely produced goods
The have on average 6 efficient goods.
Caravaneer 1&2
Dust to the End
bumping good thread

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