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Is there any greater feeling than conquering Carthage?
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What turn is it now? Since you've played it for a while.
Very well played. But seeing your map reminds me why I prefer Rome 2 with 1 tpy.
Im wrapping up an Epirus campaign.

Who should I play next:

Around 200

Thanks, I think Baktria is easiest DEI faction to play though.
I love Parthia

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what's the best/easiest TW game to get into?
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medieval 2
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Between these three, I can recommend both Rome 2 and Attila. Rome 2 is much easier than Attila and more fun IMO. I couldn't get into the fantasy aspect of units in Warhammer.
I miss Milan. all the stainless steel based mods use gay ass genoa or pisa. Who the fuck wants to be a merchant republic? The only other Italian option is fucking Norman Sicily.
Napoleon polished Empire's gameplay. The map for Empire is better in a few ways though.
If the maps were legally moddable people would probably play both without problem. It's incredibly easy to win as France in Napoleon. You won't even need to reach Russia, it'll be finished by 1807

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It's a free-to-play free port of the olde game Tzar Burden of the Crown.
It's okay, but the Discord suck ass. Avoid it.
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The admin harem is full.
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Just buy the game on GOG, retard.
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>less options
>runs like shit
it has microtransactions?
Not that I know. But you can try it in your browser, I think, it's at https://tza.red/.

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>Incredibly dense gameplay whilst allowing lots of room for creativity.
>Has the highest learning curve and skill ceiling out of every genre ever made. Perfect to filter out ADHD-ridden zoomers and nu/v/.
>Heavily tests the full breadth of the mind, such as reflexes (APM), spatial perception (micro-management), logical reasoning, etc. You'll get quickly punished if at least one area of your mind isn't in tip top shape.

How can any other genre even come close? RTS has pretty much everything you need in a genre.
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Everything is related to IQ
IQ is just another shitty human construct that was created in 1912, more than a hundred years ago, by a bunch of who were convinced the Eugenics (which is illegal under many national and international laws in the 21st century) is the future of humanity. Even the alleged creator William Stern warned that the IQ test is an overly simplistic way to try and categorize something as complex and vague as intelligence.

This concludes your lesson for to day Anon, you cab go home now.
have you ever seen a literal retard with above average reflexes?
>Perfect to filter out ADHD-ridden zoomers
>Defends APM in his next breath
You're contradicting yourself. High APM games draw ADHD Zoomers like crazy.
Just look at MOBAs like Dota and League, which incidentally happen to be direct descendants of the RTS genre.
RTSchads... we just don't stop winning.

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Hopes? Fears?
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And I still love it
I gen better than this. Use a better model.
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I don't care what you like
Why yes, I'm an Isis man
How could you tell?
You haven't been in /x/.
I have to agree with this man

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Which colony would you want to live in, /vst/?
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Clearly the UN so I can become the globohomo corpostate i despise
>le capitalism is le bad
morgan has the best vidya by far
> Ain't no fucking vidya under a green economy.
1: Oh no. /sarcasm. 2: Why?

>inb4: Why?
Because then I wouldn't be asked these stupid fucking questions.
Story of my life. Tried to get into it multiple times but the UI always filters me

>What is your will?
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i hate fighting killa kans.
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another comfy night of long compstomps. few times when the enemy ai pushed us pretty far back, but we were able to stabilize and finally end it after 2.5h.
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I'll start.

>Play Sacrifice as Stratos/Persephone/Charnel/Stratos.
>Years later, try replaying it, thinking I would try some of the other ones.
>Basically do the same with small differences in the middle.
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It might, but DOSBox is good enough. If you save every turn you won't lose much progress.
Also neither VMware nor VirtualBox properly support 95 and 98 now. You'd have to find a very old version of VMware for that (v8?) and it has its flaws too.
Huh okay.
That's so odd.
i am so confused. what is the gameplay loop? also the store says ww2? but byplanes?
I guess the same urge that forces Americans to put gore and guns into games.

>please refrain from playing the game and realizing how bad it is
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Then why is nobody playing them?
You are nigger-faggot-coded.
who cares as long as there is no nigger
Nta but you have next level mental illness.
Nice self own. Banished had a fraction of the polish and far fewer features as a finished product than this game has right now.

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Just optimize it, fix the late-game, do a bit of balancing and add more flavor to railroad it towards historical borders and wars and it will be better than Vic2.
It's like 3 patches and an HPM mod away from being good. The base mechanics are all very solid and an improvement over 2.
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Yes that’s what we were talking about. English, French, and Germans coming to the US shouldn’t even be considered immigration at this point since modern immigration is 3rd world reprobates moving to 1st world countries not 1st world countries inviting high achieving 1st worlders from other countries.

Everything around you is getting worse. Tech is stagnating, industrial supply chains are gone, services are worse. You may not notice that we have less capacity to make industrial goods but you can notice there are very few craftsman and an abundance of unskilled laborers.

Our houses are atrocious compared to the past and yes it has a lot to do with who is building them. Even with the right materials Mexican crews do horrendous work. Screws and nails not lined up correctly, shoot a piece of trim to bits bc it’s not fastened to a stud so they just keep nailing away at it, miters cut wrong, don’t cope anything so nothing fits flush, gaps in roofs, can see sunlight in the attic, support beams that can be pushed off with one hand, can’t do finish carpentry for their life bc it takes more than 15 minutes.

Books, music, and movies are worse. A real degradation of culture. It was pulling teeth to find a transitional ballet school for my daughters that don’t pollute it with hip hop and twerking.

This is connected to the drop in IQ, math and reading literacy, alol went down directly bc of mass immigration and the general disconnect from culture that would propagate the classics and high culture.

In game terms think this way, you put infrastructure into cultivating a particular populace, reforms, tech, specialization, now you take in mass immigrants to fuel cheap labor and taxes, off course there is a trade off. You are diluting the civil action you have been cultivating. You’re supposed to be playing as the spirit of a civilization right? Well the decisions you have been making to shape that civilization weren’t playing out on the immigrants you are importing of course your game decisions shouldn’t magically affect them as if your country is some magic dirt.


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>Starcraft (Before AAA)
>terran settlers had to build their settlements out of crashed dropships and survive against all odds
>protoss and zerg have genuinely interesting relationships as creations of xelnaga
>sense of wonder, awe, cosmic horror

>Starcraft 2 (After AAA)
>overmind was a good boy he only wanted to save people
>kerrigan is a good girl she's just misunderstood
>protoss are humans on steroids they just want freedom
>oh yeah xelnaga big and bad haha

>HW2 (Before AAA)
>the story is about the journey of the people
>every line delivered with reverence, almost completely muted on purpose
>when any unit showed signs of emotion, it actually meant something

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>In the last few years highly trained political propagandists taking over companies and fan communities to get access to normies' minds.
What is this if not hyping up propagandists? There are propagandists. Highly trained? In what? Highly brainwashed, no doubt. Did you mean financiers influencing the creative process to push propaganda? Has happened before video games, who knows how long. So what does "last few years" mean then? Taking over companies? You mean the massive conglomerates are political propagandists? I'm pretty sure they are the kind of people that just follow the money. And don't underestimate the experience behind "pretty sure." The shoe flips, they are all about family values. They'll follow whoever is on top politically. They are cold and calculating, but bad at math.

So, there's elements and slivers of truth blended into soup that seems strange together. Really emphasizing things in a way I don't think is true. If you disagree, be sure to tell me. I'm not in debate mode, I'm in listen mode. Just tell me what you think and I'll figure out if I misjudged your point. I'll think about it on my own.
i didn't post that
if you thought you were arguing with the guy who posted that all this time, sorry for misleading you. i usually remember to specify i'm not the poster in question when i enter a conversation
>use the term "good"
>actually no that's not what I meant
Not my fault your original statement was lacking any nuance, retard.
You said something that was incorrect and I pointed out why it was incorrect.
Maybe you're the one who's illiterate and can't understand concepts beyond their base level.
In what way?
Feels like everyone just parrots this and never elaborates beyond vague ideas.
Sounds like a typical "old good new bad" biased mindset.
Yeah, happens to me, too. I should have also specified on a few posts ITT.

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>Get into RTS games
>Think how lucky I am because now I can go back and replay all the amazing RTS titles
>There's like 20-ish decent RTS games in the past 30 years
Shocking actually. And I'm talking about a decent singleplayer experience/campaigns.
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>play the way you want
>convert to MP
yes, exactly, which part of
>no you don't get it you MUST follow proplayers build orders and it's punishable by death not to
do you not understand?
So you're just trying to lure newbies to stomp?
The contradiction between him clearly stating the way he wants to play and you insisting he both play the way he wants to play but in a way you approve.
Make sure to spread out the old ones with new ones mixed in as you'll overburn on shit pathfinding. I'd say playing all Starcrafts, then all Warcrafts, then all Spellforces and then all Age of Empires would be best.

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CA's next and final Empire DLC Lord/faction will be Boris Todbringer and Middenheim.
No plans for which DLC pack it will be part of or when it will be released,
but it's more or less already created.

Templars of the White Wolf both mounted and on foot, Woodsmen with throwing axes, and Middenheim Militia with 3 variants (polearm men, longbows, or axe and shield men) are some of the new units.

The new Legendary Hero will be a mage type character named Max Schreiber, recruitable by all Empire factions, as well as Malakai's faction for some random reason, but Boris starts with him already in his army.

I have zero of anything to show proof.
I'm not even directly employed by CA,
I learned this through a short stint of freelance work with them that I did remotely.
So I'm not some insider or anything, I only picked up this one juicy nugget, but it's real.
All I can say is when the videos come out in a couple months or whenever,
remember that I was first.
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I'm calling shenanigans. No warrior priest of Ulric? Seems fishy. But a bunch of useless chaff units for tier 1 does sound like CA.
Well I wasn't told that was everything or anything, there could easily be more.
In fact I forgot to include one detail.
One of Boris faction mechanics is he has a giant cannon he can shoot at either settlements or armies, and it causes severe damage to the army/garrison as well as the buildings, in advance of a siege.

It's called either "Ulric's Storm" or "Ulric's Thunder" can't remember which exactly, but it's something like that.
I never read the books but that definitely explains why they'd let Malakai have him too.
They improved a lot with recent DLCs
>2 empire DLCs in a row
Not happening, retard.

Fabledom - Official 1.0 Release Date Teaser Trailer!
Finally out of early access!
Hopes? Fears?
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How dare they include mass transit and a tech level that doesn’t match the setting.


Africans beat the fuck out by nature and the need for food and shelter, but dragons and magic somehow make them cosmopolitan world travelers instead of wipe them out.

Fuck off.
So is the game good if I'm not a retarded poltard obsessed with BBC? Or just another trash city builder trying to surf on the genre's current popularity?
I gave in and bought it.

Idk maybe it's cause I'm playing on normal and am just too good but the game does feel a bit too easy. However I will say it does have a lot of charm and some interesting mechanics. The biggest thing is how housing is done. Houses havw customizable lots that can drastically alter the residence in their needs and environment. Teir 2 residence for instance is dense town houses so you drag out the area and from there customize the courtyard with shops, gardens and other things. It can help alleviate some needs or give a boost to prestige rating. Other than that military is pretty straightforward and I haven't really touched the main selling point of romance yet. I'd say it's best point is it's style. I know a lot of people are memeing on it but once you start getting big it does look really qant ans cute like from a Disney movie.
They can be orcs, maybe. Bit insulting to orcs, though.


Zoomers will never know the hell that is trying to play rts games on console
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>Funny how that's essentially the same sentiment people have today.
Yeah, but at least back then you had more polished console (and especially specific console) exclusives. Now everything is multiplatform slops.
Like Soul Calibur 2 had different characters per console. I mean I guess it was anti-consumer in a way... but it was still fun and clever marketing.
Buddy had SORU CARIBRUR… A-TWO! On ps2, and we went on a football team road trip that lasted several weeks. He bought a GameCube solely to play on the trip. Was kino
I have a copy of this game on every platform it was made for and the only Saturn I owned was a piece of shit car.
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you are correct, but mostly because we had several rts games that were designed for console so it wasn't very hellish
does it still hold up? I haven't played it since 2014
>nostalgia for trash
do boomers really?

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