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Hopes? Fears?
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stop remaking old games or making clones of old games and pretending they're new games
not happening anytime soon
Market is obsessed with safe bets, and remakes are seen as such
Honestly they don't really need to change anything in terms of balance, because I can't really remember anything inherently too broken... Maybe Loki's hero rush, and Gaia?
I'm kinda worried about them changing the story though, because I already see tree lady (Gaia?) before the expansion.
I want Atlantis nerfed or at least the other nations' gatherer units buffed. Since they're making most god powers as cooldown abilities, hopefully it'll mitigate Atlantis power spam faggotry.
>Since they're making most god powers as cooldown abilities
Why? Are they trying to make each game longer?
I'm guessing they're trying to make them more relevant in plays
Because God Powers and Myth Units are the main selling point of the game, and shit like Plague of Serpents is useless if you can only use it once.
It's gonna be shit just like Age of Empires 4.
As far as I concerned, they didn´t put a 2 in the title.
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>its real
oh god
Wut. Where does that belong on the furry scale? The eyelashes are what sells this.
It could be just sillyposting like some of the other stuff on their Twitter. It looks AI generated in the first place.
wat the balance was terrible
100% AI generated.
There's 0 hope for this game.
details are too similar, its over
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It was alright I remember, at least per race (not too sure about Chinese as I never played that). Each culture had at least one tier-1 major god if I remember correctly (Norse - Loki, Egyptians - Set, Greek-Hades, and Atlanteans Gaia). Granted AoM was more prone to rushing then any of the others in the series, so like Titans and Wonders were usually useless additions.
>AI slop
Just implement Atlantean multi-use powers on things that are under-powered then. Putting everything on cooldown seems like changing things for the sake of changing things, especially when there already exists systems to make things work better.
Zero respect for using AI art on this.
FUCK them.
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Sure if their team of assets are called Stable and Diffusion.
>hope they add a bunch of weird gods and nations
>Fears they add YWYH as the only God that matters.
The worst is that this is believable.
The absolute state of the woke west.
At most they had some intern adjust the number of fingers out of the AI piece.
No thinking human would've made that shit.
Is using AI woke now?
Why? If you can provide more of something that works why would you not do it? New is just new, it isn't necessarily good. Meanwhile there are a lot of old good ideas left to rot.
Breathing is woke if you are paid to complain about the west.
No it's just a shit practice regardless of your politic opinions.
AoM with ranked servers is better than the shit game they would have otherwise made
I think there will be a few extra scenarios but they probably won't interfere with the main story
add some sigma male music and this belongs straight into a pajeet's "ai draw countries as mythological creatures" youtube compilation
sopa de ai
I don't think atlantean eco is that busted, citizens take longer to train
No it just looks like ass
Mods will fix it bros.
Gimme the sauce bitch
The AoM official twitter.
I hope it will improve on the original in a meaningful way, though this is very unlikely

None, if it's shit the original game is still there and I will ignore the remake just like I did with aoe 2, homeworld, and countless others.
>making clones of old games
Unironically the 90s pc scene and most 90s console scene trying to copy arcade
shut the fuck up
It's a shame Age of Mythology never had an expansion and no new civs came out for it. Still, I'm pretty happy with AoM as it is. It has the best singleplayer campaign of all RTS.
>if it's shit the original game is still there and I will ignore the remake just like I did with aoe 2
why is it that everyone says atlanteans are overpowered, even though most of the top pros play greek
Because they only superficially played the game 20 years ago and called it a day.
Titans? Atlanteans weren't in the base game

why would you do this when the originals were so good literally every Web 2.0 site about mythology/deities used them?
That's what people claimed about Extended Edition, mods never fixed it.
Any oldfags here? Hella nostalgic about rts-sanc and eso times rn. I'm about to play some Aom the titans vs bots.
Mulit-use god powers, citizens are their own drop off point, and free favor.
It's more "look how lazily this faction was designed" than "nerf the Atlantians, I'm sick of losing to them".
It's strange that they seem to be designed as a civ for beginners, yet they're in the expansion that you'd only ever get if you've already played the game a lot. Automatons are still cool though.

Yeah fuck this, if this is the '''art''' they're going with then I'm staying far away from the remake
Better spend than one of the gachas that claim to be focused on "otaku culture".
what do you have in mind?
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See I wouldn't mid AI, if there was like some level of human hand fixing shit or like adding their taste/style to it. The problem with this is 90~100% just machine, so it just feels a lazy cash grab (or desperate devs without funding).
To note, even if this was actually a human artist (I doubt it), it's still so soulless that it feels like a machine which defeats the purpose.
LIke they didn't even fix the poor Bast's misaligned headband... and everything else...Fuck...
You guys have it way easy nowadays, back then before voobly fan-patches/EE was a thing, everyone played on 1.03 version and Ouranos was the most broken god because of shockwave.
Its quite hard to make custom scenarios in aom right?
T. Single player fag
kinda, I mean , it's not a modern RTS editor, but it gets the job done
>Manor Lords
>Shadow of the Erdtree
>KCD 2
>AoM Retold (hopefully it's not shit)
It's going to be a good year, bros.
>It never is "a good year"
If they aren't lying then they are idiots, because they didn't need the hacks that made their art. Would be funny if the artists they hired were just using AI art but didn't tell the team for an easy paycheck
i stand corrected, the ai slop looks better
AI peddlers need to be stopped before they kill civilization.
Fistbro. Eso, expert chat, looking for replays on mrfixit rather than lazily watching twitch where watchers can (and will) give their noob opinion.
I played until 2004 or so, and during Covid I checked out the scene again. Man, the game changed a lot since then.
Yeah, talking about noob opinions.
>Loki hero rush and Gaia broken
>Plague of Serpents useless
Random Land player detected
>Tier 1 Loki, Set, Hades, Gaia
Whoa, luckily you squeezed Set in there, otherwise 4 out of 4 would be wrong.
>AoM more prone to rushing
When the meta is literally 2tc boom. Or maybe you say "was" because back in 2004 we were playing fucking 20 min classical wars with singers and spearmen and shit, but that's not how the game is supposed to be played.
There are some rushes that work, but it's not the norm.
>Atty eco not busted
Either you never played Atty, or you main Oranos and have room temperature IQ.
OK, somebody who knows. My god, finally.
Would be funny if he gets outed by gamer autism
>mass replying esports autist
Who asked?
I used to be in favour of AI slop, but this is embarassing. It looks like some incel shooped a cat meme onto a woman's body
>esports autist
One thing is that probably Microsoft is catering to those crowds? I feel that a lot of AoE4's design was "optimized" to capture that market with the franchise name-brand push... Although still losing to AoE2 in terms of fanaticism and prize pool expense. So far original AoM is less than a speck in the e-sports scene, so maybe they're hoping/gambling for it to be the next big thing.
Let's be real, this game isn't going to be very appealing in terms of competitive esports. It's way too gimmicky and is mostly catering to casual millennials who played the campaign 20 years ago; they will buy Retold and stream their easy diff campaign games while holding a coffee mug and going "ah, the nostalgia".
Maybe there will be one medium-sized tournament and that's it. Let's remember that AoM at launch was a decent success but had official support only for one tournament, and probably expecting a lot more would be too optimistic.
Not that it is a bad thing, mind you. In many aspects this game relies more on the fun factor of casting destructive godpowers and commanding powerful myth units rather than on balance, and if that gets stripped out in an attempt of appealing to the competitive environment then I'm afraid not many people will be playing it after a few months.
>who asked
You did, by posting your random ass takes on balance. It's always like this: the less you understand a game, the more vocal you are about what's "op". Maybe you should learn to listen first. But God forbid you don't post your noob opinions anyway.
>So far original AoM is less than a speck in the e-sports scene, so maybe they're hoping/gambling for it to be the next big thing.
Decent change they're going to change too much and turn away both audiences
>Decent chance they're going to change too much and turn away both audiences
They already tried to cater the chinks into it with the very late expansion, and kinda failed at that so... I mean if you're going to market to China I expect 10K+ at least, but it only went low 5k for players at launch Tale of the Dragon. Even the DE's base game only went for 11k at launch (compared to like AoE2:EE's 20k+, or even AoE3:DE's 18k), so I even wonder if this has the nostalgia base it can farm and sustain.
13 year-old me had a lot of good memories with it with my buds in the LAN basement, but I don't think it was ever the popular RTS overall.
It better be fucking good after the shitpile that was Tale of the Dragon.
I have no idea if shit shit is AI slop or not, but I'ld like to remind you all that shitty artists exist and they get hired all the time.
The classic "give trash jobs for stupid people, who probably they,re gonna get shit karma for their poor lifechoices"
AoM had a lot of success early 2000s. You have absolutely no idea how well documented it is in both English and French forums. The game was very much alive til early 2010s until ESO servers got shutdown and made the community split to Voobly and Gameranger. The base game also was hard to install on newer hardware so it didn't help with attracting newer people.
When EE came out, it had crashing problems and was poorly optimized but the main problem is that the dev team balanced the game on their own fashion with no regard to the RTS-sanctuary community who had a monopoly over AoM balance and events for years. It ended up making the OGs not want to move, they stayed on Voobly but the player base kept shrinking over time.
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No regard to the rts-s community? Did you read the names on the balance team? Magic, Mista, Brick, Nemesis, Lorenzo, I think Kyomaku was in there too. The game was a mess, but mistakes were made also on the balance side by voobly players.
I'm not saying that RTS-sanc community are victims. I'm telling you that after ESO shutdown, there was always something that made the community split when everyone should have moved to EE.
Kinda makes me realize how fanatical the AoE2 fanbase is overall. I mean it's still not as big as Starcraft per say, but at the same time Microsoft doesn't give damn shit compared to Bobby & Blizzard in everything.
What are you talking about? AoE2s playerbase has long since eclipsed SC
Microsoft has been very cautious trying not to anger the fanbase too bad but it's not working.
Citizens gather less than villagers per population used.
Full mod support/adding in new civs/gods instead of replacing base game ones.
The reality of the situation.
Do you have the numbers backing that up? I’m tired of cocky, k-pop-obsessed SCfaggots talking shit about AoE
AoE2:DE has like 76k-ish players on ladder for "Random Map Team;" the most popular game mode. SC2 reported 85K-ish of it's active players back February of this year 2024, as a Q1 report for investors. AoE4 seems to have 107k-ish on their ladder "quickmatch 4v4". It's not the most accurate in total active player numbers, as ladder numbers could have multiple accounts, on/off players, etc. Interestingly SC2's 1v1 ladder has 124k in number of metric sites, which is 50% more than the report, and AoE2:DE has more players in Steam Rankings of active players than AoE4. However in either way, AoE2 and AoE4 seems to have a large player base that dwarfs most current RTS, and could be matching or even overtaken SC2 currently.
In terms money flowing SC2 still is the king, and $100k+ is common enough prize pool for their tournament ($400~500k is also frequent). AoE2's prize pool also frequents $100k+, but $50k+ is more common. Funnily enough, even though it's the most in ladder numbers, AoE4 has the shittiest prize pool, and rarely goes to $10K+ (those are for S-tier) and under $1k is the most common. So if AoE2 players says AoE4 is more casual they're completely right in terms of the pro-player infrastructure and network.
Why does he look like fucking Aquaman?
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putting the original art back will be one of the first mods to happen.
they quality difference is laughable
>Just some guys on a boat doing boat stuff
>He just comes up and kills them
Oh yeah that's right, he was a fucking prick in the campaign.
the real mythology is still worse though, more petulant than Zeus.
Looks like when you use that face app to make someone smile.
Spirit wolves don't belong in AoM. This isn't Warcraft 3.
Subhuman artists are the worst nigger loving anti-white faggots and AI disenfranchising them is a good thing.
Dude that was fucking hand painted, how dare they replace it with AI shit
this unlocked so many memories, it was true, people used the AoM depictions of the ancient greek gods everywhere
Main thing I'm hoping for is QoL features, that and some improvement to pathing/unit behaviours.
Have they confirmed whether or not chinks will be in this?
>Have they confirmed whether or not chinks will be in this?
No Chinese Myths included in the release. Although there was a podcast that states that they are also working on Tales of Dragon? Could be him making a mistake though...

I hoped it would look somewhat like this https://youtu.be/TZt2YBv0U3Y
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not a furfag what is wrong with this
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>damn i wish aom got a remake
>it's ai slop
not like this
I keep seeing AoM Zeus literally everywhere, even IRL.
A remake of an old good idea isn't guaranteed to be good either, and fucking up and ruining a remake is worse for your reputation than releasing a bad new game 99% of the time. If you want a safe bet, just port the old game to new systems, which AoM already had happen.
Are you his prophet or something?
We're in a new era of 'Chef Mike'.
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They're going to make Isis black, aren't they?
Vanilla AoM was the only good AoM. Titans was shit and ruined the game, EE was shit and ruined the game, Retold will be shit and ruin the game. You can tweak god powers and add shit like widescreen res support without polluting the game with half-assed shit factions and retarded gimmicks, just port the original fucking game oh wait you can't because you fired everyone who worked on the fucking thing.

It's dead, pirate the original and be thankful that's even an option.
Buy an ad.
Set took that role.
Is that AI?
We already know what Isis looks like in Retold, look at OP's image. She's basically the same. Also, the original Age of Mythology had a black woman as the Egyptian faction representative, so let's not pretend that would be anything new.
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>had a black woman as the Egyptian faction representative
Wouldn't know, decades of playing and I never played the campaign
>Also, the original Age of Mythology had a black woman as the Egyptian faction representative,
She was literally a Nubian mercenary.
Nah, she was a Nubian QUEEN
Good morning saars

I'd even play this shitty game again if there were ranked servers, I was pretty good rushing loki back in the day
The artwork looks much better than the original, and i say this as someone who believe this remake should not exist.
Found the artist.
Yeah, and she was the Egyptian faction representative.
>I like the art, fellow players
The original art looks like one of those bobbly head toys. It looks terrible and always did.
I don't to invent problems where there are none, the remake already ruined Gaia and will certainly ruin much more.
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Am I replying to a human being?
Are they training AI to raid these threads?
>Are they training AI to raid these threads?
It's been like that for a while.
there is no single conceivable metric under which the old art is worse than the new one.

It's fractally superior, on every aspect you scrutinize you find it beats the new shit in ways you didn't even consider previously
AoE4 is so good that they implement things from it to AoE2 DE.
oh no
You can't even identify an AI generated image.
If Retold takes off, Microsoft will want a modern sequel, like they did with AoE2:DE.
It's not shit
It's shit
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You can identify the ones I make
now do Aphrodite
Eyes are fucked up
Ear is fucked up
Logo on her shirt is fucked up
Hair and bone shading are fucked up
She's sitting in what seems like a metal container but it's also sort of a piece of fabric
Extreme light and contrast that every AI shit has.
2/10 got me to reply
>You can
reading comprehension anon, it saves lives
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And I still love it
I gen better than this. Use a better model.
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I don't care what you like
Why yes, I'm an Isis man
How could you tell?
You haven't been in /x/.
I have to agree with this man
>there is no single conceivable metric under which the old art is worse than the new one.
To be honest, the old art looks like cheap 80s-90s rockstars art posters.
you're still not contradicting what I said
This. Better, not good by itself.
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Real art.
By real artists.
Sir do not redeem
It's too bad they had to compress it to jpeg and add so much artifacts + shrink to low-res in the game.
>we will never have a remaster where they just gave us uncompressed artwork from the original game
Modern game development blows
Gonna repeat again for you monkey brains...>>1760512
And again
the sheer disrespect...
For all we know the original artwork could be lost. I mean think about it, this is an industry where it's a common occurrence to lose the source code; even in now the 2020's.
Is the original artist still around? Or at least someone who can replicate his style? They didn't even attmpt.
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>>there is no single conceivable metric under which the old art is worse than the new one.
NTA, but that's a lie for this case. It would be true if there's no context or goal for the art to define itself, but the goal here is to appeal to the audience on the imagery of ancient mythology and it's divinities. When you have jewelry that physically cannot go on the wearer's head and one-hand having less fingers than another (as>>1729613); it's just bad and you don't have to be an expert on art to know it is. Loki and Poseidon arguable, but Bast no it's just bad.
BTW I first thought this was not official, but it was official and made me sad...
>Is the original artist still around?
The chief concept artist was David Cherry, and he's like 75 so he's probably retired. He was like well-known in 70's sci-fi/fantasy.
>They didn't even attmpt.
Here's a thing that might terrify you... Maybe they couldn't because all the original art could be lost and/or no one knows how to use physical oil paint in the industry. Ensemble Studios studio died in 2008 with AoM and AoE3, so within the lay-offs and repos we could of lost a lot of knowledge and tech. If you think about even AoE4 had really weird art compared to AoE3....
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I count five digits on that hand
Reading comprehension Anon, it saves lives
Instead of "offbrand Greece" and "China but it's completely unfun and retarded", why not hindus / whichever mesoamerican culture had the wackiest pantheon / Japan?
Because when it came out (2002) globalization wasn't a big thing yet, and the west basically only knew the big 3. The Chinese were added 12 years later to lure rich chinks. We don't really know if they're going to be added in the remake.
I mean, Atlantis and China should obviously be excluded from the remake because they're bad factions. There's demand for new factions and campaigns but it would have to be a serious effort instead of duct taping some bullshit on top of an otherwise very well designed system.
>a serious effort instead of duct taping some bullshit
Well anon, isn't a remake already kinda of a lazy cash grab than say actually making a sequel? We shouldn't expect too much, and at best if we get something like AoE2:DE we should be happy that they didn't fuck it up.
Although that's already too optimistic, because we already know that God Powers are on a timer instead of limited use. That's a huge change in terms of mechanics.
Regarding Hindus, Ensemble had a rule back then where they didn't want to include widely-practiced extant religions to avoid any inevitable controversy from referring to their beliefs as "mythology" or depicting it in a way that would offend, etc.
I don't expect it to be good, I'm just talking hypotheticals.
Yeah true. Hindus and even Japanese Shinto is still a practiced religion. Although the Japanese don't really care too much, if you look at their games and how they depict their gods.
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>even Japanese Shinto is still a practiced religion
Yeah, but it's extremely niche. It took a massive blow when god-emperor Hirohito got publically humiliated. To demonstrate how irrelevant it is today I remember some anon on /his/ posted a street interview where some Japanese people thought it was some an imported religion from Korea or something. It's just that shinto encompasses a lot of cultural traditions that people still participate in during festivals etc so that massively inflates the numbers despite extremely few Japanese people actually believing in it as a faith.
>a street interview where some Japanese people thought it was some an imported religion from Korea or something.
Either the guy who made the video slapped that Jap with a few thousand Yen and told him to say that, or that Jap was just getting confused by random bits and pieces of hypotheses about the historical connection between Koreans and Japanese. As a Japanese you cannot possibly "not know what Shinto is", though obviously the vast majority of people do not know much of the details of it nor really believe in it.
They of course knew about Shinto, just didn't know the details of its origin because it's such an irrelevant thing in Japan outside of holidays. Post-war occupation with the intent of de-radicalising the population really did a number on them. Modern Japanese society is overwhelmingly irreligious and doesn't really care much about it one way or the other.
Yeah this. Like the imported from Korea thing IMO seems to be either a) a question in the context of wondering it's historical origin (i.e. was it with the yaoi crossing, or was it before, etc.) or b) the /his/ guy mistranslated Buddhism with Shinto (as most people will know that religion came from Korean missionaries in around in the 6th century).
It was definitely a. Pretty sure the way it went was the was questioning various Japanese people on whether or not they believed in it. On one occasion the interviewer said something about how he was surprised at how little belief there was since it was a Japanese religion after all and a couple of Japanese women were surprised by that statement and said they thought it was foreign like from Korea.
the guy was*
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I don't even find most of the old art that good. Only a handful of gods looked really nice like Zeus, Ra or Thor. Most of them were pretty mediocre. But holy shit the new art looks Chinese mobile game tier. I don't even care if its AI or not the style is simply soulless.
there isnt an aoe4 thread so im going to post here. how. the. FUCK. do you play the sandniggers ascend campaign on hardest difficulty? i did the first mission fine but i cant figure out the 'into egypt' mission for the life of me. the way that time works is fucking bullshit. yes mad.
I want more than anything for this to be good, but I know deep down they're gonna fuck it up immensely
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>tfw deep down anon is right
Because even then they wouldn't have gotten away with a game with zero diversity. The decision was understandable at the time.
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She based though.
That picrel looks like one of the AI abominations I get when I take an image and upscale it with high denoise for the lulz
I'm shocked that Zeus/Odin aren't black
marvel and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race
See at least she's properly fluffed as a Nubian Mercenary, and not like this weird fetish of making ancient Egyptians into completely black people. Not denying that there was Nubian rulers or mixing of cultures by the way, but Ancient Egypt has been a target of Afrocentrism way too much.
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They're trying to bury the truth under a mountain of falsehoods.
No hopes all fears. It's Current Year +9.46
>cooldown ceasefire
Yeah this doesn't sound fair
Considering how much bitching is here, and probably soon by some LGTB ass who´s gonna think that Gaia design is sexist (somehow), probably good.
>"I´m bad at the game, so I wanna to see it fail" moment
>Right, smol goat man
>Left, prototype of gaymer pig man with a severe case of diarrhea
>Still no news
maybe this weekend at SGF
It’s entirely due to Americans too. The intense narcissism/inferiority complex of their negroids combined with the negroid worship which permeates every aspect of American culture enables Afrocentrist nonsense.
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why can't we simply get a good modding community for AOM like for example that of BFME?!
aom bros we are so fucking back
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>No mention of the chinks
KEK so much for "we will rework them"
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that's the paid dlc anon
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It's on consoles making it dead on arrival.
cartoony mobile looking garbage might pirate it to see if it is as terrible as it looks and holy fuck was that capeshit trailer pure cringe
Trailer for midjourney pngs
>no cinematic
There will be one for when the game launches, r-right??
>doubled down on Gaia's shitty remodel
It's over
Golem on the left has one of the most soulless expressions ever
>six finger AI zeus
lmao hope they fail immensely.
We already knew the chinese wouldn't be in the base game. they shouldn't be in the game at all, same for the atlanteans.
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Who the hell is this guy? All the other characters from this part were major gods, so I'm guessing it's redesigned Oranos?
>Who the hell is this guy?
Oceanus, a minor atlantean god in the game.
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>it's real
So people saying the artwork was AI like >>1761905 weren't kidding it's DOA
Oh, my bad. I was wrong.
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holy shit we are getting the chinese back as a paid dlc lol
I count four + white shadow but holy fuck LOOK at the eyes
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the system requirements thankfully don't seem absurd
>GT 420
I think I'll stick with the OG.
Are you blind? That's five fingers, not six. But the torso is clearly ai generated and potentially touched up, and his arm guards aren't even properly aligned. The one on his raised arm has six "rings" the other one has seven. His eyes are also fucked up, he looks like he has a lazy eye. It doesn't look as bad as Bastet but it's not good.
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>charging for the original art
out of all the Jewish things they could have done, this is the most Jewish
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>mobile phone cartoon aesthetics
its over
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>New Gods Pack: Freyr
They're going to nickel and dime us for one new Major God at a time, aren't they?
>selling the legacy Deity Portraits for extra
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replaced with shit and placed the originals behind a paywall
trounced beyond recognition in an unholy mixture of cartoonified hyperrealism
>the nu art is shit on purpose
i did not see that coming
Yeah, that one is weird, and apparently timed exclusive for the seasons pass preorder edition. So if it's OP you get to dunk on the poors?
This looks fucking terrible. How hard is it to make a good looking remaster?
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another case of "less is more"
>cartoonified hyperrealism
retold? more like reforged
it all makes sense now
>it's going to be Reforged levels of fucked
It's even worse that they're redoing all the voice acting and apparently adding a daughter for Arkantos (alongside Kastor, so apparently she'll be in the New Atlantis campaign too).
i refuse to believe this
i'm just glad it's not an xbox exclusive. imagine playing an rts on a console lmao.
>selling the legacy Deity Portraits for extra
even venus?
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>wished so hard for a new age of mythology
>monkey paw listen
>we get this
my bad anons
I mean, Prometheus looked like garbage in the original too, but that is not an excuse to making shit in a different way.
You need a Microsoft account, so it basically is.
People need to stop hoping for remasters altogether, or at the very least expecting them to turn out differently than they have been. The industry has changed since these games were first developed. The current crop of game designers, artists etc will never be able to capture the original tone of these games. Not only has the culture changed too much, game studios are too diluted by diversity hires so the talent will never be there again. I can install the original Age of Mythology + Titans on my modern PC and play it just fine.
it depend , Nightdive for exemple put actual good remaster because they understand that all you really need to do is get the graphic up to date and maybe put a few QOL but without changing the core of the game , but yeah the majority of studios dont know how to fucking do a proper one
Nightdive is based, but sometimes I worry they are too faithful. Like the original Thing game was shit, and the sequel to it that got cancelled was looking much better, but Nightdive is doing a faithful remaster of trash rather than bringing it up to where it should have been if not for development problems.
Weird to see people calling Nightdive based, I've seen people in the retro FPS fandom shit on them the way people are shitting on this AoM remaster
bullshit but I believe it
Because these guys aren't pasionate about boomer shooters so Nightdive is based to them
Likewise boomer shooter fans who don't care about RTS that much probably think AoM Retold looks like a good remaster.
The hand on the right has 5 fingers you're just blind.
obviously AI generated only 4 fingers on his right hand
The little finger is hidden because of the angle
Heh sure, now what prompt did you use for it?
Just for you
The remaster sucks so much, trust me!!! Just like the Atlantean civilization!!! I know so much about the game, keep trusting me!
It's all doom and gloom don't you dare consider anything positive about this because I want it to fail
It's five fingers, with the lowest one having its underside illuminated by lightning. Count the knuckles.
Believe me when I tell you I want nothing more for it to be good.

but things are looking really fishy
The guy who keeps crying about Atlantis is a huge faggot
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>Rabbi laughs at polytheists and their icons. Makes Shekels while doing so.
Super Jewish indeed!
>pointy replaced with balloons
it never even began
Polytheists all abandoned their beliefs except for Hindus, why is that?
>except for hindus
And the east asians.
Hindus are arguably pseudo-polytheists. Matryoshka religion.
East Asians gave up theirs for atheism and Buddhism
That's wrong, though. The majority of China is folk religion, their 'state atheism' is a lie, and Japan resisted Buddhism so hard they only care about it when it comes to funerals.
Buddhism isn't even close to being the most popular religion in china or Taiwan, and in Japan it's a mix of Shinto and Buddhism. Only Koreans abandoned their religions for wide spread atheism.
>That's wrong, though. The majority of China is folk religion
China is officially an atheist state and "folk religion" is lumped into the same category for demographic purposes
>Japan resisted Buddhism so hard they only care about it when it comes to funerals
Japanese people are overwhelmingly atheistic, their only interaction with Shintoism is in festivals, you might as well consider everyone who celebrates Valentine's Day a Christian
>China is officially an atheist state
He was right, that is a complete lie and you would know this if you ever bothered looking into it. you're just showing your blatant ignorance about this subject matter. The Chinese are not Atheist, that is a giant meme.
>According to a 2012 Gallup poll, 47% of Chinese people were convinced atheists, and a further 30% were not religious. In comparison, only 14% considered themselves to be religious.[9] More recently, a 2015 Gallup poll found the number of convinced atheists in China to be 61%, with a further 29% saying that they are not religious compared to just 7% who are religious.[10]
uh oh you're retarded!
>english wikipedia
>chinese folk religion / non-religious
I knew you were going to post this retardation and you shouldn't call anyone else an idiot for posting this garbage. The fucking study lumps religious people and non religious people into the exact same category and you're actually citing this as evidence to you being right.

You are an idiot.
You got caught out and will not show anything to support your statement. Slither away with no argument, retardo.
> With the improved instruments in the 2018 China Family Panel Studies, we first observe that nearly 50% of respondents claim to have multiple (two or even more than three) religious beliefs and the believers of folk religion account for about 70% of the population.

>Slither away with no argument, retardo.
Yeah, you should take your own advice, you fucking dumbass.
>none of the data contradicts the earlier poll
>none of that "religious belief" or "folk religion" necessarily implies any belief in gods, vague as it is
atheism won in china as in most of europe and the rest of asia, you lost, keep doubling down on retardation
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>make the new art almost universally garbage
>sell the original as a separate DLC
So you not only don't know what Chinese folk religion is but you don't even understand the issue with the earlier polls, which were international and poorly worded, this it didn't properly describe to the users what religiousness even meant.
>new study says 70% of them are religious
>old foreign one says only 18% are the same
>retard says this is identical
Yup, you are, in fact, a retard. Congratulations.
The funniest part about this is you posted a wikipedia article and didn't even read the sources
> "China hopes Mazu, a sea goddess, can help it win over Taiwan"
>yet the retard says they don't believe in spirits or gods, despite the fact that this is what their folk religion is
So you like shit like Stormgate then?
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There is no creativity anymore. AoM was already made, and it was a great game.
Instead, make a crazy new first person shooter/RTS hybrid with ancient gods living in the modern world, or some shit.
Like anything new. Any random idea works. Just stop recycling the same shit and making it worse while trying to sell it based on brand recognition. They do this with every franchise, across every entertainment industry
I am sick of it, BE ORIGINAL
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might as well do a low-denoise upscale and call it a day
Gonna touch it beacuse is a better option that the other RTSs "wanna be harcode micro garbage" like Shitgate.
with love
While that's the most scummy part let's not forget the other 3:
>you have to pay extra to play the game week ahead of others
>we don't know if we can buy the expansion separately (and not to mention that most of it is over 20 year old content).
>We are only getting bits of new content through single separate DLC.
Like the only thing to top this off to full Corpo is by adding microtransactions for skins a la CS:GO steam gambling.
target demographic right here
You welcome fatso.
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>Cyber-merc Anubis
See I would say this slop is alright... if the gun barrel was actually functional.
AI-chan needs more training!
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Is this a sincere argument or are you serious? Why would not liking a shitty business practice like holding better original hostage, mean that you have to like another shitty game. Shitting on one thing does not mean liking another unrelated thing.
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>posoydon statue similar or even smaller than the colossus
Good God, how do you fuck up this hard
And here we go again with the shitty ideology of "It doesn't matter what you say, you are an idiot and the Internet is smart" when clearly in recent years it has been demonstrated how infested with low idiotic lives the Internet is.
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I know, a mud golem has that kind of face. Amazing anon, I know.
It's definitely smaller, you can tell. but I think the issue is a mixture of problems. It seems like the colossi are too big more than anything, but the Statue of Poseidon is also too small.
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What is this suppose to be? Is it Kronos? Because I don't think it's Prometheans like >>1777253 or a mud golem >>1777466 says, due to the flaming fists.
If this is actually the Atlantean titan (due to the fact that it's holding a hoplite like the original) it's a major downgrade. It doesn't even have the crystals!
They fixed that fucking bullshit one time use god powers mechanic which made me not want to play original game at all.
I think it's supposed to be Prometheus. The campaign titan one, not the minor god portrait.
>they "fixed" something that the original game was perfectly balanced around
Fuck off, secondary.
I didn't want to play that game because of that retarded feature.
>perfectly balanced around
There are a ton of better balanced games with powers on cooldown. The thing where you have one shot to use pretty useless powers makes no sense, fuck off.
Bro, the atlantean titan appeared before Prometheus in the trailer,
Did you even bother to watch the trailer, dumbfuck?
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>A remake of an old good idea isn't guaranteed to be good either, and fucking up and ruining a remake is worse for your reputation than releasing a bad new game 99% of the time.
AoE 2 de good
StarCraft 1 remake good
C&C remake good
Warcraft 3 reforged bad
3 good vs 1 bad
"Remake is good" win
That and also it kinda cannibalizes your market in reverse. So if your remade old shit is good, many people won't bother to buy your new shit; which is basically what happened to AoE4, at least in competitive play.
I mean if the revenue from the old shit is still big enough it'll justify it, but generally remakes don't see growth towards a new market as it's catering to nostalgia. The demographic will be old now 30-year or near old gamers, and not the zoomers or alphas.
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>Meanwhile there are a lot of old good ideas left to rot.
you speak like a shareholder, do old movies rot? Can you not watch an old movie and appreciate it for what it is? Star Wars Ep 7 was so fresh and good compared to Ep 4 right? It was good and worked so why wouldn't it work again?
I still play un-remastered Brood War and Warcraft 3 because they're excellent games, and they certainly don't fucking rot because video games are not perishables you dumb fucking retard directly responsible for the downfall of the medium
They didn't even try
pandoras box
Another case of "looks way better that the old, I cannot masturbate ever again"
>charging for classic portraits
This a new low even for the gaming industry.
I don't mind AI art at all, on the contrary I look forward to it, but at the moment it still lackluster in some areas so not getting at least ONE person to fix some issues with the art is just stupid.
>7 day EA for premium version
fuck those turbo kikes
so old portrait is the time limited dlc ?
Sc1 and cnc weren't remakes. They where just HD versions. Nothing aside from visuals changed.

Aoe2 a d wc3 did major changes to the point where they almost are new games.
>I cannot masturbate ever again
To be fair for the original quote, that's mostly because once it's HD you can see all the flaws in the porn actress compared to 480p. Not connected to the bad remake of AoM anyway, just wanted to add trivia.

>so not getting at least ONE person to fix some issues with the art is just stupid.
I think they did have a guy fixing it (assuming this was AI generated first), like the hand on >>1729613. However, they could of hired the lowest tier for the lowest price, so the artist missed, couldn't, or did not care to fix other glaring issues (headband for example on the same pic).
never played this one, is this worth for the campaign?
The original base game was pretty alright for the campaign. Have good cinematic moments inspired by 90~2000s swords and sandals renaissance, especially if you're into ancient myths. Expansion campaign not as much excitement, but still pretty alright for the time.
>2 unnanounced DLC with season pass
Gonna be Chinks and second will be that Aztec mod made official im calling it
If the devs keep sun wukong as a chinese god it's just going to cement the fact that they aren't even trying, lol.
What "porn actress"?
Some gameplay

I wish he’d shut up.
i know, but what matters is the gameplay itself. It gives me AoEIII:DE vibes
The original Age of Mythology has a great campaign with a lot of “Best of” moments. Trojan war, the Osiris Myth, Ragnarok, and of course Atlantis. I’d say it’s worth it for the campaign. The expansion with separate Atlantean civilization is kind of not good in my opinion.
I jusy hope the new DLC will actually do shit instead of just the same AoE game mechanics. I can't think of any non blizzard game that has mechanics like creep or pylon power. I think this would be a great opportunity for them to add in mechanics people generally don't use and to experiment with new stuff.
make sense its on the same engine
Is this worse than reforged?
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ok, gameplay looks fine, but I hate the AO4 UI, and it seems all in-game cutscenes looks like ass.
nah, you actually have to actively sabotage your game to go that low
>Fag who thinks that Reforged was "bad", to join the "wanna be cool internet club"
Of all the people, the spanish schizophrenic that nobody likes had to be the one who would put the gameplay first.
my honest reaction
The only faggot who could be bribed cheaply enough to speak good about this trash fire.
And you join him to think that the game "looks like trash".
Good job.
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Video games are a visual medium. If the visuals in a game are stolen art ai slop then there is no problem with pirating the game.
Between that logic, and how full of malware pirated games are in this decade, fucking normal that no one takes people like you seriously.
>and how full of malware pirated games are in this decade
skill issue
Skill isue to waste millions buying 9 PCs full of viruses, right?
kys by rape anglo
go gargle on corporate cock Rasheed
buy an ad
shut up and go back into the gulag
nobody trust you shit genepool anymore
>corpo bad, buaah buaah
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>go gargle on corporate cock Rasheed
The UI looks fucking awful and the voice acting sucks.
Next one to join the "Wanna be cool in internet Club" please?
I always hated this Titan design. Atlanteans were such a weird faction, if you knew anything about history you could tell half of it was from either Rome or the Medieval period. I guess that made them seem "advanced", but instead they were just bizarre.
Really out of place mythology as well, being greek #2
Language was sort of asian sounding but none of the words had any logic.
It didn't make any sense and I'm pretty sure it was originally supposed to have been Rome and China but both got scrapped and what was there was just turned into Atlantis.
is this english?
what? just know what you're downloading and installing. if you aren't retarded the only malware you'll get are the ones the developers put in the games on purpose
lol pajeet is angry and confused. still waiting on your genetics to get to wheel stage of civilization
1cm of cow shit has been deposited to your mudhut
God damn, I hate the Warcraft aesthetic and all that it entails.
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We mvst retvrn.
why would you look forward to soulless bland AI art?
aoe3 techincally has creeping, even though it sucks
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let's hope they rework atlanteans and give them pic rel
Mobile-tier soulless slop.
You mother is truly a mobile-tier soulless slop.
>a fictional myth faction
You meds anon.
Units looked really plasticine like in Reforged in the zoomed in part of the trailer but they look okay in that beaner's gameplay video, no need to go feral over it I think.
The worst fears for me right now are the AI slop portraits and omega-Jewish monetization scheme, you just know they'' strike down any mod restoring the old portraits.
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I'm ok with the colossi being colossal, but the poseidon statue itself should definitely be bigger since it is the final boss and all. If anything I just don't like the proportions of the colossi, I feel like they are too squat, but it doesn't look as off as some other units.
Strangely enough the prometheans have the exact opposite problem of being WAY too skinny compared to their originals, and those were my favorite units.And I liked their giant fist they formed when attacking too. But it could be a interesting direction for them to go down if the Alluvial Clay upgrade lore plays into it like giving them metal skeletons or some shit I don't know.
Gonna miss Gaia. I wish I could slap the devs.
>Roman gladiator archetypes as main infantry
>Heavy cavalry uses lances made out of stone
>Biremes are actually less advanced than triremes
>Myth units are all from Greek myth other than one from Hebrew myth
Yes, they're bizarre.
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game is runied
we realy need a good moding community for AOM like that of age of the ring for BFME
I am worried about Aphrodite.
are there really retards who will play RTS on a controller?
it's literal AI slop art. you'll now get AIslop assets and they'll charge you for hand crafted shit lmao. how devilish
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Not my Gaia
Plant Gaia got me questioning my loyalty to Zeus, bros.
They didn't make the egyptian gods black so the worst was averted.
I want to see Cronus next
The model is in the demo.
It's about the 3d model, anon.
Holy fucking shit, this voice acting is atrocious.

I can only hope Athena is just a random intern they got some voicework out of for the demo.
[insert World of Warcraft Troll laughter here]
It isn't even just Athena's voice, all voices that wasn't reused sound mediocre at best. But hers was definitely the worst. The god power effects are also extremely weak. Compare the lightning storm power in that footage at 3:10 to the original.

It actually manages to look worse.
That's not the original but it still looks better. https://youtu.be/2KXOgTEe7gI?si=sFaDM_Kk5tFbhiMZ&t=19
clash of clans 2 looks great
WHY does it look so cartoony? Even some of the big god powers look awful the lighting storm looks like sperm and the meteors look like farts.
nta both portrait and model are terribad they could've gone for a solid middle ground and made her look like poison ivy knock off but now she's a myth unit just so they don't upset the wokes
Welcome to ZOG art and culture
That's you're average spic yapping like a parrot
At least all the faults look pretty easily to mod out.
Because they're higher def models of the same core lower def models. Before your brain filled in the details and now there's nothing to fill in so you're brain sees the basic 2000s model in truth and they look cartoonish
or they're just fucking crap and look less detailed despite being newer tech >>1777208
That's part of the issue, yes, but it's also that those missing details were filled in the worse way possible.

The bigger issue is that aesthetically, the game cannot decide if it wants to go for the stylized look or the realistic look, so they both clash and we get the worse of both worlds.
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Kronos in the original art
Kronos's original 3D model
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Current Kronos model in the remake.

Can you spot the problem?
>Giga Nigga has escaped!
>Only quads can stop him.
The scaling felt off for a lot of the units, make giants big but the rest should be small.
Why should I buy again for a game that looks worse than an early 2000's game
Too many polygons to masturbate in peace?
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It looks like throwaway elemental mob from World of Warcraft
I never understood the association with Kronos and a magma man.
They both look awful. Not going to defend the remaster model but original Kronos is shit, too.

This shitty remaster shouldn't exist, I regret wanting this years ago.
You kind shouldn´t exist more like it.
He's supposed to be evil so the devs just decided that he needed to look like a giant mountain with lava even though that doesn't make any sense.
Villain syndrome.
The evil enemy has to look evil
Normally it's Hades who gets hit by this.
Hades was handled far better than Kronos was. He's menacing and somewhat evil looking but looks like you could see him looking for an Olympian. Kronos doesn't resemble a Titan at all. He looks extremely generic and thematically out of place.
I always knew this "retold" bullshit was only going to add pointless changes to the original, when the main sell point of a remaster is the nostalgia you get FROM said original.
Why purple light instead of molten lava like the art?
In the cinematic he's a big chunk of fiery, shadowy ash creature hurling meteors
in the game he looks like big black lizard man
artwork's a vulcanic man
but in retold its broken rock with purple glow for some stupid reason
>gonna pay for the same game twice AND spend months modding it to a playable state
Why not just make YouTube video all by yourself? Feel to me like a better option than collaboration with a stranger. And I don't think there are any big aom youtubers anyway so it's not like would will get way more exposure.
We've thought about making a channel but we can't video edit among other things.

As it relates to this case, none of us play AoM so we'd want to work with somebody who knows the game/series too
Because the main campaign had you go into 3 different instances of an underworld with black volcanic ground and sea of magma to stop a cyclop from opening the gates to tartarus.
There is already a mod that includes the Aztec civilization, Return of the Gods.
I'm aware, but afaik they're also a very popular choice for an official expansion

I glanced at the AoM mod once, seemed solid, though I didn't give it an in depth look since I wanted to offer to help out but they were done by the time I heard about it IIRC.
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Nice League of Legends artworks
Draven chads rise up
blizzard and marvel have done irreparable cultural damage to the entire industry
bullshit. its AI.
>blizzard and marvel have done irreparable cultural damage to the entire industry
Marvel? To RTS genre too? How?!
NTA. I think anon just means in art design and copy-paste cinematic storytelling.
Art-wise it's arguable, because the American superhero style was a thing even before the MCU. Blizzard is definitely a source for spreading Mcfarlane/Spawn aesthetics (i.e. over exaggerated torso, big ass pauldrons, etc.), but there were other RTS doing it before albeit less exaggerated.
Story-wise it's more pronounced, as post-2008 there's like more and more plots that just goes grand without the characters catching up to it. Also there's less the "faction as a character," which was a main complaint for Homeworld 3 recently. Like less AoE2 "I'm playing the army of Saladin, Wallace, etc" and more like "I'm the fucking chosen one. "
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Looks more like burned flesh than stone.

No, he's clearly made of rock and his titan model also shows this. The lava should have made this obvious.
That image. Is this a joke? Hit head, torso, and parts of his arms and legs are clearly made of rock. It even resembles some stone textures found in the editor. His portrait is obviously supposed to resemble cooled lava with a heated center.
They have to add far more polygons to create the same illusion of detail for these newer higher def models. That is just unfeasible in a game where most things will be seen from far away. AOE3 DE has the exact same issue.
I'm reposting because the mods/jannies got iffy about the image of Coyolxauhqui despite the fact it was as tastefully nude (actually less nude) as a greek statue and deleted the post:

Mesoamerican history and archeology nerd here, if I and my friends wanted to work with a Youtuber to make a video about the potential for an Aztec pantheon, what youtubers talk about AoM stuff and would likely be into the historical/cultural influences of stuff?
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>all this whining about AI art
>no comments about how the economy part of the RTS practically plays itself
what is wrong with you people
the entire theme for retold screams cartoony capeshit
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the "remastered" legacy portraits are AI upscaled aren't they.
what about the barebones looking textures they didn't put any effort in them both far away and up close they look like shit
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Holy shit look at the amount of detail loss in the shoulder pads and helm also loss of contrast and it looks soft af
Nah, the small details are too temporally consistent, while bigger stuff like the shape of the face is different. With an upscale/outpaint it'd be the opposite. Bad details but 1:1 on the basic shapes
It's for modern audiences you bigot. Go back to EE.
What the god damn fuck is this?
Wow they couldn't even keep his eyes the same color, or in the same position.
Isn't it only supposed to have the head of a man? What's with the bird and goat?
It's a redraw, you can tell by the differences
>The Sphinx's upgrades (and mythology section) refer to ram-headed and falcon-headed Sphinx units, but no visual change occurs, the Sphinx remaining an Androsphinx.
>Couldn't be arsed to look for the original art for a high resolution scan, or worse, the original physical art is lost.
Things just keep getting worse
Who asked for this
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Ironically, upscales could have looked better than that
The same people who wanted automatic villager production. Now the game can play itself, but even more this time.
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I don't like it
Yeah, this looks terrible. What the hell is this crap?
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they made this for controllers (since they decided the consoles were apparently a RTS market for age games now)
the game is not played zoomed in like this you dumb retards
I only know Universidad AOM and Mayorcete who keep talking about AOM and such. Everyone else I know is mostly AOE2-centered.
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looks like the turkish invasion happened a few centuries earlier. swarthy and barbaric
this remaster is literally white genocide
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the remake has fallen
millions must cry
built in scripts amazing
>Toys R us AoM edition
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/vst/ asked for this, they complain when they have to do more than 1 input per 5 seconds
lmao, this is almost mobile auto battler tier, the schizo who spams gookclick in every rts thread can be happy haha
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Using the low quality model for the 2002 is a bit disingenuous, isn't it?
He needs a fatter face.
Greek civ next to upcoming India civ
So China is confirmed to be in the first expansion.
Overall I like what they have shown us as long as the training wheels economy mode isn't actually overpowered and just training wheels for noobs.

Some units look too cartoony but oh well.
Nice, managing villagers get tedious after some time, I'd rather focus on the armies.
>Egyptian Titan
Avatar of Rah
>Greek Titan
>Norse Titan
>Atlantean Titan
I wonder how they plan to balance wonder age. If you need to mainly pump out more favor then Norse/Loki end game looks frightening, despite no Earthquake/Meteor/Implosion power.
Kinda looks like natalie portman but with grey eyes
i think it's just going to be an unlock for the wonder like titan age, and you have to pick one of the two
What civ generate most favor?
what the fuck are you talking about, that's literally how greeks look like
>inb4 migrant photos
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Need to pay extra to use the older supperior images, what a time to be alive.
Zionist occupied vidya
What a time to be really alive reading about retards like you indeed.
Take Microsoft's dick out of your mouth before you post
Atlanteans. They begin to generate favor the second the match starts.
Lmao, this is fucking unreal. They're actually making people pay to use the older images. I hope this crap flops, and I hope the people that do buy it just use mods
The patron god of the Greek pantheon was ejected. He wasn't the Impostor, but he was still Zeus
Take the blue haired twins cocks in you mouth. How about that instead shit of man?
Still mad that Microsoft, after "buying" Blizzard, still hasn't done anything with Starcraft 2, right anon?
What if you threw yourself naked into a herd of goats and they raped you to death?
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this shit right here is going to revolutionize RTS games, this is the next big step for the genre but this system is still early.

its going to change build orders drastically and will allow for more and earlier scouting and battles MICRO gameplay wich is the good stuff in most famous and e-sports RTS, sucks for macro players tho
But enough about your personal sexual fantasies.
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I assumed they would start adding gods when they showed the new art for loki and poseidon, since one recurring criticism of the chinese faction was how bad the art looked in comparison to the original.

So Freyr will be a minor god or major? I'm asking because they put Oceanus alongside the major gods in the trailer which makes me wonder if he's being upgraded to major god. Like if you wanted to add a fourth faction to each civ Oceanus would be the obvious choice for the Atlanteans as the second most important Titan. But Freyr would be an odd choice compared to his father, Baldr, Surtr, Hela or even he's own sister.
>turning an RTS into a glorified moviegame that plays itself will revolutione RTS games
go play civilization or some other slow-paced or turned based game, slowfag
That's Oranos, 100% sure of it. It doesn't make sense for them to stick in a single random minor god alongside most of the major gods in the game.
>as if AI pixels and human directed pixels are any different

You retards act like artists dont specifically paint like this cause they chase trends. AI just made it more apparent how soul-less the art scene actually is thanks to clout chasing.

You want soul? Seek canvas paintings irl. Fuck sake you sheep really do parrot what your heckin fav art youtuber bitches about huh?
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Shut the fuck up, pajeet. It's not even about style, it's about glaringly obvious mistakes that a human would never do because a human knows what it wants to draw instead of leaving it as "the algorithm recognises this pattern of pixels, so it's good enough".
Not him but it's obviously Oceanus, go look at his god portrait in The Titans expansion. But I'm not going to assume he's turning into a major god in the remaster. It's probably nothing.
I know what Oceanus looks like, and I'm not convinced especially after they turned Gaia into groot. It gives me the feeling they're giving all the Titans gods a less human appearance, at least the major ones.
I guess we'll have to see if they end up dropping more info or when the game releases.
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those do NOT look like fins
Why would Ouranos looks like a fish? He's associated with the sky / heavens and not the ocean.
>but he doesn't
The one posted earlier does, you can see the obvious fish scales along the arms and the webbed hands along with what looks like a fish tail. That's obviously Oceanus. The portrait pose is even in the same general position and has the same color scheme, so I don't know why this is even being questioned.
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>The 'HD' touch up
Fucking embarrassing
Someone contact David Cherry and tell him they're butchering his art
do you have more of those?
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I don't even understand why we need AI upscaling of images that have perfectly fine details.
>see through dress
>subtly visible booba
>fully exposed navel
this pic is better than I remember it no wonder they went with shitty no effort AI slop the originals can neither be replicated or outdone all the talent is gone with it we are back in the dark ages
i have no doubt whatsoever that retold is going to shit all over this design
I legit spilled so much spunk to this back in the day
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For comparison
Perfectly shows how the new one is a cheap mockery and literally pales in comparison to the original still it makes me fume how they have the gall to charge for the shit on the top left when they should have just used the high quality ones on the right
>the amount of detail lost on the armor's engraving
what a travesty, it would have literally cost them nothing just to just slap a crop of the art on the right instead of doing this ai upscale slop
>give the intern 5 bucks and tell him we'll credit him so he can put it in his resume
that can't be fucking real. that has to be some placeholder voice while they get Carole Ruggier into the studio
Zeus 200 villagers on temples
I thought this was /vst/ not /ic/.
have you considered gitting gud? these powers are pretty strong. most of them at least.
Consider it a crossover episode
Well... I mean quality presented aethetically doesn't really give us confidence that they'll uphold it for the gameplay either.
Plus, scummy marketing (>>1777178) and mysterious incompetance on just using the upscaled art when HD version exsist already (>>1780526). So yeah... 99% this is gonna be shit in everyway.
>using AI to detect AI
you don't deserve good things and i hope that you'll get fired from your job and replaced by a machine
>turning the three hoplites fighting from the helmet into a flower
>a fucking flower
>turns the bull skull into literal mush
Literally what the fuck is going on with the sleeves as well?
How the fuck is it even possible to be this incompetent?
Don't be mean. The AI worked very hard.
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What's even going on here?
>Age of Mythology Retold
I knew we were fucked when that whale pronounced "prostagma" with her disgusting fat bitch accent when presenting the models a few months back.
Don't bother anon, complaining is a sport on 4chan.
I'd legit hang this on my wall if I could
>I'd legit hang this on my wall if I could
Funny thing. They seem to had an auction for the actual arts decades ago. So it's likely that microsoft in their incompetence did not keep any referential backups (either analog or digital) and have to resort to scuffed waifu upscaling due to actual data loss.
I don't think you understood what he said
lurk more perhaps
Woke are the policies that led to the hiring of incompetent artists and writers to get to a point where you need computers to write your dialog or draw your pictures.
And I don´t think you fucks will ever understand what "context" even means at this point.
Consume less drugs perhaps.
The "AI slop" has less shadows that the "original".
And for that you all had to act like a declaration of war?
who the fuck is shilling this slop on a board with like 1000 posters max
A sword in the shoulder, passing behind a head.
Problem blindfuck?
You mother
Way better quality that the AI generated """anime""" art, that´s for sure.
>Trust me bro, I had legit contacts
where do you think we are?
In real life, obviously.
(Not like you kind and the LGBT garbage, who believe that without artificial reproduction technology, their ideology will prosper)
can it, jeet
>All this AI Slop
>Blood texture, corpses and skeletons are most likely going to be removed because "le gorey"
>Revoicing the campaigns
>Chinese confirmed as the first DLC
I think I'll save my bucks for the German rework of HOI4...
AI doesn't actually understand where the sword ends and the beard begins nor how hidden objects are supposed to be shaped.
that's the OG portrait, dumbass
No it isn't
Nta, but >>1780740 is speaking on the upscaled image where the AI had to fill in the blanks for the original low-res icon.
As you can see here >>1780526 the AI just used a clover shape to make up for the original lion decor of the hilt's crossguard.
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Arkantos looks pretty faithful to his FMV-self.
It's amazing how easily shills will spew out obviously false statements like this. They don't care about making a fool of themselves. They only care about feeling good that they defended le hecking wholesome corporation online.
Posting on 4chan when the fields aren't tilled yet, Ranjesh?
>Cute anon thinks that I´m from India instead of Spain
Oh so you're brown instead of browner. My bad.
Deja de promocionar to canal de YouTube y haz algo productivo con tu miserable vida.
>glowing eyes, not grey
>no Aegis
>no apotropaion
>no panoply

they done my nigga ΑΘΗΝΑ wrong
is that Blaire White?
Nice google translator
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D-do you mean it?
No you fucking reatrd
They're egyptian and theres a greek navy behind Poseidon. He's obviously killing niggas in a battle
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I'm playing AoM extended edition and the campaign is a lot harder than I remember as a kid. Did they buff the difficulty?
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just messing around
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more upscales for the lulz. i could do this all day but work
Roided up Thor
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This one's ari.
it's like they actually don't understand how egyptian depictions of their gods worked.
I never understood what's that supposed to be.
that's ra retard
My friend wants me to learn this game so we can play together but I have never played it or anything like it. My only experience with strategy games is playing Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri and some old KOEI games.

How long does it take to learn this game and play at a decent level?
You can get the gist of it in a few hours if you play the campaign.
Getting GOOD at it, or even decent, is gonna take a while longer. Gotta learn build orders and shit to not get raped in the ass.
Unless you're doing coop vs AI, in which case just the campaign should be enough.
honestly, just pirate it and give it a whirl
if you're used to turn-based games, the real time aspect will be the hardest thing to get used to
like most RTS it's really easy to get the gist, but improving the execution is what gets you
play the campaign to get a feel for it, then some skirmishes against the computer.
>That Trojan Horse
Imagine missing the point this hard
It's supposed to look like a peace offering, why does it have spears sticking out and shields attached to it?
What about giving up your equipment to the enemy doesn't say "peace offering"?
The part where the tip of the spears are pointed up, anon.
So? On the horse's head? How is that going to be an offensive measure? As long as Trojans believe that the horse is empty (kek) and it's not manned from the outside, it's just decorations. If they were pointing outwards at infantry level, sure. Pointing up on the head, nah.
are you blind or just retarded? The new one has food, drink, and materials on it, too at the base. It very clearly looks like a peace offering

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