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>What is your will?
i love the imperial guard, but i wish i could play them in 4v4 compstomps with my friend. they just get smashed by enemy horde too hard. it's also hard to move out with them or go to support allies compared to dropping steel rain (especially with dreadnoughts inside) to help them.
sounds like a skill issue
>get attacked
>select unit
>right click your base
>you win
You have artillery, and you have HW Teams, and tanks.
Use them.
i wish it was that simple. my buddy (and the ai on our team) aren't very good at coming over to help (or pushing when they can 3v1 the enemy bases). if i get 3v1'd or 2v1'd early on, the imperial guard just melts too fast to the spam. dreadnoughts are great fighters/damage sponges while the sm squads send out a lot of damage with rockets/heavy bolters.
i do use them, but trying to push out with the hw teams sucks since it's easier for the ai to jump you and melee them. tanks dont come out in enough numbers to shit out/soak up damage like dreadnoughts to provide a good enough mobile cover for the squads. artillery is bretty good but earthshaker is expensive, has a cooldown, and cant soak up damage for the hw teams. trying to find the right balance of hw teams to guardsmen squads is tough since too little hw teams and youre not putting out enough damage to kill anything, and too many hw teams means no regular squads to help soak damage.
Your regular squads aren't meant for anything other than capping and dying, get a chimera transport and stuff your men into it, they can shoot from the inside and the vehicle armor of the chimera will make it last ages against anything not specially-made for killing vehicles. 2 chimeras with flamethrowers can stop and morale break infinite enemy infantry.
As for enemy vehicles, Sentinels do OK against them but realistically you'd get a proper tank against them, or Kasrkin with melta gear.
Your roster is one of the most versatile ones but relies on abusing damage types and distance to be effective.
how many basilisks do you build? i'd normally do 3 basilisks and 2 leman russ (or cut 1 basilisk for THE BANEBLADE!), but then you can only build 1 chimera.
When I get to them (the people I play don't let matches get that far, they are sweaty SC2 players) I usually have two, on hold position at my base. They shell anything that gets too close for comfort and in some maps that can mean my half of the map. I like running around with Chimeras a lot, they really are the workhorse of the army, supported by a lascannon HWT or two.
It works more times than I care to admit, only Necrons give me trouble, everything with morale breaks before it becomes an issue.
The command squad is also important and I've seen players do incredible things with them, especially with psykers, but personally all I can muster is 4 priests and spam their ability that makes the command squad not take losses for a few seconds. My use of psykers is their passive detection and stunning vehicles with Curse, very reduced.
>nobody mentioned hellhounds
literally your best vehicle that melts every single armor type, when in doubt rush vehicles and spam hellhounds
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>commanders without servo-arms
hard pass
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Commissar, remove the waifus from Unification 7.0.
>Every release of the mod gets more and more unprofessional.
By the time they get around to releasing the Nids with ported DoW2 models they keep hinting at, Kekoulis will have figured out a way to have 2B as a Norn Queen.
I'd pay for a submod that removes the waifus and the cameos from 7.0. Or even replaces them with something that fits the setting.
>Only mod still adding content to Dawn of War 1 is an utterly deranged anime waifu coomer mod full of inane bullshit that wouldn't even pass as canon in the Rogue Trader days.
>Visual coherency is non-existent as a result of being a mishmash of models made for entirely different games alongside a million Yorhas and Genshin Impact "easter eggs".
>Even the female Tau in the Farsight Enclaves faction are cutesy anime girls, who exist alongside completely realistic male Tau.
>Krieg infantry can be male or female randomly, you can tell because the female ones have hourglass waifu figures under their big coats and have multi-color anime hair poking out of the front of their gas masks (very unprofessional!)
>This is the only mod that gets anything done nowadays and the only way a million faction mods from the community managed to see the light of the day, since most of them were cancelled before being released until Unification team picked them up.
>So you either move on from Dawn of War 1, play oldass mods with no content, or accept waifushit.
God I miss the days of Firestorm Over Kronus. Every model those guys made was free for all the community to use in their mods, and they were all made to match vanilla's art style but with higher level of detail. They made so much content that even today most mods rely on their stuff. That project dying was the end of DoW's golden era.
Wut there's waifus and cameos now? Gross
The funniest part of Unification is that Emperor's Children were a dev's pet project, which is why
>Half the units are anime girls and sisters of battle.
>Tech tree is bloated to a cartoonish degree.
>The faction has such a humongously large amount of units that it's impossible to actually play it without lowering your texture settings to medium, because if you try to play a skirmish with the hack that forces high resolution textures, the game crashes on load.
>This wasn't fixed in 7.0 because the devs don't want to admit they fucked up when making Emperor's Children into a bloated waifu faction.
You VILL have waifu gene steal cultist squads and you VILL like it!
>Firestorm Over Kronus
fok my beloved
the only mod to make damage and armor systems coherent and sensible
The line is ''What is your wish''
The will one is ''Where is his will needed,''
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>"This is the judgement of the righteous, scum!"
Also, the Jetbikes (which they shouldn't have) are still crazy OP. They will eat anything that isn't a dedicated anti-infantry vehicle for breakfast in melee while being almost as fast as a skimmer.
I mentioned this to the devs, they told me that "it's intentional"
i hate fighting killa kans.
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another comfy night of long compstomps. few times when the enemy ai pushed us pretty far back, but we were able to stabilize and finally end it after 2.5h.
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