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Why are good Heroes of Might and Magic III maps where the AI can go to high numbers so hard to find? I want some high level fights with big numbers!
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And messed up Bloodlust/Frenzy. Bloodlust should stay level 1, Frenzy to level 3.
>can't cast remove obstacle on enemy hero
why even remove
That should be just a bugfix, it's retarded that you can interact shore hero->boat next to shore, but not boat hero->shore hero.
Town Portal and DD should be universal, they are by far the strongest spells in the game.
Nah, non-specialists should be limited to the basic effect (I mean one skip a day is plenty for DD anyway), and the enhanced effects are for the travel specialist spell skills (air and water). I'd love to see whether Water Magic actually would go from "everyone hates this" to "can compete with Earth/Air" after Town Portal returns to its rightful place.

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last one reached bump limit
now post kino mods
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This just makes me laugh thinking about all the epic edgy slavfaggot tranime lovers I've posted with who met their deaths in a pathetic miserable ditch in the Ukraine. I wonder how many of them thought their faggot video game skills would give them an edge in the battlefield only to have their balls blown off by an FPV drone. Brightens my day utterly and fully.
>epic edgy slavfaggot tranime lovers
>versus epic edgy faggot gore lovers
Gay? Jewish? Arms manufacturer shareholder? Woman (biological)? "Woman" (tranny)? Ethnically Baltic/Romanian/Hungarian?
Engineers can't make the crossings easier? Or they're a hard line your dudes can't cross, like some mountain ranges? You'll have to use paratroopers, and that's a whole new poorly documented poorly explained voodoo you'll have to learn.
Lol why are you such a mad faggot? Slavniggers are a race of crybabies "WAAAAAHHHHH WHY WONT THE MEAN EUROPEANS EVER THINK WERE WHITE" you sniffle as you play power fantasy map games and clunky washed out first person shooters thinking they make you a real general and army man, half-listening to pop history videos in the background which similarly you believe actually makes you educated in any way whatsoever on history or political science. The world will fulfill their objective, if not today, then tomorrow.
I hope they add flavor text to the foci in TFR. Just leaving that window empty reeks of unprofessionalism.

>quarterly operating profits of Paradox Interactive are down 90%
>their own games still earn profit but pretty much nothing else does
>cancelation of Life by You was genuinely disastrous
>only Paradox published game by other studio that makes them money is Age of Wonders 4


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GIGA-BASED. That's called capitalism.

You know how when you go Woke, you go Broke? Ladies and gentlemen, case in point.
Paradox tried to appeal to Normies and lost the autists. Maybe they'll learn.

I LOVE Paradox games. I LOVE CK3, EU4, and even V3 (in spite of its removal of all war), and loved "Stellaris" before they ruined it.

I have Mods and I have content to remove Woke-tarded stuff I don't like (e.g. attempts to undo the hard-coded faggots in CK3, I want zero but can't do it), especially with Heliogabalus as a man and such.

They will either go under or RETVRN. They deserve their fate.

The far-right won in gaming, not the Culture Wars in RL. in RL and in every situation that matters, we got ROFL-stomped, as Kamala Harris' landslide this November will prove.
>Kamala Harris' landslide this November will prove.
the jews have already picked trump

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Yuri > Kane
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They are literally the same person
Yeah except Yuri has mind control and that puts him on the top

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Looking for beginners to play Endless Space 2 with :)

I recently got into the game and I would like to do a real multiplayer game. If you're interested, join this server I set up for it and we'll start once we get 8 players!!

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I tried playing it again with my friends recently and it just out of sync'd and froze a million times once we got past turn 80
It's a namefag, not a tripfag
You newfag
I just wanna talk about Endless Space 2 here. It does feel like a journey becoming the top dog in the galaxy(ies)
I love leaning into the races strengths and weaknesses. Larping as literal slavers, treehuggers or loansharks has been fun. Have to go for a science win yet.

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on sale rn any good?
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An easy way into having a supermassive economy with a small nation is to start as any german minor, research mechanical tools and building ONLY tooling workshops. It also works as any small english subject.
If the war "system" wasnt a broken mess and the performance wasnt complete dogshit it would be an average game at best at this point
its an upgrade from completely unplayable since release
Vicky2 had an actual economic simulation, an actual private economy, meaningful pops, actual ideologies and parties, politics that made sense, real armies, no 19th century NATO, a sensible war and peace system, limited map painting, no 19th globohomo multicultural utopias, sliders, a good UI etc.
All you V3 reddit shills need to go the fuck back.
I like it a LOT more than V2, personally.

However, if you have played V2, be advised of the dumbest development choice of the game.

> Absolutely no war.
> None. Zero.
> No armies. No marching. No micro-management.
> There are no armies. None. Zero.
> If you praise the war system (LOL, no such thing) then check your bedroom because your wife's boyfriend wants to pay you good boy points to buy Reddit Gold
> Actively punishes map painting because of the inability to micro-manage

Understand that you will completely lose all ability to win a war that is stacked against you.

If you can handle that and liked V2, get it.
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> Nineteenth century NATO did not exist


Tell me, my good man, why did so many European powers back the Sick Man of Europe to "preserve muh balance"? What was the Concert of Europe?

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Welcome everyone to another Tinto Talks, the Happy Wednesday where we talk about the top secret game with the codename Project Caesar.

Today we will delve into the most hated of all seasons, Winter. Luckily for us, we don’t have to live with it for the entire year…

Climate and Winter
So what impacts whether a location has winter or not? Well, primarily it depends on the climate, but also on the time of the year and the level of winter currently nearby. Of course, when there is winter it is different for the northern and southern hemispheres. Every day each location does its calculations for when it should be changing its winter level.

There are three levels of winter. Technically it is four, but “no winter” is not really winter is it. And during the course of a season, a location could experience all types of winter. We have mild, normal and severe winters.

What is common for all levels of winter is that they affect attrition for your armies, so winters will always kill off some of your soldiers.

Pops living in climates that regularly experience winters have a higher demand for fur.

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>Completely different thing is the same thing!!
>it doesn't count as writing because it's not abstract squiggles
It's a symbolic medium for storing and conveying information through language, that's writing. By your logic hieroglyphics weren't writing.
>Nu tinto maps out
>Nobody is posting about it on vst
It's so over for Johan sisters...

New Tinto Maps
Not our fault johan can't keep to a consistent schedule
Where's the paid shill reposting it all?

Time to talk about this lost 80's gem.

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what about them
is infantry viable to use as your main force instead of vehicles or will i get assfucked by vehicles?
there's more than one, which is unusual for a cnc game. okay, i can understand power being given a resource slot, and population, even though cnc games never had a population limit. but there's like 5 or 7 resources, which is more than most rts games i can think of. in fact the only rts game with more resources i can think of is cossacks
Empire Earth (Gold/Steel/Stone/Wood/Food)
Rise of Nations (Gold/Steel/Wood/Food/Oil/Tech)
Stronghold (About 20 depending on the game)
Not that uncommon, all the factions might not even use all of the resources like how GLA don't use power in C&C Generals.
>Spoils of War: Pump oil from deposits, mine for ore and gather scrap left over from the battlefield to help further your economy, and create efficient supply lines and logistics networks to ensure that the raw material is made into war material to deliver to your factories.

it's not really a CnC clone just uses a modified version of OpenRA
it's a weird blend of different things (KKND, CnC etc.)

I would say the game looks pretty tame when it comes to ressources and logistics from what I seen so far
apparently ore is underground but I don't know if that means there will be underground section in the maps you can access or if the ore is just mined from above ground

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I noticed nobody ever made a new thread so I'll make one
previous thread >>1678337
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"The Avatar" Bloodline has a cool ring to it
Did the vikings believe in reincarnation? There'd probably have to be some research on if modern norse larpagans or the actual vikings did believe in reincarnation.
There's a handful of stories of people being reborn, sometimes as animals, or occasionally being born with marks of injuries their ancestors had. One guy appeared in a dream to another dude and gave him specific instructions to rob his tomb, mutilate his body, and then give some of his shit to a kid who would be born shortly after this occurs.
Stuff like that could be cool for events
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>Americanists in Rushmore (Brule), can't raid infidels
>random Trailwalker barbarian fuck from northern Yellowstone region blobs early and hard into Dakota and eats way more of collapsing Lakotah kingdom than I do
>usurps the title from Lakotah so now he has to die for me to King
>tribal shitter has 2k retinues, 3k levy and can call like 10k of vassals to arms
>me with 3.2k troops, up to 5k for a few months with a mercenary hire

Miraculously we managed to avoid direct war decs from anyone in our area until 2nd reign, expanding when we could, keeping just enough power to not look like the easiest meal around. A 10 year truce from a white peace I barely managed to scrape with -600 gold to mercs expires soon. Good news, the king of Dakota just got murdered by his own people, an ugly boy is on the throne, and soon I'll be the grown up who gets to bully a child.

What can I do to fuck him up though? Holy wars risk calling in other Trailblazers, which are all over the place, and to fully beat him in one war I'd need like 3k gold reserved for merc pay. I can't raid him for gold, and anyway my retinue cap is effectively 0. I don't see an assassinate button in this mod. I've resisted swearing fealty to anyone the whole time, should I just join Dakota and try to ruin them from within? Is there a way forward for proud Americans without bending the knee to fucking tribal cheaters?

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Nope. Just stick to DoW 3. It's by far the best in the series.
2 is the only one that's playable in the long run
DoW1 is extremely dated but also an icon from the peak of the RTS golden age. It has a lot of very meaty singleplayer content
DoW2 still has living multiplayer to this day. Its more CoH-like, with a smaller scale and simplified tech progress more akin to an RTT than an RTS as well as less SP content overall but the campaigns are this cool Isometric RPG hybrid that you can absolutely break in half. Chaos Rising is probably the peak of RTS Singleplayer, a cool relic from when the genre was reaching maturity but before MOBAs smothered it with a pillow.
Don't care. Still playing DoW 3

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In a lot of strategy games your choices are limited to "not attacking" and "attacking to conquer stuff".
I am drawn towards games that do something different, games where you can attack others for personal gain, but not conquest, more of a "give me money" thing, be it making them into tributaries or raiding.

Why are these games so rare? Crusader kings 2 does this and it's basically THE exception, only other game I can think of that does this is King of Dragon Pass, which is a strategy game, sure, but I think we can all agree thats a bit of a stretch.

And here is the other problem, in ck2 you run out of things to spend money on somewhat fast... Sort of. Theoretically, you will never have enough money, since you can upgrade vassal holdings, but the returns from that grow so distant and tiny that it's really not worth clicking though. If it could be done automatically that'd be cool but you would hardly feel the difference.

So that leaves king of dragon pass, where raiding is actually super fun and achieves the objectives. You can raid for captives, to kill as many as possible, for loot... It's just plain fun. And, if you're doing exceptionally well, it never runs out of things for you to spend goods/cows on, because you can always buy artifacts from other tribes.

But that's it! I know there's six ages but I haven't played it yet, but other than that? That's all! I seriously don't understand why there aren't more games where you just steal shit like that.
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Playing tall is just not a thing in most strategy games. With the exception of Civilization-like games thay has alternative win conditions that are not tied with the idea of killing all the other CPUs.
Starsector nexerelin
>more of a "give me money" thing, be it making them into tributaries or raiding
ROME 2 TW with the Divide et Impera Mod lets you do that.
You often have to create buffer zones with tributaries to protect your borders, subdue or free peoples to avoid public order penalties from conquests. It can be fun, but ultimately you will paint the map, it's the purpose of the game.
Crusader Kings 2 and to a lesser extent 3
KoDP and Six Ages

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Personally, my biggest issue with HoI 4 is how air warfare takes place.

I just don't find it very engaging or interesting dumping 20.000 fighters into Northern France and having them buff my ground troops and fight battles I don't even notice is happening.

Having tried HoI 3 I know that I do not want to go backwards and return to confusing mirco hell of that game where airplanes do nearly nothing anyway and are just a way to waste IC instead of building more tanks but I do want to see some sort of rework.

We received a naval rework so I think that an air rework is on the cards but it is a difficult subject because how do you fix it?

One thing I did like about HoI 3 was that you would order planes to operate in a radius rather than a state. It makes me angry when in HoI 4 my planes in Paris perform poorly because they do not have the range to reach the other side of France where fighting is not even happening. It would create a more interesting heat-map of air combat too if it was not tied so strictly to states.
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>the fundamental problem with hoi4 is it treats everything like an ic check
t. Adolf Hitler.
Regular fighters are more cost effective. The only point to heavy fighters is their range, because some regions of the map are just set up so that airfields are too spaced and airzones too big for light frames to cover. If you're not fighting in such a place, stick with light airframes.
god you retards can't just stay in your threads
Air is anything but simple in HoI 4. It is extremely detailed and complex if you think that it is simple then you obviously are a bad player. It is so complex that the AI is not good at it and most players are not too so you can still play while being bad at it. Unlocking the power of the sky is very powerful and makes you a much better player.
>design simple, long established and extremely well-understood fighter template
>put 50-150 factories on it
>upgrade your airports
>spread planes through airports
>set fighters to air superiority and put them in airzone
>wait to win the air war and enjoy 50% stat increase on the ground in the meantime
>once air zone turns green, deploy CAS that literally just maximizes 'ground attack' and nothing else
>now your 10w infantry will successfully push tanks
Like most of HOI4, the complexity is illusionary and the multitude of stats and mechanics only exist to obfuscate a simple path to optimization that requires little decisionmaking at all. The only interesting aspect of air at all is securing enough rubber to fuel your production, but in practice that just means importing from southeast asia, conquering southeast asia or building a bunch of synthetic rubber plants if you don't have access to southeast asia.

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Please be about the hussite wars Please be about the hussite wars Please be about the hussite wars
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not gonna play your puke looking indie shit, bozgor
If you care for strategic games with the hussite wars then the Dawn of Dukes expansion to Aoe2 DE has Jan Zizka campaign. Dunno if there is more strategic games with this conflict.
i don't think you know what bozgor means, /int/sect
no worries, if ck3 belongs on this board then so does this
not a stratergy game

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Are there any strat/political games focused on diplomacy where you play as a diplomat or government minister as opposed to the ruler of the country? Having to balance interests from both sides sounds more fun.
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The closest I know is Decisive Campaigns: Barbarossa, where you play as Franz Halder, the General in charge of the German invasion of the USSR. It's a standard hex wargame except you have to keep your bosses and underlings happy, decide to commit war crimes, allocate resources, etc. It's good but would be better if you didn't have to micromanage every military unit.

Another is one of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms games where you could play as any character. Not much strategic depth in those games though.
Thank you for doing the thankless work of maintaining the quality of the internet.
You both seem like idiots.

catpcha: BOTHJEWS
Yeah, you apoplexic pantaloon.

captcha: TAILOR
The way Rule the Waves makes you the head of the navy rather than the head of state is the closest I can think of. Its one of the best features of the game as you try and balance the needs of the navy with the politics of the country. I absolutely love it, and want to see it replicated in other games. I hope espiocracy implements something similar as the head of intelligence services.

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