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>title name and colour customisation
>CoA customisation
>custom faiths
>hybrid/divergent cultures
>architecture/fashion mix&match options
>achievements allowed with mods
Why did they never add these things back in CK2? Was player choice not respected back then?
>>title name and colour customisation
>>CoA customisation
Not only you being paid for posting paradrone, you posting blatant lies. Very bad. no +0.15 crone for you.
>cannot change adjectives
>cannot remove title type from title names
>cannot do a lot of creativity without forming a custom realm first
>cannot edit existing coa midgame
>extremely limited coa editor
I detest this meme. STOP pretending CK3 is not leap and bounds ahead for letting you make a realm look like anything you want.

I will not accept realismfag arguments either. Video games are about player choice, look at how much flexibility Rimworld gives. If you don't grant it, you're a fundamentally worse game.
I prefer ck2's ui, and heavy customization is not interesting to me.
Fair arguments for older players and those who already have their niche filled. But CK3 has a foundation to be more freeform than just a medieval dynasty sim, I think it should build on that.

Not just customisation either but mod potential. Having many more total conversions mods already show that. It is the Skyrim of gsgs, it has less depth than predecessors so there can be a blank slate for the community to work on. Maybe not intentional but it's working.
>muh player choice
Please stop being a fucking retard. None of those things matter because of muh choice.
They matter because of the proper implementation of systems, which happens to increase player choice among many other benefits. CK3 is a game which is far more naturally dynamic than CK2 because the systems in place let the world, and in particularly your realm, develop in ways which appropriately represent the circumstances of your particular game.
For example, in one game I played as Ethiopians and wound up conquering much of Egypt (or at least the Nile). In CK2 there'd have been no content for something like this, I'd be playing a pure base game of war and conversion. In CK3 I'm naturally presented with seperate paths in regards to how to treat the region, its population, and my islamic neighbours. Create a syncretic faith and try to align myself with the locals or stick to the coptic faith and try to deepen ties with Christians around the Mediterranean? Use the relatively safe powerbase I'd established down south to control the areas I'd conquered and until I shift them to my culture? Create a hybrid culture? Try and organize my realm such that the Egyptians are happen without integration? These kinds of decisions are common in almost every game with different answers from different circumstances, all compounded by what kinds of characters you wind up playing, what they're good at and how much you want to factor in any RP of what they would want.
These systems make it a STRATEGY GAME, where you come up with a STRATEGY based on the circumstances. In CK2 you hope there's an expansion or events based around your circumstances and you follow one of the obvious paths laid out for you.
It's only good for breeding and cultures. That's about it. Maybe the landless DLC will finally make this game worth playing.
This is something that scares me about eu5, eu4s ui was peak and anything nudox makes will be inferior. Hopefully mods change that in the future somehow
>still playing paradox games
ngmi anons the new dlc is too expensive for me to even pirate fuck this gay earth
ck2 with all the dlc is the last good paradox game everything since then has been casual zoomer brainlet shit
rip my sides thinking about the state ck3 is in lmao what a fucking shitshow
tfw no gf because you're too busy playing map games reeeeee
why won't women talk to me i just want a big tiddy goth gf to watch me commit war crimes against minorities in hoi4
mods are the only things keeping these games alive
gsg threads are dead, forums are dwead, paradox killed their own community with shit games and horrible drm practices
can't even pirate the new shit anymore without instantly getting my steam account banned thanks gaben kike
This isn't fucking /gsg/ you ratshit cunts fuck off
>>title name and colour customisation
>>CoA customisation
>>custom faiths
>>hybrid/divergent cultures
all could've been added to ck2
>>architecture/fashion mix&match options
who cares
>>achievements allowed with mods
stupid, only game that needs this is hoi4
>But CK3 has a foundation to be more freeform than just a medieval dynasty sim
yeah, it has the foundation of a reddit screenshot generator
>all could've been added to ck2
But they didn't.
>who cares
I do.
>stupid, only game that needs this is hoi4
Why do you talk like you're the only one in the world that pays for games?
Like CK2 wasn't that too?
idk man your syncretic faith and hybrid culture are both just an opinion and revolt modifier, there's no mechanical difference and the only "unique" traditions add a new decision button (pay money for a one-time piety/prestige/development). You can keep on playing an Ethiopian and your vassals will be more upset you own three duchies and that you didn't give them your empire's crown than they are of you being of a different relgion and culture. The Christians won't care about proximity, only alliance strength, so you could marry into the Karlings if you had the diplomatic range and a Kingdom; it's not like anyone will declare war on you in response to your aggressive expansionism, anyways
That's not a strategy. I converted my Ghurids to Hindustani after owning Indian for 100 years and I receive no less revolts for abirtrary reasons because it's just a modifier. A Muslim ruling an Indian county plays no differently than a muslim ruling Cairo, nor would it make any difference if I was Beber, or Persian. Being a Begali would be different, but that's because Beganli play the same as feudal ireland.
Am I happy for hybridization and faith divergence? Yes. Do I wish it came with mechanical changes rather than just adjusting numbers? Yes.
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What do you think of my meticulously crafted Republican Norse India
The game looks weird without mods to me now.
I got the game through less than legal ways so mods are sadly out of the picture
The character models alone are clay blobs without EPE.
I hope roads to power is good.
>Like CK2 wasn't that too?
towards the end of its lifetime? sure
How is it republican? It's a clan realm
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What's the current state of porn mods?
Both CK2 and CK3 are awful sandbox and RPGs.
You can't even finish CK2 because the endgame lag that make it literally unplayable.
I worked hard on Regula Magistri (2) so you better enjoy it
>Regula Magistri
Fucking where do you get ideas for your names? Fucking literature/History Majors dabbing on the IT engineers
Ironic, considering I'm an IT engineer that continued working on Regula Magistri after the original author stopped.
CK3tards should be banished to /vrpg/
Last time I looked you had to install a bunch of submods from everywhere
Just bought CK3, which DLCs are the good ones?
>>achievements allowed with mods
So you're telling me I could load a cheat mod and cheese my way through the achievements? kek
I'm one also, and isn't this always the case, huh.
How was the code when you got to it?
If you want to cheat, you could by editing (it's harder but not hard) the savefile or modifying the game files directly. Scratching that, you could just follow a guide and 'bird' till you got the outcome you wanted.
In the end achievements are there for you, to have something to aim for whn playing (If you suck at setting interesting goals for yourself, or not even know what you could do with the game in the first place), not as a puzzle of "I've solved the game" to show off.
kek you think they won't kick us back here? Even /gsg/ doesn't want us
All of them that aren't clothing packs are necessary to make the game not shit. If you can't afford that, use some DLC unlocker or whatever
It's not like there aren't achievement unlockers widely available. Might as well trust players not to cheat the singleplayer game
Get a refund, there's going to be a patch and probably a sale next week (it'll be f2p during that duration, too)

I'd recommend Tours and Tournaments, but the base game has gotten a lot of free updates so it's not that bad on its own
Vikings is just reselling the Old Gods, you can do a meme migration and conquer india within two lifetimes
Royal Court's only good function is cultural divergence/hybridization (the custodian team is apparently put a lot of work in for the update about court events)
Iberia is pretty meh, it's just war declaration modifiers. Get it if you want to play in Spain
Tours and Tournaments adds a good amount, but they're also just moneysinks for the rich. I've gone on 1 (one) whole tour for the achievements because feasts are cheaper. Tournaments are kinda fun if you're stuck in a bored place and want something to do
Legacy of Persia just turns Iran into a battle royale in 867 (nothing for 1066 lol)
LotD adds forgettable legends while the plagues are free (you get burials and black plague events with the dlc)
to /trash/ then, although I do think with the landless stuff ck3 would get eligible for the /vrpg/, although the tick density would need to be increased to have true pre-made singleplayer campaigns with it.
>me when i sell a plot of flat land for the full price of a house
>2/6 points are gameplay related
Why is there no HIP equivalent for this game ?
>It's only good for breeding and cultures
That's more than enough
The code was mostly alright, though I've done a bunch of refactoring and clean-up over the last year.
Plus adding a bunch of new stuff like the Orgy activity (after tours and tournaments) and new MAA with AI art was really fun.

The hackiest bit of code I remember was due to secrets.
Basically, the original author wanted there to be a secret phase, where you needed to secretly convert people before going full blown master, but what happened if you died before you were ready?
Well, your heir needed to know all the old secrets, so the original author made an entire character just to store secrets onto so that the secrets would carry over to heirs.

Pretty sure it stopped working (if it ever did) and so I refactored it, turns out its much cleaner and simpler to just check every living character for the secret (you only run this check once) if you really had to.
cartoon graphics aren't very historical
CK3 has no soul.

All the religions in CK2 felt different from each other with different mechanics and even interfaces. In CK3, they all feel the same.

In CK2, you actually felt like you were simulating a dynasty, with the player interacting with the rest of the house and developing friendships and rivalries. I can't articulate how little I cared for any individual member of my dynasty in CK3.

CK2 was a grand strategy role playing game CK3 is The Sims with a medieval coat of paint with how little depth there is in the sandbox.
used to play CK2 but never tried 3 until the free weekend just now

how the fuck does leading a faction work? Do other characters only join my faction if I use strong hooks to make them, or can they join naturally and it's just way harder than I assumed to get them to do it?
Too bad it's a terrible GAME
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>mods are already adding focus trees
it's over... they won...
CK3 is very barren in that department. CK2 was as well for quite some time, in all fairness, but at least it's fun to fuck around with these days.
CK2 and 3 are both fairly shallow. CK3 has more depth in some areas regarding how you can customise it. You simply have more affection for CK2 as the concept was still novel to you when you played it.
Weren't those already in?
They're called lifestyles
>lose completely evenly matched battle
>lose 6 gorrilion legitimacy
>win battle
Does CK3 surpass CK2 now? Or no?
As you yourself allude to I can edit all that myself.
ck3 meanwhile doesn't even have boats.
>fashion mix&match options
Technically it's still possible in CK2. You need to tie cloth pieces to certain traits and make decision menu with event where you can add/remove them, that way your could change your character attire. It's very annoying and time consuming tho.
If you want le funny event for reddit upvote or you don't give a fuck about strategy part, sure it is. But you as well can go pirate sims
It plays like The Sims
Serious question, but is CK3 at least worth trying?
I tried playing a game of 2, but the 1066 start date devolves into overpowered crusades and the other early start dates have their own massive issues.
it's free on steam for the next 24 hours. You can try it yourself right now
>can't even pirate the new shit anymore without instantly getting my steam account banned
wdym? did something change?
Favorite ck2 start date?
867 is kino
luv me Magyars
luv me heathens
luv me Karlings
simple as
You ever sit back and wonder what sort of horrible future you created when you do something disgusting in game?
>Decided it would be funny to uno reverse card the turks
>Start in 867 as Greek count in Crimea
>Conquer my way to the steppes and Persia
>Decide to go independent so daddy Byz doesn't just steamroll the world
>Conquer central asia and persia
>Set up my dynasty in various kingdoms, never form a proper empire
>Sit in comfy little kingdom in Persian gulf
>"Oh hey shouldn't alp arslan have invaded by now"
>One of my sons stomped his ass while I wasn't paying attention
I can only imagine it ending with a state named Greekey denying its genocide of the Afghans

I just watched a guy play for an hour and it looks like there is 0 actual gameplay. I only saw him click on a few pop ups. He got married, had a kid, sent the kid to school, and his knight captured and ransomed somebody.

But none of this was active, not even at the sims level. He was just clicking text boxes. I don’t really get what the game play is?

Do you have a tech tree? Policy tree? Do you choose building chains? Do you decide what soldiers to recruit and how to equipped them?
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>getting attacked while you're sieging a holding counts you as the attacker so enemies can offensively use defensive terrain bonuses
The earlier - the better, mods included.
Otherwise 936, it's perfectly balanced.
Yeah, EU4 meme.
No tech tree, really. There's more like tech bars that you slowly fill up based on your character's stats and other elements. Sadly, even major innovations of the era like crossbows aren't even mentioned, let alone have an impact on the gameplay.
There's no real policy tree as such. It's a more organic feudal management sim. You can choose to play centralized/decentralized, tall/wide, and so on. You can also choose to play more of an adventurer-style game, and migrate between realms frequently.
You choose building chains in CK3 but the impact of buildings is very minimal in all CK games. You're almost always better off saving the gold for mercenaries to win your next war.
You can moderately influence your troop composition through retinues and buildings. Retinues and such generally act more like the tip of your spear, with your army always being mostly levies.

You can play very passively and do nothing like that guy did, but you can also be very active. In one CK2 campaign, I played as a whole host of countries from the Magyars to the Latin Empire to a crusader state in Songhai to England.
Are you sure? Cardinals get unique cloths without a trait, I think. It's based on an honorary title instead.
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Crossbows are in the game, but only as a singular MAA type with an Accolade captain; no event specifically references them once you unlock the tech
They're aparently good for destorying horse archers, but that means you have to play long enough for the Mongols to invade
They're still useful for countering Turks early on. Also the Chinese start with Chu-ko-nus in 867 so they can counter horse archers from day 1.
Figured this might be a good place to ask, has anyone played the Princes of Darkness Mod? Is it any good?
I just realized that the game has been out for almost 4 years and they still haven't added the ability to play as a merchant republic. Grim, they were fun as fuck in 2
Ck3 is the result of Paradox seeing a bunch of redditors memeing abut how hecking epic it is to marry your own sister in CK2 and deciding that they should base the next iteration in the series entirely on epic incest memes and screenshots.
It's because there were low numbers of people playing them so paradox won't waste dev time on adding them.
Help me pick between:
>Blobbing as a Hittite in the bronze age mod
>Blobbing in the Roman fall mod, if so then as who and with what objective?
>Blobbing in the Shogunate mod + Korea, if so then as who and with what objective?
>Blobbing in a(which?) East Asia mod, if so then as who and with what objective?
>Blobbing in Stellaris
Also for the love of God and all that is holy tell me of some difficulty/behaviour mod that makes the game more difficult and dynamic, I can already see from a mile away that even if I were to start a Manchu game with the intention to blob into China the latter would just sit on their ass for hundreds of years, waiting passively for me to get strong enough to rape them.
skill issue
>tfw you fuck your son's wife because he's 40 years old and hasn't given you a grandson yet, but then your bastard is also a daughter
>Blobbing in the Roman fall mod
Assuming you're talking about TFE, the devs haven't made the caliphate work properly yet but when it's done that will be the most fun option. Pick anyone outside Arabia and build up and wait to face them full on
>can't even pirate the new shit anymore without instantly getting my steam account banned thanks gaben kike
elaborate on this, I just downloaded vic3 to try it and see how much it sucks so I'd like to know what you mean before I execute the program
Pretty sure he's just a retard, I don't see how you could possibly get banned like this unless you do that thing where you trick steam into thinking you're playing spacewar. If you're paranoid just download a completely offline copy of whatever game you want to pirate.
>if you're playing as the Caliph and a Muslim of a different sect starts their own Caliphate, you don't get a CB to dismantle their title
come on, I want to start a new Fitna
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In some areas it does, in some - not even close. There is fun to be had, so I play it once in a while. Picrel is my current Rum, it is a very fun campaign in both games but due to the culture mixing/editing system I think CK3 is better suited for it.

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