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aka the GOAT ck2 total conversion
Any news on the ck3 port?
This. There's like a billion cultures and religions but because they're all heckin' wholesome and Reddit they all feel relatively similar to each other. The CK3 version is on their Discord server.
>best ck2 conversion mod
Lol this shit is vanila trash with gay reddit world building
>Catholic Gothamite America
fukken based
Im intending to run a Tabletop game in that universe at some point. started drafting up a setting document about it to introduce players to the idea of it.

had to get creative with what we know relatively little about (the time between the event and the first pope at the very least)
it's a 15 page pdf at the moment

note: ESL
God I hope new era new world is good
>that tiny America
>that massive OHIO
Ohio chads rise up.
Is that the capital of Atlantic county in ATE?
for me it's the small river/lake exclave ohios
I would rather live in the Negro Confederate Empire than in Papist Gigamutt City
Reminder that the Catholic version of the HCC has the Juneteenth flag as it's COA.
Did they really need to add a second Cuban culture called Lucumi that has no gameplay difference from Cuban and only has 3 provinces? Yes!
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So what happened to the CK3 mod?
There was a new update that came out on the 18th.
>USA Federal Government is implemented for High Republics, Americanist, and American syncretics who reform the United States.
>Major changes to Governates, more shogunate like! Now hereditary and can have regents, with regent’s power scaling both with the Governator and Emperor of California’s power.
>Governator now joins wars targeting the emperor, they have to protect their investment after all.
>The Man of Destiny mechanics are now implemented! Can you reunite the patria and become a hegemon of the continent to rival Brazil!
Is there a reason why it's not in the workshop?
Not really. Their discord has a bot that replies with "Currently, our mod is not released on steam, and will not be released on steam until we determine the mod is polished enough for a workshop release." whenever someone asks.
Is the CK2 submod made by beaner team already playable?
There is a gameplay difference.
Lucumi has more niggers, and this is important because uhm... erm..
Aguila o Sol is on the steam workshop. It's an okay Mexico and California rework that patches some bugs and unfinished content. The new portraits are fucking hideous though.
>Mexico full of indios and mestizos
>Expects beautiful portraits
If you don't create a unique culture for every population of niggers in the world then you've done a racism
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Move over, there's a new boss in town
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They're also coming after North America now
>200 years before neow
but why
What are those red and white buttons next to the minimap?
One is the Nigerian Empire, NEOW's use of the China mechanic, the other one is custom achievements that no one gives a shit about and wasn't updated it years. Only reason it's there for the America version is that copied the other mod's shit and forgot to remove/change it yet
The Nigerian Empire is hilarious desu
Whatchu laffin at white boy?
>adding America to NEOW
but why.
>Now you have the chance to play reddit novelists in América!!1!
No thx I 'll pass
Don't say that, the lead dev will sperg out on you like when you question his choice to make the Event have an actual canonical reason
>Any news on the ck3 port?
them trying to "represent" every obscure culture ever means no one has any content or flavor at all, they also changed/removed basically all the lore that was left. also enjoy the sideways map chud
Wasn't there an anon who made a version that replace all the things in the CK2 version that the FanFork tossed out? Does anyone know what happened to it
probably rotting in a mediafire somewhere.
It's not getting added to NEOW, it's a spin-off.
The lead dev will sperg out on you for breathing, desu
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you wish
wish that retarded irish autist wasn't the only thing keeping the mod alive but it is what it is
That's the changelog, yes. Is it still being worked on, or is there at least a link to the last version of it?
I was gone for a long time and due that inactivity, mega deleted the files from the old link, but I still had the files on my computer, so I just reuploaded them to the old download link and posted it here when I found out about it: >>1667812

I'll repost it here as well:

Just a reminder: It's a submod that was based off of the github version here (I haven't tested it with the latest Steam version yet):

Not much work was made on Deposed since the last update (Aside from fixing some things that I overlooked last time, like in the Kingdom of Heaven events, but I haven't finished with that yet), I've only recently started modding again, but I've mainly just been working on my own personal mods (Adding new provinces, fixing/adding histories, fixing the AtE anime portraits mod, etc.).
How about you just read A Canticle For Leibowitz instead, you massive faggot?
>(I haven't tested it with the latest Steam version yet)
I've been playing your mod. It works. The only thing that I've noticed being different from the changelog was Gertrude Stoklasa still being married.
Thanks. After looking at the files, I think I might know what's causing that. Can't really test it out myself right now since the steam version isn't downloading for me.
What are some cool chars for a non-amerimutt player with no understanding whatsoever of whatever they tried to do here?
I mean, it's from the same team that instantly set Royall dynasty to black portraits and removed the confederacy like CoA of the HCC the moment the original developer abandoned the project. They also did some dumb shit like making one of the muslim rulers to be OP af just because the head developer was a muslim.
Who later on started arguing on plebbit about how Aisha wan't 9 because "the Quran says nothing about it bro therefore it's fabrication"
>one of the muslim rulers to be OP af just because the head developer was a muslim
the lead dev is a Jewish tranny, the muslim dev was just one of the devs but Zakariyah was his donut steel self insert OC that fucked up the timing of the event (the founder of the SoCal Shias is a zoomer) just because he's a Muslim from Orange county and he made up some bs about how it's the most Muslim area in America to justify it (not even true) he left the dev team at some point probably because he's a conservative Muslim working for leftist troons and I think they added that Mormon radicals invade SoCal event to spite him as revenge
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CK2 mod
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Funny how it makes sense to de-confederate the South because nobody will remember the Confederacy in the 2600s but there's a bunch of random shit named after irrelevant civil rights activists that most people today don't even give a fuck about.
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What happened to that western spin-off mod? Is it playable now? Or is it still broken dogshit?
The idea of the Confederacy being misremembered as a bunch of wholesome southern christian boys of every colour fighting the Yankee pagan menace was too funny to get rid of.
Aren't most of the starting rulers in CK3 After the End black? George Floyd and the consequences of his death have been a disaster for America.
Most of the events are bugged and SoCal has bureaucratic government for some reason.
Yes. In the CK3 mod the HCC starts out ruled by House Gee and the capital is now Atlanta. They also made the King of the Valley in California a 7ft tall Black guy.
Um, why is this unofficial submod allowed to be posted here? The actual developers of the real mod have called this hate crime a reactionary, bigoted, anti-semitic, islamophobic, and transphobic hissy fit.
>capitalising black
You've been demoralised
It has the best worldbuilding out of every ATEFF related mod. The dude deving it (not the muslim the other guy) is truly a mastermind theologian in that regard.

It's a shame they've been basically ostracized from the main ATE mod because of stupid drama
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>cool coat of arm
>starting with awful traits, one poor province and as a vassal to liege of different culture and religion, who is also surrounded by much stronger countries of different faith
What a waste.
What's the story behind this guy being an Indian with a slav surname?
A lot of Indians are fairly mutted and have Euro surnames. I don't know the history of slavs in the new world, but I wouldn't be surprised if Canada had some kind of population of them from the fur trading days. Or it's just random.
He's a reference to a Russian noble related to house Romanov who lived in Canada after the end of the Russian Empire.
Like this anon >>1684713 said. I think the guy's family still lives in Canada, but they're not Indians. So why Indians? Dunno, maybe because it's quirky? I would like to see the thought process of the guy who put this character in, because it feel like it got too much of characterization for such shitty throw-away character
Yeah, the choice of culture is odd at best.
if it still has the stupid muslim self-insert then I ain't playing it
And he only exists to get killed by the other Indian right next to him who has OP stats, claims on his title, and a genius son.
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I can't even beat the Rust Cultists and this bastard conquers an entire kingdom right next to me.
the Imperial Russian coat of arms with the Iroquois symbol in it is genuinely so cool
the self insert is the main character of that mod, I really hate it because I want goofy stuff like Disney worshipers and Scientologists
How Caribbean rastafarian even get there? That's pretty unusual.
It's been 6 years how do people still not know what a child of destiny is, there's a game rule about it for fucks sake
Ohio's actually pretty fun to play. The revelationist raiders are much easier to deal with than the vikings that made me ragequit playing Milwaukee.
a deposed mod for it to remove him would be hysterical, though I assume it would be a huge undertaking to remove all his associated events
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Amerodeutsch vs Gallomerican
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what was it's name again?
Hire the zoological society!
The one playthrough I did of this mod was as the Duke of Maumee (since I live in the area he controls at the start) working my way up to an empire. I had half the Great Lakes under my control before I stopped.
There’s a surreal joy at being able to play in places you’ve actually been to and lived in. Do Euros feel like this when they play the base game?
I had the opposite experience. I mostly play as Confederates, Quebecois, and Mexicans even though I’ve never been to any of those locations.
“Just After The End”
The github version seems to be broken unless I'm fucking up the instalation. What exatly does it change again? There was some OCs that it removed ut I forgot what they're called.
Playing Mexicans does sound kinda cool depending on the culture/religion. I like the Sol Invicta one.
Considering one of my favourite regions to play in is the British Isles, yes.
Isn't there another mod of the same name that has everyone start as an OPM survivor "count"?
No, wait, I'm thinking of During the End.
It seems that the github version either breaks or doesn't recognize the submod (since when it works that Muslim OC doesn't dissappear and the Dixie culture doesn't have its old outfits back)
Maybe they just don't have a set dna right now and their ethnicities are random
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Has anyone else played the South America spin off?
First time I heard of it, and from a sudaca, this just look like provincial borders, no cool goofy alt history
Paul Mahonic of Boston
What is the best Americanist to play as, and should I download the flavor mod for them?
assuming your talking about ck2 the flavor mod was broken last i checked, Mt rushmore is a decent challenge, Texas americanists are pretty fun aswell
agreed, Mahonic New England is very comfy
The nazarene duchess (or countess idk) in Socal is pretty cool. You can convert to a radical heresy and form New California for maximum larp points
This, Royall Descendent is white right now, its not woke shit, its them being fucking lazy
Was the HCC's founder originally black, or was that a change the Fan Fork made like why they changed the CoAs?
yeah it was fan fork. I was part of the dev team when it happened, Surprisingly 9kbits didn't want to do it but got essentially strong armed into supporting it by some of mid level devs
Is there a way to change it back? I've managed to get >>1684042 working by directly swapping out the files in the github version with the files in anon's submod and I'm wondering if I could get a list of lore that got changed for stupid reasons so i can fix it.
Ngl I actually don't mind the HCC's founder being black, it's rather amusing due to playing into the themes of people not really remembering what the confederacy really was. I just imagine the guy being like Uncle Ruckus but in royal robes.
Even chuds need a safespace, you bigotphobe.

I redownloaded both the github version of AtE FF and Deposed to test this out.
It worked for me, so I'm not sure what's going wrong, but I'll give you the steps I followed.

First, if you already have AtE FF in your mod folder (Like the steam version, for example), move it (Both the folder/archive and the .mod file) elsewhere, because the CK2 launcher doesn't distinguish between the steam and github versions if you have both in the mod folder.
Next, in the github link, click the green "Code" button and select "Download ZIP".
Open that zip file, then open the "ateff-master" folder, then extract AtE FF and all the Faces DLC (If you want them) to your mod folder.
For Deposed, download the zip file and extract the contents (There will only be two items, the mod folder and the .mod file) into your mod folder.
Open up the CK2 launcher, go to the mods tab select both AtE FF and Deposed.
Hopefully it works, but let me know either way.

On what Deposed does, the main thing is that it removes most of Zakariyya and his related events and history in California, restores some content involving the HCC (Such as restoring the old CoA and Confederate hats), makes Mormons polygamous again, and it fixes the Kingdom of Heaven events so that it's Nazarene/True Cross as originally intended. There's a bunch of other little things too, but the changelog covers that.

Yeah, you can change it back. I don't know if there's a lore list, but you can download the original AtE 0.9 mod (From before the Fan Fork) and look through those files, which is what I did for Deposed. However, it won't run and will just immediately crash unless you go back to CK2 2.7.

Or like that one Dave Chappelle skit with the blind black white supremacist.
That anon there, I had done that and your submod wasn't registering/removing the Muslim OC and all the other stuff, so I just made a second version of the github version and replaced all the files with the ones from Deposed and it worked.

As for the other stuff I'm not sure where to get the AtE 0.9 build, and unless their's some more egregious bullshit lore changes the commissars decided to make I'm not confident in my modding sense to make some changes I've thought about.
Damn, then I'm not sure why it's not working properly, sorry.
At least your solution works for now.

I believe this is the original AtE github page:
There's also a mediafire download link I found on the Paradox forum thread:

Yeah, I'm not entirely sure what or how much Fan Fork changed from the original either. Most of what Deposed changes/fixes is from what other anons told me about.
Depending on what you want to change, modding it in might be easier than you think.
What changes were you thinking about making?
yeah, I'm not sure either. Either the map broke or the Muslim OC never disappeared. Thanks for the pages

One thing I was think of was having Americanist religion go into Massachusetts while is still under the control of the Occultists and add in the Kennedy bloodline with it's remaining heirs there. It gives the Occultists something to chew on and the Americanists now have a reason to try and capture Boston/Massachusetts, which should be more important to them considering the whole "Birthplace of the Revolution" that the state is known for. I'd also think of adding in the Rockerfellers and some other American Political Dynasties as well as maybe some Barons who are shout-outs to things like Famlily Guy or The Simpsons for fun. I don't think I'm ready to add any great works though.

I also found this in the character code: it seems that the Royall family is tuskegean culture, but is coded to so it doesn't show up as such in game. Do I just have to change the culture to Southron then?
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What's the best way to reform occultist from a roleplaying perspective?
How did the map break? It's weird since Deposed doesn't really touch the map.

Your changes would mostly involve editing the history files, so they should be fairly easy to mod in. Change a few province's religions, add a few characters, and change some title owners.
The bloodline addition would be a little more complex, but it shouldn't be too hard.
For the Americanist targeting Massachusetts part, you can also increase the crusade target weight of New England so they'll call crusades/interventions on it more often than other regions, though their weight for New England is already pretty high currently. You'd have to look at the atlantica.txt file in common/landed_titles and search for the crusade target weight under k_new_england and increase it. Maybe somewhere between 1000-2000.
I also added a Simpsons reference in my personal mod.

And for changing culture, yes, replace "tuskegean" with "southron" there and the character will appear as a regular Southron character in-game. You shouldn't need to change anything else, aside from editing the rest of the family's culture so it lines up properly.
The beaner mod adds Disney religion
I have no clue how the map broke, it makes no sense and I'm not even sure it was Deposed fault.

Thanks for the info, I'll try working on those things to start out on learning how to mod. I was also wondering this; I manually downloaded the American Flavor mod, do you think it's possible to merge the files with the editied github version, or since it's an older build f the main mod I can just use it normally and it won't break like they said it does on Steam?
*Americanist Flavor mod, my bad
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>win holy war
>this random guy gets all the titles despite doing nothing
I'd like a deposed mod for the CK3 version but someone would have to make 3D models of Confederate clothes
It could've also been an incompatibility with another submod, if you had one active. Do you have a screenshot of how broken the map looked?

No problem. You should also check out the Modding page on the CK2 wiki to learn more, it's pretty helpful and will teach you much more than I can. It also has links to various tools/programs that help make modding easier, like Notepad++ (If you get it, also get the ComparePlus plugin so you can better see the differences between two files).

It's possible to merge them, but depending on how outdated the mod is, it can overwrite newer parts of the main mod and break things. Instead, it would probably be better to edit the Americanist Flavor mod yourself with the edits/suggestions in comments on the mod's Steam page and run it as a submod, for now.
Later, once you're more confident, you can use the ComparePlus plugin to compare the files of the main mod and the submod and manually copy the submod's additions to the main mod's files.

That would be cool, but unfortunately, I have no 3D modeling experience.
The fact you need a 3d modeller to mod ck3 is something that ironically, serves as a boundary to entry in making mods, which is something they advertise as easy.
They should've just had 2d dynamic portraits
Reparations are still being paid
Beaner mod?
This mod makes me thankful for that TW Medieval II mod where the human faction is the KKK as a medieval army and their rebels are blm protestors
Aguila o Sol
Redpill me on it, is it good?
It reworks Mexico, Central America, and California, patches Cristo Rey and other Mexican religions that were unfinished, adds more detail to the Yucatan, fixes the Zakariyya event chain, adds a new event chain for Justo Armas, and a lot of smaller changes to stuff like dynasty COAs and title history. I'd start by playing as Justo Armas because his Hapsburg restoration event chain is pretty fleshed out and has some interesting results like your Catholic allies abolishing the Mexican Empire and creating a new Latin Empire in it's place, which is a 4th Crusade reference.
>fixes the Zakariyya event chain,
As in gets rid of it like Deposed does?
What the hell is the federation of labor?
unironically get the guy who commissions all the pregnant confederate anne frank art to pay a 3D modeler
damn had no idea Thera went that hard
nay. I actually tried to see if it worked with Deposed but naturally there are conflicts with what they've changed in California
They've stated they won't remove any content even if they don't agree with it like the Texan High Queen, Muslim Power Fantasy and Jewmod parts of it. Even falling start they repurposed it as an area 52/alien religion instead.
>Texan High Queen
>Texan High Queen
>falling start
Elaborate, is there more shit i need to try and get rid of?
your Catholic allies abolishing the Mexican Empire and creating a new Latin Empire in it's place, which is a 4th Crusade reference.
So now there can be two of those then, huh? Given that catholics can also get the 4th crusade equivalent for the HCC.
The creation of the Latin Empire is one of the outcomes of the Justo Armas event chain, though. You have the option to keep your current religion, become cristero or embrace conclavism, which is how the beaners renamed ATEFF catholicism
Texan High Queen is a forker addition where one of the devs (a gay texan dude) made him a self insert as the Texan High Queen, a lesbian americanist.
Is that character really a self-insert?
If you guys want, I can remove her in the next Deposed update. If you have any suggestions, I can replace her with someone more fitting or just leave it blank.
On that note, is there anything else you guys want added to Deposed?
accurate to T*x*s desu
She isn’t Latinx tho.
Replace her with Americanist character who's a Bush or Dubya expy, that'll fit right in for Texas.

There's a Neo-Gnostic mod that's outdated on Steam that might be a interesting to pick up and add to it so formalizing the religion as a new goal to set when you play.

Also, some of the events, decisions, and traits from the Americanist Flavor mod seem cool and would be good to add without being too disruptive, like the Inaugural decision and choosing a parton President. Forget the law and government changes though, they're way too game changing and break shit from what I've tested.
Aguila o Sol replaced Fallingstar with the Moravian Church and changed Fallingstar to a UFO Alien worship cult rather than a Christianity sect that believes an Angel prevented the apocalypse as it fell from the sky by convincing God to show humanity mercy.
*choosing a patron President
Scientology. That's it, you don't even have to do flavor, it's just baffling that nobody has added Hollywood's major religion yet for some reason, it's perfect for the mod.
What would be some interesting concepts for medieval South America? The only lore that the mod has so far is Catholics failed to conquer Buenos Aires from Peronist Deists and Sao Paulo almost got conquered by Minas Gerais.
Is Hamiltonian broken or is there something specific that you need to do to unlock the implied powers? I thought that it’s like Jeffersonian where you can just pick a trait by decision.
>it's just baffling
if I recall correctly it was some cope about not wanting to be sued by scientology
Compatibility with beaner mod.

These people really have a persecution/grandeur complex.
Tbh it is more like his power fantasy. His real self insert is the Maverick character in Texas. His husband was also added in. I don't know why he made himself a woman though. AFAIK he hasn't trooned out
He's probably planning too I would guess.
The Cetic religion incorporated Scientology into itself.
That's fucking retarded, at least have it be a heresy or some shit, it's one of California's most famous weird religion, relegating it to a footnote is pretty dumb.
Replace it with another person, the high king shit is the only flavor Texas has going for it, just know there are like 10-15 events that reference the high Queen and I don't think there all in the same folder so you might have to hunt a bit
Make something out of the protestant latinos in irl,
in the map they look like they're jack shit.

Also the iberian struggle mechanics suck ass dont add them
>they're jackshit
We're talking about the CK2 version anon, no one actually plays the CK3 one.
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el ogro de nueva york.......
Thinking about what an actually mixed ogro de nueva york would look like after 500 years of neomedievalism would be interesting instead of diversity still for so long somehow. this is why we must teach AI race science.
Bring back the libertarian in the palisades county.
Take some of the fixes from the JOGeran mod. Make a git so more people can contribute.
Wait hold on I just had an idea

Does Victoria 3 have confederate clothes?
If so we can just take them from here and use them for the mod.
rust cultist holy order
Check Rondonia, theres some weird evangelicals ruling there

weirder than what the pastor dickriders already are
I guess if it hasn't been added yet it would be nice to re add the mechanicus stuff into the rust cult or make it a heresy and make base rust and chrome cults interesting as well and perhaps giving the norsemen an equivalent to ck3 varangian adventures or wtwsms migratory invasions
What about a character that's a mix between Dubya, Walker Texas Ranger and Cotton/Hank Hill?
George Walker Hill, or maybe something not as obvious. It helps that Dubya's middle name is actually Walker.
Maybe he should be given living descendants somewhere around Houston?

I'll take a look at both the Neo-Gnostic and Americanist Flavor mods. No promises, though.

I've wanted to add Scientology to Deposed for awhile, actually. Though it'll probably just be an empty religion (At least at first).

How much of Scientology is a part of Cetic anyway? Is it just the mention of Hubbard in the description or is there more?

I'll look into it, but no promises. I'm not sure how big of a task that might turn out to be.

Thanks for the heads up, anon. I thought it was going to be just a simple character swap.

Like the other anons said, this is for CK2. Not sure if/when there'll be a Deposed mod for CK3.

I looked at the old Pre-FF AtE files, but I only found a Charismatic character in Palisades. Do you know when that Libertarian character was added/removed?
JOGeran mod?
How should I go about making a git? Just make a fork from AtE FF? I'm worried that Deposed might get shut down if I go that route, though I think I'm just being paranoid.

Yes, the Mechanicus stuff should be added back in, though I'm not sure in what way either. I would want more input on this before I start on it.
Do you know when they removed it? Because I can't find any mention of it in the old pre-FF AtE files I have.

For the Norse part, I have to admit I haven't played WTWSMS yet so I'm not sure how those invasions work. Same with the CK3 Varangian Adventures.
Do they work like the Magyar invasion in the base game?
Foe the mechanicus stuff idk when they removed it but I'm certain it was added in fan fork before being removed, but for ck3 varangian adventures you go to war for a duchy and if you win you get it and abandon the holdings you had before winning the war and wtwsms migratory invasions are similar but instead of being for a duchy it's sort of an invasion and idk how the Magyar invasion cb works to say if they're the same as that.
>JOGeran mod?
it's a more recent mod a guy named after himself that's available on the CK2 submods portion of the AtE discord. I've never tried it but supposedly it includes a lot of bug fixes, as well as many other additions he made
>the Mechanicus stuff
I thought it was cringe and taking it out was one of the few good things fan forkers did, but then again I don't care about warhammer at all personally. It always reminded me of the kind of stuff in the Old World mod, like all the meme novelist LOTR references (and even those are more tenuously related to europe than Warhammer is to the rust belt)
There's a different lead now. New one is also a tranny but much cooler.

Most of the dev team from the first couple years of CK3 development is gone now due to drama. As a result, there may actually be a release in the foreseeable future.

>How much of Scientology is a part of Cetic anyway? Is it just the mention of Hubbard in the description or is there more?
That's basically it. The scientology component was added early but was never really built on. At most there are a few minor text references.
Eh, After the End is alright.
1) Still monstrously unstable (literally worse than AGOT and even ATLA now)
2) Bloated with useless bullshit like dead-end cultures, massive maps with no flavor (enjoy that Colombia play-through bro), and no end-game content after forming America
3) Cultural Empire disintegration is mandatory and prevents the mod from running with other mods (e.g. the one mod that lets you be landless)

Basically, the "new team" found a dead mod, stole it, slapped their name on it, raped it, and now pump it full of tranny shit. They kind of finished the initial vision, which I respect, but not very well. They did the bare minimum necessary and made it way harder for themselves than they needed to by adding Venezuela and shit.
No, I bet it would be comically easy to turn him into a weak dwarf or something. I think keeping the events is fine as long as his character is nerfed and his meme friends get removed.
Every time I play in California, I eat that guy and his family for traits LOL
Even better, add zoroastrianism give zaq's duchy to a zoroastrian as well as make all the Iranian Californians them and leave zaq as a weak ass count

The only real answer is to make him an ugly, retarded, inbred landless courier somewhere..
This. Ceticism has Jesus and Muhammed as Gurus but there's still Christianity and Islam in California.
Gotham should have Black Hebrew Israelites.
>make all the Iranian Californians them
oh yeah speaking of which, does JATE still keep the "Tehrangelo" thing and lump armenians into it, or do they actually have a separate armenian culture now?
If I can armo larp and spread my Zankou dynasty then I will play your mod.
I never played JATE
I remember when this was first released and the Georgia Guidestones were restored in-game before being destroyed in real life a few days later
I also think it's hilarious and great that the founder is black.
Did they actually change it, though, or was it just random? For a very long time, the original devs insisted on lazily using randomized DNA for major characters like the starting president.
yeah that shit was wild, I think it was a forker tranny who blew them up desu
I also don't mind the HCC founder being black.
There's no Armenian culture in JATE but there are Tehrangelo characters with the Armenian church as their religion.
I have some ideas for Chile.

Chile could have a cult around the Holy Grail (from Calera de Tango) near Santiago.

Chiloé could have a witch-centered government (it was like this in OTL), when the Secret Magical Society called 'La Mayoría' was executed in 1880.

Near Punta Arenas you could have a Kwányip cult, or a Giant cult, considering indigenous people are over 7 feet on average over there.

There could also be some people on the south trying to find Trapalanda or the Friendship Island.

Mapuches could also get their own personal flavor.

Some ideas.
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could also have another witch government in Salamanca
Huasos control Rancagua to Talca, lead by someone called Bartolo Lara with Pedro Urdemales as his second in command
mapuches control all of the region of La Araucania and maybe Concepcion
german chileans control Valdivia to Osorno, maybe have them follow Miguel Serrano's esoteric hitlerism for the fun of it, otherwise I feel like Miguel Serrano should be included somewhere
warlocks of chiloe hold the entire island and both Puerto Montt and Puerto Varas
this makes me want to boot up ATE CK3 to see what they did with Chile, I've never had a reason to look down that far south before
I didn't actually check the ck2 mod before making my suggestions
some of the references are pretty cool or nice, but others I genuinely don't get and that's coming from a chilean, I wrote up what I think is cool but I'm not sure if anyone's interested in reading it
Post it
long greentext incoming
>I like that the house controlling Atamaca has the Codelco logo as CoA, not sure if their name or their vassals are referencing something
>I like the Luksics controlling Antofagasta and the Recabarren family reference is nice too
>I feel like Copiapo, Vallenar and Huasco are just generic surnames without any real lore
>house controlling Coquimbo having the Coquimbo Unido FC as CoA is neat but I don't know if they have any other lore
>I have the same feeling with Ovalle, Monte Patria, Los Vilos and Illapel
>seems like the Guerras and Figeroas are referencing something but I'm not sure what
>surprised the Alessandris don't have a higher ranking
>Valdivieso family is alright but I feel like the kings of chile would have a more important or well known name as a reference, not sure why the king is married to an argentinian from so far away, should be from Mendoza or San Juan or just a chilean
>not sure if Ñuble's houses are referencing something or are just generic
>never thought the mapuches would have the Catrillanca name, I thought they would have a more generic name, I like that they have a bit of lore and a bloodline, not a fan of the CoA though
>I think Valdivia, Osorno and Puerto Montt should be united, specially if the mapuches united before in the lore
>absolutely hate the Saavedra reference, it totally should be warlocks controlling the island instead
>never heard of Pedro Ñancupel until now, pretty cool reference
>I like the kawesqar and selk'nam having their own counties but at the same time I feel like it may not be very possible even in alt his due to those ethnicites being almost extinct IRL, I think it may be more interesting/funnier if it's brits or germans or croats having a mother of that ethnicity or straight up just larping as them
I should probably join their discord and ask there
The voodoo religion is useless horseshit.
I like to convert to Ursuline when they eventually crusade for Louisiana. My headcanon is that the Cajuns would see the Quebecois as a civilized brother nation compared to the Catholics that border them.
At least they have zombis and allow for some kind of diplomacy between the mainland and the caribbean. Religions like pelagic and the mexican religions that got added in 1.2 were way more pointless.
Yeah some more stuff for all of them is really needed
Or, in the case of the mexican religions, they should just be cut entirely. Mexico's religious setup was good pre 1.2, Sacred Heart vs Neo-Aztecs was all the region needed. If anything Sol Invicto should have been axed, since having a second neo-aztec religion was superfluous. But instead they added more religions for no good reason. Critso Rey was the only one that actually could have been interesting, since it had a distinct role, presence, and aesthetic, but we all know how that turned out
What happens when a society runs out of members? I'm the chairman of the Bohemian Grove in JATE and I keep failing to recruit new members.
wait this is CK3 or the CK2 sob o anil mod?
it's CK2 sob o anil, I don't have ck3 nor would I be interested in it anyways
fuck it im gonna post the ck3 setup here for lulz
But Anon never delivered...
be patient sir surely you will get the setup
Invite a few quick/genius/intrigue characters, once they're next to inherit leave the society and let them take control
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finally delivering for the chileanons, here's realm view
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culture view
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religion view (thankfully chile has a lot less religiongore than the messes in other places like brazil)
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religion descriptions besides syncero. looks like you've got the local catholic variety, a syncretic bruja catholic one, indigenous mapuche religion, and an astronomy based one
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and the meme syncero religion. apparently it's some nutty socialistwank based on this:
>add zoroastrianism give zaq's duchy to a zoroastrian
>leave zaq as a weak ass count
didn't realize this is actually what they did in CK3 ATE lmao, I can only imagine it was done for some inside joke infighting reasons because I can't imagine why else the "Southland" duchy containing LA and OC would be ruled by a fucking Zoroastrian of all things.
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thanks for sharing anon
cultures seem to be similar to the ck2 version
shame there's no Santa Diablada rep in chile like the ck2 version does but the rest of the religions are the same
I've never heard of project Synco/Cybersyn before, reminds me of the wackier religions in North America
also it seems that Santiago and Chile are separated which is weird, I liked that Santiago create the Kingdom of Chile and also I thought the Luksics ruling over Atacama made sense, I don't know why some random rules it now unless it's just a placeholder
by the way I kinda wanted to make my own spin on the Chile lore and wrote up some things and now I'm going to try to mod them in
Ck3 mod is on the workshop
wonder how many game breaking bugs it released with
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The vast majority have homosexuality either shunned or criminalized. Perhaps the chuds were exaggerating things yet again?
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I made a CoA for a new house in Atacama, I also want to change the ruling house's (house Vega, which I want to rename to house Almagro) CoA from the Codelco logo to a more religious one, I want to use Saint Michael but I can't find a good .svg
the codelco logo would be reused for a mercenary group called the knights of copper (caballeros del cobre)
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What should I make the tenets for reformed Behemothist?
>soibooru filename
What's the best way to experience AtE now? The CK3 workshop mod, the CK2 workshop mod or some other download?
Ck2 with beaner mod
I wonder how hard it would be to just batch edit the mod files to make every nigger into another race
depends how they implemented cultural diversity, but either way the answer is "not hard"
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How after the end came to be
>Guy makes America mod for CK2
>A Jew coder (9kbits, literally Israeli-american) makes a submod that adds judaism to ATE
>Original creator abandons the mod's development
>9kbits takes over OG mod calling it 'fan fork'
>Turns it into a multicultural, multiracial shitfest even adding back Islam and more POC characters (even if Consumerism was supposed to be the replacement for Islam, fundamentalist and temporal.)
>Years later
>9kbits troons out with an announcement on his mod's reddit, blogposting about how now he goes by 'June', was inspired by Elliot Page, and calls out the UK government for blocking puberty blockers
>People call out how useless and out of topic the announcement was, which leads to a banwave
>'June' left the mod, and is at the bottom of the list for the 'former' developers
>Pic related is this mod's audience

The jokes write themselves.
I am pretty sure that once the average CK3 player gets around trying this out, they'll grow tired of the following and notice how:
>The characters are disproportionately black and asian, and interracial relationships are shoehorned in. The only white ruler in the 'Holy Columbian Federation' is a shitty count. Basically every major non-random house has had interracial marriages in the past.
>Compared to Vanilla there are no pure-white rulers of the HCF anymore, only blacks and asians
>The ONLY Ursuline character in Lousiana is a fucking Vietnamese of the house NGUYEN (you can just tell how smug they must have been adding this in on purpose). LIke, what the fuck, six hundred years have left the asians completely un-assimilated? I have yet to find an interracial black asian in the mod.
>There is a decision, no matter what your religion's stances on homosexuality are, to QUESTION YOUR GENDER IDENTITY, and it gives you a funny nickname, (I sure wonder who was behind this decision!)

It's gonna be fun when Valve takes down the first 'Fan Fork' of the fan fork mod :)
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Wrong pic because I'm a retard
how hard would it be to either keep working on the deposed version or make a new fanfork
Why even have defined ethnicities existing if we're going full on le everybody mixed? Why not have every culture be Melungeon tier?
>The characters are disproportionately black and asian, and interracial relationships are shoehorned in. The only white ruler in the 'Holy Columbian Federation' is a shitty count. Basically every major non-random house has had interracial marriages in the past.
>Compared to Vanilla there are no pure-white rulers of the HCF anymore, only blacks and asians
>The ONLY Ursuline character in Lousiana is a fucking Vietnamese of the house NGUYEN (you can just tell how smug they must have been adding this in on purpose). LIke, what the fuck, six hundred years have left the asians completely un-assimilated? I have yet to find an interracial black asian in the mod.
It's a mod set in America, of course it's going to be diverse. If anything the diversity is weirdly lacking in some places, I haven't seen a single latino north of Texas despite them being a significant minority (often larger than black people) in nearly every state at this point.

There is a weird lack of racism though, but I'm not sure how you'd really model that in CK3. Either way it is quite silly that they turned the Deep South away from Confederate larp when that's basically the primary cultural pillar of the region. It's hard to believe that e.g. New Englanders still remember the Mayflower and the pilgrims when the Deep South has seemingly completely forgotten its most defining characteristics. I don't even mind the HCC existing but there should absolutely be some lore about them fighting with the Klan or Neo-confederacy or something. You can write that the South has overcome racism but the current setup just makes it look like racism never existed to begin with.

>There is a decision, no matter what your religion's stances on homosexuality are, to QUESTION YOUR GENDER IDENTITY, and it gives you a funny nickname, (I sure wonder who was behind this decision!)
I haven't seen this, was it removed?
>americans are so mindbroken by the mutt meme they make every ruler black
I'm sorry bros, I didn't want it to end up like this.
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>It's a mod set in America, of course it's going to be diverse. If anything the diversity is weirdly lacking in some places
It's a post apocalyptic USA. The areas where most nonwhites live (urban areas) are going to be disproportionately affected by a breakdown in logistics. An apocalyptic event will not "overcome" racism, it will only exacerbate it. Look at Katrina or other recent events where public safety broke down and people were for the most part on their own. A common factor are the formation of armed, nearly racially homogenous groups defending territory with deadly force. This happened despite these people knowing for a fact that order would be restored. I can see the southwest being controlled by Hispanics, but the northerly ones will likely go back to areas where they are dominant. A large number have immediate family in other places and the reason they actually moved to those areas will have disappeared. People who move to a richer area to make money won't stick around once that dries up. Blacks and Whites don't have anywhere to run to.
AtE is set hundreds of years after the apocalypse, society has been totally rebuilt. Race gangs forming in the immediate aftermath of something like Katrina is not a good example.
Opening the CK3 version for the first time since the Beta and how has this shit gotten even worse with religions and cultures. It's like the dev team was incapable of saying "no" to anyone whinging about how their backwater county deserves its own super special culture or religion. The definition of wide as an ocean deep as a puddle.
>Do Euros feel like this when they play the base game?
i felt absolutely horrible playing vicky 2 as a kid and watching the pop numbers of my county fall due to war.
Still sad that the mod got fucked by removing the neo-confederates.
If the CK 3 version is even worse on this, than I am never going to play this version.
Sucks that this is the main way most people will expereince ATE now.
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I hope someone makes a 'chud patch'. The lack of neo-confederacy and literal great replacement in the south is pretty retarded. Imagine constitutionalists but worship Lee or some shit, mfs cant see potential depth if it hit them in the face.
Aguila o Sol has broken portraits for me. Is there an alternative download to the workshop?
Not that hard. I've been working on my own personal fork for the past month, and its not that difficult to make the confederate founder white, or to give the confederates their old flag, or to remove gay marriage, or most anything else. The real problem is most anons are lazy, despite all the complaining in this thread almost nobody wants to put the work in to actually depoz the mod or whatever.
Keep in mind you could be sharing space with hidden redditors and worse.
There’s a download link in their discord.
I thought anons were joking when they said every HCC character is Black now.
Why’s the Muslim character in NYC a White woman?
Californian Emperor is AfroLatino
There's been 600 years of racemixing, what do you expect?
the Confederate founder being a black guy is funny though.
It would be funny if it was there originally, and actually intended as a joke instead of a serious attempt to stop muh white supremacists from playing as the HCC. Not to mention it also came along with all the other gay shit they were doing to the HCC. Flag went from stars and bars to a generic eagle, civil war headgear was removed, the merc company went from knights of the golden circle to freedom riders, etc.
But house Royall is White for some reason. At least in my game.
I like the Americanist president being Black too. I used to call him Obama.
as per Anon's suggestion, I've gotten to reading a Canticle for Leibowitz. It's particularly good and I love it.

I however have also made a map of the Kingdom the players are gonna start in, which is on the brink of a succession crisis (King Guy is likely to die without heirs/before the heirs come to majority, and his brother is a failson per definition)
do either of you need any help in regards of history files? I'm willing to help
Still considering learning modding to make greek sponging pirates on the west coast of Florida. Would be more realistic than muslim shriners anyway.
>post apocalypse
>race mixing
Lmao you should expect pre-existing communities to become far more insular and suspicious of anyone they consider as part of an out-group. Modernist ideas of extreme tolerance towards every type of outsider have a lot of upkeep in the form of law enforcement, propaganda in schooling, and propaganda in the media. Most of that requires a pretty complex and driven state to implement.
>Lmao you should expect pre-existing communities to become far more insular and suspicious of anyone they consider as part of an out-group.
> Modernist ideas of extreme tolerance towards every type of outsider have a lot of upkeep in the form of law enforcement, propaganda in schooling, and propaganda in the media.
They aren't outsiders.
it's clear >>1709984 is forming a lynch mob the moment the light flickers to turn Aztlantis, NM into his very own ethnostate.
Prisoners’ dilemma
why are white people like this
I don't think you know what prisoner's dilemma is.
They've lived in the same region among white people for nearly a thousand years by the time of AtE, they quite literally aren't outsiders.
CK3 version really needs more time to cook.
>no rostmenn
>no offmap invaders
>no offmap traders
>weirdly round diversity numbers for cultures like they were shoehorned in or something
Rostmenn are cut,
offmap invaders are on hold until road to power,
offmap traders are so low priority its not even funny,
what the fuck did you expect of course they were
Why the fuck did they cut the Rostmenn?
thats just because character DNA isn't set, or did you think it was intentional for the descendent of the black founder to be white?
Cut might be the wrong word, Split might be better, it was considered to encompass to large an area and stiffen the potential for cultural diversity in the region
Buckeyes and Hoosiers fucking suck as cultures though. Cultures named after handegg or whatever teams are a terrible idea. See: Cheesehead
Hoosier is literally just the real word for people from Indiana.
Wow, that's sad. How do people from Indiana cope?
The same kind of cultural diversity that gives a random Muslim cult a county in south carolina.
Why does a Native Tribe control so much of South Carolina? I just don't see how they can form a minority ruling caste in that area of the South East.
I think it's better than just using the demonym like "Uthan". Now that's lame.
I liked what NEOW did with Amiraqis, as a culture to denote 'US Troops who intermingled with the local population over the centuries since the event'.
More of After the end should involve syncretism like that.
>The only white ruler in the 'Holy Columbian Federation' is a shitty count
is this shit real lol?
Does this shit even work?
Sure it does
>added caliphate of calgary :(
>added mormons around lethbridge :)
>added oil and dino pagans :(
>slav cultural influence was excised into a seperate culture :)
>blackfoot tribes are less prominent :|
could've been worse I guess
>hmm look at all these interesting kingdoms and cultures that have sprung up from the remnants of america
>think of all the tales to tell as the american people pull themselves back together
>pick kelpers instead and proceed to troll the argentinians for years
So many fat sheboons ruling duchies.
seeing them be by far the most popular choice in south america must be devastating for the sudacas
Who the fuck keeps bumping this thread? Please stop.
The fact they have Patagón heritage and are like 10% mestizo according to the culture file is hilarious.
Ali Abawa
>play paradox base game
>nothing clicks, can't really get into it
>play total conversion mod for it
>immediately engrossed and can even get invested in the vanilla game
happend with Anbennar and it happened with AtE, why is that?
Maybe history is not your forte and you need a different arrangement for you to enjoy the strategic experience
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Maybe you are just bored of historical scenario, interested in modded mechanics who usually very unique, or you are an American who don't really have any particular attachment to the Old Worlds (America is usually very boring in most Paradox games due to geographical isolation).
can't wait till non-landed DLC comes out and I can travel across the hemisphere bullying all these nerds
I've played a bit of Europe-only NEOW. Is Asia fun? Do you recommend I download Asia only or the both continents one?
man I'm really hoping landless is good, it has really potential to help CK3 step out of the shadow of 2
>If anything the diversity is weirdly lacking in some places, I haven't seen a single latino north of Texas despite them being a significant minority (often larger than black people) in nearly every state at this point.
1) iirc the deluge was implied to have happened some time in the 70s or 80s, before the majority of modern hispanics arrived
2) Most hispanics outside of the southwest generally live in the cities, which can generally be expected to suffer disproportionately high death rates in the event of societal collapse due to the disintegration of agricultural commerce causing them to starve en masse.
In the event of any apocalypse destroying American society, whatever fragments of the non-southwest/Floridian hispanic population survive the initial collapse would find themselves substantially outnumbered, and frankly it would be surprising if after 600-700 years, any of them DIDN'T assimilate into the majority language and culture (assuming they didn't simply leave and attempt to return to their homelands.)
the midwest and northeast having effectively no trace of any former hispanic minorities by 2666 is actually pretty realistic.
A distant cousin of House Waltney could be a fun replacement for the Muslim self-insert in SoCal.
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fresh from the discord.
the mod was chud coded before the HE-jew 9kbits took over.
>iirc the deluge was implied to have happened some time in the 70s or 80s, before the majority of modern hispanics arrived
If this is true why does every single culture that isn't like a native one in North America have some percentage of "med_indigenous"
Because it was programmed by literal autistic children
So utterly cringe to put political religions into the game. They jumped the shark with Americanism, and only by giving it literal unique mechanics via the presidential election.
What a bunch of tranny bullshit
Unironically it should be a distant descendent of Ye for the turbo memes
wtf is up with ethnicity bloat in mods? There's only like 6 ethnicities in the base game but every mod decides to add 100 new ethnicities because west germans and east germans look totally different apparently
To be fair, you need ethnicity bloat to accurately represent North America.
>one ethnicity for all caucasians from portugal to Iran
>poos get two
This is what happens when you allow the lesser races on the internet
Actually, there's Caucasian, Mediterranean, Byzantine (for some reason) and Slavic.
All Europeans actually have the same basic ethnicity. The only difference between Caucasian, Northern, Mediterranean, Byzantine, and Slavic is hair, skin, and eye color. Caucasian is actually the default ethnicity template every other ethnicity just adds to it.
I think JATE has an event where the Muslims give the county of Hollywood to Ye West after they conquer it.
Just noticed that Haitians can spawn with Polish portraits in the CK2 mod. Nice “negroes of europe” reference.
Best religion?
Races would either melt into each other regionally or stratify in any SHTF scenario bad enough to regress technology to medieval levels, diversity is inconsistent with reality.
Reformed Occultist
>After the End is still not functional in CK3 even after decades of tranny malding
>FanFork devs have not added s major, good feature since Cascadia in CK2
Tranny sisters…. Is it over?
Americanist or Cetic
It's a shame they removed that in CK3. The one time a minority group dies out or is mixed into another group is when it's a "white" one, lmao.
I went on the official Discord and holy shit bros. I was just memeing about trannies, but they really are all gross trannies. The top reactions to all posts, even random posts like applications to edit the wiki, are trans flags. Announcements is full of trans stuff too for no discernible reason.
Trans people really are a cancer infesting and politicizing autistic spaces.
>infest nerd community due to autism -> trans pipeline
>kick out people for not respecting muh pronouns
>exalt yourself until only trannies are left
>implode while circle jerking
Those are not ethnicities but cultures tbf, or just languages according to PDX devs
Americanism and political religions have literally been in the mod since the early CK2 days retard.
Not that anon but Americanism makes some amount of sense because the US actually does have a history of treating its political structure and history quasi-religiously, people have written whole books on this. But nothing like that exists for Mexico or Colombia or Argentina yet the CK3 modders have gone and given them their own political religions anyways.
>nothing like that exists for Mexico or Colombia or Argentina yet the CK3 modders have gone and given them their own political religions anyways
that's pretty gay if true, I always just gave them the benefit of the doubt and assumed spics/sudacas had civic religion inculcated in them and genuinely held reverence for generalissimo president manuel de peepeepoopoo of the centralistos faction
>emperor of America
What kind of fantasy mod is this?
why is there no east asia in ck3
Don't let this distract you from how ATE troons removed the Mexican religious sacrifice because it might offend imaginary latinx folx.
>removed the Mexican religious sacrifice because it might offend
Sad if true. Sacrifice is one of my favorite tenets and would fit well with any aztec larping.
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VGH... GroßBritannia...
>it's real
this as part of an insane tranny religion would be kino
It's a territory marking thing
Why sideways?
Apparently the map is hard coded so that you can't make it taller than it is wide.
This is false, at least in the current version of CK3.
CK3 ate mod is all fagged up and the map is ugly too also they should not have done south america i would rather have double province density in north america i am right?
gib good sidemods for ck2 ate
Profits and Pirates.
the mod would have never come out without all the sudaca devs working on it
>no neo-confederate americanists because nobody remembers them
>people still worship obscure commie writers in 2666 tho
>man I'm really hoping landless is good

Enjoy your ten events and couple mana bars
More like neo-american hijras
Very interesting anon I hope you and your players enjoy your campaign.
That’s probably from all the women that they carried off by raiding the argentines.
>gaianism is schizo feminist religion
>strongest gaian leader ever was a man
>>gaianism is schizo feminist religion
Not anymore. The last update for ck2 turned the gaians into a park ranger religion of all things.
Right now there is a religion for Cybersin, an obscure attempt by the Allende government to create a "democratic planned economy" (in reality it ended up being just a centralized management system for the SOEs' state fund). And in game it's just another druggie progressive religion.
Now conquer all of South America.
What the fuck?
They changed every single instance of "med_indigenous" in the culture files to "mesoamerican_yuto_aztec".
What was med_indigenous supposed to be?
It's in the name. Mediterranean-indigenous. Mestizos. Basically a catch-all for hispanics in the former USA and actual mestizos in the various latin american culture files.
I ran such a game years ago with the players working for the Waltneys and helping The Mouse make the Magic Kingdom. It was alright. We were all 5e retards at the time which was really not a good system for AtE. These days I'd run it in GURPS.
nta, but the point is is that the conditions he laid out would encourage racial minorities to move to places where their race is more prevalent. Then, centuries later, lands are more homogenous than they are now.
They'll still Other. Look at the middle east - tons of cities had populations of Arabs, Armenians, Greeks, Jews, and others for millenia, and yet those communities almost exclusively married within their ethnic groups. There was also no shortage of ethnic conflict over the centuries, either.
Just because two different groups live in the same place does not mean they don't see each other as different, even if it's been centuries. In fact especially if it's been centuries, as it's culturally ingrained.
I don't think it would make any sense to have monoethnic cultures. You can't just make Chicago's culture 100% white or 100% black, its illogical and everyone would see through it. Crusader Kings wasn't designed for such a system where numerous races are coexisting in the same general region. Regardless of the ethnic variables, everyone would mix together.
You have two options: have every culture be 100% multiracial or have a bunch of various ethnicities that will ultimately merge together, but will have the chance to spawn as unlanded and courtier characters.

Crusader Kings just wasn't designed for the world ATE is in.
All of those groups were stratified by religion more than anything, e.g. identity during the Greek and Turkish population exchanges was largely decided by whether you were Christian or Muslim, not by ancestry or even what language you spoke. This kind of ethnic religious association doesn't really exist in the US, yeah Mormons are almost entirely white and there are a few black churches but the vast majority of white and black people aren't part of those.
Did away with Texas being divvied up between college football fans and thus trash.
aggies and longhorns should have a series of legendary Reveille and Bevo rulers. was always disappointed that they didn't
That's all true. I was talking more about social dynamics, not game mechanics.
This is also all true, but I'll say that religion is just the vehicle or expression of culture and cultural differences in that region. We could look at ethnic minorities in China, like the Hui or the Zhuang, or the Zainichi Koreans in Japan to see that religion doesn't need to be the thing keeping different ethnicities apart.
>We could look at ethnic minorities in China, like the Hui or the Zhuang
The Hui are literally defined by being Chinese Muslims and the Zhuang have their own language.

>the Zainichi Koreans in Japan
The vast majority of them came during the early 1900s, the number of people whose ancestors immigrated in pre-modern times and who still identify or are identified as distinctly Korean is vanishingly small. You're comparing this to a group who, again, by the time of AtE has lived among white Americans for over a thousand years.

Also my argument was never that black Americans or white Americans would cease to exist as distinct groups, only that there's no reason to believe black Americans would still be viewed as "outsiders" by the time of AtE. Your example of Chinese minorities from earlier is actually a great example for my position - they may still exist as distinct minority groups but they've lived under Chinese states for hundreds, sometimes thousands of years depending on the group and so are considered (both by themselves and by the Han) as integral parts of the Chinese nation.
>there's no reason to believe black Americans would still be viewed as "outsiders" by the time of AtE
Oh I see. I meant Outsider as Other, not-us. Like in AtE times, there's probably a community of Vietnamese in Socal. They're not especially distinguished from the local culture through the lens of the ck2 player. But as for how an actual group like that would get by, even if they don't retain their language they're likely to maintain a unique cultural identity and marry almost entirely within their community.
For whites and blacks, honestly I'd expect that in AtE they'd segregate into black and white towns/villages/neighborhoods. But even as they mingle in the cities, practice the same religion, speak the same language, they'd still see the other group as Other. Not us.
>they've lived under Chinese states for hundreds, sometimes thousands of years depending on the group and so are considered (both by themselves and by the Han) as integral parts of the Chinese nation.
I agree, and I think this is pretty much how it would go. Whites and blacks in the HCC might view the other as American/Columbian/Confederate/whatever, their fellows in a political sense. But they'd never drop their understanding that they are different, distinct groups and would live accordingly.
We both know niggers would turn into an American version of Romanis the moment an apocalyptic event hits. Give them a ethnic region or turn them into nomads like the Jews in vanilla.
I disagree. Humans are very tribal, and would be even more so if everything were set back to the Medieval era.
Without all the technology and mass transport keeping the country together, people would turn to their own ethnic/religious/cultural groups for survival.

In addition, even today Chicago is still heavily segregated, with most of the south side being almost entirely black, as just one example.
In-game this is even depicted by the county of Calument (Which encompasses the south side of Chicago and much more) as having the black Motowner culture.
Chicagoan and Motowner are even in the same culture group in-game, so having Chicagoan represent the white population and Motowner represent the black population already works.

To reflect the various ethnic groups of the country, I would just create more in-game cultures to properly represent them. It worked for the Chiraqi and Yiddish cultures.

You're right about CKII not being designed for this, but that's what we've got to work with.
>gib tribes
Hell, there already are plenty of in-game cultures to represent various ethnic groups. It's just that somehow despite these obvious places for people of a certain ethnicity to gather existing, every single culture seems to have modern day demographics dictating the spawn chance of various ethnicities.
And then there's bullshit like Eightian.
>even today Chicago is still heavily segregated
You can look at any of those city race population maps and see it at a glance. Even relatively small ethnicities/races will gather together in the same neighborhood. I've lived in Philadelphia for nearly a decade and my neighborhood has been almost entirely White the entire time I've been here. If you look at the demographics of Philadelphia that wouldn't be something you'd expect. You go to another neighborhood four blocks over and it's almost entirely Black. Most mixed places are center city and anywhere where uni students live. Lots of foreign students attending Penn, Temple and Drexel. I think the map scale of ATE makes it a bit difficult to represent this though.
The fuck is this, /v/ zigforums?
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This looks like one of those bot websites that rip threads from 4chan and reposts them. It's nothing new, but incredibly annoying.
They do this to make it look like their sites are populated, when in reality it's all copied from elsewhere, so then they can plaster the website with a fuckton of ads.

Their About page looks like an AI wrote it and pic related is at the bottom of every page, so it's just another scheme to make money. Best to stay away from it.
Is there anyway to have the ck3 ATE rulers have their traits and skills randomized?
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I believe in Tico supremacy.
Penitente, of course.
I considered converting to Conclavist catholicism but decided against it.
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>>Not that anon but Americanism makes some amount of sense because the US actually does have a history of treating its political structure and history quasi-religiously, people have written whole books on this. But nothing like that exists for Mexico or Colombia or Argentina yet the CK3 modders have gone and given them their own political religions anyways.

>Mod about post-post-apocalypse has people form a cargo cult around pre-apocalypse politics
>New people pick up the mod, but miss the joke about the political institutions being cargo culted having quasi-religious elements to begin with
>Make crude copies of the idea all over the place while completely misunderstanding why the original worked
Well the concept that Communism becomes a religion is similar to the Americanist thing where Communists and socialists are often accused of having a religious world view with their own versions of heaven (Communist utopia) hell (Late stage capitalism) saints (Proletariat martyrs) and demons. (capitalists and reactionaries.)
So that's not so bad.

Realistically south America should probably just be a bunch of different flavors of Christian
Mixed with a bunch of natives here and there and one or two crazy religions per metropolis.
muh realism
Got elected President and couldn't do shit with it. What has to happen to unlock GHW in the CK 3 version?
Why does one of the loading screen tips say the mod has been hijacked
I think Americanism works well as an islam expy.
>Religious leaders internally bicker over the smallest doctrinal differences
>leading to large public debates in the americanist cities where orators challenge one another
>The faith appears unified from the outside however, as most of the differences can be set aside when push comes to shove with neighboring faiths
>several large heresies existing mostly underground
>islam expy
that's consumerism. also if consumerism weren't in then mormonism would be the closest fit just as it is IRL
Does having any of the DLCs affect this mod at all? Just played about 150 years and I can't really tell, though I am returning to CK3 period after only playing it at release

>The only difference between Caucasian, Northern, Mediterranean, Byzantine, and Slavic is hair, skin, and eye color.
mediterranean and byzantine are the same thing, only clothes change
mediterranean/byzantine and cacuasian are the same, only hair/skin/eye color change and mediterranean/byzantine has also bigger eyebrows
slavic actually has different facial features
How would you Rework the Deep South>>1709125
To be fair Scientology is so fucking obsessed with it’s reputation that it wouldn’t be unrealistic for them to go out of their way to sue a mod team for featuring their cult.
Is there an unwoke patch for the ck3 version yet?
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Sorry for the late replies, I'm a lazy shit.

>mechanicus stuff
I'm thinking if anything, it will be a small heresy. But I would need help implementing the lost content since I can't find it.
>varangian adventures
That sounds similar to how the Magyar invasion works, but I'll have to take a closer look at that and the wtwsms stuff to see if I can implement it.

>the AtE discord
Damn, I only use discord to communicate with people I know IRL, and I don't really want to change that, even to just download a mod.
>Mechanicus stuff
Fair point. It's probably best to keep things at least somewhat grounded and not go overboard. I'm not too into warhammer either, but I do like certain aspects of it.
Maybe keeping it as some small meme heresy would be best, but that could lead to another AtE CK3 situation where a bunch of small useless religions and cultures clutter up the map.

That was some weird shit. It freaked me out a bit.


The more I work on Deposed (And my personal mod), the easier it gets. I'm thinking it might be easier to turn it into a fork of the FF at this point.

Yes, any help is welcome. I personally like messing around in the history files, but it can get tedious and having someone help out with that would be great.
Do you have anything in particular you'd like to add, like new characters, title histories, etc.?

Holy fuck that's ridiculous. Maybe I'll add that word-for-word (spelling and grammatical errors included) in Deposed as a joke.

Pic-related is for you, anon (And me, as well).

Next Deposed update should be soon, it's mostly a bug-fixing patch. Main fixes are the Nazarene and Aphite Heads of Faith should now always be theocratic.
The main addition will be the inclusion of Scientology, but it still needs some fine-tuning and suggestions from you guys. It's very bare-bones right now with some missing localisation, and no playable Scientologist characters yet.
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And here's Sea Org, their holy order.
I know his name is L. Ron Hubbard, but naming him Elrond is funny to me. Probably won't be in the update, maybe.
cease and desist sent ;)
>Yes, any help is welcome. I personally like messing around in the history files, but it can get tedious and having someone help out with that would be great.
alright then
>Do you have anything in particular you'd like to add, like new characters, title histories, etc.?
I'm not sure honestly, I'm not American so I don't know much american history but I do know about modifying character and title histories and portraits, so if there's anything you or any other anons would like to see added would be appreciated
although I do know that House Bagley from the HCC was originally named House Venable as a reference to James R. Venable https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_R._Venable?useskin=vector, so that needs to be renamed and I guess making Leonidas Royall back to being white would also have to be done
>Scientology, but it still needs some fine-tuning and suggestions from you guys
as far as characters there should be one as one of the patricians of Los Angeles, and another in Clearwater Florida
Please no :') I'll buy 10 copies of the next Tom Cruise movie if you promise not to sue.

>House Bagley from the HCC was originally named House Venable
Oh yeah, I forgot about that. I know there were a few other houses in the HCC that were renamed as well, but I can't recall their names atm.
So yes, please rename Bagley and the other HCC houses back to their original names.
>Leonidas Royall back to being white
Possibly, but there a few anons that prefer him being black. I personally think it's funny, but I don't mind either way. But he was originally white, so I'm not sure.

>one of the patricians of Los Angeles
That's a good one. Which patrician should be replaced? I'm thinking the Imamite one, but there are two Nazarene patricians, and maybe one of them can go so there can be one patrician of each religion.
>another in Clearwater Florida
That makes sense. The Orientalist guy would have to be moved elsewhere or be removed entirely, but doesn't he have an event chain or something?
Or maybe just place a Scientologist baron there, but that's no fun.
Personally, I'd like to keep both and split Tampa county into two or three provinces so I can add a Scientologist guy while keeping the Orientalist guy, but that might be out of the scope for Deposed.

Oh right, another good place for a Scientologist character would be in Riverside California, since that's where their Gold Base Headquarters is located.
Any ideas for their names/houses?

Also, any suggestions for holy sites and religion features?
Their current holy sites are Riverside, Los Angeles, Tampa (Clearwater), San Francisco, and Las Vegas, but not sure if there are better picks for the last two.
I also made them aggressive and hard to convert.
Should they be a part of the Pacific religion group or their own? Currently I have them in their own group.
>Which patrician should be replaced? I'm thinking the Imamite one
Yeah absolutely the imamite one, ideally only the lunatic self-insert courtier should even have that dumb religion
>The Orientalist guy would have to be moved elsewhere
Ah I forgot Aladdin is there. Moving him to a different county would probably be best. I don't know much about the whole shriner inspiration for Orientalists as to whether there's something unique about Tampa for them, but Clearwater absolutely should have a landed Scientologist ruler since they own a majority of the downtown real estate there.
>Any ideas for their names/houses?
Miscavige, a Tom Cruise reference character because why not, maybe Travolta although that could get too heavy on the celebrity references.
>religion features
An Assassins type society to represent Sea Org would be the most important. And some kind of system for auditing that ties into piety, and donations of gold for piety.
another thought I had for religion features, not sure if this is possible but adding an ex-scientologist trait for whenever a character converts away from Scientology that makes them "fair game" and gives all Scientologists massive negative opinion of them
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>Oh yeah, I forgot about that. I know there were a few other houses in the HCC that were renamed as well, but I can't recall their names atm.
>So yes, please rename Bagley and the other HCC houses back to their original names.
done, as far as I could check only three HCC houses were renamed
>Possibly, but there a few anons that prefer him being black. I personally think it's funny, but I don't mind either way. But he was originally white, so I'm not sure.
I decided to make House Royall white, but I thought we could make his wife black or jewish, as a reference to that confederate anne frank meme, but that would technically make all the Royalls jewish matrilinearly, BUT at the same time it could work as a reference to most slave owners being jewish
>you must be an adult to contemplate your gender identity
heckin problematic
>I thought we could make his wife black or jewish, as a reference to that confederate anne frank meme
wife black would be good, jewish would be funny but too memey for such a prominent character. I'd love a pregnant confederate anne frank reference somewhere less visible though
>shriner inspiration for Orientalists as to whether there's something unique about Tampa
I looked it up, and Tampa is where the Shriners are headquartered. I'm kind of hesitant to move him now.
I'll activate the Clearwater barony in Tampa, and give that to a Scientologist for now, maybe to the Travolta character (Maybe named John Terl to reference his Battlefield Earth character).
>Yeah absolutely the imamite one
>Tom Cruise reference character
I think he'll be the replacement patrician for the Imamite one. I just want to come up with a less obvious name, so it's not such a direct reference.
Maybe combine him with one of his more famous movie characters, something like Tom Mitchell (Top Gun) or Ethan Cruise (Mission Impossible), etc.
Riverside makes the most sense for him imo, and like the above Tom Cruise character, he'll also need a less direct name.
>An Assassins type society to represent Sea Org
Damn, you're right, but I'm not sure how much work that'll take.
>some kind of system for auditing that ties into piety, and donations of gold for piety.
Definitely. Though for now, I think I'll just add some simple decisions for that and build upon it later.

>ex-scientologist trait
>fair game
That's a good idea. Not sure if I can make it work, but it might be possible, since Gaians have similar traits (Discharged and Honorably Discharged) for when dryads leave their position.

Nice, can you upload the files somewhere so I can download and add them to Deposed?
>confederate anne frank meme
I forgot about that meme. That would be pretty hilarious, I'd be on board for that.

Maybe jewish and black for those black israelite memes, but you're right, we shouldn't go too overboard.
Also, nice trips.
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yeah true, maybe a black wife could work but I don't know
>Nice, can you upload the files somewhere so I can download and add them to Deposed?
I want to put I've been lurking through the original version of ATE and the discord to search for any other cut/censored content, it turns out that originally the HCC was split in two kingdoms instead of four, the two kingdoms were the kingdom of dixieland, which are now the kingdoms of Georgia and Tuskegee and the kingdom of Carolina which are now the kingdoms of Palmetto and Tar Heel, the main thing about this is that the kingdom of dixieland straight up used the original Second Confederate Navy Jack as flag and I'm not sure if we should restore the two kingdoms back or keep it to the 4 kingdoms
a compromise I thought about is that we could rename the kingdom of georgia to kingdom of dixieland and change its flag to the Second Confederate Navy Jack
>I forgot about that meme. That would be pretty hilarious, I'd be on board for that.
while it's very funny I'm not sure now, it does mess up the original lore in the same vein as making the Royalls black, maybe not as drastic but still
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oh by the way, the other changes I've done are:
>renamed House Bagley to House Venable, also changed their bloodline name and description
>renamed House Randolph to House Semmes, also changed their names back to their original ones
>House Cockrell-South was originally named house Rootes, so I renamed them
>made House Royall back to being white
>restored the Tonton Macoutes from Haiti
>restored the Knights of the Golden Circle (Fanfork renamed them to the Free Riders)
>restored Varg back into the ameronordic namelist
finally I found some things that were apparently removed but I can't find if they existed in the first place
>the name Goring/Goering was apparently in the Deitsch namelist, can't find anything about it in the files even as back as ATE 0.5
>something about Gitmo/Guantanamo Bay, it seems to still be in Fan Fork so I think it's just controversial and got axed in CK3, which who cares lol
also I've been working on my own edits of Sob o Anil, the south american spin off, anyone interested in checking it out?
>restored Varg back into the ameronordic namelist
god the forkers were so gay and petty. also iirc they took out some Wagnerian references that were originally in Norse, could be wrong about that though.
if you mean removed from the Northlander name list then I'm not sure, some names such as Sigurd, Sigmar and Ysolde have been removed but others like Sigmund and Brynhild are either still in or renamed in case of Brynhild, which is now Brunhilde
one of the names that did get removed from the Northlander name list is Adolph lol
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fuck I'm fucking retarded, I just noticed I named this pic as the original northlander list when it's the Fan Fork one. God fucking dammit
>whatever fragments of the non-southwest/Floridian hispanic population survive

I agree with you anon, but I suspect a large chunk of the Floridian Hispanics - almost entirely Cuban-American - will decamp back to Cuba the moment they can, and I'm in a good mood and will say they assimilated pretty well to America and ra-ra-'murrica already.

Nuyoricans I can see almost entirely disappearing willingly or forced out alike, though.
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>The only lore that the mod has so far is Catholics failed to conquer Buenos Aires from Peronist Deists
i like to play this as a ruler in my hometown with all my friends put in as npcs and then sending screenshots to my friends of them getting castrated and blinded by me
You really shouldn't fuck with Scientologists. They will come after you even if you make a respectful representation of their religion.
>Realistically south America should probably just be a bunch of different flavors of Christian
So should the north desu
It's something I noticed with the CK2 version at least
All the white first world parts would have all sorts of wacky religions and pop culture references, and meanwhile the rest would either be respectfull(sanitized) depictions of native relgions, various flavours of Christianity or less commonly a civic religion that's kinda like Americanism but more boring.
>the discord
You brave soul
How about restoring them, but as titular titles?
That way we keep the 4 dejure kingdoms and restore the 2 removed titles.
Reducing those 4 kingdoms down to 2 would make some massive kingdoms, which I'm not a fan of, desu.
We'd just have to think up some creation conditions for Dixieland and Carolina, but that's not too difficult.
>while it's very funny I'm not sure now, it does mess up the original lore in the same vein as making the Royalls black, maybe not as drastic but still
Fair enough. Maybe it's best to just leave that part for now? I'm not sure either.

Nice work, anon.
>restored the Tonton Macoutes from Haiti
What's this?
>restored Varg back into the ameronordic namelist
Lol, I didn't even know that was removed. Definitely add it back in. You can't remove the Old Norse form of Wolf just because of a certain guy.
I think it's probably best to leave out the Goring/Goering part for now. It's a surname though, did you check the dynasty files?
>Gitmo/Guantanamo Bay
Yeah, it's still in. For awhile now, I've been thinking of changing their capital province's culture and religion to the ruler's but I'm not too sure on that yet.
>I've been working on my own edits of Sob o Anil
Hey, go for it.

Nice. Did you add the names back in manually or just replace the namelist? Because the old version looks like it's missing a lot of name variations that are in the current list (Names joined with underscores).

Do you think they'd do that? Even for a free dinky little mod for a game no one plays anymore?
What would you suggest? Renaming it to something else? Not adding it in at all? Genuine questions btw, I'd like some input on this.
I'd rather not be on their bad side after reading some more stories on them.
did they change this in the last ck2 version or just ck3? it's been years since I played the mod but last time I played the ck2 version they still had the old setup of 2 kingdoms
while the reasoning for changing the kingdoms is pretty stupid they I think having 4 de jure kingdoms is a good idea especially given the nature of the HCC as a pseudo HRE. with that said maybe have the old titles as a sort of neat goal where a person who gained control of both Georgia/Tuskegee or Palmetto/Tar Heel could replace them into a new Kingdom of Carolina/Dixieland
>How about restoring them, but as titular titles?
>That way we keep the 4 dejure kingdoms and restore the 2 removed titles.
>Reducing those 4 kingdoms down to 2 would make some massive kingdoms, which I'm not a fan of, desu.
>We'd just have to think up some creation conditions for Dixieland and Carolina, but that's not too difficult.
I'm gonna be honest, I don't know how to do that, if I send you my deposed work do you think you can add that?
here are my edits
>Nice work, anon.
>What's this?
IRL the tonton macoutes were a Haitian paramilitary and secret police during the Papa Doc dictatorship, in OG ATE they were the mercenary group for Haiti but got replaced in FF, I've added them back inn
>I think it's probably best to leave out the Goring/Goering part for now. It's a surname though, did you check the dynasty files?
I did, didn't find anything either
>Hey, go for it.
alright, here's what I've done so far, it's a WIP so some things are still empty or haven't been done properly yet, I've added a readme of what I've changed in chile. I did forget to add that I want to add a The Book of the New Sun reference somewhere in Chile
>Nice. Did you add the names back in manually or just replace the namelist? Because the old version looks like it's missing a lot of name variations that are in the current list (Names joined with underscores).
I've just added most of the names manually, those who are already in the list are obviously not in
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>I did forget to add that I want to add a The Book of the New Sun reference somewhere in Chile
well I've done it, the only thing I'm unsure about are the CoA and the house name, and maybe if he should have the duelist trait or not
I named him Severio instead of Severian because I was thinking how it would sound in spanish rather than english, so if you guys have a better "translation" I'm all ears
>if I send you my deposed work do you think you can add that?
Yeah, I should be able to, thank you.
>here are my edits
I'll be sure to include them in the next update.
>the tonton macoutes were a Haitian paramilitary and secret police during the Papa Doc dictatorship
Huh, that's pretty interesting. I wonder why they were removed.
>alright, here's what I've done so far
I'll check it out, though I'm not sure if any of my observations would be helpful since I don't know the intricacies of South America.
>I've just added most of the names manually
Sweet. It'll make it a little bit easier adding them in.

>the only thing I'm unsure about are the CoA and the house name, and maybe if he should have the duelist trait or not
They look fine to to me, though I haven't read The Book of the New Sun, so my input probably doesn't amount to much here, lol.
However, I think the description of Terminus Est should be shortened just a bit so it can all fit in the treasury screen.
>I named him Severio instead of Severian because I was thinking how it would sound in spanish rather than english
I actually really like this. I do the same thing with any characters I add, be it in Deposed (Mark Aurelio/Marcus Aurelius in Orange county for example) or my personal mods.
It makes the characters feel more natural if they have a name that's pulled from their in-game culture, even if they're a reference to something.
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>Huh, that's pretty interesting. I wonder why they were removed.
looking at the discord, it seems they got removed just because they were an IRL death squad
>I'll check it out, though I'm not sure if any of my observations would be helpful since I don't know the intricacies of South America.
thanks! I forgot to add in the readme that I also changed up some things in Argentina and Uruguay but I'm lazy to do a whole list about them to be honest
btw the Duke of Los Rios from southern Chile are actually a reference to one of the leaders of the chilean national socialist party, Carlos Keller, and also Armando and Benjamin are meant to be blondes like Valentina, I just forgot to change it on their DNA after I made a new GFX for the german culture
>They look fine to to me, though I haven't read The Book of the New Sun, so my input probably doesn't amount to much here, lol.
I talked with a friend who also read BOTNS
>House Solnuevo, Solnuevo means New Sun in spanish
>golden sun with thorns around it on a red since the claw of the conciliator will bring a new sun to replace the aging red sun
>cross of saint james inside the sun as a reference to being a son of House Bartales and a catholic reference since Gene Wolfe was catholic
>However, I think the description of Terminus Est should be shortened just a bit so it can all fit in the treasury screen.
true but I actually went the other direction and made it longer lol, mostly because Terminus Est is such a cool sword that I think it deserved the long description
>I actually really like this. I do the same thing with any characters I add, be it in Deposed (Mark Aurelio/Marcus Aurelius in Orange county for example) or my personal mods.
>It makes the characters feel more natural if they have a name that's pulled from their in-game culture, even if they're a reference to something.
actually I renamed him to Severiano because apparently that's how the name is spelled in Spanish, didn't know that
ESfag here, Severio sounds cooler.
I renamed him to Severiano for accuracy but yeah you're right, Severio is way cooler
also I don't know if it's noticeable but I'm Chilean, it's why I dedicated myself to rework Chile in the first place
>looking at the discord, it seems they got removed just because they were an IRL death squad
Oh damn, that's kinda understandable.
That Solnuevo CoA is really good. Did you make it? The backstory makes it even better.
>I actually went the other direction and made it longer lol
Lol, make it even longer. Nice description though, it's better than the first one.
>actually I renamed him to Severiano because apparently that's how the name is spelled in Spanish, didn't know that
Huh. I think the other anon's right, Severio is cooler. But I think either one would work. It all depends on if you want more accuracy or more coolness.

Your Sob o Anil edits seem good, I think. I can't really comment on the references and such because I don't know any of them.
If you care about balance, maybe bring down the stats and traits of some of the characters? Otherwise, it doesn't really matter.
However, I really like the CoAs. They're top-notch imo, and much better than what I can make, lol.
The Salas, Valdivieso, Baquedano, and Tirana CoAs are probably my favorites.
Also, the mod doesn't seem to have any music. If you're not going to add any in the future, remove the "replace_path="music"" line in the .mod file to re-enable the music.
>That Solnuevo CoA is really good. Did you make it? The backstory makes it even better.
yes and no, I think of the CoA and then look for assets in the internet then edit them in GIMP, so shoutouts to the heraldry autists on wikipedia and everywhere else lol
>Huh. I think the other anon's right, Severio is cooler. But I think either one would work. It all depends on if you want more accuracy or more coolness.
yeah I re-renamed him to Severio lol, it also makes it a little more "subtle", I sometimes think that AtE should be half serious and half rule of cool
>If you care about balance, maybe bring down the stats and traits of some of the characters? Otherwise, it doesn't really matter.
my reasoning is that I want to make "lore important/interesting" characters fun to play with so I just give them good stats and then leave the player to do the rest and raise their future children however they want, my first dabble into ck2 modding was the more bloodlines submod for AGOT where I attempted to fix family trees for main houses and give/remove traits to characters that did or didn't have them and made sense to have, while "defaullt" or "mod-canon" characters that are not in the lore are given basic non randomized stats
it's insanely autistic I know
>However, I really like the CoAs. They're top-notch imo, and much better than what I can make, lol.
what CoAs have you made for Deposed?
>The Salas, Valdivieso, Baquedano, and Tirana CoAs are probably my favorites.
I'm biased since I made them but the ones I've liked the most so far are House Bartales since it's the "main" chilean house so they should have a cool looking CoA and the most recent one House Solnuevo
>Also, the mod doesn't seem to have any music. If you're not going to add any in the future, remove the "replace_path="music"" line in the .mod file to re-enable the music.
that's an issue from the main mod, it doesn't have any music either
How long until you finish this fork thing? I'd love to play it.
>yes and no, I think of the CoA and then look for assets in the internet then edit them in GIMP, so shoutouts to the heraldry autists on wikipedia and everywhere else lol
Ah, that's still pretty good though, since you have to resize them and sometimes edit them. I do something similar, but I use paint.net.
>I sometimes think that AtE should be half serious and half rule of cool
That's a good view, and I think there should be a bit of humor in there as well, though sometimes it can be hard to find the right mix.
>I want to make "lore important/interesting" characters fun to play with so I just give them good stats
Fair enough, I used to do that with my OC characters way back, but I've toned it down a lot since then. Though I guess it makes more sense for important/lore characters to be a little OP.
>it's insanely autistic I know
Where do you think we are? We're all autistic here, anon lol.
>what CoAs have you made for Deposed?
Ah, I haven't made any CoAs/flags completely from scratch for Deposed, but the closest would be the new flag for Las Vegas.
But I used the same technique you used, I went online, looked for a good image of the Las Vegas star and resized it down to fit in.
In my personal mod, I've actually made way more flags like that, using IRL county/city flags and editing them to replace the ugly city seals used for flags in-game.
I might port a few of them over to Deposed because imo they look way better.
Other than that, I've made three total flags completely from scratch, using references, for my personal mod, but they're really basic. For the most part, I just take an existing flag and edit it so it looks good.
>House Bartales
I also liked that CoA, it was hard to choose between them.
>that's an issue from the main mod, it doesn't have any music either
That's weird.

Do you mind if I credit you as "Chilean anon" or something in the next Deposed update? I haven't added your edits yet, but they're next on the list.
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Oh yeah, for one CoA I did for Deposed, look at Duke Robert DeSalle of Cook/Chicago. I used the IRL CoA of Robert La Salle and just re-sized it down.
I think it looks much better than the old one and the whole image actually fits properly. Pic-related. The bottom half of the cross doesn't even fit in the old CoA.
For another CoA, I took a free Christian cross/star from somewhere online, resized it and gave it to the Kingdom of Heaven guy.
the download for my edit is here >>1756122
>That's a good view, and I think there should be a bit of humor in there as well, though sometimes it can be hard to find the right mix.
true that, often times it falls flat
>Fair enough, I used to do that with my OC characters way back, but I've toned it down a lot since then. Though I guess it makes more sense for important/lore characters to be a little OP.
I mean, since this isn't based on an already existing IP it's essentially making shit up with OCs around a post post apocalyptic america, I might be wrong though
>Ah, I haven't made any CoAs/flags completely from scratch for Deposed, but the closest would be the new flag for Las Vegas.
I saw that one, I thought it was pretty good, better than just using the city seal
>But I used the same technique you used, I went online, looked for a good image of the Las Vegas star and resized it down to fit in.
>In my personal mod, I've actually made way more flags like that, using IRL county/city flags and editing them to replace the ugly city seals used for flags in-game.
>I might port a few of them over to Deposed because imo they look way better.
I'd love to see that!
>That's weird.
yeah well I do have some tracks of music to suggest to the devs once they start developing the mod again
>Do you mind if I credit you as "Chilean anon" or something in the next Deposed update? I haven't added your edits yet, but they're next on the list.
dude that'd be great, thanks for adding them! Do you have any other things you need help with? I remember that some anons were talking about revamping Texas and I've had some ideas but it'd be hard to get around that character that gets a lot of events in Texas
yeah that new CoA looks much better
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>I mean, since this isn't based on an already existing IP it's essentially making shit up with OCs around a post post apocalyptic america, I might be wrong though
That's a good point. I still like to try for more grounded characters.
>I'd love to see that!
I might include a few in the next update, then.
>dude that'd be great, thanks for adding them!
Hey, it's the least I can do, you did help, after all.
I just wish I properly credited the previous anons who contributed when I first released Deposed.
>Do you have any other things you need help with?
I can't think of anything atm, but there's definitely a few things.
>I remember that some anons were talking about revamping Texas and I've had some ideas but it'd be hard to get around that character that gets a lot of events in Texas
Speaking of which, I got around to replacing the old High Queen of Texas with the High King today. I hope I got everything.

Anyway, I just finished restoring the Kingdom of Carolina.
Currently, it's only formable via decision, requiring you to be independent and completely control all duchies within the kingdoms of Tarheel and Palmetto.
I'm still fine-tuning the requirements and description, if anyone has any better ideas.
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>I can't think of anything atm, but there's definitely a few things.
alright then, looking at the discord screencap I posted here >>1751286, originally the HCC's capital barony was Fort Sumter but the FF devs renamed it to The Citadel, so that needs to be renamed, could you please do that?
if something else was changed/censored or you anons have ideas to replace the gayer stuff please let us know
>Speaking of which, I got around to replacing the old High Queen of Texas with the High King today. I hope I got everything.
I see, how did you get around the events and such? and what did you end up making him? my ideas were
>main texan house was called House Hillwalker, as a reference to KOTH and Walker, Texas Ranger, and maybe its founder's name is Clint
>their CoA is pic related it's supposed to be a reference to the strickland propane logo, with the flaming sword replacing the propane flame and it also just being a general christian reference, asuming we're making them christians instead of americanists
I did it in a rush so it's obviously not thought up properly and scaled properly but still
>Anyway, I just finished restoring the Kingdom of Carolina.
>Currently, it's only formable via decision, requiring you to be independent and completely control all duchies within the kingdoms of Tarheel and Palmetto.
>I'm still fine-tuning the requirements and description, if anyone has any better ideas.
I think the description is fine, can't wait to see the Kingdom of Dixie one!
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>originally the HCC's capital barony was Fort Sumter but the FF devs renamed it to The Citadel, so that needs to be renamed, could you please do that?
I saw that when I was making the Carolina decision and thought the name was weird and didn't fit. Reminded me of Fallout 3.
But yeah, definitely renaming that one.
>I see, how did you get around the events and such? and what did you end up making him?
I just edited the localisation files, I have a feeling I may have missed something, but I didn't find anything else.
I ended up making the High King a guy called George Walker as a reference to George W. Bush (His middle name is Walker), Walker, Texas Ranger, and General George Hammond (of Texas) from Stargate SG-1.
In my original plan, I was going to add a KotH reference in there as well, I was thinking of naming him George Walker-Hill, but I wasn't too sure on that at the time.
Actually, now that I think about it, George Hillwalker could work. It would also reference Hank's half-brother in his initials (Good Hank/G.H.).
>their CoA is pic related
I like it. Also, I'm going to leave him as Americanist, I don't want to change too much without input from more anons, and an earlier anon suggested keeping him as an Americanist.
>I think the description is fine, can't wait to see the Kingdom of Dixie one!
And here's Dixieland, I just finished implementing the decision. The description is very barebones right now, because I wanted to get it over with, lol. I think I'm done modding for the day.

I forgot to mention it before, but I got the idea to replace the kingdoms via decision from you, thanks.
Wait no, The Citadel is an actual military college, so I'm not going to touch it. I kinda goofed there.
But Fort Sumter is actually still in-game, just not activated. I'll activate it so we can have both.
>Reminded me of Fallout 3.
honestly same lmao, it's supposed to reference this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Citadel?useskin=vector
>Actually, now that I think about it, George Hillwalker could work. It would also reference Hank's half-brother in his initials (Good Hank/G.H.).
cool, George Hillwalker is a pretty nice name, I chose Clint for the obvious cowboy reference
>I like it. Also, I'm going to leave him as Americanist, I don't want to change too much without input from more anons, and an earlier anon suggested keeping him as an Americanist.
thanks! but since you'll keep him americanist I'm not sure if the religious flaming sword might fit, I'm not sure what their CoA should be then
I would wait for input from other anons as well if we were to keep him as americanist or change him to a christian
>The description is very barebones right now, because I wanted to get it over with, lol. I think I'm done modding for the day.
yeah fair enough lol, modding ck2's a hassle sometimes
oh I see, well make Fort Sumter the main capital barony with the upgrades and add the Citadel
>cool, George Hillwalker is a pretty nice name, I chose Clint for the obvious cowboy reference
Right? Also, as much as I like Clint Eastwood, and agree with the reference, he's from California, so I wouldn't add him to Texas.
Somewhere in California? Probably.
Also, I'm going with George Hillwalker as the High King.
>thanks! but since you'll keep him americanist I'm not sure if the religious flaming sword might fit, I'm not sure what their CoA should be then
Yeah, it looks cool too. Maybe for now, I can make his CoA can just be the white Lone Star of Texas on a blue background? As a placeholder.
>I would wait for input from other anons as well
>yeah fair enough lol, modding ck2's a hassle sometimes
You got that right, lol. A little while ago I struggled for hours over the course of about a week to fix the old Abbot of Saint Herman's Brotherhood (Nazarene Head of Faith)
from going unlanded on death. This led to other problems, like on succession, the next Abbot doesn't inherit the previous Abbot's wealth or artifacts. They just disappear.
Nazarenes wouldn't get a notification on the Abbot's death either. I finally fixed it though, with a very simple solution. It's in the next update.
Fixing that led me to find out that the same thing happens to the Libertarian Head of Faith, but because she's always female, I can't fix it with the same solution.
I still haven't figured out a solution for that one.
>make Fort Sumter the main capital barony with the upgrades and add the Citadel
Done and done.

I've finished adding in a few of my flag edits and I think all of your edits.
However, instead of just replacing the Free Riders/Vieux Lions with the Knights of the Golden Circle/Tonton Macoutes, I'm just going to add them in so we can keep all four.

Also, here's one of the new flags I'm adding, I used the IRL flag of Imperial County, California. I had to size it down and edit the bottom half so it would fit properly. The old flag is the county seal.
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And here's the new High King of Texas. I gave him fixed stats, added three traits and gave him a modified version of the Texas flag as his CoA.
>Right? Also, as much as I like Clint Eastwood, and agree with the reference, he's from California, so I wouldn't add him to Texas.
>Somewhere in California? Probably.
>Also, I'm going with George Hillwalker as the High King.
alrighty then, did you give him any family or just kept it like it is in current ATE?
>Yeah, it looks cool too. Maybe for now, I can make his CoA can just be the white Lone Star of Texas on a blue background? As a placeholder.
yeah good enough for now, I'll try to think of a better CoA in the meantime for either americanist or christian
>>yeah fair enough lol, modding ck2's a hassle sometimes
>You got that right, lol. A little while ago I struggled for hours over the course of about a week to fix the old Abbot of Saint Herman's Brotherhood (Nazarene Head of Faith)
>from going unlanded on death. This led to other problems, like on succession, the next Abbot doesn't inherit the previous Abbot's wealth or artifacts. They just disappear.
>Nazarenes wouldn't get a notification on the Abbot's death either. I finally fixed it though, with a very simple solution. It's in the next update.
>Fixing that led me to find out that the same thing happens to the Libertarian Head of Faith, but because she's always female, I can't fix it with the same solution.
>I still haven't figured out a solution for that one.
damn, I'm not sure if I can help out with that one
>I've finished adding in a few of my flag edits and I think all of your edits.
>However, instead of just replacing the Free Riders/Vieux Lions with the Knights of the Golden Circle/Tonton Macoutes, I'm just going to add them in so we can keep all four.
fair enough
>Also, here's one of the new flags I'm adding, I used the IRL flag of Imperial County, California. I had to size it down and edit the bottom half so it would fit properly. The old flag is the county seal.
looks good
>alrighty then, did you give him any family or just kept it like it is in current ATE?
For now, he'll have no family, but in the future I'd like to give him current-day descendants in the form of the Hill family from KotH somewhere in Texas.
Though I'm not sure if that'll clash too much with the current lore.
>yeah good enough for now, I'll try to think of a better CoA in the meantime for either americanist or christian
>damn, I'm not sure if I can help out with that one
That's okay, I'm not even sure if I can fix it myself, lol. I'm just glad I fixed the Abbot issue, since I'm planning to fix/change a few Nazarene things in a later update.
>looks good
Thanks! You'll get to see a few more in the next update.

Speaking of which, the next Deposed update is practically finished, and I plan to release it soon, probably within a day or two.
I just want to test it a few more times to make sure I didn't forget anything or mess something up.
There's some stuff that I wanted to include this update that will have to wait for another update since the changelog is getting pretty big, though a lot of it is just bugfixes.
I looked around only a bit, so there's a small chance you've already done this or are planning to but will you add a/the Long family to somewhere in Louisiana?
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I wasn't planning on it, but Huey Long is already in the Kingdom of Louisiana's history as its first king.
If you want, I can add some living relatives in the next update, but I would need some help with it, as that's over 700 years of family/title history to add between his death and the start date.
Any suggestions for the Long family's CoA?

On a somewhat related note, does anyone know why nicknames in AtE don't have quotation marks around them? It's been bugging me for awhile now.
For coding reasons, is it a requirement that those 700 years are filled? I think you could consider doing what you did for Douglas MacArthur and make it only a reference. For the CoA you could make it something to do with a crown or possibly take inspiration from the AUS in KaiserRedux. I assume if this is trouble you couldn't also do other political dynasties like the Kennedys?
I can do that if you want me to, you'd have to give me a county they can rule over and also a date to start adding them in, I think in ATE counts/rulers generally started to pop back in around the 2100s?
as for CoA, I have two ideas
>a fish with a crown
>the eagle from the American Union State flag from Kaiserreich
>For coding reasons, is it a requirement that those 700 years are filled? I think you could consider doing what you did for Douglas MacArthur and make it only a reference.
not really but it's to showcase that they are the same family as THE Huey Long and that they have ruled their land since before the Event
>I assume if this is trouble you couldn't also do other political dynasties like the Kennedys?
wait the Kennedys aren't in ATE? I thought they were just like the Clintons
>For coding reasons, is it a requirement that those 700 years are filled?
Not for coding reasons, but if a Dynasty has members that aren't connected, it tends to break the family tree, making it hard to read/sift through.
>I think you could consider doing what you did for Douglas MacArthur and make it only a reference.
For something like this, I'd want a direct line, since the real Huey Long is actually referenced in game, with his real birth and death dates. Douglas MacArthur didn't have one previously, so it was safe for me to just make a reference to him.
Besides, I already did some research on the Long family since my last post, and already found some suitable provinces for them to rule:
Kisatchie (Huey Long was born near the in-game capital of Winnfield), Natchitoches (Part of Louisiana's 31st District that Gerald Long currently represents), and Rapides (Also part of the 31st District).
I want to include them now.
>For the CoA you could make it something to do with a crown or possibly take inspiration from the AUS in KaiserRedux
I have to admit, I'm not familiar with this.
>I assume if this is trouble you couldn't also do other political dynasties like the Kennedys?
I could add them. I can just do what I did with Douglas MacArthur and just make a reference character/family for them.
Do you know if there's already a Kennedy reference in-game? I remember looking before, but didn't find one. I know there's Clintons in Hudsonia.

>I can do that if you want me to, you'd have to give me a county they can rule over and also a date to start adding them in, I think in ATE counts/rulers generally started to pop back in around the 2100s?
That would be a huge help, please do. As for a county, choose one (Or more?) of the three I posted above. Also, I think the 2300s is when rulers start showing up again.
>a fish with a crown
Fitting for the Kingfish. I like it.
>the eagle from the American Union State flag from Kaiserreich
>I know there's Clintons in Hudsonia.
*I know there were
Whoops. There are no living Clintons at the start date, but they're in the Kingdom of Hudsonia's history.

Also, I'm still putting on the finishing touches for the next Deposed update. I'll hopefully post it sometime between now and tonight.
>Kisatchie (Huey Long was born near the in-game capital of Winnfield), Natchitoches (Part of Louisiana's 31st District that Gerald Long currently represents), and Rapides (Also part of the 31st District).
well currently ingame they are occupied by pre existing characters, luckily those characters have other counties they can rule over so it shouldn't be much of an issue, I'll give them all three counties
also I imagine the current Longs will also follow the Voodoo faith right?
>Do you know if there's already a Kennedy reference in-game? I remember looking before, but didn't find one. I know there's Clintons in Hudsonia.
looking into it, apparently not? can't find a House with their name so there's no references to them and House Mahonic occupies Boston
>Whoops. There are no living Clintons at the start date, but they're in the Kingdom of Hudsonia's history.
the Clintons still live on through the DeWitts of Connecticut
>well currently ingame they are occupied by pre existing characters, luckily those characters have other counties they can rule over so it shouldn't be much of an issue, I'll give them all three counties
Nice how it all works out, right? How about splitting the three counties between two or three family members?
>also I imagine the current Longs will also follow the Voodoo faith right?
At first I was thinking Evangelical (Because of Huey's in-game religion) or Catholic (Those three provinces are Catholic in-game), but seeing as how there's only Voodoo rulers in Louisiana, I think Voodoo's the best option.
>looking into it, apparently not? can't find a House with their name so there's no references to them and House Mahonic occupies Boston
It's so weird, you'd think there'd be a Kennedy reference somewhere.
>the Clintons still live on through the DeWitts of Connecticut
Ah, you're right, didn't even notice they were a bastard/cadet Dynasty.
Another idea for their religion. How about having earlier members be Evangelical, which later transitions to Catholic, then have the later ones be secretly Catholic?
Or maybe the later ones would just be Voodoo?
Could also have different branches of the family secretly/openly practicing different religions.
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Alright, here's the next update for AtE Deposed:

And the changelog:

The main feature for this update is the new religion of Scientology, but there's also some restored content in the HCC (The Kingdoms of Carolina and Dixieland are now formable via decision,
alongside the restoration of the Knights of the Golden Circle being just a few examples), the replacement of the High Queen of Texas with a High King, the restoration of the Tonton Macoutes, etc.
There's also a few flag replacements and adjustments. Read the changelog, since there's too much for me to write here.

The changelog is more technical and in-depth than previous updates, mainly to help myself look for changes I've made in the future, as earlier versions were way too vague.

As usual, please report any bugs you find. I'm sure I let a few slip by.
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ah fuck me I JUST added House Long into my fork of deposed, took too long to fit the AUS eagle, my bad
Don't worry, anon, you're good. I was planning to include your additions in the update after this one, since this current update was already getting pretty big.
You've got time. I like the CoA as well. I also like that you took my suggestion to make him a secret Catholic too, nice!
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anyways thanks for the shout outs man, I'm glad you added my edits
as for my House Long fork, thoughts on what I did? I've made it so the Longs start as Evangelical and after a couple of gens they switch to Catholic, and once John the Conqueror enters the scene they switch to Voodoo but still practice Catholicism in secret
as for the CoA, I went with the eagle of the AUS flag from Kaiserreich, it was kind of hard to fit in due to the sword but I think it looks good, if I made it a bit bigger it wouldn't have looked as centered and the sword might get hidden
yeah I went with that, thanks for suggesting it
anyways now that this new update is out, we should start thinking on what to do next
>look for any other censored/cut content and restore it
>debate if the High King of Texas should be catholic or americanist
>maybe add a Kennedy reference somewhere?
>hear what other anons have for ideas
anything else?
Nice work, anon. One thing is that I feel like Long deserve a bloodline although I don't know what bonuses should it have. Maybe bonus relation points to common people/mayors as one of them?
>hear what other anons have for ideas
Weaker Cetism now that Scientology is around? Christians should have holdings almost everywhere desu.
And of course bonus prestige of course. Every bloodline has it so I didn't even think about mention it. Question is if it also should have bonus piety.
I also have just come up with another trait for the bloodline:
>Characters are more likely to be charitable
As a reference to Share Our Wealth which might be turned into the motto of the dynasty. Might also make them more likely to be ambitious which would be fitting for Huey, but it might be too much.
It's such a nice coincidence that a new update comes out once I get into the mod again.
I think I'd probably want almost any and every political reference in the mod. If I can ask for one more dynasty/character I'd like to see a Wallace or Rockwell.
speaking of bloodlines, I would like to revamp most of them to be like AGOT More Bloodlines so they usually have a
>0.25 prestige increase and maybe a 0.1 piety if the character was religiously connected
>negative or positive increase on certain attributes
>negative or positive opinion on certain cultures
>maybe a +5 combat skill if the family is martial oriented
>add a "tend to be X (brave, just, ambitious, etc.)"
as for the Huey Long's bloodline, I imagine it would be
>0.25 prestige
>0.10 piety
>either a +2 on diplomacy or a +1 on diplo and a +1 on stewardship
>+5 dixie opinion
>+5 on either catholics or evangelicals
>characters tend to be just or charitable
also I'm surprised House Creaux of Louisiana was never given a bloodline
I imagine we could add a couple of more Nazarenes or Catholics around Cali? I'm not sure where exactly
I was honestly tempted to suggest that lmfao, thing is I'm not sure where House Rockwell should be, what culture and religion should be and what their CoA should be besides the obvious American Nazi Party swastika with UN logo
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>anyways thanks for the shout outs man, I'm glad you added my edits
No problem, anon. Glad you contributed.
>as for my House Long fork, thoughts on what I did?
Sounds good, I like it so far.
>as for the CoA
Yeah, I see what you mean about centering it with the sword, since it's much further out than the torch.
>maybe add a Kennedy reference somewhere?
I think another anon mentioned awhile back that if anything, they should be around Boston, or somewhere else in Massachusetts.
But Boston won't work, since that's where the last Mahonic is.

More bloodlines would be nice. We just have to be careful about making them too powerful, I think.

>Christians should have holdings almost everywhere desu.
Already ahead of you on that one. I made the count of Blythe in Socal a Nazarene to match the province in the latest update.

>It's such a nice coincidence that a new update comes out once I get into the mod again.
I wish I was more consistent in updating it. The last update I made for it was in 2022, damn.
But I hope you enjoy it.
>I think I'd probably want almost any and every political reference in the mod.
Sure, but I don't want to go too overboard. I think if the actual IRL character isn't already in AtE, we can just make an expy/indirect reference of them.
>Wallace or Rockwell.

A bloodline revamp would be good. Make them more balanced too. I like your ideas.
>I'm surprised House Creaux of Louisiana was never given a bloodline
Yeah, it's weird. Most every other conqueror has one in AtE.
>I imagine we could add a couple of more Nazarenes or Catholics around Cali?
I added one in Blythe county this update. Maybe we can add another in Barstow and Bako counties, since both provinces are already Nazarene?
Not sure where else to add them after that.

I've actually been working on a small Nazarene rework in my personal mod, I can port some of those changes into the next update. More info in my next post.
I originally intended to include my second rework of the Kingdom of Heaven event chain in this update, but other additions took precedence.
That event chain has a small ~10% chance for the Kingdom to go Nazarene instead of True Cross, but I've since changed it to be closer to a 50/50 chance going either way.
There's also a lot of other fixes for the event chain that I missed the first time around.

For my small Nazarene rework, I made it so their priests can marry.
Since Nazarene is a combination of Catholicism, Orthodox, and Presbyterian (At least going by the traits), and two out of three of those allow at least some of their clergy to marry, I thought it made sense.
I also made Nazarenes Hard to Convert and gave them Defensive Attrition. I gave them Defensive Attrition mostly because I thought if the Imamites could have it, why not the Nazarenes?
Though that might be too much of a stretch to include in Deposed? Not sure.

Aside from the count of Blythe, I also made the count of Barstow and the duke of Kern Nazarene.
I think the house could be in or around Illinois and be Norse Pagan; even if that religion might be just a bit outside of that region. If you don't care about subtlety, the CoA would have a swastika, but if you do, a pipe could be in it.
>I think another anon mentioned awhile back that if anything, they should be around Boston, or somewhere else in Massachusetts.
yeah that's the thing, new england is basically already filled up with the occultists and pre existing Houses so I'm not sure where the catholic or occultist Kennedys would fit it in
he was born on Bloomington, Illinois which could work but it's currently filled with Catholics
unrelated but I've never been fond of the Norse religion in ATE, if I had made the mod I would've made them a mix of Lutheranism/Protestanism and some norse mythology, so Odin is God, Frigg is Mary and Balder is Jesus and the characters are more like christian norsemen like Cnut the Great, Harald Hardrade and Sigurd the Crusader than pagan vikings like Ragnar Lodbrok and his sons, it's just a pet peeve of mine though
>yeah that's the thing, new england is basically already filled up with the occultists and pre existing Houses so I'm not sure where the catholic or occultist Kennedys would fit it in
Good point. Would they have to be Catholics though?

>unrelated but I've never been fond of the Norse religion in ATE
I have similar feelings, they feel off a bit. Plus, they annoy me because I tried playing with the AtE rivermod before, and that only created a viking hellworld.

Anyway, I'm adding the Hill family from King of the Hill and I just got to Cotton and I had to make pic-related a reality. I haven't connected them to the High King yet.
His older son you see there is Junichiro, and I haven't added Good Hank yet.
>Would they have to be Catholics though?
not really, I thought we could just try to keep them catholic but them being occultist isn't really an issue
>Anyway, I'm adding the Hill family from King of the Hill and I just got to Cotton and I had to make pic-related a reality. I haven't connected them to the High King yet.
>His older son you see there is Junichiro, and I haven't added Good Hank yet.
lmfao nice, will Hank also have Peggy and Bobby?
Could there be a Terry Davis reference somewhere? I don't care that much about there being one but if you want more religious stuff, it could be funny.
Well you could make the house Evangelical or Catholic instead if you want? I think Bloomington is where it should be, then.
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>Could there be a Terry Davis reference somewhere?
TempleOS icon actually already looks like a cool coat of arms. I think Chrome Cult would fit the character. Having day 0 chrome cultist to play would also be neat. Imo computer worshipers could easily be its own religion.
This is pretty off topic but on an almost annual basis one of my favourite things to do is spend 10-20 hours making something in an RPG Maker then giving up or getting bored of it. Should I try (using mostly default assets) to create something based on AtE?
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>we could just try to keep them catholic but them being occultist isn't really an issue
I don't mind either way, but if they're Catholic, I think we'd have to move them somewhere that's Catholic.
With them being Occultist, they can stay in Boston/Mass, no problem.
>lmfao nice, will Hank also have Peggy and Bobby?
Of course. Though Peggy is Margaret and Bobby is Robert, since those are their full names in the show.
Pic-related is Peggy, she's a Mountainer since she's from Montana. They're Americanist for now, but they might also be Catholic, depending on which county I give them.
Bobby is only 11, so the traits I gave him don't show up.

Could there be a Terry Davis reference somewhere?
That would be pretty funny. It wouldn't take much effort to include him, We'd just need to know where to put him, what religion/culture/traits he has, etc.
He's deserving of the Quick trait, at least, since he was pretty accomplished before he became schizophrenic. He should also have the Lunatic trait for obvious reasons.
I miss that crazy guy.
>make the house Evangelical or Catholic instead if you want? I think Bloomington is where it should be, then.
Catholic would work best here imo, since Illinois is almost completely Catholic. I think Bloomington would be in Decatur county in-game?
Hard to tell since there's no barony for it, or at least I couldn't find it.

That is a neat CoA. I wonder how it would look in-game?
>I think Chrome Cult would fit the character
Sounds goods to me.
>Imo computer worshipers could easily be its own religion.
True, but I don't want to go too overboard in adding new cultures and religions. Adding Scientology was enough work and it's only barebones atm, lol.

>one of my favourite things to do is spend 10-20 hours making something in an RPG Maker
I used to do this, but with just making world maps.
>Should I try (using mostly default assets) to create something based on AtE?
What do you have in mind?
>I miss that crazy guy.
We all do.
>What do you have in mind?
I could consider hearing ideas like with what you're doing. In my head I'm thinking you'd play as a noble from Iowa. Bandits and animals are the RNG encounters and religious enemies are the scripted bosses.
>In my head I'm thinking you'd play as a noble from Iowa. Bandits and animals are the RNG encounters and religious enemies are the scripted bosses.
Interesting. Since you'd be playing as an Iowan noble, maybe the religious enemies could be Norse?
The story could build up to you stopping a small-ish Norse invasion via the Mississippi River.
Or maybe heretic hunting where you root out a Sedevacantist conspiracy or some devil worshiping cultists?
Yeah, I was already thinking that the Midwest Vikings would be the main enemy. I was also thinking of maybe including the Indians, Rust Cultists or Mormons as additional enemies that are farther out. The idea of heretics appearing within the kingdom is a good idea that I hadn't thought of; it would be a reason to revisit the kingdom instead of it purely being a linear adventure. But I'm not sure how much will I'll feel to create anything too large, long or complex.
>Indians, Rust Cultists or Mormons as additional enemies that are farther out
Those could also work. With a Mongol-like Indian invasion or raid. I thought about Rust Cultists as well, but they were too far east imo.
Maybe they could work if you only encounter a few of them while they're out searching for some old tech.
The Mormons could be a proselytizing force/expedition or something?
>But I'm not sure how much will I'll feel to create anything too large, long or complex.
Yeah, that's a big issue. I had more ideas I wanted to share, but their scope was far too large for a small RPG Maker game.
Maybe for now, try to keep it simple, and linear? Don't add too many things/enemies, at least until you've reached an attainable goal. Then start adding more elements one-by-one.
Like, since the main enemies would be the Vikings, work solely on them until you're satisfied with them, then start adding in the other guys.
Or if you're going to build up to the Vikings with the other groups, work on those guys instead first, one-by-one until you reach the Vikings.
Hopefully with that, you wouldn't get bored of it, at least not too easily. It's hard keeping your motivation up on projects like these, and those small goals can sometimes help.
Those ideas are good and I'll think about them. FYI I was thinking you'd adventure out from Iowa and meet those other religions. Viking looting in Iowa would probably be what starts the whole conflict and has you going north. Do you think I should use default asset faces or screenshot characters from the mod itself? Would you happen to prefer or recommend a certain version of RPG Maker? And thanks for the motivational advice. I've written many (usually NSFW) stories before so I know I can dedicate myself to finishing projects but I need motivation as well as enough game knowledge to do this. Coming up with ideas is the easiest part for me.
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he currently resides in Mark Aurelio's court at c_orange, I'm not sure about the traits and where he should actually reside, at least his CoA looks good, imo
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and also GLR, I wasn't sure if he should rule c_streatorland or just be a courtier
Some more things I was thinking was, you know how in places like San Francisco there'll be a modifier that doesn't seem to do anything but describe a monument or feature? I was thinking that maybe there could be one for Jonestown in Guyana. If you're planning on more president references, are you going to keep the Clintons as a historical dynasty that lives on through those other Hudsonion ones and have you thought about adding a Reagan to California as either a Nazarene or Americanist?
That's too much honestly
>If you're planning on more president references
I've always felt that the Kennedys should be in New England as the rulers of something, like Plymouth or something.
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I kind of agree in the sense that it IS leaning too much to the /pol/ fanservice but at the same time we already have added "politically incorrect" stuff by bringing back/uncensoring the CSA references in the HCC so I'm not sure, I'll let Deposed anon decide what should be done
NTA but I posted >>1762844 the reference is a bit too direct. Terry's CoA having a sword and scales fits the era. I think at least it should be a red shield with a non-tilted swastika inspired from what you see in Tibet.
>Those ideas are good and I'll think about them.
>you'd adventure out from Iowa and meet those other religions. Viking looting in Iowa would probably be what starts the whole conflict
Ah, so they're the catalyst to the story. Neat.
>Do you think I should use default asset faces or screenshot characters from the mod itself?
If you can make them fit thematically/stylistically that would be cool. But wouldn't they clash with the style of the rest of the game?
>Would you happen to prefer or recommend a certain version of RPG Maker?
I've always preferred RPG Maker 2k3 as that's the one I started with. Easy to edit imo. However, it is old.
I'd say use which ever version you like best or works best for what you're trying to accomplish.
>thanks for the motivational advice.
No problem, I hope it helps.
>I've written many (usually NSFW) stories before so I know I can dedicate myself to finishing projects
Lewd. You don't have to go into too specifics if you don't want to, but around how many have you finished? And what genre? If you don't mind, that is.
>Coming up with ideas is the easiest part for me.
Indeed. The hard part is actually implementing them.

Nice, I really like the CoA. I think he should have the Scholarly Theologian trait.
Other than that, the traits are good. He should probably be in Wisconsin.
I kinda agree with >>1764392, it feels too much. Imo, the CoA should be more subtle, but I'm not sure in what way. I'd change his name so it's not a direct reference.
Maybe George Norman Rockwell, lol. Since I always fucking confuse GLR and Norman Rockwell.

I dunno about Jonestown, because today the site is already overgrown irl.
Also, like another anon said, the Clintons already live on in the DeWitts
I haven't thought about Reagan desu, but maybe.

Indeed, though to be fair to the HCC restorations, those were already in AtE before the Fan Fork removed/changed them.
And because I ran out of room:
I think any references to real people (Living or dead) shouldn't be too direct. They should be subtle nods.
Maybe switch their names up or combine them, something like what I did for Marcus Aurelius (Mark Aurelio in-game), even though that was just a small change.

Despite that, I do like what the other anon did for Terry Davis. It's a nice tribute. Even though I'm being hypocritical with what I said about subtlety, so I'm not too sure.

What do you guys think about this?
>If you can make them fit thematically/stylistically that would be cool. But wouldn't they clash with the style of the rest of the game?
I might just use default assets at first, then consider downloading an anime mod for CK2 and seeing if I can match the style. Stuff like this I could do after finishing the main game.
>I've always preferred RPG Maker 2k3
I have this and like it. Some good games have been made with it. A pretty major update I have is that while I was searching for advice for what tool to use on the internet I stumbled upon "SRPG Studio" and bought it; so unless I give up but feel optimistic for 2K3, it's probably going to be a FE clone now since that genre would probably fit better.
>You don't have to go into too specifics if you don't want to, but around how many have you finished?
Probably a couple dozen stories that average around 3K words.
Genre? I have a pretty niche fetish so I don't want to say because it could identify me.
>What do you guys think about this?
Politicians, powerful families and powerful political families like the Kennedys should be directly named to imply they either maintained power or were important enough that people LARP as them. Everyone else should be a subtle nod. There could even be multiple Americanist dynasties all claiming to be from THE Washington.
>I might just use default assets at first, then consider downloading an anime mod for CK2 and seeing if I can match the style. Stuff like this I could do after finishing the main game.
Oh, that sounds perfect, actually. Just a fair warning that the current AtE Anime Portraits mod is outdated. At least it was the last time I checked.
>SRPG Studio
Oh shit, I didn't even know about this. You're right, it would probably fit way better. It also opens up the setting for more widespread adventures/campaigns.
With that update, one of my ideas I didn't mention before was having your game take place in Cook/Chicago either during Albert Soady's conquest, or during Robert DeSalle's reconquest.
>Probably a couple dozen stories that average around 3K words.
Sorry about directly quoting your spoiler before. Also, fair enough, I understand completely. I wanted to see if you wrote anything for my niche fetish, lol. I'll stop questioning you on this subject.
>Politicians, powerful families and powerful political families like the Kennedys should be directly named to imply they either maintained power or were important enough that people LARP as them. Everyone else should be a subtle nod. There could even be multiple Americanist dynasties all claiming to be from THE Washington.
Okay, that's reasonable and makes sense. I guess I was thinking more of directly naming specific individuals, rather than families/dynasties.
Like, it'd be weird to have an actual Bill Clinton (Only using him as an example, you can do this for any politician) character living in 2666, instead of just a character with the in-game Clinton dynasty (With them being actual descendants or just LARPers).
>take place in Cook/Chicago either during Albert Soady's conquest, or during Robert DeSalle's reconquest.
I don't know the much about AtE or Deposed lore. Where do I learn more? Or will you just tell me here?
Could I be so bold as to ask what your fetish is? Most of my work has been lost to time anyway.
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I considered the smoking pipe but I thought it was kinda lame, I could make it a non tilted swastika like tibet but it would still not be so subtle
>Nice, I really like the CoA. I think he should have the Scholarly Theologian trait.
yeah true
>Other than that, the traits are good. He should probably be in Wisconsin.
wisconsin is full of pagan norse, I could put him in Milwaukee but don't they get invaded/raided by norse most of the time? I don't want him to die so soon
>Indeed, though to be fair to the HCC restorations, those were already in AtE before the Fan Fork removed/changed them.
yeah fair enough
I was thinking, maybe we could do a composite character of three american fascists, George Lincoln Rockwell, William Luther Pierce and Francis Parker Yockey, not sure about the name, maybe William Francis Rockwell? Or something like that I don't know.
either way instead of the very subtle swastika maybe we could just reuse my House Salas CoA from my Sob o Anil fork, it does come from a fascist logo after all I'm kinda mad I didn't think of that first
as for traits we could still use this >>1764069 and maybe add patient and poet and finally for location he could still be at Illinois, I'm still unsure if he should be a count or not.
let me know what do you guys think
Just a courtier is enough
Maybe a baron if you insist on him being landed
Minor flavor suggestion; change white stag from the hunt for white stag event to Big Foot for American region/characters. Might also do the same with Chupacabra for Mexico. I know that event already has regional alternations so it seems doable to me, but I'm not a modder.
I'd prefer for him, as well as every other reference house, to be landed. It would be disappointing to go through the trouble of creating all these characters only to make them unplayable.
>unrelated but I've never been fond of the Norse religion in ATE
you'd hate it in CK3, they turned it into an american football religion
how do i get into ATE as someone who has never played? Is the CK2 version objectively better than the CK3 version? required submods? is the "After the End Fan Fork" the standard way to start out?
>I don't know the much about AtE or Deposed lore. Where do I learn more? Or will you just tell me here?
There's not much new lore that Deposed added (Aside from adding Scientology, removing Zakariyya and fixing some HCC stuff).
As for where to learn AtE lore, I suppose there's a wiki https://ate-ck2.fandom.com/wiki/History
Not sure how outdated it is. I learned the lore just by looking through character and title histories.
For Albert Soady, he was a Viking that united the Kingdom of Superior. Sometime after this, he captures Chicago and sacrifices the ruler, Anatol Avondale, and his family.
After Albert's death, his kingdom fractures and the Catholics take back Chicago under Robert DeSalle.
ENF and related tags. Sorry to hear about your lost works, anon.

>I don't want him to die so soon
That's a good point. Maybe in Des Plaines? Though the vikings usually destroy them too, but not as quickly.
One thing I forgot to bring up earlier, I was thinking maybe he should have a different lifestyle trait, but I'm not sure which one.
>a composite character of three american fascists
I think it works. Though I don't know much about them, so other anons would have to give their opinions on this.
>reuse my House Salas CoA from my Sob o Anil fork
Personally, I like it. But I'd want to hear opinions from other anons as well.
As for the location, either Streatorland or Decatur would work well.

That's such a good idea. I'm surprised it's not already in AtE. There's mentions of Big Foot in some events, but not the hunting ones afaik.
It's doable. Which region would work best? The Pacific Northwest?

I kind of agree, though if we add too many landed characters, we'd run out of provinces. So I also partially agree with >>1764838.
I'm on the fence on this.

Yeah, the Fan Fork is the current standard. I haven't tried the CK3 mod yet, so I can't tell you how it is.
The CK3 version is extremely gay and runs like shit, I wouldn't bother.
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>It's doable. Which region would work best? The Pacific Northwest?
I'm not sure. I looked at maps of Bigfoot sightings and there are a lot of them in The Pacific Northwest but also there is lots of them in vast part of the West and Colorado. Interestingly the map of Bigfoot sightings match perfectly with the map of US forests.
I think that lore is interesting but I'm going to stick to my original idea for the sake of creative liberties. It's OK. I don't really write anymore and they weren't that good in the first place.
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Huh, I didn't know there were so many sightings in the East.
>Interestingly the map of Bigfoot sightings match perfectly with the map of US forests.
Interesting indeed.

Fair enough, it's probably for the best in that case.
Ah, that's a shame. At least you're still applying your creativity elsewhere.

Also, I've finished adding in members of the Hillwalker family. I've given them Dallas county going all the way back to the High King.
Hank, Peggy and Bobby are Catholic to match the ruler of Metroplex, while Junichiro is Shinto.
Cotton and all deceased Hillwalkers are Americanist to reflect the religion of Dallas.
Hank is also born with the Gothamite (New Yorker) culture to reflect that he was born in Yankee Stadium. He becomes Texan again at age 10, but this doesn't affect anything in-game, I just thought it was funny to include.
that sucks lmao, is the NFL that prominent in the midwest? I thought it was an east coast/southern US thing
>That's a good point. Maybe in Des Plaines? Though the vikings usually destroy them too, but not as quickly.
yeah that works methinks
>One thing I forgot to bring up earlier, I was thinking maybe he should have a different lifestyle trait, but I'm not sure which one.
I chose architect because he's the self proclaimed builder of the third temple, although scholar or theologian could work too
>As for the location, either Streatorland or Decatur would work well.
I think I'll go with Streatorland
>Also, I've finished adding in members of the Hillwalker family. I've given them Dallas county going all the way back to the High King.
>Hank, Peggy and Bobby are Catholic to match the ruler of Metroplex, while Junichiro is Shinto.
>Cotton and all deceased Hillwalkers are Americanist to reflect the religion of Dallas.
sounds good
>Hank is also born with the Gothamite (New Yorker) culture to reflect that he was born in Yankee Stadium. He becomes Texan again at age 10, but this doesn't affect anything in-game, I just thought it was funny to include.
I don't think I would've thought of that, nice
>that sucks lmao, is the NFL that prominent in the midwest? I thought it was an east coast/southern US thing
It's literally just a Minnesota Vikings joke and it's as hackneyed as you'd expect. Refris instead of godir. Ragnarok being the end of a football season. Thor attempting to build an all star team.
I know nenw has a juggalo religion in the rust belt so perhaps since football isn't so prominent in the Midwest compared to the south and east coast. Why not replace the Norse religion with Lutherans and Juggalos?
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>yeah that works methinks
Maybe once I add your current changes to Deposed, I can strengthen Milwaukee and Cook? Though I'd want more opinions before I attempt this.
It's just a shame to see them conquered by vikings within 10 years of the start date almost every time.
>I chose architect because he's the self proclaimed builder of the third temple
Okay, that's a good reason. Architect works fine in that case.
Before, I was thinking Mystic/Scholar/Theologian could also work.
Sounds good. It helps that the current holder already has 2 counties so it won't be much of a loss for him anyway.
>I don't think I would've thought of that, nice
Thanks, I had to add it in when I remembered that bit.

I also added in Didi and Good Hank. Bobby is now 13, and I might add in a few more characters then I'll be done with the KotH references.
I just needed to add in some fun stuff after the last update.

In my opinion, replacing them with a Lutheran/Juggalo mix sounds even more insane (heh) than Football Vikings. Are there even enough Juggalos to justify making them part of such a large religion like Norse in-game? Not to mention mixing them with Lutheranism.
I just get an image in my head of a group of Juggalos attending a Lutheran Mass in full ICP makeup. It feels too out there, at least for me anyway.
However, I do want to know what other anons think about it.
I kinda like the other anon's suggestion of making the current Norse religion into a mix of Lutheranism/Protestantism and ancient Norse mythology.
A juggalo religion sounds funny so I might endorse this. I think Norse mythology mixed with Protestantism is more realistic than 1:1 original Nordic Paganism making a comeback.
I probably should've mentioned it in my post, but a Juggalo religion does sound funny to me as well. I'm just wary of adding too many new religions and cultures, especially since I just added Scientology in the last update. I still need to add more mechanics to that one.
If anything, I think Juggalos would be a really small religion, a few provinces or maybe even a kingdom at most, in my opinion.
For a potential Norse rework into a Norse/Lutheran/Protestantism (Or whatever other suggestion anyone might have) mix, what should be changed? Should it just be surface-level, like changing names and some events, or should it go further?
It's hard for me to think. Do (You) want it to be that Protestants were inspired by the mythology or that people who believed in paganism still had a Protestant aftertaste due to cultural reasons? You could do both thanks to heresies.
I was thinking it would be Protestants that were inspired by Norse mythology, mostly due to cultural reasons since Minnesota (The heartland of the Norse religion in-game) is where a lot of Scandinavians settled in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
If it's mostly Protestant with minor Norse influence, then it should be just that. I would argue that it should be a branch of Christianity rather than Paganism then. There would probably be a heresy that has more influence on pagan worship. But would that work gameplay-wise? I'd like to keep up to date since the Vikings are the baddies in the SRPG I talked about.
Yeah so maybe it could be that there's a bunch of Norse inspired Lutherans for the most part but some spots could have Juggalos running around and maybe they could also inherit being in the pagan group from current norse
Ah, you're right, I wasn't thinking about that. I'd like to keep them as Pagan if anything, since I didn't want to change them up too much if I can help it.
Besides, currently this is all still in the idea phase, there's nothing concrete about this rework yet, so it's all in flux at the moment.
I wanted to hear from more anons on what should be done before I started any work on it.
Cool, you're still going ahead with that. For now though, I'm still not sure how the Vikings will turn out.

So Juggalos would be in the Pagan group? Also, which provinces do you think would be best to put them in?
what's that?
to be honest, I'm not sure if I would like to see an entire religion dedicated to Juggalism, but I could see a count somewhere in the rust belt having ICP names and CoA referencing that
as for the Protestant-Norse religion, since I'm the guy first suggested it my ideas where
>ragnarok and the apocalypse in revelations are the same thing, and they think that's what the Event was
>Odin/God is the God of Knowledge and Wisdom, since He is all Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent and could be hiding among us (referencing how Odin liked using disguises)
>Frigg is Mary, mother of Baldur/Jesus
>Baldur/Jesus is a warrior philosopher, who was beloved by all, he sacrificed himself to fight the forces of Hel (Harrowing of Hell)
>other major norse gods such as Thor, Tyr and Heimdall could be archangels, imagine Thor wielding a flaming sword like Saint Michael instead of Mjolnir
>evil gods could be Loki/Lucifer, Jörmungandr/Satan, Surtr and Fenrir
>fighting against heathens guarantees you a spot in Heaven
I haven't given it much thought and I'm not good at writing religions but that's what I was thinking of, so let me know what you guys think
So apparently the highest concentration of Juggalos would be in the rust belt especially in Ohio, Illinois, and Missouri, so maybe Wisconsin would be mostly Lutheran-Norse and most of the Norse pagans outside of that would be Juggalos, hell the Soadies could easily be made Juggalos with how Juggalos are associated with Faygo
Nenw is that new era old world spinoff set in north america
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something like this, maybe? I think it'd be funny to rework the Soadys into juggalos since I think the main Soady in CK3 got turned into a fag
if we're not gonna add juggalos then that region could just be rust cultists
I'm afraid I've never played new era old world, how good is it? standalone and compared to ATE
>what's that?
I think it's New Era New World? It's a spin-off of New Era Old World.
>I'm not sure if I would like to see an entire religion dedicated to Juggalism
Why's that?
>I could see a count somewhere in the rust belt having ICP names and CoA referencing that
That would be a fair compromise in my opinion, especially since I'm not entirely sure how a Juggalo religion would work or look like.
>as for the Protestant-Norse religion, since I'm the guy first suggested it my ideas where
I was hoping you'd post again. I like your ideas, especially the merging/syncretism of various Gods and concepts of both religions. I think they fit naturally.
Having it be syncretic due to the Event/Ragnarok/the Apocalypse makes more sense to me, rather than how it is currently in-game with the people abandoning all of their previously-held religious beliefs for the religion of their long-dead ancestors.

I'm honestly surprised there's a map for this.
Going by that map, It looks like the Juggalos would overlap more with the Rust Cult (And Catholicism) than the Norse.
>the Soadies could easily be made Juggalos with how Juggalos are associated with Faygo
Isn't Faygo from Detroit? The Soadys are from the Upper Peninsula. Unless I'm missing some lore/details here. Is it because Soady sounds like soda?
Maybe they could be in the northern section of the Lower Peninsula? Somewhere in the duchy of Upnorth.
I don't know if they should be their own religion yet (Maybe later?), but for now I think having a Count/Duke with ICP names and CoA could work, like the other anon said.

You posted right as I was about to post lol.
>something like this, maybe?
That's almost exactly what I was thinking for the most part, except they'd only have Upnorth.
Damn, really?
>if we're not gonna add juggalos then that region could just be rust cultists
I was thinking that too, the Norse Duchess there feels out of place, but I don't know the lore behind her.
>Why's that?
similar reasons as yours, I don't know how a juggalo religion would work or look like and it may be a little bit too memey
>That would be a fair compromise in my opinion, especially since I'm not entirely sure how a Juggalo religion would work or look like.
I guess they could be put somewhere in Ohio? they'd have to be rust cultist though
>I was hoping you'd post again. I like your ideas, especially the merging/syncretism of various Gods and concepts of both religions. I think they fit naturally.
>Having it be syncretic due to the Event/Ragnarok/the Apocalypse makes more sense to me, rather than how it is currently in-game with the people abandoning all of their previously-held religious beliefs for the religion of their long-dead ancestors.
yes exactly, I believe a mishmash religion would be more "realistic" and imo interesting than a straight up norse (but incorrect in some ideas) revival
I've been having ideas for the new Norse-Lutheran (would that be the official name we're going?) lore, specifically a new main house coming out of the Twin Cities that would replace the Soadys as the "main" norse house and as previously mentioned would take influences from christian norsemen/vikings and a little bit of perhaps Wagnerian or general norse/germanic myths
>Damn, really?
I think he gets events about him being gay in a society that rejects gay people and you get an event to choose between a male and female lover
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>I'm afraid I've never played new era old world, how good is it? standalone and compared to ATE
It's still being developed but it uses the same mechanics that were in New Era Old World so it does have potential
>Dallas? I don't want you going to Dallas at all!
>That place is full of crackheads and debutantes!
>And half of them play for the Cowboys
>similar reasons as yours
Cool, I just wanted to hear another perspective on this.
I'm not too against the idea of it, but if a Juggalo religion is to be added, I'd want it to be somewhat believable and unique, rather than just a Norse or Rust Cult clone.
Maybe it could be a small part of a larger religion, I dunno.
>I guess they could be put somewhere in Ohio?
Yeah, I was thinking either there or Michigan. I'm leaning more towards Michigan since that's where ICP was founded.
>Norse-Lutheran (would that be the official name we're going?)
No, but I've been trying to think up a name for it, though I haven't come up with a good one yet.
Maybe Northeran or Lurse, lol.
>a new main house coming out of the Twin Cities that would replace the Soadys as the "main" norse house and as previously mentioned would take influences from christian norsemen/vikings and a little bit of perhaps Wagnerian or general norse/germanic myths
Nice, do you have a name for them yet? And can you share what you've come up with?
>I think he gets events about him being gay in a society that rejects gay people and you get an event to choose between a male and female lover
Yeah, that doesn't really sound interesting to me. Do they have to insert this stuff everywhere?
Are his events at least good or believable?

Does every religion from New Era New World have such a long description?
I feel like it would be a benefit to have shorter descriptions with less fluff.
Is the Juggalo religion in NENW similar to Juggalos IRL? I only know very basic stuff like them being ICP fans and that some people consider them a gang.

>crackheads and debutantes!

Anyway, YTP memes aside, I chose Dallas since apparently Arlen is supposed to be a suburb of Dallas.

Do you have any suggestions for a Juggalo/ICP reference character? Like their name, dynasty, CoA, specific location, etc.
Also, does a Juggalo merc company sound good?
>Does every religion from New Era New World have such a long description?
>I feel like it would be a benefit to have shorter descriptions with less fluff.
Yeah most religion descriptions do tend to be word salads. I blame it on autism.

>Is the Juggalo religion in NENW similar to Juggalos IRL? I only know very basic stuff like them being ICP fans and that some people consider them a gang.
I know almost nothing about them but from what I've read on wikipedia there seems to be two types of Juggaloos: The fans of the music band who are generally harmless and the gangsters.
The religion seems to be based on the latter.
>I chose Dallas since apparently Arlen is supposed to be a suburb of Dallas.
When I first saw King of the Hill, I thought Arlen was Ireland, as in, Ireland, Texas.
Funnily enough, it is a real place
>Yeah most religion descriptions do tend to be word salads.
That's unfortunate. Those descriptions should be short and to the point, especially since you have to hover your mouse cursor over the religion icons to actually read them.
>I blame it on autism.
They must learn to control their autism, lest they become controlled by it. Weapons-grade autism is dangerous if left uncontrolled.
>I know almost nothing about them but from what I've read on wikipedia there seems to be two types of Juggaloos: The fans of the music band who are generally harmless and the gangsters.
>The religion seems to be based on the latter.
Interesting. Since the religion seems to be based on the Juggalo gangsters, wouldn't that set a precedent of including other major gangs as religions?
I think including them as mercenary companies would be a better option in that case.

>When I first saw King of the Hill, I thought Arlen was Ireland, as in, Ireland, Texas.
Would've been funny if it was set in the country of Ireland. We could've had Cotton as a particularly cranky leprechaun.
>Funnily enough, it is a real place
Huh, didn't know that. It's sad that it seems to be in decline.
that's a good portmanteau imo, it can work
>Nice, do you have a name for them yet?
I'm not sure about the name, but it has to be something related with either fire or light and I'm not sure if it should be in english or use swedish, as for CoA they would probably have a sun and either a dragon or a sword
>And can you share what you've come up with?
I haven't given it much thought to be honest but some of the things I thought up right now would be
>kingdom of superior is established by King Sigurd I (not sure what nickname he should get in relation to Baldur) in the mid to late 2300's, similar to the rise of other kingdoms such as the HCC and Hudsonia, who would unite most of the state of Minnesota and would claim descent from Jesus/Baldur himself
>son would conquer north wisconsin and grandson would conquer the upper michigan peninsula
>not sure if they should conquer more or less or just keep it to the de jure kingdom of superior, I don't really want to mess with the rest of the great lakes region that much
>fast forward to the 2600s and some of the same events as current ATE would happen, a king of superior would kill an american president (in this case, a callback to the norwegian crusade), leading to his current son to hold the throne at the start of the game
>later kings of superior would have the Knight trait from the HCC, in reference to the varangian guard, speaking of which the Knights of the Golden Circle were meant to be a varangian guard of sorts for the HCC in old ATE lore
>Are his events at least good or believable?
no idea to be honest, I dropped the video after learning he was gay lol
I was thinking, perhaps a juggalo/ICP inspired merc company out of Michigan would be our best bet if we don't want to make an entire juggalo religion and/or family
as for name and CoA, the company would be called "The Dark Carnival" and the CoA would be the Psychopathic Records logo
>Since the religion seems to be based on the Juggalo gangsters, wouldn't that set a precedent of including other major gangs as religions?

I dunno about that.
Juggalos are kind of a religion already. They have their place of worship, their rituals, a life philosophy etc.
Meanwhile I can't really see groups such as crips and bloods becoming religions.
On the subject of gangs, I personally would find it funny to see skinheads too. An argument both for and against them has to be that Rockwell is already in, meaning it would be retreading old ground but that already gives you a character to attach to their culture/religion/mercenary group.
> I've never been fond of the Norse religion in ATE
I don't think that's such a radical opinion. It was pretty much copy+pasted from vanilla CK2 into the Northern Midwest because the original mod dev didn't have any idea what to put up there. It's always been out of place in the wider scope of the mod.

Personally, I don't like how New England was just turned into a giant HP Lovecraft reference. There's a lot of potential for interesting stories and conflicts there that's squandered by just making it into a monolithic block of occultist tribals
>Boston Brahmins, an elite caste of inbred WASPs following some weird offshoot of Christian Science, desperately fighting to hold onto their long-entrenched power over the region
>upstart Americanists encroaching on what they view as their Holy Land, with a strong base out of New Hampshire, working to undermine the heathen Bostonites to make way for their glorious reconquest of the land
>mystery meat irish/italian/french/brazilian/dominican/haitian/God-knows-what-else Catholic underclass that chafes under the rule of their feudal masters, with some independent counts looking to band together to form a united front
And then you can have the Occultists living in the hills, doing their sacrifices to Lovecraft's Cat or whatever. You can make it so that characters in the New England region are more likely to be tempted to become secret Occultists, adding that mystique to them.
Perhaps since NEOW does have theosophy as a heresy of thelema maybe the juggalos could be a heresy of the Rust cult under the implication they were once more widespread and distinct
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>that's a good portmanteau imo, it can work
You think so? I guess we can go with it for now.
>something related with either fire or light and I'm not sure if it should be in english or use swedish
Just to get the ball rolling to hopefully lead to better names, maybe Lightbrand or Firebringer? Though those feel more like fantasy names.
I think it would be easier to come up with names in English and then translate them into Swedish.
>as for CoA they would probably have a sun and either a dragon or a sword
Both sound good to me.
>some of the things I thought up right now would be
I like it. I'd also like to hear thoughts from other anons on this as well.
For the 2600s King of Superior, would he be related to King Sigurd?
How much territory would Superior have in 2666?
>later kings of superior would have the Knight trait from the HCC, in reference to the varangian guard
Sounds good.
>the Knights of the Golden Circle were meant to be a varangian guard of sorts for the HCC in old ATE lore
I didn't know this. Good thing the Knights of the Golden Circle are now vassals of the HCC.
I think it would be cool to reinforce this link even further.
>I dropped the video after learning he was gay lol
>if we don't want to make an entire juggalo religion and/or family
Actually, I want to include one or two landed Juggalo families, even if we don't have that religion (Yet?).
>the company would be called "The Dark Carnival" and the CoA would be the Psychopathic Records logo
Why "The Dark Carnival"? Also, this sounds good to me.

>They have their place of worship, their rituals, a life philosophy etc.
They do? I only saw them as eccentric ICP fans desu.
>crips and bloods
Funny you mention them.

They could be fun mercs.
>Rockwell is already in
Not yet actually, since I haven't received those files from that anon yet.

I like your ideas. Why Christian Science?

Possibly. I think it works better than them being Norse.
while I like the HP Lovecraft references in New England I like your ideas and they're more realistic? as in, this is what New England might turn in the future after a post apocalypse
not sure how they'd work ingame though, it would probably require revamping a lot of New England, perhaps next thread could be discussed
>You think so? I guess we can go with it for now.
oh I actually thought of a different one, "Light of Jesus Christ", as a reference to Baldr being the god of light and this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Light_of_Christ?useskin=vector
>Just to get the ball rolling to hopefully lead to better names, maybe Lightbrand or Firebringer? Though those feel more like fantasy names.
>I think it would be easier to come up with names in English and then translate them into Swedish.
yeah they do souund a bit like fantasy, I was thinking Firestar since Minnesota is called the North Star State and translate it to Swedish
>Both sound good to me.
I'll figure out a CoA later
>For the 2600s King of Superior, would he be related to King Sigurd?
yes, the dynasty would be a continuous one from the 2300s to 2666
>How much territory would Superior have in 2666?
like I said I was planning to keep it to the De Jure territory, but maybe they could expand a little bit north, south, east and west? not sure, we can discuss it next thread perhaps
>I didn't know this. Good thing the Knights of the Golden Circle are now vassals of the HCC.
>I think it would be cool to reinforce this link even further.
alright, I wonder if it could be possible to send norse kids to the KGC to become knights similar to the varangian guard mechanic
>Actually, I want to include one or two landed Juggalo families, even if we don't have that religion (Yet?).
we could put them on northern Michigan and go with the Rust Cultist heresy idea
>Why "The Dark Carnival"? Also, this sounds good to me.
oh I just thought it sounded cooler for a merc company and it's related to the ICP
Maybe worth mentioning that the ICP people have vague spiritual beliefs. I just learnt about it today but there's a few quotes by them on their Wikipedia page.
>"Light of Jesus Christ"
That'll be Sigurd's nickname, right? Also, wouldn't "Light of Baldr"/"Baldr's Light" work better? At least going by previous ideas.
>Firestar since Minnesota is called the North Star State and translate it to Swedish
I like it, especially how it ties into Minnesota. Also, according to Google, "Firestar" is "Eldstjärna" in Swedish.
>yes, the dynasty would be a continuous one from the 2300s to 2666
>like I said I was planning to keep it to the De Jure territory
An issue I have with this is that Vikings are already pretty strong in AtE. Giving them a unified Kingdom of Superior in 2666 would spell doom for their neighbors.
>we can discuss it next thread perhaps
Yeah, can't do much after passing the bump limit.
>I wonder if it could be possible to send norse kids to the KGC to become knights similar to the varangian guard mechanic
If it's in the base game, it should be possible. I just don't know how much work it would take to implement it.
>we could put them on northern Michigan and go with the Rust Cultist heresy idea
Alright, shouldn't be too hard to add.
>oh I just thought it sounded cooler for a merc company and it's related to the ICP
Got it, just wanted to hear your reasoning. The name sounds good.

>Maybe worth mentioning that the ICP people have vague spiritual beliefs. I just learnt about it today but there's a few quotes by them on their Wikipedia page.
Interesting. I guess there might more grounds to give them a religion than I had originally thought.

So, should we start the next thread or wait for this one to 404?
So, should we start the next thread or wait for this one to 404?
vst is a pretty slow board so we can stay here for a few days.
Alright, makes sense.

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