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This game look cool, never played it before. I know the newer ones have bad reception, but is Disciples 1 still worth playing with it's own merits or is 2 just an overall improvement?
You only play 1 if you want the story. 2 is just a straight upgrade.
There are anons who much prefer the original's art style and I definitely can't blame them. Both games have quality art.
Yeah, at the mid of April /vst/ got me to go back to Disciples 2 (again) since it was like 80% off on steam so I bought it even tough I got the original disc and box for Dark Prophecy.

And damn I am still at it and loving every second of it, this game has much more than just good art. I think the excellent dark fantasy atmosphere beats Warhammer's "grim darkness" any day. Currently playing the Guardians of the Light expansion saga on max difficulty, shit is rough but I am still enjoying it. Saving the Elf expansion for last.
Just having the game on while you do stuff is great. It has one of t he the best atmospheric sound designs and contemplative strategy soundtracks.
Honesty I admit I turned off the music and the ambient sounds. I am horribly tired of the magic shop constantly repeating their incantations on a loop.
btw it's 40k that's more grimdark played straight, warhammer fantasy is considered more light hearted and openly comical
You dare?
How good are werewolves really?
If you haven't played them before I don't see why you would not play 1 first. Sure, 2 is better, but if you want more after it it can be hard to go back to 1.
1st one has great art and music but the gameplay is…let’s just say dated.
2nd one is kinda easier to play but it doesn’t realy do anything new. Now there is auto combat but at the cost of being ugly…yeah it’s stylized but ugly. Sorry I just don’t dig it. All knights are 300 year old geezers. All demons have 7 mouths and 6 gorriluon teeth. Undead look like they permanently pass a kidney stone for eternity and dwarfs look like they have serious health problems.
I know I am at a minority here but I prefer the 3rd one.
Comber is more interesting. Humans look like humans. Demons like enemies from doom. Undead like skeletons. Finally. It’s 3d but 3d done right. Each model looks gothic and magicle. You can tell what you are looking at. Get ressurection for full content. It’s like 10 bucks.
They are good against enemies they are immune against and shit against others of course.
Just move the viewport away.

Okay for some rushes, great for giving to Banshees once you have excess gold to spend on secondary and tertiary priorities.
>I know I am at a minority here but I prefer the 3rd one.
You're not just a minority. The "third" game has unimaginative, featureless "fantasy" art. I get preferring the original's art over II, but that's just nonsence.
>Each model looks gothic and magicle. You can tell what you are looking at.
You fucking what? All of it looks bland and indistinct. The palette is bleak and everything blends together into a giant brownish mess.
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Disciples 1 look great.
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Those fucking midgets get big mom Valkyrie as a female lord.
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She hopes anons aren't falling for the hot goth gf lord the Undead lure the unwitting supporters with.
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Legions lord isn't very cute so have a witch instead.
But does it worth to build their building for 750 gold and then spend 1000 gold just to get one?
Weird thing. The stand-alone expansion to Disciples II, Rise of the Elves, works fine on my win10, but the base game when boot up shows black screen for split second and then crashes to desktop no matter how I tweak the settings. Disciples I works fine as well. All three are gog version. Although I think the expansion still has the base game campaigns, so I guess it doesn't matter?
You are not good at the game. This is not an insult or any other kind of derogatory remark. Once you are good enough it comes to you immediately that yes, they are sometimes good when you often face fighter-heavy parties that deal physical, and especially if you face few mages.
Homework: what factions are werewolves really bad against and why?

I'm using a cracked Gold version (with the two extra campaigns) because it works well on 7. You've bought it on GoG so the current rights owners can have their ROI, good boy. Now get a version that works well.
You just don’t get it.
You need to be a slav to understand
Ironic. You probably just have shit taste, mate.
Disciples 2 is the best, 1 was like a prototype with 2 being the main game in this series which had a number of versions and expansions I usually play the Rise of the Elves one these days since it adds the Elves as a faction. There were no real sequels in this series beyond that and maybe its for the best.
It’s great but no one I know plays it. Maybe one person other than me.
Embodiment of a Becky, no chance of competing with the undead Stacy.
>You are not good at the game. This is not an insult or any other kind of derogatory remark.
Gee, thank you captain obvious! If I were good I wouldn't be asking stupid questions.

>Once you are good enough it comes to you immediately that yes, they are sometimes good when you often face fighter-heavy parties that deal physical, and especially if you face few mages.
Thing is from 1750 gold you can practically buy 2 heroes with a full party and have 550 gold left to spare. If I take just 150 gold/turn as the starting gold that is 11 turns of buying nothing just to get 1 werewolf out. With 2 extra parties that could have already explored and looted half the map and likely killed several neutral creeps and leveled up everyone to level 2 already.

>Homework: what factions are werewolves really bad against and why?
I don't know, I haven't played all factions yet.
>But does it worth to build their building for 750 gold and then spend 1000 gold just to get one?
No. See this anon's breakdown:
I'd also like to add that you actually pay 1050 for buildings (300 for doomdrake pre-requisite). 300 is 2 days worth income, plus you often don't even build the dragon tree in the first place, so it's waste too.
Use Verok's wrapper.>>1747896
There are two ways to get more gold. One includes a variation that can be considered a third way.
It's a game where you need to experiment and learn how it works to become capable of making accurate estimates from the information you have. Me or anyone else spoonfeeding you again and again would only let you get stumped in new places.

>neutral creeps
Ah, so ASSFAGGOTS background. Figures.
in your first post combat was corrected to "comber"... that doesn't sound like any slavic word i know
t. slav
They can have these 2 dollars I spent on these games. Doesn't matter to me.

Thanks. It works perfectly.
>Me or anyone else spoonfeeding you again and again would only let you get stumped in new places.
What your problem is with someone asking questions? This could be his first time playing this isn't some competitive PVP shit where you have to gatekeep.

>neutral creeps
>Ah, so ASSFAGGOTS background. Figures.
Seriously, who hurt you? What is your problem?
Seems to be a standalone instead of expansion, do I miss out on content if I don't play prior D2 releases?
D2 has its own self contained story. I never played D1 and I didn't feel like I needed it.
You can play D2 as standalone since game provide some context for D1 events. Just like anon above said. But you miss on some more obscure LORE. Which no one gives a shit about. Almost deal for Rise of the Elves, which for whatever reason exclude Warriors of Light/Servants of Darkness expansions. Eh. To not make it super complicated. Don't play Elves before you finishing at least Undead Hordes and Empire campaigns which are fortunately included in RoE.
Alright I admit it…..you got me…..I…am….french….
that's "almost" a slav, you are cool friendo!
You can get gold by
>taking territory with gold mines by conquering towns or planting rods.
>clearing dungeons
>selling items to shops, you can even steal stuff from shops using thieves and then resell what you stole although that is heavy RNG.
>Alternatively selling spell/items to allies which is something rare and you probably shouldn't bother with.
How fucking difficult is it to figure that out?
Oh shit a Disciples thread! Currently doing the campaigns on max difficulty with rod planter heroes. Empire was okay because they are so op even if their campaign is the toughest. Undead is easy, the banshee actually feels better than the other leaders once you get her to lvl 3.

Dogshit. They cost way too much for a fragile gimmicky unit.
My favorite portrait is one used for Bonelord in sequel
They are broken when dealing with map enemies
Story missions are often trivial once you get them. For fighting other players, its not really worth it
>rod planter heroes
Druid and Baroness is where it's actually becomes torture. Dwarf champion is just King's guard but with handicap.

>Undead is easy, the banshee actually feels better than the other leaders once you get her to lvl 3.
Banshee's only problem that her "attack" doesn't scale with levels, only gets better accuracy. After that she can only tank hits or use items when not attacking

Arch-angel is just a glorified acolyte but I admit did use one as the main hero for a Empire Saga play though just to see what happens. She was okay both as a tank and single target healer that can tank a lot of damage. Which is otherwise the biggest problem with healers is that they get sniped. Was a cool combo with an AOE healer.

I think druid is the toughest Rod planter on level 1 and using only a lvl 1 escort. However on higher levels getting a bigger party defeats his main purpose of summoning free units.

Baroness is also great but it is more annoying than effective since she just forces enemy to flee. It is cool but mostly just delays and separates the enemy and can take multiple battles to pick them off each. Plus it is useless when attacking cities.
>Plus it is useless when attacking cities.
When attacking cities or dungeons fear becomes paralyze.
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>I think druid is the toughest Rod planter on level 1
Without mods summons don't scale with hero LVL either. Even if Sage is amazing road planter since he can create frontline and fight back. And enemy AI is also try to avoid them. Once you unlock all leadership slots it's just sorta dead weight beyond tanking and items. At best you can keep ents as fodder to hard LVL your arches/mages and keep sage unique summon gimmick. But I don't see a reason to do so. Elf campaign is filled with backline snipers.
>Baroness is also great
It's from my memory. But she has terrible base accuracy. And Legions require insane amount of XP and gold investment to not feel like shit. And they don't get werewolves or elderly unlike undead. So you sorta just build gargoyle and spend eternity to LVL it enough. First few mission I straight up had to cheese and I don't remember If ever managed to beat it or just gave up somewhere along the way. And this was on normal. Just not good.
Archangel's "damage" scales worse than Empire healers and doesn't get an "attack" upgrade (reach 6 + cure or resurrect). Banshee is actually great compared to the faction's archer branch even right off the bat and only her low starting leadership is a downside compared to most other heroes. Before the patches that enabled locking unit progression she was an incredibly good choice, her only other flaw being lack of flight.

Werewolves are great if you can knock out enemy party members with damage sources other than weapon. Just like Wraiths and their derivatives are except you just recruit furballs right away. They also can lead you into fun "OH SHIT" situations against hostile Horde parties.
Banshee lacks flight (or even "hover" as her sprite implies), which is easy to mod in.
Archangel does have flight which gives her a pretty good advantage over Ranger and Archmage.
Another anon already addressed Fear attacks paralyzing when retreat is impossible.
guys hear me out. what if we combine disciples overworld/kingdom management with etherlords combat
Etherlords is gay and retarded, sorry to tell you. Anything else is better, starting from Spectromancer or whatever casualised MTG clone was the first.
Shit really? Wow I didn't remember that! Thanks for correcting me!
>Archangel's "damage" scales worse than Empire healers and doesn't get an "attack" upgrade (reach 6(+ cure or resurrect).
Yes, Archangel's main niche is that she can become a very tanky healer compared to other healers since she can wear defensive items, while not having any special ability Which is an okay niche since healers tend to be squishy but the Arch Aangel can tank damage and keep others healed. And since she can fill in the single target healer role you can take the AOE healer branch of the healer buildings.

>Once you unlock all leadership slots it's just sorta dead weight beyond tanking and items.
Yes this i what I said it is the best Rod planter on LVL1. But having more leadership actually is counter-productive since if he has a full party he cannot summon disposable minions which defeats the purpose of summoning disposable minions.
You do have a point but since there are only 6 party slots you are better off having an Archmage anyway. Empire mages are terrible while their archers and especially warriors are awesome. Single-target heal is now achievable by locking an Acolyte at XL1 too.

>it is the best Rod planter on LVL1
Disagree. Banshee is better even though Mind war or immunity are the most widespread.
Wasn't talking about the Druid, he is terrible, almost worse than the Baroness but still not quite. You can opt out of taking 5 leadership in favour of other things like Natural Armour or even First Strike. That way his summoning "attack" remains useful all the way. Still having him upgrade his "attack" in some way similar to how Occultist -> Master Occultist progresses would've been great. Unfortunately that would require modifying the binary which is pretty damn difficult.
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>lowers your level
Better as a deterrent than a real unit. I've found they're not awful for keeping enemies honest and they make good city defenders if you need em. There are a couple races that struggle against weres too, but unless you can get a spy onto the enemy they aren't that great.
Cool game, but sometimes the balance annoys me and I wish the combat system gave you more options.
Why the fuck didn't the undead get any damage sources other than weapon and death unless you're running Lich Queen?
My favourite party to run with is Nosferatu lord + Phantom Warriors, Elder Vampires and Shades, but there's those undead v undead fights where everyone is immune to everything.
>My favourite party to run with is Nosferatu lord + Phantom Warriors, Elder Vampires and Shades
Noob. I don't mean that as an insult. Keep playing, you'll discover new depths.
Yes you did mean it, just like with >>1747437 you just want to feed your precious ego by putting other people down instead of actually helping them. And no telling people "GIT GUD SCRUB" is not helping. If you knew anything about the game you could demonstrate it by trying more than than calling other people names.
>Why the fuck didn't the undead get any damage sources other than weapon and death unless you're running Lich Queen?
This is likely an oversight on the devs for fluff reasons. You can work around this by items and overland spells, Undead have one of the biggest selection of pure damage map spells of multiple elements. You can use items like orbs and talismans in battle or scrolls to combat these situations.
>This is likely an oversight
Since it's only for one mission. I bet this is fully intentional for the most part.
*poof* Your 1000 gold Werewolf is now an imp with 20 less HP than a 50 gold fighter that is also an imp. What a shame...
Witch branch is possibly the worst supports in the entire game.
>40 (FUCKING 40)% chance to imp-ify the enemy party. At best you'll maybe hit 2. And if you're unlucky they'll just untransform before they start their turn.
>65% chance to petrify enemy party, potentially stun locking them endlessly
Some real 300 IQ choice right here
Oh, I don't mean in terms of gameplay, in terms of cool factor. I'm aware it's not the optimal party.
I know but it sucks, Undead by default don't get any buffing spells so you have to rely on items and spells you get if you're lucky enough to have access to a neutral building or other faction allies in dungeons and towns. Iirc there aren't any official scenarios in which you fight against a weapon + death immune party inside a dungeon or town but it's still limiting.
There is no other faction that has this limitation.
I remember trying that game. Got mercilessly filtered, my units would constantly die to mobs, and I end up returning to town to heal them.
You just have to work on leveling them up as fast as possible which means keeping them alive as best as you can, once you start getting up to the next couple of tiers it becomes easy.
Yeah, but that means knowing exactly who to bully. I suck at Heroes of Might of Magic for the same reason, except HoMM is worse because the AI know where you are at all time and once they know they can take you on, they go toward you in a straight line.
And also demons suck in V or IV.
Do not worry level 1 units are very cheap just 40-50g heroes dying are what you should worry. Just use cannon fodder if you must and rotate your damaged party members between healing and fighting. (unless you play Empire where healing is pretty much free)
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Well I guess I'll stick to Disciples III.

Even if I'm using GoG's?
Yeah. D2 tends to run like shit on modern systems. Including GOG.
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...this game sucks.
The AI keep spamming armies that wreck any secondary army I might make, and my main army got wiped in a single attack.
I'm refunding it.
skill issue
I have no idea why you decide to assault legions capital. Don't do that. Please.
>not attacking towns in a HoMM-like
What the fuck am I meant to do, then? Killing their heroes did nothing, but they kept spamming full stacks.

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