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Still waiting for a game set here...
That's cool but I still want something with a proper overworld like Total War.
>Naval ideas
>Never zoom out
>game in a most irrelevant boring ass place possible
yea, the location is nice tho
I tried that and now I want something that's closer to the ground. Staring at a map doesn't quite do it for me.
>Europe is overdone
>China and Japan lacks variety
>Africa and Native Americas lacks written sources
That leaves post-colonial LatAm, India, Central Asia, or the Middle East. Of course I will shill the setting of my homeland lol, but I will happily take any of the other four as well.
>t. SEA monkey
No one cares about this area of Earth and it was never relevant to the history of humanity and never will be.
If you want to have a game set there you have to make it yourself.
i dont know anything about the region it just looks cool
>don't like thing
>come into thread about thing
>get mad
If you have so many games set where you already want them why aren't you off playing them instead? Besides this is Video Game/Strategy, not Video Games/Wherever-You're-From-Only.
>If you want to have a game set there you have to make it yourself.
I'm not putting a gun to your head to tell you to make it you retard. Take your shitty negativity back to /v/.
Wasn't there a Warband mod that was really well done about this area in like 1600s?
Is this the one?
Nah SEA is a really fascinating location for a game, when the yuros show up
Why do people always file SEAsia alongside new world oogaboogas? They had cool architecture, adopted pike&shot from the west, had proper sailing tech.
>lol BTFO by whites
Everyone did thoughever. But people don't find say medieval Islam or Mongols any less kino for it.
How is everything between Bengal to Papua New Guinea aligned with Burma?
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Burma is just that small To. spot there, which is the Toungoo dynasty before its rise. I think the logic here was to highlight only the countries that have legitimate successors today, or maybe just "relevant" countries by some other measure.
I get you are from there and you are biased but from the outside it’s an exotic place but not very interesting from a historical strategy game pov. Only interesting parts are foreign powers fighting over it.
I am open to a fictional modern day warfare a la red dragon exploring the unique jungle island warfare plus naval combo
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This is great, thanks. Still wishing for a full-on Total War or a shameless rip-off of it though.
Is cold war stuff really gonna sell any better than early modern? I don't think Americans know much about the area other than Vietnam, and I don't know if Euros are interested in history of their no-longer-colonies.
>Only interesting parts are foreign powers fighting over it.
Only initially, like the slow expansion of the Dutch East Indies. Late colonial SEA is pretty boring, everyone just gets steamrolled and borders stay put until WW1.
Sell me on it then.

There is definitely a lot of interesting stuff that happened outside of Europe, West Asia has gunpowder empires, East Asia has China and Japan...but why should I care about SEA?
100% you already know about SEA history if you're on this board e.g. fall of Khmer, Majapahit expansion, rise of Malay sultanates, Siam vs Burma feud, early Chinese naval colonies and expeditions, etc. If you're not into it then you're not into it, if you are then you are. Some foreigners just are (sometimes even more than us in our own history). Besides it's not only westerners that have to make it or buy it. Chinese, Japanese, and Koreans are interested in history here too, even though memes have people believe they don't care about any history outside their country.
>West Asia
More games set there would be cool too.
Me too. I want a simulator where I can play a bloated, alcoholic expat who teaches English by day but at night bangs hookers in Phuket.
I wonder why there aren't more of these threads for various different parts of the world.
>Total War
Monkey's paw. You WILL get it and it WILL be shit like Pharaoh because CA hasn't been competent in years
American hours. They file everything they don't have ancestry from under oogabooga
/vst/ hates what-if threads. They get ignored all the time in favor of talking only about existing series, it doesn't really matter what setting is being talked about
>They file everything they don't have ancestry from under oogabooga
Not true. Africa and Papua New Guinea are oogabooga. Southeast Asia is sweatshops, foxholes, durian, canings, and ladyboys.
Go back to /pol/
Go back to /gif/
I'm from there and I'm not even into it. Mostly because total lack of writings just make almost every story be someone's headcanon. We're still at stone age when Caesar is stabbed by the senators goddammit.
>it was never relevant to the history of humanity
Columbus sailed the Atlantic in order to get there.
Sorry but I can't change that I'm right. When yuros started trouble and the upheaval that followed was the most exciting period of that part of the world.
Go back to /vt/
Written history in that region is quite sparse before the arrival of Europeans. Detailed records about them before Europeans come from the Chinese. Unlike Europeans, the Chinese rarely engaged in conflict with the Southeast Asians, making their historical records less suitable for video game campaigns or settings. They are only good in games that cover the entire world due to their strategic locations and abundant natural resources.
>/vst/ education
You're thinking of the Angkor period or some shit. SEA from the 16th century forward DID have decent records, substantial contact with the West, etc. Siamese diplomats were already learning Portuguese to deal with traders by then, European and Muslim mercenaries were employed as artillery corps and sailors, etc.
The civs are cool but the Rajas campaigns are all terrible.
But I don't wanna see E***peans, and they are the ones who actually write. So the only playable eras are the shitty ones
Man you're a picky one you know that?
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It becomes cool when the Europeans show up with pikes, plate armor, sailing ships, and firearms.
Not exactly this region but this battle gives you an idea of what happens when you put the things above together.
Some seething pajeet defaced that wiki page btw, I posted an old version.
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Hand made to be colonized.
>Russian Malaya
flip here, there was a war between Spain occupation Philippines vs moro locals like Sulu and Brunei, Spain brought in flip natives, mexicans and other south americans against ottoman reinforcements, so uhh I think Janissaries fought Tlaxcaltec if that's cool enough of a concept
they would have to get naval combat right which no company seems to be capable of
If you actually can enjoy CK3, then I suggest Rajas of Asia. Their team did a shit load of research, no game else comes close
Not really. The euros can be a good endgame threat though
>They had cool architecture, adopted pike&shot from the west, had proper sailing tech.
Academic discourse on Southeast Asia is littered with pseudo-nationalist memes promoted by the Government for propaganda purposes.
It also doesn't help that a majority of SEA trash on 4chan are cancerous phoneposting fucks who parrots boomer tier facebook memes and pass it off as actual history.
It's not difficult to generate a rough idea of what reality was like back then. You take snippets of gov-taught history, western-researched history, actual present ruins and remnants, analysis of existing culture, the records of nearby civilizations that actually did keep records, and then use it all to construct a semi-grounded estimate of what it would have been like. That much is enough for a game, unless it bothers you that much that some local SEA kingdom might be portrayed slightly more advanced than they actually were, and can put up a better fight against European powers than they did in real life.

You can't please everyone in the end with these sort of games, Paradox forums always gets all sorts of "MY COUNTRY WASN'T LIKE THAT" shit all the time. The important part is that it's balanced and fun, the history is always just a backdrop in the end.
One of my favorite EU4 campaigns was where I started as Makassar and conquered the rest of Indonesia, colonized Australia before the whytebois arrived, formed Malaya, and economically cucked the Chinese.
I got an idea for a Sid Meier's Pirate or Uncharted Waters like games in SEA. Maritime SEA as a huge Carribean Islands equivalent with Singapore as a Tortuga and Mainland SEA as a Mexico analogue.
I realize Skulls and Bones (2024) was exactly that but it's crappy Ubisoft tax write off shovelware.
you should thank them for domesticating chicken, rice, and sugarcane
Europe literally developed itself into the center of the world just to get access to SEA
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Uncharted: Waters
I thought mainland and maritime rarely interacted with one another, just some occasional Thai Malay border friction.
Total War might work as some Saga thing but not mainline game I think.
maybe the next HoI4 DLC would focus around this region
still don't know how to make it interesting
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I want a historically accurate game set in medieval Thailand where the women look like men (and the men look like women).
Why did non-whites all look so miserable and unhappy in those 19th century photos?
it's just more cerebral than the ooga booga build boat fire cannon most games are designed as, would require exponentially better AI than what's available currently
it'd be too taxing since shit like weather and currents are THE terrain of sail combat, and they constantly change unlike land terrain
SEAmonkeys are terrible fucking posters with terrible taste in media, so they don't deserve shit for that alone
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We westernized our own clothing without ever being a colony. It was always inevitable since our royals had been westaboos since the 17th century
I would be too if I had to live in these boiling tropics before AC and electric fan was invented. At least Arabs got cold desert nights
I seriously doubt we don't already have the tech to do this by now
We don't have money either and have pirated for as long as Russians and Brazilians have. If there's a game set here it's gonna have to be because first world countries wants to buy it
i played a few times as Siam, Philippines, and Dutch East Indies in RT56
it sucks
>still don't know how to make it interesting

Historical focus would revolve around Phibun's regime and their closing ties to the Japanese before entering the GEACPS and getting back Laos and Cambodia.

Accelerate their independence from the US while trying to start a rearmament program against Japan. If Japan conquers them and they capitulate, the Philippines will get a partisan bonus to slow down Japan and potentially overthrow them a la Yugoslavia during WW2

It'd probably go as
>Support the Netherlands and start the process of bankrolling your own rearmament while slowly increasing your autonomy.
>Forment Indonesian nationalism and partner up with Japan before they declare on you. If Japan capitulates you, you get a choice of being Japan's puppet nationalist government or continue fighting for the Dutch. Choosing one or the other will start a civil war.

Same as Indonesia.
Cry more.
Play swedish mayo for warband, its a gret but dated mod. Southeastasia apart from indonesia in the 1540s, the portuguese hold malacca so you can also play as a conquistador.
t. seething jeet malding over people making better use of his culture than his own country
I really hope we get a bannerlord mod that includes SEA and the indian ocean etc with proper sailing and set in the imperial or later roman empire, would be a comfy trading and raiding mod. Like Viking Conquest but more exotic.
Are there even any good AND complete total conversions for Bannerlord yet?
Theyre all in development and probably will stay like that for some time to come. Theres a mod in works in the late roman period including east africa, arabia and egypt maybe parts of india but it looks like it will never come out. All of the devs are on shitcord
Ah, okay. Infinite scope creep and endless delays it is.
They dont even try to give dates or rough estimates of arrival anymore. The most well put together one seems to be shokujo, but it almost seems like they want to release it whenever
a sea trade oriented game would be goat.
there are many interesting regions, cultures and events outside of europe and that's one of them, not my fault that you're an uncultured swine
vietnam repelling mongols TWICE was pure kino
Its not Australia
>Forment Indonesian nationalism and partner up with Japan before they declare on you. If Japan capitulates you, you get a choice of being Japan's puppet nationalist government or continue fighting for the Dutch. Choosing one or the other will start a civil war.
with the Vichy + fascist Ethiopia mechanic?
I mean, it can be good if done correctly
Now I want an aboriginal tribe game
>with the Vichy + fascist Ethiopia mechanic?
Pretty much. And since Indonesia has the option to form the Majapahit Empire in HOI4, maybe a "total break from Japan" branch a la "Claim East Africa" for Ethiopia can exist too if you decided to not closely collaborate with them.
I thought that too but then I played Suvarnabhumi Mahayuth (Warband mod). It's one of my favorite WB mods of all time despite having no previous interest in this historical setting at all. The setting kino, specifically the 16th/17th centuries. There is lots of stuff going on here with many foreign cultures clashing in this one spot full of lower tech natives
>many native SEAsian kingdoms varying from very primitive to low tech militaries
>Arab-colonized Malaysians with high numbers of obsolete firearms and heavy cav
>small Portuguese colony with cutting edge tech (which I always played as)
>roaming independent Spanish conquistadore hordes and Japanese pirate armies
>slightly obsolete but vastly numerous Chinese in the far NE corner
>soft but very fast Indians in the far NW corner
Additionally, it being a peninsula surrounded by complex island chains automatically makes a naval kino setting.

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