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>PA is now released version 1.0.13
>OpenVic hasn't had a dev diary in 5 months

Bros, come on now, you really gonna support chudgun over actual progress?
I refuse to engage in yet another pointless tribalism.
I just want good fuctioning moddable Vic2 clone.
>alt-his shit
trannies are demon possessed
This. DoD has always sucked. Maybe that explains why troongun likes it so much
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>pdm based alt history shit
*dies of cringe*
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Go mald in a horse factory.
Chudgun faggots get quiet when faced with the irrefutable inferiority of openvic.
If its not good then i dont care
>shit ai diplomacy
>incompatible with mods
what's the point.
chudguntards coping already?
Is the economy and AI still broken?
does the game work yet or do you keep shilling this broken mess acting like the openvic is so much worse

you know most modding communities actually work together quite well, leave it to trannys to shit on other projects for this game we all love
>you know most modding communities actually work together quite well
You mean forming a mod cartel in a discord where they leverage their influence to get rid of anything they see as "problematic"
An actual product is better than ideas, retard.
I will gladly eat my words should Openvic ever release.
how has alice changed in the past couple months
it may look like vic2, but it doesn't play like vic2
economy is shit, ai is shit and diplomacy is shit
you can tell this was made by insufferable people judging by the borders alone
I'm wondering as well, considering the game was unfinished on the full release.
It's still a broken mess
>this not-a-V2-clone is better than this non-existent V2 clone
I just want a V2 clone.
I miss willyposting so much, bros
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this thing feels very undercooked, raw even, i had a better time playing vanilla back when i just bought the game. is like nothing makes sense and the game knows it and doesn't even try to provide an explanation of what is going on. the performance is very nice but the gameplay seriously reminds me of one of those .io games or some roblox copycat
>Project Alice
>one of the most common stereotypical troon names is Alice
>Project Alice is developed by troons
What did they mean by this?
It’s not nearly as shit as people here are making it out to be, and who are probably involved in the faggy OV vs PA ‘drama’ (teenagers/the unemployed.) It’s been buggy since ‘1.0’ but has been steadily improving since. It’s fine for what it is — I have fun with it and prefer it over Vic2 with mods (Alice is compatible with mods.)

I imagine progress is a lot slower now, though, since one of the main devs decided to fuck off and make their own PA fork to add new features, splitting an already small team of I think 3. Their pace compared to OpenVic remains funny and still causes butthurt to this day, peaking when Spudgun accused the PA lead of grooming the aforementioned dev and being unfaithful to his wife.
who the fuck is chudgun? Why do zoomers reference everything in terms of some obscure eceleb.
bros ill be honest...
i miss vicky
i wanna play as ancap dixieland in crimeamod one more time

but at the same time, owning a computer is the gayest thing a man could own other than a dildo. why would i need that shit in my life

i will buy land in the countryside and make my own gsg

my children will be my pops. meat, fur, wool, wood milk will be our rgos

meanwhile, you are locked, stunned by your saturnbox. in your plato's cave. you see only the shadow of grobgermania and basedface. but me, i will go outside, and i will make cyberia a reality
if you're not posting from your own computer, then what are you posting from?
hes posting from a phone, the gayest thing a man could own other than a dildo and a computer
i stole this random notebook (good for nomads) from a random guy just to make that post
now im throwing it away
but you want to buy land?????
he sacrificed his flesh to mammon
you're not going to buy a land for a laptopbook though
it makes my main threat globohomo (environmental police) back off and i dont need money anymore anyway
i sacrificed my flesh for mammon ironically
i dont even like putin
Still and will probably always fail at the most important thing, playing like actual vic, is not even a clone
because you want to be a nomad nomads dont own vegetable gardens
my vegetable garden will be small enough
a few dozen ha gives enough grass to feed the herd

but i cant live without onions, carrots, etc those are tasty. i bet if you brought to genghis khan a piece of onion he'd smack his lips and say damn nigga this be mighty good with meat
yeah and then he'd get the Persians to grow them for him while he continued riding around on his little horse
why dont you move to russia, buy land (basically free) and use your gigawrists like your ancestors wanted you to?
my family is playing with the thought actually
germany is becoming more and more of a shithole with every passing day
if its so easy why dont russians buy that land and become farmers
methinks its harder than you make it seem
because the pay is terrible
you sell milch for 10 rubles a liter to the local milk jews, and then it will appear in the supermarket 10x overpriced

if you wanna make the bling, stay in the city. the countryside is not the domain of mammon

you go to the countryside because you're based and white and enjoy the life there
>but at the same time, owning a computer is the gayest thing a man could own other than a dildo.
can't tell if this guy literally looks like gigachad or if his brain is just completely fried in the imagination department
there are a shitload of things "gayer" than a computer for a man to own
i used to think of myself as a monarchist when i was 14 because i played vic 2
moom, /gag/ bots have taken over the PA thread
What mods do you play on Alice?
They're too busy dying in Jewtin's special military operation
That looks genuinely awful.
>peaking when Spudgun accused the PA lead of grooming
He's a tranny, so this is very likely true, but he's also clearly the better coder since progress is being made, probably because he's autistic (you can tell because being a tranny is a comorbidity with that)
This is the true answer to OP's retarded thread.
it plays worse than it looks, tooltips don't even exist so you can only doubt yourself when something weird happens, i have no idea why i was losing pops or what part of my factories was being unprofitable
To be fair you can toggle the font back to normal
Why graphically speaking, everything troons do is ugly? Is that their inner soul[demon rather] speaking out?
praise kek and sub to spudgun
le navy encircled xD
>Fix TNO OOB files not parsing correctly, alongside other mods

we're so back tnobros
bokoen1 > chudgun
whats chudguns latest cope on why his failed project hasnt made any progress at all
New dev diary soon.
>PA's multiplayer not being deterministic, OV taking longer to be deterministic and rectify related issues (more info here: https://www.reddit.com/r/victoria2/comments/1aj28yr/project_alice_misconceptions/)
>"Taking things slowly. Getting things right. Building a solid foundation" etc. etc.
>Project Alice flaming OV through their schizo-spokesman, drying up interest/excitement/hype
>Le full time jobs, le full time education, le full time life stopping them from coding.
>le lazy fairy is not viable meme
wtf i'm team spudchud now
>OpenVic dev diary shows vanilla Victoria 2 screenshots
Dead Project.
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Fixed the r**sevelt icon
is it over for chudcum?
Paraguay looks like THAT?????????????????'
the dumbfucks didn't know the nickname Vicky came from Victoria, the Queen of England, the stupid fucks thought it has a girl name so we should do it too!!!!!
is there any way to get a more vanilla feel with project alice? i like the optimization and all but it feels wonky to play
i don't care about alice or v2 anymore now that eu5 is gonna be great
>since one of the main devs decided to fuck off and make their own PA fork to add new features
what's the name of it?
the fact a lot of people keep saying that the game still doesn't feel much like vanilla is why i'm still not interested. and at this point i have my doubts that it ever will feel like vanilla because that feels like something that should have been ironed out over the past 6 months or so, no?

guess i'll have to wait to see what openvic do since they at least pretend to care about "recreating" v2.
Nobody is ever going to make a real V2 clone because it's obvious now that nobody with the skill to do it is going to have the humility to do it, vs making an almost clone with a bunch of personal "improvements".
it's 20 mb just try it
>at this point i have my doubts that it ever will feel like vanilla
indeed they don't have any interest on it, apparently the lead dev didn't even want to have stockpiles and debt implemented
why do you need vanilla feel when you can just play original vic2 for it?
in practice, performance improvements, qol and bugfixes alone would remove the feel of vic2 even if the rest of the game is a perfect copy.
>why do you need vanilla feel when you can just play original vic2 for it?
for this:
>performance improvements, qol and bugfixes
but that's not what people talk about when they say it feels different. they talk about the AI acting weird. i think there's differences in other mechanics like the economy and rebels that makes it different too but idk about that.
>ancap dixieland
vgh god why did the SJW libtards have to steal this from vs bros fvck,,,,
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the people who work on PA
Not that anon but all I want is Victoria 2 with overlord map mode. Project Alice did add overlord map mode by default, but it currently doesn't feel close enough to Victoria 2, especially visually.
I don't give a fuck that they kicked you out for being a faggot you probably are
well? did you make her your cat?
It's a grown ass conscription-age man. If a war were to break out he would be put straight into the front lines, to protect the women and children in the rear.
reminder that schombert is a pedophile homosexual (same thing) who grooms troons
There was actually a new OpenVic diary like a week ago. Spudsisters stay winning.
what's wrong with the economy in TGC? maybe i'm just a brainlet but starting as a secondary power it takes me 20 years just to not have a starvation tier economy, in the vanilla game you could not do anything and shit just werks
Sounds based. You are a gde anyways if you let yourself be groomed by a pedophile faggot over fucking discord. At least he puts them to good use.
tranny shovelware garbage mod
>page 9
where are the schizos at? im bored and want to read some funny shit from the finest minds of this board
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devs are too busy with south america to fix it
bros there was so much hype around alice earlier this year. what happened?
why is everyone here so aggressive on the devs? they are doing what they can, and they are doing it for free. like, I'm a code monkey and I know that if I tried to write a vic2 clone the result would be even worse. for all it's faults (most of them cosmetic), it is the closest thing there is to a working clone or alternative

>1844 argentina
>700k pop
>40 brigades cap
I guess the are doing this as a way to balance the map a little but... the biggest battle up until caseros was https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Arroyo_Grande where the entire argentine army plus uruguayan rebels had less than 9000 troops (the wikipedia entry is wrong), and only ~5000 of those were part of the standing army
they released a working version. I managed to compile it on linux (had to fix some of the avx code to make it compile on my machine) but besides that it worked flawlessly
they are still implementing things from the original game, and some parts of the UI still don't work. it feels like it is almost there, 200 commits away from something playable. I'm going to try it now and see if they made any progress
It was only drama about the two projects, no one really cares that much
I tried to play PA this week but the CB's still aren't intuitive and the wargoals are still obfuscated

If that were fixed I could play
i think i had 400k pop before i took the capital state of Paraguay
how the fuck do you even see capitals in PA?
I remember capitals being red dots in vanilla...
good question

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