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You all made him rich and now he has absolutely no incentive to finish the game. (Implying he was going to in the first place)

Now that you all got scammed, You can post your Kneel.jpg's below.

Schizo bros, Come harvest the salt mines with me, and watch Copium prices skyrocket in real time.


Also reminder its your fault the game is crashing: https://www.gamesradar.com/games/city-builder/manor-lords-dev-hits-back-at-players-complaining-over-crash-reports-99-so-far-are-old-drivers/

(if only he knew that everyone has automatic driver updates now and not everyone whos game crashed submitted a log)

Manuretrannies BTFO

>Inb4 Muh sales
>inb4 Muh 1 man dev
>inb4 ITS EA!!
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I play a broken game
The only game I have ever known
Dont know what its for
but its home to me and I play alone

I watch them walk the streets
on the boulevard of broken dreams
where my city sleeps
and im the only one, who plays this trash

I got scammed, Ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah

Im placing down my city walls
it breaks my save everytime
on the borderline
on the edge, where I cope alone.

Couldn't read between the lines
The dev fucked up, everyone pretends its fine
Check my vital signs
To know im still alive I play a broken game.

I play a broken game, Ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah

My coziness is the onlything that works for me
my screenies are the only thing thats saving me
Sometimes i wish i could refund my money
Til' then I play a broken game.

Ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah

I got scammed, I got scammed.
You are mentally ill
kill yourself
Definitely the /ddg/ pajeet. He's in his "victory lap" phase now and will soon vanish from all threads as his predictions age like milk.
big oof
>this is the best sweet baby can come up with
is this the thread where we pretend the game is bad or is that the other /v/ thread?
why the fuck was this game hyped as Total War + AoE + EUIV + Cities Skylines Medieval Edition when it's literally just a Banished clone with knights and archers?
>You all made him rich and now he has absolutely no incentive to finish the game.
That's a reach, but he's certainly more keen on blog-posting than working on the game.
There aren't even any real knights since there is no cavalry
if you trusted resonant or any other youtube grifter on anything, you're simply low iq
i want the game to come out and be good so i can play it but i also kind of want it to become this board's star shitizen for the lulz
is this some kind of outrage marketing OP is doing?
Hi anon.
I casually browsed this board I am rarely on and saw your rant.

It’s very odd to see someone being this passionate about a video game.

The world outside goes to shit, anything that is worth living and fighting for is outside of video games, yet you are very emotional over one. Why do you think that is?
>Being passionate about a game: positive
>Wow so cool anon it's nice to see people talking about games they like
>Being passionate about a game: negative
>What's wrong with you, how dare you talk about a game soo much
>People with ASD may have trouble initiating or maintaining conversations, understanding tone of voice, and interpreting facial expressions. They may also have difficulty with eye contact, understanding sarcasm, and using nonverbal cues.
Dev might have a point. I never crashed in this game.
i don't like this product
I stopped carring about the game, it's garbage and I finished the one map it got after 4h.
4/10 - wouldn't recomend
You must consume product
1st You were seething at it when it wasn't even out.
2nd Loving is healthier than hating.
sorry chud, no refunds
Because while he's schizoing over crashes, the people who care about this game are already playing it instead of making threads.
>youtube ecelebs have now started to come out against manurelords and are posting videos critiquing it
Lol, dev mustve decided not to pay the bribes
I miss Ipee counter
I have old drivers and it works fine, but I also pirated it.
>"I updated the drivers"
>looks inside
>old drivers
>(if only he knew that everyone has automatic driver updates now and not everyone whos game crashed submitted a log)
no they aren't especially if we are talking about nvidia drivers. I never install geforce and only install driver updates manually.
name 1 video
Raptor decided he wasnt getting paid enough while hes on his holiday to japan

Gaslighting people into thinking that the game isnt a massive dumpster fire, you are all truly pathetic rope yourselfs now
> every second sentence is him saying how great this game is
wow. nice coming out you've got there

how will slavic magic ever recover?
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>makes millions upon release
>"lol no I don't need to hire more Devs"
We've been scammed bros
Nice reddit spacing bro
Nice argument bro
I don't get it. What Raptor says is easily verifiable. Why does the schizo feel the need to lie about it? Is the schizo Russian? It would make sense. Telling lies like this is a Russian thing and the developer is polish, a people that Russians are constantly butthurt about.
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> you may only pick 1 (one)
kek, it's over
>robbie mad
"real knight" is a title, more what your character starts as
Well of course you can only choose one.
I would not want to spend the money either. Why should he?
I asked why OP is so emotional.
I dont know if this game is good or bad. I don’t buy EA.

Why are you so emotional that you wish death upon others?
ML dev cucked him and he will get revenge by making discussion on ML impossible on this small irrelevant board. True story
hiii excuuuse me sorrryyyy but that's not a real argument!!!
No way! I'd never expect those from a guy called Slavic Magic!
Because dumb faggots shilled their IDEA of the game based on bogus images
If it's any help, it's not as bad as Farthest Frontier, which got hyped to hell and back and then died within a week.
>ratings slipped again
Manuresisters....i dont feel so good...
>simply a perfect balance and polish with no bugs
retard all those things were promised.
kek I can imagine Robbie was doing contract work for this Slavic magic dude and he refused to pay for his shitty assets or something
>88% positive reviews rate
>25k people playing right now
Imagine being so brain damaged you hate a game so much that you repeatedly give it exposure by making several threads about it
>hyped as Total War + AoE + EUIV + Cities Skylines Medieval Edition
show 1 proof of this ever being claimed
this but unironically
Honestly it's more like Total War (combat) + The Nations or Impressionist Games (economy). The only problem is that they are both lighter in mechanics than the original, at least currently.
Funny how billions of games have managed to work with old drivers before, but now an upstart developer comes around and blames it to old drivers.
uhhhh look at these retarded clickbait youtubers
There is no content. You can see all the game has to offer in 2 hours.
Billions must update.
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I haven't had a single crash so far, time to upgrade your rig poorfags
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it wasnt. there was a demo released last year it was obviously just a city builder all along. its all you retards and redditors seeing it thinking it was anything else but banished with some rts elements.

I and everyone else who like it are comfy playing exactly what we wanted.
why are you enabling clickbait by watching it?
exposure to how its a giant steaming hunk of dog shit you fucking retarded tranny kys
Is it still better than banished ?
You. Lost.
Nope. check the playercount. 170k peak, lost over 50% of playerbase less than 2 weeks. Another W for Schizos. Cope seethe and dilate. Also hes on vacation rn so that hotfix is gonna be a while, dont worry im sure he will fix the 1,100 + bug reports.
Its a pile of shit and anyone who says otherwise is in denial or shilling. Do me a favor and read the bug reports on the steam discussion page.
He's still trying to turn the positive reception and great sales into an L, and has to keep bumping his own threads for attention on top of that. It's pretty embarrassing at this point
is there a tutorial for the game or something because i have no fucking idea what i'm doing
Is this genuinely your first city builder? It ain't that different from any other.
other than sim city 2000, yes
Youtube it then, there's pop up tutorial messages but they aren't very good.
>slavnigger acts like slavnigger
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Dude. its over.
No one cares, game will be dead by end of the month
Heh you lose again schizo he released a patch that made the hitching post free!!
>dead game
It's a single player game.

Who are you even fighting this pretend war against?
Which do you prefer? Double house plots or singles?
Always doubles. Everytime I've gone to make a new plot I get more houses by reducing the number of plots until they're doubles.
>game is maybe 30% finished
>devs spends all his time tweaking the balance and patching "exploits" instead of adding missing features
It's all ogre.
Singles for artisans, doubles for everything else.
This unless I want the artisan to produce a lot i.e bakers and brewers.
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Shut the fuck up reddit fag
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Noooo not muh hecking city builderinos
This game literally has more players than all those combined lmfao

>not a city builder

And how is comparing apples to oranges relevant?
>never buy early access games
If you buy early access (!) game developed by a solo (!) Slav (!) you deserve everything you get.
I got about 30 hours of a pretty fun, comfy but unfinished game so far. Who cares if you give your money to big game studio trannies or autistic slavs, I got my moneys worth.
I got an enjoyable game.

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