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Sims thread.
I like playing The Sims 1 with Office Space playing in the background on repeat.
finally good thread on /vr/
Saw the thumbnail and thought it was X-com.
uhh yeeaaaah I'm going to have you do some extra work on the weekends and uh work overtime today...oh and uh if you could stop playing that sims game, that would be great, mkay?
>burglar theme
Sims 1 was scarier than any RE or SH or DS game there was
>get fireworks launcher
>put in room with my bills laying atop a cheapass rug
>light fireworks and run out

Why wouldn't this work?
I love the kitschy decor that came with the Livin Large expansion
What was GitHub patch again posted last thread that got The Sims to work on Win 10/11?
Is there a way to turn off the cockroaches? Or at least make them less prevalent. They keep coming back and it's shit I hate it.
clean your room
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>steals your only toilet
>finally good thread on /vr/
Most of the posters should've been killed off from the jab. But, some are still alive.
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What the FUCK was his problem?
You mean killed from coronavirus, right?
Sims1 with all dlc is still a fun game to play. lacks features the later games had but damn its fun to load up and just putz around in for a few hours. Post your houses
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>chad pyramid
I'd play a Sims/X-com crossover. Could be like Streets of Sim City, but instead of driving a car you'd play X-com using your Sims house as map.
sorry >>10914357 meant for >>10913883
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You cannot tell me that that isn't a medium scout
Any gameplay mods for 1? It's such a chore.
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Next step is working on the garden for better room ratings when going to work.
bros I STILL don't know how to move in to a >$20,000 property. I never managed to love in the north property in the base game
Should I play 1 or 2 if I'm only going to play one of them?
go gatekeep on reddit, goober.
Probably 2. 1's gameplay is simply not very good, unless you cheat or strictly stick to building houses
>pour sweat, blood and tears into reaching the max level of a career
>there's a random chance for that Sim to switch to another job at a lower level
Who asked for this? Who thought this was a good idea?
holy fuck this sim's life looks so sad.
>Decent plot of land with a pool, stylish decorations and everything needed for single life

Doesn't seem bad to me. Are you a girl?
Very nice anon. Keep at it and post updates
>playing this game at 2am IRL with the headphones at night
>all sims go to sleep
>automatic fast forward kicks in
>have graveyards/urns so the ghost theme kicks in for a few seconds
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2qga9QLAaZ4 plays at max volume and a Burglar shows up and gets away successfully with some of my stuff
>Go to school the next week
>my friend made up a rumor about how the burglars come in and actually kidnap your children and you can see them gagged trying to get out of his bag as he walks around the house to collect other things.
>If he gets away, it was the same as death or military school and they are gone forever.
I always turned the volume down on my headphones or speakers whenever my Sims went to bed after all that for awhile
is bella goth the most slutty video game character of all time?
Nah, one of the many Sims 1 based on me was when me and two of my other friends made a house together unironically when they stayed over the weekend after Valentine's Day. He was the biggest faggot I've ever seen. He would always try to kiss my friends and would jump in naked with them in the jacuzzi we had in the garage when they had speedos on.
Does she ever leave her husband? I tried to flirt and sex her up, but the "I'm married" icon bubble always came up

The devs clearly knew what they were doing when they sent this hot babe in a red dress to greet you after moving in to your new home.
Well it's the prequel so you're close
wasn't there post apocalypse mod that turns sims into survival horror with some tactical elements?
Right I remember the streams about it but no idea if it's still being worked on.
if i dont play the sims with multiple people in a household it feels lonely.
i mean core sims 1 already feels like crpg where you pause game assign commands TACTICALLY (because path issues) and then let it play. so it's pretty close to xcom/baldurs gate hybrid
Just play Sims 2 instead, Sims 1 is meant to simulate the grinding monotony of life under capitalism
>no Poop meter
dropped, shit game
Yeah, and it's scarily accurate. You barely make enough money to survive, and barely have enough time to develop skills in order to improve your situation.

You need to develop relationships in order to progress in your career, yet you don't have enough time to do that if you're working all the time. It's a catch-22.

Unless you cheat
>shit game
But there is no shit, anon.
>sims is retro
i'm not ooooold
i downloaded 4 and it came with so much shit addons that i didn't know what the fuck is going on, i mean fucking vampires?
1-3 are the only good sims games anon. 4 is transqueer faggot crap that is overrun with transqueer stufff and faggotry. also it is shit compared to the old games with shit areas and no world to really explore. 4 is the worst of the games even with the addons that add furry were wolves and other trans shit
4 is only good for porn mods.
How did jerry manage to knock it out of the park every time?
>You can flirt with them in Sims 2

It's called soul. Some humans do have it, sadly it's missing from most modern games.
Does anyone have a guide on how to get The Sims 1 to work on Win 7 at normal resolution with a wide screen?
I'm a 3fag but it isn't /vr/.
Anyone else scroll past this thumbnail and think it was an XCOM UFO for a second? Just me? Alright.
Someone did too
I got a bunch of orchestral versions of the original Sim City tracks and loaded them into the game.
When I was playing the Sims, I would always make a single guy family, living in a studio apartment, trying to save up money to buy the biggest house. My sim would always end up getting stuck at mid-level in his job due to lack of friends and he would cry everyday due to lack of social.
Thinking about it, the way I played the sims is the way I live today.
Same bro, the fucking same. Sims 1 is too accurate to real life, which makes it NOT FUN, but still a masterpiece in its artistic expression.
No poop meter, but the game does track poop and pee separately. When you see a male Sim sitting down on the toilet, it means he's pooping. Try it for yourself- have him drink a bunch of coffee and he'll consistently stand up to pee to restore his bladder to green, but if you feed him a bunch of food he'll sit down to restore the bladder meter.
huh, that's neat. I always thought that just depends on how empty the bladder meter is.
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The envy of the neighborhood.
why does it need a forked version of NSIS
why is the source code hidden

those pages are just a convenient place to disguise piracy as a github project for zoomers who don't know where else to look
Don't be a cuck
Sims 1 is amazing because it's not a chill casual game at all, you have to autistically optimize everything in order to get anywhere. Like you'll lose an hour if your character has to take a shit and the toilets are at the other end of the house.
I think, besides managing relationships, the game's difficulty is overstated.
It's really restrictive and doesn't allow for anything that's not minmaxxing
>move onto lot
>waste every penny on lawn decor while also deleting it so you're left with $0
Can you survive starting with literally nothing?
Did you start the series with Sims 1 or did you start with 3 or 4? I've found that people who try to go back tend to struggle a lot, since those later entries are designed to be much easier/forgiving.
Yeah, it just sucks for a few days.
>pick up paper and get a job
>work a day
>buy a fridge and eat
>work another day
>buy bed
>Takes a shit
>An hour passes by

Hey, just like in real life.
The hot date expansion was specifically made to make relationships easier since you can go out on the town without taking up time during the day.
Dont forget flushing, washing your hands, cleaning the toilet, and then washing your hands again.
>Your carpool will arrive in an hour
>I have to take a shit, take a bath, make breakfast and unclog the toilet
>Also, I can't get promoted because I need 2 more friends :-)
what features did the later games even add?
I can't remember what 2 added aside from being in 3d. 3 added being able to control your sims throughout the whole town. 4 axed that and added sim multitasking.
2 has a SHIT TON of new content and is less punishing to play. I think it's the best out of them all.

Like, you can even buy a trashed project car as an item. If you grind at it repairing its engine and body you'll eventually get an unique car to travel with. It'll also raise your mechanic skills.

Things like that
Might have to check them out then.
what I hate about 2 is that chatting with other sims bog you down to the point you can't really accomplish anything near other sims.
should i replay 2 or 3 for long time enjoyment?
2, 3 will make you want to tear your hair out
There's a mod that lets you auto-build relationships with other sims, in case you want to take the grinding out of career promotions and other boring stuff
it's not the relationships that I'm bothered about, but the fact that every sim will stop what they're doing to chat with others nearby. and this really slows down what they should be doing, like it'll take hours to finish a meal with another sim on the table.
Isn't 3 still fucked? I remember building an expensive PC with high end parts and the game still wouldn't run properly unless you force yourself to play in a small world with no mods.
I don't get the issue. It's not like 2 is 1 where you have to micromanage everything your Sims do to make the most out of the sleep/work cycle, you generally have more time to do stuff like idly chat in the Sims 2 and still accomplish what you set out to do.

Then again I'm also playing with a bunch of mods that curttail a lot of the stupid behavior in the vanilla game so maybe it's more annoying than I remember.
>mods that curttail a lot of the stupid behavior in the vanilla game
Any in particular?
JM Pescado had a whole suite of mods dedicated to trimming a lot of the more dumb/annoying aspects of the Sims 2, plus some mods that act as debugging tools that fix a lot of common bugs that occur on lots. If you just search up "jm pescado sims 2 mods" you can probably find a link to the entire collection in the first few results. They're ancient desu but still do the trick for me. There's also some newer gameplay overhauls on modthesims that work pretty well too if you want look for more.
I think Sims 2 is really underrated, truly the best in the series. The attention to detail is absurd.
Sims 3 Open World was okay but imho it dumbed down on many other aspects, far less details far less mechanics, more dumbed down memory/personality systems etc.

I still find details I missed while playing Sims 2 to this day. There is really love put into it, I think it came out at the right time, they were already loaded with cash but also lacked the store/dlc incentive that would later become prominent (they even experimented it, sims 2 had an online store-ish). One can feel devs put a lot of time in small minor details, art, descriptions, custom stuff. Like toddlers sleeping inside kennel, teddy bears getting old from use, footprint marks on foundations, the fucking pizza's tip dropping down due to gravity magic.
Expansions/Stuff packs were also pushed at a steady pace, there were some bad expansions, like the h&m and ikea ones (and thus the early signs of commercialization) but the bad apples were drowned by the good new content, often as detailed and well thought as the base game.

That being said if you play it long enough you can see the problems emerging. Corruption which today is manageable was a big issue for anyone who played sims more than the casual level, and after a while you notice the mechanics and memories are not as detailed and intricate as they pretend to be. But compared to later versions sims 2 is still a very good game.

I'm always weirded out by how people are far more nostalgic about sims1, when sims2 was better than it in almost every aspect. I guess sims1 had a better aesthetic and music/feel to it which makes it more easy to be nostalgic about. Fun fact, Jerry Martin the lead musician in Sims 1 was suppose to make the music for Sims 2, but he was replaced by someone else. I had found some of his music made for sims 2 but not put in the game on some site, I dunno if that still exists.
Last thread someone posted that music. Really soulful, I don't know how he does it.

Do you happen to know if https://github.com/voicemxil/TS2-Starter-Pack already takes care of fixing memory management and major bugs? Or do you recommend installing something else on top of that, like >>10932173
I believe it already had memory patch, but don't quote me on that, I play with my old game disks, installing expansions one by one. You cannot do that on ultimate edition but I recall that installer has the option of enabling/disabling expansions, I guess if you are going to play expansion by expansion, activating one of them it as you play along, then not having the clean neighborhoods installed is preferable, then you have to use mootilda's clean neighborhood fix. But if you are going to play all expansions at once (ultimate edition style) then just have the installer install clean neighborhoods too. I think the installer had the memory patch but don't quote me on this.

Other than that (iirc) installer doesn't have any mods, you have to install them one by one. Imho most mods are just preventative measures against uncommon, if not very rare situations that cause corruption, for example a vampire turning a corruption causing npc (like Ms CrumpleBottom) into a vampire. Pescado has a mod that fixes it called creaturefix , you can find lists of bug fixing mods such as https://modthesims.info/wiki.php?title=Content_List:Corrections,_Tweaks_and_Fixes
There is Pescado's FFS Director's Cut, a complication of mostly bug fixes, you can find it here http://www.moreawesomethanyou.com/smf/index.php/topic,8.0.html

However I don't think you need mods at start, unless you are planning to play a long term legacy style, the chances of you encountering a game breaking bug can be quite low, especially if you know about how corruption works, For example don't interract with essential npcs in any abnormal way, so instead of installing creaturefix, you can just close without saving if you see crumplebottom got turned into a vampire, you can also salvage your sim/house from a corrupted game. Either install directors cut, or read and install mods one by one
desu I find backing up my save and reverting when I have to to be far more easy than installing mods one by one, but this is because I play expansion by expansion. For example I'm on currently only playing with nightlife and university, the creaturefixes mod doesn't work with only those expansions, so I just keep an eye on who the vampire is biting, if I see him on a lot.
Knowing about corruptino and using cleanup tools and having a backup of the game directory is more than enough.
Oh thanks anon. Looks useful.
i lik too Play simz witht Modds Alkohol mod Play like Mi reel life ddrink untl pissout anthen gwt up on nexxt daY no does remembering anithing ajahahahsga cheers
I've been watching LGR's lets plays of the sims instead of browsing the news when I'm on the toilet. It's making me happier.
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I've been playing the Sims 3 on my Intel 13th gen with the 12th gen patch. It works, but it's crashed on me twice. I kinda like the Sims 3, but I'm thinking about trying out the Sims 4.
Do you think I should switch to the Sims 4?
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If you somehow get off to the ridiculously ugly porn in 4, then yeah.
Where do I get mods for the sims 1?
Has anyone ever built their own neighborhood in Sims 2?
I really want to do it but I always hate everything I create.
The Sams. :3c
No, but I know you can use Sims City 4 to create custom hoods
Yes, yes, well done Mortimer... Well done!
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Here's a house from my current playthrough with 247 days in. First time I ever got a family this successful and rich.
Just skip work every other day if you can't manage it. Also entry level jobs drain your needs slower so you've got more time to improve skills after work. Couple that with a 9-3 job and you've got plenty of time left in a day to get skills and friends.
Most of the sites here still work:
There was also a pack on /tsg/ (https://rentry.org/tsg) some time ago that had bunch of items. \odd_prude\odd_prude caused crashing for me so I got rid of that one. There's also bunch of skins that are supposed to go to a different folder but you will have to go through the folder manually. Most of it works when put in the downloads folder though.
There's also this, but you either have to download a pack and hope it contains some images and info or use google, which can be tricky since most sims 1 sites are long dead now:
that's a really awesome looking house
I like the late 90's setting of The Sims 1 more than Sims 2. I also think the Sims 1 graphix aged better.
>late 90's setting of The Sims 1
more like 60's/70's
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The jump from 1 to 2 was massive and kind of insane in retrospective. It added:
Full 3D
Free camera
Visible neighborhood
Customizable neighborhood/neighborhood creation
Vissible sky
Aging and generations
Toddlers, teenagers and elders
Family trees
Face customization
Facial expressions
Memories and traumas
Aspirations, desires and fears
Basements, attics, multiple floors
And expansions added cars, weather, seasons, player shops, apartments, elevators, seaside properties that allowed swimming on the sea. All things that were kind of unthinkable in sims 1.

And then there was how they had the pretty brilliant idea of setting up every premade family to showcase a new feature or event for players to familiarize themselves with which made them super memorable:
The goths was stood up at the altar and ghosts
Caliente and Lothario were marriage for money, cheating and whores
Single mom was toddlers
The Pleasants was cheating, demotion/dismissal, divorce and runaway teenager
Veronaville was actually rather forgettable, but it was first kiss and parties + european architecture styles
Nerds was alien abduction and impregnation
Grunt family was grudges I think and also a fucking helicopter
Alien family was birthdays and growing up
Serial killer old lady was old age, death and Death
And scientists was job and aspiration rewards I think? And the wierdo kid being retarded
Also a lot of these sims were set up to have mental breakdown almost immediatly which were hilarious.

You can tell they were still super passionate making this game. It was in every way the opposite of 4.
>try the no money thing in sims 2
>you can just dig up chests with 5 grand in them on your lot
They really did make this easier.
man that pic really highlights the main problem with sims 2 sims having severe sameface
Sims 2 is better in almost every single aspect but honestly the fact that the Sims look like that is the main reason why I can't enjoy it like I enjoy Sims 1.
I prefer to have low detail Sims than whatever they were trying on Sims 2.
didn't sims2 also had integration with simcity 2k/3k?
SimCity 4, if I'm not mistaken.
I'd just go with Sims 2.
It was SimCity 4. You could create a city in SC4, then import it into Sims 2 as a neighborhood. Only the terrain and road, of course.
Sims covid lockdown would be fucking excellent
And you could import your Sims 1 Sims to SimCity 4 and follow them around the city
sims 1 as well, you could import sims into your city in simcity 4 and have them live there
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whoops, didn't notice your post
here's another house
I honestly never new you could do this with sims2 and importing cities tho I did about importing sims people and watching them live but ive never done that. Only sims game I have installed currently is sims urbs for ps2 since ive never played it before and picked it up last night off a site to try. not sure what the ps2 sims/2 games offer compared to the pc versions but ive heard urbs is pretty solid so im willing to learn the controls to see this unique sims world. thinking about getting castaway because I guess thats also exclusive content to ps2
>run out of room ideas
>start making shit up from luigi's mansion

Painting room. Dungeon. Tea room. Observatory.
Last post
This is no fault of your own but holy shit the TV stand looks awful. Some creators really nailed Maxis' style while some straight up look like blender are up some clay and shit out. Sorry to which ever 60 year old woman created it, maybe spend more time with your grand children rather than continuing to bloat up my Buy Mode Catalog 23 years later.
*Ate up some clay and shit it out. Also, I forgot to say Nice House Anon. Very classic. It's no Chad pyramid, but it's the next best thing.

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