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If they balanced out the tech tree a little bit more this would have been a classic.
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wait, if you mind control impossible AI citizens they retain the bonuses?
mind control really is OP
early game missiles give you the best bang for buck, and lasers are innaccurate and weak. late game that obviously changes. Given EMG is in the game, I can't imagine it would be easy to balance, since you'd tip from worthless lategame to everything else being worthless if missiles were viable.
Racial traits aren't stripped by conquest or telepathy. This even works for if they survive long enough to get evolutionary mutation, your citizens of their race get their chosen bonus in that regards.
Another feature of which racial traits are better is map size. on a small map a feudal/telepathic/warlord is going to beat a uni-tol prod race since they need a little room to grow.
>wait, if you mind control impossible AI citizens they retain the bonuses? mind control really is OP

Race bonuses apply to the specific race only, but also if conquered. Mind control also eliminates the need for ground combat and assimilation. And allows you control of captured ships in battle right away. Kind of overpowered desu.

The government and special bonuses, such as creative, unification and warlord apply to all citizens. That is why I start on a crappy race, capture a good one and work my way through the galaxy. Shit races like gnolams, bulrathi etc. get euthanized by sending them to full planets, and their planets populated with a good conquered race. I often only have my starting race on the home world.

I think the mutation in the late game again only affects the original race that the player starts with. When that far in the game, this setup has already won, so I just do nothing and get a 140% score increase in the end. Not that it matters, you can also get warlord on top of that.
>I think the mutation in the late game again only affects the original race that the player starts with.
It does, but if you gift them the tech or they research it themselves then all of their racial pops regardless of which empire they are in gain the benefit, provided its a racial bonus. And yes the game is long long over by that point.
missiles do huge damage for the research required, beams need computers and subsystems while missiles just need to research the missile itself until you get mirv. You do need to upgrade what missile you use at some point just to get around shields but you also need to upgrade beams and the chemistry research tree has actual economic techs in it unlike physics.

Another thing with missiles is because you put them on cruisers the cruisers are much easier to build in 1 turn than a battleship and in combat the cruisers naturally have more movement so you can also just run the cruiser right next to an enemy ship and hit them instantly with your missiles.

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And the cord comes from the controller's ass.
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Because you know where everything is at all times and have access to everything instantly
with six button controllers they relegate everything to the bottom three buttons first and it is always less intuitive
>cameras in third-person games were nearly all awful and frustrating to deal with until manual camera controls became the norm
So what games exactly? Because I had no problem at all.
Devs can also find a way around, which in most cases turns out to be better than the stupid stick.
A good example is Syphon Filter and the enemy lock button which immediately turns the camera where you actually need it to be.
so you're less mentally developed than a 3 year old
got it
I should've known you were going to be dishonest
Ah well I tried
Nah, this is stupid. 6 buttons is just better, you're being dense

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Marathon is free on Steam right now.
Go play it.
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The Marathon games are always free via aleph one.
>Bungie has obsessively kept Marathon alive to the present day
>Hell theres a reboot coming

>For the longest time, Marathon could only be gotten through the Aleph One website
>Steam release is being done by the Aleph One devs instead of Bungie
>Reboot coming out almost 30 years since Infinity's release
>Reboot is a completely different game with Marathon's logo slapped on to it.

Damn, Bungie really has put in a ton of effort into keeping the series alive, haven't they?
I've been hearing about it for years but never played it. I guess Bungie making Halo kind of overshadowed it
>And Bungie has obsessively kept Marathon alive to the present day.
No they haven't, all they did was drop a couple references in each game they made post-Marathon before drudging up the brand to slap onto a really shitty looking PvE GaaS thing, which I'm still convinced is only call Marathon because their current host to leech from doesn't want to spend a bunch of money trying to market a AAAA GaaS piece of shit that doesn't have a recognizable name.
That's like saying Nintendo "has obsessively" kept Ice Climbers and Excitebike alive by having them show up in Smash and slapping the roms onto various services.

It's a bit ironic that iD Software actually cares more about its own legacy shooters than Bungie and Epic Games have shown to their own.
Did you know you can't even buy the Unreal series of games anymore because Epic Games or maybe their chinese overlords didn't want anybody to somehow confuse the Unreal Engine with the actual video game series? Even Unreal Tournament 3, which they said would still remain up as an updated free-to-play game, is also dead and gone only a few months after they suddenly pulled the entire franchise off from everywhere and most of those will never come back because they depended on Epic's server-side code to even try opening up the server browser.
It probably helps that id software haven't really made any IPs that exceeded the popularity or significance of Doom or Quake.

Is there something wrong with the emulator I'm using to play this or the ISO? It takes 30 or 40 seconds for the MP meter to refill every time I throw a fireball.
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Magic is OP.
The meter isn't MP its your magic stamina , it depends on the type of spell you use
Not when running for 2 seconds makes you have to wait ages for your bar to refill
I loaded my lategame save from a couple of years ago and it charges super fast, I dunno if it's based on fire skill or something I can't remember the mechanics at all
No the game just sucks

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>one analog stick
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True. I do appreciate the simplicity of the controller for jettisoning all of the bullshit and sticking to what was needed at the time. I mean normal Saturn games sure as fuck don't use all six buttons. But regardless yeah any of those things really would have helped make the controller a lot better
Sega tends to release custom sticks with games. Look at Virtua On with its twin sticks. I would imagine if DC lasted another 2 to 3 years then we would have gotten a new controller for fps games.
A Dreamcast controller S would have been sweet. Could have moved the cable out of the bottom too. Or at least make the cable longer to compensate. I mean we got to the moon in 69, I'm sure they could have figured out how to get the cable pointing up
We're in 2024 and despite wide spread forced vaccinations only about 1% of the population has autism. I just don't think it's possible to get enough people to give a shit about that neurotic obsession.

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You can't be silius.
That's rAf, man.
Insanely banging soundtrack
Don't call me Shirley.

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You did get all the cheats, didn't you?
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>People relied on me at parties and clubs to have all the options available during multiplayer.
the goldeneye multiplayer matches are the main thing i miss about the 90s club scene
I appreciate the response, but when I say "club" as a 10-year-old in 1997, I mean something more like YMCA... not a dance rave.
Trying to do Goldfinger on hardware... got all except Bodega and Vault. Fuck they're hard.

Yep, like a year ago. The only ones I vaguely remember being tough to unlock were Facility 00 agent in under 2:05 and Caverns 00 agent in under 9:30. Caverns especially, shit was really annoying
Of course I did, I'm not a scrub.

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Japanese arcades have no artwork. Thats boring. Whats the point then?
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quite possibly the dumbest question with the dumbest premises I’ve read on this board
Nta but hes right its the worst of both worlds.
leave this board, /v/ tourist
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You just want an excuse to let other men grab your ass while you play

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What's her name /vr/? For me it's Shadow of the Colossus. I can't stand what Bluepoint did to the art style and atmosphere of the PS4 version. Hardware limitations or not, give me back my gray washed out sun bleached visuals.
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If you have to live up to something that means you can't exceed it on principle. That contravenes certain unspoken guidelines of art. So no matter how hard they try the phoniness can't be hidden. It's like how localizers do everything to vindicate themselves or suck up to the parent company including telling fans on-stream that they don't know what they're talking about. Unconsciousability. Plain and simple. No force of nature is more retarding.
what game? I agree about the bloom, I dont recognize the game though.
Near. Pedophile game.
For me it's Arx Fatalis. I can't count how many times I've played through it and I really want to see how Arx Insanity pans out.

Still works
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My clock asks me to set the time everytime I boot up, does that mean the capacitors fucked?

Look. His VIC-20 acted screwy until he ran it for a while. I guess the caps were groggy and needed to wake up. Sometimes that can happen when stuff isn't powered on for a long time.
bro is in tears
I need to personally snag a motherboard and find all the old resources. I remember looking to the sky but I forgot where the sky was.

Has the hdd game

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What the fuck is up with this console family? There are so many revisions, iterations, add-ons, I don't know what the fuck is the optimal way to play these games.

Does SuprGrafx + Super CD Rom2 cover everything? What the fuck is the benefit of owning a Super CD Rom2 over an un-super CD Rom1, whatever the fuck that is?

tl;dr: how do i play grafxgaem
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Sapphire as someone else mentioned. The marketing spinecard says "really cute but really hard" which sums up the game.

Nice, there are other methods too. Like the PSP release of the PCE game.

Good catch. I am human after all. I'll try to remake the image with the correct spelling, maybe add in the DuoRX next time.
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I just modded my PC engine white console with the Zaxour Turbnonanza mod and got an Everdrive, boom you're done. Most aesthetic and lowest footprint combo IMO.
So its good shmups are definitely worth playing right? It has at least a dozen good ones worth playing today is this correct?
theres a few but not many total, barely 13 games
then another handful that are super cd-rom games with extras like improved loading

the pc engine was near deaths door by late 94
get Duo-R or Duo-RX, original Duos have bad capacitors

theres an emulation device called the SD System 3 or something that allows you to play supergrafx games on a base pc engine system
hucards are not region free
american system cards are basically collectors items
this tier list is also pretty accurate and the included video is a great guide. he also has ones for genesis and snes

pc engine has a lot of quality arcade ports in general, and some solid side-scrollers and RPGs, but ultimately its largest genre is shooters (asides from crap like quiz games and mahjong)

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Harry! Nooo!
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Home Alone 2 on genesis
Wet Bandit Harry got Sub-Zero'd
Returnal Chumpions. You can tell by that gruesome overkill move.
I grew up with the SNES version, it's not bad imo

We found the zoomer
No surprises there, Home Alone 2 was a bloodbath.

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I just played the Game Gear version of Streets of Rage 2, and found that they added in what's clearly The Predator as a boss fight in the third level. The game is otherwise faithful outside of shit that had to be removed for the game to fit onto a GG cart.
What are some other oddities snuck into ports of games, /vr/?
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Genma Onimusha had a lot of changes and new stuff but the strangest has to be the addition of the haunted doll Ayame, a Nemesis like enemy who will follow you throughout the game
Fight Night 2 Little Mac coming straight out of a nightmare.
Wait a minute? I never knew Mario was added to all these GameCube releases of games. That’s wild. How many is he in for EA during this period?
They did similar with Shinobi. I think it was Spider-Man and Batman in the game.
For some reason they did the early semi jump force look on him and it didn't work out (neither did jump force)

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how is this considered one of the hardest games ever? I beat it as a dumbass kid. even revenge of shinobi is harder
same with ecco the dolphin.hard game my ass. that's not even near the hardest games even just on sega mega drive
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The game could have been great, as it stands it was just rushed. Because of the flaws you pointed out and the general lack of polish due to being rushed, it's merely decent, but certainly not a bad game. It's actually above-average for the standards of movie-based games in general. As a matter of fact, the games based on Disney media from this era tended to be good, given that most of them were either developed by Capcom or Virgin. Virgin was surprisingly good at making games. Both the Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis versions of Aladdin are good side-scrollers for their time by any metric.
Redditors are notoriously retarded.
go back
Only in your dumb country fatass
Even bongland zoomers are starting to call it the Genesis, it's unironically over for megacucks

>#379:「ダウンタウン熱血行進曲 それゆけ大運動会」
>("Downtown Nekketsu March Go to the Sports Day")

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i like this show very much
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>watch "Retro" Game Center CX
>see them show off something that's not retro
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Marchen Maze Subs when?
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The sexual tension between these two during the divination segments is pretty ridiculous
You're an idiot.

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