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I recently replayed Morrowind for the first time in a decade, and then finished Oblivion for the first time. I'm now going to finish Skyrim for the first time, and see how it stacks up, to contrast the strengths and weaknesses of all three, and consider how the series has progressed and regressed, without the cloud of nostalgia.
Few houserules:
>no potions or alchemy
>no enchanting
>no exploits or cheese
>vendors sell at 4x and buy at 0.25x, unaffected by speech skill
>fast travel only to towns I've already walked to, 50 gold a pop
>light, minimalist modding, made a few small ones myself
Gonna split up the game into three characters that do different factions, quests, and dungeons, to stay within the archetypes I want to play as, and avoid overleveling the game.
>Breton cleric, atronach sign
Mace, shield, and crossbow. Heavy armor and restoration/alteration. College and Dawnguard. Even split magicka/health/stamina.
>Imperial paladin, lord sign.
Greatsword, bow. Heavy armor and restoration. Main quest and Imperial Legion. Even split health/stamina.
>Nord barbarian, lady sign.
Battleaxe, light armor. Companions, Stormcloaks, then main quest and the Solstheim content. Pure health. No magic allowed, just facetanking with a giant pool of HP. Only healing available will be natural regen and eating buckets of stew. Going to be pretty metal.

I've already seen elves in the introduction, day is ruined.
This was pretty funny: the ghostly apparition in Shroud Hearth Barrow, that's been haunting Ivarstead. I forgot this quest and roll up in undead-crushing mode and pop Stendarr's Aura and start hitting him with sun damage spells, and they're all doing nothing. I'm thinking to myself, "Fucking Bethesda, typical bugs, forgot to flag the ghost as undead." Turns out he's just a dickhead elf and was drinking potions to LARP like a ghost and fuck with people. Well played, you got me, game.
I always thought playing as a plain one handed and shield HA warrior would be boring, but it turned out to be the most fun playthrough I've done so far. First time utilizing shouts. Did the main quest, and now I've been just exploring dungeons and slaying dragons wearing unenchanted blades gear. With enough stamina and the perk to run while blocking, the gameplay is comfy, don't need to mess around with healing if I play properly. Found awesome dungeons too.

Difficulty seems well balanced. There's a sense of progression with low level enemies, but there's still some more challenging fights. Although if one wants more depth by making use of enchanted gear, potions and scrolls and whatever, the difficulty should be raised. Minmaxers probably need to play on max difficulty.

Also tested a bit of illusion + one-handed stealth character, and it seems fun too. Clearing out a dungeon with melee stealth attacks and utilizing illusion spells and traps felt satisfying.
Seems like most of the dungeons have at least one neat idea included. One had me helping a hagraven retake her tower from a rival. Other had me watching a witch executing her mother with a unique animation I haven't seen before. Then there's just cool scenery, and one dungeon had me fighting a forsworn on a rafter atop a fallen tower.

Pretty sure I've removed all forsworn from Skyrim at this point, actually.
You sound like the most unfun asshole.
I recently started again with the intention of beating it, since I’ve owned it from release day and had 250 hours in it but never made much real progress. I’d always get mad that my role mplaying was cockblocked or I’d just get bored. I fell hard for the “you can do anything!” meme in Bethesda games since Morrowind and it took me until the last few years to accept that there are pretty strict rules and logic to the game you must abide by. Now, I’m having decent fun.
Crazy easy game. I went with a very stock heavy armor, two-hand Nord with smithing (I think every character should touch one crafting skill, personally). I’m just rampaging through the game with little pushback, but managing to enjoy myself. I was actually so surprised to have fun that I started a side character for my first time playing Requiem for a complete opposite experience as an Imperial Legion cleric. I love that mod. It’s like playing Skyrim for the first time. It doesn’t let me fall into my usual mechanical, same-every-time way of playing.
>“you can do anything!”
It's a fair thing to say, compared to other games in and out of RPG genre, but doesn't apply to quests, even if some do offer choices/alternatives. It's best to treat quests as scripted stories you play along with.
>but doesn't apply to quests
Exactly, and it’s way more apparent in Skyrim to me because the dialogue options are given too much voice. Right away, the options for the love letter quest in Riverwood make this clear.
I think the way gear progression works also makes roleplaying hard sometimes, though. There need to be more sidegrades and equivalent gear that look different. It kind of stinks that you can’t look a certain way to compliment your character, like Legion armor only being steel in quality. Being able to pay blacksmiths to upgrade gear would help a lot - I always found it weird you couldn’t. You can buy and find potions and enchanted gear, but not upgraded armor or weapons.
Shields are badass. With the power bash + deadly bash perks, they do a ton of stagger, they are an excellent disabling move to mix in. Drains a lot of stamina, but you can either use stamina regen stew to infinitely power attack (exploit, imo), or heal stamina with restoration spells eventually.

Yup, after clearing all of Morrowind, in Oblivion I settled on only doing dungeons with a quest attached, and it's served me well. When setting up my characters I gave each a focus and favored enemies to divy up the quests and dungeons thematically, my barbarian is gonna purge all the forsworn.

Imo, games like this badly need some structure, and it's up to the player to impose it. Personally, I think the idea of "a jack of all trades character that can master every skill and join every faction" is extremely boring and not fun. Imo, it's more fun to replicate something like a class system, where every character has strengths and weaknesses, and simply use the skills you don't want to. You can even use an uncapper mod to cap them to stop them from leveling accidentally.

I'm trying to play through mostly vanilla-ish just to gauge the game, but imo the encounter zones need tweaking. For anyone who hasn't poked around under the hood, every dungeon is assigned a range of like level 15-30, if you're under 15 it will be level 15, if you're in the middle it will scale to your level, if you're above 30 it won't scale past 30. If you're at all thorough and completionist it's easy to outlevel most of the game, which gets boring. Imo the early game is usually the most fun. What I'd do for a future playthrough is mod every encounter zone to have a static level that maxes out the enemies there. If draugr max out at level 40, then it's a level 40 dungeon, and so on. Would have to work your way up through easier and lower level areas before tackling the endgame stuff.
I put the first ten levels into stamina, and later raised it to 300. I would recommend doing that with combat characters, since interrupting enemies is essential and makes for better gameplay. At least if you want to minimize restoring stamina, which can interrupt the flow. Depends on how you like to play.
>Imo, games like this badly need some structure, and it's up to the player to impose it
It should not be up to the player. If devs actually bother to make a progression system that is deep enough, they could force the player to stick to only one class for the rest of the game. The problem is that they make all classes shallow and boring as fuck to the point the player reach the maximum a single one can offer while still having 75% of game content ahead. Why wouldn't I try to go for the rest of the skill trees, then? Players tell you to "try to roleplay" bro, I'm not gonna let my character stale in one level with boring shallow skills because the progression system doesn't have anything else to offer despite knowing their game is a massive open world. Force the player to be good at one/two things or shit at everything, and they will stop doing the same god of all trades build in your game.
For me, it's requiem with 3tweaks. Maybe I should install that again.
these games are only good for big booby mods
Whats different with 3tweaks? I see that sometimes in modlists for requiem
I think you found potions that gave you skill points as loot, which was the biggest change. It changes a lot of things, though, like birth signs and spells.

IMO it made the game better, but last time I played was quite a while ago.
>Force the player to be good at one/two things
I don't need to be forced.
>they will stop doing the same god of all trades build in your game.
I don't, that is your own choice. You don't have to do all content on one character. You can make new ones.
>I don't need to be forced.
Because you conform yourself with your character being stale. For most people the entire point of rpg is having progression. Otherwise, why wouldn't I just go and play assasin's creed?
>I don't, that is your own choice. You don't have to do all content on one character. You can make new ones
This is by far the shittiest way to play. I barely replay games I really like A LOT, not way I'm gonna replay the same 20% of the game 5 times to finally reach the questslines I haven't done yet with other characters in different build.
For some reason you think the dislike for this kind of design is the player's fault for not getting adjusted to it. When in reality it should have something for everyone. Want to play with a shitty build and restart the game every 20hs? ok then, easy difficulty will allow you to do that. Want to have an actual challenge and be forced to make a good build that is not completely shallow? Then hard difficulty is there.
I don't care how you play or what you play, just don't insist that others play the way you do, and that the game should have restrictions because otherwise you choose to branch out.

I've played a warrior for 60 hours and I haven't fully perked a single warrior skill, nor have I used skills not belonging to warriors, and haven't done content not suitable for my character.

You'd have a point about deeper progression, but you for some reason believe it needs restrictions, when it doesn't.
I've now replayed Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim without mods, and Skyrim shifted into being my favorite of the series. The overall quality, design, variety and polish feels better. The world, exploration, dungeons, enemies, gameplay. I still have a preference for Morrowind, but that has more to do with presentation and the lore. Oblivion's strength was the varied quests.

I'm a bit surprised that Skyrim turned out as my favorite, but I did notice a bunch of things I had been wrong about, or didn't notice. I'll probably explore a few more dungeons (still haven't found a set of dragonbone armor), but then I'll wait for TES 6.
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>My ancestor XD
Breton + atronach sign is disgusting, and I wouldn't pick it again. Normally I never pick atronach because I don't want to deal with stunted magicka, but in Skyrim they only made it -50% regen instead of -100%, which is OP. Even without any resist magic on my gear, and intentionally leaving the quest with the resist magic reward for a later character, I'm walking around with 50% magic absorption and 55% magic resist, so enemies that cast spells on me are basically just free mana potions. Can pop the Breton racial ability for a minute of 100% absorption, too, which is even more OP. Spell absorb should have been capped at 85%, like magic resist or the armor/block cap, and the penalty should've been zero magicka regen, not merely slower.
I tried the atronach stone for a while when enemy mages started to be dangerous, but the spell absorption turned them into a boring non-issue. Changed it to something else and relied on resist potions instead.
Even in death, these foul (((vampires))) attempt to corrupt the servants of righteousness with their profane seduction.
They just ragdolled like this, I didn't pose them
I did take their clothes off, though
to sell
Just went through the Soul Cairn, what a thoroughly obnoxious and not fun area that was. Reminded me a lot of the Oblivion gates. Was cool hearing the old Dunmer voice actor though, though I noticed an inconsistency in Jiub's story (he said someone paid a random skooma addict to murder a high up Redoran, why would someone do this when the Morag Tong exists, and he said a Morag Tong assassin killed his target first and then "called the guard to cover his tracks" but when you assassinate someone for the Morag Tong it's all above board and legal and you turn in your writ to the guard and then they're cool and everything's fine, there's no need to cover your tracks.

Also, annoying as hell I'm forced to babysit Serana for this entire questline. Where's the "fuck you all, you're vampires, you're all gonna die" option for the Dawnguard?
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Down in Blackreach now, really hate this place and the Falmer in general. Never explored the whole thing. Planning on coming back on another character with Ysgramor's battleaxe that does +20% damage to all elves and cleaning house.
Be sure to fus ro dah the large orange orb
I don't think I've ever gotten far enough in the main quest to learn fus ro dah, strange but true. Gonna wrap up the Dawnguard questline with this char and start a new one and finally kill some dragons and shit.
Fus ro dah is great when you can literally btfo enemies off cliffs and whatnot, but the cooldown is too long, so I forget to use it regularly. Using the first word of the fire breath shout was great especially when you can line up enemies, and it can be used fairly often, once in a fight.

And of course, a true nord carries the amulet of talos, and the blessing if available
Once you get Dragonrend, Unrelenting Force loses utility; the first word of the former already staggers enemies and the cooldown is very fast so you can spam it.
Finished the Dawnguard quest line the other night. The Forgotten Vale area was pretty cool to explore, lot more fun than the Soul Cairn. Killed a bunch of vampires, hit level 51ish I think, called that character done. The Dawnguard quest line was fairly fun overall but being stuck with Serana was very annoying. She wasn’t a cool or interesting character, and why would a good aligned cleric/paladin type ever tag team with a vampire to begin with, or care about her family drama? The whole thing felt very forced and artificial. Plenty of character archetypes would tell her to fuck off and then go kill her and then go storm her family’s castle without her. Especially because even before becoming vampires her whole family were devout daedra worshippers.

Restarted as an Imperial knight, Biggus Dickus style. Interesting since I don’t think I’ve ever played as anything other than a Nord who joined the Stormcloaks. I know the civil war questline is just mirrored but it’s interesting seeing the other side of the dialogue. Even Hadvar says “uhhh yeah sure wish we didn’t have these torture chambers” and “uhhh yeah I guess trying to chop your head off was a duck move but you should still join us we need help” and “uhhh yeah I guess banning Talos worship didn’t go over well huh”
>interesting seeing the other side
Most interesting differences are the major players, Tullius, Rikke, Galmar, Ulfric and the couple of quests that are very different. Also the new jarls, if you're into details like that.

Overall it's a good questline. Conquering the forts is fun, loved their designs. Kinda bummed that they are manned by guards afterwards, since they were my favorite dungeon type. Heavy imperial armor is cool too, with the closed helmet.

I sleep.
>sooo, what's up bro? what you doin' later? you busy?
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A nice high elf offered me the opportunity to invest in valuable real estate. I just bought this mansion for only 25,000 Septims, financed at 20% per annum, compounded weekly. It's a bit of a fixer-upper, but I feel so safe here, with that fort right across the road, and that sturdy watchtower nearby as well. And I get to furnish it however I like!
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I've been playing a lot recently, but struggling to differentiate my cleric and paladin sufficiently in some skills and content they'll touch. Looks like you came to the conclusions I needed, so I'm going to steal your spreads (minus some tweaks since I'm playing Requiem). Thanks!
The most fun I had in Skyrim was turning off essential NPC's, larp as a Daedric half-prince and murder literally every NPC in the game with Ice magic and the Ebony Blade while wearing full Daedric Armor.

You literally feel like Sauron.
>essential NPC's
This is one of the most dismaying things about watching Bethesda over the years. In Morrowind, the essential flag was generally used sparingly, for the most part only on main quest NPCs, and it didn't make them invulnerable, it just gave you a message that you had fucked up if you killed them. The only one that most players were likely to encounter was Vivec, and the devs included an entire back route through the main quest to still finish the game even if you decide to slay him.

By Oblivion, it's widely applied to all sorts of characters, including trivial ones only involved in side quests, simply as a crutch to prevent quests from breaking due to muh radiant AI and random accidental deaths. Characters are inconsistently essential and then not essential, depending on the progress of quests, and rather than being a simple you done goofed message, they're invulnerable to prevent the player from deciding that someone should die. If you fuck up and Martin (the true player character of the game, you are merely his sidekick bro) dies, the game gives a short message and immediately takes you to the load screen, no option to keep playing.
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What wicked cruelty... to entomb a man in a bale of hay as he lies dying of thirst, a cold refreshing mead just inches out of his grasp.
>Transmute Hay tome.. what it do..?
>shit, well at least i still got my mead while i wait for my buddies t-
I started learning destruction magic with my warrior at level 30, and I like how well it works in this game, and how it breathed new life to the playthrough. It didn't take long for it to be useful, since there's always low level opponents around. Got quite a few different ways to approach encounters now. Cloak and rune spells, shield + fireball, etc.

Downside is that now I want to reroll a pure mage, make use of alchemy and the weakness to fire/fortify destruction effects and see how enemies melt.
What's a good Skyrim Modlist to play through? Preferably under 200gb.
>What's a good Skyrim Modlist to play through? Preferably under 200gb.
Play the game vanilla first, to decide for yourself what needs to be changed and why, and to appreciate what was changed and why. I absolutely cannot fathom the horror of having some autist on the internet make hundreds of different changes to the game for me, some of which I would agree with, but many I would hate and think are stupid.

Philosophically, I like small a la carte mods that only do one or two things that I chose for specific reasons. Go poke around inside the creation kit to see how things work, and make some small tweaks yourself to get your toe wet.
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Anyone fucked with any of the big modlists?

I recently downloaded Nolvus and it's pretty damn good.
Wabbajack has a bunch of good ones but I only have experience with Nolvus and Vagabond, both are huge modlists.

What's your PC build? In terms of best modlist that drastically changes up the game (combat etc) it's probably Nolvus hence it's the most popular and the safest bet (stability wise etc) but you'll need to research and find out what you're after personally. It's also like 270GB (over 350GB if you keep the archived mods)
Why do people complain about Destruction magic being weak? Seems fairly well balanced to me, and actually more effective and easier than melee. A fireball does comparable damage to one-handed weapons, except at range AND area. If spells did more damage, it would be piss easy without any danger or need for anything other than quickly spamming fireballs.

Are the complaints from people playing the game wrong, or people expecting magic to be easy mode? I'm not even using an optimal character or gear for fuck's sake. Alchemy already would double the damage output.
Destruction is strong, hell even OP in the early to mid-game. Fire spells in particular do a ridiculous amount of damage for their mana cost.

It's late game when Destruction starts to fall off hard. Every other damaging type scales with its skill. 10 vs 100 one-handed is a huge increase in damage. They also get a 100% increase in ALL damage from the first 5 perks in their skill trees + critical/bleed/armor reduction + additional damage on power attacks. And to top it off one-handed at lategame gets A. better weapons B. Smithing Enhancing and C. Enchants. Bows get even more stupid due to not only being able to upgrade their bow but the arrows as well.

Vanilla Destruction however doesn't scale with damage. Instead the higher your Destruction the less the MANA of your destruction spells cost. The only damage increase is 50% extra on Frost/Fire/Lightning in their respective trees. So eventually weapons (especially bows) will outscale destro when you're fighting shit like the Ebony Warrior who has 5000 HP and a ton of magic absorb.

Yes Alchemy "fixes" the scaling of destruction but this also applies to all other skills, is a complete hassle to continue doing during your playthrough and borderline cheating.

One of my most fun Skyrim playthrough was a pure Frost Mage though. Don't care 80% of enemies has 50% resistance to it, chucking an Ice Spear into their face is very cathartic.
My character is lvl 50, and fireballs make dungeons a breeze. Even a dragonpriest fell in under 30 seconds. All in all, seems fairly comparable to a melee character, in a non-minmaxed comparison.

You're right, frost magic rocks. It was a smart design choice for Skyrim to fuse frost/shock with damage stamina/magicka. I remember when I was in a tight spot, and learned that ice storm goes through walls. Saved my skin.

I guess I should try a stealth archer to see how it compares to the other two, if it really is as efficient as people make it out to be, but honestly I don't really enjoy the gameplay.
I've been poking around under the hood and I'm noticing a lot of weird stuff under the hood when it comes to NPCs. I understand making a monster have X HP and do Y damage arbitrarily, but I'd expect humanoid NPCs (playable races) to generally follow the same rules as the player for character building.
One, the weird scaling of their attributes like health and magicka. They get a predetermined class weighted split, but some of the classes are really weird, like non-caster warriors with zero magic that are putting points into magicka. Then every enemy automatically gains a flat 5 hp/level, and then on top they get large additive flat offset bonuses for hp and magicka as well. This is largely what produces the really HP spongey enemies at mid to high levels.
On top of this, mages get boatloads of magicka regen which makes it basically impossible to drain them of magicka, by using wards to trade your magicka for theirs, for example. But then also, the player gets HP regen, which most NPCs don't, even if they would as a playable race. NPCs also follow different rules for stamina regen and such, not suffering the delays following expenditure before regen kicks in that a player does, while also not getting the in-combat penalty that a player does.
They also don't really get all of the perks that a player would, although some predefined NPCs do have some perks, and there's also some NPC-only perks that boost their damage (including a few that reduce their damage) separately from what one would expect due to their skill levels and equipment.
I'm kinda thinking of making a couple balance mods for my own personal satisfaction for a future playthrough. I know there's a million existing mods including massive overhauls, but that's what I dislike, changing too much sweeping shit in ways that I don't like or want.
>static encounter zones set to max out each enemy type, e.g. if a draugr maxes out at level 48, then scale the zones such that a max level 'boss' will be level 48, i.e. that dungeon has a static level of 44 (boss gets a 1.1x scaling mult). this will necessitate starting out with the weakest enemy type dungeons and slowly working way up through the harder ones
>give player race NPCs and the player identical stats when it comes to regeneration, nerfing their magicka and buffing their health regen
>rebalance the predefined class attribute weights to be sensible
>remove player race NPC heath and magicka offsets entirely, all their stats should come from their class and level
This will probably involve a house rule of no using smithing tempering to boost damage and armor ratings, for fairness. Combat will be much shorter and less damage spongey, but will also mean eating more damage from enemies.
I could see these combination of changes going two ways, one, game is a lot harder and struggles early on to level up enough to achieve adequate level for the majority of dungeons which will likely be scaled to levels in the 30s and 40s
Two, once at equal level, game becomes a lot easier due to non-bloated NPCs dying more quickly. This may require tweaking enemy combat styles to make enemies more aggressive and less passive in combat, but I would hesitate to do that before playtesting.
>Combat will be much shorter and less damage spongey, but will also mean eating more damage from enemies.
Requiem does this, but this design has downsides.

First, it's easy mode. You either rush to kill the enemy, or you die and quickload.
Second, combat being over in seconds obviously means there's less to do in combat.

In practice, combat becomes easier, simpler and savescummy. It can be fun for a change. Ironically vanilla combat has more depth.

As an alternative, you could consider limiting quicksaving and healing spells. They both remove difficulty and the stakes. Getting hit or dying means nothing with them, so the game is all about just dealing damage.

Without healing and quickloads, "damage sponges" become a test of mitigating and dealing damage by various means for the duration of the fight.
Yeah, you may be right about the combat. I think I’ll just have to give it a try and see how it feels. Am currently in a dungeon with a bunch of high level draugr and their bloatmaxx HP totals just makes it feel like a chore, having to whack them 20 times with a greatsword.

My next char is gonna use zero healing magic and will himself just be a bloatmaxxed pile of HP. Be interesting to see how viable relying solely on hp regen will be. Philosophically, I already dislike and generally refuse to use healing consumables if at possible (since they just extend your damage soaking to however much you can carry or afford which is boring) and I much prefer using some limited but renewable resource (like spells) as that feels more balanced and fair.
>bloatmaxxed pile of HP
Maxing health will mean you don't have to worry about taking hits = boring

Maxing stamina means you can double your damage out put and minimize damage taken with power attacks and timed bashes = more engaging combat.

Use power attacks and there's no hp bloat.

I also recommend NOT taking the slow down block perk, so you have to rely on reflexes.
>limited but renewable resource (like spells)
There's really no downside to healing spells. They basically replace any method of reducing damage, like blocking or resist potions. Just heal up, maybe wait a second, and heal up.

One of my characters held a healing spell instead of a shield. It's a very good substitute.
The biggest issue I have with Skyrim is the lack of "good" factions or even "good" options for most quests.
You only have 4 factions and the only one that works for a good aligned character is the Mage Guild, in the rest you're either a thief, an assassin or a werewolf. You could count the Civil War too I suppose but even then...

The worst part is that the Silver Hand and Vigilants are in the game, but you have no option to join them to cleanse the world from evil. In most deadric quest, you have no choice but to do as you're told, you can't even back out of them.
>22 day old thread
>50 posts
Clearly this board loves bethesda and its perfectly reasonable to have 40 threads on bethesda games at once. Thank God the wonderful moderation protects posters like OP.
>In most deadric quest, you have no choice but to do as you're told
Aren't there options though.. destroy the staff, refuse to kill for the razor, kill the cannibal.. or don't seek out daedra lords in the first place.

But yeah, I would hope for more mundane faction quests in the future. It allows more memorable stories, but I prefer to roleplay mercs and thieves who don't deal with daedra, or death cults.
>don't seek out daedra lords in the first place
Solid advice.
>enter a house in Markath with a Vigilant of Stendarr
>forced to kill him during the quest

You can let him kill you, if you like, but the sensible option is self-defence.
>buy the studio that made Dark Messiah, one of the few first-person games with fun fantasy combat
>learn absolutely nothing from it
At this point I'm convinced TES VI will have settlements, weapon customization, 3 total skills (Mage, Warrior, Thief) and 95% of the game consisting of collecting junk (the other 5 is slapping a draugr HP sponge which scales with your level)

I don't get it. They have marketing research GOLD in their hands. You only need to look up the most popular mods for Skyrim on the Nexus and implement those in a meaningful, coherent system. Too bad the game will be made by 50 different studios, 5000 employees or hires, all over the world, half of them in India. Skyrim was made by a core team of less than a 100 people.
>Dark Messiah, one of the few first-person games with fun fantasy combat
I don't remember it being anything special compared to Skyrim. Kicking an enemy on a trap was fun a couple of times, but eventually I got bored of the game and dropped it.
Did we even play the same game?
stfu subhuman
>You can let him kill you, if you like, but the sensible option is self-defence
I would’ve been OK with this route leading to a failed quest, like the cannibal other anon mentioned, but even if you refuse to murder the guy and only kill him in self defense once he attacks you, you still get the Daedric “Good. Come downstairs and get your reward” as if you’d obeyed. I just reloaded before talking to the guy, since I considered that unacceptable.
>“Good. Come downstairs and get your reward” as if you’d obeyed
Well he is the lord of domination, so behaves like that. Not gonna ask for consent. Player character may think of that whatever they want.
Perhaps. I was thinking of it like “he ordered me to murder the vigilant in cold blood and I refused to obey”. You can either do what he says, or you can kill the dude when he attacks you, or you can let him kill you, the doors locked so you can’t leave. Rather unsatisfying options, and in the Daedric context, I’d think only the first option should get the “reward”
It does make your character feel a bit helpless for a moment, but it's a daedra lord, so kinda makes sense. At least for me it was easy to roll with it. Iirc you can defy him later.
>I also recommend NOT taking the slow down block perk
This was good advice, undid it with the console and feels better already
Yeah it is better. Enemies have attack animations that you can respond to, which already makes the combat better than Oblivion, where dodging strikes was often impossible. The slow down perk only slows you down if you know how to play. It's good for the skyrim grandmas out there.
Magic in Skyrim is so fucking shit because of the retarded two holster mechanic and causing a ratrace of metagaming to get zero mana costs on all of your spells.

I always enjoy pure melee/archers more
>two holster mechanic
It's a neat way to balance playstyles. Being able to equip anything on two hands, use shouts, and on top of that cast spells off-hand like in Oblivion would be too much, allowing more of that jack-of-all trades gameplay. Now there's more of a downside to juggling shit in your hands.
>metagaming to get zero mana costs on all of your spells. I always enjoy pure melee/archers more
Builds in TES games are finished, not when there’s nothing left to add, but nothing left to take away.
Kek that's actually accurate
One thing I’m liking relative to Oblivion is that they scaled back the goofiness of leveled gear, and common bandits winding up in Daedric and glass at sufficient levels. I modded that out in Oblivion because I found it unrealistic and obnoxious and dreaded doing so in Skyrim because there are so many leveled lists to look at editing, and settled for a simple mod that removed Daedric and dragonbone for the lists. Part of it too is that with smithing and various ores, the raw materials to make elven, orcish, glass, ebony, etc are all strewn about the land in various mines, so it’s harder to rationalize, as opposed to in game lore flatly stating “this is extremely rare and uncommon and the secrets making it are lost” and so on
>removed Daedric and dragonbone for the lists
Aren't they rare anyways? Although I did find dragonbone gauntlets at level 20 something, which was unexpected and nice.
Yeah, they are rare, just a matter of principle. Shit like that shouldn’t be a random item in a chest created from a leveled list, cheapens things. I don’t even touch D*aedric gear anyway because I won’t sully my characters hands with such depravity.
>mfw the player gets a secret bonus of +50 health, +50 magicka, +50 stamina from the start of the game
>mfw I had the bloated stats from an artificial offset this whole time
where to find those npc followers
>where to find those npc followers
Which ones? Personally I never use any, and if I’m saddled with some for a quest, I target them and toggle their AI off to keep them back and out of combat.
the followers found outside of nexus
I’m finally learning about this “Alduin” chap and the Greybeards are like “nooooo you can’t learn Dragonrend it’s evil” and I’m like “okay cool I won’t learn it then” and I peek to see if I can kill without it and he’s actually flagged invulnerable without using it. Thanks, Bethesda.
Based Morrowind-tier view distance. I think I can see Bruma from here.
I had such a kino weather when I went there that I still remember it. Reached the peak at dusk when the sun was setting, and left during the night with aurora borealis filling the sky. The sun began to rise when I finally got back down from the mountain.

Tempted to mod out the poor weather conditions the next time I play.
Flat Nirn theory is true.
Why do TES threads get bumped during yuropoor hours? Are they just a lesser pedigree than the Americans here?
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>Kogoruhn, Vvardenfell, Morrowind, 3E 427: Some fell beast, no doubt of Daedric, or at least Elv*n, origin, stacks furniture thusly in some profane and blasphemous ritual
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>Windhelm, Skyrim, 4E 201: The same sick fuck is doing the same shit, hundreds of years later
What did they mean by this
>common signs of autism
>furniture stacking
Finished the main quest for the first time. Sovngarde was pretty kino. Last fight was very underwhelming though, dragons in general are total pushovers and just don't have enough damage output unless you're very low level and they one-shot you with the snacking animation. I killed Partysnacks because I joined the Blades and swore an oath, the motherfucker was only level 10. I finished the game in the low 40s.

Gonna make a new char later this week, a magic-less Nord barbarian. Will beeline for the battleaxe with +20% damage to elves because who could ask for more in an ultimate weapon? Is the Dragonborn content cool, or is it lame? Still never seen it.
>Is the Dragonborn content cool
I'd say it's the best questline Skyrim has to offer, good content otherwise, and with the added bonus of Morrowind nostalgia. Don't expect too much though, it is still Skyrim.
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>a pile of dead elves and a shrine to Talos
Name a more iconic duo. Pro tip: you can't.
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Two piles of dead elves and a third pile of dead elves.
Not now, Pel.
Holy based. My next char is gonna wear the Crusaders Relics and go for total elf death. Gonna whip up a little mod to make the orc strongholds not be essential for starters. Maybe a lesser power that does frenzy on touch for challenging to a duel.
I like the Thalmor. Normies hate them.
>I like the Thalmor. Normies hate them.
I think most normies had their programming updated to think that the Stormcloaks are worse
I think the thalmor are gay
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Those are cabbages and onions.
You like to dance close to the fire, don’t you?
I find it kind of funny how a group that are very blatantly a nazi faction manage to trigger the redpilled /pol/chuds of this site because it just so happens that the (objectively) genetically inferior race they want to destroy is humanity.
They even call them "da joos"
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>The Emperor is getting old. Don't know how much longer he'll hang on. So is the whole Empire, for that matter. Getting old, that is. The Emperor and the legions have held the Empire together for hundreds of years. It's been a good thing, by and large. But maybe it's time for a change. Time for something young and new. What? No idea. Because I'm old. Old dog doesn't get new ideas. But maybe young folks like you should try some new ideas. I don't know. Could be messy. But change is never pretty.
>implying anything after morrowind is canon
We will never have a game like Skyrim ever again, will we? There is absolutely NOTHING like it or Morrowind/Oblivion anywhere to be seen.
I've been looking for something like it for over 15 years lol. Gotta wait a couple of years for TES VI, seems like the best bet.

Wayward Realms is something I'm keeping an eye on. I'm doubtful it will surpass TES even if it gets made, but it's an interesting project nonetheless.
>>implying anything after morrowind is canon
I personally feel this way as well, but I found the juxtaposition funny.
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Let me guess: you need more?
>hey wizard, can you enchant my axe with racism?
>sure, how racist do you want it to be
>i dunno, maybe towards anything with long ears?
>all right, gimme a day or two
>implying Morrowind is canon
Oblivion was a return to what TES was about: classic fantasy and a story about saving the empire.
Morrowind is about saving the Empire as much as Daggerfall is.
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Fuck elves!
Yes please.
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I believe it's Dagoth Ulen that stacks furniture like a madman. He starts out hostile, but if you calm him you can have dialogue about how he's going crazy with the cleaning and the furniture and stuff in Kogoruhn.
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how goes the 2nd playthrough? uning more mods this time? post your screen shot kino.
>Killed Partysnacks for a whiny bitch that bosses you around because she failed at her old job and has nothing else to do with her life
>Killed Partysnacks for a whiny bitch that bosses you around because she failed at her old job and has nothing else to do with her life
I'm imagining this post as an angry Yelp review left for the Riverwood Inn

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