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Oh look, another video where Tim Cain shits on Fallout 2. Why is he so bitter?
He’s probably being bribed and/or blackmailed.
This is what happens when you are old and have no children or grandchildren to talk to. Cautionary tale.
i liked his earlier stuff but now hes just being like any other youtuber and i dont get it
shouldnt you have like hobbies or kids or something
No, if you have friends and family and hobbies and didn't devote your life to your job then retirement is just freeing your time for the things you've already been doing, but, yeah you shouldn't leave yourself just sitting around all the time. This kind of message to posterity is usually done by ego driven people who can't let go and are afraid of death and have no genetic legacy or religion to soothe them.
Yeah, some people have no imagination because they've been conditioned towards eternal slavery. I pity them.
>going on daily walks or watching movies or playing badminton or whatever
So what you're saying is they've got no hobbies.
I mean my dad is the kind of guy who you'd say would never retire, but give him a rod, a reel, and a little boat he can take out and he'd be happy to never work again. Fishing is his hobby.
Meanwhile most boomers just schlub around because they have no idea what to do when they're not working.
Threadly reminder that Fallout 2 can't take it self seriously to such a degree that the main fucking villain is a lazy joke at Bill Clinton's expense that falls completely flat unless you are a seething Serb or a 40 year old liberal with dad humor.
>you totally sound happy
Oh don't pull that shit.
That's the most fucking brainlet response you can give.
Where did this idea that you can't be happy if you're judgemental about something even come from? Like you have to be a passive twit about everything or else you're miserable.
>Cautionary tale.
Wow thanks. Going out to have children right away, I'm very worried about this.
Because the writing for Fallout 2 was dogshit. It's why I dropped it a quarter the way through and never picked it back up. Just lazy writing all over the place.
Liberals who have been groomed into believing that if you're critical about anything, any time, anywhere, it must be because you're unhappy.
Fallout 2 does deserve to be shitted on
Fallout 2 is gayer than Tim Cain
He never mentioned Fallout 2 once in that entire video you faggot. He's right btw, the cultural references in Fallout 2 suck not only the dick but the balls too
This is his hobby also he's gay so he can't have kids.
It would be if FO2 came out later and wasn't wearing the skin of Fallout 1
he mentions it multiple times at 1:00
>Why is he so bitter?

his bussy needs a good pounding
Bethesda is still bitter that their shitty buggy games will never be as good as the classics so they resorted to paying people like him to shit talk Fallout 2 and New Vegas
Back in the day, most people who liked RPGs could enjoy RPGs from different developers without competition or mutual exclusivity. There were large overlaps between people who liked Fallout 1 and 2, with BG 1 and 2, and with Morrowind, and so on. You didn’t get this hyper-critical tribalism until years later on the internet, in echo chambers like NMA and Codex and /vrpg/
>one of the most influential vidya developers of all time
>helped create one of the biggest franchises in non-casual gaming
>resides in a room with furniture that looks like it came straight from a 90s ghetto garage sale
Is this what the gaming industry does to you? Put in 40+ years and you live like a fucking bum in a shithole.
Might as well go be a cop with a GED and probably end up with more money
Back in the mid '90s nerds felt a lot more isolated, hearing references to nerd media made us feel like we were with bros. I think it's a lot of the reason stuff like MST3K was popular

I think it's hard to imagine it for people who grew up in post- Star Wars prequels, Lord of the Rings, then marvel movie world where nerd media absorbed everything else to the point we're all sick of it
>nerd media
Movies and TV shows aren't nerd media and they never were, that's geek shit. Nerd media is books, it's just that now the two terms are conflated and every loser that likes some franchise thinks they are a nerd.
Fallout 1 also has references. He's just bitter about Fallout 2 and wants to rant more about it
What the fuck is your problem. Why are you so bitter?
His whole point is that the references in 1 are tucked away in random encounters etc, while in 2 it's all in your face all the time, and it's not funny.
substitute the word you find fitting
Son, don't go into creative fields expectin' to get rich
He's been a lead the whole time except when he asked to not be lead, JUST a Sr Dev. And he's gay with no kids. If he has a 401k he's probably a millionaire a few times over.
Son, turn into one of them gay fellers if you want financial stability
>doesn't want to argue over semantics
Fake nerd, to be honest.
This. And Chris Avellone deserves to be drawn and quartered for what he did to the Fallout franchise. If it wasn't for 2, the other Fallouts that came after it wouldn't have insufferable "humor" and dialogue. Nothing infuriates me more than faggot Codexers or NMA troons putting 2 above 1 let alone considering it a title worthy of carrying the Fallout name since they hate 3. To that extent, I don't even consider NV to be Fallout. Fallout: A Post Nuclear RPG is the only Fallout that matters.
Fallout 1 was 10 hours long. F1 and 2 felt like they wanted to make one large game but decided to release two separate games a year apart to maximize their profits. They just frontloaded the first 10 hours (F1) with all of the talking heads and good voice actors.
It's Fallout: A Post Nuclear RPG. Not Fallout "1" and my point still stands. Think about it, if it wasn't for 2 we wouldn't have to suffer the Bethesda games, NV and even the Amazon series. And don't give me the cope about "oH OnLy 1, 2 aNd nV ArE cAnOn"
I wouldn't know. I don't even think about a series of games that I hate much less argue about it with teenagers on the Internet. I like all of the Fallout games for what they are. I haven't played 76 or the BG:Dark Alliance clone game though.
>don't even think about a series of games that I hate much less argue about it with teenagers on the Internet
I'm more of a Wasteland guy. Having said that, I don't hate the Fallout games. I'm just here to stir shit up because it's hilarious to watch and easy to get Fallout fags to attack each other over which one is better.
>Fallout 1 was 10 hours long
People say stuff like this a lot, and it definitely wasn’t true back in the day when the game was new. Perhaps today with full metaknowledge of the game and optimization it might be possible, but in the mid 90s everything hadn’t been dissected yet and you could play the game for quite a while before finishing it. I think that certainly the average contemporary player took much longer than 10 hours.
With full optimization it's like 20 minutes, not 10 hours. Even completionist it's just like 20 hours
>optimizing means skipping the entire game and speedrunning just the ending
Avellone claims he wasnt at fault for 2. 2's problems are down to there not being a creative lead, thats why theres silly humour throughout because no one was supervising the writers, yes plural.
>Avellone claims he wasnt at fault for 2
Non-rhetorical question: when was the last time a big name in video games stepped up and said "Yeah, that game? I bear full responsibility for it being bad. I, personally, fucked that up, and I shoulder all of the blame for it. Not my superiors, not my underlings. Me."
i mean Avellone was the creative lead on New Vegas.
you are the biggest piece of shit in the fandom, don't pretend you arent an nma/codex fag
I don't think so, he's too based.
the guys lying and blatantly an nma fag, its the nma fags that shit on 2.
No they don't.
yes they do
I don't see you having any proof, I only hear LIES
TOD (Total Obsidian Death)
getting tranny vibes from you
You see, people in the 90s had actual social lives.
Even the nerds weren't rejects like you, they had actual lives and playing RPGs was sort of a hobby you did.
So yeah, Fallout would have taken more than 10 hours to complete. Likely closer to 25 or 30. Those 30 hours would be stretched out over a few hours on the weekend so the game could last you for months.
Not everyone is a freak that sits at his computer all day long like you, boyo.
Neither NMA or codex really shit on 2 very hard. That's a 4chan/twitch/zoomer specific thing because it's a lot harder than the first game.
No, it was definitely true for me back then because I grew up with Might and Magic and Wizardry games. Fallout felt like a shareware demo from a random website. Fallout 2 was long enough to feel like an actual game.
Didn't he write the part the male player gets raped by a super mutant.
>Neither NMA or codex really shit on 2 very hard.
This, I was playing these games back in the day when they were new and generally people who liked 1 liked 2 also. I’ve never seen a board where the consensus was “2 was shit” outside of /vrpg/
Not entirely true, shitting on FO2 for cultural references and claiming it's a lesser game is old news among hardcore Black Isle fanboys. It just got drowned out by the FO3 hate.
Meant forumites here, since NMA and Codex are of that breed.
Many used to think FO2 was the best because it had more content. Maybe people have now realized it's cheap slop.
Perhaps. I’ve never posted on NMA or Codex, it’s possible their opinions have changed, simply pointing out that it’s a modern opinion and anachronistic to project it onto contemporary feelings for the game.
Fags can't have kids so thank thank goodness for that.
>just being like any other youtuber

Anyways I love his channel. I used to try and scrounge Youtube for game dev content, and when Cain started uploading it was more than I could've hoped for. Thought-provoking stuff, not just on game design but on general stuff like team management.
NMA is dead now, but they used to shit pretty heavily on 2.
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Todd is holding a gun to his head off camera
Can be avoided, if your character have maxed strength, and you make the mutie have drug withdrawals, by feeding it drugs, then wait for withdrawal effects. Though chances of the average player actually knowing that on first run are slim. Pretty sure you can just also get that character killed by the sheriff mutie, because it is responsible for a bunch of murders.
So trve bruder
Yea, but he left because fallout 2's locations weren't written together as a whole. It makes separate areas feel super differently written yet sometimes samey aesthetically, like for example the den and new reno.
No, I've never been to or posted on NMA/Codex.
>faggot Codexers or NMA troons putting 2 above 1
I just base this off of subhumans claiming to be from there and regurgitating the same opinions on other forums.
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Reminder to ignore opinions of has-beens whose last quality contributions to gaming happened 20 years ago.
oh yeah i was about to comment about this... Man is gone and now is trying to reinvent the wheel to be relevant again...
please go back to your shit forum. or did they ban you?
It is cringe. I roll my eyes when I see monty python references in everything. LE HOLY HAND GRENADE LMAOOOOOOOOOOO
He left because Fargo cut his bonus
No they didn't. All the mods back when NMA was active were based on Fallout 2. Fallout 3 was the game they shit on.
you have no idea what you are talking about. NMA blamed 2 for ruining the series as the previous faggot was going on about because hes a NMA fag lying.
It became popular for NMA fags to hate 2 because they are purity spiralling faggots that only like the first game. To throw off accusations of them only liking the classic games they will say "well i hate 2" which completely adheres to their first preoccupation of purity spiralling. So makes perfect sense in nostalgia faggot logic.
They didn't do any of that, though. There were some arguments back in the day where people would argue about which of the two original games was the superior one, but Fallout 2 was always held in high regard. Fallout Tactics was the game that got them to slowly turn against the series. Fallout 3 was when they really lost their mind and when Something Awful started to brigade them for holding that opinion. You weren't even born back then and it shows.
No it wasn't, they were blaming it for ruining the series before 3 was released.
NMA is a forum that was made for the first game and they have hated every subsequent game ever since
You're legitimately regurgitating clueless goon memes (very poorly because even they didn't claim NMA hated Fallout 2) from 2007 and don't even realize it. You never lurked NMA prior to SA turning the Internet against them for shitting on Fallout 3. Admit it, anon. You're not fooling anyone.
all the mods that are coincidentally set around the time of Fo1? that completely disregard 2

Anon you are an idiot
Fallout Nevada feels very much like Fallout 2. You're clueless and probably never even played any full conversion.
you are so obviously a stupid nma bitch. The fact you mention SA goons just proves it because goons bullied you spergs

There used to be a long post chain by a nma sperg on the Valve forums where he seethed at 2,3 and SA bullying him
its a prequel to Fallout you retard. Who cares what you think about "feeling"
They used the new engine to fart out Fo1 sequels and prequels
I like how your entire opinion of NMA from 20 years ago was formed because you read a post from some guy on the Valve forums. Like I said--you're a clueless retard.
Anyone that has any familiarity with the internet hates NMA fags and NMA adjacents
If you're going to hate a website, at least hate them for the correct reason. They didn't hate Fallout 2. It was held in high regard by nearly everyone there. Marcus is their logo.
a lot of them hated 2 for adding the Enclave too purely because they hated the faction becoming popular and them being edgy anarchists and tankies and slavscum that hate the US.
Thats why you get the continually crying and seething over the Enclave continuing to be portrayed in the games.
i hate you faggots because you ruin Fallout discussion for the majority of fans with your inane retarded troll posting. That has been going on for 23 years non-stop.
You're angry at 15 year old chantards pretending to be middle aged men that posted on a tiny website 20 years ago. You're just too stupid, unfamiliar with the original games, and underage to not take the bait from other anons.
NMA fags are genXers and boomers that think Fallout is a vehicle for their anarchist political hatreds and use it to attack other communities.
And you people are complete bitches too the types that go on the attack and cry when people start attacking back.
They don't give a fuck about politics. That's SA, anon.
Don't lie. Why the fuck is it always you types lying?
You can go lurk their forums right now and see decades worth of posts. Link me some anarchist "political hatreds."
anon most of the users are openly communists/anarchists
They have political threads and constantly bring it up.
Pathetic liar.
Yeah, I'm just seeing posts about Fallout. Their most recent posts are about how the show is dumb and "filled with cuckoldry." Ok.
You are mentally ill, proving why people are right to hate you people
It sounds like you're just obsessed with some guy on the Valve forums and since he mentioned NMA once, you're now obsessed with them, too. Again, if you're going to hate something, at least have your reasons make sense.
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I played The Outer Worlds and I don't believe him
i know better to argue with you types nowadays you are just bad faith trolls

Emil clowning on you retards kinda proved you people are just intellectually disabled liars.
I don't even have an account there. I never did, anon. I was just around back then and am familiar with how and why the drama surrounding them started. You apparently aren't. I did lurk there a lot though because that was the place for mods, patches, save editors, etc for the original games. SA initially started to hate them because Lowtax created a thread about how some forum member there hit his spouse or some shit and he started losing his mind about it. Sound familiar? It wasn't until years later that goons discovered how Lowtax would beat his own wife.
You start out right next to Vault City in Nevada. You never played it.
Just to drive the point home for anon:


>Ideological and plot the continuation of Fallout 2.
>The central importance is the social, economic and psychological aspects.
>The high degree of authenticity of the locations.
>The presence of black and toilet humor.
i imagine he had very very little input and was there just to put his name on it.
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>I hate references
>does references
>one rank of the strong back, or two?
>The game is set in the territory of Nevada state before the first Fallout.
>first fallout

No one is obligated to play russian fan mods you imbecilic lying cunt
Again, you haven't even played the mod because if you have, you'd know that all of the lore and the story itself is based on what is in Fallout 2 not Fallout 1. I don't even know why I'm wasting my time trying to explain this to a retarded kid that won't even bother playing it anyway even though it's fully translated into English. The date that the game starts isn't of any consequence when the creators were obviously making a sequel to Fallout 2.
>Literally says it's a sequel to Fallout 2
literally says its a prequel to the first Fallout. Holy shit you esl slavs are subhumanly low iq its hilarious.
Again exact same source you linked, EXPLICITLY. says the game is set BEFORE the first Fallout.
You know what that means esl slav? it means its a prequel to Fo1.
No buts you are wrong and imbecilic,
>plot is the continuation of Fallout 2
>Fallout 2
You are retarded and sperging about a mod you've never played.
>Fallout: Nevada is an amateur unofficial prequel to the Fallout game.

>Fallout: Nevada is a fan-made prequel to the original Fallout.

>Fallout: Nevada is a mod for Fallout 2 that takes place in Nevada during 2140, about 20 Years before the Events of Fallout 1.
you are the one sperging out because you are low iq and don't understand English.
Every single source including your own one you posted says its set BEFORE Fallout 1.

Are you mentally impaired you retarded faggot?
you are severely confused because you never played any of the games and don't understand the lore.
Yes Vault City was in 2, but Vault City existed before Fallout 1.
Basically you are a moron and you should be quiet
Was New Reno and Gecko also in Fallout 1? Because the mod is centered around those places. The mod is actually proto Fallout 2 from a lore and story standpoint. They just didn't want to include shit like mutants so it takes place before Fallout 1.
You are excellent proof that a subset of the Fallout fandom is just stupid and can't read.
You are losing your fucking mind over a mod that you haven't played. Take your fucking meds, you psycho.
You are claiming a mod set before Fallout 1 is actually set after 2.
You are losing your mind, go see a shrink you fucking moronic schizo
hands down the most pathetic thing ive ever witnessed on here.
Accept you are wrong and stfu.
It's a mod that's chronologically set before Fallout 1 but based on Fallout 2 lore and story. Just play it and stop being retarded.
Angry samefag
Anon you are wrong your failure to accept you are wrong means you are an idiot.

You said
>Fallout 2 is what the fan mods are made with
you were rebuked by being pointed out that all of them are set around or before Fallout 1. They are merely using the engine to make mods based on Fo1 because they PREFER 1.
Honest question: have you actually played the mod? It's totally trying to be Fallout 2 even down to its humor that it badly tries to ape. The only locations that show up in the mod are either Fallout 2 locations or places that are proto Fallout 2. That's why that wikipage says that "it's a continuation of Fallout 2."
can you answer me honestly? Do you have a mental problem?

Not only Nevada but
1.5 is set before 2
Sonora is also set before 2

They are all set BEFORE 2, none are a sequel to 2.
I don't care about 1.5 or Sonora. Nevada does take place before 2 but it's a spiritual prequel to it. That's why the wikipage says it continues the plot of 2.
>its a prequel
lol good i accept your concession. Not only is it a prequel to 2 its a prequel to 1.

>Fallout of Nevada is a fan-made mod for Fallout 2 the size of Fallout 2 (let that sink a little) and acts as a prequel to Fallout 1. It has few of the typical features of the series. No super mutants, no Brotherhood of Steel, dollars instead of bottlecaps, power armor is almost non-existent and the world is strangely logical. And yet it feels like fallout to the very core. It's kind of a prequel to the both of Fallout 1 and 2, taking place 20 years before the first of them. The story revolves around Vault 8 in its early years after the opening. Some locations and characters make a return, but mostly the game stands on its own pretty well.
Oh, and the reason why no one makes a sequel to 2 is because that is too close to Fallout 3 territory which no one on NMA wants to touch. Everyone pretends that the series ended at 2 so only the time before 2 and before 1 exists in their mind.
You don't understand--they legitimately can't and won't make a sequel to 2 before of Bethesda so the only sequels that they can make are prequels. If you are actually familiar with some one the posters over there, that would make sense to you.
*because of Bethesda
The point was some idiot said 2 is not hated. Then if 2 is not hated why is every single mod based around the first game
i'm trying to translate your garbage English but from what i can tell you are trying to say Bethesda stopped them from making prequels.
No you retarded kid, thats bullshit. There was a decade between 2 and 3.
making sequels*
All of those full conversion mods that you listed were released way after Fallout 3 was created.
this is teenage tier lying, whats your iq? I bet its low
1.5 was started in 2003. Why cant you stop lying?
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Stop being an angry samefag. Fallout 2 is not hated over there. You can see posts on that website going back decades and I'm not seeing any Fallout 2 hate at all. Marcus used to be the website's logo, dummy. The ONLY place on the internet where I see hate for Fallout 2 is this fucking shithole from edgy contrarian teenagers like yourself.
Thats not the reason and you are full of shit
so are you.

Bethesda doesnt have any say on when people set fan mods
stop being an angry retard lying AND samefagging.
this level of lying isnt normal but typical of you NMA idiots
They legitimately pretend that Fallout 3 doesn't exist. That's why there is a separate subforum for Fallout 3 and even mentioning it elsewhere will get you a ban (or at least it used to). Not joking.
Go and actually look at their forum. It has a 3 section, hell it even has a 76 section.
Notice the section it doesnt have Tactics.
Thats the one that upset them the most and they pretend doesnt exist
I didn't know know that they were working on it for that long because it didn't release in English until 2017 or so. I know that Nevada and the other ones weren't started until after Fallout 3.

>Why cant you stop lying
It's called a mistake. Not everyone is out to get you, anon.
>Fallout Tactics Help & Tech

It's there, anon.
These projects usually take a decade to make. The idea that Bethesda has any say on what a bunch of slavs are doing is ridiculous.

The point still stands people that are from NMA and have their mindset prefer 1 and increasingly disliked every game after 1.
2 was not liked, then they moved onto Tactics.

I once read a NMA sperg chastise Avellone for making 2 and ruining the series and then in the same fucking paragraph claimed Van Buren made by Avellone was their last chance of a Fallout taken from them
theres no section to it in the game discussion section
Safe to say people that invested in video games are mentally ill
Fallout 2 was liked by them, though. You keep saying that they hated it but they never did. You keep talking about one guy. I'm sure *someone* fits your description but it doesn't describe their mindset as a whole. I agree about them hating everything from Tactics on, though. That was how I discovered NMA back in the day. I remembering really liking Tactics when it released and when I looked for a forum to discuss the game with, I ended up there lmfao. They couldn't move past the deathclaws having fur.
They did because anon, i hate 2 and prefer 1 but for a good reason and those guys are more extreme than me.
They hate it because it has cheesey poofs.
I hate it for being set too far in the future
NMA has a classic purity spiralling problem where the only way to fit in is to just say you like the first game then hate everything else.
With the exception of NV that they seem to like purely out of spite for 3.
Even now, I see threads in general Fallout discussion like "Fallout 2's story is epic" and "Who is your favorite companion and why is it Marcus? There was one thread back in the day where there was an argument about Fallout 1 vs Fallout 2 right after Fallout 3 released that was mocked relentlessly on SA. People created memes about some militant NMA guy that hated Fallout 2 or at least pretended to because he was so mad about Bethesda's attempts at humor. That might be what you're thinking of since that's probably the website's most famous thread.
They don't hate Fallout 2 and never did.
theres a sizeable amount of the users that hate 2
You can go back to 2000 and read the the threads there. Just click the last page--it's actually interesting reading all of that old shit. They were so hyped for a potential Fallout 3 and then you can see the mood slowly change as Tactics was released lmfao. All of the accounts are "guest" now for some reason. I guess they were banned for inactivity or some shit. Even way way back in the day, I'm not seeing a single bad comment about Fallout 2.
literally did. Theres even a thread where a mod asks why the people who like Fo2 more than 1 think that.
With a bunch of posts calling 2 fans idiots.
I'm not seeing anything like that. It's actually so much more civil that the terrible conversations I have with you horrible retards. It makes me wish the Internet was still like it was in the early 2000s.
you are insane. The toxic mess of Fallout discussion comes from you NMA retards. They literally owned up to it, some of the older ones mellowed out or died(lol) but even then they state their corrosive attitudes rubs off on impressionable teens that find the shithole.
The only forum ive seen that is worse than them is rpgcodex but whose to say the rpgcodex became that way because of nma fags
You talk as if you have a personal beef with one or more guys from there. Anyone can click their general fallout discussion forum, click the last page, and read it. They seem like literal saints compared to any thread you see on 4chan nowadays. It's nothing but gushing positivity in comparison which is hilarious because /v/ and SA has turned NMA into such a boogieman.
i do, they got me banned from a forum by mass brigading a post i made reporting me for inciting a flame war (trolling) .
It was literally my first post ever on an internet forum.

Btw i found the aforementioned thread of a NMA sperg talking on a Valve fan forum

Post no. 17 pretty much sums up their early mindset.

Heres another good look into the mindset

NMA fags are trolls, pre-4chan trolls. They are the sort of trolls that run ddos attacks on forums, send death threats to people and other crap. Then cry their eyes out that they are the victims.
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Like look at this happy motherfucker. Someone should make a compilation of happy NMA posts juxtaposed with angry ones from the Fallout 3 era.
its even funnier after that guys wall of spastic seething at bethesda for 3 he says this
>will get the game propably. And play it through. I got FOT shortly after it's release after all.

>Quite propably I will play a large role in overhauling the game to fit Fallout.

As one of the moderators who quit a while ago said all NMA members and people like them are hypocrites, they play the Bethesda games while crying about them as a hobby and attacking anyone that openly admits to it.
I don't really get the context of your obsession. Are you still angry at some guy from back in 2007 or some shit? I know all about the drama between SA and NMA. I talked about it here: >>3484669
Unlike NMA, I actually had a SA account once upon a time but I lurked both places.
its not an obsession, i even lurk NMA a bit before i get tired of reading their dumb posts. I hate the forum for deliberately lowering the quality of discussion in a game series i enjoy.
I've argued with them on and off for decades at this point. Hands down they are the most insufferable group ive ever met on the internet.
I'm reading that valve thread out of curiosity now and even the NMA guy you're obsessed with says this in his first post:

>We received two excellent games, Fallout and Fallout 2, and are currently preparing for the 10th anniversary of their release. It all went downhill afterwards, together with Interplay (Herve Caen was in part responsible

That basically mirrors what NMA has always thought for as long as I've lurked the place. He seems to also enjoy Fallout 2. Like I said, the hate with the series all started with Tactics but didn't hit a boiling point until Bethesda released a video hyping Fallout 3 prior to its release. I think that video had numetal playing as the protag was targeting/gibbing enemies in VATS. I remember NMA losing their minds over it.
The guy says this
>Then came the light. Van Buren. Fallout 3. Real Fallout 3. J.E. Sawyer, one of the few remaining Fallout 2 designers was the lead designer.

>In retrospect, after analyzing the concept art and salvaged design documents (I still wonder how Odin got them), it was generally agreed that it would be a true successor to Fallout and Fallout 2. Well devleoped, coherent storyline, fleshed out characters, multiple options of gameplay, retro 50s stylisation and no illogical parts, like in Fallout 2 (eg. extreme amounts of Monty Python). The tech demo later confirmed it.

The guy though Sawyer worked on 2. like every NMA fag is the same fanboy that mysteriously doesnt understand shit about the series hes obsessed with
>hypocrites, they play the Bethesda games while crying about them as a hobby and attacking anyone that openly admits to it.
Obviously, they wouldn't be so fucking obsessed with hating them unless they played them for hundreds of hours.

There are games I don't like. Do I play them? Of course not. Do I even talk about them? Of course not. I have no good reason to do so.
Yeah, he's wrong about that. Still, as wrong and as autistic as he is, the man is still undeniably passionate about Fallout 1 and 2. I recognize his name now and Roshambo. That's the guy that was seething about Fallout 2's jokes I think. You have to admit, those two guys are outliers and were made out to be laughing stocks in the SA thread due to how zealous they were about the series. The more that I read his posts nowadays, the more that I kind of agree with nearly everything. I've still always enjoyed the Bethesda games for what they are even though I believe they paled in comparison to the first two games from an RPG standpoint.
Damn, that SA post did not age well. They try and make a joke out of what the NMA guys are saying but it all came true.
Sassy old man who has made 0 good games since coming out as a Gay Nigga he seems like a good guy though
Goons are contrarian self-hating nerds. Their whole gimmick was to mock people who gave a shit about anything because they were afraid to openly care about anything for fear of being mocked for it. That's why they latched onto progressive politics, because it was deemed untouchable and it allowed them to continue hating their peers.
Irony poisoning and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
>t. SA oldfag
the point was they were baiting the NMA fags. They recognised NMA fags are lolcows.
Literally just trolls trolling trolls
It read like they were sucking off Oblivion with Guns as a concept to me. The guy that wrote it is probably the biggest Starfield fan ever.
the eventual total vindication of the Xbox 360 era codex/NMA is inspiring
In the article he even says "Oblivion with guns? That sounds fucking awesome to me!" He comes off like a huge tool in hindsight.
>oblivion devs remove crossbows and mock fans who want them in the game
>same devs go whoa oblivion with guns that would be cool
Really makes u think
Historically gay men would support their extended familly with their disposable income. Everyone would have that uncle that never married "for some reason" that you could turn to. Modern individualism killed that off.
christ you faggots are colossal hypocrites, dob't pretend you arent NV fan boys.
Aka Oblivion with cowboy guns
I enjoyed NV but I'm not a fanboy. I even enjoyed Todd's games for what they are even though I think they're dramatically worse than the original games. Everything isn't black and white, anon.
>To that extent, I don't even consider NV to be Fallout
I'd like to say that's unfair because it put a lot of effort into unfucking 2's plot into something reasonable, but then I remembered
>Lonesome Road
and I hate Avellone all over again.
you literally cannot shit on Fo3 and then enjoy NV for the same thing.

Thats why people cant take nma/codex fags seriously.

They chimped out at Fo3 being first person and Oblivion with guns but then are apparently fine with NV also being that.
Don't even get me started on fags that classify NV as a crpg while claiming fps games are not crpgs
>Thats why people cant take nma/codex fags seriously.
I never used those websites unless I needed to download a patch or something for the original games. I just grew up with F1/2 and feel like Bethesda's attempts aren't nearly as good. I also feel like NV isn't that good either but all of the 3d games are worth a playthrough or two just for some mindless exploring. That SA article is basically celebrating the fact that Fallout 3 would be casualized because "isometric is outdated and shitty."

I wonder how the guy who wrote that article feels about stuff like BG3? It would be interesting to see if he still feels the same about isometric RPGs today.

This. Everybody goes ape shit over it when it's really a nothing burger. I didn't have a problem with it back then, but newer shit obviously sucks with references. Times change.
I play Fo1 when it was released then 2. And i love them as games, I played 2 again shortly before hearing the 3 announcement.
I was surprised and excited to be getting a first person Fallout because of how immersive itd be,
You see the entire beat up over it being first person came from NMA, they aren't your own opinions
i played*
>You see the entire beat up over it being first person came from NMA, they aren't your own opinions

It sounds like you're letting those guys live rent free in your head, lmfao. I formed my opinion by playing the games. The website is dead, anon. They can't hurt you anymore.
they are quite literally not your opinions and fuck off repeating this gay rent free meme you boring sob
I already called you out as a nma fag earlier you lying dipshit
Take meds
go lie on a train track
he's probably a poster they banned for being mentally ill. very common to see years longs sour grapes from these guys.
i literally have never been banned from NMA because ive never been a member. Stfu you actual mentally ill NMA nigger
You people need to get your arses kicked
I need my arse licked *sits on your face*
NMA fags once again proving they are subhuman stupid shits fucking up Fallout discussion for 27 years
He's right. Fallout 2 is fucking awful. It's borderlands for smug 90's nerds.
>Wow thanks. Going out to have children right away, I'm very worried about this.
Just remember that divorced men whose children hate them end up even worse.
I'm pretty sure he's being sarcastic, little guy.
Fallout 2 has some goofy shit (san francisco kung fu) but it's still miles above the shit bethesda puts out
But it's not a nothing burger, anon. It's a full blown AIDS burger. References sucked then and it sucks now because it doesn't add anything, takes up space and serves as a crutch. Usually to hide poor tone setting, poor writing, etc. Not to mention it doesn't last and is only good for a laugh. Just because you have a fickle sense of taste doesn't mean others do as well. When subhumans defend 2, it's usually to defend the dogshit NV as well and have their "perfect" trilogy when really everything that makes Fallout good is in Fallout: A Post Nuclear RPG.
It's hilarious to see the kinds of cope Obsiditroons use to defend NV like
>muh 18 month dev time
Obsidian had a few years head start because the concepts were already planned during Van Buren.
>b-b-but Bethesda engine
Obsidian could've said no.
>muh metacritic bonus
It should be a good thing that it got 84 because it was way too generous. It should've been in the 60s considering what a buggy piece of shit the glorified expansion pack was back then and still is to this day.
>It's hilarious to see the kinds of cope Obsiditroons use to defend NV like
I like how no one did that ITT yet you and that guy insists it's happening, anyway.
2's problems are the 9 months they had to develop it
This. And I think it turned out pretty damn good considering. It's far more replayable than the first game due to the sheer amount of content. The lame jokes don't even bother me. The lack of talking heads are kind of annoying, though. That was probably due to having a tiny budget and the time crunch.
Pretty much. Maybe I'd feel way worse if I wasn't just a kid when it released and was older so could seethe about it real good but now with a ton of mods (even talking heads got added to it) doesn't seem bad at all. Besides gave more content for fans to make their own fallout fangames which somehow are superior
>Besides gave more content for fans to make their own fallout fangames which somehow are superior

I tried playing those and they all felt pretty rough to me compared to Fallout 1 and 2 but they're still worth a playthrough if you're desperate for more Fallout content.
The references in the original are usually optional encounters or spaced apart much more intelligently. In Fallout 2 it starts a few minutes in with the temple guy saying "fear is the mind killer" and it basically never stops.
Im not onions enough to get it, whats the reference?
Now off yourself because you haven't read Dune yet you're on here, reading inane bullshit made by retards, social rejects and diaper wearing manchildren.
You expect these manchildren to have sense of responsibility?
that would be as stupid as taking full credit for a game being good. lots of people work on video games. retard focusing on names because marketing likes to push them is retarded, that's why "celeb-dev" threads are so bad.
>temple guy saying "fear is the mind killer"
Well they're NOT likely to be fully responsible for something that's being worked on by a lot of people, even if they're the lead. Being a LEAD doesn't mean you do the work for others, you lead them to the best of your capabilities AND possibilities. You can't tell them
>"do good work ON schedule"
Try to lead a group of 10 people on a complicated project for years. Try it with a hundred. Hope you got a talented team and no interpersonal problems in there.

I really dislike the brainlet impulse of needing to point fingers on a single issue/person.
>a team effort is one person's fault

Very mature of you
>Very mature of you
People used to understand that leadership obligated taking responsibility. It’s not “I get the credit when it’s good and it’s everyone else’s fault but mine when it’s bad”
so wouldn't that be the owners of the studio?
I don't care about the NMAfreeks or the Bethesda soiboi youtuber crowd but he's right about cultural references.

There's a joke in 2 and a half men after charlie sheen is replaced and the tech bro character makes a joke about the zune. Now I love the zune, the first gen was an amazing rebrand, the 2nd gen squircle was fucking love and the ZHD is an engineering marvel that outdid the touch at it's own game on everything but the app store.
However, it, like the guardians of the galaxy is a joke that says HAHA REMEMBER THE ZUNE HAHA and anybody born after the year 2004 is like what the fuck is this honky talkin about senpai fr fr no cap what the fuck is a zune bro and at most, at most they will have seen zune guys tattoo.
Cultural references date a work and they rarely pass onto further generations. You can put a reference in FO6 about the Ouya if you want but bro, in 2038 when the game is released it is already dated, in 2049 it will be lost to time only existing in the dark web where the internet archive will live.
>t. the buck doesn’t stop here
Who cares? Most people just ignore jokes they don't find funny. I didn't even catch the reference that you're talking about and I'm almost 40. Fallout 2's jokes are usually delivered straight so if you don't understand the reference, it doesn't disrupt the conversation.
bc the pop culture shit is obnoxious in fo2
like i get doing a few here and there or having whole factions based off some show or movie bc that's exactly how people write their tabletop games
but in a fuckin vidya game i'm going to see a computer shitting out a "i'm sorry dave i can't do that" line every fuckin time i load a cell with terminals in it it gets fuckin old and annoying
references do date and limit the reach of your work. look at something like DE, it's a product of its time and isn't self-contained, so you're going to get people that can't engage with it, while something like planescape operates within its own space and is fairly timeless.
not really desu
nevada has a unique feel and sonora is like a jacked fo1 as the story is pretty linear with map progression but you see the effect of your decisions as the towns change after major events
i.e. btfoing the phoenix church and killing the slavers
>nevada has a unique feel
It felt like a bad slav Fallout 2 (with deranged "humor" like a gaping butthole special encounter) to me. I agree that Sonora felt like a jacked Fallout 1, though. The encounter rate in that mod is absolutely fucked, too. You can't move more than a few millimeters without running into a random encounter.
Fallout 2 did go too heavy on cultural references. I played it when it came out and never finished it because of them.
That I still remember it for overdoing those references even 20 years later just shows how excessive it was.
I don't understand how you could have read the back of the box and still bought the game if you were so bothered by stuff like that. It literally bragged about how you could pimp out your wife and become a porn star. It bragged about its memes in the advertising for the game.
that butthole is a movie reference tho?
that's why the shampoo kills it, head and shoulders product placement from the mobie
>That I still remember it for overdoing those references even 20 years later just shows how
autistic you are.
Because literally the only game he is widely known for is a glorified tech demo (around 12 hours to 100% it), with plagiarised music, most skills being used once or twice throughout the entire game, and so riddled with bugs that, even to this day, some haven't been fixed by fan patches.

>B...but Arcanum
95% of it was written by Chad Moore, and it's carried entirely by the writing, setting, and music.
Wouldn't he be more widely known for Outer Worlds? Simply because more people played it and it's newer and no one knows anything about the old Fallout games or who made them.
Nobody played Outer Worlds.
No, millions played it, far more than Fallout 1, they just probably forgot about it.
Bro you have no idea.
A person who finds out who made the game probably also finds out Cain did Fallout. It was in the trailer too.

Average player probably cares little about about the names the game.
he also didn't write Fallout.
>Tim Cain? Oh he's the guy who made Outer Worlds and that old Fallout game I've never played.
>make 1 (ONE) good game
>gloat about it till you're senile
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Eat shit, fag. I will stand by my opinion that Fallout: A Post Nuclear RPG is the only Fallout that matters until the day I die.
These were all me btw
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>will never be as good as the classics
kek. and somehow their games got best reviews, more sales and way more people playing it. face it tranny, the old games suck.
>Cain did Fallout
Yeah, he was behind the original concept, a guy who believed in the project from the beginning and carried it through the hard times till the end, but what did he actually do besides engine that was Fallout's worst part? Postapoc theme was suggested by either Boyarski or Anderson, the art was also theirs. The writing was done by Scott Bennie. Design and SPECIAL? Chris Taylor. I like him but honestly looking at the credits i am getting the impression that he is a glorified idea guy who happens to also code.
Also, he is a Microsoft employee now.
I did and i liked it enough for two playthrough, despite its many, MANY flaws. It also made me appreciate Fallout 3 way more than i did before.
>"yea he's the reason the game exists but.."
>"did he even do anything?"
If you gotta diminish even this, just tells how clueless/bitter you are.
>glorified idea guy
>who also happens to code
Kek he has made it easier for "idea guys" to add shit to his games.

Come on, man. Yes, it's a team effort.
Fair enough. I stand corrected.
You're a good anon. Can't fault you for not knowing. The development process for any game is always some convoluted deep lore shit, hard to know who did what exactly and why.
Also me
Yeah I saw the Tim Caine video too and no not all blame is an orphan lol
He didn't and wouldn't say that. More likely he'll say something more passive-aggressive or even sarcastic tone like "Yeah, that game? I bear bull responsibility for it being bad. I, Chris Avellone, personally, fucked that up, and I shoulder all of the blame for it. Not my superiors, not my underlings except the one's who went on vacation instead of working on the game. Me." with a heavy gay commiefornian valley accent.
and look how that turned out
I like his videos
>Why is he so bitter?
Fat and gay
The first thing you see in the first game is a cultural reference.
hes based
that's kinda why "from the guy who made [game]" usually doesn't work. games are group efforts, a genius director can get fucked over by a bad team and a shit director who got popular may not get the right people to balance his retardedness
What is? The skeleton by the vault? I feel lile the first pop culture thing you run into in F1 is the "onions green is people" in junktown and even then you won't quite put the pieces together until the hub. There's also the jacket being right out of mad max.
>References sucked then and it sucks now because it doesn't add anything, takes up space and serves as a crutch.
reddit moment
Bitterness and spite is the way of the homosexual.
/vrpg/ is gays bickering
"You see Ed. Ed's dead." is a reference, but it's the kind of reference Cain likes, one that you won't recognize as a reference if you're unfamiliar with it.

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