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Why isn't there any love for their CRPG games? My personally favorite is Avadon and Avernum.
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Weird theory. Who gave it to you?
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the book can be found in koth's lair
this guy kept releasing games until they all turned into bangers
I still consider Avadon weak, but thats because I just didn't care for the major Redbeard plot.

With the cancellation of a number of games and now this, does Final Fantasy still has a shot at relevancy or will this truly be THE Final Fantasy?
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It would be poetic if FF7 was their last FF game.
That's not what poetic means
ptolemaic then
probably due to people dont want to spend another couple of $$$ to play sequel and knowing there still one coming next and they have to pay same amount of $$$ to that
>Movies older than color television teach many valuable lessons to anyone smart enough to watch.
They are still plenty entertaining beyond just being valueable lessons. Try watching something that isn't Citizen Kane. It's like a zoomer who won't play an NES game because it's "outdated" but will say they are still important.

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I wish there was actual BG3 game like previous two, not this gay slop that got shat out
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I also agree with both of you.
Turn-based is just the best formula to design RPG combat.
RTWP is decent but the problem is that its an obvious inferior imitation of RTS gameplay.
Action RPG is good but to make it you have to make concession around actual RPG mechanics in favor of skill based and reflexes, take the Souls trilogy for example, they do have good action rpg combat system but that comes at the expense of rpg mechanics and other gameplay aspects.
So you again face the same issue, being inferior to actual action games.

Both RTWP and Action system are fine, but they are clearly very flawed systems for RPGs, the only one that can work without much flaws is the turn based one where it compliments all RPG design choices that you can think of.
There is also shooters which can work in FPS simply because shooting isn't super complicated to implement.

For RPGs gameplay
Turn-based > Shooter > RTWP > Action (third person)
being turn-based isn't even remotely enough to make bg3 a good game
bg3 is everything thats wrong with modern gaming
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You people are so hilariously dramatic
You have no idea what you are talking about. I suggest that you go back and read through how RPG design evolved, how action resolution evolved, and the concession that was made for turn-based resolution. To claim that the ideal they always strived for is the flawed system and not the system they settled for is simply ignorance of the facts. You favor it because you're being a hipster and mistaking the rules paraphernalia for something inherently important.

What goes into making a good rpg companion, /vrpg/?
fake thread.

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why does square have such a hard on for mini games?
This just seems like a retarded anti-square thread (there's been a lot of them lately huh? Notice things)

What is the comfiest jrpg?
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Fuck off
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What exactly is the problem here, autism-kun?
>What traumatised all the millenial men so much that they seek being comforted everywhere?
People have been enjoying escapist literature for hundreds of years. What do you think King Arthur, Robin Hood, and Treasure Island are?
>King Arthur
Wouldn't exactly call a story about cuckoldry, betreyal, everything going to shit and being forced to kill your own son "comfy".
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If we're being empirical about it, it's probably Pokemon.
Not only in that practically nothing can compete with it in terms of the amount of people that are going to have nostalgia attached to the series, but also that it's setting, themes, and vibes are very warm, happy positive stuff while not going so far as to completely strip away all sense of adventure.
The gameplay loop itself also contributes - the process of catching, battling, exploring etc. is super easy to dive into but with enough going on that you can get engrossed in it as well.

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/tv/fag here, I picked up Baldur's Gate 3 because my friend shilled it to me. I don't understand how anyone takes games seriously. Everyone is retardedly verbose and overacted. Even the mocap looks awful, everyone moves like that coked up squirrel from that shit animated movie Foodfight. The narrator sounds like she works at a phone sex line, and despite video game developers being able to put the camera literally wherever they want and do whatever they want with it, scenes are often too zoomed it, framed poorly, and directed in the most bland way imaginable. No one's face moves convincingly, people just switch between preset emotional states like robots and the lip sync is atrocious, God only knows why they zoom in on faces during conversations. You have next to no reason to give a shit about any of the conflicts in the game, yet the game expects you to butt in and give your epic protagonist opinion on everything, and if you don't, children will literally die because you weren't being a super cool hero every second of your existence. It's ego serving trash for boring people to feel like they have a moral code. That is all.
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>I don't associate with those people anymore
You did them a service lol
>booo why won't you talk to people you have to go out and talk to people uuuuu
It would've been funny if those had all been made up delusions due to the brain worms
That could have had potential. They meet people from what their think is their old life and are baffled at how no-one recognises them and thinks they're dead. The big twist is that you are the tadpole, just a confused one who thinks he is the memories he has eaten.
Monogatari is such a good show
So intellectually deep

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When will gamers get on Todd's level?
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Still WAY better than bg3. People shilling against it are trannies.
its only boring because bethesda did it
I bet you would rather explore bear gay cock.
Main virtue of BG3 is the ease of sex modding.
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What are some RPGs where I can be evil?
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That all sounds small time. The Board from Outer Worlds is 5 times as evil as a character that does all that crap you describe in Fallout 1.5, they make him look like a literal saint by comparison

>Sells Bumble to Eulogy Jones
>"Wonderful! Here's your 330,000 bottle caps as promised, partner. Looks like we'll both be laughing all the way to the bank tonight. Maybe I'll even hire a plumber and buy myself a golden toilet to shit in."
Not interested in your shitty game shill
What's evil about raping and killing niggermen
pillars of eternity
rogue trader
bg3 i guess? could never finish it
This only really becomes pertinent right at the end. During the game proper you can be as loathsome of a cunt as you want.

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Was thinking of getting NWN2 just to play Mask of the Betrayer (given its reputation). I've never played a NWN game though. Should I be fine to skip the OC? I watched an hour or two of both on YT and the OC looks like the cheesiest fantasy schlock, whereas the opening section of MotB was kino as fuck. Also, more importantly, the modules for these games are a big selling point, so are there any that you guys like?

Basically discussion both NWN games, which expansions you like, and which modules. I'm open to trying out both games
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Who the fuck thinks it's a good idea to design a module in which you actually have to die and respawn to beat it?

No fucking joke, tried Swordflight years ago and quit when the first encounter, a bunch of rats, left me unable to continue without resting. Of course, I was punished for resting. For some time I though I was at fault for being a scrub, but perhaps the blame was not 100% on me.
Rats as an early encounter became an RPG trope, so they probably made them into super-rats as a joke. Their dev team would have giggled through the whole thing and for weeks afterwards.
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>For some time I though I was at fault for being a scrub, but perhaps the blame was not 100% on me.
The cellar rat fight is no joke the hardest fight in chapter 1. Even with a meta fighter build they'll still fuck you up.

Yes i get the joke (HAHAHAAHAAHA WOULDN'T IT BEE FUNNEEE IF LE RATS WUZ LE SUPER STRONK LIKE IN LE FALLOUT 2 & LE RABBIT IN LE MONTEY PYTHON?!?!?!?!?!?!). Doesn't change the fact it's retarded fucking encounter design, and there's no excuse since after you kill the rats a wererat turns up and you can resolve the situation peacefully anyway. Why do you have to kill the rats for the wererat to appear? If he was tucked away in the back rooms and a peaceful resolution was possible from the beginning, that would teach the player to look around first instead of grug smashing everything in their path.

BTW, another pro-tip; There is literally no point using sword & board in this module. Your AC will literally never be high enough to consistently beat the trash mobs' +attack, and if you aren't using two-handed weapons you will not deal enough damage
Just a tip in case you ever replay it: rat encounter resolves peacefully as a ranger/druid and trivially as a wizard/sorcerer. The first one gets an animal empathy check, the second one (depending on your character creation choice) gets uber low-level summon with 25/+1 DR which can wipe rats out.
The rest are screwed, even though the rats have standard stats, because low-level ac and hp don't protect well against d20 attack with +4 to hit dealing a hefty part of your current hit points pool. Even with all potion buffs available.
Use MDL override that will change your dialogue box, either one from "Reborn UI" or the one from "Larger and more readable font with UI adjustments". The latter works for DE guaranteed but you can't reposition the dialogue window.
As for the Swordflight: always prebuff and use every mechanic you know of to your advantage. Otherwise encounters just break the poor implementation of 3e that is NwN unless you're a somewhat high-level caster class.

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This is one of the best RPGs I have ever played.
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>this site is full of babies honestly.
Yeah, people sperging out because someone said mean things about their favorite games is pretty babyish, I agree
>I should have left with Moot back in 2014.
What's stopping you from leaving now, faggot?
Anyway, that other Anon is right. JA2 and 3 are fucking great. And they're not CRPGs, but if you want more of the combat, pick up the XCOM games if you haven't already. And as for branching stories, check out Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines
>I like playing goodie two shoes
well lohse is probably the most 'goody 2 shoes" and if she's already too spicy you might want to go custom yeah
I guess the problem is Larian did not take interactivity even FURTHER. The issue is things must be one way or another, either the tieflings kill the druids or have the adventurers fix their mistakes OR let the druids kick out the Tieflings to leave them at the mercy of the goblins( which understandably, they have every right to ).

The conflict in the grove here is that both leaders are quite selfish. We the player should be allowed to confront Zevlor about the children being thieving cunts and endlessly enabling his kin's behaviour will be their undoing. We should be able to confront Kagha about her power grab and convince the grove's elders to demote her and change course.

One crucial choice is we the player should be allowed to to is to bring the tieflings and druids together and convince them that they need to work together to solve the real problem. An army of goblins RIGHT AT THEIR FUCKING DOORSTEP. Which should lead to a far cooler outcome. An alliance siege of the goblin camp where the Adventurers land the killing blow on their leadership. Inverting the absolute's invasion plan on the grove.

TLDR: Act 1 should be about bringing people together to solve real problems over their petty squabbles.

p.s. I hate these stupid captchas.
>needs even MORE interactivity!
Ain't that the case always, sister. A bit unrealistic though.

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Seeing as how Eiyuden seems to have left a lot of people unsatisfied, and half the discussion ended up being suikoden focused anyways, why not a proper thread.

Favorite game?
Favorite Castle?
Favorite rune?
Favorite Star of Destiny?

In my order
3, 1, Soul Eater, Chris.
Feel free to continue to talk shit about EC too if you'd like.
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She is also cute. And I find her antics endearing.
Just bite the bullet anon, Suikoden 5 has one of the harshest and tightest windows. While we're on this topic which games do you all think were the easiest to hardest recruitment-wise?
1 and 3 are both pretty easy. 1 just being remarkably straight forward and 3 has some weird ones but there's not really as strict a cut off point either.
I remember missing Leon once and it left me distraught. I never really got Leon's and Mace's precise recruitment window...
>>you come across some guy who loves Runes
That dude reminds me of Genthru for some reason

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Recently beat crystal, emerald and black on my phone, need a new touch control game to play while I take a shit. I'm a huge pokefag.
Never was that into 2D zelda so I'm asking for turn based and slow paced game recommendations. Cheers, RPG enjoyers
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BG3 is very fitting for the toilet
every turn based game that isn't a Pokemon
BG3 gameplay is watered down dogshit
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Pokemon games are such basic bitch shit it's impossible for me to enjoy nowadays.
Bad taste

does anyone have any good rpg maker games about menhera girls? i thought hello charlotte was pretty alright, idk if i'd really consider HalOPE to be in the same vein but there's gotta be some better shit with similar vibes out there
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yume nikki is really good, and yume 2kki. lisa the first is probably my favorite nikki-like, it's story is a little more accessible ig.
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Black Souls is about romance with multiple menhera girls. Male MC.
YTTD has the female MC go slightly mad over the course of the game, though really it's just an expression of intense guilt and I'm not sure if she counts.
Witch's House can be seen as one, right? Not really niche though.
Seraphic Blue
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hnnng need vincent bf
anyways play deep-sea prisoner/funamusea's games if you havent already, theres 3 of them in english you can find them on vgperson's tl site

Seraphic Blue/Devil of the Mirror/Blank Dream are your closest bets, doubt you can find anything more related.

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Do you also struggle to name characters in vidya?
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and yes I do struggle very much, at least on the first playthrough. If I like the lore enough I'll take a past name or something from another character and go from there
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No. I already have go-to names for both genders if the game lets me use only one character.
If it's a jrpg where I have to name an entire party then I'll usually go with a theme like for example pasta names for males and pasta sauce names for females. Or herbs, tea, coffee, anything really as long as there's a theme.
I'm always half afraid whenever I have to choose a name someone else in the game will show up WITH that name. It's never actually happened. But I worry about it anyways.
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Take their name and be the superior character.

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