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Why isn't there any love for their CRPG games? My personally favorite is Avadon and Avernum.
His games made sense during the CRPG drought, and there are some interesting ones like Geneforge or Nethergate, but for the most part they're very niche titles. Today he's outdone by every indie that gives the genre a go.
it's more like intentionally refuses to invest in presentation which is primarily how you get people's attention. he realize cutting on that is how he makes money. then again, these games did put his kid through college so he knows what he's doing.
Could never get into anything but geneforge.
*Also I hate that he just kept zooming out his games so he could keep reusing the same tile art from 640x480 games at higher resolutions, I literally can't see what is going on
If you played one you played them all.
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Jeff Vogel is based
>Jeff Vogel
Why is every indie developer from Seattle?
I have to change my monitor's resolution to play them without going insane now
playing escape from the pit, its great, destroyed the glowing rock in the glowie spook base, now I'm going to find the rest of the keys so I can kill the lizard king, and some blind guy tried to assassinate me with an army golems.
Really enjoyed Avernum, the remake. The pseudo metroidvania exploration elements were really neat. How are the sequels?

Oh, also really enjoyed the item progression. Every magical, or even just decent, item felt like a real reward. Not just something to throw on the pile of other '+5 Longswords of Doom' I looted from a single group of enemies.

Avadon is on my shortlist for games to play next, after I finish my current IWDII:EE. Really interested on seeing how it feels in comparison to Avernum and how decent the NPC companions are.
There are two things I dislike about this game, the lack of soundtrack, and the inventory interface.
The inventory is a pain the ass to organize.
I love them, Geneforge is my favorite but I also like Avernum, Avadon and Queen's Wish.
They look like mobile shovelware, I am no graphic whore but this is just too generic and lazy
How's the Geneforge 2 remake? As good as Mutagen?
Vogel's a real life genius, he has gone on record saying he is only interested in story elements and how to make the plot interesting and choices meaningful.
>Oh, also really enjoyed the item progression. Every magical, or even just decent, item felt like a real reward. Not just something to throw on the pile of other '+5 Longswords of Doom' I looted from a single group of enemies.
That's called good itemization. Something a shitton of far bigger devs, with pretensions at competence, tend to completely fuck up in their games.
Well then he shouldn't mind giving us a 5th party slot then.
I recently finally finished Geneforge 5 and it was much more fun than the last time I tried (that playthrough I didn't finish). Played on Hard as a servile and went melee, mind magic and blessing magic. Torment is aptly named for all his games and not worth it for me.

Geneforge 1 is still probably the best in the series. Haven't tried Mutagen. I got a bit tired of the series around... 3, I think? I would recommend not playing the series without pause inbetween. I did have a pause between 4 and 5, iirc.

Nethergate (Resurrection) was pretty good, although I couldn't get into it when I tried it again. I might have been playing on Torment that time, too, which might explain why I dropped it the second time. Love the mystical tone to it, with you venturing into the hostile unknown, and the way you're in over your head.

I didn't like Avernum as much. 2 and 3 do have some stuff that sounds interesting, though, but I don't think I'm gonna try them.
Worst part of playing the geneforge series is how hyped up I got imagining the world from his hinting when you're at the periphery of it in the first couple of games and then when I actually go to it in a later game it's generic crap like a one man production could make. Obviously I should have expected it but I wanted to believe
Don't like that you can't make your own character.
you can though?
where do I find the third book of dispel barrier in EFTP
I tried Escape from the Pit and while I liked it and quit in frustration since my party never seemed to be able to deal with the challenges all too well. And how every boss fight basically became a gimmick. Maybe I should try with another party.
Is he going to remake Avernum 4-6? Loved the other games.
hmm I might be retarded, never mind
>That's called good itemization.
I want more of that.
Every game I've played by him plays, looks, and sounds exactly the same. He has legitimately made the same 6/10 game about 15 times.
Looking at a savefile, I think I played the default party but replaced Rebel with Rogue and focused on archery.
>They look like mobile shovelware,
I must be blind but they look like early PC 2000's RPG games
Queen's wish isn't even 3/10
I like it but mostly for the funny spoiled brat dialogue options, that and the family banter was entertaining.
Looks like prime tier grognard faggotry, that's why
No one leaves their house because of the shitty weather. Perfect environment for coding.
I'm still waiting for the rest of their games to go on sale for 80% or more.
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Because his games look really unintresting and unrecognizable.
When i look at this i dont really want to play this game it looks like shovelware to me.
When you show someone a screenshot of Minecraft people instantly know its Minecraft when you show someone a screenshot of Undertale people instantly know its Undertale but if you showed someone a screenshot of one of his games they would probably struggle to try to recognize what game that is even if they are a spiderweb fan because its all just stock assets there is nothing iconic about his games.
Theres nothing that really stands out about the gameplay or story either.
His games are just really... bland is the best word to descibe them i guess.
They feel almost like you asked AI to generate you a game it gives off that vibe.
But thats fine since his stans arent really there for the games anyways they are there for their parasocial relationship with the developer and the games only serve as a way to financially support their idol.
His games play exactly like they look, too.
Tax incentives
>Because his games look really unintresting and unrecognizable.
How???? They look like comfy 2000's CRPG gaem.
>his stans arent really there for the games anyways they are there for their parasocial relationship with the developer and the games only serve as a way to financially support their idol
lol @ this retarded twitter kid wandering in here
You have to jam weapon skills and sex for a few levels, if the enemy gets the first turn it's very hard to win, also if you can't hit anything.
Sigh... Dex
gives new meaning to escape from the pit...
>using the word stan to describe anything
Please, kill yourself
I've made several Spiderweb threads in the past and they all struggled to go past 12 replies. I suppose there are a lot Spiderweb chads online today.
and then he made queens shit...
Heard BGII was a pretty big inspiration for it. How are the NPC's?
a few really memorable ones, the rest are boring
i played Blades of Exile but got bored of it. cool ideas but not as cool as Neverwinter-N 1.

i did buy the Geneforge games but never got about playing them. hopefully they can still work on "new" hardware when i finally install them before GOG or my HDD or my online backups die.
stupid zoomers never played 2D CRPGs inspired by Ultima 6...
where I can the third book of dispel barrier in avernum escape from the pit ?
buy the official guide
if you like or are even just open to traditional roguelikes, you should check out Lost Flame. some of the best itemization ever.
>early access "soulslike" roguelike with awful graphics and more than 10 bucks
good itemization ain't enough to sell me on that
it's also just an excellent roguelike that innovates while still very much being traditional. the artstyle grew on me and the "soulslike" tag just means it has a lot of large, multi-tile enemies and a focus on melee combat mechanics (unlike most other trad roguelikes where melee is extremely simple).

if ten bucks is a lot of money for you, that's too bad. it is easily as good or better than the other top rated trad roguelikes.
also itemization is not a minor thing at all in trad roguelikes. it's one of the most important elements in the genre and lost flame does it the best.
I made a tank, an archer and two mages. Tank would sit there and aggro everyone just by existing. It would take all of the squares around him being filled in order for an enemy to be interested in anyone else. He could take so much abuse, too. Man, what a cool party.
no, and vogel should make a sci-fi game.
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Don't worry about Vogel. He's living a very happy life making the sort of thing he loves: 7/10 games that satisfy a very particular passionate niche audience.

50 years from now, a very particular sort of weirdo is still going to be stumbling upon Avernum and finding it scratches an itch they never knew they had.
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You don't know the half of it.

Never got this, and I played all 6. How the hell do you make a tank? There's no aggro, enemies always seem to go for the last guy that hit them, so in yur case your tank would maybe keep a guy or 2 but the rest would go for the mages
These games are all terrible to mediocre and the gimmick of the guy is having a troupe of failed devs with nogame fellating the guy for releasing trash consistently every year like clockwork
>There's no aggro
its one those perk things that you can pick up every two levels.
Weird theory. Who gave it to you?
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the book can be found in koth's lair
this guy kept releasing games until they all turned into bangers
I still consider Avadon weak, but thats because I just didn't care for the major Redbeard plot.
So how's that Geneforge 2 remake?
Geneforge is sci-fi.
He's a leftoid pushing idpol slop and has been since the 90s. Exile 1 has faggots.
I mean given what you could get exiled for being tossed into what most assume is a literal hell that'd be one of the reasons.
I love his games in general, but Queen's Wish is just shit and I wish he would have given up on it in favour of putting more time into remaking the Geneforge games.

Nethergate and the first Avernum trilogy are some of my favourite RPGs.
Okay, fine, I will reinstall Geneforge and Avernum.
Every single game he's made is just Exile, but with a different title.
Are the stories any good or just generic fantasy?
Inconceivable. He would have to work to redesign all assets instead of reutilizing the same shit from almost thirty years ago.
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What is the best tool to develop a Spiderweb-like RPG for someone with zero programming knowledge?
you say that like it's a bad thing
literally no one else did lore in an RPG like Geneforge. closest would be Xenogear/Blade series. i guess if you want higher quality and waifus, just play the Xenoblade games instead.

geneforge 1 really got my imagination going, but even geneforge gets lamer and lamer in every sequel because every suggestion and mystery gets filled in with something dull and stupid
nothing else I tried did anything for me
RPGMaker, Godot, Unity, GameMaker, Flare
>with zero programming knowledge?
crpgs are bad
Geneforge 1-3 are the only really actually good Spiderweb games. The others are alright. The "remakes" are lemonsqueezing though.
The reason these games are good, despite simple writing and half-retarded gameplay (that at times is alright) is the world-building
It's a good game but he just keeps releasing 90% identical ones over and over.
You can absolutely make a game in RPGMaker with no programming knowledge but it'll be a shitty dragon quest clone.
3 is the shittiest in the series. 1 and 2 were amazing and deserved a better sequel.

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