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/tv/fag here, I picked up Baldur's Gate 3 because my friend shilled it to me. I don't understand how anyone takes games seriously. Everyone is retardedly verbose and overacted. Even the mocap looks awful, everyone moves like that coked up squirrel from that shit animated movie Foodfight. The narrator sounds like she works at a phone sex line, and despite video game developers being able to put the camera literally wherever they want and do whatever they want with it, scenes are often too zoomed it, framed poorly, and directed in the most bland way imaginable. No one's face moves convincingly, people just switch between preset emotional states like robots and the lip sync is atrocious, God only knows why they zoom in on faces during conversations. You have next to no reason to give a shit about any of the conflicts in the game, yet the game expects you to butt in and give your epic protagonist opinion on everything, and if you don't, children will literally die because you weren't being a super cool hero every second of your existence. It's ego serving trash for boring people to feel like they have a moral code. That is all.
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If you were a true Seinfeld fan you would get it.
The game is bad.
>playing westoid slop
ur right its shit
The weird part about is is how many fans can’t even be nuanced about it like “yeah, X and Y and Z were dumb, but overall I still had fun and liked the game” it always has to be “it’s objectively one of the greatest games of all time and it’s a litmus test because everyone who dislikes anything about it for any reason is a drooling retard and they’re [deflection and ad hominems]” and so on. I think secretly on the inside they know it sucks but they’re emotionally invested in defending the game. It’s an extension of the self.
>you just have to agree with the negative IQ way I frame the game to be allowed to discuss it, I'm an intellectual!!!!!
Thank you for the pithy illustration, anon.
You should stick to The Last of Us, Red Dead Redemption and Uncharted, those games are more suited for you lmao
You mistake is assuming that people want to take things seriously anymore. The era of sincere and honest fantasy is long passed and we are now in wacky lol so funneh silly 5e crap.
'sincere and honest fantasy' is boring exposition for 95% of the runtime usually tho, why would you bore yourself with that shit, just read a wiki page lol

it's not like being in a fantasy world would mean there aren't silly people anymore
>fag here
>it's not like being in a fantasy world would mean there aren't silly people anymore

No. But there's being a bit "silly" and then there's being a walking meme factory.
Serious dark fantasy you got here, faggot.
If you wanted to make this bait more believable, you'd have began by calling yourself a /lit/fag. TV/film is barely a step above bideo games when it comes to artistry.
I'll take Lord Foreshadow and Larry, Darryl, and Darryl over this, easily.
BG3 is fucking FILLED with boring exposition you nigger
I wonder if the game would be at least slightly better if companions were written to have an actual life outside of lusting for the PC
In BG2 many characters were married or had a family
>dark fantasy
I remember some years back when I still made half-hearted to attempts to be social, I went to a "game night." A few of my friends were playing Dragon Age. I watched for a little, being a fan of RPGs since forever. What I was presented with: a "romance" scene involving some turbo-fag minotaur unironically called "the bull" or something like that, a beardless dwarf, some prissy femboy elf and every other homosexual postmodern trope you could imagine. They were basedjacking about how cool it was, and my jaw just dropped with what pure shit. Little did I know, I had seen the future of RPGs that night. I don't associate with those people anymore.
>bioware buckbroke me into being hikikomori
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They all do have fantastical, over-the-top backstories.
Wyll is a famous hero and high-society nobleman. Gale is an archmage with lots of powerful wizard friends and a personal connection to the god of magic. And so on.
It seems to work against them and they come across as empty. Maybe it's that their background feels fake and fraudulent, because they're level 1. Maybe it's that when everyone is super amazing and unique, no-one is.
>I don't associate with those people anymore
You did them a service lol
>booo why won't you talk to people you have to go out and talk to people uuuuu
It would've been funny if those had all been made up delusions due to the brain worms
That could have had potential. They meet people from what their think is their old life and are baffled at how no-one recognises them and thinks they're dead. The big twist is that you are the tadpole, just a confused one who thinks he is the memories he has eaten.
Monogatari is such a good show
So intellectually deep
That would’ve been more interesting than what we got. It’s like as they revised the plot and characters throughout development they systematically removed any good ideas and kept the shit ones.
WTF? Is BG3 really like this?
Every time i read these retarded posts im glad the retards here dont write games, they would flop massively.
Casual moviegamerfag gets filtered by playing a CRPG
many such cases.
Nigger, you can't even capitalize I.
BG3 is the most casual RPG that's come out since Oblivion
is it seething polish retard hours already
Really? Turn based combat with tabletop ruleset is casual?
Baldur's Gate 3 has more Steam reviews than Skyrim + Skyrim Special Edition combined. Yes, it's casual.
>Baldur's Gate 3 has more Steam reviews than Skyrim + Skyrim Special Edition combined
Crazy that we aren't allowed to have even one thread discussing it here without some idiot foaming at the mouth and spamming threads hating on the game in a desperate attempt to divide and undermine discussion, but we can have 70 simultaneous threads on elder scrolls. And the retarded moderation defends this.
Thats because Steam got bigger, if Skyrim released today (adjusted for users) it would break 1Million reviews.
Yes the fact is that CRPGs will filter moviegamefags that anon is completely right.
All it takes is just one look at Youtube/Instagram where casual games reside and its obvious that a lot of them got filtered by it.
Baldur's Gate 3 may be more accessible and popular than your average CRPG but compared to cinematic movie games and open world action rpgs its way more niche.
Also steam reviews are not a viable metric to measure casuals/popularity.
Skyrim is the top RPG when it comes to sales, surpassing 65Million copies.
BG3 main popularity is on Steam, on console it didnt do well and outside of Steam game underperformed, the sales are not even top 5 in 2023. Please stop posting trash and inform yourself.
So the only way a game is not casual is when no one plays it? Is that rpg maker game I never finished as a kid certified kino?
Its not, i have heard countless of people complaining about it, they find it complex or they dont like turn based because its "boring" according to casuals its either hard or boring.

Casual gamer prefers action gameplay over turnbased, that is a known fact, the only turn based games they can stomach are games like Pokemon

BG3 being a CRPG filtered hunderd of thousands of gamers like OP and many others.
First 1 month the game was out there was endless amount of threads crying about the game being too hard even on easy, you can visit various amount of internet forums and boards, its not until Youtubers made guides and explained the rules to them that they started to get along fairly well, thats why if you search Baldur's Gate 3 guide on Youtube you get videos with 2.5M views and more explaining basic shit to casuals so they get to enjoy the winner of Game of the Year.

By winning GOTY and scoring so high, naturally any casual gamer that is interested in gaming will want to check the game out.

These retarded basement dwelling nerds that exist here on vrpg are not the standard, if one retard here claims delusional shit it doesnt make it true.
I wonder if Baldur's Gate 3 had a set up difficulty on Tactician and you cannot change it down like in Elden Ring or Tactics Ogre, i wonder how many people would bounce off it? im sure it will be millions of players.
>casuals learn to enjoy turn based
The end is nigh. How will I keep my street creed?
Where does this misconception about turn based being automatically hardcore come from? Board games are literally grandma tier.
Yeah casuals learned BG3, that is a fact.
Also any casual can learn any game, casuals are not retards they are just people that are not serious about the hobby that is their basic definition
So if you take any casual and teach them the rules and how any game works with some time they will master it.

Yeah truth hurts, for le hardcore RPG gamers, the truth that casuals can learn your game and master it, the cold hard truth, you are not special or unique for playing your niche hardcore rpgs.
Not to mention D&D is extremely popular these days anyway.
Fact that crpg had to switch to real time because babies kept whining about it? You think Infinity engine games weren't turn based because of star aligment or something?
I'm switching to final fantasy. No one likes it anymore.
Its not that its hardcore, its just that in today's climate casual gamers prefer action and real time games because to them its less "boring"
That is talking about turn based.
But talking about CRPGs they struggle to get into them because of the complicated ruleset, once they learn it and actually put time into them its a no problem but many casuals are too lazy and are not willing to do that, but if they are genuinely interested they can.
Its a just a mindset, casual gamers are not serious about the hobby so they will instead stick to their simplified moviegames where you can watch a lot of cutscenes in high quality, follow through a story and occasionally put some input and thought into the game design.
This is how the market works, why do you think Final Fantasy changed completely over the years?
Why do you think RPGs over the years transformed from proper RPGs to action/adventure with rpg elements? its to meet more audience and sell more, casuals love this shit.
Its popular only among RPG enthusiasts, because today its more accessible that in the past.
But among your average Console owner (majority of gamers) or even PC gamers (majority of multiplayer games like Fortnite and LoL) its not really popular, its like chess, yeah its known and all but it has its community with its enthusiasts that talk about it so it can seem bigger than it actually is.
Nice try
I think BG3 does the idea of creating epic fantasy well, conversations feeling authentic to the setting and sprinkled with simple moral dilemmas to make you feel like the hero or villain... which is kind of the point.
However, I feel it does those things in a very cheap way, and letting external voices dictate what should and shouldn't be in a robust fantasy world like Forgotten Realms. Eh, it's very hit or miss, some of the content is pretty good, others like your example are not.
Fortunately for BG3, there's so much variety of content that you can easily play it two or three times and experience something completely new, so a lot of its shortcomings can be overcome if you're in the mind right to do it.
It's mediocre in depth, but fairly good in scope.
I wonder if Starfield did well how would BG3 have fared in that year? because i remember they delayed it 1 month earlier to avoid clashing with it, thinking that Starfield is going to sweep sales.

BG3 success was kind of an anomaly, i would never expected a Crpg like it to become successful and win this many awards especially against Zelda of all things.

I guess it helps that RPG fans are starved for a good RPG to invest into, i guess that fact and the fact that PC gamers were hyping it up to be their next big exclusive were two factors among that contributed to its success, we rarely get games like this for PC these days, if the game is slightly big its console first PC later but this one was PC first and thats probably why it did well on steam as well.
I can see a timeline where Starfield is an actual revolutionary title with innovative systems that takes the world by storm and thus making BG3 completely irrelevant, but Todd and his team fucked up and shat their bed (again)
The word of mouth, critical reputation, awards, Bioware void that they filled, PC centric design ,breath of fresh air among many consecutive AAA fuck ups, turn based enthusiasts lining up to prove a point that this system is not outdated and support for one of the last good devs in the west were all good factors that helped BG3 reach its success.
And the marketing segment with the bear sparked the buzz around the game even more.

Its a lighting in a bottle moment for them.
They made it turn based specifically because normalfags would get filtered by rtwp.
But anon, RTWP was itself invented to chase the 90s RTS craze and appeal to normalfags...
>coping this hard
You're right but the LGBTZ are gonna seethe because it's *their game*.
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>You have next to no reason to give a shit about any of the conflicts in the game
Also, RPGs tend to force you to "care" about a conflict because your character is being affected by it, despite the fact that you usually have no reason to actually care about your own guy. But since gamers are so full of themselves they literally equate the personality devoid husk walking around with themselves, or have created the character's entire backstory in their head, so of course they like them. Ego serving is an understatement.
I noticed that too
The absolute funniest scenario of this thing happening is when people correctly identify the game as "woke". Now I don't really care if the game is woke or not because I don't automatically think woke=bad. But it seems like everyone who likes the game will try to deny it.
>noo you can kill all the trannies and gays
>noo the drag queen works in a circus
>larian is based and redpilled like me and it doesn't matter that the city of baldurs gate is incredibly diverse
Seems like the fake right-wing, the one that still loves immigrants, gays and trannies, tried to relabel "woke" to mean lefties, so they could get away with still supporting all the same things.
Woke=bad is a truism provided a sufficient understanding of what woke actually means, however wokeness is hardly the biggest problem with BG3
At this point "woke" is when white people are involved in some way. Opposing wokeness is when you shill for china, worship muslims and fellate all the based third worlders.
kys pedo
It's both, really.
One big meme and boring, too.
Make another 300 threads and maybe people will finally hate bg3.
At least you're trying, but no, this is a misguided take.
Woke, like many other "charged words" is amorphous by design. Just talking about what it means brings down the iq of everyone involved in the discussion by 30 points (yes this means us as well). Woke is just another shitty umbrella term that is so broadly defined and means different things to different people that at this point just bringing up "woke" or "anti-woke" is retarded in itself. It works only as gasoline to the already smoldering fire and inflammates any discussion of an actual definable issue to the endless and meaningless pseudo-tribal "culture wars" of Team A vs Team B, where nuance is forbidden and you can only be totally on board or you're the enemy.
The solution would be to talk about actual issues you can define and actually have some kind of sensible argument around, at least in theory.
Currently "woke" only works as a smoke screen for people who want to hinder any sensible discussion about issues and smother it in the sea of screeching from both sides invoking the word brings.
Reject woke as a term, it's irredeemably contaminated. Don't even use it in quotation marks. Talk about defined issues and reject any attempt to drag the discussion into woke vs. anti-woke.
Have a good day.
Frankfurt school. Cultural Bolshevism.
I enjoyed playing the early access right when it came out, but personally what made me dislike BG3 was simply playing through the launch version of the game from start to finish. Imagine letting this place influence your opinion on anything.
Because all these anti-bg3 posts are coming from brainrotted culture warriors who didn't even play the game. Without exception. It's blatantly obvious and you faggots are not as clever as you think you are. Nobody thinks this game is perfect and without flaws. Larian's forum was filled with nothing but criticism for the game when it came out due to abundance of bugs, crashes, missing QOL features, rapey companions and a number of other issues. No one was blindly jerking it off. There is a difference between constrictive criticism and shitposters with a chip on their shoulder screaming about how the game they never played is the worst game/rpg ever made.
Kys Mahirotranny
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If I typed that I would have said something that would have made you much angrier.
Buzzword and not an argument.
>Turn based combat with tabletop ruleset is casual?
Wow D&D 5e, a system that can be played by literal toddlers that are barely paying attention.
>BG3 success was kind of an anomaly
Anyone following the game since the early access knew it was going to be huge.
>Just talking about what it means brings down the iq of everyone involved in the discussion by 30 points (yes this means us as well)
The problem is that gamers like you, especially fans of escapist RPGs, are usually very insulated and ignorant of anything going on in the real world. Your primary exposure to terms like this comes from other rock-dwellers like yourself, so of course discussions about semantics will seem retarded to you.

>The solution would be to talk about actual issues you can define and actually have some kind of sensible argument around, at least in theory.
Sure, but it helps to be able to discuss topics without having to spoonfeed concepts to the lowest common denominator every single time. Imagine trying to discuss American Country music without being able to use terms like God or Christian.

Woke originated as a positive term among leftists "woke" to the "truth" about systemic racism and critical race theory-- the idea that simply being fair and unbiased isn't enough, "the system" is biased (toward straight white men) must be subverted and undermined by purposeful activism. LGBTetc adopt the same strategies and so are often included in the "woke" umbrella.
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Nigger, I did drop it after 50 hours and have huge list of issues and every time I tried to discuss it the answer was "nuh-uh" or "lol ur taste sucks". I liked DO:S 2 immensely and despite BG3 being the same mechanically I hated it. Fanboys or chronic contrarians don't want to discuss this game and its issues as much as culture warriors, redditor cancer that turned /v/ into shitflinging central seeped out to all vidya boards and now we are where we are.
Why are you trying to be sensible? What? You think you're better than us, you fucking woke trannymaxxing incel chud Marxist christcuck gamer girl feminist anti sockpuppet contrarian neo-vagina having fence sitting contrarian right wing neo-con subhuman libtard consoomer e-celeb voice actor pro-unionization anti-group collectivist pajeet luddite piece of white filth?
i love the game but i know.
its literally just a dnd campaign and everyone acts like this is the first time its been done.
>Why are you trying to be sensible?
It's not actually sensible. He's pretending to appear sensible.
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>Nigger, I did drop it after 50 hours
>I liked DO:S 2 immensely and despite BG3 being the same mechanically
Fucking idiot.
>Because all these anti-bg3 posts are coming from brainrotted culture warriors who didn't even play the game.
False. Many people who are critical of the game have indeed played and finished it, hence their disappointment.
>Nobody thinks this game is perfect and without flaws.
It’s been my experience on /vrpg/ the vast majority of pro-BG3 posters are unable to accept even mild and nuanced criticism without getting hysterical and attacking those discussing aspects of the game that they disliked.
>There is a difference between constrictive criticism and shitposters with a chip on their shoulder screaming about how the game they never played is the worst game/rpg ever made.
This is a true statement, however my experience is that the people on this board who liked BG3 generally respond to the former as if it is the latter. I’ve seen a great deal of arguments about BG3 on this board, and I’ve seen one (1) poster capable of adequately defending the game on its merits, which I respected even if I disagreed with him. It’s generally a litany of
>the game sold well therefore it’s good
>you only hate the game because of trannies/etc
>it’s one of the greatest games of all time and you’re a tasteless retard if you think anything is wrong with it
>you didn’t even play the game
>you played the game wrong
>bg2 was worse
Look at your very own post, you’re preemptively dismissing any possible complaints against the game as inherently invalid and without merit, and lumping everyone who might have anything negative to say into one category for you to dismiss. You don’t even have the self-awareness to realize that you’re just doing the inverse of what you’re railing against.
lol, so all this OP outrage was fake and bait for attention
Baldur's Gate 3 is BY FAR the best CRPG of all time.
>Thats because Steam got bigger, if Skyrim released today (adjusted for users) it would break 1Million reviews.
And yet Starfield...
>Baldur's Gate 3 may be more accessible and popular than your average CRPG but compared to cinematic movie games and open world action rpgs it’s way more niche.
They literally shortened and streamlined the tutorial compared to the early access.
The tutorial.
Why? Basic gameplay is identical, heavy focus on verticality and environmental effects, systems may vary, but in the end it's "get higher for advantage on ranged attack rolls and block passages with fire and ice". Also, you might reload encounters after first try because usually you are the one attacking the strongpoints instead of coaxing enemy into strongpoint (verticality again). You play both games the same way, just because one is homebrew and other is 5e changes nothing except for names of tools at your disposition.
I haven't gotten to play BG3 yet, can you power game it like DOS2, for example by killing strong NPCs for loot?
Um, no.
>quoting some random asshole from a random thread
Based, redpilled and melanin-rich.
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>can you power game it like DOS2
Moreso than DOS2, because it doesn't have level scaled diablo loot like DOS2, and honor mode has to rework certain items/cost to stop it from getting too crazy. BG3 is more about item synergy than the raw stat stacking of DOS2 as well. I could see someone who likes BG3 not liking DOS2, but to like DOS2 and not like BG3 only tells me a person is a massive shit eater who thrives on garbage gameplay.
>I could see someone sharing my opinion, but to disagree with my opinion only tells me a person is a pee pee doo doo dead
lol @ your life
Defend your position or kneel.
>Accept my framing b-because y-you j-j-just h-have to, alright?
No, I don't think I will
I am offering you the opportunity to not be in the frame I have built. But you can't because I have accounted for all reasons one might prefer DOS2 and they are all minimal compared to its enormous flaws, which, if you are willing to accept them, would indicate you are a shit eater. You are entitled your opinion, but remember a subjective opinion can be objectively terrible, in which case your input is not desirable. This is all quite logical and fair.
I'm pointing out that you are so far up your own ass that you are no longer even capable of recognizing it. You don't even possess the self-awareness to recognize what I'm saying or why. You have rendered yourself an NPC, and you're too much of an NPC to even notice.
Let me checkmate your idiocy with one ctrl f about another term, not coincidentally also invented by leftists aka commies. As you can see, you've said absolutely nothing of objective substance. Just a big outpouring of how you don't like being labelled, with the label that your folks invented.

At least you're trying, but no, this is a misguided take.
capitalism, like many other "charged words" is amorphous by design. Just talking about what it means brings down the iq of everyone involved in the discussion by 30 points (yes this means us as well). capitalism is just another shitty umbrella term that is so broadly defined and means different things to different people that at this point just bringing up "capitalism" or "anti-capitalism" is retarded in itself. It works only as gasoline to the already smoldering fire and inflammates any discussion of an actual definable issue to the endless and meaningless pseudo-tribal "culture wars" of Team A vs Team B, where nuance is forbidden and you can only be totally on board or you're the enemy.
The solution would be to talk about actual issues you can define and actually have some kind of sensible argument around, at least in theory.
Currently "capitalism" only works as a smoke screen for people who want to hinder any sensible discussion about issues and smother it in the sea of screeching from both sides invoking the word brings.
Reject capitalism as a term, it's irredeemably contaminated. Don't even use it in quotation marks. Talk about defined issues and reject any attempt to drag the discussion into capitalism vs. anti-capitalism.
Have a good day.
>I don't understand how anyone takes games seriously
it's porn. it's interactive porn.
>Woke originated as a positive term among leftists "woke" to the "truth" about systemic racism and critical race theory-- the idea that simply being fair and unbiased isn't enough, "the system" is biased (toward straight white men) must be subverted and undermined by purposeful activism. LGBTetc adopt the same strategies and so are often included in the "woke" umbrella.

This is the cleaned up definition the left would like everyone to believe, however it is really used as a platform for nepotism, and race hustling style grift, as well as spreading anti-white, anti-straight racism and bigotry.

If you boil down the philosophy at core it is this: "two wrongs make a right". I submit that "Two wrongs make a right" is the most unintelligent social and political strategy ever conceived in history and it breeds nothing but resentment around the term, and around leftists who reap what they sow every time they are forced to go through the whole defending woke pantomime.
Did you notice they patched out sell item, steal the gold back? Also as soon as you leave a merchant window their gold zeros out now even if you didn't buy anything, and gold you give them is destroyed.
They still don't know what to do about TB without pissing everyone off, lol.
One issue I had with DOS2 was that stealing was so insanely lucrative there was never any reason not to do it and you had to play an annoying "position all the NPCs sightcones facing walls with your party members" minigame all the time. Underrail is similiarly atrocious in this regard where they expect you to pickpocket entire towns. I like that honor mode in bg3 adds some danger to pickpocketing, but it doesn't go nearly far enough honestly and there are still ways around it. They are clearly trying to recreate the feeling of wealth you get from hoarding loot in Ultima 7.
>I like Larian slop A but hate Larian slop B
DoS 2 and BG3 are the same game
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Fellas, how do we fix the "stock animation" problem in RPGs?
>stealing was so insanely lucrative there was never any reason not to do it
How about “stealing is wrong and I’m roleplaying a character that wouldn’t do it”, you can’t conceive of that being a reason to not do something in an RPG?
>why can't we all be postracial liberals?
>They are clearly trying to recreate the feeling of wealth you get from hoarding loot in Ultima 7.
Funnily enough I just got an inspiration for Noble background: Dragon Hoard for either hitting a certain gold level or merchanting enough. I never stole anything just invested in Dammon right away with my cha sorc. Literally all you need is a face character and willingness to loot everything for sale and maybe make a couple of merchant investments. Stealing is just a bonus.
This but unironically, I remained sane while the left went off into the deep blue and pink koolaid sea peddling wokeshit and cuckery, and the right turned up the reactionism to compensate in turn.
We had this solved in the 90's when Morgan Freeman told all the lunatics to just shut up about it, but useless people found a way to perpetuate useless industry and profit off burning down institutions and cities.
>but useless people found a way to perpetuate useless industry and profit off burning down institutions and cities.
Cool it with the anti-Semitic remarks
steamcommunity com/id/Coeco/recommended/1086940
Unprivate your profile, coward.
>it's the jews who don't want us all to become homogenous brown blob of consumers
God's choosen people indeed!
Lame excuse for lazy game design
>Lame excuse for lazy game design
Cope. I played through dos2 like two and a half times and I never once wanted to steal anything. Have some discipline and self-control.
Literally all the characters in DOS2 are morally grey at the absolute best of times.
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>don't like faggy bullshit? You should stick to faggy bullshit, faggy bullshit, or faggy bullshit.
>not autistically roleplaying as a lawful good paragon of the Virtues who would never steal and rejects the teachings of each of the source masters
lawful stupid is insufferable and makes zero sense in OS2 where you're actively fighting the church and government
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I'm currently in Act 3 and hate-playing to finish it at this point, which I usually never do. (last time was Dragon Age 2 back in 2011)
The actual production values are quite good on average except for how slow it feels the engine reacts to your out of combat options like looting. The writing on the other hand, companions and setting both, undermine any semblance of adventure and it's genuinely baffling how bad it is overall.
You can really tell that what they really wanted to write about was tumblr fanfics tinged by 24-hour news cycle bullshit and not actual pulp adventures with how every character is defined by their super-speshial backstory, sexual orientation, their snippy disgusting attitudes and how every main story quest keeps going on about contemporary bullshit like refugees, the bad guys hiding behind them to seize power before enacting a night of long knives and newspaper commentary bullshit.
When they're forced to do something adventure-like, like say the Hags or the Flayers, they find a way to turn it "comedic" or an avenue for zoophilia, when they're not trying to force you to side with the evil guys and they still get it wrong by largely fucking up the order of the build-up making it all anti-climactic.
Also all the pretense by early shills about the homosexual NPCs not being pushy were full of shit. Interacting with Gale beyond the minimum pretty much forces you through romantic-tone scenes, Halsin acts like you've come onto him when you haven't and later requires 2+ dialogue choices to tell him to fuck off, the Emperor keeps pushing gay shit in your face ad nauseam.
It really doesn't feel anything remotely like actual Dungeons and Dragons.
It's clear to me most "post-racial" liberals never really believed in it in the first place considering this is what they did the second they got any semblance of power.
It was all just racial grift politics for their own, while they simultaneously considered it evil when done by whites.
None of this explains why the writing is bad though, like nothing here is a valid argument against the writing.
But dont mistake me, im a fan of this game and i accept your opinion.
The writing is not for you evidently, i can see why someone would hate those things that you complained about, the unseriousness/comedic tone of the game at some points, the sexual interactions, the woke parts about refugees welcome which i also dont like since europe is full and i hate the push for this shit, so i get what you are saying but ultimately all this says that it wasn't for you, not that its bad. the actual writing part of the game is great because its well made for video game writing especially rpg.

You can just ignore the stories and enjoy the gameplay because its masterful, but if you are not enjoying anything then why would you force yourself through it? act 3 is the longest and if you just want to finish it at this point you can rush towards the ending, 80% of act 3 is side content btw.
This isn't about me, dumbass. Once you realize that there's a very small chance you will stop posting stupid shit.
Sometimes people will make assertions without explaining every detail, yes. It can take a long time to explain why writing is bad, especially to people who have awful standards and don't even understand basic concepts and must be spoonfed. In those cases you just have to accept that others opinions differ and his criticism of the writing isn't meant for a fanboy to take seriously. It's meant for someone already inclined to agree on the point so other points can be made.
I prefer real time with pause. I understand that its not popular because it requires knowing a games mechanics more thoroughly than turn based does, but the increased depth and challenge makes things more fun.
>not a single actual complaint, just /pol/ whining
Leave the board immediately and do not come back. You will never make a single good post.
>unseriousness/comedic tone of the game at some points,
Is that very prevalent throughout the game? I understand that reddit humour is prevalent in a lot of modern media and I'm not against some humour myself, but I'm tired of quipfests. Still on the fence about giving BG3 a shot.
>Still on the fence about giving BG3 a shot.
BG3 improves on DOS2 in a handful of ways but the writing, tone, characters, and story are certainly not some of them.
>Still on the fence about giving BG3 a shot.
This isn't particularly important to me, bg3 has 550,000 positive reviews on steam, so either stop whining and play it or don't, I will discuss it with the 550,000 people who are not mentally ill.
>mentally ill anon thinks everyone else is mentally ill
Please get help
Good to know, thanks.

Huh? What did I say that got you all riled up?
Remember when the bg3 schizo got caught cheating through the game with a single level 20 character even though he constantly whined about its combat? That was funny.
"Authoritarian progressive"
There. Defined. Works in all contexts that somebody means woke. If somebody complains about wokeness, they are usually complaining about the influence of authoritarians with a progressive ideology.
The gameplay is D&D 5e, which is not considered the most compelling or mechanically satisfying of systems by TTRPG enthusiasts. In fact, a vocal minority often argue that -literally anything- would be better, and the OSR scene exists exclusively due to people finding older editions of various systems but chiefly D&D inspired formats with older design sensibilities more fun.
I can say personally I played a wizard and broke the game over my knee. BG3 really is quite like the Skyrim of its time, because it introduced a lot of casuals to a genre that now believe it's a bar for mastery rather than an enticing bar for entry.
Baldur's Gate 3 is enormous, so criticizing its overall narrative in more depth than a vibes check is daunting, but I'll say that there were many times while playing that I felt the conflicts were completely flat. There is no really interesting reason to help the druids vs the refugees, the evil actions only exist to say they exist. There is an obvious bias -towards- certain moral perspectives, and the outcomes of doing contrary to the developers preferred solution is often extremely shallow.
For example- Why aren't there any rare items associated with selling immortality to a powerful wizard? Because fuck off, you weren't supposed to pick that. Take a generically high pile of gold after a complete afterthought of a fight and get out, Chud.
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>BG3 really is quite like the Skyrim of its time, because it introduced a lot of casuals to a genre that now believe it's a bar for mastery rather than an enticing bar for entry.
what games are a bar for mastery
He won't answer because he only plays garbage.
Nah, the 5th Edition consensus is that making builds and customizing them is not complex, but i think it still offers enough depth and variety for a CRPG since all builds are viable, it makes them equally fun in a subjective way.
Take Pathfinder which is based on 3.5, it has way more builds and customization so its in a sense more complex from that angle, but not all builds are viable so in the end its not that big of a difference,
Outside of those nitpicks, Larian took 5th Edition rules and made with them the best Gameplay systems ever put into a CRPG or at least one of the best if you dont want to be absolute, even veterans like Mortismal Gaming tells you this, so gameplay in BG3 is masterful its top tier, literally, but 5th rules may not be the cup of tea for everyone, me personally 5e is my 2nd fav so i dont get the hate, i dont hate on things for being less complex, complex for the sake of complex doesn't mean good.

As for the writing, i dont think you stated any objective argument, its your opinion and i will respect and accept it, but its not really convincing if thats what you are aiming for, and saying its like Skyrim is really disingenious imo, first of all Skyrim is not a bad game, second BG3 didn't get popular because it simplified Larian design, in fact Larian doubled down and the game is more dense and Larianish in its design than ever, when people critcize Skyrim they do because it simplified TES too much.
BG3 is a great gateaway for someone into the CRPG genre because its good and it does a good job at telling you why this genre is good, and its accessible and well made with high production, its literally the chrono trigger of crpgs. except its far better lel

I dont mind someone anti woke hating on it, since i can get where they come from, but the serious ones are the ones i dont get. if you hate it on principle just say so and i'll respect that far more than trying to nitpick and invent some ridiculous narrative.
Whoa there anon, less vapid text walls replying to yourself, more actual discussion
>Larian took 5th Edition rules and made with them the best Gameplay systems ever put into a CRPG or at least one of the best if you dont want to be absolute, even veterans like Mortismal Gaming tells you this, so gameplay in BG3 is masterful its top tier, literally
Why are they like this
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Reminder that SKALD releases in a few short days and there hasn't been a peep about it here, just screaming about gays because these people are a bunch of poser retards. Nothing has made me more wary of right wing politics than the idiots here.
Where's the lie?
Thats actual discussion, what you want is pointless dick measuring contests.
Swen tweeted about this, i will probably give it a shot, but you are right, i dont think they are actual right wing people though, those are retarded posers as you put it. The actual right wing people dont play video games or even if they do they dont spend their time arguing over silly shit, they have far more important things to do, like if you are an alt right person that is serious about the current situation of your party/nation then get off your ass and do something useful because shitposting on video game forums is the most worthless shit you can do.
I haven't played a new CRPG in the last 20 years and I just picked one up now and discovered they aren't being made for me any more. How could this happen????????
You can have 200 meaningless choices in PF because they all duplicate a lot of the same mechanics but 5e while being less complex on the surface has tons more depth because there are more actual tradeoffs. Tradeoffs that mean dialogue and battle tactics can play out completely differently which is exactly what you want out of RPGs, more permutations of ways to play instead of loading up Bubble buff mod to apply the same 40 buffs every battle as in Owlcat.
A lot of people here aren't qualified to judge it properly since they didn't grow up with 1st and things like MUDs.
I've seen it all.

>BG3 is a great gateaway for someone into the CRPG genre because its good and it does a good job at telling you why this genre is good, and its accessible and well made with high production, its literally the chrono trigger of crpgs. except its far better lel

>I dont mind someone anti woke hating on it,

Fair statements. I am dead serious about all games being improved by not carrying woke baggage and awful leftist culture and worldview though. I don't want it in my living room, generally speaking, and I don't think serious fantasy narrative is ever improved by eau de reddit. I'm always very specific in praising the tons of quality in BG3, and blasting the political baggage such as woke pronouns, le immigrants, the plethora of sweaty lol so gay moments etc. It's not even that bad on the woke scale it's just the overlap with belgian coomerism gets you things like Gale "practicing magic" with you equaling near instant romance which seems a little on the sketchy side. I wouldn't actually know since I don't do it, but then you have the bugbear/ogre scene, genital swapping etc.

I'm anti-left far more than I resemble anything on the right. The left takes political injection into media pretty seriously, so mocking it back out is more useful than you realize. Sorry I lack the billions to fight Hollywood on your whim but I sold plenty of NFLX lol.
based definition anon
>I'm anti-left far more than I resemble anything on the right
So a useful idiot?
Thats a reasonably fair post.
What's idiotic about opposing hacks and grift exactly?
Not to mention predators like Epstein, Weinstein, NXVIM, Jim Jones, plenty of your upper echelons of hollywood establishment, scientology, etc.

What's idiotic about opposing the idea that a man is a hero for abandoning his daughter to rob c-stores so he could die of a fent overdose?
>Epstein, Weinstein
Big capitalists, you mean? Yeah, good examples of the left you have here.
Nothing wrong with opposing them imo, just make sure the effort is put into something productive and not shitposting on video game forums
Capitalists vs Socialist/communist is one of the tricks/illusions to control the people from actual good positions. i disagree with both, although if i had a choice i'd lean slightly more towards socialism.
I knew you were a joke, as are most leftists that think Hollywood culture is some runaway capitalism. You'll find Hollywood, SF, West Palm Beach are all the same culture, fueled by capitalism or not. DC too.

You have to go to rural areas where people are still people and not faceless concepts that you believe you're superior to to get away from that culture. It's not capitalism that produces it, but you need to understand that the left is just hollywood moguls through and through, you can't draw a line and say they're capitalists and not leftists, NXVIM didn't entice all those underage girls with bible studies for example. Scientology isn't a right wing product, neither was the original koolaid from Jim Jones.

There's a certain amount of leftist belief that they have all the answers to catapult such corruption to the levels it achieved.
Pride goeth before a fall and what not.
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If your biggest problem is gays in video games and clickbaity news articles about places you've never even been to then you've never experienced real struggle even once in your entire life.
What a load of melodramatic cringe, lol.
I'm just making fun of their weaponized politics in entertainment an entertaining weaponized series of retorts.
You don't know anything about life, you are weak, you have bad taste in media, and you are boring.
Nothing about that statement is any fun though, and you just sound angry that some kind of sacred cow of yours got grilled. Doesn't sound 'strong' to me.
Can't help but notice you haven't answered this >>3501826
That wasn't directed at me. There is at least one other anon here who shares my level of diction I believe.
>None of this explains why the writing is bad though
It's low quality overall. Particularly in how it writes characters and what it focuses it's efforts on (worthless attempts at romance that makes bioware seem self-aware even before you get to the Mind Flayer romance), misapplication of humour in serious moments (marvel quipping but also just making what is clearly built as a horror villain to start acting like a ten year old trying to sound tough by using the most infantile swears possible) and misunderstanding how to build up dramatic tension. Instead they blow their load first and then introduce the stakes and normality which is assbackward even for good writers nevermind these subpar ones.
>like nothing here is a valid argument against the writing.
Everything of the aforementioned as well as the actual writing quality.
>the actual writing part of the game is great
I've seen MTL works with more flow to it's prose and less stilted characterizations.
>well made for video game writing.
Absolutely not. Generic Bioware dialogue outshines it, much less actually decently well-written ones like VTMB, PS:T and Fallout.
>enjoy the gameplay
No, I found that mediocre too. 3.5E style charop has never been very fun and even disregarding that interacting with the non-fantasy setting itself is more of a chore than enjoyable.
>why force yourself through it?
Because i've gotten this far and had some hope of Larian being competent but apparently they outsourced all their writing to the worst anglos have to offer and this is the result.
>act 3 is side content btw.
Which is the only thing it has going for it. The main quest isn't good and the companion quests (and worse camp followers) are just pissing me off at this point, no I don't want to hear Gale being a retarded bitch who requires you to act as counseling for every irrelevant thing. So far the only companion quest that didn't piss me off was Jaheira's because it involves actual adventure..
Yes it was. Answer it.
He's cornered lmao
>Generic Bioware dialogue outshines it, much less actually decently well-written ones like VTMB, PS:T and Fallout.
So you like dogshit. What kind of total fucking idiot thinks this pulp fiction slopperoni by failed comic book writers is commendable? You're not even 10% as knowledgable as you think you are and your hyperfocus on narrative (which you dont understand from a game design standpoint at all) gives the impression that you don't like RPGs at all but rather enjoy low hanging fruit because books are too complicated.
>So you like dogshit.
He says while slurping tumblr's pisswater.
>What kind of total fucking idiot thinks this pulp fiction slopperoni
Infinitely higher quality than anything to come out of BG3.
>your hyperfocus on narrative (which you dont understand from a game design standpoint at all)
lmao yeah because there's no point in juxtaposing the normal before shovelling in the abnormal to heighten tension.
Unlike you low IQ avatarfagging jagoff even 80s JRPGs realized this by introducing the village before setting it on fire and forcing you out into the world.
>you don't like RPGs at all
I actually play them and not just because twitter said BG3 and D&D 5E were the new hot thing.
>because books are too complicated.
And outing yourself as someone who doesn't read books either by the (ignorant) assumption that books in and of themselves are the least bit complex. Probably why you think so highly of the videogame equivalent of a Harlequin novel.
>And outing yourself as someone who doesn't read books either by the (ignorant) assumption that books in and of themselves are the least bit complex. Probably why you think so highly of the videogame equivalent of a Harlequin novel.
My favorite book is Anatomy of Melancholy by Robert Burton. What's yours, anon?
>all these anti-bg3 posts
get over yourself you quintuple nigger, underrail gets shat on plenty, its my favorite rpg of the last decade. If I had to throw a tantrum every time someone said mildly critical about it I'd be on this board 24/7
you're pathetic
>underrail gets shat on plenty
I only read books for geniuses like lotr and dark sun.
when colony ship released I remember half this board shilling this trash saying it btfo'd underrail out the water
Also anytime some slav jank comes out
>it btfo'd underrail out the water
Thats a very low bar. A game can "btfo" underrail and still be garbage.
Wow anon, you sure are smart.
Typical /lit/ shilled shit. As for mine it's up between Dark Night of the Soul and The Edge of the Sword.
Still doesn't change the fact that BG3 is Harlequin-tier tripe.
So a retard it is then.
/tv/ lost today.
>white people
>good game
>remove woke
>better game
How is this not constructive criticism exactly?
Pubs are better than bars
I'm noticing a distinct trend of, shall we say, "reddit aligned posts" conflating every single anon to criticize bg3 into one mythical Uber Chad Anon that devours weaklings underground and craps stormfront lightning. Almost like they're not used to being on an anonymous board or something. Weird.
BG3 is better with the gay shit. It would be a worse game if it did not have it and would not capture the essence of exploring a major metropolitan capital in the forgotten realms setting. There is nothing wrong with how it's written.
>The narrator sounds like she works at a phone sex line
>mythical Uber Chad Anon that devours weaklings underground and craps stormfront lightning
Which is of course nonsense, average /pol/ack is a 5'2 brown incel from india.
Fell for the trap, anon. Midwits "read" lots of books, but it doesn't mean they are capable of thinking and analyzing and applying objective standards to anything.
You can't, animated movies are like 2 hours, a shitty ass bloated game is 100 hours. Also mocap data actually takes skill to make look good, which RPG studios lack
Not to mention it doesn't take logic to turn pages, impress me with code you've written, not dead trees you spent some time with.
>it wouldn't capture the essence of inbred aids and needle strewn alleyways in the Castro nor rural purdy mouthsex without Deliverance theme playing
>“The Dark Lord has Nine. But we have One, mightier than they: the White Rider. He has passed through the fire and the abyss, and they shall fear him. We will go where he leads.”

You're just saying things that make no sense in order to have something to type back at me now. I recommend retiring to reformulate your worldview somewhere where you have access to less media.
he should've killed himself the moment he got caught mistaking witcher 3 for bg3
Your game sucks, Styg.
>mentally ill anon’s mental illness is pointed out along with an exhortation to please seek help
>mentally ill anon deflects by creating imaginary tales about “other” “schizos”
Sad, many such cases
Yes, and maybe that's why I hated BG3. Basic mechanics are great, but once you get them and feeling of novelty wears off you start looking at all the rest and it fucking sucks. There is nothing going for Larian games other than that, I suppose I would hate D:OS 2 if I played first one before for longer than few hours, but at that period I had some other games that I wanted to play.
That was the best post in the thread. Whining about /pol/ will never be interesting. Go back to your hugbox on tumblr or whatever social media platform you wandered from.
> It's clear to me most "post-racial" liberals never really believed in it in the first place considering this is what they did the second they got any semblance of power.
>It was all just racial grift politics for their own, while they simultaneously considered it evil when done by whites.
Delete this anti-Semitic post
>That was the best post in the thread
No it's not, all of your posts are ignorant. You're a literal brain washed retard.
nah, you're a rock-dweller with no idea what goes on in the world outside your internet echo chambers.
liberals are getting mind broken on several threads for being shown as the religious fanatics they actually are while accusing everyone of being /pol/ lol
honestly I like the game a lot but this post is good because it accurately outlines the woke bullshit. If you were to remove everything in this post you would be left with the good strategic and character building parts that are not over the top snowflake shit.
> honestly I like the game a lot but this post is good because it accurately outlines the woke bullshit. If you were to remove everything in this post you would be left with the good strategic and character building parts that are not over the top snowflake
I agree. I wanted to like BG3, but ended up disliking it overall. There’s other objections to it aside from the aforementioned crap, but that crap really doesn’t help the game at all, and I think 90% of people would like it more without it. I certainly would’ve had a more favorable opinion of the game overall. It does do some things well, but there’s just so much trash and poor decisions layered on top. It’s really surreal to me to see people not just say “yeah there’s dumb stuff but overall I liked the game and had fun playing it” which is fair, but the particular strain of fanboy who takes it to “it’s objectively the greatest game of all time and there’s nothing wrong with it and fuck you if you say you dislike anything about it” which is just… really weird. Like this is the hill you’ve chosen to die on? Not saying this about you anon, just musing on how weird anons can be.
This post makes me really glad because it's how I feel as a video game enthusiast who isn't a huge fan of table tops and has played other RPGs that aren't overly sexual. It's been disheartening to see it get so much attention, people really need to jerk off more before playing video games. Thank you /tv/ poster.
Sure thing OP
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People simply cannot admit they just like shitty things.
>How is this not constructive criticism exactly?
There's a difference between saying game would be better if it didn't have these woke, subversive, immersion breaking elements in it instead of the usual low effort bait such as:
>tranny gate 3 bad if you play this gay bear sex simulator you should kill yourself
Well I don't make those kinds of low effort posts, they're generally from leftists trolling like the mindbroken one having a stroke just above you.

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