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I wish there was actual BG3 game like previous two, not this gay slop that got shat out
define gay slop
If you can't enjoy a vidya without getting triggered by its themes then you're a sensitive faggot and need to off yourself.

>t. someone who has not played through BG3
it's better than either of the other ones, cope and seethe chud
I too would love for bg3 to be real-time chaotic mess where meele character playstyle is nothing more than clicking on the enemy once. I would also love for it to take place on the other side of the continent from Baldurs Gate. I would also love Jaheira to try jumping on my dick right after her husband got tortured to death because I was nice to her.
It sure is saar, have a rupee get youself toilet paper
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>imma fuck yo bitch
>filtered by faggots
Candy ass.
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I just wish BG3 was good.
i though bg3 was owned by china or something? i cant keep up with these anti-shill scripts
Yeah, same. Not sure why a Baldur's Gate game needs to have fully modelled dicks in it.
>I wish there was actual BG3 game like previous two
good riddance to the bad trash that is infinity engine and RTWP
1. In terms of the story and plot, the series was wrapped up and concluded with ToB. Time to move on and make a new series instead of milking the name. I love bg 1 and 2 but let them die and rest in peace.

2. In terms of their ideas for BG3 a lot got rolled into MotB.

3. In terms of gameplay styles, go play PoE and the Pathfinder games, they’re BG clones. No, they’re not as good, but that’s the way she goes, bubs.
And I wish party based Dungeon crawlers would make a respectable come back that is not the current drpg anime slop being created these days. We however rarely get what we want because the masses have terrible testes.
I'm tired of people pretending to like RTWP
>I'm tired of people pretending to like RTWP
Not OP, but I like BG1 and 2 in spite of them being RTWP, not because of it. Turn based is superior.
oh I agree with you on that. I don't dislike them, but I wish RTWP had never been a thing
Just play Pathfinder then.
Baldur's Gate 3 is great as it is, Larian perfected turn based gameplay, they dont need to make RTWP, thats not their forte.

Maybe go bitch for Bioware instead of crying about an actual good game made an actual good passionate dev, but who are we kidding, you just want to bait, bitch and moan, lol.
>they’re not as good,
How? can you explain how they are not as good?
Explain with facts and logic.
>In terms of the story and plot, the series was wrapped up and concluded with ToB.
This is just such a stupid reasoning. Are you telling me that nothing bad could ever happen to the city of Baldur's Gate ever again? There can never be any more interesting conflicts to explore on the Sword Coast. Sounds like a bunch of "media literacy" hogwash to me
>This is just such a stupid reasoning. Are you telling me that nothing bad could ever happen to the city of Baldur's Gate ever again? There can never be any more interesting conflicts to explore on the Sword Coast.
The DnD campaign setting of the Forgotten Realms, which contains the Sword Coast, which contains the eponymous city of Baldur's Gate, existed before the game series "Baldur's Gate", and it would be perfectly reasonable to produce new DnD games that use the setting of the Sword Coast, which includes the city of Baldur's Gate. Actually please don't, everything about (((nu-DnD))) is shit, fuck WotC This has nothing to do with the game series "Baldur's Gate", which is what the post you're responding to was clearly referring to (note the usage of the term 'series' not 'campaign setting'). The name of the game series, "Baldur's Gate", is being cynically milked dry for marketing purposes and brand recognition, and they should have some fucking integrity and creativity and come up with something new instead of riding quarter century old coattails.
This is an excellent way to make sure everything you like stays dead and irrelevant.
God, I wish everything I liked stayed dead and irrelevant. Instead I have to deal with most of it shambling along as zombies with none of what made them good in the first play.
I like all three Baldur's Gate games :)
Same energy
You have it backwards, there were plenty of cargo cultists that hated on BG3 for being turn based, instead of RTWP, despite BG1 and 2 being, obviously, adapted from turn-based DnD 2nd edition. I was extremely disappointed with BG3 and thought it was a crappy game, but being turn-based was one of its strengths, not one of its flaws, imo.
>oh, you like X too?
>unending torrent of nuslop, retcons and casualisation
>super complicated skill system
Competency crisis is going to demolish the world as we know it.
I didn't play them as a kid, making them objectively worse OBJECTIVELY.
>The brand name helped them market the game and make more money, but they shouldn't do that because it....ummm it makes me feel bad
Yeah, they should be retarded and have no business sense, great idea. Who gives a fuck about the integrity of the brand. Good let them use it. What a dumb thing to care about
>she thinks that BG1 and 2 weren’t gay libshit too
Oy vey zoomie
>I know full well why he finds the practice objectionable but I will pretend its about feelings instead
So when are you pitching your business idea of abducting people and turning them into onions green to the corps? It's going to make insane profits, after all.
No, you have it backwards.
You also have your underpants so backwards you wear them on your head.

Stop trying to derail this by turning it into a TB vs RTP discussion you subhuman.

None of would have expected that after watching Idiocracy we would live long enough to witness it become a reality.
So if it's not about feefees than I genuinely don't get his objection. Is it the "creativity" shit he was talking about? Overemphasis on doing everything new and innovative is just garbage, so I don't agree with that. And if it's not that and something else he'll just have to explain himself better. I can't read his mind
why the fuck Shar herself, one of the MAJOR deities in the setting, not even some small shit like an Archfey or whatever but motherfucking Shar appears with her avatar to Jennifer the Halfelven just to get BTFO by mortals and go back like a bitch??

whats even so special about Shadowheart for literal deities to get involved personally. even tho FR is infamous for retarded divine activity, this is too rare and big thing to happen randomly to Shadowheart.
also when did we go from "Kill the drow!" on sight to half of the population of Sword Coast is now drow in 100 years?
Me too. I'd have really liked to see a genuine sequel done with modern technology and a lot of resources, instead we got a pile of shit with an entirely different game concept.
>also when did we go from "Kill the drow!" on sight to half of the population of Sword Coast is now drow in 100 years?
Cool it with the anti-Semitic remarks.
I remember people in the game being generally hostile to drow, and I don't remember there being that many. Maybe I'm not remembering correctly, but it sounds like you're exaggerating
Viconia was going to get lynched if you don't intervene in BG2. Did you ever feel like getting lynched when playing a drow in BG3?
They obviously toned it down somewhat, which they shouldn't have. Still a long shot from "half the population is Drow now"
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Wrong tree, they're the noble savages who invariably turn out right if given a chance to live in a civilized society fantasy trope.
There was. It was called Throne of Bhaal according to the original devs, and was the end of their trilogy, way before Larian was popular.
Speaking of cargo cult, you seem to have no clue what you're talking about. Turn-based rules in table top were always considered a necessary evil to streamline the game where a CPU fixes this issue easily. Furthermore, AD&D 2e had a far more complex turn order system where speed and initiative segments played a role. Essentially it was emulating real time combat in turns. The designers of 3e explicitly made the decision to ditch any attempt to simulate real time because it was too complicated (for table top play). The familiar style of turn-based was just the simplest way to accept the flaw of turn taking to keep the game moving. The cargo cult mentality is to masturbate over this sort of rules paraphernalia along with rolling physical dice, rather than focus on leveraging computers to patch those flaws in the table top experience. You'll find that BG3 is plenty guilty of that sort of masturbation and pandering. Also look to what game designer Chris Crawford has noted about real-time resolution as an ideal versus turn-based.
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BG1 and 2 were linked, so it's a specific series. By name, BG3 would have to continue that concluded series.
This isn't like Neverwinter Nights where the two games were separate stories. You could have an NWN3 with no issue.
There were already other Baldur's Gate games. The Dark Alliance series. By dropping the number, it meant it was its own separate thing. See, they already realised way back then that it would cause problems because BG1, 2 and ToB were a trilogy about the bhaalspawn.

To help you relate, would you like it if Harry Potter 8 was set 150 years in the past and was about some victorian-era chimneysweeper?
>it would cause problems because BG1, 2 and ToB
I remember hearing it was because they still used the same engine which was outdated and restricting already. Not to mention IWD games, so it was getting stale.

If they had a new engine, features, graphics, they probably would have called it fucking Baldur's Gate 3.
I think the Pathfinder games did the turn based combat better. I want to be able to switch to real time at any point. In BG3 just clearing a small dungeon takes 2 hours. Thats why the game seems to be long, the story is not that long actually, the fucking combat takes too much time. Whats the point of a turn based combat where after the first half of the game you one shot most enemies?
The engine doesn't matter in this. Its the story. Bg1 and 2 were two chapters of the same story. I guess you can say playing as Dark Urge is the canon continuation as BG3
They don't put it in for mechanical or gameplay reasons. They put it in for aesthetic reasons, wasting time on one shots isn't something they think about.
BG3 is to BG2 what BG2 was to BG1. Reminder that BG2 starts in Irenicus' rape dungeon. Imoen is rather clear about it.
So the devs dont think about gameplay? wtf
Not as much as people assume. There are no good gameplay reasons for showing the dice being rolled, for example. It's all about geek fandom masturbation.
they should have just gone meta and have the old companions sit down together to play a game of dnd, and then you play in the story. that way dice is okay and you can other fan service shit too.
>would you like it if Harry Potter 8 was set 150 years in the past and was about some victorian-era chimneysweeper?
Most of the fans would not because they are retarded, but I would because it would be interesting and I have good taste. That genuinely sounds like an intriguing move, and it would make me curious enough to check out the book and see where they go with it
Also, if in your example this "chimneysweeper" is literally just that and has no reference to magic or Hogwarts than it would be a stupid analogy with manipulative framing, since the difference between BG1+2, on one side, and BG3 on the other is not THAT stark. If you're asking if I, as a hypothetical Harry Potter Fan, would like to read a new book about different magic users going to the same school, then obviously why wouldn't I? If the original story is basically concluded, why not write some new ones? Obviously in the case of the Potter series you would have to change the name due to different character, but in the BG series as long as the city is involved you can keep the name
Also, it seems like your whole argument now boils down to nothing but the NAME they chose. Like who gives a shit, so they chose a name that helped them get attention and sell more games, good for them. But oh no, they broke some sacred rule against creativity that exists only in your mind because they chose the wrong name for their game. Very stupid thing to actually care about
it's better than the previous 2 simply cuz it's turn based
>zoom zoom baby can't handle turn based combat
You are the reason bioslop ruined RPG in early 2000s.
>I would also love Jaheira to try jumping on my dick right after her husband got tortured to death because I was nice to her.
Iirc that was the timer not working the way the writer assumed it would, or something. Either way it wouldn't even be a bad thing if the game at least allowed you to point out that she has a really shitty way of coping and perhaps turn her down until she snaps out of it.
You would want it to have a japanese ninja joining you in the begining? Or a black ranger? Or a noble sjw girl owning a castle? Or Keldorn's quest being about him being literaly cucked? Edwin becoming a woman? Haer'Dalis cucking you? Jan Jansen and Minsc being le random? Anomen being a bland diversity hire that only existed so female characters can have someone to romance?
If Baldurs Gate 2 came out today you would fucking hate it.

There are mods for BG3 removing the entirety of pozzed/neomarxist bullshit in characters as well as romances. They are the only reason I started this game in the first place.
A game more in the sense of Pillars of Eternity would have been nice.
not gonna lie, I'm filtered, bg3 has the ugliest art style ever made and next one is elder scrolls oblivion
>pozzed/neomarxist bullshit in characters
Black people existing in medieval Europe.
>brown people think Faerûn is in Europe
All the women fighters, good demons and gay sex.
We’ve been over this dozens of times and I don’t feel like going through the whole song and dance, but I’ll point out:

1. The infinity engine games have a handful of non-white characters who are juxtaposed with not-Europe, and, as such, are rare and exotic and stand out precisely because they’re different, foreign, and strange. This is fundamentally different from bg3 having the racial diversity of (((modern London))) where wholesale amounts of humans, elves, dwarves, halflings, etc, are now race-swapped to be black for ESG dollars and diversity points.

2. You, in conflating “here’s one or two characters who’s the color of a paper bag” with “now hundreds of NPCs are now black from the deepest darkest heart of the Congo” makes you, ironically, far more racist and less nuanced than the people who object to this blatantly pandering and unrealistic approach that disrespects the source material, the lore, suspension of disbelief, versimilitide, and common sense.
I too would love to have some more of the inconsistent writing, such as a supposedly good character considering murder as a solution to a family dispute, or another supposedly good character praising a neat idea of magically depriving people of their will to make them into obedient slaves, or such as a character unwilling to enter a magical sphere to the point of murdering agents of one of the most powerful institutions in the city-state and becoming a wanted criminal in hiding for life just to casually agree to go into the sphere if the MC kinda wants to or whatever, sure let's go
what's that from?
Bioware Forums.
>>brown people think Faerûn is in Europe
Now listen here you illiterate nigger:

Go check out the "Villains' Lorebook" for AD&D.
And then check out the "Heroes Lorebook" for AD&D
And then tell me how many black people you have found in them.

I'll wait.
DnD was always "Europe" as seen by americans. You have to be the muttiest mutt who ever engorged himself on galons of corn syrup to think that it was ever anything but that. It was made by americans predomidly for americans. It's not Europe, it's essentially pseudo-medieval USA. And guess fucking what, americans always had negroes and now they aren't even majority white.
>makes you, ironically, far more racist
Nothing ironic about my racism. Keep whining about ebil brown pepoo in your vidya while jamal and pablo splitroast your mum you fucking subhuman, ethnically confused retard.
>confusing DnD with the Forgotten Realms campaign setting
Stopped reading there
Which is one of settings for DnD. Your point? Also how many black characters could bg 1 and 2 even have given how maybe around dozen of them even have portraits. Bg1 had Dynaheir, bg2 Valygar and Yoshimo. Is this really ratio that different than one in bg3?
Yoshimo as in non-white. He is of course not a black ninja.
>You would want it to have a japanese ninja joining you in the begining?
Yoshimo is cool, but kinda clashed with the setting. Guess they had to target the weebs.
>Or a black ranger?
Valygar's race has no bearing other than aesthetically. Imagine seething because there's one black character in the whole game and not only his race doesn't play a role in anything but it never gets mentioned even once.
>Or a noble sjw girl owning a castle?
Who is treated as naive and out of touch. Also as a bit of a hypocrite.
>Or Keldorn's quest being about him being literaly cucked?
Keldorn's quest is about impossible choices, duty or family.
>Edwin becoming a woman?
Which is treated as a joke. Even his ending says it was a curse.
>Haer'Dalis cucking you?
Never took him with me, so I dunno about that. He elopes with the winged wingless elf or something, I beleive.
>Jan Jansen and Minsc being le random?
Le random quirky humour was not as stale and overused back in the day. Personally I never liked it much and never understood the obsession with Mincs, but that's beyond the point.
>Anomen being a bland diversity hire that only existed so female characters can have someone to romance?
Female pcs got the short end of the stick with Anomen. I'm not adverse to romances but I hated how they were forced on the player, rather that something you could activate or pursue.
>he hasn't actually played BG3
>Valygar's race has no bearing other than aesthetically.
Just like all the black guys in bg3?
I don't know, I haven't played BG3. Mind you, blackwashing Faerun is retarded, but seething over a single black guy is equally so.
BG3 is a masterpiece, one of the best RPGs ever made.
There is already a series of games called Baldurs Gate that has nothing to do with bg1 or bg2. Just like NVN games had all the fuck to do with each other. It's a name of a place, that's it. And unlike Baldurs gate 2 this one actualy takes place there
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>There is already a series of games called Baldurs Gate that has nothing to do with bg1 or bg2
Yeah, a spin-off series that had nothing to do with it, it was just milking the name.
>Just like NVN games had all the fuck to do with each other
Same principle. NWN2 had nothing to do with NWN1, was just milking the name because it was popular. Just like NWN1 was re-using the name from the early 90s game.
>It's a name of a place, that's it
Look at your own picrel, they used the font from the BG1 logo because they're using the name for marketing and branding purposes.
>And unlike Baldurs gate 2 this one actualy takes place there
BG2 was named BG2 because it was a direct continuation of the plot and characters from BG1, not because it takes place in the city of Baldur's Gate.

Every day, this board astounds me with its density.
>BG2 was named BG2 because it was a direct continuation of the plot and characters from BG1, not because it takes place in the city of Baldur's Gate.
Then they picked some really dumb name, didn't they? It's like if they called Fallout "California".
>I don't know, I haven't played BG3. Mind you, blackwashing Faerun is retarded, but seething over a single black guy is equally so.
So let me get this straight (may be conflating your posts with other anon(s) here, forgive me if I am mistaken)
1. You haven't played BG3, yet you jump in the middle of an argument about it, taking the side of those defending it, while simultaneously agreeing with the point of those criticizing it
2. You throw in a "but both sides bad" strawman argument that not only has no one raised, but has been specifically argued against in this very thread
3. "I'm not an SJW but those anti-SJWs are even worse than those SJWs am I rite"
What's your endgame here?
That's a word i didn't seen in ages. What's even so sjw about the game? That it has racial makeup of US while being made in US? Are there any secret tranny cock reveals or something?
It's actually such a radical departure from both previous Larian games, and the game's own early access circa ~3.5 years ago, that the only logical explanation I can think of is that some combination of Larian, WotC, or Hasbro, took big amounts of (((ESG dollars))) and Larian was ordered to stuff the game full of it. I was honestly quite shocked, and before the game came out, I was looking forward to it and expecting it to be good.
>cities now have racial heterogeneity of a (((modern metropolis)))
>dwarves, elves, halflings, etc all race-swapped, of course underdark races like drow, duergar, deep gnomes are all mysteriously 100% homogeneous
>devs, using telemetry data, chided players for making white male humans during development, changed default human to a black female barbarian with 8 INT
>yes, non-binary feminine penises for self-inserting your mental illness into the game
>vitiligo slider added because of course
>tranny youtuber hired to play a tranny character
>drag queen works at a carnival to have access to children (he's also a necromancer, of course)
>constant theme of "le poor innocent migrant refugees", you're a xenophobic bigot if you don't want them in your house, even if they're literally devils with horns and red eyes and they're all greedy thieves too
>if you innocently remark that a deep gnome on the surface is far from home, he spergs out about how ignorant you are for assuming that he's not allowed to live in muh city
>game lectures you with communist squirrels about redistributing the food and if you object you're "speciesist"
>black female barbarian with 8 INT
>yes, non-binary feminine penises
I can play as a futa? Just like in my favorite hentai!
>vitiligo slider added because of course
Is that even a real sjw cause? It just sounds like an easy way to make messed up half-orcs and tieflings.
>drag queen works at a carnival to have access to children (he's also a necromancer, of course)
No way, carnies being weird anx creppy sex pests?! What will they think of next!
>constant theme of "le poor innocent migrant refugees", you're a xenophobic bigot if you don't want them in your house, even if they're literally devils with horns and red eyes and they're all greedy thieves too
Nigger, they are tieflings that are moving from one city to another and are pestered by shit-flinging goblins.
>game lectures you with communist squirrels about redistributing the food and if you object you're "speciesist"
You are triggered by talking squirrels. How fucking autistic are you?
Drag queen at the circus is funny though. Circuses are supposed to be full of freaks
British gay language polari started as a language of circus workers. Carnies were always weirdos and fringes of society. Hell, this is where you would go to see bearded ladies and shit. But I guess chuds got buckbroken by trannies so hard that they now need trigger warnings.
>that it has racial makeup of US while being made in US?
The difference is that the US has actual "lore" reasons (or "history" as normal people call it) for there being a lot of black people. It isn't just that way mysteriously and for no reason. Black people were brought here as slaves. If this was a video game that would be an interesting setting. Yet, in the game made in the US, black people being evenly mixed into the populace is just a state of affairs with no lore explanation granting it plausibility. So if Americans want to make games that reflect their own society they should also draw on their own history. Why are there so many blacks all over the Sword Coast? Were they also brought as slaves? I would be cool with that, even if it's a bit on the nose as far as drawing on real world history. Any explanation will be better than none. And, I'm not the anon you are arguing with, so I don't thing BG3 is a bad game at all. It's a great one, in fact, but the diversity quota shit is tacky. It contributes to making the world feel lacking in context and completely flavorless
Larian is B*lgian, anon.
Oh hey rapesperg is back.
Yes, misspoke. I was referring to the DnD setting, since DnD is an American development, by and large
No, I just said that the woke shit on BG2 is overblown. At most I jumped in defending a game I've played several times.
Extreme positions, no matter on which side, are usually bad, yes.
>3. What's your endgame here here?
To point out that while pushing woke propaganda in media is bad, not every black or female character that exist are woke propaganda and that perhaps one should analize games in this regard with nuance and in context. In this case, BG2 was not propaganda pushing in any way, as pointed out by ellaborating on the stuff the other anon (you, perhaps?) mentioned.
Your denial just proves my point.

>Imoen: I used to dream…but he doesn’t. Your charms don’t work on him anymore, do they?
>Ulene: How do you know of this? He has touched you as we, hasn’t he? Irenicus searches for something he cannot find, and he looks within those that have no more idea than he.

Most fans are simply in denial because the game was too crass for its time and they were too young.
Except they could have done all that but not done this: "remember minsc guys? remember boo? hee hee hoo haa haa so funny, so iconic, right guys? right guys?"
Ed Greenwood is Canadian, but I digress. After Greenwood gave TSR his Forgotten Realms they further expanded it to make it multicultural, the lore for parts of the realms is literally that ancient Egyptians were kidnapped and enslaved but broke free and the overgod Ao invited the Egyptian gods over that ruled their freed slave people as god kings. Thay was just a magic user rebellion of the same African/middle-eastern folk that now shaved their heads, but up until the latest edition it was pretty much hereditary. You can't just join the Red Wizards as a non-human or non middle easterner.
Now, when you look at a map you will notice that from Baldur's Gate, Thay, Mulhorrand, and Rasheman are way further than anywhere up or down along the western coastline, which includes Calimshan which is the other middle eastern themed area and Chult which is the other African area. Then you've got this other place up north called the Anauroch desert which is also somewhat middle eastern and north African themed.
Given the way the realms are set up is a total clusterfuck, if you accept the mess of fantasy history and geography, then it is expected you see different sorts of people.
real time with pause is so much better, FUCK bg3, yeah i said it. its not the fucking same
rtwp i queue up commands and then watch my dudes annihilate some orcs, they go to fucking work and it looks cool. turn based isnt the same visceral experience at all.
>"lore" reasons (or "history" as normal people call it
Lore can include more than just history, like customs, legends, songs and poems, meanings of people or place names. You know, folklore. Your blind retarded hateboner for the word that's been raging for what, at least a year now, doesn't magically change facts.
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there was going to be, but it wasnt going to be like the first two; it was going to be a low/mid levels game set in the dalelands
pillars of eternity is loosely based on it, so if thats anything to go by it was going to be shit

PERSONALLY, I wish bg2 stayed to mid and lower-high levels, leaving a bg3 for high and low-epic level plane/portal hopping.
This but unironically
RTWHRT lost.
>not HRTWP
You are this stupid
Never played any Baldurs title (earlier titles due to thinking name was stupid, and newest title due to faggotry), but I was thinking about the widely seen beastiality faggotry part of the game, and was thinking why not have hetero beastiality? As in why does it have to be also faggotry? Fucking a female bear not edgy enough? Or a male bear fucking a woman not depraved enough? Why does it have to be bear dick in human anus? It's the grossest human-bear beastiality combo possible. How minor percent of population does it appeals to? Faggots are only a few percent of population, and furries are only a few percent of faggots, so it was basicly only appeal to fraction of a percent of the population, most of whom are not gamers, nor would be interested in this fantasy title regardless of this specific depravity. A guy fucking a female bear would be at least funny for hetero males, whom are the majority of gamer base, and still degenerate enough to gain viral media attention just for that scene. Is this game just money laundering, and general asocial demoralisation propaganda, promoted by jews again? USA Federal Reserve prints a bunch of dollars without any physical backing, hands it out to jewish investment group Blackrock, whom can hand it out freely, without supervision, and they chose to give to their coethnics, under esg theme they intentionally promote this type of content to decay society with, while also generatic global inflation, with pumping unbacked money into the economy. Your food is more expensive, just so jews can give each other money, with an excuse to show gay beastiality to everyone. Can't even have the lamer titles of fantasy left alone by male on male poopdick enthusiast degenerate jews.
They're both funny desu.
>Real time with hormone replacement therapy
>Hormone replacement therapy with pause
The point is that the characters are more than just their alignment and their choices/your influence can actually shift it in some cases. That's called character development.
>Never played any Baldurs title
Stopped reading there, why are you even commenting pages in a thread like this, then?
Because he is brown and angry.
careful anon, you're going to upset the salesfaggots who don't play video games
Wait until they actually finish the game entire board gonna be a shitfest trying to convince your dick that game is good
the target audience shifted, that is all. now adhd zoomers instead of book readers are being catered. bg2 was also "progressive", but in a more grounded and sophisticated way.
Oh yes, I bet the shift to turn based combat was made to please the adhd zoomers you fucking retard.
I am sorry for your condition anon. Maybe some ritalin will help you
There is no cure for being an ancient fossil.
I'm not even him but you're turbofaggots.
a simplified version of d&d 5, yes. but you agree on the declining narrative, i see.
>declining narrative
Had you played the previous games? Baldurs gate never had great plot.
i wish they could fuck off to some different hobby
Companies are going to make games that sell. Maybe if you were big enough of a demographics someone would make a game for you as well? Maybe you could make it and reap all that sweet /pol/bucks? They do have disposable income given how much money they throw at podcasts run by latinos.
underrail was doing just fine
until steam caved to kikes and blocked russia
Ok rapesperg
Listen we already knew you were too dumb to read, you dont need to prove it to us.
>I too would love for bg3 to be real-time chaotic mess where meele character playstyle is nothing more than clicking on the enemy once
it do be lke that in bg3 doe
>I would also love Jaheira to try jumping on my dick right after her husband got tortured to death because I was nice to her.
it do be like that in bg3 doe (but with other characters obv)
>Maybe you could make it and reap all that sweet /pol/bucks?
What if he doesn't want another extreme and just wants to go back? What if he is just a regular nerd from 30 years ago?
What's is called when a game's dialogue assumes you did something you didn't? When this game released, I remember playing Act 1 and there was some dialogue about Halsin that really threw me for a loop.

Is it lack of reactivity?

I'm sorry I don't really have a good example. I only played for 30 hours at launch and can't remember anything. I do remember it bothering me a lot though since this game was hyped up as "reacting to every choice and action you make!!!"
aren't those pathfinder games basically what bg3 should have been? haven't played them but they look the same except i guess they couldn't get the ad&d license so had to use whatever off-brand rules it is
pathfinder games are much more "woke" than bg3, and have shittier gameplay. they're very mid games with soulless writing and characters
>pathfinder games are much more "woke" than bg3
Stopped reading there. It’s obvious you haven’t played either.
if you ever played pen and paper ad&d back in the day, then pathfinder shit is soul af. takes me back to being a kid at my parents house wasting the long summer days reading the 2nd edition players handbook, dungeon masters guide, monster manual, and my older sister's bf even kicked me down a 1st edition fiend folio, zoomer bugs raised on consoles don't know about that!
I wasn't talking about the pathfinder system, but the video games made by owlcat which utilize it. And yes I have played table top "back in the day". Specifically 3 and 3.5. Never played anything past that (on table top)
Well you obviously should since it's your "job" and seems to bother you.
In "second" playthrough I didn't rest all that often. The result of that was that at least a couple of times during the camp night events where it seemed to me like my companions were ignoring some key information that would make them act differently. One example was Lae'zel. There is an event where she gets impatient and wants to kill everyone and then herself because she thinks you are running out of time and will turn into a mindflyer any second. Now the moment at which the event played for me was when we already knew quite a lot about the true souls, the parasites in our heads being different, the artifact protecting us, we met some true souls, the interaction where Ragzlin tries to extract information from a mindflyer corpse seems to point to them not being aligned etc. Despite that the game didn't bother changing up her dialouge in any way or even letting me remind her of any of those things or use them to convince her to put her weapon down. In a real tabletop session telling her those things would probably lead to the DM giving me advantage on my roll.
Now this isn't that big of a deal but when the game clearly tries to be as reacitve as possible this kind of thing stands out. I kinda wonder how reacitve the game truly is if you go out of your way to do the things "out of order".
I will never understand this cope from Bioware slop enjoyers. BG2 was at least as degenerate for its time as BG3 was for the current era. But beyond that, BG2 is OBJECTIVELY a worse game and a worse RPG in every sense.

Literally the only thing that BG2 has that BG3 doesn't is
>more disproportionately overpowered casters vs martial classes
>Jon Irenicus 's voice actor, the character is actually trash, if you gave him a proper emasculated elf voice and changed the tone a bit, no one would like him
>sisterfucking bait (a positive for Bioware enjoyers only)
>a virgin romance option for men (but Larian was contractually obligated to make all the romance options whores in BG3 so it's not their fault)
>Literally the only thing that BG2 has that BG3 doesn't is
Popping my cherry when I was young. Other games may be better, but BG2 showed me the world.
Is there a mod that lets you gain infinite inspiration points or use them in combat? I'm tired as fuck of getting +4 inspiration when maxxed out already.
Jon Irenicus has the coolest sprite out of all 2D/isometric main villains, change my mind.
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the villains always do
Yeah, there's a mod that uncaps it so you can store up as many as you like.
This makes me angry, and I'm a zoomer
Combat in BG2 is superior, don't wanna spend 15mn to kill a pack of goblins or wolves
Skill issue
Aeriechads won.
based Aerie lover
shes mine tho
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>a virgin romance option for men
Shadowheart, if only technically.
As she had her mind wiped out anything she does is new from her perspective, so in her mind you are her first lover, without baggage of ex friends with benefits.
>physical wear and tear
Nothing that cure wounds spell won't fix.
>Shadowheart, if only technically.
Did you even play the game?
>define gay slop
Does the game let you have sex with animals?
Is the most heterosexually appealing woman also a whore?
Are the tough warrior classes all women?
Is everyone bisexual?
Does the game punish you for rightfully expelling ungrateful tieflings from the grove?
Is there a zesty amount of black dykey women in Baldur's Gate?
Was Wyll interesting in the beta just to be dumbed down into an inoffensive nice black guy cliche?


All the game needs is a fully rendered scene of Wyll's nobility father eating twink shit for it to be gayslop of the decade.
I have no intention of playing BG3, but I don't get this bear controversy.
In Skyrim (13 years ago, fuck) there was always the homo romance option, we just ignored it and played the rest of the game. I don't see the difference with this BG3 scenario unless you have to romance said bear. I guess it's just so memeable that it sticks with people.
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its literal Soros sponsored propaganda
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>I don't get this bear controversy.
1. paid Pajeets were spamming it every single day en masse so it become completly organic and not forced epic meme xD zoomers gonna eat that shit anyway
2. if zoophilia in games is okay why pedophilia is not?
one of devs was furry pedo that is into "cubs", check it out on /b.
there were leaked screenshots how "halflings" and "orcs" are having sex. obviously they never meant anything behind that
all that shit have been tried to be erased and turn into "le trolling" again by cheap pajeet shits
game mady by pedos for cretins, enjoy
Baldur's Gate 3 >> Baldur's Gate 2 >> Baldur's Gate

And none of them deserve to be in top 10 RPGs, but most cowards will put BG2 there even if they liked BG3 more.
Kek keep dreaming nigger
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The anon you're replying to is a leftist.
He doesnt understand that its normal people that are tied of wokeshit.
In his mind "You dont like woke = Nazi"
I would say its just buggy.
But I know what you are talking about.
There dialogue/Journal-flags seems such a buggy mess that at certain places it becomes a mess at the game just refers to dialogues you didnt have and shit you didnt do.
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>sisterfucking bait
BG3 has daughterfucking bait.
>Does the game let you have sex with animals?
No? Druid can change into a bear, that's it. If that constitutes bestiality, trannies are 100% true and honest women.
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>BG2 was at least as degenerate for its time as BG3 was for the current era. But beyond that, BG2 is OBJECTIVELY a worse game and a worse RPG in every sense.
Oh hey its this guy again.
>where meele character playstyle is nothing more than clicking on the enemy once.
Whereas in bg3 you click two times! Whooaaaaa
At least I can maneuver, take cover, use different strikes and plan out the battle. Real time with pause was a fail attempt at pandering to the diablo demographic.
>i specifically sought to do gay shit in a video game and it let me therefore the game is offensive to me
Another closeted homosexual. Many such cases.
Game forces you to fuck the bear. You aren't given an option.
I went to a truck stops bathroom and when I pressed my mouth against a hole in the wall a cock came out. We cannot live like this. The west has fallen.
>Does the game let you have sex with animals?
Sadly no, the only game that i know of who does it is Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura.
Not surprising. Racist trash literally made by jews and homosexuals.
Seethe more, Biodrone slop enjoyer.
>Oh hey its this guy again.
No it isn't, that was my first post ITT, but it's typical for soulless husks to recognize me as their nemesis.
Did the hole hypnotically make you suck the cock clean, sliding your tongue under the foreskin and swallowing the load? That hole has a gay agenda and I hate it.
>made by jews
>has the [echo]Gnomish[/echo] conspiracy quest
Leonard Boyarsky is based although he probably meant is ironically, just like the Deus Ex devs were using the conspiracy theories "ironically"
I shouldn't have to live in a world where I'm tempted by penises everywhere! Something has to be done!
Planescape: Torment is the only truly ageless Infinity Engine game that I can still bring myself to replay. Overrated dogshit engine, all its faults that Planescape: Torment's combat "sucked" (was slightly worse than BG2, and a lot worse than Icewind Dale's but that doesn't matter).
>frankensteins wacky adventure in nonsenseland
Westoids have no soul.
>if zoophilia in games is okay why pedophilia is not?
Jrpg are already a thing.
BG1 and 2 is the goyslop and you're throwing a tantrum because your hugbox got taken away.

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