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With the cancellation of a number of games and now this, does Final Fantasy still has a shot at relevancy or will this truly be THE Final Fantasy?
>make your game exclusive to the console that is literally a fucking laughingstock for having no exclusives meaning no reason to buy the console meaning no accessibility to your game
ceos are so fuckin stupid
The next FF will be a modest “4 niggas in a row’ affair made on the cheap. FF7R will be their last AAA game for at least a decade. DQ12 might very well be the last DQ game and we’re not likely to get another Chrono game. They’ll probably be purchased by Sony at some point in the near future.
It's a shame it only released on PS5, I want it to fail because it's a butchering of a classic, not because of Sony
>The next FF will be a modest “4 niggas in a row’ affair made on the cheap.
You know what? GOOD.
Right? That’s all I’ve wanted for the past 20+ years.
Also based lucky digits.
Doesn't need to be 4, I'd take 3 as well.
Just give me an actual honest to god turn-based game. Let me choose my shit from a menu, rather than doing ARPG combat.
Seriously. On some level I appreciate when a series tries to evolve and change things up but you also don't need to fix things that aren't broken.
Yeah. I can track the gradual changes to the turn based battles, and a lot of them make sense, but 15/7R/16 are not final fantasy combat any more.
13 is on the fence. The total lack of MP or cooldowns made sense within its system, where you had a large number of setups* you could be in at any time, and because they were all viable and accessible*, that increased the opportunity cost of using any given paradigm set. The entire combat setup was designed around trying to pick the right set of powers to be throwing at the enemy, and planning ahead around that a bit, and it felt OK when it was working, and still in theory menu-driven with actions executing on a timer. 13-2 fixed the problem of not having party members accessible, but the story was wank. I've not played lightning returns.

*OK, yes, there were a large number once you had all party members accessible, not being stuck in a 2-man section for several hours, the plot needed it but it made the battles suck.

But fuck, how is it that playing black mage in FF14 feels more like I'm playing a turn based RPG than playing the combat in any FF game post-14?

Just give me a goddamn turn based FF game, please. One man did it in a cave with a box of free assets, and crystal project is a better FF game than 16.
Don't worry blackrock is shutting down and replacing all white studios with black owned gaming studios, you will soon have the greatest video games in all existance because the ratings will say so and the enforced cbdc scores will force you to appreciate these games or you will own even less of things.

Also, mandated negresses shaniqua for whites.
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>we're reaching levels of final fantasy that shouldn't even be possible
>Most people who grew up with FF7 now only game on PC
>By the time the remakes hit PC it's all been spoiled
>gothic FF
>With imsim gameplay
if only
we kept saying release it on pc
I will be glad when SE collapses and they stop shilling here desu.
>square enix
>white studio
Are you on fucking crack?
>Also, mandated negresses shaniqua for whites.
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You know what I want. I want a pure bright fantasy laced with darker undertones with an overworld and an airship and various means of conveyance. I want X amount of niggas in a row. I do not want some bizarre modern or whatever-punk setting. I want castles. And I want dragons. I want dwarves and elves and moogles. I will not complain if you throw me some crazy sci fi crap later in the game Warmech style. I will not complain if there's space shit as a plot twist. I will complain if it's done in the style of a modern k-drama fashion show because I want Amano front and center doing art. I want to (fail to) protect magical crystals each held by a different kingdom with a different problem to solve and I want to punch and evil goddamn wizard in his evil goddamn face.
Thank you Reddit.
Final Fantasy's hey day is long over. The franchise's legendary status was cultivated in the 90s when a new mainline FF game was coming out every year. There was always a gane to play and talk about and a new game around the corner to speculate on. If you didn't like a FF game like 8, that was okay because another one was coming out. After FF10, that stopped. We started going many years in between releases. People played FF13, discussed it, and then there was nothing on the horizon, so people whoere dosatisfied with 13 didn't have anything to wash out the bad taste with, so people's last memories of the franchise was bitter. Years pass and people forgot FF while the fans remained sour. And then by the time Versus XIII finally came out, the original fans were disappointed as it wasn't wgat they were originally promised and was Final Fantasy in name only. And you had an entire generation of kids grow up without FF games coming out every year so the name means nothing to them. The franchise has no hope of rehavilitating its reputation unless they go back to releasing a new game every year AND they are real FF games again, not cooki ecutter Ubisoft open world games or knock off Kingdom Hearts or second rate imitations of WoW or wannabe Dragon Age/Devil May Cry. That won't happen.
>If you didn't like a FF game like 8
What if you're a boomer whose last FF was SNES VI?
If someone loved 6 then there are three more games rhey might find some enjoyment in:

FF7 after disc 1 was a redux of the World of Ruin.
FF9 went back to the traditional medieval fantasy aesthetic.
FF12 had renaissance era magitek setting, ensemble story, and character customization
I appreciate your reply.
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>DQ12 might very well be the last DQ game
You're probably right.
The sheer cultural importance of it in gaming for the Japanese would keep it going, even with Toriyama's death, but it won't be localized.
This is actually a fairly interesting point. Dev times have gotten so long and budgets gotten so big it's actually pretty easy to just sort of "phase out" of the franchise. It's one thing to go 2-3 years without a release, your last game, if it's memorable, will sit in people's heads for a while. But once you start getting into wait times of even five years let alone ten you'd be forgiving for stop following the games entirely if you even knew they were released. Entire console life spans have come and gone in the time it takes for some of these to come out.
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>The next FF will be a modest “4 niggas in a row’ affair made on the cheap
I could have sworn Bravely Default was going to fill this niche but then BDII sucked so much ass they seem to be afraid of the IP now.
>The next FF will be a modest “4 niggas in a row’ affair made on the cheap.
>FF7R will be their last AAA game for at least a decade.
lmao even
>plebian console economy finally ran out of money to spend on 80 dollar titles, eating out too much, voting for democrat tax rape you nobility in the blue hollywood nobility lands and vapes while not supporting their bastard kids properly
>Oh no
Oh yes, this will quicken the collapse and rebirth of the whole industry.
Your parents are running out of money and work and soon you'll be broke too.
Blackrock is as idiotically influenced by hollywood and universities full of dumb people publishing bias as every other left aligned money shibboleth but even they understand bad investments.
A bloo bloo.

They´ve sucked for 20 years. Whatever they do now has to be better than what they were doing. Maybe they´ll even try to make good games again.
They're going to make gacha.
They will probably make a couple of weird low budget mainline FFs that don't sell first
They already announced that they cannot compete in mobile in their report. This is true, and it's good that they recognize it.

Look, they have been dead for two decades. The original loyal fanbase that carried them during their golden age are too old or has long moved on since SE betrayed them to appeal to a wider audience and, for twenty years they had no reason to regret that decision. No matter how loud the rant if it doesn´t heavily impact the sales no suit is going to give a shit.

The thing is that the larger audience is just more fickle and less loyal. They come and go on a whim. Well, now those are gone and SE is looking around for it´s true fans and nobody gives a fuck. My point is that if they go gacha and mobile instead of what they are currently doing nothing of value is lost, they´ll just fade into even greater irrelevance so the only actual paths for them are to either assume their mistakes and double back until they get their old identity back or move forward to a new identity now that they are nothing but a soulless carcass.

In any case they can´t stay as they are. The questions now are are people willing to give them yet another chance? and even if they do do they even have the talent and skill to make it happen? It seems to me nobody is mediocre on purpose.
Rebirth is the game of the year desu, unless Metaphor or Kuro take that spot instead. Looking forward to KH4 and VII R Part 3 as well.
>The questions now are are people willing to give them yet another chance?
If there's anything the last 15 years have taught me is that gamers will always give hacks another chance. They'll turn out one game that's COMPETENT and fanboys will sing hymns to highest heavens about REDEMPTION ARC!! before the company immediately pisses away any regained trust.
Thr sad thing is that they'll take the lesser sales as an example that "remakes" aren't enough to generate sales, when the actual problem is the shit quality rewrites that no one asked for or wanted, and the gameplay changing to this trash ATB crap.
Remakes are always a lazy show of desperation anyways.
didn't final fantasy literally invent atb? what did you mean by this? haven't played the remake so idk what they did with the combat
Remakes destroy a company's future. Instead of making new products that would add new younger customers they re-sell their old product to them, dumping the old customers AND ensuring they have no product to repeat this with the next time.
I don't mind remakes, as long as they don't completely change the way the game plays. Nostalgia drove them to make it, and all they end up doing is ruining the nostalgia.
I also don't agree that remaking a game is a bad thing. In the case of FF7, it's a highly recognizable game even to people who haven't played it, and it generates enough conversations around it to get people interested in its release - it basically sells itself. Big jumps in technology can make revisiting it an all new experience with the same great story everyone loved and that made an impact on so many people.
This just means that they're fed up with the PS5 exclusivity and want to release for multi-platform since day 1, for they're not Sony and what Sony gives to them, for the exclusivity is not enough, even because people are more used to have a PC than game console, that can only be used to play games. I hope that this will result in optimized porting for PC, better graphics, less stuttering etc. They should start fixing Remake and optimize it, but I don't think they're going to do that. Maybe only when they will release a Gold package with all the three titles on it, and this is not going to happend anytime soon, unfortunatelly.
isn't octopath the new 4nigs?
>- it basically sells itself.
Yeah and Star Wars is a money printing machine.
Multiplat day 1 + mid-budget turn-based games. There. Saved. Actionslop is killing SE. Meanwhile BG3 - a turn-based game - is one of the most successful and cherished game of the past decade. What a joke.
FF just doesn't have a place in the market anymore desu, it has been replaced by much better games.
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IMO Bravely did a better job of aping and enhancing what I would call "classic" FF job systems. Octopath seems to be the better received IP but I think that is entirely because of the Switch (and the only BD game on the Switch is shit).

It is also more blatantly a FF homage because of the JP subtitle of "(F)lying (F)airy".
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It's real telling just how badly you've mismanaged everything when your only profitable games are FF14, a rebooted MMO from 2014, and FF11,an MMO from fucking 2002 with barely any players left.
An entire generation of people both picked up and aged out of video games in the time it takes these studios to make 1 game
It's just uncanny when you look back at the PS1 and they had something like 30-40 games out in the span of 5 years. And yeah I know the PS1 had smaller dev budgets and teams, but also, well that's sort of the thing too, isn't it.
What's even more baffling is that the long wait time doesn't even translate to quality, the games always look pretty washed out and are filled with bugs/graphical glitches. Meanwhile the asscreed factory continues to shit out assassins creed games on a yearly basis. I don't understand why Square is struggling in that regard, they're using unreal engine too so there really is no excuse apart from mismanagement.
Same thing happened to SEGA'S western branch recently.
The first one only did well because they hid the fact that it wasn't a remake, but utter wank. Lower sales are to be expected.
I didnt think BDII sucked that much... O certainly didnt love It but I couldve sworn It was at least well received by those who enjoy the series.
Is It over then? Will we never see a Bravely third?
>Falsely advertise the product as a faithful retelling of a beloved game split into four parts
>Series continues to decline in interest as it slowly loses its identity
>JRPGS having a resurgence of turn-based gameplay that FF strayed from
>Game finally releases and the bait and switch is revealed.
>People turn on series, SE is baffled their Kojima imitation strategy didn't work.
>Console scalping reaches an all-time high when PS5 comes out
>Years later the second game comes out.
>People don't care anymore, the game sells way less than the first part.

This is the part where I remind you guys that final fantasy used to be so huge they would use the name in other non-ff rpgs when they localized them, (examples are the saga trilogy on game boy, the first seiken densetsu, etc.)

What a fall from grace. I used to hate Dragon Quest for playing it safe whereas FF always took risks and usually paid off. Now its the inverse.
>>Falsely advertise the product as a faithful retelling
This literally, and I mean LITERALLY, never happened.
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We're so far removed from a meaningful entry in the series that even if we got a Bravely Third I don't think it would even be that good. >>3487244 is right--Bravely Second is almost 10 years old. I think modern SE is more willing to let Team Asano continue to do Octo shit and 2.5d remakes than they are to let them make a direct sequel to a (at the time) poorly received game that hasn't even been allowed to leave its dead console (of course they did that for Drakengard/Nier, but IIRC that is because Saito really likes Mr. Yoko).

BDII's gameplay changed too much about what people expected from "Bravely". Even if you could get over this and still play (which I did), the game starts to show signs of needing more time in the oven about a quarter of the way in. I WANTED to like it despite its flaws (because I did this with the first two games no problem), but there is just way too much mold to eat around.
as soon as i became an adult and had the power to buy whatever games i want, they stopped making games that catered to me

It was kind of fucking crazy being 18-20 and going "wow nobody is making anything that appeals to me"
at this point ive played all the retro games i wanted and have replayed and replayed all the games i really liked. So I guess I am just done with video games
>So I guess I am just done with video games
Extremely based.
>This literally, and I mean LITERALLY, never happened.
>Game is LITERALLY, and I mean LITERALLY, called FF7 remake
>Is instead some bizarre sequel fanfic crap
Doesn't mean it would be "faithful".
>lel XD we just said we'd remake it, we didn't say we'd remake it good :-)
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lol not even weaboos want that gay shit
At this point I have to ask if Square even has any sane people working there anymore. Because I swear it feels like even towards the PS2 days they've been letting the FF brand be driven by lunatics who have less interest in telling FANTASY stories and more interest in.. I don't know how else to put it but, retarded anime bullshit of the most embarrassing variety.
>She doesn't know they advertised Compilation additions would be added to the story
I don't make the rules.
>The next FF will be a modest “4 niggas in a row’ affair made on the cheap
>FF7R will be their last AAA game for at least a decade
>DQ12 might very well be the last DQ game
>we’re not likely to get another Chrono game
Bravely Default was widely lauded as "Classic Final Fantasy" when it was released. But's still a handheld 3DS game.
Exclusive being the cause is pure cope. FFVII Remake started out as a Sony exclusive, as well. It's really a factor of two main things
>The first and main problem is while subtitled "Remake" wasn't actually a remake but a sequel. They lured fans in who wanted a remake with that, and they were extremely disappointed they got a fanfic sequel instead of a real remake
>Second problem was always going to be a loss of player retention for a multi-part episodic release even beyond fans getting burned by not receiving an actual remake, especially when there was like 4 years between each game
That's it. They just needed to do a proper remake in one go, preferably without making it an ARPG.
You're not a marketing expert and neither am I. But anybody can tell you that 7R releasing near the start of the pandemic helped it like it helped all digital products.
>FF7 after disc 1 was a redux of the World of Ruin.
Not in any real way besides the looming threat of Meteor/Kefka's hadouken existing. The world is physically unchanged (bar Mideel during its segment), there's no mass death or population shifting, all cities are totally intact. It isn't a good comparison.
Also Meteor is summoned about halfway through disc 2, not at the end of disc 1.
>Second problem was always going to be a loss of player retention for a multi-part episodic release even beyond fans getting burned by not receiving an actual remake, especially when there was like 4 years between each game
AKA the Xenosaga Problem. The only way to keep your playerbase is to release them back to back like .hack and Digital Devil Saga did.
The irony of your useless and asinine statement is SE does hire ‘marketing experts’ yet they fucked up one of the biggest JRPG franchises. Maybe listen to fans and not soulless suit ‘marketing experts’ is another reason why they failed so miserably
>does hire marketing experts'
Who aren't good at their job. Square's been failing for nearly an entire decade. Constantly.
And it's not just marketing going tits up, every decision is either bad conceptually or rushed out the door.
Even a cursory internal review would have never let Left Alive happen. Would have never let Portopia Serial Murder happen.

But that's that. Directly comparing the performance of Remake with Rebirth when they released in dramatically different conditions is nonsense. You can't analyze by inference those kinds of conditions and attribute them solely to unsubstantiated head cannon.
>The next FF will be a modest “4 niggas in a row’ affair made on the cheap

Fans have wanted this for 25 years lmao
No, retard. Marketing 101 is to give the people what they want and giving people a sequel when they wanted a remake was retarded and they paid for it. Same with FFXVI that flopped, no one wanted a braindead, slow non-churayzee DMC clone with faggots and a little boy in a dress for a Final Fantasy game.
Crazy to me how arrogant Sqeenix was making Ever Crisis thinking a gacha 1:1 of OG sliced up in parts was going to draw in a massive crowd after the ruse that was 7R.
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I feel like this shouldn't be hard yet for some bizarre reason square is always doing shit in the most retarded circuitous way possible.
They should make the next final Fantasy game an HD 2d game with turn based combat and a huge world map to explore. It would probably be a hit and cost way less than whatever the fuck they are currently doing.
I don't honestly much care for their HD2D affairs like octopath but they seriously need to stop spending their entire companies revenue on one game.
who is this cutie
there is always that one tasteless goyslopper
Bravely Default
>and a huge world map to explore
Unicorn Overlord had a very soulful world map. I'd take something like that over the linear and narrow corridors that FFX introduced. Could also bring back airships and other vehicles and have them actually enhance exploration instead of just being quick travel menus, also like how FFX introduced.
Man I miss overworlds like you wouldn't believe.
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Agnès Oblige.
The just need to make a FFVII remaster instead.
>The next FF will be a modest “4 niggas in a row’ affair made on the cheap.

God, I wish.
I can't help but shake the feeling that will proceed to learn nothing and FFXVII is gonna retard in a way they've never retarded before.
>FF XVII is turn-based cheaply made game
>dev team is the MMO team
Enjoy your slop bros
Thing about Octopath is it's too barebones. The characters are too bland, the story is too bland, and worst of all the dungeon and world design is too bland. It's like a skeleton of a good RPG, and it could be fleshed out to be something actually great instead of just mediocre. I know a lot of people had the HD2D, but just turn off bloom and some of unneeded visual flare and it looks pretty good. Bravely Default on the other hand has that 3ds era low poly that I think will always be pretty ugly and cheap no matter you do it.
>will this be the real Final Fantasy
They're going to make Final Fantasy 17 available even on the Switch and jerk off into their own mouths as the sales come rolling in even though the switch port runs at like 17 fps.
Evolution is important, but an often forgotten part of evolution is that many, many evolutions didn't make it. Or, to put it another way, if it's worked for more than a decade, it probably had some merits.
Based and Sqauresoft pilled
I mean that's really the big thing. The change has to give the new thing some kind of advantage so it can survive. You can't just throw changes at the wall willy nilly. There needs to be a logic. Going from rando battles to on screen enemies is a logical evolution. Stuff like that.
what will video games be like when we actually have to leave behind these 80s and 90s IPs forever
has anything come out for the ps5 yet
Given the modern creative industry?
Dead except for a few indies picking over scraps.
Let me know when people actually get over 80s cartoons and films.
That's a big thing.
Star Fox is still getting OC/fan games.
Books older than anyone alive are still well read in the modern era.
Movies older than color television teach many valuable lessons to anyone smart enough to watch.
Appreciation for the old will never die. The problem is modern corpos don't dare to create because they might lose money.
One thing that I often think about is that for however long people have been milking my generation's nostalgia what will the current generations look back on nostalgia wise for
>square-cultists stewing in their misery
holy KEK
I dunno about octapath but I played star ocean 2 remake recently and it looked fucking great. I'd love final Fantasy 17 to look like that.
Seriously the star ocean 2 remake is great!
Who knew how good we had it during the ps1 era. People bitch a lot about bravely default 2 but at least it had a world map.
Octopath 2 is much better. Pirate it and try. Neat 1800s setting as opposed to the by the numbers medieval stuff from the first game.
I like medieval stuff and I'm sick of people writing it off like IT'S THE PROBLEM for so many series being vacuous and dull.
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You'll get yours one day too, faggot. Shut up and let us wallow.
It would be poetic if FF7 was their last FF game.
That's not what poetic means
ptolemaic then
probably due to people dont want to spend another couple of $$$ to play sequel and knowing there still one coming next and they have to pay same amount of $$$ to that
>Movies older than color television teach many valuable lessons to anyone smart enough to watch.
They are still plenty entertaining beyond just being valueable lessons. Try watching something that isn't Citizen Kane. It's like a zoomer who won't play an NES game because it's "outdated" but will say they are still important.
Next FF needs to be more like Genshin Impact, mobile and gacha. Modern players don't care about these single-player story games. They play them for 50 hours and drop it.
It would be poetic if you'd kill yourself.
Fuck off, bugman.
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Who cares, fuck them, they ended after Kill 'em all.
>DQ composer dead
>Toriyama dead
>head guy is getting old and two of his friends are dead
Yeah DQ being either different or shelved for a while is a given
The major point is that there is no way the next FF *can* be like Genshin. SE does not have the quality of devs to match any Mihoyo product desu. They don't even have the composers to match what Mihoyo makes musically. In other words, it's over.
You think a little thing like a lack of talent and creativity are gonna stand in their way? Sir you have not been paying attention.
>The next FF will be a modest “4 niggas in a row’ affair made on the cheap.
FF is still recognized as THE jrpg in the west. If they make ff17 similar to ff6 in hd-3d engine and give it heavy marketing, it may be big success.
FF has mobile titles and nobody plays them
chinks only play genshit impacted so they wouldn't know
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>people will complain that AAA games are budgeted to high
>studio makes a modest budgeted entry for a landmark ip and drops a trailer for it
>"what the hell, this looks ugly as hell, i hope that is the alpha build, take this as an opportunity and learn" comments and general reception
while I'm not defending the retarded decisions to spend $300+ million dollars on game development just to model the moles and pores on every NPC's ass cheeks, the general public will very much practice their capacity for hypocrisy the second a major ip's graphics aren't on the absolute bleeding edge.
look at shit like halo infinite and the silent hill 2 remake for somewhat recent examples of this.
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Are we even getting a part 3?
>replacing all white studios with black owned gaming studios
Are japs white now or something?
Asians don't count
..did you fall for the doomposting
>People are measured in decades
>Games starting to hit those marks
Yeah definitely, leading to endless remake markets too sadly.
>No new AAA soulless slop
I'm ok with that when I see smaller companies utterly mogging them with such as Trial of Mana remake, the exception that proves the remake rule.
>look at shit like halo infinite and the silent hill 2 remake for somewhat recent examples of this.
These games aren't even made by the original developers at all. Halo Infinite is made by people that despise everything that Bungie created, and ended up releasing a broken games-as-a -ervice piece of shit (guessing you memory hole'd big team battles not working for months on releases). Silent Hill 2 Remake is also being made by a western studio and we have had like a decade of shitty western made SH games, plus the devs have gone on record saying they want to change SH2 to their vision. These two games are getting hated on for entirely different reasons from what you think if you actually knew anything about them other than superficial reactionary shitposting.
lmao, you don't get to tell me what i saw with my own eyeballs dumb dumb.
i don't care about the other things that might have drawn them negative attention, that isn't the point of what I'm saying.
i distinctly remember people making fun of them for their visuals, i saw multiple instances of it, and it was coming from the same people who would likely turn around and go "games cost to much to make now".
Everyone is white now. Except for euros, they are cringe nafo jews.
I like overworld design in the octopath series, It reminds me of pokémon and I find It Very enjoyable.
What I dont like, however, is It Dungeon design, that is like an overworld but darker with a few cutscenes in between.
They should make better Dungeons, Square hasnt dont a good Dungeon, one that is not simply a gauntlet corridor, in a long time really.
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>Final Fantasy is dying!!
he proclaimed for the 15th year in a row
>The next FF will be a modest “4 niggas in a row’ affair made on the cheap.
I don't want a shitty Dragon Quest clone you retards, stop pushing this shit
>shitty wow clone
kek'd hard desu
>I don't want a [good game] you retards, stop pretending I don't eat shit
well that's your problem, enjoy your eggmcmuffin for breakfast retard because that's the most profitable breakfast and thus the tastiest logically
And still, despite the sales numbers, none of the Japanese studios even attempt to make something in the vein of WRPGs. Just constant regurgitation of the same tired old JRPG tropes and mechanics, with endless sequels.
this is definitely the case. i dont really know what they expected
mmos dont count. most people dont care about the actual game theyre logging into. there are tens of thousands of people just hanging out in the main towns all day talking to friends and showing off their $10 glowing angel wings
They better release my damn versus 13 that got replaced by some gay boy band road trip. I’m boycotting until I get my waifu Stella back
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No but all of the characters they make are white
Happened differently with me. I stopped playing games at 15, started again at 25. Initially, my mind was blown. I acquired hundreds of games I would have loved as a kid, only to discover… As an adult, playing games is just as labor-intensive as working.

Instead of twice a year, going to a game shop, and getting something to treasure, I have hundreds of offerings that are superior to what I had as a kid, but they just don’t draw me in anymore.

Hentai games, Final Fantasy, GTA, and Civ are all that do it for me these days.
My computer is from 2009, Switch is my only console. Latest FF games I’ve played were Before Crisis and Crystal Chronicles Re-release. Crystal Chronicles was great. Would appreciate a sequel.

Very interested in further Square Enix releases for Switch. Triangle Strategy didn’t have much FFT in it.
>Instead of twice a year, going to a game shop, and getting something to treasure, I have hundreds of offerings
I vividly remember getting a hundred games with an emulator, and immediately feeling that games lost their value. Wasn't even interested in playing them lol. Previously we used to gather around to play whenever some kid in the neighborhood had a new game, like it was a goddamn event.

Today I rarely buy games. People complaining about "backlogs" sounds foreign to me
thats a better way to live than having a real gaming pc to be honest. i might just take that up myself
It's too late, trails won.
>The next FF will be a modest “4 niggas in a row’ affair made on the cheap
You're all retarded if you genuinely think FF will ever go back to any form of turn-based battle system.
>FF is still recognized as THE jrpg in the wes
Isn't that Persona? There also seems to be something with 'anime games' just not catching on in general meanwhile FF will do anything to be treated like GTA or Call of Duty, maybe Assassin's Creed at the very least.

If the next FF game is popular simply because it's the opposite of what Final Fantasy is supposed to be (gauge-based combat with a heavy character-centered story focus) then I swear gaming is doomed.
>FF is still recognized as THE jrpg in the west.
Isn't that Dragon Quest?
Not outside Japan
Other than the DQ Slime in the pinned topics, when do you ever see a DQ thread around here?

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