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/vrpg/ - Video Games/RPG

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What are some RPGs where I can be evil?
Cartoon evil or evil evil?
Can you give examples of each?
In Fallout 1.5 Resurrection you can be a real bastard, here's some examples: help a pedophile, gets HIV and spread it around whores, join an organ "donation" group in search of "donors", join a more light hearted version of the Enclave that has a gas chamber and uses it on anyone with so much as an sixt toe (children included), convince a woman to become a whore, give a gun to a kid that he will shoot his parents while they sleep, help said Organ "donation" group get a bunch of tribals to become "donors" in the middle of Albuquerque.
Can't think of much more but it's more than your typical joining a crime family, delivering jet and political assassination.
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I like it when the game doesn't tell me how to be evil
never have i wanted to play a mod less, the appeal of fallout was not edge
In Tyranny evil won a long time ago and you get to keep perpetuating evil.
Dragon Age Origins lets you sell a little boy's soul to a demon.
The plot is that you're the chosen one and destined to fight Kyros, at worst you can want to usurp her. Also, she's a girlboss who enforces wholesome chungus socialism and gender equality. It's amazing how Obsidian managed to take such an interesting premise and sanitize it to a boring death.
Black Souls
Sounds interesing, what else is in there?
pure slavcore
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Pretty much any open world one. I can't really think of one where you can't just go around killing innocents for no reason
That is not enough. NPCs that have no name and no backstory mean nothing to me.
TBQH i think that's all the evil shit you can do, also i didn't do all of them (mostly the Corath stuff) so i looked a few up, see this:
That all sounds small time. The Board from Outer Worlds is 5 times as evil as a character that does all that crap you describe in Fallout 1.5, they make him look like a literal saint by comparison

>Sells Bumble to Eulogy Jones
>"Wonderful! Here's your 330,000 bottle caps as promised, partner. Looks like we'll both be laughing all the way to the bank tonight. Maybe I'll even hire a plumber and buy myself a golden toilet to shit in."
Not interested in your shitty game shill
What's evil about raping and killing niggermen
pillars of eternity
rogue trader
bg3 i guess? could never finish it
This only really becomes pertinent right at the end. During the game proper you can be as loathsome of a cunt as you want.
I don't get paid to shill games, just making an objective reply to his post. If you can name a more iredeemably evil joinable faction than The Board, go ahead and name one, I'm genuinely curious
If you just admitted to being a shill it would be easier than whatvever coping mechanisms you're cooking up back there
You completely failed to answer my question regarding a more vile joinable faction. You also completely failed to provide any evidence I get paid money to post on 4chan. Can you do better than dodging my simple questions whilst repeating your same baseless accusations?
All western games. You always do degeneracy and gay.
Planet Alcatraz unironically.
Cartoon evil is flamboyantly malicious, mustache twirling villains who might as well wear "Evil" as their nametag.
IE kicking a puppies, stealing candy from children, killing random people for no reason, dark lords taking over the world. This type of evil isn't much of a threat because once its revealed itself you can just point the heroes at it and they'll defeat it eventually.

Evil Evil is more insidious, will appear good while working to malevolent aims, might even think they're good, if you challenge them on it they will employ sophistry to convince you that their evil is actually good and that you are the misguided one. This evil functions more how evil actually works, very few who do evil think they're evil. Evil will blur the lines between right and wrong and convince people to do bad things while they're believing they're doing good.
Ah, so Judaism vs Islam.
Choice-based games with a karma bar are the ones you might want to look for then, i think.
can you give me an example
kotor 1 and 2 are awesome
I thought Dragon age origins had some pretty good evil choices
It flopped for a reason.

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