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Shiren Mystery Dungeon 6 is out, post those rescue codes.
Have you beat the main dungeon yet? How far have you gotten?
This pasta is pretty primitive but it should give the gist of what Shiren is.
fuck Touhou, thread can start now
>get to boss for first time
>boss is between me and a dragon
>dragon keeps shooting the boss
>dragon kills the boss eventually
a win's a win
Is the online in this game region locked?
rent free
For rescues, yes. For parallel play, no.
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Anyone know which two dungeons these are? I'd like to clear these before going to the 99F gigadungeon.
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Welp, finally beat it and absolutely gang-raped Jakaku because I got both party members that run, the party members really do make the main dungeon easy mode.
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And my clear stats. Wish I found a Kabura's to go with the shield but the mallet was pretty good too.
Congrats, man. I didn't think party members even unlocked until you beat it.
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Spike Chunsoft uploaded some media assets for Shiren 6 including a 6568x7165 jpg of the sticker that came with physical copies.
bro i didnt even know you could get companions for the first dungeon I thought that shit was post game only lmao. Nice job tho
has anyone ripped the ost yet? Cause I know this shit aint ever getting an actual ost release
>not a single track on YT
It'll be some time. Shame, since there are some really good tracks like Kron's Challenge and the Dunes dungeon.
A few are there.
There's some tracks on youtube, they just have japanese tiitles
Ore no nihonogo wa hidoi, so thanks.
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1st is peach dungeon, 2nd is inference and extra inference
I am simply not going to do Ex Inference, and Peach filtered me so I'm going forward. Thanks.
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>have items in a walrus pot
>oh I know, I'll just break it in the warehouse!
>walrus pot still had some empty spots so the zakoleft pops out and one-shots me
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My stupidity, now in webm format.
Fucking Walri (the plural of walrus).
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>I am simply not going to do Ex Inference
why? it's the easiest dungeon in the game
Bro, my 1 and done dungeons would make you cry. Yamakagashi.
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I guess I might as well prove it.
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just go get your inference badge already
I kneel.
Shiren soundtracks always get CD releases though
Ironically. Imagine losing one in three times. Fucking lmao.
I wish when you had companions in your party that they made comments at the various stops like in 4 & 5.
I know there are quite a lot of them and are far less in between in comparison, but seeing them talk like for example admiring the scenery of the underground water tunnel or talking about how cold the ice village was amongst themselves could be some cute fluff.
Yeah, I expected some banter inbetween.
>muh excuse
New patch
>Fixed an issue where a silver-sealed rune's effect could become activated when resuming a suspended game.
>Fixed Rescue-related issues (rescuee is different from that of the accepted request, rescuee is missing on the target floor, etc.).
>Fixed an issue where items dropped due to Item-losing Bracelet's effect were not displayed properly on the floor.
>Turned off monster pups' cries while the Item Holder's window is opened.
>Other miscellaneous fixes.
No they don't. Shiren 5 got some shitty half assed cd that had 10 songs on it in the US limited edition. It never got a full OST release in japan.
I don't know the percentages but man costly rune is now 100 Gitan for each hit or hit taken.
The resonance brings it down to 70, but man that is still expensive, what a nerf.
Correction, 75 Gitan my bad.
Peak goyim rune.
Kinda stinks, but didn't it cost 250 Gitan at max level in 5?
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Yeah, it loses a lot of its value as it levels up, but it was always a nice rune to synthesis onto another weapon or shield, as synthesis runes only have the level multiplier and don't scale.
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>Deposit Gitan into Bank.
>Go to Warehouse
>Use Fixer Scroll
>Get 3000-5000 Gitan.
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now I'm ready to try to beat the story dungeon
oh shit I have like 5 of these in my bank and a weapon that costs 37k to get back maybe i can do this
Wait until you find Gambler Scrolls.
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I fucking did it bros
>7 hours
Welp, time to bunker in.
Anything to look out for?
Stumbled into a good setup with Mudkins, Samurai Ghost, and a Rustproof Bracelet in a hallway with a curve to safely grind EXP. Level grinding is not the most useful thing in Shiren but it doesn't hurt either and it's fairly easy to reproduce.
While you all are out here playing the new game I'm still struggling through 1 DS. Kitchen God is a pain. More specifically, starting a floor in the middle of a monster house with nothing but some mamel and robber meat is a pain. No, I won't level up before entering.
>No, I won't level up before entering.
You literally can't
these were the worst floors in my opinion:
40-49F: high level tanks everywhere plus igneous family monsters that duplicate themselves if caught in the blasts.
80-99F: archdragons sniping you from afar and king reapers following you through walls at double speed, expect to get surrounded the moment you step out of the stairs.
They're all good candidates for an eradication scroll.
Yeah, tanks + fireman is always fun.
You couldn't in the SNES one, you can on the DS.
Aw crap, sorry. It's been ages since I played DS, and I confused the two
Is it a skindiving dungeon? I haven't unlocked it yet but I'm curious.
1.0.4 update for shiren
anyone have patch notes
mb but ty
>...and maybe it won't crash when you leave it running overnight
>...we hope
Buggiest game I've seen on the system. Takes thirty seconds to boot, too.
I haven't encountered a single bug on my end
That's cool, bro, but I've had three system locks.
then you haven't seen anything, especially not the pokemon games. even the PMD one is much buggier, it often crashes in 99 floor dungeons, and things can get weird when doing rescues, and that's still nothing in comparison to main series pokemon
iirc the switch version of a hat in time takes well over a minute to boot
I'm not trying to shit on the game or anything, but it's pretty notable. Though I'll admit it might have something to do with the new firmware I just installed.
When you ID items do they stay ID'd in future runs of those dungeons?
No. Have to do it every time and the unidentified names will change too.
Ah yeah thanks, I kinda came to that conclusion after trying the ID gimmick dungeon for the first time.
I'm guessing there's no way to synthesize a blue/gold rarity from one weapon onto another?
What's the best runes for the post-game dungeons that allow carry-ins?
do they spawn because of the extra slots in the jar?
Counts as a dungeon death too so I lost my held items/gitan.
This helped me survive a Thiefwalrus and an N'dulu at the warehouse. Thanks for taking the bullet, anon.
Get fucking Projectileproof (Kappa's Dish). It's not a guarantee, but when the radishes start throwing Berserk Seeds from other rooms and there are behemoths running around, you'll be glad you have it.

t. lost on floor 49 of Isle of Mighty
Have all of the backgrounds been posted in an uncompressed format anywhere yet?
How do the pets work? Do you just keep getting an infinite number of them or do there a limit?
second this, I'd love to see them in full glory
A course of bad luck had both of my companions killed and me as well. If someone still plays Shiren 5 could you check it out please? You can make good use of some Mixers and Earth Scrolls to get a decent shield.
I'm having tons of troubles in the Dunes. Time to take notes I suppose.
Done, check your game.
>You can make good use of some Mixers and Earth Scrolls to get a decent shield.
Rescues work differently in Shiren 5, if someone dies during the main story you only need to send them a revival grass.
how do i deal with stupid pigs and radishes spam throwing rocks and confusion/poison herbs at me on floors 27+?
Porkos and Sky Dragons are my priority threats at the end, due to the ranged attacks. If you can hit them with a staff: Sealing/Paralysis/Getaway/Sluggish. If you can't, using Switching/Pinning/Warp Grass to get away. Damage is high in 6 and you should consider regening HP after each fight but on the other hand that can backfire.
i think i'll prioritize the radishes next time, my run just ended since one of them threw 3 poison grasses and then confusion grasses repeatedly in a dark corridor
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I'd bet on a patch taking this out at some point, lol
That's not even its final form.
>lost a dune of batsu run because I didn't have the items to deal with the boss's summons
>tried to use an escape scroll but it doesn't work during boss fights
It's really fucking gay how escape scrolls don't work during bosses, especially since you basically have no way of knowing what a boss's gimmick will be.
if i try to rescue myself and fail, can i try it again?
Onigiri payback or jitters payback?
Also do we know the % chance of sleep/confuse/etc runes on weapons yet?
it's something like 10%
Looks like some percentages are listed here already

Does upgrading the Katana/Kabura get rid of the runes they have like previous shirens?
I got fucked up by a Mixer during a Sacred Ocean dungeon run when I tried to feed it a sword. What's the safest way to synthesize through them when you lack attack or defense power after tossing them your equip since they hit hard?
Yes, you can try the rescue as many times as you want, but for each run you can only request rescue 3 times.
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>decide to do some rescuing
>go in the back to see the rescues that only have a couple of days left
>someone collapsed on floor 26
>pretty cursed run, didn't find a shield until a shop of floor 6-10, best weapon i could find was a katana+2 before i lucked out and got a manji out of a transmutation pot
>rest of the climb goes pretty normally nothing truly as unlucky as having to climb without a shield
>get to floor 26
>start searching
>find the room, a monster room as usual
>this'll be a snap i've got a pair of windblades with me to clear the room
>blue radish throws a confusion herb at me
>s'allrite i'll just use those windblades
>kappa throws a plant at me
>pic related

There was one thing that saved this entire rescue and it was the fact I had bought a revival herb back from the same shop I bought the best shield I could find. Pretty ridiculous. A monster room with a kappa standing on a sealing herb is a pretty brutal.
As someone new-ish to the series, can someone tell me what the point of the loop of upgrading your equipment is if you can't bring them to a lot of endgame dungeons, and it looks like, the hardest one with 99 floors?
You can bring it to SOME endgame dungeons, and some of those are a huge pain in the ass without specific equipment/items.
There is no point outside of using them in the dungeons that allow you to bring items (and some dungeons are meant to be beaten with strong equipment and items from the start), or for completionism.
Different strokes. Shiren offers strict level 1 clean run content, grind out the best shit content, and in between.
Can I just upgrade and put runes on some wood sword and then mix it with a sacred weapon later to put all the runes and upgrades on the sacred weapon?
My Kabura didn't lose its runes when being upgraded, but I think it might go down to 15 rune slots if it had more before upgrading.
Yeah, just as long as the sacred weapon has enough slots.
Thank you.
Couple questions:
When you rescue someone do you always have to clear a monster room even if they didn't die in one?
What happens if you try to synthesize a weapon or shield with more runes on it than the destination item? Does it just add them sequentially and everything past the last available slot is lost or does it just not fuse them?
Do you know if it keeps blue/gold rarity if you upgrade it? Want to know if it's worth it to try and find a blue/gold rarity one.
Invincibility grass or a sanctuary scroll. You could also try sleeping them but if they wake up before you can kill them you're dead.
>When you rescue someone do you always have to clear a monster room even if they didn't die in one?
>What happens if you try to synthesize a weapon or shield with more runes on it than the destination item? Does it just add them sequentially and everything past the last available slot is lost or does it just not fuse them?
The former, you lose the runes past capacity.

Adding to what the other guy said, a riskier method but more readily available is speed buffs/debuffs.
My Fuuma shield kept its blue rarity when I upgraded it.The extra slots from being sacred didn't carry over (it still only got 15 after upgrading), but all the runes it had and the extra defense points from being sacred did carry over.
Thanks I'll keep some of those items handy.
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A little embarassed to have taken 10 tries, though about half were easily preventable if I had been paying attention.
I unlocked the Unsuspicious shop and if I understand correctly, bringing my upgraded equipment to the dungeon shouldn't really be a risk now since I can just grind money and buy it from her if I die and lose it? Or is there some catch?
>Want to know if it's worth it to try and find a blue/gold rarity one.
Not really, upgrading the regular items is enough to take 1 damage and kill everything in 1 hit.
If you really want to, I found gold Fuuma shields in the Isle of the Mighty and one of the rewards for beating the 99F dungeon is a gold Kabura.
You'll be grinding for a while if it's been upgraded with good runes. The gear I lost in Isle of the Mighty costs 200K combined to buy back, and my entire bank is only enough for one.
Is lost equipment guaranteed to show up there? I was under the impression that it was only a chance that it would be there after dying.

Money seems pretty easy to accumulate by just hoarding Fixer and Blank scrolls to use back at the warehouse.
The best method I found is selling eradication scrolls, but you need to have escape scrolls unlocked and access to the staff&scroll dungeon.
Any other stragglers still playing the vita version of 5? I considered switch/steam but there's no way in hell I'm doing statue cave again
got monster housed. used a no walls scroll. used a sleep scroll. tiger dude threw guys at me. oh well floor 14 on my 2nd run was good enough
>used a no walls scroll
...but why?
Can nigiri enemies turn weapon/shields into onigiris?
No, but they can turn (You) into one.
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I might've overprepared for this boss.
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Died in the cavern of suiryu, can someone rescue me?
Code is 9Pjm-2EV5
Is there any special dialogue if you get there with an ally?
lmao, taking whatever you used to beat the main story was enough for that dungeon.
One of the biggest letdowns coming from 5 is that the party members are basically ghosts. They don't appear in any 'chillout zones' or cutscenes. I'm fine with them not developing levels/skills, but at least give them some fun stuff.
Peach dungeon is kicking my ass, any tips for it?
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They did this in 5 too. I guess their weeds are so strong they can take items out of your bag
If you have a break-off sword/shield you can equip it before you eat a peach to have their high atk/def and they won't decay.
Is 5 or 6 better overall?
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I have slightly redeemed myself.
6 is better if you just want to play and enjoy the game normally
5 is better if you're autistic for it and enjoy being autistic
I just beat the Serpentcoil Island the second time, which was much easier since there was no boss. What do I do after?
Completing Serpentcoil Island the second time should have unlocked the Batsu dungeon at the beach in the starting town, so maybe you can do that, or one of the other dungeons you probably unlocked along the way
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Both are great but I prefer 6, the game feels more tightly designed and it doesn't have the day-night system.
5 is like 7.5 times cheaper, so that. I have no idea what they were thinking with 6's price, full AAA price for a game with a not that high budget in a series that's already pretty niche.
The game had a very heavy marketing push (in japan), and RPGs in general tend to always be full price in Japan no matter their budget.
FUCK the retarded fucking ninja dungeon
AY7Q-E3GY, please help
17f in the ninja dungeon i cant recall the name of. There's an earlyish fortune gate that lets you wish for more levels, be sure to check the walls.
I'd give the edge to 5. Better graphics, item/monster selection (screw fearabbits though), and better music
Meant for >>3421956
rescued myself, got 4 floors deeper and died to taking 40+ damage from half the enemies and gave up. Genuinely don't know how you're meant to tackle this place.
Never played this game. Is there porn of the creature in the bottom right?
how did the red pirates leave the island if it was floating
You already know.
I don't. What is its name?
Time to play the game and find out
I finished the main dungeon twice but I'm getting demolished in every secondary dungeon. Shopping, Identifier, Batsu or Ninja dungeon, they all fuck me up the ass.
No companions, no carry over items, no identification and every other tile seems to be a trap. Am I missing something? Do I just need to grind the main dungeon more to unlock features? Shit isn't fun anymore
Batsu allows bringing in items, and you can find companions in there once you unlock them. Identifier is a bit harder but you can identify items there, that's the point of the dungeon. idk about shopping or ninja, haven't seen those yet.
>and you can find companions in there once you unlock them
Ah, really? Guess I was unlucky then. Or do you mean there are specific Batsu companions? Either way, I'll give this one another try at the very least
I meant the former. I only had Asuka unlocked when I did it and found her there
Ninja dungeon is actual horseshit, it's got the lowest clear rate of any dungeon I've unlocked so far. You pretty much need to shoot your arrows at a wall and swap out your inventory one by one so that the whole thing is just single arrows taking up whole item slots. Then have a Nigiri Baby beat on you and turn them all into Onigiri on 3F so you actually have food.
After that it feels like you need to wait for the wind on every floor just to have a chance at enough levels to survive later. Shit gets way too strong way too quickly, and there's a boss at the very end on top of that. Personally I'd focus on doing other dungeons for now.
Your best bet is to find a poison arrow trap (green box with white arrow) and throw rocks at it. A stack of ~40 of those will give you much needed breathing room. It sounds like it'd be too random to be consistent, but I swear that dungeon throws rocks and poison traps at you like they're going out of style
Why don't the grinding carry in dungeons just give you your items back when you fail? Or at least keep the ones you still have. I don't mind losing everything normally but those dungeons are just awful.
Just carry an escape scroll as backup.
>radish throws Berserk Seed from another room in your path
There's also those onigiri monsters that usually spawn on the first few floors. The Sumo buff basically doubles your HP and damage and it'll help. I just finished Yamakagashi Pass using it after 16 tries.
If we're going by number of tries, my strategy is superior since I cleared it in single digits.
>died to a misstep near a behemoth
>died to using a unidentified monster pot
>died because I couldn't find any rocks once
I've died here more than any other dungeon, jesus christ.
And of course after I complain I get the perfect run where I get a ton of invincibility and revive grass.
dont you need to eat a ton of onigiri at max hunger to get the sumo buff, and then you can lose it easily?
Where do Nigiri Stoppers drop?
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>go to shopping dungeon
>eat random grass in a shop to identify it
>one is a warp grass
>it counts as stealing and I die
>I was carrying a Kabura Sutegi+4 with tons of runes and a Fuuma Shield+50
>buying them back costs 250k
>selling everything I have only gets me 180k
The world's most expensive piece of warp grass, jesus christ.
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you got owned
learn to id by price, you should never eat 50/100g grass in a shop.
How are you supposed to price id anyway? Autistically keep a table of records?
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>taking notes is autistic
they automated the whole process for idiots like you
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I know I should've, I just completely forgot warp grass was even a thing to worry about since I rarely ever use it in 6. I usually check the prices too, of course the one time I don't is the time I get fucked. I actually almost escaped by using an invincibility grass + sumo onigiri to dig to the stairs but my invincibility ran out before I made it and I got DOG'd

How are you supposed to ID pots/staffs by price though, what's the default price in the notebook for their uses? I'm guessing 4 or 5 for pots and 5 for staffs?
I know the 6000+ pot was a synth pot.
I decided to mess around in a shop a bit, and a [3] transmutation pot is 1,100, while a [5] is 1,300. The notebook says the price is 800, so I guess pot price is notebook price + 100 for each use?
How do i unlock the staves and scrolls dungeon?
I got it after beating Suiryu but I don't know if that's all there is to it
It is, same applies for staves and incense but don't even bother price ID'ing those.
Is there even any point to these aside from burning bits of your inventory you can't use? None of them really seem helpful
>reflective incense
>smack enemy with fortune staff
>free levels
>smack enemy with narrow escape
>free trip to the stairs
blurry incense can save your ass too
Died on floor 4 of the staff and staves dungeon like an idiot, can someone rescue me?
Is there something special I have to do to get the seventh catstone in Shiren V? I've been playing blind but the storehouse is filling up with like thirty catstones and still no seventh catstone to complete the set.
Sadly, no, it's pure RNG and not at all rare to fill up your warehouse with dupes.
use a tanuki password if you haven't already
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>staff and scroll dungeon
>find reflecting room at L8
>somehow obtained 16 fortune staff charges before this point
>Wanted to beat Jakaku in the Prologue
>Invincible Grass + Swift Grass, plus using the 3x3 pillar in the top-left to gain a few extra levels before my hunger ran out
>the intro scenes of the first run all note Jakaku's early death
You miss out on lore, but that's what a second save file is for.
So how does it introduce Suiryu if that's true?
Those rooms seem so pointless, Is that the only use for the gimmick? The tutorial says something like "find out what happens when you get enough bounces!"
You could probably bounce shots off the walls to staff/shoot enemies that aren't in a straight line from you, or shoot yourself with other beneficial staves. Either way I wouldn't have won my run without that room showing up when it did.
The Unsuspicious Shop is just prohibitively expensive if you have any decent runes. It honestly seems more efficient to just start from scratch, which completely defeats the purpose.
Yeah, I had something similar with the baseball grasshoppers in the ninja dungeon, I believe.
Giving the designers the benefit of the doubt, it seems meant to nudge you toward having a few B-tier weapons, rather than a single S-tier weapon. Similarly weapons have no more than 15 rune slots rather than the infinite in Shiren 5.
Eh, I can't really see anyone doing that in practice, especially if you're looking to get the 'second stage' weapons. Really they should've had the price gradually drop by going on adventures like in 5.
You can use them to clone your items.
Make them hit the walls enough times in a single throw and you get two of the same item
I actually don't believe you. Post video.
just try it
>decide to go on a rescue
>don't find a shield for the entire run all the way to floor 23 of the first dungeon

if it wasn't for the fact that the run had a peach staff which let me farm iron arrows from a crossbow boy plus a monster-find bracelet i probably wouldn't have made it to that floor

i don't think he's gonna get very far unless there's a shield on the very next floor
Ah, that's unfortunate that it works that way. It wouldn't be so bad if it was just limited to Tower of Fortune floors, but I had three times in a row where it sent me deep into Lost Well.

Thank you! I had no clue what that Tanuki was for since I was playing it blind, but after your post I looked up the password for the stone I need. Even if it's only one use I can at least finally complete that dungeon and get a wish.
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>find cashing pot on final floor of the ninja rape cave
>extra bracelet sold for 2000 gold
>extra sword sold for 1660
>2shot the boss by throwing the money bags at him
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>sacred ocean
>raped first time
>2nd time
>floor before final
>tons of synthesis pots and preservation pots in inventory
>pleased with myself as I will take these back home
>staircase to final floor
>spawn in a big room + monster house
>exit within sight however tons of a monsters and no items to assist
>make my way there
>start getting pummeled
>ping pong between monsters
>1 tile before exit, 19 HP left
>will definitely take at least one hit
>realize I will lose all my pots I've been salivating over
>take one final hit, -18 HP
>one final fucking HP
>thank God all mighty I ate that Herb back in floor 3
>okay cool kinda shit compared to my main but I'll take it
>besides the real prize is in all this shit i collected in the dungeon
>back home
>check inventory
>only the shitty SACRED ITEM remains
I haven't played a Shiren the Wanderer in weeks, does it hold up?
Yes, very much so in fact.
Of course, it's the rpg you can play 1000 times
Do warehouse pots work if you're being chased by shopkeepers?
My Kabura Sutegi+99 at the Unsuspicious Shop only costs 191000 Gitan, was expecting way more
Is beating the Heart of Serpentcoil 6 times really the only way to get an Accurate Sword?
Not sure, but Escape Scrolls are disabled, so they probably shut down any form of escape.

Yes. Also apparently you can only get the Appraiser's Bracelet from Domain of Staves and Scrolls. Anyone find one yet?
Meaning Expert Inference, don't know why I confused that.
Really? What if you lose the sword?
Been struggling with kiki island, got to floor 10 after dying around floor 5 a bunch of times. Tried to use a mixer to make my weapon be able to paralyze and of course i died to it. Would appreciate a rescue:
I also had Asuka with me, if I get rescued will I still have her?
Time to grind, goy.
Where can I farm for synthesis pots? Is there a masterlist of the ideal spots to farm particular items or is grinding largely unnecessary?
it's probably easier to use a peach weapon/staff to farm mixer buns than to find synthesis pots, or at least that's how it feels to me
but once your gear's strong enough that you can survive going into golden path at level 1 you can spam it to upgrade your gear, there's lots of mixer spawns and junk gear on the ground to feed them (or you can bring in your own)
Are there any special Mixer-only runes i should look out for?
Jitter payback on shields (jitter scroll) is insanely good
on the wanderer board are "far wanderer" other players and Shiren and other names listed are npc rescue? Or is it the other way around?
Far Wanderer are people playing on the Japanese/Chinese version. Shiren are English version players who used the default name. NPC Shiren are NPC rescues, unless someone set that as their name, but you only see NPC rescues if you can't connect to the server.
oh ok so I guess I've never seen any npc rescues. Cool that we at least can rescue cross region
Rescue complete.
Yamakagashi Pass isn't that hard
>lower clear rate than anything else in the game
The fact i have to separate my arrows in my inventory so i can farm onigiri off enemy attacks means every attempt takes ages to get started.
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Only have Heart and Mighty left, any tips for those two?
Thank you!! Also holy shit if you die to a mixer after synthesizing a weapon and get rescued you actually get the weapon, nice. I didn't think it would do that
>enemy killed the only shopkeeper in the dungeon shop
i'm too scared to try taking the items
Can you explain in detail how this process works for synthesis? I'm not too familiar with Peach Bun mechanics but I do have it unlocked..
If you get a Peach Bun made out of a Mixer, you can eat the bun in the warehouse in town, become the Mixer, and place the 2 items you need fused on the floor, using the special move the transformation has to eat them. Just be sure you're eating them in the right order.
Sweet how many times can I synth an item with this method per Peach Bun MIxer?
Also to create Peach Bun Mixers I need to use a Peach Bun weapon or staff on a Mixer to transform it into a bun?
The girl just says "I'm Tatsumi, but people once called me Suiryu". Was there supposed to be a Suiryu loredump as you revisit the Kokatsu painting?
Staff or weapon works, yeah.
As for synthing an item, it's just 2 for the normal yellow Mixer, but higher levels can do more. You don't get the item back unless you end the transformation.
What's the chronological story order for Shiren? Now that they're almost all translated I'm kind of curious to go through that way.
Thanks. Wow, it's all over the place.
how do you end a transformation?
i'm pretty sure 5 is before gb2
Open your menu and hit End Morph
In 5, Koppa mentions him and Shiren getting through a magic castle (GB2).
how the FUCK am i supposed to deal with floorwide monhouses?
Best time to use those AoE scrolls, and OP grasses like Swift and Invincible!
...assuming you have any of those, of course. If not - get fucked. That's roguelikes for you.
If enemies, walls, and stairs line up decently enough, I use Vaulting, Switching, maybe Knockback, staves, and take the stairs. Slumber Scroll is also good if you can reach the stairs before it runs out.
I always try and save a disguising staff for those if possible.
yeah i'm just getting buttfucked by the 99f dungeon, i havent even made it past 13f, where i saw the floorwide monhouse. Half my runs die to jumpscare monhouses spawning halfway in a room
Those are actually pretty easy to deal with once you know the trick, spoiler just in case you want to figure it out on your own but basically IT'S A MONSTER HOUSE!
save a blank scroll then write expulsion for an instant win
Bros how the fuck do I get through Peach dungeon.
Get a break-off shield then stay in peach form the rest of the dungeon, you keep your equipment strength while transformed but lose rune powers, so the break-off shield never degrades while in peach form.
>and better music
I'm sorry but 6's OST is probably the best in the series imo, most of 5's OST was forgettable to me.
so do i have to beat Yamakagashi Pass to have seki show up in dungeons as a companion? 3% completion rate seems daunting. Also when removing runes w/ a blacksmith do you choose which rune? Or is it the one in the last slot like with the scroll?
>so do i have to beat Yamakagashi Pass to have seki show up in dungeons as a companion?
Yes. It isn't that bad, you just have to grind for onigiris from nigiri monsters and try to get poison arrows from traps.
>Also when removing runes w/ a blacksmith do you choose which rune? Or is it the one in the last slot like with the scroll?
You get to choose.
If you get a cashing pot, save the shit outta the large money bags. You can save yourself a whole lot of grief if you got large bags that can deal shitloads of damage to the boss.
is the manji kabura a random drop? Also what's a good way to get something to +99? I got a fuuma shield and wanna upgrade it
>is the manji kabura a random drop?
>Also what's a good way to get something to +99? I got a fuuma shield and wanna upgrade it
The blacksmith in Shukuba Beach, just do dungeon dives for money.
is there any particular dungeon that's good for farming gitan?
I just did serpentcoil since its the safest, and the golden road can get you good stuff.
>Also what's a good way to get something to +99?
Go to Golden Highway, grab weapons that have +1, +2 or +3, and throw them at Mixers (throw your main weapon first). And bring useful scrolls and staves so whenever you find a shop you can see if there's an easy way to steal. Sell all your items first, then steal it back. This can easily give you over 50,000 Gitan each time.
>get to 33f of Heart
>everything hits so hard
>bleeding revives
i dont know what it takes to do this place. I can't farm exp because i dont have the onigiri
Sometimes I wonder if I'm even playing this game right. I've just been finding the floor stairs and exit as soon as I see them. Am I supposed to fully explore a floor or grind for exp before moving on to the next?
When you can explore and grind without trouble you should.
It's all about disabling enemies and avoiding damage, get knockback + status runes on your weapon and onigiri & jitter payback on your shield asap.
Adding to anon's post, the best general use morph is the Reapers due to swift movement speed, and Nigiri Morphs make it easy to do Sumo grinding without wasting your inventory. Also you can throw buns at enemies to turn them into the monster, so carry a bunch of Mamels to neuter any problem enemies.
every time i try to fuck with a mixer unless i have a revive grass or invicinble grass or use a swift + sluggish combo they basically oneshot me after eating two things
create 5+ tiles distance with a staff (knockback, paralyze, vaulting, narrow escape can all work), then feed and kill with arrows. poison arrows highly recommended
>swift + sluggish combo
Anon, when you have the speed advantage you can attack/retreat a step in a pattern to guarantee victory.
Dunno if this is still true, but paralyzed Mixers in 5 can't eat, so you'll lose the item when it hits their motionless ass. Something to look out for.
in 6 they can eat while paralyzed, which clears their debuffs
Freakin' casualization. Thank god, that was such an unnecessary kick in the balls.
yeah i was listing that combo was one of the only ways i've successfully synthesized with a live mixer
right the issue is most of the time i dont have the stuff needed for this setup to work. But i appreciate the tips
I'm playing the first Shiren game on SNES. I've gotten pretty far (floor 20 something I think) but when I got there of course I got my ass kicked.
I don't really understand the progression of this game. Are you just supposed to bash your head on it until you finally just stock up enough good items on your run to win?
the only retard here is you because you lack reading comprehension. I have not once died with using either sluggish staff, swift grass, or the combo
That's one way to go about it (depositing good items and making your weapon and shield stronger along the way), if you want to challenge yourself you can do it in a single attempt too, it's possible, just very hard. Either way, quests progress as you play the main dungeon multiple times.
aww gonna cry? shit and piss your pants?
>The fact that you're combining both of them and still dying
you're a fucking retard who can't read because at no point did I ever say I died using the combo
wow schizo A is having a melty because retard B was a retard. you bitches are soft
Please understand, they just ate some unidentified berserk seeds.
>wow schizo A is having a melty because retard B was a retard
holy fuck lmao
The progression is player skill, that's what makes it a great series. I can win about 95% of Shiren 1 main dungeon runs empty-handed. (And the unwinnable seeds are always funny.)
>jumpscare killed by cave mamel
fuck me man
Died on heart of serpentcoil f10
I THINK red grass was reviver grass but I could be wrong
Code is rm4p-7N5m
has anyone uploaded an gamerip of the ost for 6?
Died on Heart 12f to a Cave Mamel. Don't want to give up on this run due to having three or four Preservation Pots.
Might still be updating
Rescue complete.
Thanks a bunch
i don't have much faith in this run though, dunno where good exp grind spots are.
force pit mamels to level up on the first 3 floors
yep, i died again, 28f. Died to a frog pulling me across the room.
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Kind of late but here's a screenshot. It's actually quite hard to do and some room configurations seem unwinnable to me but maybe I'm just dumb.
Yeah, some are actually impossible. Always disappointing when I find one and it's one of the impossible configurations.
>Yamakagashi Pass
>take literally one step
>it's a monster house

Just fuck my shit up
>It's actually quite hard to do and some room configurations seem unwinnable to me but maybe I'm just dumb.
That's why I demanded proof, I actually tried it multiple times. Thanks though, interesting.
do you get a sacred item every time you clear the sacred ocean dungeon or just the first?
every time, but i'm pretty sure it's random
>continuing to play shiren 1
>once again run into the little girl that needs to make it back to her home
>things are going great, was starving but got a scroll that saved me
>take one step forward
>she fucking explodes and dies
>next floor was her village
also you're telling me this fuckin village doesn't have a goddamn shop in it
Your reward would've been five tiles of warehouse space. Shiren 1 does nothing but continuously kick you in the balls.
Can someone please tell me if spike has a patent on their mechanics? Every game company and their mothers have outsourced any semblance of a mystery dungeon like game to these people, even mobile shit companies. There must be a reason beyond “because they’re good” or “they’re the only ones.”
They're the only good ones. I tried Izuna recently because it's getting a remake or something, and it's just RPGMaker garbage. Shit is guaranteed to fail.
Try one way heroics, not exactly the same but still really fun.

Just don't play the chunsoft version.
izuna's map generation is disgusting, i played it for 10 minutes and it felt like each floor was just a thousand miles of hallways
They own the "Mystery Dungeon" name, but they're not the only ones, there are many Japanese games that use these mechanics, you just never hear about them.
>There must be a reason beyond “because they’re good”
You already answered the question, there's no reason to doubt it.
>get oryuu in my party
>she's strong as fuck
>run into the little girl in the dungeon
>save her and manage to reunite her with her parents
things are going grea-
>take a critical hit from a minotaur that does more damage than my max health
that was so funny i couldn't even be mad. damn this series seems really good.
>spawn on floor
>a billion ghosts and reapers are already there turn 1
>all of them home in on me and murder me despite the fog
so many enemies in this game feel absurdly overtuned, like how the fuck am i supposed to counter a reaper that leveled up by killing an enemy i couldn't see, that gets to move and attack twice for each action i take, after 4+ floors of depleting my staves trying to get away from more reapers?
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Shiren 6 survey in English, now you can tell them you want DLC and sequels.

4chan won't let me post the link.
Wonder how they'll react to me saying I pirate games on principle
If a game is worth your time to play, it’s worth buying. If a game isn’t worth buying, it’s not worth your time to play.
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I'm shocked they actually mention 4chan
what the fuck lol
This thread alone is probably one of the most active discussions about the game on the internet.
>Which version do you own?
>"None of the above" (because, not owning a Switch, I have emulated it and want to encourage a fast PC release I would pay for)
>Thank you, the survey has ended!
I would be so sure Chunsoft was idiots if they didn't make such good games.
Actually a very good and thorough survey once I navigated this poor choice. It's clear yet again the devs think about and research other roguelikes well.
Yeah, very comprehensive. I was surprised to see 'resource management' as something you find important.
I did cringe upon seeing games like enter the gungeon listed as "roguelikes" but that's more of a problem with how much the term has been bastardized by the indie scene.
Bothered me too, but what can you do? I think clarifying the genre by calling it a traditional/true/pure roguelike is the way to go. People really dont like using "lite", it seems
It surprised me no traditional roguelikes were listed despite Shiren being much closer to them in gameplay. Do they not want to mention free games for some reason, or maybe Japs don't play them? Even though they obviously had to play at least Rogue/Hack to make Mystery Dungeon.
What others could they have mentioned that are decently popular? The only other one off the top of my head is one-way heroics.
Well, I had in mind games like NetHack, DCSS, Brogue and so on, all of which are quite niche but play much closer to MD games than any roguelite does.
That's the problem, they're too niche. There aren't really any other "big" traditional roguelikes other than MD, so they probably weren't expecting any survey taker to have played those.

The devs do take clear inspiration from traditional roguelikes though, I think they've mentioned both Rogue and Nethack in interviews.
if I get turned into an onigiri and die/get cooked but i have a revive grass in my inventory will it still trigger or I completely fucked? Also which dungeons drop the anti nigiri shield?
Anyone else playing the Parallel Play event?
The what? I only bothered with parallel play to get the achievement for it.
Spike Chunsoft is doing official Parallel Play events and they just launched the first one, enter code SPCH-UNe6 to download it. This one is pretty simple, you start on floor 1 of the main dungeon with many healing items and you're supposed to get to the end as fast as possible.
Wow yeah they're such idiots for taking a nice lump sum from Nintendo while also giving priority to the platform that is most important to this game by far.
having just gotten my shit kicked in in shiren 1 for the 15th or so time, i'm starting to think i might check out the instruction booklet to see if there's crucial info i'm missing. i hesitated before because discovering this stuff on your own seems to be a big part of the game, but i keep dying around floor 15 to enemies that suddenly seem to jump up quite a lot in power...
>floor 15/16
Leave as soon as possible, all those floors do is drain your power and resources, every turn there is dangerous if you don't have overpowered equipment.
>step on a huge landmine and drop to 1 hp
>get shot by an offscreen child tank and die
it was only floor 4 but jesus christ this game's really bullying me today.
>oryu joins my party
>can't find a weapon in the first section
>no prob i'll just buy one
>it's -1
>and cursed
this is such a bitchy game lmao
Do you have the means to record gameplay? I want to see your awful luck in action.
my initial reaction was "ah nah i'm probably just new to the series and not good at it yet" but then i remembered that almost every time i talk to the fortune teller guy in the first town he says one of his "dude you're completely 100% not winning this run lmao" to the point that i'm starting to wonder if shiren 1 snes has copy protection similar to earthbound and that's hitting me.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I'm fucking sick of having my shit turned into onigiris where the fuck are the onigiri shields at
Shiren 1 does have a smaller RNG pool compared to later entries (there is an autist on /vr/ who likes to claim this invalidates the game) but I've never heard of it being a copy protection means.
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sis... it's happening again...
I played two H-games that were MD-likes.
One was エリスと不思議の物語 (RJ306055), but the dev delisted it and disappeared.
The other was Inictatis Pot (RJ304549), but the English version has a game-crashing item bug that the dev never bothered to fix.
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Beat my time
damn died in post game dungeon after trying to rob shop keeper didn't know it spawned 1 shot doggos really humilating defeat 5 revival herbs and great sword shield.

Game is pretty easy is there any difficult content other then rescuing someone?
>shiren 1 snes
do the genocide scrolls just completely remove that enemy type from that run?
wonder if i could amass enough blank scrolls to clear the game by just spamming those.
Yes, but if you use it twice the previous monster returns. Still useful if the later floors don't have that monster to begin with, or if you need to use them to get past some other monsters
thanks, that's good to know.
i'm starting to build up a stock of weapons that i'm powering up, but the idea of having them at all is scaring me. i don't want to spend 20 runs powering up a sword and then dying with it... i think i'd cry (or at least just give up on the game completely).
What's the furthest floor you reached so far?
on a particularly excellent run i once made it to 21, but generally i die a bit after the second village (the one with gaibara the jar master). if i get any further, it's usually shortly after the third town (in the swamp area).
but lately i've barely been able to make it to floor 10.
Main Shiren 1 wasn't too much harder than 6, except for the boss having adds that can seal you. The real pain starts in the postgame where the game outright starves you out.
>town bar no longer gives you a free Big Onigiri
>dungeon just stops spawning them almost entirely
It really sucks when you can play more or less perfectly and the game just decides you were destined to starve.
that just sounds miserable and not even fun. i get that this genre is for masochism but geez.
SFC or DS? I don't remember that happening in either game
>make it to floor TEN without a single weapon, just using wands and scrolls to deal with enemies, barely hanging in there
>pick up a shield
>it's cursed
>nbd even though it's a heavy shield i've at least got food
>pick up a katana, my first weapon of the run
>it's -1 and cursed
>stumble around the entire floor barely surviving
>finally find the stairs
>it's in the corner on the opposite end of a monster house
here's to my 30th assfucking in this game lmao
bets on whether or not i clear shiren 1 sfc before my 100th run?
forgot pic
also despite my bitching, i actually did manage to make it to... floor 21 again, the record i already had. the enemies powered up so much at that point that i couldn't really fight back, and then a super gaze hit me like 4 times in a row for some reason. ah well!
if i could get a rescue on 7F Yamakagashi I'd appreciate it
DS. I might have just had a bad run, but you definitely stop getting the free onigiri which is insane.
>super gaze hit me like 4 times in a row for some reason
You got paralyzed/confused/hypnotized.
fair enough. what a bastard!
Shiren 5

>be me
>lose my beloved Identify bracelet because of Item Knave
>realize I must finish 99F Trapper's Sandbox to get guaranteed identify bracelet
>try the dungeon several times with failure
>realize there's something wrong with my build because my death rate is abnormal
>read the wiki and play it safely by using trap effectively
>finish it

Feel so fucking good. IMO, Identify Bracelet should be moved to Storm Forest because this bracelet is definitely broken. Next time, I'll try The Pinnacle 99F run, I bet it's fun.
>shiren 1 sfc
>use shinkuugiri scroll
>party member gets hurt
fucking seriously dude
why the fuck is yamakagashi so hard? I'm on floor 15 and even in sumo mode (which im running out of fucking onigiri for) everything is raping me. I'm level 20 and have a gutsy shield+3
grind poison arrows (you can throw rocks on traps to activate them and that dungeon is full of poison arrow traps)
well i fuckin died on floor 19 after one of those samurai faggots flung my shield diagonally into one of those dirt patches you cant fucking walk on for some reason. Worst part is I've got a decent set of items for the boss. If anyone wants to help me would be nice even if this is my last rescue:
what exactly does cursed do to equipment?
can't unequip through normal means (the menu)
>shiren 1
>use storage pot
>it goes to the last warehouse you passed, not the beginning town
Gee, thanks.
there are so many pots that i rarely get anything i super want to begin with. like i'm not going to be able to the the combination pot to power up items for later runs because... i never get that, and when i do i might have already passed the warehouse i wanted to use it at, etc etc. it's a really grueling game. but someone earlier said he can clear it 95% of the time on a clear run, so i figure if i just keep playing and learning i'll at least get one clear (currently on run 38 or so).
Yeah, that's me. I was also asking for a recording of your play because I would be curious to give advice. If you're playing SFC, a lot of emulators can do a recording with very low system requirements. I've been playing it since the AGTP translation came out so it can definitely take a while and that's nothing to feel bad about.
Shiren 1 is unbalanced to the point that it's basically a fuck you kusoge on the level of Takeshi's Challenge. Consider:
>all of the party members require you to cuck yourself, e.g. paying exhorbitant sums to an obvious NEET retard, or being blinded multiple times and then fighting off people who justifiably want to kill an evil bitch
>after all that, they aren't even that good
>every item fights you (storage pots are as inconvenient as humanly possible, wind scrolls hit your allies)
>an even more obnoxious path to synthesis than 6
It's just pure masochism.
is the DS version like this, too? I'm debating between playing 4 or 1 DS next after I'm done with 6
i could try recording a run for funsies, i'm playing it in japanese though (partly because my head is up my own ass and partly because i didn't bother to check if there was a patch lol)
I've only played the DS version.
How is the Tower of Fortune? Wanted to get into shiren games for a while, and that one is on Steam.
The story is wholesome, there's a fun mini game that acts as tutorial if you don't understand Shiren mechanic.

Just a small tips for me :
Item management is important, don't throw away item that you think is garbage. Utilize every item you have in your hand. For example, don't throw away Sticky Pot in anger when you identify one, use it as "Storage Pot". Your chance to survive will be higher if you do this.
just a short clip to test recording things and happened to catch this lol
lmao what the fuck
some shit like this happens literally every time i boot the game up, shiren 1 is such a mean game. i guess the lesson i've learned here is that i should probably immediately write my scrolls into either shinkuugiri or genocide
Cursed. Well, the only lesson I can impart about that one is that you can swing your weapon over empty tiles to reveal traps, though one usually wouldn't need to be that obsessive in early floors.
Now that the dust has settled, how would you guys compare Shiren 6 to other Shiren/MD games?
My view is that it's good but doesn't quite match the highs of the series (sorry, Tomie)
I know gameplay is king, but the graphics just... aren't good. It's 2010s mobile game level. The enemy selection and item selection also isn't my favorite. "Hey guys, we need to pad out the beastiary for our game! How about we just recolor ninjas 5 times and give some monks different masks?" The incense pot change also confuses me and I feel most of them aren't too worth using. (Except the ones that were present in 5 like fire immunity.)
I like the fundamentals a great deal: the tuning of HP, damage, and regen speed is perfect. Rarely frustrated by slamming into monsters in hallways. The intermediates, not so much: the item pool is kinda boring. As >>3452771 said it's ugly. On the other hand I hate Night so much and I'm glad it's absent.
One of the best and most enjoyable games. On par with 1 SFC and 2. It feels like a modernized 1 SFC that's more appropriate for a current day audience, plus a lot of extra content that is better than that of 1 SFC and especially 1 DS. Only the graphics don't feel on-par, but they're still decent, and I'm still glad they went with 3D.
honestly i think it's my favorite. Graphics aren't great but the soundtrack is the best in the series and the gameplay is top notch. There's some mechanics I miss from older games (such as leveling up your gear over time) but as an overall package it's my favorite.
One of the most confusing absences is not being able to give shopkeepers ID scrolls to identify merchandise
Heart of Serpentcoil beat. Shit that was hard. I was an idiot for all of the last 20 floors and didn't use a blank/eradication scroll to get rid of dragons but I would say that's probably the best candidate.
tfw have yet to find an eradication scroll
im pretty fucked
If anyone could rescue me I'd appreciate it. 19F Yamakagashi
i might dust off my Vita for some Shiren soon.
Wait, this is it's own franchise? I thought it was some neat lil Pokemon spinoff.
the first mystery dungeon was actually a dragon quest spinoff, shiren stemmed from that.
Pokeshit is a spinoff (Shiren) of a spinoff (Torneko) of a spinoff (Rogue).
And much like all media, the Japanese mastered it, and the western original is just a point of interest.
Too bad they dont capitalize on it. Only the progenitors (chunsoft) make mystery dungeons most hear about. The rest is relgated to half baked copies and hobbyist devs
They absolutely did capitalize on it. Way more people have heard of Mystery Dungeon than your shitty western prototype.
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Why is it always the posters with poor reading comprehension that are the quickest to get hostile?
Not even that anon who made the post you were replying to, but you clearly don't understand it if you thought he was saying the japs didn't capitalize on it. He was saying devs other than Chunsoft didn't capitalize on it.

Try reading properly next time, ESL.
>not him, i swear
Brown skin Timmy going in hard on the cookie jar.
Calm down Anon. I'm the one behind >>3457726.
>>3457732 Anon summed up what I said perfectly. Sure, chunsoft might have capitalized on mystery dungeon. But no other company or dev has come close to capturing that magic. That's all I'm saying.
>guy still seething for no reason
lol he really is a seething ESL, guess the jews he seethes about took his brain along with his foreskin.

Anyway, you don't see "true" western roguelikes brought up that much since they're even more niche than mystery dungeon, and western roguelike autists tend to just like playing the same old roguelikes that keep getting updates/or mods like Nethack, TOME, or Elona. They also tend to be freeware so obviously you don't see big devs trying to make "true" roguelikes.

There's some other jap devs who have made stuff similar to MD, like Izuna or Void Terrarium. There's also One-way Heroics which I enjoy a lot, though that's a very different type of roguelike than MD.
Oh yeah, with the whole roguelite/deck-builder/metaprogression stuff becoming very popular it wouldn't be wise to make a traditional roguelike in the current market.
dude holy fuck can you please calm your tourettes and at least talk about the game
You brought this upon yourselves, you fucking commie retards.
>wow, it's so tedious when people call us out as commie neobolsheviks
Then stop being that, you fucking retard.
i'm literally none of the above posters you fucking dork. step away from the computer.
He's not gonna do that Anon
We have to step away from replying
holy shit the esl schizo retard from earlier is still here. Also i couldnt beat yamakagashi so I think i'll pack this game away for a while and come back one day.
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genuinely what the fuck is going on
3 doutanukis? Luck of the draw. Just be ready to get no weapons in your next run
New Parallel Play competition has started, Heart of Serpentcoil Island, download code is SPCH-UN3H
So what's unique about 6?
You can resuce yourself
Replacing 5's super status, you get Sumo status when your hunger is at 150. Buffed HP, damage, trap immunity, and warp/movement effect immunity.
i wish these dickheads at spikechunsoft would just release the damn ost physically or on digital platforms. This is one of the few times i'd pay for it
Thread has been slowing down for a few days, so in case it drops, just want to say it's been (mostly) good discussion around this launch, thanks fellas.
Always great to talk about Shiren
If more Shiren news drops I'm sure a thread will soon follow
They're probably announcing DLC in the NicoNico stream that's happening in a few hours
i found it https://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv344508657
looks like fox shiren will be playable in more dungeons. Faggot ass nico wont let me rewind
also i think storage is being expanded to 960. They're adding time attack mode as well. There was probably more I missed or didn't understand. Everything is coming in a free update.
haha damn I was in the middle of typing most of this stuff. Thanks anon. Seems like a nice free update, hopefully we get new dungeons or characters down the road
I wonder if the postgame Shiren 3 mechanic of playing as Asuka or Sensei solo can be DLC here (i.e., playing as any of Shiren's Companions directly).
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Famitsu interview, some interesting stuff here.
>--I heard that this work was the fastest in the series to achieve 200,000 units shipped. What are your thoughts after seeing user reactions after the release?

>Shinozaki: First of all, I am very happy about the sales record. Sales have exceeded our expectations, and we've heard many customers say it's interesting, so we're relieved that it's been well received.

>--So the sales were higher than the target sales plan?

>Sakurai: Much better.

>Shinozaki: "Furai no Shiren" is a series that gradually sells, so I'm surprised at how quickly it sold at the beginning (lol).

>--This work has been very well received, but what do you think is the reason for its success?

>Tomie: I think the best thing is that we made it sincerely, facing the customer.

>--That's because you were able to create "Furai no Shiren" the way users wanted to play.

>Tomie: Nowadays, it is becoming easier to see customer reactions through SNS and video streaming services. It's been 14 years since the release of the previous game, and I think we were able to listen to the voices of the fans during that time and create something that reflects that, so I think people appreciated that.

>--I was also surprised that the escape scroll appeared after the story was cleared.

>Sakurai: There was also an opinion that ``Escape Scrolls are slow to appear,'' and I realized that there are more people who like raising equipment than I expected.

Tomie: At first, we didn't plan on implementing the escape scroll in the first place.
yeah I was surprised that escape scrolls didn't come til way later but in the end I don't think I've even used one. I do miss leveling my weapons and shields though
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i fucking did it
i may have had to basically cheat by using a +20 youkai sword that i'd been grinding, but all that really ended up protecting me from was a handful of ambushes: just using items properly, hurrying up and figuring out what stuff does so i can use it, and other gameplay stuff was the bigger factor in making this happen. though of course i say all of that but having a +20 AOE sword really does make an obvious difference.
really fun game, i generally don't care much for roguelikes but this one was quite, dare i say, soulful. teared up at the end. great stuff.
guess i'll play shiren 2 on gb next lol
also, to detail a little bit more, the biggest jumpscare was probably the huge jump in damage (max level grim reapers are insane) and the biggest danger ended up being that i nearly starved. while walking around starving, i luckily had saved like 3 otogirisous and an entire pot of backs, and even with all of that i barely made it.
kinda wanna try and win without a cheat sword this time...
>shiren 2 on gb
Shiren 2 is for the Nintendo 64, the GB game is different, and the GBC game with a 2 in its title is yet another game

>cheat by using a +20 youkai sword that i'd been grinding
That's one of the intended ways to beat the game. If you can beat it without entering the warehouse you get a secret extra reward though
>clean up my psp and get new battery
>recently imported shiren4+ and decided to try it out w/ the english patch
>Game opens with shiren and koppa on a boat that gets swept up at sea and washing up on the shores of Hawaii
>fat natives accost them then try to burn them at the stake
>King from Tekken shows up and stops this telling Shiren and Koppa to go into the jungle and get a jaguar eye gem to prove they're actually adventurers
>One of the NPCs is like "what's an onigiri? We eat bananas here"
Shiren 4 is a weird game
ah, i see, thanks for that. i guess "the second shiren game that was made," would've been a better way to put it. my first run on hard mode made it to floor 10, so i'm feeling pretty optimistic about clearing it a little quicker (though i only needed around 45 or so attempts to clear shiren 1)
and that's interesting, i'm gonna have to try that next. shiren 1 sfc also has that trap maze dungeon for gaibara as postgame so i wanna try that out too... this is quite a series of games. i don't generally care for roguelikes but this one's been fun so far.
also now that i've finished shiren 1 sfc once, i can confirm that runs past the first clear don't start you out with a free onigiri, which will probably make things pretty rough
Congrats, man! And welcome to the cult.
thank you! i didn't expect to be so moved by completing the journey.
no wait actually i'm retarded
Yeah, it's a gotcha. Still, the game sucks.
well i liked it.
>fighting an enemy
>miss an attack
>get hit back
>a grim reaper comes flying in from offscreen and kills me
I think I'm kind of done with these games. Really tiresome to get an hour into a run and then lose because the game decided "lol you missed so random"
I agree that wall clipping enemies are bull, but at times, it might be wiser to use a more guaranteed way to beat enemies like using staves. It's all about minimizing risk at the end of the day
Coincidentally, Shiren 4 is technically set in 1788. When I have the time I want to see how anachronistic it gets.
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It's a very goofy game, fun party members though.
>get oryuu
>get kechi in the same run
>fall in a trap door
>they're both gone now :)
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i had another run where i got kechi, then immediately lost him, but i still managed to clear it, and i did it without using the warehouse. i was a little let down that the final boss didn't appear, i guess it's DEAD dead, but i assume there's a different one for gaibara's dungeon.
anyway now that i've cleared the game without using the warehouse i feel like i'm pretty satisfied with my shiren 1 sfc experience. thanks for subbing to my blog.
So what's the best version of each game? Trying to keep track of the earlier ones is a bit confusing
Shiren 1 = SFC and NDS are different and it's a matter of preference. The biggest difference is in RNG and drop tables.
Shiren 2 = N64 only
Shiren 3 = Wii/PSP. The PSP port has minor fixes and adjustments, but lesser graphics and only an incomplete translation patch if you can't read JP.
Shiren 4 = PSP best
Shiren 5 = Any version past DS best
Shiren 6 = Switch only

If you're playing the spinoffs, you're probably invested enough to want to play all the versions.
>Shiren 5 = Any version past DS best
Vita has less content and you don't want to play on a phone, so the real answer is Switch/Steam
I stand corrected; never owned a Vita and assumed the Switch/Steam was a direct port.
Give me your best dungeon gimmick ideas.
So has anyone tried the new update stuff yet?
Shiren 3's early game filtered my ass for years because of that.

Honestly I'm a bit sad things like full party control and swapping never really showed up again. That concept of full control was why I even gave Etrian Mystery Dungeon a chance.

It's been ages since I played the DS version but I remember it being pretty fucking tame in comparison to the original. You ever step on a trap at the only entrance to a room and just lose a run in the 90s? I have and it fucking sucks.
>I even gave Etrian Mystery Dungeon a chance
was that any good? I like EO and Shiren
Another anon who played it, it's... okay, but weapons/armor lose their uniqueness and mostly become generic stat-ups (weapons at least have customizable upgrades via materials). Trying to corral 3 AI allies is a more annoying experience than a solo run (Gunner solo is the most convenient since you can attach sleep/paralysis/death on your gun and abuse your ranged attack).
I will say that 100% completion (Item Almanac) is utter hell because NO FORMALDEHYDE, WHAT THE FUCK.
Honestly? I liked it a lot. If you've ever played a roguelike where using your allies matter but there's not many specific AI options, it's like that. So you'll be wrangling the formation at a high enough frequency that you'll become good at it. Though you do get an ability to control every turn of every member for a few turns which becomes a very strong tool during the few hardfights.

The little defense missions you can do across an extended team was a super neat concept and I grew to look forward to them. I'm a bit sad the second game never got localized. But I figure if I ever learn the language or tools become strong enough where that doesn't matter, it'll be there waiting for me.
where the FUCK is my ost release
well anon, as I complained before, they haven't really done ost releases for prior games so probably never. We got a half assed 5 OST with the limited edition but that's about it
is there a way to combine gitan or do you have to just sell in sale pot something big to get like 6k throwable?
Maybe the Synthesis Pot? Try it in the Monster Dojo.
who is objectively the best shiren party member?
I tested it myself, Gitan bags can't mix. Shame.
If you can bring in tools, Asuka has the most customizing (sword and shield runes).
If you're doing on-site procurement (OSP), probably Hibiki? Either way, it's not like you can pick your ally since any of them showing up is RNG.

I'm kicking myself for an Extra Inference run that should've given me the Clairvoyance Bracelet all because I wasn't at "1 more item left to identify".
>walked out with a Balance Staff instead because of how the game checks the 50th ID via Blessed ID scroll (the Bracelet was #48, then the game went down my inventory and saw my Staff as #50 (2nd unID'd item)

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