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>Have played through Underrail about 12 times now and have all of the achievements
>Find out, after 600 hours, that there's a fucking locker in the arena with all of the drops from the fights you've been in
that's rough buddy
i think it was only added in a fairly recent update though (1-2 years ago?)
I think it's as old as expedition at least.
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For your knifing pleasure
i know i bought the game some time after expedition came out and i have memories of the locker not being there
that said my sense of time is fucked so hell if i know
So I've been going through the game on normal with metathermics and temporal manipulation and it's been okay for the most part, the base skills are getting me through the game but the metathermics skills i can buy were pretty underwhelming, does anyone know a good way to find the laser beam skill and the frost orb one?
I know how you feel. I just figured out that if I eat more food than would fill my hunger meter in Starbound, then it gives me passive healing. That would have been nice to know a while ago.
I just got to the Forgotten Capital at the end of disc 1 of FF7 and you're not gonna fucking believe what just happened to me bros
You can also loot the locker that contains all the gear you had on you from the gauntlet.
> you just need to use vanishing powder you buy from Oculus. It's the furthest locker you head from where you get dropped off from the elevator not your personnel gear.
Drink Outwork or eat pentapus to carry more loot
orb is the most important skill you have and you get it in core city after doing gorsky's quests
easiest way to get plasma beam is doing the pirate lighthouse in expedition but it's hard to do that without plasma beam
i feel like it was there in 2017
>Have played through Underrail about 12 times now
Imagine having that level of autism to play a game more than once.
that's actually quite understandable, considering it's location right next to Lanista it kind of looks like it's his personal locker and that interacting with it would be theft
Game doesn't want to give me a walking fish, I've spent a couple of hours fishing all over the place, lots of demon squids for some reason.
You can buy them from the bartender in junkyard.
I want to catch it
So, there's no reward for kidnapping Sarine? I fought the Rathound King would give me a trap-related feat since "teaching something about traps" is hinted in his dialogue. There's no information on the quest reward in the wiki
you get exp and his outfit
No. Killing the Rathound King is the objectively best way to go because you get everything. A unique feat not acquirable otherwise from Camp Hathor, the Rathound King's outfit, the Rathound King's unique crossbow, and early-game ancient rathound leather. Siding with the Rathound King only grants you his outfit.
Truce gets you outfit and feat
No jawbone or earliest possible (I think, anyway) ancient rathound leather.
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I don't remember Gorsky giving you anything other than money, does coughing guy open up a shop after you reclaim the hideout?
No, another guy opens up a shop in the hideout.
the implant is outside of the gang base you raid with him
I think some praetorian guards block that path before you finish his quest?
they don't block it, they just stand there and tell you not to go, you can ignore them
I see, thanks.
>have 220 effective melee skill
>still only a 72% chance to hit dirt-snorting tribals even when they're on fire and standing on top of a flare
how badly did I fuck up this build? or is melee just dogshit on any difficulty above easy and I got memed?
light doesn't affect melee hit chance at all
taser has 100% chance to hit and usually stuns
dirty kick has 100% chance to stun
throwing nets/flashbangs reduce enemy dodge to zero
Green coke boosts evasion and dodge by 40%
The fuckers are the faction that is #1 at melee in this game, absolutely no question about it.
Okay now that i'm making everything explode by stacking cryostasis and destabilization on top of an ice ball, the game is suddenly a lot more fun, i'll try prioritizing core city if i ever do a metathermics build again.
Okay that explains a bit, I'm just retarded
I did a bunch of shopping and I've decided to upgrade:
>use normal throwing toolbelt instead of the commando belt (+15 doesn't seem to make much of a difference)
>pack taser in new 4th slot
>change armor to a riot coat with a shield (previous armor had no bonus on melee)

I wanted to try and make a ninja build work but there's just no getting around the fact that I'm squishy as fuck, using a sword that requires me to be in protracted melee combat to get stacks
too bad you didn't make a knife character
still you should get enough mileage out of fancy footwork and your own dodge/evasion to not be hurting too much on normal
If all else fails you can just set traps on doorways and lure enemies into them with mark I grenades
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Now I don't want to imply that we have a moral or even an ethical obligation to subject the Sormirbaeron to a holocaust, but I am saying that a cosmic monstrosity from beyond the veil climbed out of their leader's body after he went down.
wonder if yngwar will be in underrail 2 when it comes out in 10 years
Magnar is very dangerous up close, more than Bankraster.
But not more dangerous than the Masters
Has Styg ever even given a premise for Infusion?
Is it a direct sequel or is it a timeskip?
What unique weapons are worth building around that are summarily mogged to shit and back by regular crafted options?
Something like the Lemurian Spear for a solid versatility weapon, or the Sonocaster for absurd AoE setups
not a sequel
all we know is its a new character in a new part of underrail
we dont know when
some are straight up superior to anything you can craft, like the Red Dragon
some are pretty crap, but most are perfectly usable if not pretty dang good

I used the n16, and to a lesser extent the AFW sniper rifle, as well as a lemurian blaster as my sidearm, on my self-insert run. Quake is the best secondary hammer (to be used alongside your main hammer). Balor's hammer used to be the best before it got nerfed, and Barbaton is good. The native staffs are good for psiggers. Dehumanizer is a great secondary weapon for many builds, the Ripper too. The AR and shotty you get in DC are good but come so late. The mini izu is legit good for a silenced smg. The guy who beat the game with a crowbar played a revolver run and killed everything with it just fine. There's others.
oh, and with heavy duty installed you get the fusion cannon and the stunner, both of which are fantastic
>Balor's hammer used to be the best before it got nerfed
Everyone seething about the psi nerf still, but to me this is still the greatest bullshit Styg introduced. Balor's has fuck huge strength investment, it SHOULD be hard hitting as fuck. If nothing else Stygger should've made the accuracy debuff for not meeting the 20 str requirement greater and called it a day.
I honestly don't think there are any uniques that are objectively better than anything you could craft. There are gimmicky weapons that are worth building around for fun factor, ie: Dehumanizer fear/intimidation build, red dragon dodge/evasion cyber ninja weeb build, Balor trenbolone pure rathound protein 100% """natty""" hammerer.
>Buy it because all the praise
>Plays alright
>The entire fucking level is a maze
>No radar/map system
>Get lost easily

It's really fucking annoying when the level design lacks any kind of guidance on where to go.
>>No radar/map system
there's a global map, what are you blabbering about?
Wait, what? The game never told me yall had a map in it. Does it actually pinpoint the objectives on the map?
Yeah, the map sucks when you're new. Just embrace getting lost. You'll stumble on interesting shit, especially once you get the drill repaired and can explore around the railroads.
>Does it actually pinpoint the objectives on the map?
no, this isn't Skyrim
>Walking in circles.. Is le fun!
I'm not going to waste time exploring if it's not showing me the objective on the map. Simple as.
the directions for quests can either be found in the quest log or in dialogues, navigating around is not that hard anon
It's not that its hard. It's a waste of time and it gets boring. I should know exactly where I need to go. It shouldn't feel like work.
--Listing a couple
I quite like the claymore for swords since sweep is a pretty liable move to get a flurry in. The claw also pretty decent on a vil weapery and poison build or 1 shotting set ups with implosion. Javs are great secondarys with their 1AP spear throw. The kukri can save you a feat slot but that thing can crit more than half the time on some builds. Similarly the butcher clever goes great with hammers if you don't have room for broken ribs, it also combos well with PK. Same for the power fist if you have Corporeal Projection free 5%-8% damage increase.
reading and using your brain is work? I don't understand
either way, if you just want to blaze through the game without having to use your brain or read anything then CRPGs are probably not a good genre to play
>>reading and using your brain is work? I don't understand
Did not imply or said that at all. I can read, play the game just fine. RPG games are piss easy. But a modern CRPG game that doesn't have all the QoL modern gaming features is fucking lazy. I'm not going to walk in circles looking for an objective. It's simply not fun. And looking for anything isn't a skill, it's filler to bloat up the hours played.
Revolver if you wanna do a cowboy run
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>walking in circles
quest giver says dungeon is east of station, you go east of station, you see it, you explore the dungeon. there's no walking in circles unless you're so braindead you can't follow simple directions.
and anyway optional exploration is the biggest fun in most RPGs, even in Skyrim with its shitty quest markers.

jesus christ you're making me so mad. are you really here crying about the lack of quest markers? surely you are a troll. or a genuine retard.
if you did the tiniest bit of research about Styg, you would know that the absence of stupid quest markers is not lazy game design but a decision. holy shit you stupid as fuck
>I can read
Apparently not, because the directions in Underrail are never vague or unclear.
>go talk to the mayor of rail crossing
it's especially hilarious because he probably didn't even make it past depot a, so he's still at the point of the game where everything is gated off and purposefully funnels you towards the gms compound, junkyard, etc.
MG3-42 will not be as hard hitting compared to some of the crafting options but it will kill everything in the game on a LMG build
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I had to reread logs a couple of times, but I got it in the end (with some mistakes).
>played through Underrail about 12 times
>he's retarded
It checks.
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>me trying to find the lurker base
my brain outright refuses to try to comprehend this
Damn that was a masterpiece
Can't decide between an unarmed or sword build for my 2nd playthrough
it still is hard hitting as fuck; he didnt nerf its damage

craft a sword thats better than the dragon, lets see it

youre too stupid
and a zoomer to boot, GET OUT
I wish the soldier exosuit had a autoload option for guns, like it would automatically put in ten bullets per turn at 0 AP or something
And add a skill to double melee AP cost in exchange for double damage
Is it worth the astronomical biology investment for some of the Expedition poisons?
Thinking of pushing 75 for leper poison knives and caltrops, though I genuinely cannot see how 150 biology for heartbreaker poison is justified.
even 125 for spirit poison is pushing it, and that summons an unkillable minion that swings 2+ times every turn
iirc you can get 30 effectice biology with the chemical investigative belt from thortists + the che/bio crafting table
the thumper is great for early game
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>The final reward of Phreak's questline is the ability to buy fake train tickets for 100 charons each
>it only costs 25 charons to ride the train normally
So you can't get his gloves without killing him, then?
What the fuck was going on when this was added to the game, it feels like a shitty mod or a fan patch
you get something like 10-15 tickets per purchase, the fuck you're talking about
I just shoot him on sight and take his power glove for the hacking boost. The only time I've ever wanted a camera jammer was in the JSHQ and you have to feed all your gear to the box so you wouldn't have it anyway.
15% detection is basically worthless from doing the phone boxes unless you've got max perception and the game just gives you the solution for free. You get better rewards from the occasional lockpicking checks on them.
as far as I know they arent worth the effort; just leper

some people are too stupid to argue with
gives you access to the chain sword, a gun manual, and a new boss
yeah phreak is a bitch that doesn't do anything useful
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prob not, but pic related is what a max toxicity with vile weaponry and some gas stacks from the claw can achieve with each poison from expedition.
I wish there was poison synergies
Like if enemy has a stack of cave ear and a stack of heartbreak, then they also have reduced mp/ap
Or combined cave ear with blinding confuses them because they can't see shit
give me a fun build, I played it as a tincan AR a few years ago
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>only psi is TM
I have EK too. TM is best for swords imo, but I can see the arguments for PK.
I did a PK/Sword build a while back, but PK works great with all melee. Big emphasis on crowd control so you can focus down big enemies without your stacks falling off.
Energy weapons, versatility for melee with the Lemurian Spear, pivot into spear guard feats
Commando Belt for +10% on versatility and flood any extra points into TM/MT. Biggest issue is getting and keeping minimum str for the spear since otherwise you'd run 3str for energy weapons IIRC
Nigga TM is good with anything not psi oriented
shit reading comprehension, esl
Obsessed amerimutt
>add psi slots
>literally only makes it hard for psi to run TM
>doesn't affect anything else
styg is a nigger
I looked on the wiki and an utility station 6 is also mentioned for the plasma beam, where is that one?
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as hard as it is fighting 3 naga (with some allied plasma turrets if you have high hacking) as psi, you can still cheese it with emps and stealth grenades
fuck utility station 6
fuck that place
it's to the east of the institute
Should i just go there at level 16? I got the orb and the shattering feat on cryostasis
its one map north of emporium, but only after the tchortists have the cube
look for the "stairmaker"
if you have 60 hacking and some mark 2 or hopefully mark 3 emp grenades you could probably do it
orb should carry you through most encounters though no need to rush
honestly every time I think about going to utility station 6 I just get shit on instantly by all the bullshit in there and leave
Sorry i meant the naga hole
hacking and emps for the archive of course
Oh god i thought you meant the station, fuck it i'm going to sleep.
you can also check to see if you got the mt beetles cave
go to rail crossings train, then check the next three maps to the north for "hole"s
also the map just outside the lost vault (the one with all the beetles)

>blastcap crowbar

wow never thought of this tech. neat
Fuck fetid marsh and fuck locusts
- 3 Constitution enjoyer
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>Sword build
>Managed to get the commando belt at level 6
I don't know if I was just really lucky or this build fucks but I've never managed to do this this early on.
I never knew that the turret in the GMS compound will only shoot either me or the raiders, and will leave the citizens alone.
huge if true
Before taking Jack's first quest I always go out and lure the rathounds close to where the bandits will be waiting for me
A flare just before exiting the map ensures that they attack each other first when returning
Rats always win on DOM
Clearly not
Makes sense, it's already configured to see the citizens as friendly
Should've been a second, higher hacking check to add yourself to the friendly list
I hate the Viridescent Quarry so much.
Thanks to the bastard Sea Wyrms the only armor set up that will keep me alive without stealth is Biohazard Boots, CAU, and preferably the Grey Army Mask. And a very good shield because of the stupid locusts
How much do you get locked out of by siding with the Free Drones?
I've don't think I've ever actually done it because I don't like to fuck over Rail Crossing
The Protectorate quest line is no longer a possibility. One dungeon in the caves will remain locked against entry
It is possible to get locked out of both the Protectorate and Free Drones quest line as well
with drones you get
>more oddity exp
>beckett (foams/cloths and some rare misc items/drugs) and a basic food merchant
>nail bombs
>only way to get rid of blues is marty and marcus

with protectorate you get
>jewsky (best gun merchant), an engineer, a basic food merchant, and a basic doctor
>you get blue money from rewards and these merchants only accept it
>gun lube
>a dungeon in upper caves with an ss data (and you get to pilot a dread)
>you dont lose access to the elevator at sro/junkyard

I would say the tincans arguably get more lore. Both can get the CAU armor; protectorate gets it later, but drones can miss it depending on how they handle epione lab. Fort apogee has a rift of its own, but its only useful if you're a protectorate.
Gameplay-wise Protectorate has 3 different merchants, one of which has the best gun parts (nearly on-par with the Tchortists)
Drones are the only way to get Nail Bombs which are insanely good on knife builds since the bleed wounds count towards your Eviscerate

Story-wise the Drones are ineffectual anarchists who hate commerce of any sort while the Protectorate are an autocratic skinwalker wearing the hollowed-out remnants of Biocorp. Pick your poison, or kill both.
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i am content
>Pick your poison, or kill both.
I like using one to kill the other, then finish off what remains of my previous "ally".
Hail SGS, Hail Ezra
>ineffectual anarchists who hate commerce of any sort
both points untrue

They take out epione on their own, and they don't have anything against commerce, just big tyrannical governments.
I liked this game, yet I found it not worthy of more than a single playthrough because it feels too grindy and formulaic. There is definitely some good content and story in there, but I've found there's too much padding in between

FO1 and FO2 strike a much better balance in this regard.
Phreak is there for the retards who softlocked themselves by attacking JKK because noooo they hurt my waifu i loved that npc based on the three conversations we had. That's it. The rewards are a little bonus, but the real reason he's there is so people can't softlock themselves.
retard take

Phreak exists so you don't have to do the arena to progress the main story. It was always bad design that players HAD to participate in the arena. It also allows pacifist playthroughs (excepting the final boss).
The way the main quest basically comes to a halt and forces you to do arbitrary sidequests in Core City is the numero uno flaw in this game IMO
how would you handle it
the main quest not coming to a halt and forcing you to do arbitrary sidequests in Core City.
Having the player organically investigate the location of the Acid Hunter's hideout through a series of quests given by Gosrky would be a better solution. (Everyone naturally thinks the Gorsky questline is the one that advances the main plot when they play for the first time, but then it literally leads to nowhere)
IIRC you also get some hints in rail crossing that lead to the train driver in le hardcore city bar. If expanded that's enough to find the Acid Hunters yourself.
I wouldn't say a game needs quest markers, but it should have at the very least general markers for areas/locations so you can easily and quickly discern where things are and where to go.
>keep dying because the Phantom Dancer has virtually no defensive stats
>addicted to the movespeed increase
Having the lab keycard locked behind sidequest progression is a bit fucked. I would've just had a fifth option to steal it off of the Tchortist who's trying to break in, but the Institute automatically becomes aggressive later in the game (and you lose the Bioscrubber by killing him obvs).

>but I've found there's too much padding in between
like FO2 right?

there's way too much farming for materials. its absurd i have fucking 32 guns i need to sell and merchants arbitrarily throttle you on what you can sell them, yet refresh after a period of time anyways, and there's almost no scarcity to anything post early game anyways.
>there's way too much farming for materials
Only if you feel the need to hoard.
You can beat the game on Dominating with 0 crafting skills, the only crafting grind is what you subject yourself to.
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The south underrail cell was only ineffective because of the traitor.
The fuck you need money for if you're drowning in items anyway?
I always wind up doing the tin can questline and then murdering all of them.
>I know you're a psi demi-god hauling approximately enough explosives to level half the station, and your efforts alone have put the Protectorate on the map in South Underrail
>But we're going to have a problem if you don't kneel and address me as your superior
oh yeah, they catch the spy on their own too
if you go tin cans that is
>there's way too much farming for materials. its absurd i have fucking 32 guns i need to sell and merchants arbitrarily throttle you on what you can sell them
That's because you have a hoarder's mentality. You don't have to pick up every single item, absorbing everything like a locust.

Did you learn nothing from Al Fabet?
I've beaten the game before and I don't feel like I need any 150+ quality shit from doing the Institute quests
I'm also lv28 and will almost certainly hit level cap within the DC
Can I just beat down the doors and murder everyone in the institute? Does it let me walk past the Faceless or do I still have to sneak around?
>Can I just beat down the doors
no, you either need to get the statue and have them let you in
or go in the back door
>and murder everyone in the institute? Does it let me walk past the Faceless or do I still have to sneak around?
yes and the faceless will be hostile
>Does it let me walk past the Faceless
In the elevator? No, you have to kill those or stealth out of combat. If you don't go down with the Tchortists then you have about 5 seconds to stealth before the position's overrun.
On the plus side, IIRC killing the Faceless there doesn't count towards you.
What's a good build for telekinetic puncher?
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I have tried to do a new playthrough of underail for like a year now, whenever I try to start this game again I spend 3 hours staring at the character creator stressing out about every point until in inevtebly just close the game.

For my first playthrough, I was fine just having a crafting/crossbow/stealth build because it felt pretty cool and it seemed like what the game wanted you to do (at least in the begining, crossbows have a much easier time than other builds imo)
Now I want to make some sort of mixed psi build. Either with swords, shotguns or chem pistols; but I want to rp so bad that I can't make it happen.
I mostly want psi/willpower stuff so that I can pass the wp tests (back monolith and stuff like that), because it seems clear that the story is written around a protag who is at least decent with psi in mind (at least I think so).
If that wasn't bad enough, I can't bring myself to have less than 9, and god forbid, low int, I want 9 int mostly because the old guy on the boat acts like you are retarded otherwise, and my rp brain can't handle that.
But I hate the concept of a pure psi playthrough, it feels lame and uninteresting; and i really only want wp for the skill checks, i'm really not that interested in most psi abilities. Int I need for crafting and hacking so its not a complete loss. With wp, I only have 2 stats kept at min, this mindset is keeping my builds unsalvagable.
How do I do it bros? how do people even have mixed psi builds? I just want want to beel a cool stealthy swordsman or shotgunner who isn't retarded / confused by everything he sees.
something like this will crush the game on hard mode and be very powerful on dominating
you could make a energy pistol version of it as well
you can do the 9 int stuff with brain pills and there is one obelisk you need 12 will for and if that's a deal breaker then drop some dexterity for it (which I already had to do a little)
also while chemical pistols trivialize every enemy type they are really bad against the final boss so you could go pk instead of thought control to help with that
locus of control is just fun and cool
Shotgun+psi isn't that hard to make work. Shotguns get evasion piercing from leading shot so they don't need much perception, and the only other stats they need are 5 strength+5 dex. That still leaves a lot of points left over to make psi good too. Easy to do shotgun for killing and thought control for debuffs, or metathermics for killing groups, or whatever. As a bonus, 5 strength is also enough for sniper rifles or grenade launchers, so with a few feats you can use them too.
You can use hypercerebrix to get +2 int for the Ferryman discussions. The conversation pauses time so it's not like it'll wear off. In the old days all-in had an int bonus instead of a penalty so people stacked it with hypercerebrix to get philosophy 2 even on retard characters. Can't do that now but the +2 still helps.
I miss savescumming junkyard surprise for crafting things.
thx bro, you're golden

>shotguns only need 5 strength and +5 dex

really? I thought shotgun/pistol builds more or less required high per, and to have dex as high as possible. Thats really cool it I was wrong.
Wait, I just looked over your build, how the fuck is your gun skill so high? what synergies are causing it to get that big?
your hit chance is going to be low early on but grenades, cooked shot, and flashbangs will help with that
Shotgun needs 5 dex for leading shot. It gets no benefit from dexterity other than that. At least aside from higher initiative and generalist feats like grenadier or whatever.
Perception does give more damage+accuracy, but leading shot means you ignore 65% of enemy evasion, so accuracy is way less important than it normally is. Damage is nice but you don't need that much perception to kill things. I'm not saying leave it at 3 or anything, just that 8 perception or so is totally fine. You don't need to stack it super high.
Versatility turning melee into guns.
all-in is +3 will
tchortist noble robe is +1 (can get in core city)
cognator helmet is +1
so you're hitting 8 even with 3 if you dont mind relying on equipment

7 int + brainlet pill is enough for philosophy 3, and 7's a good number anyway because thats the highest prereq for int feats; only epistols and pure mages want more than that
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TM/MT fag here, i'm at a bit of a loss with the next feat i should take, does each icicle of cryokinetic Orb stack hypothermia? I know i should maybe take one of the TM feats but i haven't really used that branch besides distortion for mechanicals and limited temporal increment every now and then, neurology also seems interesting, are the extra 15 psi worth it? Should i just take something else?
This; it's always my secondary on my MG/MINIGUN character
That plus heavy metal makes it very sexoo
acceleration is OP
>haven't been using TM
go to rail crossing and talk to the doctor
I envy him, he's able to enjoy life and things to the fullest while everyone else is looking for the next fix
I wonder how humans like this get around every day. If someone says they need you to go somewhere do people lose their minds because there's no quest markers or icons to show them where? How are they alive
yeah you pretty much have to imagine yourself as some shitty street level comic book character using cheap tricks and traps to set people up in order to hit them at 100%
Oh i have contraction, i just wanted to give increment a chance, but maybe i should just switch back to contraction, even when it's useful increment is kind of lackluster.
Cryorb does stack hypothermia for every shard, but it's not that useful if you're not on dominating since if an enemy gets hit by multiple shards they're probably dead anyway.
Meditation is strictly better than neurology so you should take it first.
increment is also OP
distortion is pretty bad unless you absolutely can't kill something with MT
Hey nerd, ever thought.. Video games and real-life are 2 different things? It's time to go outside.
Robots are still a pain on the dick
I guess I'm taking acceleration then, i already have meditation
>whenever I try to start this game again I spend 3 hours staring at the character creator stressing out about every point until in inevtebly just close the game
This is me when I try to play Arcanum. Just remembering that game exists makes me want to tear my hair out. It's either harm spam, pyrotechnic axe, or tard ogre. Every other build is too clunky to be enjoyable.
People have GPS on their phones. It's over.
>want to replay underrail
>can't imagine playing anything but a pure melee build because I'm a boring faggot
I haven't even touched any of the tin can builds or the magic.
Play as a hammer wizard
I think I'm going to shy away from melee as a whole.
who am I kidding, I'll probably end up with an unarmed psigger if I ever reinstall
>he says whilst not only posting on 4chan, but in an rpg thread on 4chan
lol, lmao.
yeah but how is the other anon suppose to know that you can do things like open a phone and use GPS if there isn't ANOTHER icon pointing to THAT?
It's fine. I have spent 368 hours playing nothing but sneaky sniper and i feel the desire coming back. Still haven't been to Deep Caverns even once, i might need help
I tried playing this game once years ago and thought it was a miserable pile of save scummy crap. However, I gave it another try but instead of making a boring heavy armor, assault rifle build with no psionics, I made a highly mobile, pure psionics build with stealth, crafting, lockpick/hacking, and social skills. Holy shit, the game is fucking awesome now. For any newbs: do not ignore psionics because you want to play a straight "Fallout 1/2" build like I did. The game will be really tedious if you do that.
>he says whilst not only posting on 4chan, but in an rpg thread on 4chan
Cope. Not everyone is a walking stereotype.
>I tried playing this game once years ago and thought it was a miserable pile of save scummy crap
Majority of CRPG's are "save scummy crap" lmao
It's worth doing once, all of the Biocorp lore is genuinely great.
Just load up on repair kits and ammo. Don't worry about leaving space to bring anything back.
Tin can ARs is unironically one of the easiest and most braindead builds you could go for. I have to ask what you did to fuck it up because psionics absolutely would not have fixed whatever problems you were having.
>have played through Underrail about 12 times now
>have all of the achievements
Nigger have you tried not being a social reject? This is fucking sad
The game's been out for almost a decade.
>playing the same single-player campaign for 600 hours
This is über autism. It was a shit story too if I recall. Quit at the bunker/vault/whatever the fuck it was where the game tells you that you won't be able to come back
It was super boring and didn't kill crowds quick enough. I hated slowly chasing people around walls and shit. The combat felt way worse than Fallout 2 but now with psionics it's cool and interesting.
Yeah but not like this. Every combat as heavy armor AR felt like you're supposed to scum every battle until you learn it. That's obnoxious game design after doing for 40+ hours.
how do you die wearing heavy armor
I remember getting stunned and shit a lot. Melee dudes + psionics guys would fuck me up especially if they attacked first. My psionics character has crazy combos and usually wins 95% of fights on the first turn. It's hard to understate how absolutely boring I found heavy AR especially when dudes would run from me and I'd have to very very slowly chase them.
stuns can't affect you if they deal 0 damage
psi will fuck you up though
bro your grenades? your commando??
Nice grenade bro enjoy your annoying ass cooldown while you chase people around moving an inch a turn.Yawn. The build was so boring that I thought I hated the game until 5 years later when I gave it another chance.
I thought Underrail was supposed to filter out people like you.
Stygger made the game too easy, holy shit.
It wasn't hard back then. You're just mad that I hate the boring ass build you like. I beat the arena with it then I quit. I'm glad that I gave the game annoying chance even though its fans are just as shitty as the heavy armor AR build.
society is fake and gay
you're just an idiot who cant beat a vidjagame
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>and didn't kill crowds quick enough.
its always psi players who cant handle anything else
they are drawn to EZ mode like flies to shit

fucking psiggers man
cant have shit with psiggers around
>they are drawn to EZ mode like flies to shit
Then they'd play AR tincan. You're just an autistic retard unable to enjoy video games.
psi is the easiest build

I enjoy the hell out of underrail, but you retarded zoomers are everywhere. I can't have anything without retards fucking it up.
>muh sikrit club!
you dumb nigger, but I repeat myself
It wasn't that it was hard. It was that I didn't like the playstyle. Also, I felt like I spent 95% of my time running back and forth between vendors looking for a ton of crap to craft while on my psi build, I only had to craft a psi vest and headgear. Waiting for the vendors was really the straw that broke the camel's back on my AR guy. I felt like I needed to do it to because of the grenades and shit that was pretty necessary for him.
>I have to do less things to succeed
>but its not because its easier
The annoyances of the game are minimized and I get to explore more instead of scumming vendors autistically for minmaxed armor and consumables to craft. When I had everything for my AR guy, he killed slower than my psi build but was far tankier. However, I felt like I had to keep going back to town constantly. Also--again, the combat just feels more enjoyable in general with the interesting combos and stuff I can do with psi plus I actually have movement points now.
you can also play heavy armor while having more movement points than your psi character
I took dissemble to alleviate that issue. Honestly maxing it on my Tincan Lmg/minigun guy saved a lot on tedium and switching parts up was nice.
Though I had like 11 str and packrat hound so hauling stuff was not an issue. Also had PSI but only for TM haste ability and enough MT to make distabilzation due full health damage, though the exo aura helped a lot keeping enemies at bay (mostly psigers and spooders)
Had no Dex and 4 Wil but I made sure to get 6 Agility,armor sloping and nimble because he'll no was I gonna do a no MP tank
There is. You get a comradery and good friends.
I'm not playing a crossbow most of the time so I don't care. Even if I do, I might not care enough about his particular crossbow to kill him. Though often, I complete the quest with the Truce and then just kill him anyways.

Ancient rathound leather is easy to find on Dominating anyways just from traveling in the lower underrail. What are you going to say next? that you don't play on the intended difficulty setting? What are you? A game journo casul?
There used to be no map. It was better then.
What determines your nickname on the arena? Stats or how you kill enemies?
You can probably minmax the crafting stats harder and get more points for elsewhere. Also with head dildo you will get to at least 15% dodge from precognition anyways while freeing up some points from tm to put elsewhere while every other tm skill is effectively capped. Some stealth skill, hacking, or traps can help early game.
What is the appropriate level range to explore the Waterways?
20 minimum, same as entering the DLC proper but i wouldn't do waterways with just the junk jets or a skimmer/scooter
Blindsiding only works on normal weapons and unarmed, does it work with psi on an old version or something?
There's a priority system, you have your typical kill enemies with guns/melee but they have lower priority compared to the hidden requirements. I got super bomber man because i killed several burrower spawns with a single frag.
Blindsiding I'm pretty sure only works for melee. In saying that he also has hyper toxicity so he could be using a knife/claw to poke stuff that or throwing knives.
>bring Jon's special to Yngwar
>doesn't want it
more for me then
Does cryogenic barrier only work on water?
Is it worth getting something that increases will and returning to lemurian health center morgue? I have 12 currently.
These threads always display a disturbing lack of turbofolk, which is extremely disappointing.
Did miniguns ever come together or is LMG still the only usable one of the two?
theres not much to worry about, just random hostile jetters
the main thing isnt levels, its how shitty your jet is and how good you are at fighting on it
if you're a basic bitch with a junk jet and you get in a fight, you're probably toast unless youre a psigger
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I mean it's cool but inevitably situational, maybe if stygian added something like a water balloon.
Still, it's helping out with naval combat a lot so i wont complain.
Thinking of doing a gunners high meme build with infused mutant dog leather. Going into all the health boosting stuff besides Doctor I think I can past a 100% boost. Testing a max skinner gave one that boosted it by 56%.

Only wish gunner high would give more health. Specing honestly should of been an increase of 2 stacks for 5 spec points and the duration spec just be removed since it already last long enough
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Funny thing too I think it will make the Regen mixture heal 100 or more HP also using Doctor, the Tchortists hat and siphoner tongue food
Will post how well it goes
you could use the exomedic suit
It gives less of a boost to all healing effects and I kinda already did a Tincan machine gunner. Though prob could test that as well.
I'm gonna be maxing stoicism and getting conditioning, but also prob have it with me just to pre use the unique health item since it lasts 8 turns
imo the thing that keeps builds engaging is character. And what I mean by that is funny/gimmicky shit that you find fun. Build around Balor's hammer. Build a max evasion/dodge character. Do a unique weapons/armor only build, no crafting.
OP being a banga as usual
>I have tried to do a new playthrough of underail for like a year now, whenever I try to start this game again I spend 3 hours staring at the character creator stressing out about every point until in inevtebly just close the game.
Be like me and make all builds you have even the slightest interest in. Make it to depot A, beat depot A and either leave it there or play it
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I killed the first two nagas and started shitting myself waiting for the other two to do something while trying to sneak around waiting for my cooldowns to go away only to realize the game only sends 4 on dominating.
My own retardation aside i finally can stop relying on distortion to deal with mechanical shit.
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Stealth+lockpick+hacking+traps+throwing, pistols or shotguns? Some crafting maybe, is evasion/dodge necessary for this? What stats are most important? I'll try to build something and post it here for you to laugh.
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something like this with pistols maybe
>non-stealth weapons
>whenever I try to start this game again I spend 3 hours staring at the character creator stressing out about every point until in inevtebly just close the game
Actual literal mental illness
Pistols have more feats and a wider array of uniques so if you wanted you don't really need to craft going that route. You can get Wyatt Pear's revolver early game and the Wasteland Hawk later. Both are very good.

Shotguns have less feats and crafting is essential. I found pumps for fun than combat shotguns. The latter feels like a weaker assault rifle to me. Highly mobile pump shotgun builds are common and they work fine. I once ran an entire lap around the arena before letting Carnifex catch me and I one shot him with a critical.
How does decapitate even work? The description is confusing and anytime I use it it seems to do absolutely nothing.
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>magnar is hollering for help
150% of you damage
If humanoid, it checks for the remaining health
Then, decapitates
Its a meme feat sadly
>want to buy All-in at Drag'n'Drop
>it's not on sale during proper event
>don't have pickpocketing skills to grab it from gamblers
it's over
Is there anything more busted than casting thermodynamic destabilization and then plasma beam for mega damage + a huge explosion? This seems hilariously OP as fuck. This is my first playthrough on normal so maybe it's not as good when you're actually minmaxing for harder difficulties.
It's an entire feat to maybe sometimes kill 1 enemy 1 attack faster, on a cooldown. It is not a good investment but I'd say the same thing about swords as a whole, they are the most unreliable weapon class in the game.
pure damage like that doesn't fall off in dominating except against the enemies that have 3k hp
or the one boss with 17k hp
redpill me on fists
Son, you played PSI after the great nerf.
You don't know shit about busted PSI combos.
The entire game has been trivial on normal difficulty so far as pure psi. I'm almost done with the expansion and after that I'll be doing deep caverns. It must have been stupid broken in the past then.
just imagine having all of your known spells equipped at once with no penalty
I think your off better crit farming for a hit. Though Decape can still be useful occasionally if your for when flurry misses just to ensure a low health kill.
With PK your can get a 25% crit chance not even specing if 2 guys are close to each other. If your just going all in on crit power and chance you can use it as a one tap for bosses, but then same thing can be done with flurry it's just more RNG heavy on misses.
I can see it shining more on a sword and board build with repost
Are You running every school?
I'm running every school but Temporal Manipulation.
How has electrokinesis helped you with strongmen? Distortion needed A LOT of setup to kill those.
It decimates them mostly because I've centered my build around increasing its critical damage bonus.
Maybe i should have gone for psychosis instead of tranquility, keeping full health is fun until one faggot chips me for one bio damage or some other insignificant shit.
Err critical chance I meant. That's what my specialization focus has been. What I usually do during fights is open up with electrokinesis to stack crit chance and then I blow everything up with things like plasma beam and cyro orb.
Dominating boosts enemy evasion so that does weaken destab damage. Unless you stun everyone first or something.
can always flash them yeah
thematic supplemental weapon for a grenadier/three-pointer throwmaxxer build

alternatively, a supplemental weapon for a strengthmaxxing psychokinetic using spring booties with their SS armor or the combat exoskeleton
Honestly that doesn't mean much if your able to 1 shot a 500/600 health enemy on a destabe with a plasma or alpha strike weapon. You can still prob throw an orb or grenade right after to finish of what's left
healing tank is okay.
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>they are the most unreliable weapon class in the game.
>he fell for the dex sword meme
just max str and you don't have to care so much about muh flurryslaught stacks. don't even need to bother with EW or electronic machetes vs big bots because the crits are so massive.
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>dex sword meme
>raise will with food bonus for this
>game says "doesn't count"
What's the point of raising base abilities that way then, such bullshit.
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no it does not in fact fall off at all on higher difficulties
and just think, this is after a huge nerf to thermo destab
>game says "doesn't count"
>Gets intimidated
why do you think so?
I thought Yell applies to dodge/evasion.
Doesn't matter though, I've seen anons pumping their dodge/evasion values into 1500+, but it's just diminishing returns at that point, plus the fact that you're raising agility to reach those levels, which isn't a great attribute.
Even with all that you can still get hit several times in a row on dominating, that will easily kill you.
It's way more efficient to focus on CC and damage.
unless you mean evasive maneuvers

anyways no, you're just a scrub
are you implying that blitz is bad?
It only effects your offensive abilities
>except PSI lmao
But even if laughs in quicktinkering since swords have the Dex for it. Really you can build to absolutely fuck over solo dudes for yelling with indefinitely stunning. You can even add TC LOC and flashbangs to make it worse
I think more so he's applying it to expert sprint which requires 13Agi which is very situational for what other cheaper AP feats gives. TM alone beats it out by itself since your not gonna get it till lvl 26
He could also only play max armor penalty Tincan so he might not know what MP looks like past maybe having sprint
he doesnt get glasscannoning
he thinks you just f9 a lot
>Last few runs ran into a shotgun very early on
>Make a shotgun character
>Don't find anything but low quality electronic parts
To be fair, it only keeps up because of the giant health boost bosses get. If there's no boss to blow up then it's far weaker. And it's not like bosses are that common.
The Plasma Cannon from the Heavy Duty zone. You can build LMG, or Minigun on the way.

The important thing is taking the Heavy Metal feat and Tungstun Boots/Armor/Helmet (More Armor Penalty, more damage)

The downside is you'll get bored doing a one-shot explosion that ends combat in one turn.
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I want to roleplay a zoner who was accepted into SGS out of pity. What build is most befitting of a zoner? I was thinking making something entirely centered around using the shoddy shotgun. What should my stats look like?
keep the starting pistol and roleplay as newton
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I'm enjoying my zoner playthrough so far. Definitely feels the part because I'm broke as a joke. Funding a shotgun this early is rough. Not sure if the shoddy shotgun will be viable forever, but I'll do my best to make it work as long as possible. Eventually I may move to a short barreled vagabond or something.

I struggled to come up with a name since zoner's tend to be named shit like: Garbage, Trash, etc. I went with "Slick" since it sounds in the spirit of a zoner and I also decided to invest in persuasion since I haven't done that yet, so both of those felt in line with one another. I'm also getting into pickpocketing since I've never used that before, either.

All in all this is a lot of fun so far.
>skip one raid
>aegis loses 14 people
Impressive considering all they ever do is shoot everything from long range
The only way to make Phreak route be even somewhat acceptable would be him giving you high risk ways to steal from Core City shipments of very high quality goods
sounds good; I'll be keeping tabs on you
I'll want to see your build and equipment when you get done
this, there need to be more places like the protectorate docks warehouse. You're telling me coretech doesn't have vaults full of p2w high tech goodies?
Did you have defenses already done
all of them
Which shops sell psionic mufflers?
Do you have a save from before they call you? The fight might end more favorably if you sit in stealth in the corner
Fixer, Ezra and the lab coat whatshisname in the institute's physics department, all generic electronics merchants but they stock only a few lower-quality psi components so the odds of getting one from them aren't good
That narrows it down a lot thanks, wasn't expecting fixer of all merchants to have those.
How do you guys deal with the camp hathor burrowers on dominating?
I may have fucked up and enraged to whole cave, the aggroed ones didn't despawn after the reset
>Do you have a save from before they call you?
Even if I had I don't really care, I was in the middle of killing Magnar and right now I'm at the end of abyssal station. I hear you can destroy the monolith, but infinite spirits start pouring out of it when I shoot it with a torch
flash them and run away and stealth
lots of traps
just wait to fight burrower warriors until your build is online enough to handle it
make sure you don't aggro the death crawler on the way to the king
What is a good build that has a clear sense of progression in terms of weapons throughout? I'm talking frequent upgrade not just via crafting, but also unique items.

I hated my psi run due to how static it felt.
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Okay so there were a tad too many for me to kite into a ball i could flash but i think i may be able to pull something out of my ass with this
I've gotten decent ones from the institute guy. I think he sold me 130+ quality ones before but you have to get lucky.
It took some gas grenades, molotovs and bear traps on the second floor but i managed to kill the ones there and blew up the rocks blocking the water, hopefully the ratking is a little easier to kill
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>hopefully the ratking is a little easier to kill
>What build is most befitting of a zoner?
The build that you encounter in the zone, obviously: stealth knife.
>anyways no, you're just a scrub
Your momma's a scrub bitchboy.
what would be a good build for a yakub character profile?
you can stealth it
you can apply warcrimes at a chokepoint (best from stealth)
or you can stack DT as high as possible and have some way of damaging them (especially the warriors; best to let spawn surround you so they cant reach you)
yeah she sucks at games
you have that in common with her
epistols with 3 int
He's the big headed scientist so he'd probably be a high int/will build with a focus on energy pistols and thought control.
They didn't seem to like fire much even when they take about 3 damage from it so i just made a fire barricade with exothermic aura and molotovs, then i just stealthed away.
I read somewhere that cryostasis and implosion have a cool synergy so I'm probably going to use that on the big guys once i get psichokinesis high enough.
I beat this for the first time just now. Damn, what a great fucking game. I both loved and hated the deep caverns.
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>everything up to depot A is lame
>depot A is fun or lame depending on build
>expedition is often lame
>deep caverns is lame
>have to sink a couple hours into each playthrough to really enjoy it and have no closure because fuck doing DC/expedition more than once
>still do several playthroughs because the meat of the game still tickles my fancy
Underrail would be such a perfect game if modding was possible, i hate stygger's muh artists vision so much.
Well time to wander around entire Underrail and show my corn to everyone.
Energy pistol with INT maxed
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the parts you dont like are the parts I like the best

>I read somewhere that cryostasis and implosion have a cool synergy
cryostasis + any high damage attack that is one single damage

what would be in foundry for him to find? thats dumb
Isn't destroying the acorn dooming humanity to extinction?
There's a bunch of those and they can't open them anyway
I wish there was a way to get monster invasions happening in the native areas, to flood them with spiders or crabs or locusts so that the numbers get thinned out
Would also like it to be targeted at the expedition camp or Port Ceto
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Only had to restart once, i feel you could drop two or three burrower warriors on his room and he would get shredded, those fuckers are WAY more dangerous.
>they can't open them anyway
t-they're working on it...
human resurgence soon!
I actually didn't deep caverns except for the mushroom area. That shit was annoying as fuck.
*didn't mind deep caverns
Mushroom Forest is stupid that if you don't stack bio resist then it sucks, but if you do stack bio resist then you're invincible and it's boring. So either way it sucks. Bad area.
nta but I think that everyone can agree that the retarded dev is ironically the main thing working against the game.

the anti modding stance is by itself maybe the most insane thing I've ever seen from a solo dev who survives on goodwill
Yeah it was super boring and those mushroom turrets that kept respawning can fuck right off. It's the most tedious crap ever.
Are augmented rathounds the only way to get base leather over 100 quality? Is it better to just take skinner if I'm trying to max my infusion?
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Holy shit man, i put up an ocean of caltrops, bear traps and gas grenades and most of the fuckers still made it to the end of it.
Skinner isn't worth it.
Then those faceless fucks are about to eat acid
If i destroy one of those Proectorate Outposts in the waterways, leave no witnesses and steal their jet, does the Protectorate becomes hostile to me in Core City and Junkyard?
>ocean of
I bet you didn't even put 50 traps lol
i put up like a dozen and a half nine, clearly i needed way more.
No, I do that every playthrough to go from the junk jet to the cruiser
The level of zone control is displayed in the corner of the screen, you can mouse over it for details.
Is the Rust Maker better against robots than your average (non-crafted) Shock Knife? I can't decide between that or the Sash and there's no way to run a quick test
Is the heavy duty DLC dungeon worth playing if you've already beaten the game/expeditions and hit max level?
I thought rust was supposed to be used against humanoids with equipment, since robots technically have none, maybe I'm wrong.
Rusting acid normally does extra damage against robots to make up for them not having durability. Not sure if the knife actually does that though.
it does; its in that pic
I am 3 per.
I kinda didn't feel a difference when I was using chem pistol with rust, switched back to regular, when I ran out of corrosive of course.
Mushroom forest is perfectly fine with 0 bio resist.
The real problem is that if you didn't pay attention to a small random blurb from the merchant guy, you won't know that you're supposed to let the debuff stacks cap out to teleport to another area - you're just going to assume it works the same way the OTHER stacking deep cavern debuff does (the one that starts spawning tchortlings at max stacks) so you're just gonna spend hours running around wondering why you can't find out where to go to procceed.
The mushroom debuff stacked up during my first playthrough so quickly that I didn't even realize other players had an issue with that area from a progression standpont. I just really hated the respawning shrooms because the bio gear I had on swap hurt my stealth.
They updated it a while ago to fix the confusion. There's a hole leading to the second part of the forest now, so you can walk in whenever you want. No need for spores anymore.
my first time through DC, I let the debuff stack up just to see if it would kill me or not
Worth making a mobile assault rifle? How fucked is the move and shoot penalty?
high agility AR is the optimal way to play AR because of Ambush, now that LMGs are a thing tin cans are better off using those
5%, so not worth taking strafe for
turbo mobile ar tincan/leatherfag is very viable, it's just 5% hit chance when you are moving and you will probably dump one mag per turn.
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I forgot how aids is dealing with natives as psiless melee
Have you tried using more of them?
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What did Styg mean by this? That is practically fucking nothing, yet Strafe says it compensates for a 15% penalty? Seems like a wasted feat. No wonder ARs are so potent. They practically have no downsides.
you need EA, brother

strafe is for snipers and xbows, mainly
its basically wasted on ARs

and yes, they have no real downsides
It's almost like strafe is designed for crossbows/sniper rifles instead.
All the Expedition content is pure cancer as melee. Unfun tedious shit.
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nah, you just suck
Nobody said it's hard. You're autistic and retarded.
you're a pathetic bovine neurotypical
go watch sports, you crybabby faggot
Ironic coming from the guy who enjoy repetitive and boring tasks. It does confirm the "retard" part tho.
only to you, normalnigger
>autistic, retarded and election tourist
Beyond sad.
no, ive been on 4chan since 2010
all summer, as we used to say
I feel like strafe could work on a mobile Lmg build to more accurately get all your shoots in but at the same time you shoot so many bullets it's kinda meh. I guess you could use it to conserve ammo.
I would say maybe miniguns could use it but the 5 Dex kills it for how much Str you need for em and how your really railroaded to use heavy armor since heavy metal is really good
EA is bit out of my budget, I'm putting 7 point in dex just for one perk, agility is more important for mobilefags like me.
nah, 90% of natives dies in one hit, robots might be tanky but they are easy to stun and I think you can apply electroshock generator on all weapons so it's not problem. Spiders, sea wyrms and locust is pure aids but you can mostly avoid them.
Pickpocketing worth it? I've never used it before
So how much stealth is too much? I managed to get 100+ on a 0 stealth character and could walk unnoticed among villagers in some places.
Depends on your build. If you're just using stealth to sneak, it isn't worth investing in at all because you can pump it with clothing and cloaking devices. If you're using ambush and blindsiding it's worth pumping, especially on certain builds that rely wholly on alpha striking and big damage like crossbows and snipers.
Personally I'd only recommend it on a dex build, but it's solid.
It can net you some extra/early oddities
Pickpocketing has not reason to exist as a skill. It should be a feat ability relying on stealth and dexterity.
Not really, aside few oddities, ammo, cocktails there is no point of investing in pickpocket, you are going to be filfthy rich in no time even on dom difficulty.
There are two reason to pick pickpocket:
1 you want skip part of expedition at Aegis side.
2 you are playing on dominating difficulty where you might struggle with money early on, but trust me after early game you are going to be swimming in money.
No way. A little bit of extra ammo and a couple of oddities isn't worth an entire feat. At least as a skill it's something I can pick up on the side of a dex build.
I haven't gotten to the institute in a long time, can you do all of the quest from investigation and preservation or do you get locked in when you pick one of the questlines?
No lock. It males it seem like there's a lock when you finish one of them and the respective boss says you should join them, but you're still allowed to do the other branch even then. When you get to Eidein he'll give you the choice of joining either.

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