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Communism is beautiful
oh its this thread again
it's not that communism is beautiful, just that capitalism is very fucking ugly
no niggerjewishtranny empire appreciation for me sir, thx
holy brain rot batman
How many Soviets could actually afford one of those? How many Soviets can say that they have ever sailed a sailboat.
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My exact reaction, post your GAZ-24 op, here's mine along with my Niva and Škoda
>How many Soviets could actually afford one of those?

Not many. Most Volga owners were factory directors, collective farm heads, athletes with medals, astronauts, high-ranking military personnel, diplomats, singers, etc.
дa, тoвapищ
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Commie cars are just knockoffs
the ironing
both are nice, but i prefer the fender mirrors of the volga. they exude an elegance. the body lines are nice too.
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Come on OP, post your Soviet vehicles.
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hello fellow Kameraden
This car is infamous in my state because some dumb asshole that was driving it got blown off a bridge and died kek
who wore it better?
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I wish they would make cars again...
>he’s making these dumbass threads again
Yeah man, being poor is so beautiful
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Communism makes prettier things than the other pigdog systems
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Idk why I'm even bothering to reply but sailing clubs were pretty popular in the ussr
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>compares a $50k vehicle to $4.5k
>$4.5k vehicle bad
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It is not communism's fault that the management of the factory wanted to use the same tooling and production methods from the 1940s to produce all of their cars.
Doesn't even have to be BMW. This is how VW looked like in 1961.
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And VW in 1989.
Sure, but it might be something's fault that there only was that one factory and no competitors.
And trying to set up a competing factory might have ended very badly. You don't want to rock the boat in a system like that.
Amongst whom? The drunken masses piled into block housing? Please Ivan, don't make me laugh.

Chink detected. Only you yellow slant eyed fucks ever would use pigdog as some kind of insult. You need to learn better English before your gaslighting will be anything but laughed at.

Hey, Jetta is cool! So cool, that American Golf actually got the Jetta front.
I'll take a communist shitbox Zhiguli over capitalist bloated crossover SUVs any day.
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For me, it's Czechoslovakia
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I want leftypol /n/iggers out of my board
based retard
ah i love the special Olympics
sure, but the fact that anyone who wanted otherwise was killed, is.
>compares raging inflationary money printing capitalism (Judaism) to austere egalitarian communism
>communism le bad
kys leftypol troon
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no cars (and not all trucks) in the soviet union had power steering, because communist men are real men, unlike you funkopop-collecting bigtech-loving forever-renting consoomer nu-males
go back to leftypol faggot
>troon, faggot, globohomo
So much talking for just projecting. Communism in its original Parisian form is the white people form of government
the attached image is /thead. It literally does not get much better than that. my eyes water at how beautifully perfect it is.
>It is not communism's fault that the management of the factory wanted to use the same tooling and production methods from the 1940s to produce all of their cars.
communism fault is management of the factory had no say whether they can upgrade the tooling and production methods in the first place. they'd need permission and resources allocated from the state for that, and naturally, communism never had any resources it could spare. which is why once a factory was set up, it pretty much made the same car for decades until communism collapsed
>which is why once a factory was set up, it pretty much made the same car for decades until communism collapsed

Explain how Lada Samara, Niva, Skoda Favorit, and Moskvith 2141 appeared then. Even the Lada 110 prototype was made under communism (1990). All these vehicles were modern in their years.
Fiat or Renault sent them some new parts
None of the above has anything to do with Fiat and Renault.
your right some of them are more simca ford and opel.
soviet vehicles do give quite a derivative impression, aside from their creative body and interior styleing
In the 80s, they did make some progress in car design. This is probably due to the renewal of the country's leadership under Gorbachev.
*Capitalism is beautiful
since 90% of soviet cars were built with western technology or straight copies built under license
Some of my favorite rare commie vehicles

Early Lada 110 prototype, looks great IMO. The production car sure looks like crap.
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Second gen Niva 2123 aka Honda HR-V from 1988. Only a wooden model existed.
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An entirely new Volga. Something like an Opel Omega, only with front-wheel drive and GAZ 3.4l SOHC v8 with carb producing about 130hp.
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Look at the body panel gaps. But at least they tried.
Except the 3105 was based partially on the Audi 100 C3 borrowing some shit from it.
It was also either RWD or AWD, the AWD system being borrowed from Audi.
Volgas were never FWD
>Explain how Lada Samara, Niva, Skoda Favorit, and Moskvith 2141 appeared then.
all of those appeared few years before collapse with hopes to be sold in the west, more than decade after western economy cars adopted front engine FWD. 2141 is just simca copy. skoda wanted a FWD car in 70s already but politics and money didn't allow it so they were stuck making their 60s design until late 80s with different body.

lada niva is still made today with barely any improvements so i'm not sure why do you bring that up as an example against a factory being made without ever producing anything else when... 50 years later, the factory is still making the same fucking car with minimal improvements.
>Lada Samara
Developed since 1978, introduced in 1985
>Moskvitch Aleko
Developed since 1976, introduced in 1986
>Skoda Favorit
Developed since 1982, after the cancellation of previous projects from 1970, and 1967 respectively, introduced in 1987
Beautiful indeed
>Communism in its original Parisian form is the white people form of government
utterly retarded commie, the white form of government is and has always been colonialism, giving brown rights was the greates existential threat to the beauty of the world
>it's not communism's fault that the product was outdated because planned economy didn't work
>lada niva is still made today with barely any improvements
Because realistically speaking there's not much to improve anymore.
It's almost a case of "perfect from the beginning".
It's a cheap light offroader like the suzuki jimny, but unlike the jimny it still is fairly cheap even new.
It's not the greatest off-road vehicle of all time, it's basic and crude, but again people don't really need much more than that for their daily needs.
>lada niva is still made today with barely any improvements

Niva has received many improvements over the years. Exterior, interior, body, side windows, engine, fuel injection system, suspension: all this was replaced or improved. Also power steering, power windows and air conditioning were added later. The only thing that hasn't changed is transmission. What other improvements do you want? Maybe an entire new car?

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110 also took from 1985 to 1995 while you're at it
The planned economy did not stop them from releasing brand-new ICBM at the same rate as GM released brand-new Cadillac. It just speaks volumes about their priorities.
The vehement hate for communism and blatant ignorance of its ideals speaks volumes of how the strongly the jews have people mind controlled.
You faggots are the equivalent of no car benchracers who spew catalog stats and 0-60 times as gospel.
I encourage all of you faggots atleast read the fuckin communist manifesto.
It's literally 50 pages long.
If you cant relate what is explained in the book to what is happening in the world today, you have niggerbrain and should probably go find Jesus for help before you continue to niggerpost here.
>It is not communism's fault that the management of the factory

>I encourage all of you faggots atleast read the fuckin communist manifesto.

I grew up in a communist country, shit for brains

It's objectively the worst form of economical ideology man has created, YOU'RE the stupid one reading its sales brochures as fact, you don't know shit
What country?
>I grew up in a communist country
Lol and the US is a captalist country right?
Go read the book brother
kill yourself
you're under impression that communist "brand-new" ICBM is any different compared to "brand-new" lada; worse copy of a western design that's at best at the end of production, if not decade obsolete. and the cope about commies actually focusing on military tech at the expense of everything else doesn't work when you can look at how it performs in ukraine and, unsurprisingly, it's just as shit as the cars

I also grew up in a communist country, my folks would have me queuing in line for hours just because a shop had *something* in stock. only for the attendant to tell you to piss off they're only selling it to their buddy.
The tranny was changed like twice I think.
Original 4 speed was ditched for a 5 speed in uhhh somewhere around the 90s and again updated in the mid 00s.
The transfer case also got updated somewhere around the 00s, the original had hi-neutral-lo gears, the new one had hi-med-low gears, ditching the neutral
>3 speed transfer case
the fuck are you smoking my dude
Otherwise you're right though, like every other component on the Niva they also revised the transmission and transfer case a few time
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Real shit. OP is a massive faggot who has poo for brains
I can dig up the manuals once I get home, but some of the later models got a 3 speed transfer case with Low-med-hi.
Also I smoke preferably Cohiba Robustos if possible, but lately they're like 100 bucks a stoogie
Communism was invented by a German Jew to undermine white society.

I get your point but the "I grew up in the soviet bloc" argument isn't strong enough because it leaves the door open for them to counter with "well that wasn't REAL communism". You have to explain why even 'real' communism is bad. Break down why it fundamentally does not work and will not ever work, even in a perfect world.
>I grew up in a communist country

It's a good thing that communism is over, and you can enjoy capitalist life in Moldova or wherever else you live
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If I was the head of a planned economy, I would also mandate that at least one RWD five-speed shitbox would be produced indefinitely.
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We had one case were a petrolhead almost got to pick the default car. Before settling on the Renault 12, Ceausescu apparently had his sights on the Alfa Giulia of all cars. I mean imagine being able to source base model Giulias from up to the early 90s from romania kek. And then just upgrade them with leftover italian parts
And this shitbox should be a copy of '98 nissan 180sx, great replacement for lada & trabant

also should be an opportunity to get it for free after 5 years of working at the factory
Impractical, unreliable, western trash, you get a Zhiguli with a turbo
misinformed cope
Yes. The jews spearheaded communist uprisings and rode off the backs of actual working class people fighting for a change against the jewish capitalists. And yes real communism was never achieved because like true capitalism, it cannot be achieved. That doesnt mean communist ideals are flawed, but that the jews recognized the ideals as a threat and maliciously baited working class people with them just to pull the rug from underneath. Surprise! The same has happened under so called capitalism.
What usually happens is these >>27667030 >>27668525
victims end up with a chip on their shoulder living under their jewish communism. Jew led capitalist countries magnify this failed jewish communism as muh communism bad dont even talk about it. Look at these atrocities. It's to the point people just parrot what they see or hear.
No one has even read the fuckin book.
No one even realizes there is a struggle between the rich and poor and when they do, it's taboo to talk about it because that makes you a communist.
Well played, jewish people. Perfect example of poisoning the well
>Jews see rising awareness of working class struggle
>Jews usurp and lead the vanguard of working class struggle under the name of communism
>Fund coups and destabilize any working class resistance from within
>Maliciously stray from ideals beneficial of working class
>Everyone now hates communism
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But comrade, you can copy s13 and put 8 valve engine with carb. We don't need it capitalist pop up headlights either, you can use headlights from Samara and turn signals from Niva
I read the book and it's a bunch of masturbatory fanfiction by a neet who leeched off his family and friends and raped his servants
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Capitalism always wins
>Even though most sports cars are getting replaced by ugly crossovers because they "sell better"
>Providing useful tools to the common man, that fit their needs, while still offering options that trade practicality for amusement is bad, actually!
I prefer Fascism because of the so-called."Cult of Speed" and emphasis on beauty and function of objects under it. I suggest as a third option to capitalism and communist, instead that all Fascist men be granted a well handling and beautiful Pony Car with a high revving small block V8 as part of the planned economy and remove the speed limits. As part of this suggestion something like the 1967-1968 Chevrolet Camaro Z28 be used as the basis but with a more finely designed body closer to an Iso Rivolta.
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Now Volga is back
Having lada in ussr was equivalent of having S-class in western europe, it held same status and most likely it was easier for west german wagie to get new s-class than soviet worker to get new lada, volgas were already rolls royce tier.
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>Skoda 720 was a front engine RWD family car developed between 1967 and 1972. At the time of its cancellation, about a dozen of prototypes got made.
I almost like the look. It's probably poorly assembled chinashit on the inside, but what isn't these days.

Exactly. From what I recall, the AvtoVAZ / Lada was based on an old Fiat design and had luxuries like a 4-speed gearbox and an actual 4-stroke engine with water cooling. Not every worker liberated by Soviet communism could enjoy those.
Soviet planned economy and the ban on the import cars de facto ended in 1989, by 1989 lada riva wasn't very obsolete.

Most of the production time of classic rwd lada was under a market post-Soviet economy, and it was available to everyone. So that picture above doesn't make sense, because it’s unlikely that BMW would have made a better car for $4.5k
It's not 2005, dude. Chinkshit is decent now. at least their petrol cars.
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Don't bother asking OP to post bread lol
Danm, the 720 is a looker, shame they went with the 741 design instead
Imagine listening to your underpayed high-school teacher recite US-Approved literature about the USSR and then retorting it endlessly on 4chan.
The brainwash.
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>soviet auto nostalgia thread
>ivermectards have a hissy fit

this is why we can't have nice things
I don't like it so clearly it's propaganda
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Fucking kill yourself you retarded commie.
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>holy brain rot batman
My parents and grandparents lived in that shithole. I assure you: they were too busy toiling in the cropfields and tending to the livestock during their lunch break and after work to even think of sailing.
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Luv me commie cars, luv me commie bikes, simple as
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>can I copy your homework?
>sure just change it up a bit so it doesn't seem obvious
>volgas were already rolls royce tier.
Volgas were actually even commonly sold for private citizens in capitalist europe and also for taxi use. By 70s it was already obvious that communism will never work when common man in capitalist society could afford soviet elite car.
Lada's were sold in Canada too.
>By 70s it was already obvious that communism will never work when common man in capitalist society could afford soviet elite car.

It's funny how times have changed now. In Europe, after the ICE ban in 2030s, if you are not a doctor or an IT specialist you will have the choice to buy chicom cheap EV or driving a bicycle. Because the West alone will never be able to cover the population's needs for cheap EV and lithium-ion batteries
the biggest irony is why commies love living in non communist countries so much
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Skoda 720 most likely got cancelled because Czechs didn't wanted to fund this project on their own, and it certainly didn't helped that Slovaks wanted the new car to be build in their (by then nonexistent) Bratislava factory. Government in Prague also preferred FWD Skoda 760, and joint venture with Sachsenring, Wartburg, and Dacia. But by 1974 it was already clear that East Germany don't want to bear the burden of complex logistics, and after they finally pulled the plug in 1979, Czechs focused on Skoda 780, which would later become the Favorit.
Also Skoda would have got a modern FWD station wagon already in 1977, rather than more than a decade later with Forman.
Nice NSU Prinz bro
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> want to buy a car
> almost 20 years old dacia body
> slightly updated samara engine 90hp
> 5 speed manual as only option
> shit halogen headlights from 80s
> black cheap plastic interior
> literally zero options
> production rate are low with lot of manual labor
> car cost over $20k
> look for alternatives
> retarded laws against import prohibit you from buying modern chinkshit for the price as they sold in china, you have to pay 80-100% more for it for "recycling tax"
> customs clearance of a right-hand drive car from japan costs 3-4 times more than its purchasing price in japan
> old and reliable eurpean and japanese cars are rotting and getting worse every year

Looks like we've returned to communism like the retard OP of these threads dreamed, lol. Only this shitshow is even worse than communism, because richfags in Moscow continue to buy Bentleys or McLarens straight from UAE as if nothing happened
I love jokes about commie cars. Here's one:
>How do you double the value of a Trabant?
>Fill up the gas tank.
>this is the greatest achievement of communist Germany, by giving it a capitalist engine from Polo
>what is Lada Samara
>what is Moskvitch Aleko
>what is Yugo Florida
Shittier built (therefore cheaper) but technologically about as advanced as a Golf of the same time
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Yugo Florida was a completely in house development so much that Fiat initially did not want to provide engines for it so a deal with Hyundai was struck so Fiat changed their mind and it ended up with Fiat engines after all.
It's a bit of a shame it was a total sales flop but at the same time you could buy a Lada Samara for less even in Yugoslavia and it was built noticeably better so it's not a surprise.
In the end they rebodied the Niva into some ugly 2000s design and put a Chevrolet badge on .it they still make that fucking "Chevrolet Niva" but they put a front bumper that looks like it's stolen from a RAV4 and glued on and it says Lada again, utterly disgusting.
>GAZ 3.4l SOHC v8 with carb producing about 130hp.
How do they get so little power from a V8 MODOR
>Niva has received many improvements over the years.
Ah now it's called Niva Legend? Whatever, as long as it's still made all is good.
Why does the Niva Travel exist? Why did the Chevrolet Niva ever fucking exist?
>How do they get so little power from a V8 MODOR
SOHC and it's just a repurposed GAZ-66 V8 with a compression ratio of like 6:1, it will probably run on paint thinner if need be
It was a reference to TG. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0oXNk5j8V88
That can't be it. The LS is pushrod and that thing has properly good power to displacement ratios.
>repurposed GAZ-66 V8 with a compression ratio of like 6:1
Ah, it's for a fucking truck. But the info I found on jewpedia says it's a damn side bigger than 3.4l and doesn't say SOHC either.
>Why does the Niva Travel exist? Why did the Chevrolet Niva ever fucking exist?
Because mobsters that can't afford G-wagen needs to drive something.
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the irony is a tank full of 2stroke oil/petrol mixed for a trabant is pretty much worthless as well unless you also happen to drive one

The Chevy Niva's story is surprisingly long and retarded, but cba to post it again. Wiki articles probably cover it pretty well
Imagine what could have happened if the GM really wanted to improve the second gen Niva and sold it globally.
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>Ah, it's for a fucking truck. But the info I found on jewpedia says it's a damn side bigger than 3.4l and doesn't say SOHC either

You are reading about another engine, this 3.4 liter SOHC is called GAZ-3105 and it has nothing to do with GAZ truck engines. They are so rare that it is almost impossible to even find picture or proper info on the Internet. Some sources write about an output of 170 hp, so it probably produces 130 hp on 80 octane with a GAZ-24 carburetor, and 170 hp on 92 octane with EFI. EFI was probably made by Lucas company in UK because they also worked for Moskvitch EFI, but I might be wrong
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No one's posted one yet, so I'll post my fave Soviet car, the Chaika ragtop.
Not much would have happened I'm afraid. Even if the Chevy Niva body had passed NCAP you'd still just have a shittier Vitara with an outdated and underpowered driveline. After all, this was long before the Niva recieved all it's updates
I didn't mean that it's literally a GAZ-66 V8, but probably an offshoot/further development of it and the ZMZ-53 V8.
Probably wouldn't make sense do develop a wholly new engine out of scratch, especially in the dire monetary situation everyone was in post-Soviet Russia, when you could just rework what you already have.
>parade cabriolet for fat generals, and even fatter apparatchiks
Why not just get a Packard Caribbean instead?
Because the soviet elites were too proud to ride on american cars, so they decided to build american car at home. So much hypocrisy....

Imagine you drive a limousine with an interior no worse than a Cadillac and tell the population that cars are a bourgeois excess, and they can travel by public transport


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