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Who is superior?
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I prefer diesel, but I admit that gasoline is superior for a lawn mower and a chain saw
>Who is superior?
Provide context.
Depends on application and how it was designed to fit that application.
I have never had any issues at all running nu trucks besides having to fill up the def randomly even though I don’t need to stop for fuel. It is an afterthought and not fear inducing at all.
True, my W211 diesel Merc has a 21 gallon fuel tank kek

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>Most practical kind of vehicle you could buy in 2024
>Is the single most humiliating thing you could be seen driving in
How do I get over the shame of owning a minivan? I'm pretty young and the thought of picking up a girl in one of these makes me not want to get one.
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I'm honestly thinking about selling my Focus for a Honda FR-V with decent mileage (<100k). I could carry bikes inside and still seat 3 people in the front.
What about a VW Touran? Seems to have a pretty versatile interior as well.
>How do I get over the shame of owning a minivan?
Buy a cheap one so you that way have money left over for a fun car for all the times when you don’t have to drive a minivan.

Same premise as owning a beater pickup along with a fuel-sipping compact.
Why did they stop making these? Perfect size to function ratio.
I want a minivan but they are like $50k. At that point I would just get a used LS.

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yeeeerp, they don't make em like this anymore
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Needs an opera window.
I've driven a T-bird before and boatlike doesn't even describe it, it's the an entire ocean liner looking for an iceberg to hit.

Got that right, pal.
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>if Jesse Pinkman had a Mark V

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im going to give a girl a ride to another town tonight. gonna be about a 1hr drive. What can i add to my passenger seat to maximize the odor absorption of this girl sitting on it for an hour? I already have cloth seats
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by passenger seat I mean trunk
Just ask her if she'd like to go for a couple of drinks before leaving and have her drink a lot. Then when she gets the urge to pee, tell her she can go on the seats, that you can clean it out later. Or if you prefer, keep an empty bottle and tell her to go in it and then close it tight and put it under the seat and you'll get rid of it later. Then you can taste her pee and pour it on you back at home
I feel like we have this "How to maximize female smell absorption" thread at least once a week.
There's a way easier way.
>go to store
>buy women's parfume
>spray onto any object
>smells like women
Crazy, i know.
Go back.
I think what you do is keep a towel in the boot of your car and have a few water bottles around. Something flimsy and plastic. If you're some sort of impressive person, have study notes in your passenger seat or something. Open the door for her and say "Sorry about the mess. I have to keep my mind on my dissertation. I'm glad you're coming out with me. I could use a good break"
After you clear up the papers, strategically spill the water bottle in the passenger seat. Apologize and say "Here, I'll have some towels here for you"
Make her sit on the towels and they will be very slightly damp, thus absorbing the smells of her crack and farts for later use.

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>Ecoboost/ Duratec To SBF Bellhousing Adapter~ $385 shipped
>ST harness ~ 150 shipped
>ECU ~ $220 shipped
>Edge tuner ~ $295 shipped
> 2.0/2.3 mounts ~ $350 shipped
>Exhaust work ~ $150ish do at home
>wiring and mis ~ ~$50ish do at home
>Mustang 2.3 intake, oilpan, pickup tube $300 all new from parts store
>pulled ecoboost from anything 2.0 for long block and all acs ~ $600
>any foxboxy/sn95 GT thats not shit ~$2000-3000

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i wonder if the reverse works, would be kek to see at 13b in a mustang.
do it, just add a voice over for what you're doing every so often, talk about what was hard/easy and your experience with it. I'd watch for sure
okay, i stop working for the year in mid july, so i will have the rest of the year off to work on it, ill post on /o/ when i start.
>i stop working for the year in mid july
i do contract work for half the year and take the other half off.

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What made you stop driving recklessly?
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viofo a119v3
they sell a hardwire kit with a selectable minimum voltage cutoff so you don't drain your battery overnight
I went the opposite. used to drive leisurely but retards keep sleeping at green lights like they want to catch the next red. got fed up with it now I drive aggressively to pass you dumb fucks. never catch redlights anymore and so fuel mileage has increased actually
I never did.
When I was a teenager I read Aristotle and he said that a good life is also measured by a good death, which is a death that corresponds to the life lived, i.e. a warrior dying in battle.
I realized that dying in traffic was the most pathetic way for me to go - I hate traffic, other drivers and the current state of highways - so I try to minimize the risks.
Occasionally I will do for a highway drive about 1am on a weeknight. Such little traffic and no cops, it's the only time I can get higher than 120. Still haven't been able to reach 175 but I will some day.

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How to "Kwik Disconnect" A/T lines to radiator on 1999 Sable?

I've got one of these but there is so much frame around the fitting I don't see how it can get in there, and I don't even see how I could get any wrench or socket on the nut unless I make a custom deep set socket with part of it cut out. Lisle 39660 Transmission Oil Cooler Line Disconnect Tool, 3/8" x 1/2"

Some Youtubers have 1999 Rad Replacements and they say it can be done in little over an hour (by real mechanic) but they don't show how they get to the Kwik Konnect.

Others on Youtube say 9/10 of these are no-go and unscrew the whole thing, but I can't see how that is possible.

Do people just cut the tubing then patch it in later once new Rad is in place???

I'm not understanding this pic.


I thought the tool slips into the rad fitting to pop some spring or clip but this shows it down stream on the tube past the ridge.

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You can quick disconnect my cum from my balls ya bitch
i think you're supposed to compress the plastic things with the tool while pulling out
Yes. Broke it lengthways then pushed the bits in both sides and pulled on the hose. Did my fuel line and return on my truck.
I used the end of a hose clamp that I bent into an arch.
And OP, get these.
I have three or four different sets of those tools and always end up using my fingers or a cut up drink bottle or pen or whatever. Fingers mostly. You can shove a little meat in there or squeeze some deformation. Have you found a good pic of what youre up against?

retard here

what does it matter if a car's seats are cloth, pleather, vinyl, or real leather?

you can't feel it through your clothes (please don't go HURR DURR HE DOESN'T DRIVE NAKED)

is upgraded/expensive leather seats just a scam?
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>all that sweat absorbed right into the seat
please tell me you clean it regularly
Cooled/ventilated pleather seats have eliminated my swamp ass completely. It's not a problem anymore, but it used to be back in my miata days. Back then the naked driving was out of necessity. I just got used to the feeling.
I throw cloth covers over my leather seats during summer. Best of both worlds. Also condition them twice a year and they are still 100% good as new 20 years later
lol my ole black Merc would not only get to a billion fucking degrees, but the logo at the center of the steering wheel would blast you in the eyeballs with the sun so bad, I cut painters tape to fit over it

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>look up what's different about the Roush ferd truck
>starting at +19k above regular ferd price
>standard package is literally just graphics, hitch cover, grill that says Rouche, chink tires, chink wheels, and chink coilovers

I'm serious, look that shit up. 19k for graphics
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>didnt buy the ferd fteenthousand
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yep, scam for boomers and retards and posers. I remember back like a decade ago a guy at my old job bought one, me and my buddies would walk past it from afar and think it was supercharged. one day he parked a lot closer and we finally noticed it actually says roushcarged and the hood scoop was fucking fake. boy we fucking laughed and made fun of his ass for a while after.
>boy we fucking laughed and made fun of his ass for a while after
It was supercharged you idiot they rebrand Magnuson superchargers with their logo.
it was a fake story anyway. i'm sure one of his coworkers 10 years ago had one but he never confronted him or made fun of him for it, he just seethed silently to himself when no one else was around and chuckled nervously whenever the owner of the truck asked him if he wanted to race.
Yeah that's Saleen

Why does the average working professional making good money decide to go BMW/Merc/Audi or Lexus/Acura or even Genesis over Cadillac nowadays?
Is it that Cadillac cars are inferior to their competition?
Or is it that buyers view foreign cars as better status symbols?
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>not manual
lol ok who fucking cares benchracer
No BW wagon though
Oh shit I didn't see that was a wagon.
Yeah 60k for a sedan would be way high
One wagon w under 50k miles was $80k
I like their sedans. The CTS V, ATS V, and all the new Blackwings are really desirable cars for me.

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I'm really struggling to understand what ICE fanboys mean when they say, "EVs are trash."

In what way is an objectively superior powertrain and drivetrain setup somehow trash?

Okay so you don't want a Chinese EV because of some xenophobic hangups, but a Lucid Gravity is a far better buy than a BMW X5/X7 or whatever
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>2012 NDAA mandates remote killswitches in all cars
>Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act again mandates the inclusion of a kill switch in new vehicles produced after 2026.
All modern cars are dogshit.
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After reading the absolutely draconian surveillancr statements of each manufacturer I'm not sure I will ever touch a new car again, unless I can physically disable it.
No worries, even the 2017 Tesla already has a remote killswitch! It's used in their automated repo'ing process
>Lucid Gravity

Sorry, I prefer an American brand.
>Okay so you don't want a Chinese EV because of some xenophobic hangups,
It has nothing to do with the Chinese being Chinese and everything to do with corner cutting manufacturing. Chinese car build quality is worse than Italian and American cars.
If it's this bad in their "best" cars, it follows that their cheaper and more popular offerings are even worse.

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>Its easy to drive
>Its easy to see out of
>Despite how big it is, it doesn't feel scary to drive on tight winding UK roads
>Parts for it are cheap (even when shipping them to Europe)
>Its surprisingly fuel efficient, especially for its size (low 20s UK MPG)

This is a bong's opinion on an american trugg. NotJustBikes fans, our response?
Europoors just have an eternal inferiority complex.
a 2007 suburban is the same width as an X5 or a transit van
a GMT900 would probably be considered a midsize if it was sold today the traverse/arcadia is about the same size

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who actually uses getupside? they need to get a better radio ad
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They're selling your data anyway. The app just gives you a cut of it.

Can you explain why your data is valuable to you? You can't? okay, keep your secrets then.
Can you explain why my data is valuable to them?
aight i'm'a head out
Sure, they get typical driver habits and sell that to marketing agencies, possibly gas companies to get better information on buying habits, usage, and other similar data to market and advertise "better" along with price changes. If they know nobody buys gas on a monday morning, and everyone fills up thursday evening, they can adjust prices accordingly.

And before you exclaim how smug you are, marketing companies have been doing this exact same data collection and consumer behavior studies for over a century.

Again, explain to me why protecting your buying habit data is important.
I think my sister was using it for awhile, she recommended it to me.

>collision warning radar saved my ass for the first time
I will never make fun of modern safety bullshit ever again.
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somehow people prefer to pretend to live in their idealized world rather than face how it really is
I have no collision on my record after 15 years of driving and he's right. People who need a computer to tell them what's happening should not be allowed to operate vehicle. It really is that simple.
Literally nothing wrong with devices that keep women and plebs from ramming into me. Change my mind.
>Missed out on his first collision

anon I....

you need to experience at least one with a casualty to become a real racecar driver.
>crested a hill and didn't see that traffic in front of me
Then you don't go 80 mph shitcunt driver

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There is always a thread talking about what vehicles women are attracted to. What are some vehicles that women will run away from? What is the incel of the auto world, /o/?
>inb4 miata
I nominate the humble work van, especially if its an older model cargo variant finished in white, black, or mismatched/faded paint.
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they're used to living in filth so the cleanliness wows them
whatever the guy drives who constantly makes the thread
>will x car get me women?
my bald sjw pc whore sister just bought a hearse because she thinks it looks cool
Indians all drive Teslas for a reason.
>I nominate the humble work van, especially if its an older model cargo variant finished in white, black, or mismatched/faded paint.

Huh, according to porn lore, a plumbing van is supposed to get you all kinds of women.

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