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>on-coming truck has its high beams on
>flash my lights to let him know
>he turns on the seizure lights

what the fuck?
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This is what actual autism looks like.
It's still only reflecting the small amount of light that hits it. Wouldn't you be more effective with your own light source?
You fight fire with fire. I have blinding LEDs on my truck that I'd flash on if I came across these assholes. Didn't use them for anything other than that.
That's too technologically advanced for a company like Toyota. Oh I'm sorry what I actually meant was that based Toyota waits for technology to mature before adopting it, just look at how long it took them to adopt a transmission with more than 5 gears for the 4Runner
maybe. but the m82 tape reflects at least 90% of light back, and i'm sure you've seen how bright late model vehicles with LED headlights are; 90% of that is still going to be very noticeable.

Twins editions

Thinking of getting a GWR SSST so suvdricers can hear me even if they can’t see me.
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Back home now, my miat will never abandon me
Fucking sexy car.
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blessed gravelbro
the ND does handle quite well on gravel, even with the V105s
Cuscoanon reporting in
Goddamn whatever the preload is set to is aggressive.
>Just idling around in figure-8's like the mechanic said I should to help wear it in a bit quicker
>Just literally a whiff of acceleration
Grips like a motherfucker on sweeps though.
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Moar mud.

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What’s the appeal of these things? They’re hideous.
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seppo yank mouthbreathing cunt will never get it
hard to say, they're rarely used for either
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>We were this close.
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When the el camino was made, muscle cars were not so far from light trucks. And they did not have 2 inches of ground clearance. Look at any classic muscle car and they were right on par with 2wd trucks of the same time. They both were body on frame and they both were solid rear axle. The only difference is the el camino didn't have as heavy duty suspension and as much of a reinforced frame

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Vid is up.

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>it was a 1/8 mile race
>the Porsche is geared to go 120mph in 1st
there you go. just saved you 10 minutes.
didn't watch the vid btw
Who watches this fucking garbage, even skipping 5 minutes at a time it was nothing but yapping, then the Cybertruck basically runs the same 1/4 as the Porsche at the end.
>the Porsche is geared to go 120mph in 1st
the autobahn was a mistake
>then the Cybertruck basically runs the same 1/4 as the Porsche at the end.
so europe still BTFO regardless.
>elon commands you to do some wild publicity stunt like showing how cybertruck is faster while towing a porsche than a porsche
>you pick the slowest porsche possible
>you modify the trailer
>tesla loses anyway so you don't show the actual race, still claim tesla won
>youtubers run the experiment proper and prove tesla can't win
great video exposing tesla lies

On my Integra I cleaned the belts for AC, Power Steering, Alternator and put them back on, however I have questions:
How much should I tension my belts?
Do they have a direction?
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Thanks, I will try that out today
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>maintenance manual: for pullies this far apart, belts should deflect between 1/4-1/2" when properly tightened
>me, continually able to tighten the belt and then get it to deflect beyond 1/2" through sheer gorilla strength
Consult your service manual, retard.
This is what I have done. Put the max. load on the e belts possible, for the alternator as example this would be by turning as many electrical devices, window heaters and lights on as there are, then sprinkle the belt with water and rev the engine. Tighten it until the squealing stops. My train of thought is that this is the best compromise btween wearing out your belt and fucking your belt-related bearings.
I do one inch per foot.

Saw this at a small meet
Anyone else got some fwd to red mods?
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weird how all these manufacturers are drivetrain swapping the FWD shitters to compete in professional drifting instead of just building a proper car to sell to the public
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Why do people bother doing these swaps?
Sure its cool for the novelty. But they never ever drive properly.
Can't drive it hard on street or track because the rear suspension geometry is all fucked up and isn't even (it never ever is when people custom fab a cradle in, unless it's a high end race shop).
Would you do it if you could? Why does anyone do anything? I think it's cool. I've always wanted to put a coal rolling diesel into a Prius. Because I like attention sometimes I guess. But I don't have the money

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the floods are over edition

New things on the agenda this year:
>Someone let me know if sherman pass is in drivable condition it was still fucked last august

Potential route change:
>Driving to Kernville the long way around instead of taking the pass then taking 155 -> Jack Ranch west to fountain springs
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why would anyone bring an EV to a car meet
care to dragrace me?
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Remember this happened at the last one? That was fucking hilarious, shit was so loud
who dies this year
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ran into a random otist at a sketchy motel along the coast. too bad not enough horsepower to make it up mountains


did the French force him out because he didn't parrot the EV marketing checklist?
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she may have, but was touted originally as having more experience in marketing than product planning and development
oh look another pussy and pair of tits running a company built by men to run it into the ground.
she's done so little (to her credit, she hasn't actively ruined anything either) that I wonder if she's even allowed to make decisions, or just carry out instructions from france
>Her last position at the Dearborn automaker was as director of global marketing strategy from 2008 to 2009.
She's was around with Ford and in charge of marketing strategy for a year when nothing happened. Great. Truly a better CEO than the guy who literally started at Dodge working in the service department and worked his way up to President and CEO over 3 decades.
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That's just how CEO promotions work though. Check what Kuniskis' last string of jobs were before his first CEO position; he was a marketing guy too.

For anything that isn't a startup or in some instances these days a tech company, 90% of CEOs are going to be either accounting/finance department MBA bullshitters or someone from the ads/sales/marketing department. Corporations have been like this since the 80's; as soon as you carve out your market niche or hit your first market saturation plateau the only way to make more money is to cut costs and sell more. The result was tons of corporations hiring ad agency and marketing guys as their CEOs in order to find out a way to push more products, something which continues to this very day. Feuell is more of the same; if anything it's the blandest CEO appointment of all time.

What a fucking name for a car company CEO though. Surprised they haven't capitalized on that.

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I can import a low-mileage pre-98 one from Japan for around $5000. It seems to be in a lot better shape than anything over here in my $5k price range.

I need 4x4 for hunting and cargo capacity for hauling lumber, drywall, etc... I'd prefer a truck, but everything around $5k near me is beat to shit and very high mileage.

My main concern, being a poorfag, is that parts seem to be expensive and with the age of the vehicle, seals and gaskets dry rotting might be a concern.

Does anyone here know anything about these? I'm just trying to avoid setting myself up for failure.
Use your time to make more.money


/Message board

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Anyone here familiar with this site/company?

I found a sweet 2011 Mustang on another car site for a pretty good deal, not a ton of miles nor a bad asking price. Been on the market just a week or so now.

I looked up the VIN and I couldn't find much. One site straight up told me the VIN wasn't valid or didn't exist or something.
Anyways, first link I found was pic related. For sale at auction, sold for $3500 it looks like not long ago. Car doesn't look damaged at all in the pictures, which makes me wonder why it was in an auction to begin with.
I got a free carfax report that tells me it was made in Virginia, driven awhile. Ended up in Florida. Then a nearby state. Then for no apparent reason car was put up in auction. To me it's a red flag seeing it on an auction site, especially one... like this. Ukrainian auction site or something? I dunno what the hell I'm looking at. And I don't understand why it sold for only $3500. IT's a California Special with only 107k on the odometer now, dealer wants only 14k. I would assume if everything was as good as it seems according to them they could easily get 18k out of it.

the exact car in question

Why does this board worship post gas crisis tiny plastic shitboxes? You know it was always the intention of cars to be of a decent size and weight right?
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>Massive cope because I won't engage on his gay premise
it's over for you
Sorry Samir, carry on pretending you don't own a Suzuki shitbox
Anon, we're talking about what cars weighed in the '20s Remember?
>Look up vehicle weights from the 20s. They're all just as heavy or heavier than modern cars
You're listing outliers, I'm telling you how much the average car on the road weighed at the time. Sorry but you're autistic attempt at moving the goalposts isn't working on me.
>bu but the cars they made for poor people were perfect!
Cars now are more like the cars of the affluent 100 years ago and that's a good thing. Cope with your Toyota Tercel forever I don't care

How fucked is the western car market?
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I bought a Ford because I wanted American made buy my Ford was made in Canada with a Spanish engine and Mexican transmission.
China is making huge investments in South America to avoid trade rules for stuff coming out of China.
The most American made vehicles are the Toyota Camry, Honda Accord and F-150.
Dodge is owned by... I don't even know anymore.
GM is a global conglomerate selling Chinese made cars.
The new Buick Envision looks nice but it's made in China.
Nissan are made in southern black communities with terrible build quality.

...I'd rather just have something made in Japan.
yea I guess the lack of prestige shields the HueWaaWhey from the need to avoid disobliging its honour
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fucking chink ricedicks all over this thread
If it costs less than $20,000, I would have a new chink car that is better than Lexus or BMW.

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Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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maybe if you're gay
yeah 1025hp and 1025tq instantly is gay. electricity is gay.

your copium is showing.
>and costs less
Demon 170's were $97,000 MSRP, it's just the dealer markups that made them worthless.
That and they are speed limited to 147 and even if you flashed the ECU the drivetrain will grenade itself if you try to go above 160
Yeah, that's old school.

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Why do I hate them?

>Because they represent bloat and style over functionality.
>Because they look tacky.
>Because they are plastic and excessively electronic.

A man thinks in terms of functionality and efficiency, not in terms of projecting unexisting wealth or power. Kei trucks are unironically more manly. These hueg trucks are a symptom of an increasingly feminized society.
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Who said anything about being a truckold?
Dude, rollovers are extremely rare compared to crashes with other cars. You have to be driving like a maniac in very specific circumstances to roll a truck over by accident.
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You make it sound like someone is holding a gun to your genitals, all but forcing you to buy one of these. Then you completely eviscerate what little credulity you had by declaring Kei trucks to be"manly".

FFS OP. Nobody gives a fuck what you drive, they just want you to stop driving 5 under in the passing lane and to learn to use your turn signals.
(Image Semi Related)

Your CPA is fucking you and you don't even realize it.
TDS thread

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Further proves my point.
MOPAR vehicles can win all races. They probably can whip every single F1 car's butt. When don't they supply engines to F1 before the alternative fuel mandate in 2025?
Back when we still had lead in the petrol people weren't capable of giving a fuck
nerve gas

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