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It's the weekend. What are you working on? Post shoddy repairs, complain about parts availability, bitch about engineering decisions made 30 years ago, or circlejerk over your Rock Auto magnets. Blog posting encouraged. Wrenchlets and transvestites not allowed.
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This thing probably.
I already have carbs and a ignition module in place, now I just have to add fuel and a battery and see if it coughs up or is there something else wrong.
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Junkyard had a 98 metro, pulled the spindles, wheels, ecm, and throttle body. F150 seat in the upholstery shop. Van seat mounted, couldn't get a fucking Indian blanket anywhere and this canvas Dickies seat cover is held on with bra straps looser that your sisters cunt, going to have to sew on some velcro or something
Anyone have experience in fiberglass repair? This 280Z is for sale near me and a couple things have me worried. Looks like rust bubbling on the rear lid, obvious fiberglass cracking where the bumpers were shaved and the front air dam. I'd rather just take it to a body shop and have them do it right. The interior is a little rough and needs new seats and general TLC. The engine looks like regular corrosion and surface rust on some parts. That doesn't really worry me because I can probably fix anything inside the cab and under the hood.

I guess a secondary question is the license plate looks like it came from Mexico. Has anyone dealt with that and will it count as an imported car that'll be a nightmare with the TX DMV?
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Replaced a snapped caster rod.
FUCK YOU MOTORCRAFT! 2¢ retainer clip not provided. Have to buy one off ebay for $5. Can't finish the job until it gets here.
Doesn't look that specific, you sure it's not in the little hardware section at Autozone or somewhere similar? Probably won't be any cheaper but you might get a whole pack of them and you'd have it today.
I'm always pleasantly surprised by what I find at Ace hardware. Already ordered it. Just going to wait.
Lubing bearings.
Fucking john Deere garbage. Using chinesium bearings and pulley that are riveted shut, can't replace bearing. Can only buy new chink trash. Fuck you JD.
That'll be $85 + tip
nigger tier shenanigans
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forty hours of fuckin flats
An hour of degreasing later....
Not quite brand new, but that looks great! Keep up the good work!
I’ll share this one again. 5% off til June 7.
After my failed tint job, I brought the vehicle to a shop. Cost $179 for front windows. More expensive than I remember, but I guess this is Bidenomics. Quoted an additional $300 to ceramic tint the windshield. I passed on that.
why not just copy and paste the code here lol
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>It's the weekend. What are you working on?
Front bearings on an 03 Dakota

People ask why I keep my beat up old Simplicity.
"Because I can rebuild EVERYTHING on it".
With few exceptions, just about everything on it can be sourced at a decent hardware store.
>tint the windshield.
Gotta be careful with that shit; cops love seeing tint on a windshield for an easy pullover and in some states its 100% illegal, some say you can go to a certain ANSI line, some have no fucks given.
I was considering 70%, which I don't believe would've been too obvious. The biggest giveaway would be the cutout around the rear view mirror.
kek was trying to find out wtf car a simplicity was before i saw the lawnmower blade in that diagram
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That looks cool. I'd like an old bike to tune and clean next.

This stock MP5 has a small exhaust leak coming from the gasket between the cat and the resonator. Gonna drop the new exhaust, clean with Brillo pads and apply red gasket maker on both sides of the gasket and let cure for 24hrs then maybe I can actually drive the fucking thing.

Car has this goofy torque biased Mazda MPV engine that only Japan used for a couple years ('99-'01)
It just depends on your state and sometimes local tint laws. Some factually will give you a ticket if you put ANY tint on your windshield. If you still have the factory one, there should be on the left or right about 6" from the top a line with an arrow pointing at it as a "tint line".

Its never worth it though, out of all that I've seen done its not going to block enough sunlight to make a temperature difference in the cabin, and will still blind you if you're driving into the sun and its just in the right spot to not be blocked by a sun visor.

Not trying to convince you either way, just telling you to be careful because some cops see that shit and automatically pull you over just to fuck with you. Also mostly because minorities and felons do it.
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as per the advice in the previous thread, used most my hobby tools budget for the year

had a finalized contract to rent myself out once a week to a nursing home with the box truck fall through because the boomers in charge of the current racket suck dicks at the same golf club or some shit, im going to have had all this years of effort go to waste if i cant use this fuckin truck
>trying to find out wtf car a simplicity was
I got a healthy kek out of that. There was a car called a "Simplex" iirc, but I doubt it mowed lawns well.
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Smash the RH axle seal in and button this fucker back up. Been 2 months without a car.
Cusco LSD better suck me dry over the torsen.
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Made seat 25% more comfy
Goddamn it 2 of the 3 spindle bearings are bad. $65 later
I gotta make you do some of the work!

What scope did ya get?

The more I use it, the more I like my smaller clamp meter. It’s always in my go-bag so whenever somebody needs a jump, I stick the clamp on the power cable from the alternator so I can tell them “yup, yer thing there is fucked. Don’t go wasting money on a new battery right away” Pic rel was exactly that situation right before I changed a coworker’s alternator in the parking lot of work.
Took the formula car out racing a couple weekends ago and STILL had clutch issues. Fucked me getting out of grid so I had to start behind all the slow people. It didn't spew clutch fluid everywhere like the factory one but it didn't quite push far enough. Engine would die every time I stuck it in gear unless I revved the piss out of it. I think the problem is that the spacing between the release bearing and spring is too far. By my measurements it's at the max for "within spec" according to the install directions. I cut a shim out of 032 stainless which should put it in the center of the "in spec" spacing. If that still doesn't work I'll use 062. I'll put the car back together this weekend and maybe try driving it around the neighborhood or something.
Are you repairing something to use/improve, or are you reselling mowers?
exactly the one advertised here, the DSO2C10, as for the clamp i got the uni-t ut210e

i figured it was probably easier to return than some 30 year old hp unit on ebay, ive been scammed there so many times
That small Uni T is supposed to be real handy. It was recommended a bunch as one of the very few clamp meters that does well with lower DC amps. It’s only 100a max so will go OL if you try to measure starter pull, but it will be good for any other circuit on a car. I like my bigger Uni-T but it’s tough to fit in a lot of spots in the car.
Fixing my own.
Having some trouble and need some advice. Rebuilding my gm 2.2 OHV. First time rebuilding a motor fully. So I plastigauged the crank main bearings with my new standard sized ones from mahle, but they are all at the very tightest spec of the factory reccomendation, and a few of the bearings are tighter. So what should I do? Order another set of standard sized mains from a different company? hit the surface where the bearings sit with a cylinder hone to make it a little wider?
Pic not rel
I enjoy cars but never wrench on them myself, and have no interest in ever doing so
how bad of a person am I?
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I now realize I have to wait 24 hours for the RTV to cure
This shit any good?
don't forget the bellhousing gasket
>bellhousing gasket
I guess picking up my next project counts.
He jokes but I have lots of bellhousing gaskets because the bellhousing is also my oil tank.
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>bellhousing is also my oil tank
Worse than Hitler

The more I work on cars though, the less I care about what engines are in cars and the gay Forza type specs like when I was younger.

I have a little foam cannon for the pressure washer. I put whatever random car wash in the thing, not even the actual foam cannon stuff, and it werks good. Way faster than using a bucket and sponge, and it works better than using the little soap tank on the pressure washer because the foam sticks to the car long enough to scrub it rather than running right down the side onto the ground like soapy water.

Depending how much that bottle is, might be better getting the foam cannon and running your preferred wash through it.
Dry sump, gets the engine lower to the ground for lower center of gravity and you don't have to worry about not being able to pick up oil when going around high G corners. Bellhousing seemed like a good place for the tank I guess since it it centered and otherwise just empty space. It seems to be the most common open wheel design choice these days though I have seen older (shorter) cars have an external oil tank mounted somewhere instead.
i wish i had an old car like this that i could spend spare time trying to get back to working order.
ohh right. i thought this was for a regular production car. was thinking it'd be something like a late model bmw or something (starter in bell housing anyone?)
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Ah yes, its another
>acquaintance has bought a 10-15 year old once-expensive luxury SUV and it now has a weird & debilitatingly expensive issuie
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J-B Weld an approved method of reattaching an exhaust hanger that rusted off?

(pretty sure it's galvanic corrosion. It didn't rust through the frame, there isn't rust anywhere else, and the metal is still solid after scraping the scale off)

$6 for J-B Weld just seems easier than finding someone with a lift and a welder.
>old once-expensive luxury SUV and it now has a weird & debilitatingly expensive issuie
well well well, if it isn't the dreaded consequences of their own decisions. Are you going to at least tell us what your friend bought and what you think might be wrong with it?

I just don't feel bad for people thinking they're getting a great deal on a used luxury vehicle, then completely surprised when they simply cannot afford very expensive repairs. Cool, you got a luxury vehicle for 90% less than what it originally sold for. Can you guess why its so cheap? No? You're about to find out!
You can use jb weld along with some metal worm hose clamps. Let it all impregnate. It'll hold.
Like wise you can use safety wire instead of the hanger.
It 's the hanger off the rear subframe, not the stainless pipe. So I need to reattach it to the frame.
>Depending how much that bottle is
10 quid. Seen soap alone charge for more, let alone a foam lance.
Especially tempting as I think I lost my old lance that came with my washer
you could probably get away with it, just make sure the surface is clean as hell. clean it with a wire wheel on an angle grinder or drill, and let it set for 24 hours
* I also need to replace every clamp on the exhaust since they've all rusted and split.
Exhaust is stainless and it seems to still be holding up after 20 years.
I wonder if it would help to prime and paint stainless replacement clamps. Or undercoat them before installation?
That won't hold for long.
Can you tap a thread and use a u bolt to hold it?
Otherwise ulse safety wire and wrap it around the subframe, should have a gap there to feed it.
Post pics of the underside where its broken off
Imagine the beef
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Ah, looks like I could thread some wire through those two holes.
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Hmmm, it doesn't look like my leak is from the clamp, it's coming right from the cat.
*wait, that's not the cat.
I have 3 mufflers on this thing.
I would put some threads inserts and clamp with a u bolt.
I don't think epoxy is going to hold long
Run it and use your hand to feel for leaks.. looks like it's pushing out water and dirt.
Her flaps are revolting. This bitch is revolting. I hate this thread.
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>This bitch is revolting. I hate this thread.
4 u
It leaks. Car's too low to reach it

I could form a plate under the rod and epoxy that to the subframe too
So the hanger would be epoxied and it would also be held up by the plate.
The exhaust system doesn't wiggle much
I'd have that on in 10min
things would be moving faster but they do not fit in my bead breaker so I have to drive onto them to break the beads.
I had never had to do it this way so it took me a while to figure it out.
Stop breaking out of your containment thread
shut the fuck up nigger I'll put your face in a press.
stop being horny
made some very basic radiator/condenser ducting out of some nignsan underbody plate i had laying around for my toyota, werks breddy gud after some cutting/drilling.
also worked on the FXT a bit but got rained out.
fuck up, nigger.
are squealing brakes an indication that I need to change the pads
fuck up on what, exactly?
Possibly, but maybe not - but there is a chance, and a small likelihood that it will not be
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thanks i guess
Have a bulb mounted to bad contacts (the metal just fails to conduct in patches)
Would just some metal wire wool freshen the contact patches or am I looking at a replacement mounting?
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Built this beast today
Serviced the trailer
>new rubber boot
>adjusted brakes
>cleaned & lubed ball hitch
>replaced & reinforced nose wheel bracket

What bulb/connector?

Pulling engines @ junkyards?
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>didn't even powdercoat it
it should look immaculate so you trugg looks worse when pulling it
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had been wanting to put a receiver hitch on the crane for a while now, recently found the pos trailer on my property and thought this was a better idea, wish they painted cars like HF paints their shit, welder was having a tough time until i finally found where all my flapper wheels were hidden
Why is it always a stereotypical methhead's truck towing trailers like that?
the truck hadnt even left the po's property since like 2003 before i bought it, you could ask him but he's dead. it hasnt left my property since i bought it either
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>only needed 1
>ordered all 3 they had
Ha, suck it BMW owners looking for a cheap one.
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So I have a 2017 mx5 and wanted to detail the interior. I wet a rag with bleach and wiped down the dash and now the leather is all discolored. Are there any conditioners or products I could use to fix the color of the leather?
>I wet a rag with bleach
So, what exactly did you think bleach did, you stupid frogposter?
I was just trying to clean the dash
is this not something I can fix?
P21W to a connector with a custom(?) mount, so been reluctant to just toss it out and replace
Not without dying your dash. Leather can be redyed. It's probably something you should have a professional do so you don't mess it up even more.
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no-one is this retarded
Try cleaning it up. If it has a "spring" for where it connects to the bottom you can give it a bit of extra bend so it'll tension better
How much would this cost and where can I buy the dye?
Google it, retard.
would be kindof cool if the whole picker could actually slide forward and rest the engine on the center of the trailer but i guess that'd only be a concern if you were going to use it on the highway alot
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>I wet a rag with bleach
You are a fucking idiot. You couldn't have done that. No one is that stupid. Just go to Advanced and pay $7 for the cheapest interior cleaner.

fuck off and learn how to spell "literally"
nope i just want to roll it around in the field, the muddy fucking field where it hasnt stopped raining in two weeks god i hate this state
>brake system losing fluid
>caliper locked up from bad parking brake, common failure point
>replace caliper
>realize the parking brake cable was damaged and caliper was fine
>realize the fluid loss is opposite caliper which was odd sized and stripped
>finish stripping it leaving giant hole in other caliper
And the sun has set. It has a few threads left so depending on how mad I am tomorrow I'll try to just stick a new bleed screw in there and see if it fits.
Tried both, neither worked. (Along with the good ol' bulb switch)
Guessing the contacts somehow worn to a non-conductive area.
Could also solder or renew the contact, but gonna leave them as a last option.
Wohoo, it's not the resonator. It's leaking from the clamp.
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Well this didn't exactly go smoothly. The J-B Weld wasn't sticky enough to hold things up and so the bracket I made t kept falling off until I jammed a stick in there.
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i lined up my camshafts wrong when doing vvt pulley and belt replacement
Worked on the clutch hydraulics on my mgb. Been a bitch and a half to get it bled (what with no air compressor or helper).
The slave cylinder I ordered started leaking before I even got it fully bled, so I put the whole job to rest until I get a replacement.
Sounds like my problems kek. Should be easy to get a helper, just offer a bro free beer and a day tinkering with a cool car.
Is that a toy?
you need to bathe that thing in epoxy.
mix some up,wait a few minutes for it to harden up, add more to that.
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Do you really not have a drill and some tap screws?
I'll wait for this to harden then go back over it.
I don't want to drill holes in my subframe for a measly exhaust hanger that probably won't see more than 40lbs of force catching air.
Anon... You're joking right?
Please take a photo
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>offer a bro
What bro?
I have a C3 anon. Fiberglass is a bitch. If you replace those panels and paint it, bring it to someone who knows how to work on fiberglass or else the nature of the plastic flexing will crack your paint and cause spiderweb. My Vette has some but it's ok because she's not agarage queen and I driver her; if you want show quality paint start calling around and be prepared to spend
With the rust and what appear to be wing holes on the rear lid, i think the entire car needs to be re-painted and similar body work needed. For a driver-quality car would a whole body paint job be $5k? $10k? How much do those things usually run?
I have a Penske truck and the boxes have a fiberglass skylight, a tree fell on mine and crushed the aluminum frame and snapped the fiberglass right at the frame. I tried some $10 a tube caulk that specifically said it bonds to fiberglass but it did not. Is that fiberglass filler at least good for this sort of thing that no one gives a fk about seeing.
For a factory quality job you're looking at 10k to drop it off and have them do all the work
I have a Toyota Sienna, which had a check engine light for a cylinder misfiring. luckily it was one of the front ones, and replacing the coil fixed it. Ran great, but 6 months later, same thing, and again one of the front cylinders and new ignition coil fixed it.

I bought a scan gauge 3. Its been showing like a misfire or 2 every time i drive, but the check engine light never comes on, and i dont see any error codes.

So, I replaced all 3 front spark plugs, and the remaining front ignition coil. now, my scan gauge is showing like a dozen or more misfires every time I drive.

I am going to have a mechanic replace the back plugs/coils tomorrow.
but why after putting new parts in the front am i getting more misfires? I expected the same or less.
Fuck, I really hate all these boomers then because they're under the impression it still costs $200 to paint a car. Like dude, I can see the paint bubbling in the thumbnail, its no longer minor surface rust and the entire car has to be painted.
i can paint a car with $10
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Aren't all cars?
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Amazon tire spoons 0/10
Finding any store that sells 10 spline lug keys 0/10
Driving on Scottsville Rd after 11am on a weekday 0/10
Having a matching spare for the van 3/10

I should just give up being self reliant and resume being a sue happy boomer

You *can* paint a car for $200, but you're doing all the prep yourself and using implement paint without a clear coat
Anyone know what this guy applied to make the tire shine? Kinda looks like mineral spirits or paint thinner?

My real question is can these wheels be repaired? Looks like some corrosion on them leading to pitting. If they're kinda trashed or specifically need to be professionally repaired I don't really care that they're watanabe wheels if they're junk now.
this car is fucked dude. it has duct tape covering a quarter panel, rust under the window, and paint missing all around the fuel cap door. find something else
Yeah, thats kinda the feeling I was getting from it. Mexico plates, interior looks okay except drivers seat, rear deck lid had a wing on it, "body rust being addressed" but 2.8L with a manual.

What makes me want it is he's got it listed for $7500, good examples start at $20,000. Was hoping for a cheap project (aside from paint/body) but overall I don't think the green one would be worth it when fixing the body will start at $10k.
s30's have big rust issues, you are going to want one that's been stripped and dipped

a cheap project car is going to be a z31 or a similar period celica supra, that money will get you one in beautiful shape
A 90's 300ZX would be rad, but I don't want a Z31 or a celica.
attractive things are expensive, get used to it
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I know, feels bad man. Kinda why I was leaning toward "needs work" stuff but with so many rust spots thats paying a fabricator to fix all that shit. I am seeing prices of these cars dropping pretty steadily; maybe the covid boom of everyone spending like they were drunken sailors is over and they're now realizing losses on these toys?

For $25k+ I'd rather just get a more modern car. A $20-40k Z would be cool but as most people know, a 70's car is kinda shit compared to a 00's car aside from looks.
The part where you're a huge attention whore?
How long before she gets those stupid braids caught in a running belt
I guess thats why your mom was so cheap
>women get old
shocker, someone let tik tok thots know (they don't)
Lmao you sound like such a pussy. Zero rizz keep taking those Ls bitch boi
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how many album covers are you on fuckboy?
I've always heard to replace all coils at once because of, "something something load mismatch" and "if 1 failed the others probably aren't far behind." I don't know if it's bro science or true but I've always followed the advice. If it were my car I'd unhook the battery at least 30 minutes & replace all the coils at once.
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god i love lighting my control arms on fire
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aesthetic duct tape
I want to guess, are those ranger control arms?
It's a gay and negroided auto transvestite controller plug with a wire jumping the park/neutral start switch and covered in duct tape to stop it from getting itself into trouble.
If I could chop it off, throw it on the ground, piss on it, and still start my car I would.
I hope all the bumps in the road eventually grind dislodge the positive cap and short your car
what would you consider more potentially hazardous if not done correctly by a novice wrencher:
>replacing suspension strut
>doing an oil change
because guess which one my mother has refused to use the car as a result of

not saying I've done it incorrectly, I'm confident in my abilities, but she's convinced I've sabotaged the car somehow
Your positive terminal would be closer to your bonnet than that terminal is to the floor you nigger
Fucking up an oil change could cause more problems more easily, but that assumes the car is owned by a female who will contunue driving when the red magic genie bottle pops up on the dash and tell her boyfriend or dad about the light maybe 2 months after the engine seizes.
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theyre foxbody but more specifically theyre off my 81 tbird
im going to do a whole front end job, tierids ball joints pads, custom steering shaft and convert the accessory drive to serpentine.
Think I figured out why my wiper fluid sensor isn't working.

No collision. How did it get this wrecked in place?
Timing chain broke in my 2005 Mazda Tribute. The engine is a 2006 Ford Escape engine. V6. It did so while running at like 20-something miles an hour, so there's certainly more damage. Can't winch either engine out in either model, gotta drop them. I don't have the lift to do that, and nobody around here is willing to do it because I'll likely need to fix some valves as well. Hate to do it, but I gotta get a new vehicle. Really unfortunate.
Could just be moisture.
So long as you didn't do something stupid like put the vehicle on a ramp, drain it, and then try to move it before you put oil in it, should be fine, but yeah, oil change is more dangerous of the two.
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Simple pre-weekend wrenching
>new tires on the trailer (old ones were cracking)
>new emergency-brake wire (old one was ruined as it gets pinched between the receiver & hitch
>welded a shackle to my hitch to prevent above from happening, as I can attach emergency wire to it
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Well that took two days longer than it should've.

>measure exhaust pipes by putting straightedge alongside. "Yup, that's 2.5 and 2.75."
>NOPE. What I thought was 2.75 was 2.5. Took a clamp to the other and measured the opening. Looked like right at 2". Ordered that.
>NOPE. Measured again. 2.125. Needed 2.25 clamp.

Well, at least the hanger is now J-B Welded, the clamps are all replaced, and no more leaks.
And the exhaust heat shield doesn't rattle any more since I stuffed fiberglass insulation in there.
>front half of muffler falls off, hanging underneath my car
>quoted $640 by one place
>go get second opinion, they quote me $801
>look on rockauto, thing costs around $100 plus about $20 for additional gaskets and crap
>everyone says anything on rockauto is dogshit that will rust through much faster than any OEM part
I know to get stainless as opposed to aluminized, but I'm about to just use it without a muffler for a week and do it myself.
worth it or should I just bite it?
>I'm about to just use it without a muffler for a week and do it myself.
Depends on a few things, what car, what engine, and how bad is the rust? If its a matter of unbolting 6 bolts and hanging it from GOOD rubber mounts, just do it yourself.

If your shit is rusted, rounded off, or welded and you have no idea how to weld and don't have any tools, get fucked. The extreme heat on the bolts accelerates rust, is it a rock hard rubber mount? Enjoy a 2 hour struggle trying to get a 10mm rubber hole over a 20mm metal nipple. Use a lot of lube, and if your car is 12 inches on jack stands you're going to hate life. If you have a lift of any kind and can use a 4' prybar, it won't be as bad but will still kinda suck if rust and aging is a factor. Those rubber holders are a pain sometimes. Often its better to simply cut them off and install new ones (still need lube) than to save $50 on rubbers.

Got a pic of what you're lookin at for the repair?
I am going to try bleeding my ABS system for the first time, even though every procedure I've read say it's a two person job, I will do the job alone.

My plan involves folding the seats down, activating the ABS bleed function with the scan tool, and pumping the brakes with a broom handle with one hand while using the other hand to crack the bleeder valve. Wish me luck guys.
>Often its better to simply cut them off and install new ones (still need lube) than to save $50 on rubbers.

^This. I recip saw or use a 6" zip disk.
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2010 honda civic 1.8L, no mods or nothin. it's a NE car so there's definitely rust on it, but I've had multiple pieces of the exhaust system replaced recently (both parts got holes in them) and they look fine.

the rubber holder where the exhaust tip mounts attach is still pretty soft, and looks like they're just smooth steel rods that go in, no nipples o nothin. instead, the problem is where the pipe attaches to the chamber which seems to have sheared off. I don't exactly have any welding machinery, so I definitely have to replace the entire muffler I'm pretty sure, and it's getting rather rusted anyway so why not.
looked at a couple videos and looks like I need this donut thing and probably some new spring bolts too to complete the operation. I'll need to get a blowtorch to heat up the rusted bolts and try to crank them off. I also have a haynes/chiltons manual to look through too.

basically, this would be the thing to get me into doing this stuff more long-term, because damn do I want to drive this thing for as long as possible. does everything I need it to and nothing I don't, so if it's rather simple enough (which it seems to be), it'd be nice to start here.
oh boy I love exif data
but yeah it's basically a couple bolts, the donut gasket, and reattaching it to a rubber mount.
Cheap exhausts rust fast, as you've noticed. This is 20 year old stainless exhaust. The bracket on the ground was not;
Contrast to yours.
Aluminized exhausts are only good for a handful of years before they rust through.
Its still going to be a bigger pain in the dick than what you're thinking. Something you can do for free and see how bad its going to be is because the muffler isn't attached to the pipe anymore. Start by spending 10-15 mins trying to pull that muffler off the rubber hangar. You're about to see why muffler shops charge so much. lube it the fuck up with actual spray grease and just work that sumbitch loose. If you get it loose, put the muffler in the trunk. If a cop pulls you over for a loud car you can show him it "just" fell off today and you're working on a repair to avoid a ticket.

Your secondary problem is it looks like that pipe either rusted away from the muffler, or broke clean off. Most places don't use the slip-joint and u-bolt clamp, thats going to be the 'easiest' repair if you do it yourself, the right way to do it would probably be to weld a new one on, but if that pipe is rusted, thin, and fucked you're replacing the rest of the pipe to the catalytic converter.

Not sure on state inspections for your area, but if they demand zero exhaust leaks then spend the money and do it right. If you're going to have this jalopy for another 5+ years, spend some of the money and do it mostly right. If there is no smog and you KNOW the cops won't fuck with you for a loud exhaust (they fuckin will don't lie) then yeah fix it with whatever shit you have in the garage.

Remember: u-bolt clamps are mostly okay. Booger welds are legal but are a red flag for anyone buying the car to lose a few hundred bucks on the sale. Poor people buying a 15+ year old honda wont' look that close, bolts or proper parts will look OEM. What kit were you thinking of buying?
Yeah, I do understand it's going to be a lot harder than I'm anticipating, but damn it I feel I have to start somewhere.

I'll spray some WD-40 on the rubber mounts tomorrow morning and hope they give on them. If it turns out to be way harder than I'm anticipating, maybe I'll just give in and take it to the place. I mean, I'm about to drive 7 hours in a few days, so I have that in the back of my mind too.

In pic related, basically that short pipe on the muffler attaches to the insulator or whatever they want to call it, and it's still attached on the far end of it, but it snapped at the chamber. I'd just be replacing the whole muffler at this point, with the gasket and spring bolts also getting replaced so the new part attaches at the insulator.

Looking at these few:
https://www.rockauto.com/en/moreinfo.php?pk=2138738&cc=1444952&pt=5872&jsn=10 (picture 2)

They seem to be about $150 from the regular stores, probably their upcharge. Also sorry for the delay, have been trying to figure out some stuff.
I should say, the short pipe is still attached at the insulator end with the bolts (as far as I can tell), but it came off/rotted away at the muffler's chamber.
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Just took her for a night drive and she's literally better than new.
Not a squeak. Not a rattle. She was rattling a bit over bumps before and it's so much nicer now that that's gone away.
I think I could hear the exhaust leaks a bit too. The exhaust sound now seems to come 100% from the rear of the car, not some from the middle.

Strut braces front and rear firmed up the chassis. A MDF baffle behind the rear seats quieted the road noise coming in from the trunk.
She's no BMW in the handling department and she's literally frightening if you push her past 80%, but she's still such a nice car.
>but damn it I feel I have to start somewhere.
Thats the first step man. Not trying to scare you, just trying to give you some experience on removing those shitcans. They're just never easy to remove or install. I'd recommend something more slippery than WD40. Legit some kind of spray lube, not water displacer. silicone spray lube for $5 a can is probably the way to go for removal and replacement. Get a good prybar, and get ready for a struggle session. If it pops right off go do something nice for someone. If you spend an hour fighting it, count it as a workout. Looks like you need the gasket, muffler, and insulator. If you're willing to fight that shit for a couple hours its worth the $500 savings.

Just check where it bolts up and see if those bolts are fucked or not. That might be your real struggle.
Thanks man, I really appreciate all your help, and will look into that extra insulator part on the right there and see what that's all about. Here goes nothing.

Also, thinking I should kust go with the Walker one? Looks like the NAPA part is the same exact thing from the part#.
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It's clutch time, or at least I'm dropping the trans this weekend. Haven't ever done something this intense but it's not bad so far. I have an occasional grind shifting into 5th so I might partially take the trans apart to see if the synchro has wear or if it was the clutch causing issues
That garage is "Florida" depressing.
It's a rental apartment, sure beats working in the gravel like I used to
the little weatherstrip clips for the van, and tire bead sealer came in

the seat for the F150 is done and i picked it up, i was too distracted by the geo floor being full of water to take a photo, but its just a grey vinyl bench
Should I was the undercarriage of my vehicle? I live over 4 hours inland but drove my car to and around a beach house for 4 days. It never actually touched the beach or sand but my buddy says I need to immediately wash the undercarriage to avoid rust. Is he overreacting?
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I've owned a 280z and a 260z, if you're getting this you'll be spending a lot in the future. I wouldn't buy it unless you're restoring it for fun and it's basically free
You don't have to *wash* it, but it's good practice to make rinsing it part of your car wash routine.
This is a 20 year old New England car whose bottom gets regularly rinsed off even in winter:
Is there some rust on the rear suspension? Yes. Is the bottom rusting out? Not even close.

It's good to rinse the salt off. Just drench the thing with a hose.
protip for getting those rubber exhaust hangers off, spray both sides of it with something slippery, grab yourself some water pump pliers, put one jaw of the pliers on the rubber hanger and the other on the metal exhaust hanger, give it a squeeze and they slip right off.
Yeah, it'd all be for fun but I don't want to dump $40k into an old Z only to have it still be worth $25k.

I am considering buying an old datsun pickup though. I'm not myopic or just in dire need of an old datsun. Theres a clean 240 i posted above, but $20k seems like too much.
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A decade ago a clean mint condition Z went for 5-10k and a decent one for 2-4k. I miss those days so much and really regret selling my Z. I thought those days would last forever. At least I've owned my dream car, other anons have not. Honestly as long as it's first gen you shouldn't really care, a lot of these boomers will lie to you and say the car only has like 30-40k miles but the truth is the odometer only goes to 99,999 on these cars.
i kept wanting to build a 427 ls for the tahoe or envoy, costs like $10k

went down to ncm and rented a c8 on the track and just got the speed bug out of me, now im perfectly fine with emory cloth-ing a crank and throwing new bearings in a 400k lm7
Yeah, I was paying off my mortgage and riding my motorycle. Sucks missing out on thousands of dollars of discounts for cars you'd like to own, but whatever. I'm not looking to marry these cars. Just thought they'd be fun to own, repair, and drive for a bit. Its better to be super secure individually than have a classic car you might struggle to sell when the market whims what to fuck with you.
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changing a wheel bearing
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>replaced water pump
>water pump pulley is kissing the crank pulley now
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What kind of process was used to weld this nut to the base metal? I found it to be interesting looking.
Resistance spot welding
Do you know what is the purpose of the texture on the welds? I think most spot welds I've seen were smooth.
>ebay parts
Bigger electrodes sometimes have a texture on them. I think it promotes a more even weld and/or more consistent starting.
You mean the diamond pattern on the corners? It's just a texture left behind by the tool which skives the corners of the nut down to create those 4 little points. The 4 little points poking down are what gets welded to the base metal.

>this video should explain everything
Cool, thanks
I love learning about this stuff
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Let there be light.
Northern Tool has these 2pks of lights, like 4” square and meant for the corner of a work truck or something. They go on sale all the time and I snagged em for like $10 for the pair and I kept thinking about mounting them to the cieling in the garage because they swivel and tilt. They’re 12VDC so I found an old 12V 3A power supply from a Comcast box and that bitch worked perfect
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serp belt time. gonna do the idler pulley too, that's where things will get interesting. the OEM one is no longer available, and the aftermarket ones are the wrong size (require removal of the dust cap to fit). so i ordered the ball bearings and plan to press out the old one from the pulley wheel to reinstall it. a vice and properly sized socked should do the trick. am i crazy?
>am i crazy?
yes. you arent supposed to fix hondas, youre supposed to junk them and buy a real car
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Hello /o/ I am new to wrenching and I need to work on my single cylinder bike. Unfortunately my bike crapped out on the freeway going home and wouldn't start again.

When trying turn it back on the starter kept going, but the engine wouldn't actually start up.

I bought a new OEM spark plug and Maybe it's probably only fuel being the issue now??? what are your thoughts?
physical damage to a spark plug is a serious issue, not caused any fuel issue
theres either something in the cylinder or your piston is destroyed, probably both
See >>27685432

That engine is done.


Yeah, That's my thought as well.
when I was riding my bike through an overpass that was uneven, the back wheel jumped up a bit and so did the engine RPMs. there after thecut off.
I will try to clean the fuel system still as that's what a relative told me to do, but I am worried I'll have to rebuild the engine. A friend did mention to stick a magnetic rod in the spark plug hole to see if there's anything inside. but dunno I hope it's not super difficult.
>A friend did mention to stick a magnetic rod in the spark plug hole to see if there's anything inside.
It’s not even worth doing that. If that happened while riding, it means something broke inside and there’s metal knocking around in what should be a smooth surface that seals well to get compression and run properly. Even if it were somehow just a loose bolt that got knocked in there and you pull it out, there’s going to be damage done.

Borrow a compression tester from that friend who told you the magnet thing and watch how it’s basically zero.
>Borrow a compression tester from that friend who told you the magnet thing and watch how it’s basically zero.
Its a single cylinder shitbike. Just take the head off and observe the carnage. He's not going to hurt anything because its already grenaded internally.
That’s what I was getting to. Don’t waste time with the magnet because it’s going to need to be opened up anyway, or start looking at used engines because it might be cheaper than a rebuild.
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I think my clutch wasn't seating good
i just had to redo a clutch job because the clamping force of the luk stock replacement clutch kit wouldnt hold up to wot.
you didnt buy a cheeseball did you
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I bought a ram clutch that was a bit overkill for my use case but still a regular material style instead of pucks, didn't order a flywheel yet because I wanted to see if I could just get it resurfaced or not. Never done a clutch before but this is what the old one looked like. I was having an awful grinding sound taking off in 1st when the clutch fully seated into the flywheel, and occasional grind in 5th letting out the clutch so I decided to investigate
I also haven't owned this for very long, I've put ~2k miles on it almost entirely highway cruising
>six gay little flywheel bolts on a big gay V-engine with presumably 6 or more cylinders

What an under-engineered heap of shit
im not really sure what to say cause ive never had a hydraulic clutch or know how to diagnose them but that sounds kindof sortof like a disenguagement problem but the heat marks seems like its slipped a bit.
The bite point was very low on the pedal, so it could be an engagement issue easily, a master and slave cylinder is on my list to replace too
Yes but it's my heap
finally reporting back, but god smiled upon me on saturday. was able to go out before work, pry it out of the rubber mount, and stow it in my trunk in about 15 minutes time. I was flabbergasted.

I saved a man $25 the day of, and did something nice for my grandma the day afterwards. buying the replacement parts off of rockauto as we speak. thanks again.
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Free generator is fuckin mint, someone winterized it. Barn is isolated and cleaned up, all the electric works.
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Somewhere there is a photo of this cable with a circle and a line through it. Don't think it will power my welder but it should do lights and a compressor
Yup, that air filter was pretty old

Also I had a first. Went to VatoZone to dump a jug of used oil, guy told me the container is full, but he took the jug anyway.
Where did that come from?

My neighbor “found” a free Generac a few years back and dumped it on me to fix. Oil pressure sensor was dead so it ran for like 15sec and shut off. Found the part at Advance Auto, googling told me it’s the same sensor a Suzuki Swift uses. Oil filter was some cheap Fram automotive type while Generac wanted like $20+, and I found a new battery for the electric start for stupid cheap like $20 on sale at Northern Tool.

Always cross reference them part numbers. I spend like $40 fixing what would’ve cost me $100+ from Generac.
Hey frens, ABSOLUTE wrenchlet here.

I am going to try to replace the antifreeze in my car. On a scale of 1 (a woman can do it) to 10 (need a team of older white men) where does it fall on the difficulty scale?
>replace the antifreeze
Coolant flushes are a meme. Unless you're replacing the radiator or something, don't bother draining the system.
Buyout guy had it for fucking ever and he wanted to clean up the store. Fuel tank was spotless as was the fuel bowl but the oil was pretty dark, so I assume someone just took good care of it. All the other ones we run across have water in the tanks, rusted to hell, carb is garbage, etc

I know everyone has a copy of this 196cc Honda, you basically just throw the displacement into the search bar to find small engine parts.
2. Radiators usually have a drain plug, but they're also usually plastic and break off, so you end up taking the lower hose off which makes a bloody mess no matter what. Also don't mix pure antifreeze with tap water, you can buy distilled water and mix it but buying 50/50 premix is generally just common sense for the hobbyist. Inb4 some boomer screams he's not paying for water.
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Stupid gasket wouldn't stay in place.
Thats a clean valve train
I bought a mini hvlp gun and need to do a few spot repairs. How do I buy paint supplies without being raped? Don't want to have to buy large quantities, but it seems anything of reasonable size is just in spray cans and anything in cans is way more than I need and very expensive.
I would need primer, White Orchid Pearl and clear coat. I don't care if it is perfect, I just want to make it look as decent as possible without having to risk the durability on the rest of the door panel by sanding off all the factory paint.
>Previous owners Indian swaybar link strips unhardened shit-soft threads out and uninstalls itself from knuckle
>Buy American OEM replacement links to avoid these problems
>Drive shitbox for 9 days waiting for dealer to get parts
>Parts arrives - doesn't include new nuts
>Dealer shrugs
>Nuts are sold individually for another $4/ea. $16 is below minimum for "special order" so $10 fee.
>$26 for the nuts to install the $60/ea sway bar links - $146 total
>Enjoy waiting, again

And that's why the previous owner opted for $7/ea (nuts included) Indian sway bar links from RockAuto, and I'll be doing the same, because fuck it.
Are they extra special? Can you not just get some whatever nuts from ACE hardware that fit?
They're uncommon enough that I did not find any in the special aisle at Ace :(
>not find
clearly you didn't ask the 7 teenagers watching tiktoks behind the front desk
This thread still alive? Is this the notch for the spider assembly (as in putting it together), or is she due for a new driveline? It’s 31 years old now. Double Cardan joint on my T100. I caught this when greasing the joints today.
Other side for comparison. Rubbed the dirt away to check it.
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methinks intake gasket bad
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Does anyone use a laptop and an ELM327 OBD2 > USB/serial cable either as their main diagnostics tool or supplementing their handheld reader? I was thinking of getting another Thinkpad to have in the garage and put it on a folding table I can attach to my toolbox. That way I can have my service manual easily accessible and I can run engine codes right on it as well using Scanmaster ELM
Thanks, bb ;)
Love me E39. Shrimple as.
Our one year anniversary is this week! Taking her to Yellowstone soon.
One day I'mma inspect my Toyotas valvetrain

Coincidentally; it got its 4000-mile oil change today
They're internal clips/rings


Also double-cardans can suck to work on
Oh shit thanks for reminding me I have to change my oil today. Need to water the plants first though ;)
Yes, I was more concerned about what appears to be a big chunk out of the yoke on that joint. The thing allowing you to see the clips/rings holding the spider in. I don't think that that's supposed to be exposed to that degree.
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>order 2 parts from rockauto
>they come in seperate boxes
>get 2 magnets
i figured how to game the system
kek i had to order from two waarehouses as well. kinda sucked on the shipping front but at least they didnt forget the fridge magnet this time. and they put one in each box too

I have no idea, but want to see more of the L67 Aztek
coming from a tech background the most appalling thing is learning canbus is a token ring network

i want to see someone 3.8/4t swap acadias and newer cars, they were available in canbus iterations afterall
Happened to me once and ended up getting the same magnet twice.
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Caught the fan clutch early. Could still stop it with my hand but it was definitely too viscous and running too fast at idle.

Now the question is do I want to change the water pump while I'm in there? 107k miles and I doubt it's ever been done.
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>Order parts on Saturday
>Delivery on Friday
>Memorial Day so expected it to ship on Tuesday
>Just barely got the shipping notification
>Expected arrival: Tuesday
Guess my car can spend another weekend on jack stands
>wake up
>tire dropped 15psi
>3 screws all right next to each other
was it intentional?
serves me right for going out at midnight and having a nice car i guess.
>Order parts on eBay
>estimated delivery: one week
>Your Item is Shipping! notice the next day
>a week later shipping status is still just "tracking number provided"
Fucking why. You run a store, ship that shit! If it's out of stock take it down.
just wait until you order something on summit and they'll wait 2 years before shipping it or giving you the option to cancel. i orderd a mahle buick series ii gasket set in 2022 and i still cant fucking cancel it, its still on backorder
I'm looking for a service manual for my XV70 camry
I found one in russian, with the electrical diagrams, but it's highly suboptimal.
I don't have anything in particular to repair, I just don't want to be caught lacking
the only thing that might tell you how to test sensors is a mitchell book, alternatively just google the shit and write it down
a bunch of hippies were in my town a few weeks ago and my car was spat on twice, one of them with a piece of gum included
try again without a subwoofer you may encounter less tire screws
>spent $15 on a blower motor gasket
kill me
3v triton navigator?
So I noticed that I'm missing a lug nut on one of my wheels. After realizing this I tightened all the remaining lug nuts.

Anyways how long can I get away with driving on 4 lug nuts on 5 lug wheels?
your opinion might change after buying a house
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so I've finally got the cash together to fix my shitbox.
in theory I only need new suspension bushes and an alternator, but the cambelt is also iffy. and that means all of the tensioners and pumps as well. anything else I should do while I've got the radiator off and belts removed?
94 1UZ
make sure u get a new timing cover gasket
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the seal was so flat and hard that I couldn't even tell there was a seal
Holy kek
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Figured I should bring the OBD-reader in and do an update, as I havent updated since I bought it in march 2020. Unless they have a weird naming convention I've missed out on average ten major updates on most of the brands....

Nah, Volvo XC60, 2010 with diesel.

No start when they tried to start it in the morning. Cranked fine, not low on power. Tried pouring another 10 liters of diesel into it to make sure it wasn't dry. Commonrail pump had fluctuating numbers when cranking so probably not broken or dead, but the "fuel pressure" value remained at zero - andI suspect that might be the pressure on the feed pump in the tank. Also checked all fuses, relays, tried jumping the fuse for the pump, put it on a booster and cranked for a long while - nothing. Not something I wanted to go deeper into on an open gravel lot, so told them to just get it transported to a shop with a lift.

So, my guess;
>dead fuel pump
>failed immobilizer
i wouldve put an abs sensor on my car today but im fucking lazy. also the issue is intermittent so part of me hopes itll vanish
Do the ones on your oil dipstick too
You may as well replace the thermostat if the coolant has been drained.
This car doesn't have a dip stick
if you have to check your oil with a computer, you are the dip stick
Replacing the worn out front end shocks/struts/bushings on my '73 Mustang
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Ok, I may not have needed to replace the fan clutch. I think it could be whether it starts up in "coupled" mode depends on what orientation it's in when it stops or whether the bimetallic strip activated on shutdown.
If it does, it needs a minute to spin the fluid out.
But it had 100k miles on it so whatever.

What's fucking weird is the pin to the radiator shroud clips. I mangled the hell out of one of them trying to get it out. I tore it up with a flathead, then tried to get some pliers on the remainder. The thing was welded in there.
I finally just got an allen key on the other side and punched it out and made a mental note to buy new clips.
But... when I went to put it back together today and I fished the clips out from under the car... both pins were in the clips, but the second "pin" was a large head plastic screw with no damage to it whatsoever.
And I distinctly remember popping the other pin completely out with a flathead, and making a mental note to find the pin.
I have no idea how two clips with the pins in them and in perfectly fine condition were under the engine bay, with nothing else under the car.
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But the work on the fan clutch was not for naught since the belt definitely needed to go.
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the other clip
Does that pin look like it was worked with a flathead?
I just don't understand.
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Fine, fine
Mini truck mommy has a herpes butthole
good luck, don't die. Christ I know this is WRG but there are a bunch of guys that'll refuse to touch those things.
Yes. But it is convenient. You can check your oil level while going 80 mph.
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trying to hunt down leaks in the boot/trunk, this goddamn plastic bracket right in the middle of pic related was responsible. The foam gasket around it had become brittle and shrunk over the decades. I probably could've just gone down to my local pool shop and bought some equivalent gasket sheet but fuck it, they also probably would've only let me buy it per metre anyway. Plenty of the part still in stock.
Probably one of the few times WD-40 is actually relevant, was raining and water kept constantly washing over the hole so I sprayed the surrounding area and presto, the water went right around.
honestly i think while the dangers are very real, the more i look into it, the more i come across people who did really dumb shit, like using an impact gun on them when the instructions explicitly say to not use an impact gun on the tool, or the same warning is even etched into the tool itself. i also see people crank it down so the spring is compressed to its max, when really you only just need to remove the tension against the mounts so that you can actually take those off.
I've also seen them fail catastrophically and break a tech's orbital. User error isn't the only thing that'll kill a cheap-shit cast Chinese tool, and like a Harbor Freight Jackstand there are no recalls or news articles until a dozen people are injured or killed. Always assume that it's about to fly apart and kill you, treat it like a bomb. Even with such a light car, at rest there's already 700-1000lbs on each of those front springs, with a spring rate of at least 300lb/in (potentially more like 500lb/in depending on your specific package and choice of springs) you're pushing them past 1000lbs to remove them. On heavier vehicles, fucking forget about it, plenty of shit is at over 1500lbs just sitting there, with spring rates nearing 1000lbs/in. Just always assume they're going to fly apart and murder you, and you'll never have your face inline with the axis of compression.
Did myself good picking up the entire hubs from the junkyard geo, i was inspecting some wild torque steer on mine and the front wheel bearings i did so meticulously back in January are toast. Heres to the updated design lasting longer than an oil change.
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Oil and filter changed, fueled up, battery charged. Will she start today, /o/? Let's find out.
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Still tryna figure out my Celica's issue. It shakes real hard sometimes, especially at high speeds, and I get a code for "incorrect purge flow" occasionally.

So far:
>Replaced spark plugs and coils cause they needed it
>New canister and purge valve
>New vsv
>Checked the throttle body

Weirdly the roughness went away completely when I used ethanol free gas (don't ask why)

Am I going to have to replace the fuel filter? I've been trying to avoid it
sounds like your ethanol gas was not water free
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hide the pain harold
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I've welded patches on rocker panels and wheel arches, but I'm not sure how I will have to go about this job right here. I only have hand tools to form the sheet metal

How good looking does it need to be?
>How good looking does it need to be?
I'm going to be respraying the whole car after I fix the rust, so it should preferably look like it's brand new. I know I won't achieve that but that's what I'm aiming for.

Yeah but I've gotten gas from a LOT of different stations
buy another door
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Update, it started a few times but won't idle for more than 5 or so seconds. I'll try again tomorrow.
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>spent a few hours hacking up 87 mustang konis to fit pre 87 spindles
>drink a confidence beer
>ream the fuck out of it
>manage to boil the brakes after 6 turns
>pull to a stop at intersection
>smoke coming from out of the fenders
>brakes gone soft, working below 20% capacity
what do

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