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What do Australians drive?
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Affordable Chinese EVs.
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Mostly Japanese cars
Last year the top selling vehicles were all turbo diesel utes Toyota Hilux, Ford Ranger and Isuzu Dmax. Japanese and Korean mid size SUVs are very common and all the government fleet cars are Toyota hybrid products (Corolla Camry and Rav4). Chinese EVs and Teslas are stating to make an appearance everywhere in the cities. Whenever I go out to rural areas it’s mostly Landcruisers, turbo diesel utes and a few falcons and commodores.
Mostly SUVs and Giant Utes/Trucks like America, but more Chinese and Korean crap instead of European and American crap.

Oh and overpriced Toyota Landcruisers and Hiluxes
Toyotas just like everyone else
we're not all fucken millionaires m8
God I want one of these so I can larp as an aussie
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who cares, the average australian on 4chan is a yellow chink ricedick so whatever they do is irrelevant
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Fuckin mazdas out the arse. If not that then turbo diesel twin cabs, big lifted 4x4s that never leave the black top. The companies that convert yank garbage trucks to RHD can't keep up with demand too.
Mazda 2/3s, hyundai getz in the way, suzuki swiftly from 0 to 60km/h in 20 seconds, and havals. Havals everywhere.
We have youtube, just look up driving videos in Aus towns. You can see what people drive basically anywhere in the world.
If you watch JP streamers it's really depressing how 80% of cars in Japan are minivans or relatively large box 'kei' cars.
Australia has a lot of options, as they get hand-me-downs from other countries and they have utes and trucks just for their market.
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Shaggin wagons.

Whatever they can bodge together.
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Live in a semi country area and I have been surveying the local carparks. I'd say about 1/3 still drive the typical Ford or Holden with more people keeping their old cars, back in the early 2000's probably 60 to 70% were Ford or Holden. Sometimes those Holdens are replaced with cheap old japanese cars. You have about 20% driving shitty CUV's like Mitsubishi ASX or similar. Probably about 30% drive the medium to small cars like Mazda 3 which I understand is popular in America. You got 10% or so driving only Nissan Patrol or Toyota Land Cruiser and nothing else. You then have those Chinese pickup trucks which can be in place of those CUV's, in some places they are really popular. Odd thing I noticed going to slightly wealthy city suburbs is so many around 2010 Toyota Corollas.
% can go up or down depending on the day.
If you go to some upper places 50% of the car will be mercedes or BMW. In certain areas the Dodge pickups are getting popular but I see them driving and not parked, they are often used for big boats or caravans.

pic is a random typical street I had.
The stunts and props in those movies are fucking great
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i offroad my xt and xr6+t lol
Wtf are you talking about?
Look up a vid of someone driving in Australia (or wherever) and look at the cars as they drive around.
20 years ago you could not do this, but you can in much less time than it took for me to write this post.
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I miss my old Ausfag friends
Oh I understood your post, just nothing about what us Australians drive made any sense.
i have a chrysler 300c srt8
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This sport car.
Increasingly American pickups.
I have to go to Australia semi-regularly for work, mostly Sydney and Brisbane. It’s not as bad as Europe but generally I wouldn’t say I’m particularly impressed by what I see on the road. Before I went YouTube kinda gave me the impression that everyone was some mad lad in a V8 doing burnouts everywhere, it’s just… kinda not. It just seems like people stateside are a little more adventurous with what they buy, whereas the vast majority of non-pickups are a sea of drab Mazda CX-somethings and Corollas. There are a lot of mid-range Euro SUVs in Sydney, less so in Brisbane. There aren’t really many Holden or Ford utes anymore but things like Hiluxes and new Rangers are fucking EVERYWHERE and there are a lot of other utes that look very similar in terms of size and shape by Mazda and Mitsubishi and whatnot. I have seen a couple of newer Falcons that look pretty good, it had an “F6” badge on it whatever that means, and I’ve seen some weird Commodore sedans that look a little hotter than a typical econobox (think some of these had “GTS” badging and I’m not sure whether they’re just a Commodore or some sort of aftermarket performance marque thing). There’s the odd Toyota sedan with something that sounds like an I6 turbo (Chaser? some of them are badged as a “Mark II”), and once I saw a pretty niggered out old boxy Skyline with steel wheels that looked like a complete drift missile.

With that said though I find Sydney and Brisbane to be oddly clean and well kept compared to most cities in the USA. There aren’t really many niggers and public transport in general is just light years ahead of most of America, cheap as well. Overall it’s alright, wouldn’t move away from America for it but any day of the week I’d take it over Europe.
I believe one of the main reasons there's so many big utes/trucks is because they are exempt from the (((luxury car tax))) because they're classed as work vehicles or something. Honestly really surprised the (((government))) allows this loophole to exist, when they're such fucking kikes when it comes to anything automotive related.

LCT is 33% for vehicles over $75k btw
Inner Sydney or Melbourne is expensive to park and drive so the only people who drive their car would be office workers earning a fair bit so pretty much standard new mid range cars. The people with the v8 holdens are usually working more working class jobs at factories and the like in outer suburbs. Almost everyone who works constructions buys one of those mazda looking pickups. I have seen tones of mustangs in melbourne though.

For Ford you have XT = base, fairmont = luxury, xr6 = sport, x6 turbo, xr 8 = V8, GT = premium V8, F6 = premium xr6 turbo with higher boost and luxury.
GTS means Holden V8 with sports options with HSV being the premium V8. In the old days you used to be able to get a base but with a V8 but over time they jacked up the price driving away young buyers.

The attitude is I might be paying $90k for a 4 cylinder ute but I'm getting a tax break so its worth it
Out in the rurals, its twin cab utes and SUV's. There's the odd shitbeater budget hatchbackm Camry and completely flogged out falcadore but they're getting much more scarce as the rust claims them
I had a Holden ute but I sold it during the 'rona because people kept offering stupid money for a bog-stock V6 ute. It was well looked after but not exactly mint condition so I took the money. Apart from that, a very new Lexus and a fucking ancient Shitsubishi are my cars
never forget what (((they))) took from you
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>Chaser? some of them are badged as a “Mark II”
toyota 's "triplet" sedans as they were sometimes called in japan.
>mark ii = base/middle of the road
>chaser = performance oriented
>cresta = luxury oriented
although as far as i can tell they all had the same engine options, either an NA 2.0L l6, turbo or supercharged, or the 2.5L 1jz na or turbo, or the 3.0 NA 7m engine, although the last one is very rare due to jap taxes on engine displacements
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>The stunts and props in those movies are fucking great

Yeah, even the accidental stunts are great.

rip MHC, i think they finally got done. hasn't been a new upload in a year...
The speed limit
lol horseshit. they do 10 under. and if there's a cop car or a speed camera? go at least 10 slower still.
when you pass a cop car or speed camera at or slightly above the limit, you just know the people behind you are short circuiting
i hope they didn't die

1 in jail

RIP? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_Pans3eCBo
Maybe in Sydney, not QLD
yeah it is in sydney lul. went to the outskirts of newcastle for a work trip, everyone doing 10 over and then they just stick to the limit when there's a speed camera. such a refreshing change.
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Who hurt you so, fren?
Light My Fire Orange is my favourite colour. I really want a VF wagon with the LS3 in Orange.
Every car I have ever owned has had the 3.8 Ecotec. I can't imagine driving anything else now.
Picrel is the current one.
nail the way we say 'FARK' and your dash cam clips will be the most popular/entertaining of all burger cam clips
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Fuck it, 5
You can just google Holden GTS and Ford F6 and you'd have your answer.
They're performance tuned versions of the original models.
G'day based department
>What do Australians drive?
Of all the continents I've visited, Australia had the coolest cars at least per my tastes. They have the skinny body vehicles developed for third world nations that have slimmer roads, but with the styling of European vehicles. They were practical, more bare bones type vehicles but still with good power and styling.
Oh hey that’s my exact car and colour, mines even a maxx too.
Got it in 2015 for $22k, done 70k km on it and seems like it could sell for about 15 now.
Only had one smaaaallll issue when it started making a high pitched whining noise above 80kph and it needed a gearbox replacement. Warranty covered it thankfully.
Big spiders
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Big rep of the trifecta of Poojero/Pootrol/Poodrado on the Best Coast.
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For me? It's the 2018 Ford Ranger

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