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>Be China
>build $12,000 100% emission-free cars that can turn into boats during floods and park on it's own
>US knows it cannot compete
>bans it so people are forced to spend $35k for the American car that hasn't improved since the 80's

Nice, and when every car outside of the US is Chinese, GM and their shitty trucks are still going under.
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>SUVs that transform into boats
wtf china is going to make videogames a reality????
>china pays people to post here.
weird timeline.
why /o/ of all places?
do you think people here buy new cars?
.t makes six figures
This will 100% backfire. I expect Trump will probably reduce the tariff to half of that when he gets in.
Implessive. Amelica is finished. I am demollalized.
Sincerely John Smith from Colorado specifically administrated zone
ugly slow gay
The tariffs won't work. You can't stop technological advancement from happening. Eventually you'll have Chinese automakers becoming wealthy enough to build factories in the US, avoiding the tariffs all together.
Americans will finally be able to afford new cars once Xinping lets Trump build a hotel in Beijing and lowers the tariffs on their cars, out of the goodness of his heart.
>i got paid $10,000 to write an article used for the chinese effort of causing millions to billions in economic damage to american families
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
This is what being outcompeted looks like in real time. First it begins with deliberate ignoring of the competition, then eventually protectionist policies to shield inferior domestic companies.
>hide changbot threads
>ignore changbot posts
>do not reply to changbot posters
lol, in a couple years half the threads on this board will be about chink cars.
Mexicans build Chevy and Ford, and Americans build honda and toyota.
Millions of jobs and families rely on the income these car industries provide.
People won't be buying Chinese vehicles unless the Chinese invade California, nuke D.C. from the west coast and declare the US a vassal state.
It's never going to happen.

"People" will buy some and swear by them, and they will mostly be ignored.

If China wants to sell Chinese cars in the USA they need to build factories here, pay American union wages, pay for American design standards and testing, and put out a reliable vehicle that passes the sniff test.
But then these cars would cost $25, $35 thou wouldn't they. And the pinko commie chink government couldn't hide their subsidy schemes and american destabilization plans, could they?
>If China wants to sell Chinese cars in the USA they need to build factories here
They'll be forced to eventually. I fully expect Chinese cars to arrive here. Even with the tariffs, they'd be like $20k cheaper than most cars on the market today. If they were so invested in the US, they'd probably start making them here.
bah bullshit, bullshit. Bullshit.
these chink cars are cheaper strictly because they are cheaper, worse garbage
you think american low end brands are bad? Explain to me why and how a vehicle, which is manufactured with 80+% robot labor, is somehow 2.5x or more cheaper using the same quality, same level of good design and same materials.

The person labor rate doesn't explain it.
There is no free lunch in life: These Chinese cars can only be cheap because THEY ARE NOT WORTH BUYING.

Simple logic anon.

Anyone using this word should be shot on site.
The reality is a lot scarier

Turns out if you can propagandize a bunch of autistic schizos they'll be better than any bot because they'll shitpost for you 16 hours a day 7 days a week for free

EVs are fucking stupid anyways and won't work in a country where half the people living in it can't afford a house with a driveway to charge their vehicle overnight. And China can't build a ICE car, they have a reputation for being shitboxes outside America despite having a ton of tech transfer from the big 3 car making countries (VW, GM, Mitsubishi, even PSA)
You act like people care about quality. When Korean cars arrived, they were so shit but people bought them anyway.
>You act like people care about quality.
When 20+% of these cars have serious problems inside of 5 years of ownership, and repairs are part-price-scalped and difficult due to limited availability people will quickly forget about "what a bargain!" some cheap chinese ghost-company shitbox is.
And just like COVID we'll all conveniently forget how much of a money waste they were.
So? There isn't a single car in the US under 50k worth buying anyway. Might as well get something disposable.
>people will quickly forget about "what a bargain!"
haha but they won't and you know it.
You're a lame wumao loser, just commit suicide already.
I was being nice.
They'll remember than chinese ultracheap EVS are pure fucking garbage and never buy them.
poorfags bought them with very generous extended warranties. korean cars never took over the US market, however. not even the one that are built here. chinese cars won't either. it doesn't matter how advance they look on paper, there's a lot of people that have brand loyalty to Tesla, in the same way they have brand loyalty to Audi/Benz/BMW. they will never buy anything else no matter how much better the competition is. Lexus realized this when they basically made a better-in-every-way knock off Mercedes for cheaper than a Mercedes. they were selling the original lexus LS at a loss, hoping to corner the luxury car market then increase the price once they did. that never happened.

A better example could be the Yugo. it was the absolute dirt cheapest shitbox you could possibly buy, even cheaper than korean cars. while some desperate poorfags bought some, it never took over the market.

You can't beat brand loyalty. that takes decades to do. it took decades to get long time japanese car buyers to start considering korean as a cheaper alternative. and even then, the koreans still won't ever surpass the japs. the chinese will be lucky if they can surpass the market share of the koreans, let alone trying to compete with Tesla, a manufacturer that is to cars what Apple is to computers.

Oddly enough, Japanese journalist thought the dodge neon was so good that it was going to penetrate the japanese compact market in Japan. it never did. brand loyalty is a very difficult thing to kill. no matter how cheap or how good your offering is.
cope. usdm is shit and they know it.
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>Chinese car cost: $12,000
>+100% tariff: now is $24,000

That's STILL cheap. I expect they'll still be here within the next few years.
Some of Ford and GMs best selling cars are made in China.

Will the 100% tariff hit them as well?
they're made in China for the chinese market. none of GM or Ford's best selling cars sold in the US or elsewhere come from China.
Buick Envision is sold here and is made in China. The Lincoln Nautilus as well.
I've seen less than 1 envision or nautilus for every 2000 people.
>When 20+% of these cars have serious problems inside of 5 years of ownership
The average person leases their cars or sells before 5 years of ownership. Its great seeing USDMcucks seethe. Maybe build some decent stuff and not charge $60k.
>being this retarded
Lexus single handedly force MB and BMW to compete. The difference between 1995 German luxury and 2010 German luxury is night and day, thanks largely to Lexus peeling buyers away.

Brand loyalty is irrelevant for most people. All that matters is price. The Yugo failed because it was too shit. Kia and Hyundai have significantly cut into Japanese automakers profits in the US, and both Japs and Koreans have eliminated US companies from the midsize and compact sedan market.
buy an upmodel (better engine) chevy impala if your cuck government even allows you to own such a MASSIVE engine.

Americans make good cars.
>chevy impala
Why, so I can get fucked by my engine failing at 150k miles? Maybe a tranny failure at 100k miles? Why don't I do what literally everybody else does and buy a Jap midsize that will actually last more than a few years? I live in the US faggot. I see what people drive here. And most of the USDM shit I see are trucks and SUVs. Japs and Koreans own the rest of the market by the balls. My personal daily is an LS430 and it is miles ahead of every single USDM shitbox I've ever owned.
you're just a dumb autistic cunt who has no actual life experience and is scared of everything

here a fucking PROTIP
you are NOWHERE NEAR as smart as you think you are.
>Name car after marine animal
>Drowns itself
I’ve seen more. The envision is Buicks second best seller. The nautilus is Lincoln’s best seller.
Chinese car! Free shipping! Only $4.99! Oh wait, that’s the nameplate, the car is $29,999.99.
>you're just a dumb autistic cunt who has no actual life experience and is scared of everything
What are the top five best selling cars in the US right now, nigger?
Name them.
>you are NOWHERE NEAR as smart as you think you are.
Anyone who advises somebody to buy a fucking nigpala over a jap or korean sedan is a certified retard.
But a Hyundai, get a new engine every
40k miles. I’m on engine #3.
don't care you retard autist not even reading your posts

you're fucking dumb and have extremely little real experience with anything you talk about
like many other retard/autist/sub-100IQ people on this board, YOUR OPINION IS INVALID.
>Lexus single handedly force MB and BMW to compete
By doing what? they're less reliable than they've ever been, more expensive to maintain than they've ever been, and are still way more expensive than they've ever been. and Lexus sales are worse than they've ever been in comparison. BMW/Audi/Merc never had to do anything. they responded out of pride more than anything. people would've bought their cars over Lexus regardless of what they did. its like when Porsche was "Forced to compete" with the GTR, even though they were already outselling it and the GTR never even contested 911 sells.
>Brand loyalty is irrelevant for most people.
delusional. its the entire reason Lexus never took off in europe. you can even read about this on Lexus' own wiki page.
>All that matters is price.
again, delusional. this matters more for poorfags, but people who have more money aren't going to buy a knock off.
>The Yugo failed because it was too shit.
The Mitsubishi mirage is the modern day yugo. its better in every way, and it still failed despite being the cheapest car on the market, from a reputable japanese brand no less. how "good" does it have to be? and how "good" do you think these chinese cars are? do you think they're 50 years ahead of everyone and have discovered 1000 mile range vehicles and batteries that only weigh 300 lbs?
>and both Japs and Koreans have eliminated US companies from the midsize and compact sedan market.
no they haven't, because Tesla still exist, and US automakers are just going to make sedans in EV form like GM is already planning to do. the popularity of Trucks and SUVs is what caused Ford for example to eliminate their sedans (even though they were still selling competitively). Chrysler, GM, and Tesla still make them. and will likely make more with their new re-usable BEV platforms.
>don't care you retard autist not even reading your posts
>you're fucking dumb and have extremely little real experience with anything you talk about
>your opinion is INVALID due to LACK OF ACTUAL EXPERIENCE.
>like many other retard/autist/sub-100IQ people on this board, YOUR OPINION IS INVALID.

lmao even
based autist bullier

fuck this retard up fuck him up
>they're less reliable than they've ever been
This is true of every vehicle now. Its not unique to the Germans. Blame computers.>more expensive to maintain than they've ever been, and are still way more expensive than they've ever been.
Inflation and wage stagnation.
>Lexus sales are worse than they've ever been in comparison.
Similar to what happened to Cadillac, Lexus tried too hard to mimic the Germans on the performance side when they should've stayed focused on building solid reliable cars. Again, my LS430 is better than any comparable German car from the era.
>its like when Porsche was "Forced to compete" with the GTR, even though they were already outselling it and the GTR never even contested 911 sells.
Porsche is Porsche. People who want a Porsche do so for the badge. If not, they would buy a cheaper but better performing car from another brand.
>its the entire reason Lexus never took off in europe
Who gives a shit about Europe? I'm talking about the US. And it couldn't take off in Europe because Lexus was pretty much designed for the American market. Lexus destroyed Cadillac and severely impacted American sales of MB/BMW products. This is not disputable.
>but people who have more money aren't going to buy a knock off.
We are talking about economy cars now. A budget Chinese EV will outperform sales wise against every single budget EV put out by a non-chinese competitor. See the Chevy Volt for an example of this.
>from a reputable japanese brand no less
Only to Evofags. The only other car they sell is the Outlander. They haven't been reputable for 10+ years now.
>and how "good" do you think these chinese cars are
They are better than any other EV at its price point.
>no they haven't,
Yes they have. I can take a picture of a local walmart parking lot or busy freeway and I will see 10:1 japanese/korean sedans to american ones. What are the top 5 best selling sedans right now?

The big three survive on trucks and SUVs, not cars
what did I say
I said im not reading your no experience autism bullshit
you're wrong, americans make good cars.
get the fuck over it.

all or any of my replies will be done NOT READING your stupid fucking posts.
>what did I say
>I said im not reading your no experience autism bullshit
>you're wrong, americans make good cars.
>get the fuck over it.
>all or any of my replies will be done NOT READING your stupid fucking posts.
Keep seething you busriding faggot.
fuck that retard up GET HIM
>This is true of every vehicle now.
but i'm speaking comparatively to the japanese that Lexus was meant to "single handedly force the germans to compete" with. the gap in reliability and maintenance between Lexus and the Germans has only grown, yet people prefer the germans more than ever.
>Lexus tried too hard to mimic the Germans on the performance side when they should've stayed focused on building solid reliable cars.
They did stay focused on that. them trying to make sportier models didn't take away from their (again comparatively) reliability at all. so what is the excuse here?
Cadillac actually turned themselves around. they never contested the germans in sales, either. but they're selling a lot better than they were in the 90s. their sedans are much more coveted today than they were. they even hold value way better than they have today, especially the top trim models.
>Porsche is Porsche. People who want a Porsche do so for the badge.
you're starting to understand where i'm coming from.
>Who gives a shit about Europe?
Toyota did. they tried pretty damn hard to shill their shiny new luxury brand, there. they still try to this day. not that Lexus hasn't been beaten back by the germans in the US at this point.
>And it couldn't take off in Europe because Lexus was pretty much designed for the American market
what does this even mean? it was somehow sophisticated enough to "force the germans to compete" but it was not sophisticated enough for europe itself? everything about the car suggest that it should've done well in europe, but it didn't.
>Lexus destroyed Cadillac
Not really, and they only sold better once they started selling re-badged crossovers and SUVs (which is what americans actually wanted). the LS itself, despite how much money Toyota put into it, never outsold Cadillac or Lincoln's flagship sedans. Cadillac didn't have a response to Lexus' wider SUV lineup, in a market that wanted SUVs. so that's when Lexus overtook Cadillac.
>They did stay focused on that. them trying to make sportier models didn't take away from their (again comparatively) reliability at all.
New Lexus models are nowhere near as reliable as the old ones, and while they are better than the Germans, the gap is nowhere near as wide anymore.
>yet people prefer the germans more than ever.
In which markets? Here in the US, Lexus is very competitive with the Germans in terms of sales. And honestly, if we are going to continue to use the Germans as a collective, then we'll need to include all Japanese luxury marks, including Infiniti and Acura.
>but i'm speaking comparatively to the japanese that Lexus was meant to "single handedly force the germans to compete" with.
Its hard to say if German cars are more reliable today than they were before Lexus showed up. I mean, cars have gotten more complicated, so any gains in reliability will be offset by that fact alone. I would say that the Germans improved their game quality and reliability since the 90s and early 2000s.
They never recovered to what they used to be. Far more performance oriented. I drove a CT5 and an IS350 when shopping for a car not too long ago and the CT5 was much sportier. Nothing like the giant barges that used to be Cadillacs bread and butter. The Escalade took that role apparently.

They also don't hold value that well. The performance variants do, but that is because of what they are.
>you're starting to understand where i'm coming from.
The Chinese EVs are not targeting Taycan buyers. Porsche is irrelevant in this discussion.
>not that Lexus hasn't been beaten back by the germans in the US at this point.
They haven't. Look at sales numbers for crossovers. The RX obliterates the Germans. The sedan market is tighter obviously, but then we aren't really comparing the same things. What is the Lexus equivalent to an M5 for example?
>What is economies of scale?
>What is a vertical supply chain?
>What is domestic supply chain?>>27663202
Brand loyalty doesnt really exist amongst millenials and below. Theres also a phenomenon for threshhold of loyalty. It's estimated at about a 15% price differential. Look at how common people switch jobs, change internet providers, mortgages, etc. The threshhold is lower as the individual disposable income lowers
>and severely impacted American sales of MB/BMW products.
Lmao, no they didn't.
and you think chink brands are?
>They are better than any other EV at its price point.
How do you know that? again, on paper, its easy to make anything look better. this doesn't translate to sales. the Mitsubishi mirage looked better on paper than everything else. it was cheaper than everything else, (which is all that matters according to you), yet it failed to overtake anything. hell, i think it failed to even beat GM's worst shitboxes like the chevy cruze.
>Yes they have.
No, they haven't. the SUV and Truck popularity is the entire reason Ford cancelled their sedans for example. they sold hundreds of thousands a year before they did.
>I can take a picture of a local walmart parking lot
This is the most retarded and dubious way of arguing the presence of a product on the market. i could do the same thing in silicon valley, or any other wealthy part of america, and you'd see 10 times more german branded cars than Lexus. basically nullifying your point that they "severely impacted sales of MB/BMW products". never mind the fact that this is a dumb comparison because there are more asian brands than there are american ones, just like BMW and Mercedes are two brands vs Lexus' being one. there will be more of them, but this doesn't tell you anything about Lexus' sales.
>What are the top 5 best selling sedans right now?
When they were still on the market, The impala and Fusion were actually outselling the Korean sedans, and only slightly bested by the Altima for 5th place. the american sedans were selling between 150,000 and 200k a year. but because they were discontinued abruptly this means it was due to all those people suddenly getting out of their fusions to buy jap and koreans? this is a retarded argument. we know its due to SUV/Trucks.
>big three survive on trucks and SUVs, not cars
So do the Gooks and Japs. its their most profitable models by far.
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>GM and their shitty trucks are still going under.
What is with these deluded chinkoid shills. I see this anti-American shit all the time. GM is one of the few manufacturers that still offer V8s in body-on-frame SUVs and pickups.

China doesn't have anything like it. I don't think the Chinese have even unlocked V8 engines yet. We could have had cheap ass Chinese V8 cars and trucks and then you would have a point, but instead the Chinks have doubled down on battery garbage and have been spamming so much battery slop there are entire fields with these poor cars that nobody wants.
>what does this even mean? it was somehow sophisticated enough to "force the germans to compete" but it was not sophisticated enough for europe itself? everything about the car suggest that it should've done well in europe, but it didn't.
Unironically the car was too American for Europe. The LS400 was designed for American tastes. Read about the development of the Lexus brand. Europeans were an after thought. I'm not exactly sure where the disconnect is here. The early 2000s were terrible for the Germans, especially MB. Look at the resale value on the nonperformance German cars from that era.
>the LS itself, despite how much money Toyota put into it, never outsold Cadillac or Lincoln's flagship sedans.
What are you even arguing here? Nobody was expecting a brand new brand by a company known for its economy offerings to outperform familiar luxury brands that were multiple decades old. It did incredible for what it was, which is why the car is still relevant today. Lincoln is essentially a dead brand now and Cadillac is nothing like what it was during the 90s, again largely due to Lexus.

The point here is that the Chinese EVs will completely undercut the market on price. I mean, if you had to choose between a $10k USD soulless electric appliance from China or a $30k soulless electric appliance from anywhere else, which would you choose? Now take into account falling living standards across North America and Western Europe. Its either a Chinese EV or the bus for a sizable amount of people.
>New Lexus models are nowhere near as reliable as the old ones,
>the gap is nowhere near as wide anymore.
You're clutching for those straws pretty hard. it doesn't detract from my point any less. let alone being something you could even measure to prove. no one cares how much MORE reliable they are, just that they are more reliable. and the fact that people still choose to buy German, and in greater numbers, proves Lexus didn't do what it set out to accomplish, which was corner the luxury market by undercutting the competition like you believe the chinks will do with this amazing super EV.
>In which markets?
all of them. Lexus only comes close in the US where they assemble the ES in the US.
>including Infiniti and Acura.
even when you do, the gap is even bigger. and Acura and Infiniti is practically non existent outside the US.
>The Chinese EVs are not targeting Taycan buyers.
They're targeting the kinds of desperate poorfags who bought the mitsubishi mirage? this is going to fair even worse for them.
>Look at sales numbers for crossovers
Yea, the Lexus brand survives off Crossovers and SUVs, just like american ones. its almost like sedans are simply falling out of favor, and that was the entire reason Ford and GM abruptly discontinued them (despite still selling hundreds of thousands a year).
>What is the Lexus equivalent to an M5 for example?
the GS? but that was discontinued.
>Lmao, no they didn't.
The 1994 E-class had its price cut by $10k because MB shit itself when it saw the LS. Look at the sales figures.
>How do you know that?
Because they are selling literally everywhere they are available. South America is getting flooded with them.
Dead brand.
>it was cheaper than everything else
Post the MSRP of a Chevy Cruze, a Mirage, and a Nissan Versa. Now ask yourself if you would buy a car from a dead brand for $3k less than a car from a brand with an actual dealer network. The Chinese are not a few thousand cheaper. They are 1/2 to 1/4 the price of their competition.
>i could do the same thing in silicon valley, or any other wealthy part of america, and you'd see 10 times more german branded cars than Lexus
Have you actually been to the US before?
>never mind the fact that this is a dumb comparison because there are more asian brands than there are american ones
There are four Asian luxury brands, three European luxury brands, and two/three American ones. Three of the Asian ones are Japanese, and the other is Genesis. You're going to see way more Japanese luxury brands on the road since the German ones are known to be expensive to repair out of warrenty. Look at the resale values to confirm this.
>but because they were discontinued abruptly this means it was due to all those people suddenly getting out of their fusions to buy jap and koreans?
Correct. Or are you retarded enough to believe that somebody who sold their commuter Impala is going to go out and buy a Silverado, Tahoe, or even something like an Equinox?
>Gooks and Japs. its their most profitable models by far.
They would still do fine sales wise with their sedan offerings.
>Unironically the car was too American for Europe.
This doesn't make any sense. if that were the case, the germans wouldn't have even thought of it as being comparable to their shit to begin with.
>Read about the development of the Lexus brand
The Lexus brand was appealing to americans by trying to mimic european luxury. which by default should've made them viable in europe since europeans also prefer european style luxury as a coincidence.
>The early 2000s were terrible for the Germans,
>Look at the resale value on the nonperformance German cars from that era.
all german cars aside for limited edition models hold value like shit. this has never not been a thing.
>It did incredible for what it was, which is why the car is still relevant today.
It did well, but its sales are barely a husk of its peak in the 90s. its hardly relevant in the SUV market today.
>Lincoln is essentially a dead brand now
Lincolns sales figures are more or less the same as they were before Lexus even existed. they've always been cannibalized by mercury. so again, the japs didn't do anything here.
>Cadillac is nothing like what it was during the 90s
This wasn't due to Lexus, since Cadillac was directly targeting and bench marking BMW.

>The point here is that the Chinese EVs will completely undercut the market on price.
Yes, but so many cars have failed to do this. Mitsubishi mirage being the latest example.
>let alone being something you could even measure to prove
You prove it using resale values.
>and the fact that people still choose to buy German
>and the fact that people still choose to buy German, and in greater numbers
Where and in which vehicle class?
>proves Lexus didn't do what it set out to accomplish, which was corner the luxury market by undercutting the competition like you believe the chinks will do with this amazing super EV.
This conversation is getting retarded. It was never the goal of Lexus to corner the market. The goal was to be competitive with the established luxury brands of the US and Europe, which it did and still does. The LS400 was a great value, and it did impact sales of both German and American luxury cars. But the situation with the Chinese EVs are different. They aren't 30% cheaper. They are 60%+ cheaper than comparable models from non-chinese brands.
>They're targeting the kinds of desperate poorfags who bought the mitsubishi mirage?
They are targeting the people buying Model 3s, Chevy Volts, and other economy EVs. AKA a huge chunk of the EV market. And they might peel sales away from cheaper ICE mid-size and compact cars too, who knows?
>if that were the case, the germans wouldn't have even thought of it as being comparable to their shit to begin with.
Why? Do you think that German cars were good in the 90s or something?
>The Lexus brand was appealing to americans by trying to mimic european luxury
Source? Every documentary I've watched on the subject states that they studied what the American buyer wanted.
>Yes, but so many cars have failed to do this. Mitsubishi mirage being the latest example.
EVs are more appliances than cars. Think of it like this. Take your refrigerator or washing machine. I cut the price in half and make it Chinese instead of Korean. Are you still going to buy the same fridge and washing machine you have right now when there is a competitor that is 90% as good for half the price?

This is where we are with Chinese EVs.
They’re $10k because of the free slave labor used to assemble them.
>The 1994 E-class had its price cut by $10k
Mercedes was losing money across the board in the 90s. it was the whole reason they wanted to partner up with Chrysler so the could rob them. its nothing to say of BMW's sales, or the fact that the LS still got outsold by the flagships from Cadillac and Lincoln.
>Because they are selling literally everywhere they are available. South America is getting flooded with them.
South america doesn't even have its own auto industry. i can see chinese cars selling in places like Africa and South america for these reasons.
>a brand with an actual dealer network.
But china doesn't have this?
>They are 1/2 to 1/4 the price of their competition.
the Yugo was, too.
>Have you actually been to the US before?
Yea, german luxury brands are going to be much more common. it probably helps that there are 3 of them, vs 1 Lexus. which is why my point of how many you see in the wild isn't a good indicator of sales.
>There are four Asian luxury brands
if you add up all their sales, they come up lower than that of the germans. Mercedes alone is selling more cars than Acura and Infiniti combined. Infiniti is more of a "dead brand" than Lincoln at this point.
>You're going to see way more Japanese luxury brands on the road since the German ones are known to be expensive to repair out of warrenty.
we're not talking about used cars, though. only new ones. german cars exchange hands less, but new ones are sold more.
Then why are they still on the road? they should all be abandoned.
>somebody who sold their commuter Impala is going to go out and buy a Silverado, Tahoe, or even something like an Equinox?
No, that's what Ford and GM believe. i'm just telling you the real reason they were discontinued. they sold hundreds of thousands of these vehicles before they were discontinued. now they sale 0. people can't buy what isn't for sale.
I'll also add that the Mirage was competing not only against better newer vehicles that where not the much more expensive, especially when financed, but also with used offerings with low mileage.

Where can you find a recent model (3 years old or newer) Model 3 or Bolt with <30k miles for under $15k?
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
>beijin auto show
That's like going to tokyo auto salon and saying all japs drive are 1000hp skylines with body kits.
>the Yugo was, too.
Sit in a Model 3 and then sit in an EV made by BYD. Its not Opel vs Yugo. Its Apple vs Samsung.
>South america doesn't even have its own auto industry.
I does, its just foreign owned. Plenty of car factories in South America.
>Then why are they still on the road? they should all be abandoned.
There are less and less of them. A person who drove an American sedan is more likely to switch to a jap/korean sedan than a American crossover (although I think the big 3 are pushing the CUV shit real hard for that reason).
My man serpentza has something to say about chink evs.
>You prove it using resale values.
But jeeps have amazing resale value. are they the most reliable off roaders ever sold? this is entirely due to how Germans sell cars. people lease them, and move on to the next lease a few model years out. entirely reliable cars can have poor resale value due to market saturation as well. Mercury Grand Marquise for example. there were so many of them and you could get them dirt cheap because of it. the cars were rock solid.
>and the fact that people still choose to buy German, and in greater numbers
>Where and in which vehicle class?
whichever ones cause them to outsell Lexus. what does it matter?
>It was never the goal of Lexus to corner the market.
Their selling the LS at a loss to steal as many customers as possible is a very aggressive market cornering strategy. Nissan did the same thing with the GTR.
>The goal was to be competitive with the established luxury brands of the US and Europe
They sell less than them, and are borderline completely irrelevant outside the US market, but mission accomplished i guess. its actually Funny that Tesla managed to do what you would've thought Lexus should've done in Europe. and Tesla wasn't even trying to undercut the germans let alone selling loss leaders.
>but the situation with the Chinese EVs are different. They aren't 30% cheaper. They are 60%+ cheaper than comparable models from non-chinese brands.
Again, this will be amazing for poorfags, but it won't deter tesla buyers, and especially fucking US truck buyers (kek) like the OP thinks it will.

It will also be competing with other EVs on the used market. why buy this when you can get a battery warrantied Volt for next to nothing.
>They are targeting the people buying Model 3s, Chevy Volts, and other economy EVs
They might steal some Volt sales, but Tesla is practically a luxury brand in itself. Tesla already outsells many other cheaper EVs that are already significantly cheaper.
anything "american" is a negative to europeans. the Lexus obviously wasn't "too american". it just felt like a knock off to them. that was the entire reason they didn't buy it.
Every documentary I've watched on the >subject states that they studied what the American buyer wanted.
Yea, they wanted european brands, so they tried to copy that.
>EVs are more appliances than cars
all non enthusiast focused cars are. but then again, people have brand loyalty to even appliances. it exist in all industries honestly. even something as simple as power tools and computer parts have brand loyalty. even Food and Drinks. the Coke vs Pepsi wars and the introduction of "New Coke" is the biggest example of this. the Chinese EV would be like "RC Cola" or "Faygo".
>Are you still going to buy the same fridge and washing machine you have right now when there is a competitor that is 90% as good for half the price?
If i somehow knew it was 90% as good, i would. but most people won't. and they won't want to risk their money. i felt this way about AMD vs Intel. always been an Intel processor user. then AMD releases Ryzen. it sounds too good to be true, and i have no way of verifying its long term quality. whereas i already knew how good Intel was.
You can definitely finance old Volts for not a lot of money. i don't think poorfags will care if the car is 3 years old vs 5 years old. they just want transportation more than anything. these cars are going to appeal to the same people crazy enough to buy the Yugo (and there were a lot of them), but i ultimately don't think its going to put a huge dent in the market like OP thinks it will, especially not enough to supposedly kill the big three/tesla, or "force them to compete".
>Sit in a Model 3 and then sit in an EV made by BYD
The Yugo didn't look bad to sit in either given its price and the time frame it was made.
>I does, its just foreign owned
this means south americans have no cultural identity with these brands. something that will be hard to shake in america, and was impossible for Lexus to penetrate in Europe.
>There are less and less of them.
Yea, because they've been discontinued for years, whilst the Jap and Korean brands are still making theirs.
>A person who drove an American sedan is more likely to switch to a jap/korean sedan than a American crossover
If only someone could tell Ford that, they wouldn't have mistakenly discontinued a very popular product. the sedan market is very much dying, however. and more and more sedan buyers of all cars are moving into affordable SUVs and Crossovers where they can find them. even Europe is.
Serpentza, laowhy86, and china show are fucking based. More people need to watch their vids.
That's one thing I don't understand in the American market. CUVs are just shitty unnecessary in-betweens better served by a saloon. Hell, for most people something like a mid-car sized hatchback is more than ideal.

There has to be more going on than just public demand, such as peer pressure from the relative danger posed by truck and SUV sized vehicles, and that's not to talk about the bullshit EPA and CAFE regulations that somehow price good sedans out in favor of such trucks and suvs amd cuvs.
Why would the government want people en masse to be in utility scale vehicles more than reasonable cars?
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keep seething you fucking chink ricedick
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If they pay me to drive the futuristic chink car that can drive itself, I would.
you can clearly see who owns a chinese car based on this thread alone, in my country (Philippines) ive seen a lot of byd cars and chinese companies under the red flag regime automotive industry that suffers from reliability issues and costumer support. there are so many horror stories that the brand itself is labeled untouchable and if someone saw you driving it in rural areas they will chip the paint of it using tin caps because of corona virus.chinese people dont seems to understand how racist we become to china after the corona virus, if those cars goes into u.s the consequences would be much more dire than here. it would never sell, the lexus anon made a very clear argument about brand loyalty. people would not forget the virus, no car can buy the support that they did to the American people.
Do you just eat everything raw then?
chinese i6t's when ice bros
it's quite literally not real posters, they are chinese ten cent army and wumaos shill posting
real human beings are the ones either going off topic or talking about how a chinese car is going to be a complete nightmare.

Much love to the phillipines you people deserve to be treated better and the ones who make it to america are good people. An ex coworker of mine, one of the best guys I've ever met.
The emergence of Lexus was so catastrophic for Cadillac that its ripple effect extended to Lexus itself, not to mention Infiniti and Acura, as it forced German carmakers to awaken and compete harder than ever before. In other words, Lexus's impact led to the downfall of Cadillac and Lincoln. However, it also backfired on Lexus by provoking the German carmakers to intensify their competition. This chain reaction ultimately contributed to the demise of Infiniti, Acura, and potentially Lexus itself.
I wouldn't mind buying Chinese if it didn't involve supporting the CCP.
They are already making some chink cars in Mexico
>on site
Seems like words aren't your forte, be glad you don't use tripcodes or you'd have to deal with being held accountable.
no they aren't, Mexican government just blocked them
Pity German manufacturing is fucked and their EVs suck
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the thing about chinese cars are the fact that the costumer support in the u.s will be non existent if they released it, Tariff also works on chinese parts, even if its cheap no one would repair it specially the specialized mechanics, upgradability is also in question. Lastly, Mexican manufacturers are well known to cut corners in every parts even the toyotas that is made in mexico is extremely prone to failure at some point, knowing that BYD and other chinese companies are using mexico as their playground is going to costs the mexican car community into implosion. Thanks american anon i hope you dont buy those chinese crap and you spray their shitty BYD coating with break fluids stored in one of these.
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For now, yeah. If BMW's new super EV plan doesn't pan out well, it will be over for them.
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To be fair Chevy truck V8s have been terrible lately if you ask mechanics that work on fleet trucks and stuff. The LT1/LT4 are (were) bulletproof and the CT5 Blackwing is probably the best car still for sale but for whatever reason their truck engines have had a lot of failures lately. Everyone is both slipping up due to the competency crisis and going full retard into planned obsolescence to the point of it starting to backfire. The only thing worse than a car from a legacy brand is a Chinese electric time bomb
>We could have had cheap ass Chinese V8 cars and trucks and then you would have a point, but instead the Chinks have doubled down on battery garbage and have been spamming so much battery slop there are entire fields with these poor cars that nobody wants
The point is that the global overlords have demanded that electric cars are going to be what you get, if you're even allowed to exist in their new world. The Democrats are so obviously CCP lackies that I fully believe these tariffs are 4D chess to make Americans hate their nation more and give them more reason to beg for China to conquer them. Both the left and a significant section of the right were psyoped into believing China is the ideal society and state already
Love me my old shitbox that was built with 0% Chinese parts
My shitbox is 90% American made, one of the highest percent of the last twenty, 20!, years. It's a decent car and I love it.

It's shills through and through. People will learn these chinese cars are almost impossible to fix correctly as they age, not even properly age like 180k+kms like a normal car but before 100k km/5 years. And the tariffs are really the least concern, its that by the time these POS vehicles need normal replacement like mounts, susp, etc the parts just wont be available or in very limited supply.
And you as a Philippines are outrageously closer to China suppliers, that it's already difficult says enough.

Let's all not forget that chinese EV cars are so dangerous the transport ships have either outright refused to take them or are charging 400% insurance rates. If that doesn't tell anons enough I dont know what will.
Chinese car will never have diversity and representation thus can't compete with US cars
GM V8s are ticking time bombs
Cylinder deactivation ruined their legendary reliability
Amazing that 5 decades after the V8-6-4 they still can't figure it out lol
this thread reeks of chink ricedicks
Look anon, you make a good argument.
But there is a problem

Compare your 2 statements
>there's a lot of people that have brand loyalty to Tesla
>it doesn't matter how advance they look on paper
Which can be booiled down to something along the lines of "A new brand has to enter the market and compete Apples to Apples, and therefore its going to take a long time to develop brand loyalty". But since you mention Tesla, it also means you are saying the logical followup:
>"If a new brand with EMERGING technology has to enter the market, it has to compete Apples to Oranges and possibly develop brand loyality in a short term frame".

Which means
>dodge neon
Is a true statement. But its a bit more complex than that. You buy a Dodge Neon, it breaks down, and then you have to deal with the OEM distribution for warranty and parts.
The same was true if you bought a Tesla S(3, X, Y), the differences is that you could not buy a competing S or 3 from a more reliable mature vendor with a good OEM network.
So the competition of the Chinese cars is going to boil down to if the OEM network for legacy automakers is mature enough to compete Apples to Apples with whatever the fuck BYD/FAW/XPeng, thereby denying them a proper entry to the market ala what happened to the Yugo.

What is currently happening is that the OEM vendors has been very slow to make a good competing offer competing with the Tesla 3 or Y, but the Chinese automakers has been quick.
Stellantis is just now this fucking year offering the C3 to compete with the Tesla 3, but it might suffer from being too "cheap" to be considered a proper competing vehicle.
If you buy a car only for efficiency, take the bus.
>build $12,000 100% emission-free cars
EVs are not emission free. Nothing is
>tariffs get put on chink cars
>suddenly spam of EV junk over multiple boards
Gee, I wonder who is behind this. You're an actual moron if you buy full EV car especially after Telsa just bailed on their super charger network
>Both the left and a significant section of the right were psyoped into believing China is the ideal society and state already

Wachu talmn bout? Going against China is the only damn thing left and right agree on. Tariffs, banning DickTalk, etc.

is this some conspiracy theory shit that "China secretly owns everyone in government"
>They might steal some Volt sales, but Tesla is practically a luxury brand in itself.
Lol no. Tesla Model 3s are like $35k. What luxury car do you know is made at that price point?
Financing a Volt is not the same as outright buying a new Chinese EV. You could also finance a new Chinese EV for less than a used Volt.
>The Yugo didn't look bad to sit in either given its price and the time frame it was made.
The Yugo was a shitpile car though. And it wasn't reliable and had no real support network.
This anon gets it.
What fundamentally killed Lexus was the increasing overcomplication of its vehicles and a shift in focus away from reliability towards performance. Lexus execs got tired of retards that kept calling their cars boring, so they went full retard and started putting predator grills on their models and trying to increase performance and handling to compete with Cadillac and the Germans. The shift was obvious during the change from the LS430 to the LS460. Still more reliable than an S-class from the era, but nowhere near as reliable as the previous generation.

Lexus can still save itself by going back to what made them so dangerous: reliability and longevity at a good price point. Genesis is a joke and German reliability is still a meme out of warranty. Lexus needs to essentially rerelease the LS430 (V8 luxury land barge with legendary reliability and quality) with minimal tech features (no goofy giant tablet) and a ridiculous warranty for original buyers. Think like 6 years/150k miles for the powertrain. Something absurd to really hammer home just how better build their cars are.

They also need to embrace plug in hybrids, which I think Toyota is already doing. ICE is not going away and pure EVs will be dominated by China and the Koreans on the low end and Tesla/Porsche on the mid to high end.

Just listen to the chinese kuality.
Making fun of white people and doing it under the radar
When the poorfags need to understand the word Chaboduo every time they shill for chink crap
>100% emission-free
Ha, another EVfag with an easy weak spot. Tell me, OP, how electricity is generated.
A country known for lying about literally everything is not a country I would ever trust with making a 3000+ object that I would be sitting inside of, Chang Zhonguo
>he wants a $12,000, 4000lb chink incendiary device in his garage
The left loves tiktok and sees it as a vital propaganda tool. Banning tiktok similarly could only be explained as another 4D chess move to make Americans more sympathetic to China. It makes zero sense otherwise
>is this some conspiracy theory shit that "China secretly owns everyone in government"
I've lost count of how many Democrat politicians and politicians of every western political party and organization have been caught engaging in treason with China (disproportionately Dianne Feinstein's friends and Californians in general, not to mention Newsom disappearing San Francisco's homeless population for Xi's visit which happened to zero questions and has since been memory holed.) If everything that's happened in the past 40 years isn't enough to make you realize that China has everyone in power in the west and global south alike paying to suck their cock for one reason or another I don't know what to tell you
why are americans so afraid of competition? i thought they liked capitalism? why not let the free market decide?
it was fine to let the chinese slave outcompete the american worker.
It is not fine for the Chinese company to outcompete the american one.


Tariffs have been part of American history since the late 1700s, not like thirdie sinaboos would know
Free market? In a country where the wealthiest corporations can legally pay legislators to enact laws in their favor?
Free market? Where a large portion of the country is gov't or military workers who have standardized wages by pay grade?
No, the US has never had free market capitalism.
its engrained into their culture
>flood America with what essentially amounts to fake products which even in the short term will blow up and kill them or at least leave them stranded with no way to feed themselves in their society when they base their life around them
>these products only exist due to a comically tyrannical and careless government using money printing and excessive taxation to subsidize the production of these goods, a temporary process which they're just crossing their fingers will lead to the desired outcome before it runs out of money
>the entire purpose of this intentionally unsustainable foreign government policy is to sabotage the ability of the receptive country to produce anything while giving this enemy a shit ton of vital information in the process, at which point they pull the rug before the money runs out and bring America to it's knees and extend their retarded third world state to it's lands
>"muh free market"
Letting Chinese cars into America couldn't be more communist if they tried down to the end state eventually being to simply destroy a better civilization and race that the perpetrator is jealous of. A nation needs simultaneous protection for their markets and for that market to not be subsidized by a government or other powerful entity. What we have now is already communism with the US government funding unsustainable practices among it's manufacturers, but this is designed to destroy the only non-shitholes in the world and get rid of everyone smarter than them so they can be at the top, even if that's still living in squalor with no whites left to steal from
>volvo polestars are catching fire across the country.
Oh, wait. They're perfectly ok.
chinks aren't humans so they shouldn't be allowed to trade with the west
Oh man, those zero-emissions vehicles are so wild!
Trump started the trade war with China (good thing) and it’s one of the few things Biden has correctly retained and even gone further on.

China needs to fucking go back to the rice age where it belongs
>there’s absolutely no way to charge a car anywhere but a private driveway

>It is not fine for the Chinese company to outcompete the american one.
China is the only one wining the race to the bottom.
>Ching Chong bing bong I have a penis that is less than 3 inches

Chinese bot niggers are pathetic
what the hell is "bioenergy" even supposed to be? tossing dead factory workers into a furnace?
Also burning "recyclables". Which is just tossing a bunch of things like polystyrene into a furnace.
I think it's a translation error for biomass energy (generally wood, pulp).
Hong-Chi, not hong-key
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Those cars are the top 1% of the Chinese auto market and the average Chinese drive compact shitbox Volkswagens.
FYI it's made in skorea.
-t.korean who has a friend who works at buick here.
I've seen quite a few. There's an envision parked across from me right now, though its drivetrain is technically korean.
>uhm acksually allowing more competition is LE COMMIE!!!!!!!!!!!
lmao the fucking mental gymnastics on this one
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keep seething chink
>where half the people living in it can't afford a house with a driveway to charge their vehicle overnight
If you can't afford a house, you're probably too retarded to even be on the road.

GM, Ford and Chrysler are tweaking right now. theyre spending probably billions to lobby against china lmao

i for one am sick and tired of the stream of shit coming out of GM and Chrysler, things they label as "cars". i rather die in a fire caused by chinese cars than ever step foot in a Chrysler product

Tony Will Not Fix it Again
i asked a simple question and you're the one that came up with a novel of incoherent pants-shitting
Kek fucking chink ESL
>what is any GM EV
guess we are all going to pretend the Bolt never happened?
>pretend the Bolt
Nice goalpost moving faggot.
The truth iis always going to be simpler: The Toyota has the Prius, while the GM do not push a competing solution hard enough to stay afloat in foreign markets. The longterm loss of capability eventually hits at home, meaning we get shit like >>27666945 >>27663128
>Global warming is a serious problem

Also government
>We can't let China dumb cheap solar panels and electric cars on the market.
A-ha, revenge on the Western Imperialists! Westerners making products designed by the Chinese capitalists?
>Trump is in politics for his own personal gain!
Trump has been constantly attacked through the media and Lawfare since before he was elected. If he was in it for personal gain, he would have embraced globohomo and been a media darling and given preferential treatment in every Democrat city he operates business in.
>he would have embraced globohomo
implying he hasn't lmao
Retard chink, just buy jap or gook stuff then
How does chyna make plastic and batteries with zero emissions?
Trump IS globohomo you absolute mouth breathing retard.
you know thats what amercians always do in every field if they cant win or compete they start using dirty tricks or propaganda. Typical of them.
He's too narcissistic and autistic to care about globohomo. Same with Musk. They're in it to build their own empires and create their own cults of personality
Really not sure why US domestics of all should be most worried.

US has a strong domestic market with protectionist tendencies, unique car taste to rest of the world, two out of three locals can survive without China (rip GM) and Americans are less swayed by economy cars than other nations.

Now, if I was, say, a French car maker or a Japanese one dependent on foreign sales, I'd be worried.
Its more that they are unwilling to do ANYTHING to adapt.
Its a grim situation in the only US automobile companies left in 20 years is fucking Tesla and Ford.
>The same outsize RC car with shitty touchscreen gimmicks times 1000 will destroy the US auto industry.
If that is true, the US auto industry deserves to be destroyed
a) the US is not afraid of competition if you seen how Mexican BIMBO dominated the bread market in america
b) yes they still love capitalism despite of the loud minority on twatter screaming commire good america bad
c) we are letting the free market decide in this discution currently and no fuck you, chinese cars are meant to fill the market of cheap heaps of junk until every car sold in the world is chinese, you may fool poorfags, and commie contrarians but those cars wont last that long before a mechanic visit, price for the car plus parts are getting tariffed so the cheap dream is not going to be, imagine the videos of chinese vehicles breaking apart in a freeway or burning to blaze after a slow crash. Ironically there wont be a heavy censorship of those videos unlike in china tho
Tariffs actually do werk.
The tariffs aren't stopping technological advancement, they're meant to boost it for the US by fostering the domestic industry first.
The Chinese constantly steal technology, rip off patents without licensing, commit industrial espionage. Their university system has been the single-largest source of The Replication Crisis, with more bullshit studies published than any other country. They aren't innovators, they're mimics, who only know how to copy ideas, but lack the ability to intrinsically understand them.
The US has finally had enough, we're not going to rely on these braindead morons for making electronics anymore, especially since they're too malicious in every transaction they make. Soon the US will use it's resources to run laps on these retards and it'll be hilarious reading archives of this thread's WuMao faggots thinking they ever stood a chance.
>build $12,000 100% emission-free cars
more like "build $36000 cars and then have ccp pay for 2/3 of their cost to drive competition to extinction"
appropriating ccp money is always morally just
exactly,everyone with knowledge of economics knows the american car industry is done for
All American car manufacturers are going for electrification in some form. Teslas can be had new for 28-35k depending on state, GM and Ford are putting their eggs mostly on EV truck platforms + CUVs and Stellantis at least in Europe has a battery version of every single car they sell and will probably try to do PHEVs in scale in US too.
>battery version of every single car
Which don't help if its 200kg heavier, has worse characteristics, is more expensive to repair. And all the important components are outhouse.
Tesla at the least put itself in a position where if Panasonic/BYD tries to blueball them over battery orders, they can at the least make 4860 cells.
PHEVs try to sell by offering insane mog and 300 hp commuter cars for people with daily charging. Its a niche and more expensive, but in high gas price areas it can be worth considering. US though.. not really.
Who cares if they are "slow" they are cheap.

No one buys a prius expecting ferrari performance. Besides, its still faster than the bus you have to take.
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>everyone with knowledge of economics knows the american car industry is done for
America as a whole is done for. There's no fucking recovery from this, Bin Laden actually won. It's sad, and we'll just let China steamroll us or else there's gonna be a big war.
It's just a question of whether EVs actually make sense for America or not. In China, EVs absolutely make sense, and that's why they're currently in the process of leapfrogging America. In the USA, for the past 10-15 years the only people buying EVs are eco-conscious liberals who feel very badly about polluting. No one else cares. And right now that market has topped out, there aren't that many Americans who want an EV that don't already have one. In addition, there are a lot of negatives to EV ownership in the USA, especially if you occasionally need to take a long road trip, which is something that has been normal and commonplace in America for at least a century now.

China is a lot different. Even though they have 5x as many people as the USA, the vast majority of them are crowded along the coast line. Imagine if the the entirety of the American population was concentrated in the original 13 colonies and that's basically what you have in China but times 2 or 3. The interior of China is more sparsely populated than America west of the Mississippi. Because of this extreme density, the average Chinese person doesn't really travel that far. They use their car to drive around town, and maybe into an outskirt suburb for a weird errand. Anything farther than that they'll just fly or take a train, especially since they have high speed trains now. And on top of all of this, China actually had a very serious problem with pollution that the USA hasn't had for decades. Reducing the number of ICE cars on the road in China actually does make a substantial difference in air quality whereas in the US it really won't change things much

And this is really the main issue. On top of all this, Chinese EVs can swap batteries and they have swap stations all over. In the US you have to charge at home really. Point being, Chinese EVs are made for regular Chinese people. American EVs are made for upper middle class eco-conscious liberals. Totally different markets

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