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One million men have died in Ukraine, but fewer than 1000 women.

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What role can they have in society if a reproductive one is out of the question?

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Which is the best political compass out there?
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I mean a site that got the best compass
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Stop trolling
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Get cube‘d

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Any Ukrobros went to that concert? What did they sound like?

Also, what's the bands name?
Romanian journalist phone posting from Kyiv.
There was no such event, it was prerecorded.

Why does she larp as a Hindu
she is hindu
preparing for the future
idk but i want her to fart in my mouth
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Cannot unsee

I think she might feel connected to the Hindu people, and for some reason she thinks it's politically advantageous. I always thought she was Chinese.

White #1 golfer in the world drives pas rentacops to go do his job at a PGA tour event.

Cops arrest him, throw the book at him. No bail, felonies, your lifes over Mr worlds best golfer we had a checkpoint before the course.

TLDR if he was a nigger, and he killed the cop, and he wasnt a golfer at all - hed be out without charges. Sorry didnt know it was a cop get to shoot you dead.

For example
>Didnt know it was a cop I know I ran him down and murdered him
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Thanks friend Ive never heard that one. Valuable contribution.
None of the charges police give matter it's why we have lawyers. A rich golf fag will just sue for false arrest
Yes he is clearly White.

>Scheffler was born in Ridgewood, New Jersey on June 21, 1996. His father, Scott, grew up in Englewood Cliffs, and attended St. Cecilia High School in Englewood. His mother, Diane, grew up in Park Ridge.[6] Scheffler was the only boy among four children. His sisters are named Callie, Molly and Sara.[7] The family lived in Montvale, New Jersey, until Scheffler was aged six, when they moved to Dallas, Texas, in the wake of the September 11 attacks.[8] Scheffler's father was a stay-at-home dad, while his mother worked as a chief operating officer at the law firm Thompson & Knight.

No mention of jewish admixture. Come on if he was jewish he would have went onto golf and never had cuffs.
He went to drive up to the course but they had a half ass block, a cop in yellow - not cop colors said HURRR STOP but he kept going, so this rentacop not in his correct uniform and easily mistaken for some retard nobody hung onto the car purposely escalating the crime to felonies because cops do that. Seeing this, the golfer stopped. He was then dragged from his car saying he didnt know it was a cop.

Too bad bucko, should have been black and actually ran him over thats legal.
>New Jersey
He's not white

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Checking in on our beloved teen vogue “writer” Lauren Duca… divorced, no children, druggie. Shoulda taken Martin up on his offer

>I’ve mostly been offline since I last wrote to you about finding God and renouncing social media. Since I quit Twitter, I have sat with ayahuasca over 100 times, which, for context, is completely insane (and so was I). I’ve been spending my free time praying and meditating in the desert of Tucson, Arizona, contemplating spiritual texts, and spelunking in my own psyche. When people ask me what I learned, I tell them I sat with ayahuasca over 100 times, and all I got was this present moment. Also, I had a lot of vomiting to do after getting internet famous in hell.

>I’m still a neurotic, pothead woman-child, and I’m also at peace in my body a lot more often now. As was the purported mission of this newsletter, I have been un-fucking my brain. When I first wrote that intention, I never expected to reprogram my own demonic supercomputer through spiritual practice. It turns out I also had a rat’s nest of broken chargers where my heart should be.

Redpill me on Texas politics. Moving to Houston

Will illegals flip it blue?
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Hundreds of thousands of legal Indians and illegals Mexicans/Guatemalans/Hondurans, etc pour into this state every year with no end in sight. But please go on about the libshit California's. At least they are well off white people.
Still like a year out, haven't decided yet

Hoping the abortion law scares them out
We’re full
Sooner than later yes. We have a plague of blue voting cucks moving in for the cost of living their voting habits destroyed at home, subsequently border laws cannot be enforced under threat of jewdicial litigation. All efforts are struck down. Ironically the governor is a jew worshipper, if you've been living under a rock. Drivers are awful, traffic is getting worse by the day with the out of state niggers moving into condos and townhouses destroying the local greenery and leaving a barren flat shithole landscape. gun laws exist but plenty of unconstitutional regulations definitely not the state for true gun ownership but it's up there. Still I wouldn't live anywhere else. Big fucking state and plenty of hidden shitskin free paradises if you can get along with the local first of course
It fucking sucks here. Waiting to win the lottery to move back north. Want to buy a new house? Better be ready to pay out the ass competing with Abbotts invitees. He loves the rest of the world shitting up this state.

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Comedian Bill Burr is /our/ guy. He was on the Bill Maher podcast and when he asked Burr what he thought of the war, he said he sides with the kids aka the college protestors and the Palestinian children. He even called Bill Maher hard nosed when he couldn't answer how to solve the Ukraine Russia war. Is Bill Burr /our/ guy?
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We've always hated.subhuman kikes. Fuck you JIDF agent #332666
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I h8 Zionist subhuman kikes Soo much it's unreal. Begone moloch worshipper.
Illiterate jeet.
it's called publicity my fren bill Burr doesn't actually care he just wants to tour colleges
didn't he own a pitbull?

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>*Destroys Religion*
Why are atheists intellectually superior?
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>Why are atheists intellectually superior?
Christians simply don't have the anal capacity to store bananas in their rectum like a marxo-gaythiest
Jesus destroyed religion a long time ago and he wasn't even a faggot smoker.
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You have set the bar for my applause. It is truely an honour to be here tonight ladies and gentlemen. What a true delightful spoil it is to be here in the modern date enjoying the succulent fruits of knowledge, free thought and philosophy. Truely remarkable!
not an argument
is dead
checkmate atheists!
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Also not an argument

is there anywhere left in the world where i can easily be martyred for spreading the Gospel? i hate this world and want to go home.
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ayo i got the blessed quads, wonder if it’s a sign that God is in favor of this idea
But Lord, I’m a Catholic. What does this mean?
i’m not sure if that would count, can i really claim i was trying to teach them anything if i don’t speak the language?
what kind of missionary lets a language barrier get in his way?
It's like you've never read an account of a single missionary.

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what are the political implications of the entire Arab world looking up to Hitler as a heroic figure
>entire world
they will reap the benefits

Why is satanic metal so popular in Norwey and Sweden?
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i know right? greece, a country who' economy consists of selling sunny islands to rich people, is weirdly enough a major hub for goth and metal music. i don't know why. maybe some greek could explain.
Sneed's Feed & Seed (formerly Chuck's)
Innate Whiteness
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You don't understand the nordic soul.
Dead Congregation, Acrimonious, Embrace of Thorns, Necromantia, Nocternity, Naer Mataron(with that golden dawn bozo), Katavasia, Spectral Lore, Inveracity, Thou Art Lord

What was the first thing you morons hoarded during covid? Toilet paper. You retards do know that you can completely clean your ass with pic rel more efficiently right?
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its easier to just shit in the shower snd use your foot to mash it down the drain.
no tp
Yeah sure, then what do you dry your ass with - a towel that's been used and reused several times by multiple people. Yeah, that's so much cleaner than toilet paper.
honestly how the fuck do you even use one of these without spraying shit everywhere?
your balls are bound to get some shit water on them
How the fuck is a hammer going to clean my ass more efficiently than toilet paper? I swear most of you so retarded it's laughable.

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police found a bicycleman right next to a road
he is just laying there immobile

police suspects a car came out somehow, hit him and then escaped


biker was not able himself to tell what happened but from the looks of it police suspects a car has been hitting him

if somebody saw somethin weird in Kitee city police wants to have an eyewitness testimony
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are you a bot?
>why do you post news on the /news/ board successor board
tfw there are newfags too young to remember when they renamed /news/ to /pol/ to make it clear other topics than news are allowed too
I am REALLY old user, I have been on 4chan almost since the birth of chan boards
Think I first came to 4chan as a /b/ summerfag in 2007, so not enough to count as an oldfag but probably first tier among newfags these days
Masonic bs to try and scare people. I do bike faggots a favor and speed straight into them. Dying under my truck is the closest thing they’ll get to an honorable death.

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Is it true that this country before the Mexican civil war of the 1910-1920 was well balanced between natives and white citizens , and after the war you have the mystery mutts who had a huge rising in demographics and ruined Mexico forever with overpopulation and savagery?
And also history rewriting pretending that they were always mutt land?

Where does the mystery mutts came from on the first place? From what I have read, the Spanish did not raped or mixed with them at the beginning since Indians were living in separated village communities and received education and baptism. Where the fuck the mutts came from?
Yes, they had a caste system with Mestizo and castizo, you can still meet pure white European looking motherfuckers here that call themselves mexican and speak perfect spanish
That entire region still has defacto white supremacy and a defacto casta system still in place.
I believe that the majority of sperm donations come from Aryan phenotype males if I'm remembering correctly. Brazil especially seeks out white DNA
>I believe that the majority of sperm donations come from Aryan phenotype males if I'm remembering correctly. Brazil especially seeks out white DNA
Most of the Europeans came in the late 1800's Early 1900's & during the Spanish Civil War. Before then it was majority indigenous with a very small European/Castizo minority (around 5%) Now that population is close to 20%

They do not fetishize race like Americans/Europeans, they just marry/fuck whoever is willing, like the rest of LATAM.
Spaniards made tons of natives "honorary spaniards" and gave them land titles and allowed to breed in to the local white population, creating the modern meximutt
Yes there used to be a lot less integrated indios, and they pretty much had their own governments like modern cartel states

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saars are being lynched in Kyrgyzstan rn
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spies getting btfo
absolutely based steppe bulls dont fuck around
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Mostly Asian with some relict Indo-European admixture
>all people loom the same to steppe chads

Chads above all
some look like Uzbeks while others look like swarthy mongols. others share much with the kazakh hordes.

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Whats with the anti dutch toothpaste swampgermans threads today, fuck you kikes

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Pretty sure it's been going for 3 years now. I don't fucking get it. Isn't Big Pharma's one and only goal to sell you as many pills as possible? How have they not been able to get their shit together and raise production? Have they tried making a to-do list and going to the gym?
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Fags can't produce enough of them for some reason. They are a safe alternative to meth and coke so i get why the demand is so high.
>that's literally firing every millennial in the workforce.
Sounds kino. Makes it much easier for me to get a job when all these people are fired. Adderall junkies deserve to suffer. They're cheats and frauds and they live a lie. Maybe they an hero and speed run their way to hell. The Adderall makes them soulless and degenerate. It's a blight that has so many in the grasp of the pharma jew aka the devil
I'm a millennial and I've never taken Adderall because I'm not a pathetic piece of shit and actually qualified to do the job
Getting the junkies out of the way makes life easier for me
They let the pharma jew control their lives. They know their success is fake and is based off the jew pills
Subhuman junkies
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ADHD isn't real you stupid fucking niggers holy fuck, imagine taking amphetamines.

Every single symptom you experience is because you spend too much time on the internet, frying your attention span, and when you take drugs it will make it even worse in the end, completely frying your dopamine receptors, downregulating them and having depression and anhedonia in a few years. You are signing yourself up for the pharma kikes cock carousell, and here I was thinking /pol/ was redpilled
Yeah its crazy to so many on the pills and defend it. Really pathetic. Makes them into good cattle
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I am curious for more info on this.
I havent had issues however I have to get refils prepped almost a week ahead of when the actual fill date is. Where pre 2020 I would just call and get a refill all done when I called my doc, now I have to call doc, call pharmacy, verify the doc called pharmacy, call pharmacy a second time to make sure they got the call from the doc and they are filling it, then Call Pharm a 3rd time to make sure they remembered to fill and get my confirmed fill date.
My doc has said he's shocked I haven't been affected by the supply line disruption and believes its cause I have a pharmacy i've been with over a decade.
Ritalin is dogshit
Adderall is fine, but way too easy to build addiction with, but the cheapest option.
Vyvanse seems to be the best mix of actually treating ADHD, not being habit forming, and little side effects, but it's name brand only and expensive.
LMAO bro wtf!
You need to stay on top of your pharmacy about it and begin fill a week in advance.
>Peak Oil
LOL. Bro you retarded. Peak oil predictions have been out of whack for a while. Oil isn't some finite resource that never comes back cause all the dinosaurs only lived in Saudi Arabia, it's a Geological biproduct.

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when did you realize that kikes have been projecting this whole time?
The first time someone called me brown for being anti jew. It is so obvious what they are trying to do only a fool could fall for it
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this also
jews are mutts
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Based picrel fren. We need anons to create more of these, for various kike topics
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Hitler and aryans are brown mkey?

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