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Because of your gracious military spending into Nato, Countries all across Europe can have cheap affordable Healthcare and free education. It makes me all warm and fuzzy inside knowing that Americans love us so much that they would happily spend 860 billion dollars into Nato, Practically subsidizing our military just so that we can have priveleges that they could only dream about.
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Thank you. Please share that welfare state dream with the refugees.
It's sad that we have to step up.

the moment all these asshole parasites have to pay for their defenses with their own money,
they'll suddenly discover the magic of friendship and all their conflicts with Russia will be forgotten
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Thank you America
Keep dreaming. We will never pay, That's your job.

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Westerners still think they are at the top. Your smugness will drop when you get slapped hard by the reality.
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>this will probably change in the future
oh am i laffing
Danes are ugly people.
So a Model 3 ?
One thing to note about EV's is that they are very cheap in the US because their components arent subject to taxes whereas anything else you would manufacture overseas with american material would be subject to taxes on every step of the manufacturing process. this is why companies like apple prefer to create smartphones entirely within china, they arent subject to taxes or regulatory burden since they are only selling the finished products and components in america. if at any point in manufacturing, the components enter america, they are subject to american tax laws.
Evs have gotten so many tax incentives and rule bends over the years that they are actually cheaper to create than hybrids or regular cars but theres just not enough incentive for a CONSUMER to buy these vehicles. China is building them for under 10,000 dollars and selling them at around 15,000+ (average sedan is 31,000+, new car average is 43,000+). A new tesla at its most affordable is about 40k -7k for tax incentives and its cheaper to charge a tesla than to buy gas. Still this is above the cost of a normal sedan and its more than double the price of a cheap chinese EV. The car that biden tarrif'd is a very short range car with a 4 year battery that costs 10k in china but its not selling well there. The american manufacturers fear that these cheap cars could flood american markets because they have a massive supply just waiting to be sold and american cars are extremely expensive so they could reasonably mark it up and still be half as costly as an american EV.
>tl:dr china has a large stock of cheap Evs that arent selling in china and they want to dump them into foreign markets where they can make a bigger profit. american electric car companies malding
The fact that you are begging for pay per use piles of shit that disintegrate when love tapped is just as much a proof that the west is dead as the fact that I haven't had the chance to not sage post in the last few years, when my jewishness is more Aryan than your best soul. What a demonic joke, though it is funny. Go extinct already please.

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abandon your anonymity demon
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Who are you, le heckin Pope?
Thats very antisemitic
>abandon your privacy, too
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It is caturday yes.
Chabad armed naosits told to rape drug torture and mass murder Nepal and and etc pizzraelisss and chinese maoistis ugh thats Israel zionists doing did that nice blowback illiterate shit eating stooge go bathe in shot with fdp bitch another zionist Jewish talmudic pile of shit rolling adkh style hysterical varbage hitler kicked out for jewishness

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ITT: post video games that are redpilled on the Jews
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Super Mario 64

>Goes around collecting coins
>Has a big nose
>Idolizes the symbol of the star
>Mushroom kingdom instead of Anteater kingdom
>Drowns if underwater for too long
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Is this game truly kino? Are the subs good? I've been hearing mixed stuff about it. I heard Xenoblade 3 was kiked because Xenoblade 2 was based.
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> co-directed by a West Bank Palestinian and a Jewish Israeli. The film demonstrates the brave resilience of the people of Bi’lin and the challenges for Palestinians living in the West Bank in the face of the Israeli occupation.

If all Jews were evil, why would one direct this documentary?

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Well? In your experience?
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The only black woman I've fucked was a 5 foot tall sheriff, awful at her job, she managed to destroy 3 vehicles within a year of working at the Sheriff's office, and she was racist as fuck, she would tell me AS I WAS FUCKING HER how much she hated white people, but she loved being choked and sucking white cock. It was amusing first name was Cathrine
Based leaf?
Reminder: hot poojeetas belong to white men. Simple as.
Negro, please.
That's a bottom shelf bug
Women are drawn to superior men
Racism is the Truth

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What's the issue? I thought AFricans were cool with fags ever since Milo and Ali Akbar.
They are my gay friends doesn't make me gay even though we sleep together, naked it's not gay to grab another mans cock for warmth, jesus get with the times you stupid jew.
This makes you gay but being in the toping position makes you not gay.
Israelis have subverted every aspect of our society.
He is both gay and a fed. And a groomer.

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american diversity engineering strikes again
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>wat is a crossbeam
You really should figure this out some time.
crossbeams, my good man
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You are a literal moron.
Houses in my country could withstand a hurricane at high velocity without doing this without any walls.
Just learn how to build properly.
Why doesn't this home have a steel beam and foundation?
Oh no, I am completely demoralized by this insightful post from a european engineer.

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You forgot brain dead boomers that fund them thinking they’re such good people.
me and the boys enjoying some TKD
You are a foul, hook nosed disgusting subhuman. You will never be white.
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Boomers are toast, most of them are hanging by a thread after doing nothing the last 40 years but eating junk food, not exercising, smoking cigs and drinking alcohol. The age of Jewish tyranny is coming to end soon, free USA is coming, one that will view Pissrael as a terrorist nation.
show hand

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The jews have once again corrupted and ruined what good forces invented and made. This 4-mile long gondola lift in the Vitosha mountian was built in less than a year by a mere thirty (30) men, who worked around the clock during the winter, in freezing weather, with no safety gear and minimal equipment. Now, the lift is PERMANENTLY CLOSED because zoomers are too soft and gay to repair and maintain it and because eurokikes made rules that it's verboten to work on it without parts and supervision from the original manufacturer. I hate the modern world so fucking much I want to strangle them all
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Thank you. Here's a short documentary about its construction.
The men who built it must be spinning in their graves, and if any of them are still alive I cannot imagine their sadness and disappointment at this news
1. Enter Jew lawyers. 2. insurance companies respond and lobby for restrictions to work bless said criteria’s are made so they don’t payout. 3 “institutions” are created (by Jews) to “accredit” certain companies capable of the work”. 4 Companies say fuck you, it’s now too expensive to do the work.
/trv/ is -----> >>>/trv/ nigger
the legal profession was a mistake
vigilante justice and family blood feuds were unironically better than the kiked clownworld system we have now

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What traits, skills, and characteristics do billionaires have that the average person doesn't?
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Rich parents is about the only thing connecting billionaire and nepotism.
remember that rich guy who started a youtube channel to prove to people that he could become rich with only a couple of hundred bucks and people who don't do it are just lazy bums? wonder what happened to that guy and if he made it..
They're FDIC insured now.
i've read this one before, why do you people think the elites have chosen fucking kazakhstan as their new headquarters?? like, fucking kazakhstan, of all places, why??
Is that the guy who literally gave away all his millions just to prove the point that he could do it again, and finally this year admitted that "yeah I got lucky the first time"?

There's a LOT of luck involved in becoming rich, and even more so in becoming a billionaire. If Bill Gates had been born ten years earlier, he would have been a middle manager in some big tech company (and gotten laid off and ended up struggling).

Elon Musk is arguably the only entrepreneur I've heard of who could pull it off again and again. I *might* throw in the Winklevii except they got scammed the first time and got seriously lucky the second time.

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>mogs ur fukkin brain
God he was so much better before Yoko
I took poli sci in college, nrx is just pure retardation

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Drop your predictions for 2024
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I will kms
Republika Srpska will secede
The bad guys will keep winning.
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it'll be the first year of the coming ''zoomer beats father half to death over firm handshake comment'' pandemic
An alien space ship will destroy India from orbit and then leave without giving any explanation.

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I believe in God and the Catholic Church, but I don't believe in Jesus resurrecting

Prove. Me. Wrong.
Time: start!
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All catholic anti abortion nigger lovers require ovening on maximum

0 exceptions
Make belief is belief. All christians claim they have beliefs. Gotcha, lil nigga.
If hes realy "god" why does he need two atempts to fix thing ?
also this

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This post glows.

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I view religious people as misguided, but I view astrology as braindead attention seekers.

When in reality, there’s not really a tangible difference between these groups. Is this media brainwashing? Maybe. I do get irrationally angry at astrology though. At least Christians know their shit is just belief, astrologers insist that their shit is real
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do you know that the constellations or the positions of the stars, planets etc (moon) have an effect on the water levels?

i suppose you do.

do you know that the human body is 70% water?

i suppose you do.

then is it far fetched to conclude that there may be an effect, regardless of how strong?

it is not.
what happened here is that new agers took that and went too far with it, which makes the whole enterprise look stupid.
you are basically throwing out the baby with the bathwater.
its highly sensitive to initial conditions
change the value of `r` by 0.001 and get an entirely different result with no apparent pattern
infinitely accurate measurements are impossible for us, so only the universe / God knows what will happen to those 3 planets
i.e. observation of `r`=2 through `r`=4 will not reveal `r`=4.001
you have to use the formula and calculate by brute force, hope it is not aperiodic (like pi), and you will still know nothing about `r`=4.002
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Man, OP really telling on himself in this thread. You're not much of a reader, are you?

There's plenty of Christians who provide real evidence for our faith. Since you're incapable of figuring this out yourself, I'll make it really easy for you. Read the following:

1. Evidence that Demands a Verdict - McDowell
2. Signature of God - Jeffrey
3. Halleys Bible Handbook
4. William Lane Craig's work

Finally, I will literally spoonfeed it to you. Basically, I wrote a 430 page book with 785 sources that irrefutably and conclusively proves that 9/11 was an inside job, the Bible is supernaturally authored, and the jews of today are not the Biblical Israelites, white people are.

Given that Biblical prophecy places us currently in the end times, this is all conducted by the Synagogue of Satan, prophesied by Jesus to exist in the end times in Revelation. This cabal acts as an international criminal syndicate, loosely based around freemasonry and luciferianism. They facilitated 9/11 as a complex money operation, in order to conceal a massive amount of real-wealth that was looted from the world through planned and intentionally created World Wars, and used in the form of fraudulent security bonds to collapse the USSR. I prove that Lusitania and Pearl Harbor were conspiracies and false flags similar to 9/11.

The Bible was supernaturally authored, and I prove it through several ways, such as historically fulfilled prophecy, Equidistant Letter Spacing codes placed within the text, and knowledge present that is thousands of years ahead of its time, only possible through divine intervention.

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.

Hidden by your own mind. Train and discipline your mind and one will see the laws are, in most cases, "self-evident..." The Declaration of Independence para. 2 (U.S. 1776).

Unfortunately there seems to be quite a bit of truth to astrology, especially in terms of overall personality and compatibility. However a lot of pop astrology is watered down normie tier garbage.

Drumpf is a Gemini and it shows in his superhuman work ethic.

Biden is a Scorpio and it shows in how ruthless he can be to those that wrong him.

Obama is a Leo and it shows by how much he craves the spotlight.

Putin is a Libra who's primary motive for the war is a sense of historic fairness for Western Ukraine

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What's the point of the Ukrainian language? Is it not just a forced meme that got taken too far? I don't understand the point of it.
Why don't they just stick to speaking Russian? They all know it, anyways.
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>likely heavily involved
>more than 500 asylum seekers
cry me a river, kike
>Not a NIGGER in sight
That cannot be France
It's an academic nerd club for French linguists.
Bizarre, since there won't be any more updates to the pidgin in a few more years.
you didn't call Russians orcs, ziggers or Putler bootlickers, so that makes you one in their minds

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but after spending two weeks in Japan, it's absurdly apparent how much of a shithole third-world favela swamp America has become. I don't even know what to say anymore other than situation in West much worse than I realized. Not blackpilling.
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Deporting them all would have been the easiest solution. I concede that point.
I'm certain international jews see Japan as an inconvenient counterexample to their brownoid diversity project.
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>fuck off shill, our cities are still the best in the world, hands down
not even trying anymore eh?
>Try anywhere in Poland.
warsaw is full of niggers and jeets
it's absolutely over
stop lying to yourself
>I don't believe whites should flee to places like Japan that are actually still decent though
Exactly, we should fix our own shit just the same as we say pajeets, nuggets and arabs should fix theirs.
Also while the Japanese definitely share many qualities with white culture, they are still a very distinct and unique culture of their own and bringing in hordes of whites to Japan would destroy their culture (to a lesser extent) just as importing browns and jews to Europe and North America has done to ours
In fact, I could argue that I am pro-diversity.
And what I mean by that is that every distinct ethnicity, culture and religion should have their own areas in the world.
Race and culture mixing everything actually destroys the diversity of the world by making every country the same brown rootless mass
It is the exactly same thing with animals, the biodiversity of the world is maintained by having restrictions so invasive species aren't introduced to places in the world whey they don't belong

Democracy is so amazing. Thank you Congress for representing my interests
I'm so tired.
Democracy as an idea is flawed precisely because it can be bought and brainwashed. Do you people really think Aristotle thought it'd turn out this way?
Aristotle? Nigger I'm diogenes

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Your thoughts on Harry Sisson
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He looks like half a fag, much like that Connor Mertens fellow.
Narcissist. Not a single sentence without 'I'. And a very smug, punchable face
>My name is Harry Sisson and I’m a Gen Z activist. I currently study politics and law at NYU with the goal of attending law school. Since April of 2020, I have posted political videos every day on TikTok in an attempt to reach out to young people and encourage them to vote. Now, I’ve expanded to multiple platforms and continue to produce content on daily news, legislation, and political events. I hope to play a big part in encouraging young people to use their voices and their vote to enact change.
He's a methed up faggot.
Typical low-t ladyboy zoomer

He is a.i. , the next generation of politicians won't even exist

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