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How does he get yield from his btc?
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Yield as in price goes up. Or maybe he takes loans out against his BTC
Feels so good to dump on Saylormoon.
Is this guy retarded? Why is everyone acting like he is the bitcoin messiah?
This is the beginning of the end.

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Please.... just stop selling...
How about please stop buying? Every time you buy, you give your dying scam another gasp of air, dragging out your misery and delaying the inevitable. Just stop.

I’m anyone else still 100% in cash
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>Wide spread 401k
>Just started investing HSA into p much all UST and foreign stock
>Not selling crypto, only buying on off-paycheck weeks
>Feeble attempts to big brain ira and investment accs is gaining but slowly
>PMG hedged me well
>Low cash
>Debt equal to crypto balance

How off the mark am I bros, am I cooked alone or do we have more in common
NAI is listed on Uniswap, Mexc, GateIO
NMT is listed on PCS, Uniswap, Bitget
DEAI is on Uniswap, Gateio, mexc, Bitmart
With Tribally’s TGE coming up, I’m stoked to gather those rewards while keeping my risk in check
Investing in bonds is a solid choice for diversifying any portfolio.
I converted mine to USDT and shifted my focus to content writing, and making a few bucks with Hydro, crazy how the game changes.
>30k in etf
>5k in intel stocks
>51k in cash
dunno what to do atm. I at least get 3.5% on my 51k but thats fucking nothing in the long run. gonna wait a few months and in the meanwhile dump 3-4k every month into the etf. if something arises I will still be able to react.

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Is this real?
Only 170k crypto millionaires in the whole world?
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Security wise no but for example for airdrops or to hide
what race are you?
This is why I'm buying EOS and LINK now. I'm getting on that list soon.
If you want to join that club, buy SUPRA at TGE.
Pure Aryan brother, sir!

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When making an offer to purchase a house how much should I lowball the seller?
Depends on how long the house has been listed, if it's been months you can knock 15% off the listing price. If it's not selling quickly it's either a shithole or overpriced, the residential RE market is surprisingly efficient at pricing itself.
Always knock off 20% of the price. Eventually you'll get someone desperate for the money.
I'd start at 50% of their asking.
You can assume it's an overpriced pile of shit plywood, which it is if you're in N. America and it's not a heritage home.
Not too much or your agent will refuse the offer, I had it happen a few years back when some jerk couple was asking an insane amount for a house so wanted to offer an insanely low amount as an insult and my agent almost quit.

My fellow 4chaners, when do you guys take profits? Can you control your greed? We always lose when there's no plan in place. Think of that.
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start depositing cash using that bank to your cex, then send out the amounts with eth. build up some history so you dont just show up with 1mil in 6 months
Lmao, you don’t have to care, keep sweating over your trades while the anons with actual IQ are out here using Superbots and making profits effortlessly.
Enjoy your stress, thou.
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SUPRA is definitely going to give me that.
Anyone still making profits out there or just vibing? I had to switch to content writing and started monetizing with Hydro. Just waiting for the bull run when literally everything we touch turns to gold again.
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Daily reminder that Bitcoin is an IQ test.
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Except they're setting up a flash dump before the exit pump.
Recession in 25
And thus another bagholder is born
we are shooting right UP
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Daily reminder that you are unironically failing said test.

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what are the points of getting one? stuff like Lending club exists to "help" you with debt, by giving you more debt. or is it a way to debtmaxxx, like getting 10k and throwing on something like bittensor or something.
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You put it all in yield accounts and see the money grow.
Meanwhile you pay the loan off normally and when finished get a bigger loan.
All of it in the yield account again.
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you got a loan for less than 5%? I have great credit but don't see any options lower than 7%
Tell me you're a stupid goyim without telling me you're a stupid goyim
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my plan is to dump it all on something like $TAO which will hit 10k or 20k next year or the year after. like if you accumulate more than 20 $TAO youre all set, why not just go crazy with it.
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Every pullback is an opportunity
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Loser mentality.

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Why does everyone assume the S&P500 will go up forever and that it's the safest investment?

70 years seems like a short timeline to predict its behavior so confidently.
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A few udemy-course salesmen pointed out that index funds always seem to recover after 20 years (ignoring inflation), and because Marxists on social media do not understand economics either they misinterpreted it as "capitalism requires infinite growth" and when pressed to elaborate with more specific details, they cannot.
I guess you could look at dow industrials instead which has a 140 year history.
What magical foresight can you possibly have to know what awaits this century? Historical data is the best information we have to predict the future, but regardless, assuming you can see decades ahead is a stretch and a half.
If the system that perpetuates the growth of the US equity markets over decades were to die, it's likely the US dollar itself is also dying out in the process.
>dont actually produce anything
>not productive
These are public companies. You can read their published financials every quarter. You can see exactly how much money they earn.
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>money supply increases, real world assets stay largely constant, aside from:
>economic growth manifests in equity growth

there you have it, stop reading marx

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Bro, do you have any suggestions?
it's a almost legal ponzi so everyone wants to do it
I recently saw a project that looks promising. You can take a look at this link https://vsgofficial.com/
Yes, I've heard of vsg too. I'm following.
Smart move. People watch "professional" athletes diving and fake crying. These fans are not intelligent. Easy marks for a grift.

I can't believe the fate of my portfolio lies in the hands of this man, he doesn't inspire confidence in my ETH bag.

I am just being paranoid or are you confident vitalik can lead ETH back to its glory days?
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I refuse to believe Putin sang more than a decade ago and Mr Skelly is also singing lately. At least Putin wasnt a 3/10 like Skelly is.
Truly some mindblowing shit i did not expect to see in /biz , ever.
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i wonder if he and trump had a thing even back then and he was dedicating the song to him
>you know what they say about early birds....
early birds get the worms, bthat's why i'm not sleeping on Tribally’s TGE. Could be the play that'll set me up.
Airdrop buzz comes and goes, but accumulating sail points is more of a long-term play, it’s like jumping on the next meme coin for steady gains, while also playing Tribally games too, easy way to pick up rewards.
True, being early in crypto projects is based, look at the ones who got in early on ETH or BTC, they're swimming in gains now.
Hydro launching on Sui might be a strong move too for those into content creation, and considering Sui's efficiency.

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admit chainlink is a bad investment, and the nightmare will end. you will wake up back in 2017, and you can choose to buy a better investment.
Who cares what they admit. Claimed comb token.
Link was only good if you bought back in the day.

The current state of chainlink sucks

Will I make it?
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Anything can happen so you can just hold this DePIN gem. Why not add other DePINs like natix and helium?
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No EOS on the list, YNGMI.
>Nobody held DOGE for 12 years anon.
Lol, memecoins are delivering more profit in a few months than utility coins do in a lifetime.
held doge for 5 years and my pepe bags are getting fat too, and farming Boinkers' shitcoin for some rewards.
>Meanwhile, ada is on 3 years straight of going nowhere. It’s like they designed it to dip.
Its possible, thou i will prefer something like Helium, Nai or Ordi that are yet to have there major runs.
If you add SUPRA, you will have a chance.

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It’s official: Satoshi is cashing out

thats not satoshis wallet
Hundreds of people were mining Bitcoin back then. Satoshi announced Bitcoin in August 2008, and only released the software on January 2009, so it wasn't a secret that only a handful of people knew about it.

This just proves that we can't assume that a BTC is lost forever just because it hasn't moved in 10+ years. It's best to assume that no BTC has ever been lost.

So is crypto bullish or bearish right now
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2, 3, 4, pass on 1
is there a name for the makeup style with the red stripe across the face?
her social media has shit in portuguese so I'm guessing these are some indigenous girls from brazil. not sure what tribe
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>not sure what tribe
The Ooooga Boooga make my Bazoooka go Awooooooogggaaaaaa Tribe.

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oh you can absolutely get a job in metal fab. you will be union and work for shekelstein though but if you wanna get paid to hammer some bars of metal it is still a thing
>work for uncle at his bookkeeping business
>he makes over 250k/yr
>tells me to just up everything by 5-10% but make look different, not round integers
>do about 10 businesses/day in about 15 min
>he looks it over
>hands me a wad of cash
>>450 usd
I swear to fucking god every single 4channer works at a fucking warehouse. Are you that autistic?
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>Government IT job
Build a sales funnel.
Cold calling/cold email/paid ad/organic social media -> landing page -> collect email -> VSL -> CTA
High ticket offer

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>the trophy wife is rapidly gaining weight
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To me she's beautiful. Rubenesque.
tell her to get off the goyslop. 99% of the grocery store is poison,
it wasn't always like this. 10 years ago, fat chicks had a firmness to them. their flesh was taut, like an overfilled water balloon. they jiggled but everything maintained a pleasant, plump form. plaps sounded more like slaps.
now fat chicks all have lipedema and too must estrogen so their fat is a saggy droopy mess that doesn't resist pressure or keep its shape.
Should have married the practice gf instead.

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When's the next bull market I can't do this shit anymore it's demeaning
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you can still get 22 year olds but I like older women now, as long as they are not whores their maturity is nicer to be around
>I'm thinking steak
That should have been his cue that he's just a meal to her.

Reply "dang" and leave her on read.
Why not just call it "coffee" instead of "gas station coffee"... Same vibe as "gas station hotdog" and "motel bathroom"
I'm curious the shit you bought that gives you the impression you might make it in the bull market. If you miss out Supra at TGE, you are still gonna loose out.

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It's been a bear market since 2021, why do people think this is a viable way to make it
goods and services are going down in price against btc

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