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>put a nigger into a samurai game
>stock crashes
let's all laugh at Ubitrannies. are you shorting anon?
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This is the lead writer for the game.
>It's not buggy.
How would we know? There's no gameplay footage and they have a track record of shittily compiled and buggy games.
He fought after Nobunaga's death but surrendered. So highly dishonorable if he was a Samurai.
are you serious?
that's a bug, you should file a bug report
I'm so glad I don't play AAA games, they are rotten trash. go buy a board game made by an autist
More red flags than a Chinese embassy

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I'm officially now zoomer coin Investor on base chain as usual biz will miss this because too busy calling everyone ranjeesh

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>Talk to my mom
>"I want to invest into Ozempic and Wegovy"
>Ask her with what money
>"With my retirement account"
Is the Ozempic train hitting peak velocity?
Is there much upside left when everyone on the planet already knows about it?
Ticker: NVO
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you're literally investing into medications at the ATH and will undoubtedly go down the shitter when (((They))) find out rates of gastroparesis are higher then previous studies.

Not even close to peak. There are a ton of insulin resistant fatties who only go to the doctor every two to three years and don't know about it.

I work for a major medical institution and see these clowns constantly. They stumble out of the clinic and get a nasty shock a few days later when their lab results come in with 10+ diabetic A1Cs—emergency sugar levels for fatties where they will lose limbs and go blind in record time without drugs and major weight loss.

Something amped up cases during Covid, too. My theory is the virus fucks with insulin or blood sugar and all of those overweight "just the sniffles" losers now have chronic health conditions.
>I want to invest into Ozempic and Wegovy
Your mom must think you're fucking RETARDIO or something
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She asked me. You have it the wrong way around. Thought it was dumb but now I'm reconsidering.

What does Eli Lily have that's comparable? Don't you think it matters that Novo Nordisk has already conquered the market with Ozempic? Network effect etc.

Yeah I heard they are in trials for using Ozempic on addicts. People abusing alcohol and drugs seems to be able to hold off while they are on the drug, although they have to take more and more Ozempic to suppress their urges so it's really trading one drug for another.
I guess it could keep going up. Don't like buying near ATH though.
sounds like some kind of scandal waiting to happen, trade with care

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Keep in mind this is imports percentages and does not include EU percentage of overall use.
Except this time you have your super advanced anti-jew ai autotraders to predict the market movements and give you actual proof that his isn't , actually, the end
>t. i've been using flur.ai
Remember when people thought sanctions would actually work and Europe wouldn’t just buy second hand Russian oil from third world countries?
How is it that only the frenchies got this right?
France takes strategic autonomy extremely seriously. Basically the polar opposite of Germany which has been relying on American protection and Russian energy for decades.

>be Canadian rentoid
>can't afford a home because they've all been bought by foreigners
>rent a house from a foreign landlord
>he doesn't pay his taxes
>you have to pay them for him

Tough luck rentoid
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Europeans are like 10 years behind the rest of the world, Canada was great (at least it appeared that way) untill Trudeau but has turned into a shit hole now due to immigration (not the chud they taking our jobs kind but the increasing your population by 1/3 in like 3 years kind)
nigger wtf am i reading
it must be satire
Imagine your political leaders saying something like this to you and not killing them
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on one hand
>i have enough money thanks to the last pajamas pump to become a rentoid
on the other
>the country is doing everything in its power to fuck me up for being a rentoid
I guess its back to the drawing board with my retirement plan
>muh shitskins
yes good goy pay no attention to the Blackrock behind the curtain buying up all your land and paying off your MPs to prevent more property being built. Its the chinks and indians faults for sure

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Hope you enjoyed that little relief rally. Back down we go!
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I never thought red could look this green but here i am, using flur ai to predict when btc is dumping and making the mother of all shorts. This is truly our bobo paradise
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Looks like this bobo isn't holding ZOOMER kek
speak for yourself, my maga did nothing but pump, I was even able to recover what I had initially invested

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How do I buy crypto anonymously? No KYC bullshit. Is bisq good ?

Create a walking robot with encrypted AI

Tell it to go to the hood and buy monero. Then it will send you the monero over the interwebz, all anonymously

If the feds get your robot, it ain't saying shit to the fuzz because it is programmed that way, and nobody can break the encryption so you are good

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>normies start saying 'retardio'
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I'd love to fill her anus with my semen day and night, while my super stack grows indefinitely
Whats the dominance right now?

Your family starts talking to you about bitcoin.
Taylor I miss your old tits. Hope your guy made you a bunch of money on FFIE today if not I can be your guy.
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You know how you get a notification any time one of your contacts joins tg?

THAT is the top signal. When people from your high school, or college, or god forbid your office start coming up in those notifications -- GET THE FUCK OUT.

So far, a few have:
>guy I went to high school with, works in PE in london
>Guy I met at electric forest (he's probably buying drugs)
>VC funding my startup (this one was sketchy)
>Girl from college that dropped out, moved to florida, and works at hooters (definitely buying drugs)
>Guy I know from college, works in tech in austin

But when your regular run of the mill contacts start joining it is OVER. It was a super obvious top signal in hindsight in the last run so I will not be fading that when the time comes. I'm expecting mid-late 2025 especially with a 2nd Trump term and rate cuts on the way.

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>be me
>have $10
>goes down 10%
>have $9
>goes up 10%
>have $9.90
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>he forgot the tax to israel
bad goyim
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I checked the math and you are correct... what the fuck

I'm happy that your quints brought attention to this issue, perhaps mathematicians can try to understand wtf is going on???
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>be me
>have 10$
>flur ai tells me to sell
>i sell
>i still have 10$
>flu ai tells me to short
>i open a short
>close the short as told by the ai
>i now have 200$
i have become the biz itself
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Digits of truth
What's the point of percentages when you can just use currency
>up 10 cents
>down 10 cents

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Tired doesn’t even do Justice to how I feel about the market rn. Don’t even talk about GME pumping cos I was sidelined for that.
Heard y’all are staking and restaking alts now, ETH inclusive. What are y’all accumulating and staking?
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I panicked with all my bags and just set my goal to sell them to leave with btc, even if my Zoomer is doing well, every day I feel like I have less time ffs
I don't fucking care. I'm waiting for Supra TGE.
You're right, OP. I'm restaking my ETH on YieldNest since the mainnet launched last Tuesday with big incentives for early supporters. You should do it.
You can add DePIN coins here, including RNDR, Krest, and Honey. Peaq network is also on my watchlist, and I expect big things from this project.
Retardio and Zoomer devs should be best friends no cap

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Every pullback is an opportunity

smell my sack
give the dog a bone

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no cage for me
no wage cage for me
no wage cage for me

SUCK IT BEZOS NO WAGE CAGE FOR ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Time to go back to tending my crops

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Here's the full sized one, OP.
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I guarantee nothing but the finest of bangers








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I'm a linkie.
'Cause every time I click reply
These fuddies get paid a dime
To try to fuck with my mind
I guess I'm a linkie!
'Cause I'm a linkie
You're goddamn right
I'm a linkie
Yeah, I'm a linkie

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.

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What's a good way for NEETs to make money? Like, what's a good way to generate passive income or what jobs allow you to work from home? I'm in America and I don't live in abject poverty so gibs are unfortunately out of the question.
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That's not NEET. You're a prostitute.
The only positive expected value strategy with shitcoins is making them yourself and pumping and dumping on the retards here that you shill the coin to.
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Gamble everything you have into a specific shitcoin, like super
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You would be surprised at the amount of tokens out there that are made to celebrate national heroes. Trump? I bought it. Conan? I bought it. Washington? Bought it as well. I bought all of these when they just launched and i made myself a nice fortune just by virtue of believing americans are stupid and will buy anything that jerks off their nationalism. That's my personal secret to neetism, embrace american nationalism
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Is this a motherfucking Retardio reference?!

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How is a retard the richest man in the world?
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What? The Hypertube? He has a video on that as well. Actually weigh the arguments, you buffoon!
>Adam Something
Unironicly rope yourself
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>n-nooo not da heckin 3Gs!!1 what if ur a 400lb diabetic 90 year old!!!
>Posting soijaks in 2024 (along with schizophrenic arguments that make no sense)
rope yourself
Hey, that's my line!

Check out the volume on CRKN.
Possibly another FFEI?

What are your thoughts on this stock? I think reddit will like it.

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Hello baggies

Monday is our day
-22% after hours and crashing. looks really bad folks. This was going to be my play to really help me get through a hard time. but I guess I dont deserve anything positive after all
haha you faggots almost made me funnel my gme/amc money into this dogshit.
Don’t be a retard and fall for the bots. If you zoom out all of the pump and dump ipos do exactly that. Pump and dump.
Are we retarded for holding or for selling?

Is this chink manipulation?

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>Bitcoin up 2.5%
>Ethereum up 5%
>Altfags acting like this is some momentum, generational wealth-transferring, unbelievable moment
Holy fuck I hate you all. We used to see 2-5x on runs on coins like Ethereum repeatedly for weeks at a time with people regularly making 100x their net worth in the span of about a month, continuously for several months at a time. If you have been trading with anything less than your entire net worth since after 2018 then you have no fucking how idea how easy it was. Stop acting like 5% is "mooning" you fuckers, it's embarrassing.
monerochan sex
>back in my day!
OK, boomer.
ETH is not at $100 as it was in 2019 bottom to do quick 5x-15x you faggot, it's at $3k - 2x now will be fucking a lot for IT in good pump. Same for BTC
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I still think buying monero is a Retardio move, and yeah even Retardio is doing better

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I decided the only alts that matter are L2 to Bitcoin. Shill me them all I know is Tectum And ICP.
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Bring back email verification. Keeps out the scum and bots.
Bro really thinks I'm a bot, bring back sentient jannies
I'm using an app based on Stacks and it seeks to work. I don't know how much of it is actually on stats. It's called Console. Seems to work. Idk anything about Blockstack just thought I'd share
Post hands.
Truth is most of us don’t understand the deeper issues with projects. We just see a transaction work so we conclude oh it works. Like Solana can ‘work’ but it’s still a piece of shit. Anyway I don’t like these backless s o y s but the guy on this podcast seem to know his stuff. He pretty much says Stacks had to backtrack on their tech cause it didn’t work.


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Anyone still holding this piece of shit?
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Only Tectum can scale Bitcoin. How can I profit from this fact?

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Imagine getting a once in a lifetime chance to dump your scam meme stonk bags and not taking it.

Stupid fuck baggies!
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what did he mean by this?
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Look how cocky gme tards became

No doubt he did not sell and his 100k is now worth 30k at most
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So you're telling me after holding for years, and preaching about their diamond hands
>Couldn't beat CONAN the national hero
>Couldn't beat TRUMP our savior
>Couldn't beat DOGE our champ
>Couldn't beat SHIB the star
and they still preached about holding strong and whatnot? KEK what a bunch of faggots
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