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Price prediction?
Wtf is the animation on cmc
Seriously fuck you guys now everybody is going to do it
I hope whoever came up w that gets the worst case of ass cancer in history
Like a new type that gets named after them
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I do not understand you. What are you talking about?
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What about Kusama? I miss Kusama, it seems so dead/deserted.

Its now impossible to "make it" with a job unless your income is in the top 10-20%

If you're in the bottom 80-90% of earners, you will never make it in life.

So basically you're forced to take on highly risky investments to have any chance of making it, its not even an option anymore

You can't be like my parents, a stay at home mother, and a HVAC repair man, and still be able to buy a McMansion and have 3 kids and pay it off on the single income of a HVAC repair man

My parents still think its the 1970s/80s/90s where you can just work any job and make it so long as you actually work, so people like me can't even take advice from parents. My parents think investments are a scam and that life is just about buying a house

Though they don't realize nobody besides top earners can buy a home now.

Therefore, the advice of yoloing your money around into crazy high risk investments isn't actually a bad idea, because even if you play it safe, you wont get anywhere anyway
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I agree with everything except the third paragraph, and I’d like to expand and add a new point to what you said.

In the past you could be dumb and still make good money. Today you have to be smart.

If you’re smart, you can take on investments that are not as risky and still make very good money short term and long term.

I know it’s possible because I did it
>My parents still think its the 1970s/80s/90s where you can just work any job and make it so long as you actually work
Have any of you ever sit down and talk to your parents before?
I don't think they are so retarded that they can't do a simple math of how working $5k a month would need you to spend none of your salary for the next 7 years to afford a home.
So youre a shabbos goy. Get that jew cock out of your mouth and be a fucking american. You must realize that once the jews are done with you they're going to kill you, or once the country has been liberated the liberators will kill you for being a traitor.
This is the fate of all fiat currency systems.
Well, you've paid with your soul.

Let me just preface this by saying I don't know shit about economics, I'm just some guy.
I've lived in 2 houses in the same middle class midwestern neighborhood for about a decade now. Houses are mostly 3 bedrooms with some 4s. They're all about 30 years old and most are well kept. It's pretty nice honestly and it would take a lot to get me to leave.
Anyway our town became a real boom town a few years back (it makes and even tops those "best town in America" lists you see) and people really want to move here now.
In the past few years, house prices have skyrocketed. They've gotten out of control really, my first house sold for 150k over what we paid for it and is probably worth even more than that though. Prices SEEM to have slowed down at least but they're are still climbing
Despite the housing prices becoming unreasonable, the people who are moving into them honestly do NOT look like they can afford them. I know I'm making a lot of assumptions on my part here but that's the vibe I get. They definitely do not take very good care of their yard and house at least.
I just remember the last time there was a housing finance crisis, there were TONS of houses in a middle class neighborhood similar to mine that went under because of the subprime loans and what not. Could that be happening again?
Alternatively, these could all just be rentals...which would be another problem. Our HOA does not limit the number of rentals and I could see that getting out of hand.
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I remember that highschool tiktok video. It was getting a lot of deranged hate from the DEI crowd on X.
There is a possibility that the wrong kind of people moving into your neighborhood is by design. Everybody needs to practice common sense and have lucid expectations about these things when they post things on the internet. It will take time to undo the worst of the problems related to those issues, and people should know what to expect.
There are organized conspiracies to ensure no American enjoys the kind of harmony and stability that we knew up to 2008 and 2012, at least on the surface. Other anons mentioned corporations and state level organizations purposefully bringing in Section 8 residents and rapefugees, and they are right.
2025-2028 is going to be interesting.
The funny part about the video was people freaking out about what our taxes might be...and our rates generally are much lower than a lot of places with far worse schools. This town is more "diverse" (ugh) than a lot of DEItoids might give it credit for...but we all know what they mean by "diversity."
I've done some research and I think most of the houses I keep noticing are rentals. I mentioned in my first post our neighborhood does NOT limit the number of rentals - there was a vote to implement a rental cap but while there the majority of the votes supported a cap, there wasn't enough votes overall. It's irritating, one of the best kept houses in the neighborhood became one of the worst over the course of a year after becoming a rental and it's far from the only one.
It also begs the question how some of these people can afford $2000+ a month in rent on these houses.
Might explain things if these people are not the typical Section 8 and obviously compensated rapefugee crowds. There have been definite increase in welfare fraud also, but there are degenerated zoomers and millennials who were swallowed up by the hostile propaganda psyops and basically suffered a severe devolution.
Unfortunately, OnlyFans types and other similar platforms are meant to generate far higher annual income than your average working professional, and our glorious military can't stop thinking with their dicks instead of their brains.
I would try again to institute a rental cap, and any additional measures to stop the undesirables from moving into the neighborhood. It's also possible to chase out the ones who are unwelcome if the HOA and the neighborhood is on the same page.
People might not know it, but times are changing. It's something people need to be aware of in order to make concerted efforts to reverse the damages being done in a systematic way across the country against Americanism.
Fellow Carmel Chad?
You finna know it

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Welcome to the Monero General, dedicated to the discussion of the world's leading decentralized P2P privacy cryptocurrency!

Monero is secure, low-fee, and fungible, meaning users can send XMR around the globe despite corrupt governments or broken financial systems. Innovative privacy features such as Ring Signatures, Stealth Addresses, and Ring CT ensure that Monero's blockchain is obfuscated -- In other words, the financial history of all Monero users is encrypted from the prying eyes of adversaries on a public blockchain, with transactions being visible only by a user willingly providing a view key.

Monero has also improved upon the scaling downsides of current popular cryptocurrencies. To avoid high fees, dynamic block size ensures that the size of the blocks will increase as the amount of transactions increases. Further, the mining network algorithm RandomX establishes that anybody with a CPU can participate in mining, preventing the ASIC miner domination that creates a high barrier to entry. Lastly, the mining network will be preserved by Tail Emission -- instead of the block reward falling to zero like with Bitcoin, the block reward gradually approached 0.6 XMR in June 2022, where it will forever stay. This constant linear inflation means the inflation rate will asymptotically go to zero while continuing to provide an incentive to miners to maintain the network.

If you still have questions, feel free to ask and a MoneroChad will be with you shortly.

XMR Redpill: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=wq6w03E2DS4

XMR Stats: moneroj.net

USE Monero: https://cryptwerk.com/pay-with/xmr/

OFFICIAL WEBSITE - getmonero.org

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On a whim, I asked him about Monero and whether the IRS and other agencies have a way of tracking it or if they’re left without tools. “Well, I wouldn’t say that. We’re trying,” he said.
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On a scale of 1 - 10, how based is this?
>Luke Parker (Serai dev and Monero contributor) shows a proof that Dero has trivially broken cryptography on their messaging functionality
>Top Dero shill on Twitter offers him 10000 Dero if he can crack one of his messages on the chain beyond just a proof of concept
>Luke does it
>Dero shill refuses to pay, claims "HOW DOO I KNOW YOU'RE NOT A ZIONIST HACKER MAN????"
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Serial scammer #39, if you're reading this you know who you are. Stop fucking spamming the new pairs page you nigger, go fucking retire.

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>be bong
>try very hard
>make 44k gbp aka 55k usd /yr
>friends say thats a lot of money
>their income starts with a 2
>go on twitter and see black Americans laughing at how poor 55k usd is
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that's necessary in a diverse society, you need to pay your fair share towards the brown refugees on welfare.
you wouldn't wanna be a bigot, so know your place and stop complaining cuck.
Yes I know people who fucked about in school, didn't give a shit, deserve to have their heads caved in for things they have done, and are now earning mega money as plasterers and brickies and shit like that.
I kept my head down and did all the intellectual pursuits with uni and shit, now my take home pay is £2k a month.
Bitter? Yes, extremely.
>Nigger (aka. Average american) randomly assaults you
>That would be $45000+tip
>go to New York
>see soldiers deployed on the subway as it's so dangerous
oh why do Americans have it so good?
fellow bong here - I make about £50k officially ($62k) but have side gigs to bring my actual income up to about £80k.

Is it even worth investing in crypto right now if you aren't already. These are the pumped numbers right?
depends what one you buy.
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It’s all gonna crash in a couple weeks before a four year bear market. Just buy then.
Dca dips, or bet on Ethereum for example its undervalued.
But keep cash for crashes
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it's probably worth it, it's more likely that 80k will be the last peak we reach, although it's still a risky bet, I'd rather just hold memecoins and watch them from dextools in case something happens, I don't want to bet a lot of savings on something that risky
it's worth it if you still have memecoins like Maga pumping that much, the bull is still with us after all

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pump it to $4000 then when he fomos back in DUMP IT AGAIN
Damn you could've made if you kept that 0.001 ETH
I sold all my ETH for APU at $3300
I bought your ETH. Thank you for listing it for sale. Delivery was fast. Five stars.

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Indians are gone,

Hi, everyone. Any news? De-Rec being used by Banksocial, other than that?
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nigga dont derail the thread with your passive aggressive faggotry.

biz is dead though wow
Fair enough
Did we ever have a thread on the VISA connection with SKUx?
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Why dont more people know about Hedera? Everyone is clueless it has literally done billions of transactions already.
fucking sad that you use Link's vague association with this to shill a shitty layer 1. why wouldn't we just buy Link which all chains will use?
>inb4 oh yes but i own link too but i also own hbar it's super great
no it aint. if link fails, they all fail. if it doesn't fail, why would i want anything else?

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I have a legendcomplex.
I find it hard to believe that you're not enjoying loli in 8K X-UHD or immersive VR instead of merely 360p.

Eesti kinnitas end rohkem skandinaavlasena kui Island ja Taani.

Repairing stuff is like working for little money, when you buy something new you get an unused premium product.
So you can't enjoy working for little money but you can enjoy working for a subpar product.
>>Eesti kinnitas end rohkem skandinaavlasena kui Island ja Taani.
>So you can't enjoy working for little money but you can enjoy working for a subpar product.
I like making things or fixing things and using it. It's not about the money. Sometimes I do things in more expensive ways just because I think it's more fun.
>merely 360p.
I downsample all 3D porn to 240p Xvid before watching it. I grew up with it and high definition porn seems uncanny. I find that with 2D porn their is no real advantage to going over 720p but don't like going below that because it makes the fonts ugly. It doesn't really change the art.

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Lol. Back to the forever-rising "$x rejected" posts?
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My 2x on BTC and 3x on SOL is the only thanks I need lol.
you haven't 2x_ed if you haven't sold ya dummy
I've sold plenty of times. But that whole "you haven't lost/won until you sell" is kinda dumb anyway. Even if someone has only been holding we know what they mean when they say they're up- no need to state the obvious about needing to sell to get fiat.

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what brc20 and runes shitters are you all looking at if any? i know these are pretty high risk and illiquid, do you think there are any worth having on the radar apart from the obvious ones (pups, wzrd, rsic etc)?

ive only got one lowcap that im aware of that might offer good ROI, seems like the dev is working on a lot of stuff and the memes are funny, but the community is kinda quiet and it's been pretty slow moving. the ticker is $yisu, and i kinda aped off this picture of what looks like jesus fucking a donkey and did research after....

that's kinda all i got at the moment though, would appreciate some insight into some other lowcap projects built on brc20/runes with potential to start building some kinda port that will offer better ROI than a lot of the more well known larger caps.
What the fuck is that picture. I guess it could appeal to catholics
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Brise token, Bitgert
>89.5m mc
thats on binance sir, im looking for shitters/memes on bitcorn. also mcap too high for the quick ROI im looking for
Pls keep it to bitcoin on here
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ive been inside for months and it looks great, the art is very dope and hilarious the tg is yisu_token

Binance is delisting ROSE.

It's over, ROSE baggies.
Close some YouTube tabs, retarded tripfag
ROSE futures literally has hundred dollar daily volumes. Why would you go long or short on this volatile shit it defies all logic. Fuck off tripfags
>Binance spends 2b on ROSE
>600m marketcap total
kek, no one got rugged more than Binance. Saying that they've got a huge bag (so does grayscale) and so they have every intention of getting a ROI by shilling it in the upcoming altrun.
>email verification failed
>I know, let's use tripfag personalities
These glowies stink.

Stop trying to change the subject about how over it is for ROSE.

ROSE is over.

In fact, it's BEYOND over.

It's so over, it never even bean!

this is the first time in a long, long, LONG, long time that LINK has pumped on news. i'm in disbelief.
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Linkbros, who's been robbing us?

Is there a bullflag or a bartpattern forming on the chainlink charts????

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holy fuck gme baggies didnt sell AGAIN


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my favorite is them blaming DFV for this
he gave you an x3, you didn't fucking sell
not his fault faggots
what about fake people?
>Thinking of it as a lottery ticket
that's funny you said that
there's a saying that the lottery is "a tax on the math illiterate"
funny how it also fits your narrative
Ready for Monday?

Everything you have. Ours.

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ADA: -78% ATOM: -70% AVAX: -55% BCH: -90% CRO: -85% DOGE: -75% SHIB: -65% DOT: -82%
FIL: -95% FTM: -65% ICP: -98% LIDO: -65%LINK: -65% LTC: -80% MATIC: -65% NEAR: -67% UNI:70%
XLM: -85% XMR: -85% XRP: -85%

From this list, a few coins did reach or surpass their old ATHs in the 2021 bull run: ADA, DOGE, LINK, and LTC. However, many others did not, like BCH, XLM, XMR, and XRP. Yet none of them have come even close to their previous ATH in the first phase of this bull run. Unlike ETH and SOL, for example, that came close to their ATH, and let's not forget Pepe, which has shown enough strength to set a new one.

How many dead cats are you expecting to have significant bounces left in them, anon? Think hard about your kek bags or be sidelined.
I've been keeping track of all the tokens in this list (plus some i personally held back in 2020 like ONT and WLC) using flur ai for a month and i agree there's not a lot of tokens out there that just plainly dying ever so slowly, its kinda sad to be honest
ICP will be top 5 by some time next year. Seetheeee.
Wow we're still early for this upcoming Alt Season. Thanks OP.

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does anyone have that song?

Where my real world asses at?
Bought this at 0.20c back in January and took profits this morning. Such a comfy coin.
why didn't i buy this at 22c?
wise anons were saying

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We switched the Funny Number from USD to EUR. I Sergay mocking us?

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