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This is an on-topic thread, I believe. But delete it if you must.
Just 1 month ago, all 4chan users' attentions were drawn to the stock market. They were presented with a simplified market where as long as you played it smart you could get insanely rich quickly. This was made apparent by seeing wealthy anons sprouting up all over the site via their names.

I'm about to make a huge non-logical leap, but have you noticed how some biz generals are always up? /GME/ for example. It seems like the bakers don't sleep... Or there's a team.

I propose this theory: 4chan is one a network of many where the goal is to get us to get filthy rich/collapse the stock market, possibly to lead to a new regime, or maybe in a more boring alternative, just so manipulators can get richer.

The April fools was programming the anons here. I bet millions of anons started to look into stocks after that.

Also notice how GME was one of the only few real stocks.
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>I bet millions of anons started to look into stocks after that.
There's maybe 15 of us here daily.
We all buy high sell low here
it was this year's april fool's for the entire site
Its a canary. We then had the /biz/ dox via email shortly after. Now we had a minidox wait time of 15 min. Rumor on otherboards is that is enough time for the glowie tools to track you in detail. Both shat relies on cookies though and there's always plausible deniability options ala campus, wardriving, bumming off a connection, botnet, 7 vpns, etc etc.
Millions is an understatement. QUADRILLIONS of people were introduced to the STOCK MARKET thanks to this year's psyop.

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i have 10k and 24 hours to double it, which shitcoin should i buy?
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Unironically monkey peepo.
I'd rather have Peaq for this and wait for the listing, as the token sale on Coinlist has ended and is oversubscribed. This is the home for DePINs and hard to ignore.
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This is how you get rekt, bro. Why get rekt in 24 hours when I can snag 3-5x gains in a few weeks with solid utility tokens like QAN and ONDO?
Shut up slave
Still not bad but AAST is another altcoin that shouldn't be overlooked.

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So I haven t payed some taxes since January and if I add money to my card the state steals it from me.
I have a little bit of money and I want to buy something from banggood.
Is there some service which allows me to create a card and add money to it using crypto without the state knowing???
Disclaimer!!!: it should be more on the meme linux mental outlaw crypto side of things and not for normies.
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That'll cost extra big boy.
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or you can become an outlaw from the irs and live comfy in lichtenstein with your shitcoin gains like i did when pajamas pumped op, remember every single cent that goes to (THEM) feeds the jews, and thats a big no no of the civilized man
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ngl and this will sound like a kick in the dick but holding zoomer is saving me from a bad financial situation lol
Move the money to your mother's account and use it from there. D3be a retard and move only relatively small amounts per month (I don't know, 1k/2k €) so you don't arise suspecion
Every piece of plastic is AML/KYC so you need to go cash into it. There's no way around it and if you do convoluted methods you need a big stack or it'll eat into your stack making it more profitable to pay your taxes lmao

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Why are newfags losing their minds over blockdag when many projects have been doing something similar for years? Zenon Network for one. Literally no one cares about it but tech wise wipes the floor with this shit and is years earlier. Why is crypto like this?
it's shit
Elaborate. Not based on price but on the technical flaws you see as….shit.
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Not this shit again, it was a scam anon, years ago they paid people to shill, their list got exposed and they never build any tech. kys

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In 1906 Jesse Livermore took a massive short position in Union Pacific Railroad, one day before the great San Francisco earthquake. Now, 118 years later, I think a similar opportunity exists.

Canada, being a resource extraction colony, has a massive rail system that facilitates the export of its raw materials. In the next few months it will be shut down by the Teamsters who are utterly dead set on striking. Yes, Trudeau is trying to delay and mitigate by asking the CIRB to determine if rail is an essential service. They will not be able to force the Teamsters to carry everything. This will lead to vast amounts of non-essential rail traffic shutting down. How did Ford perform from October 1st to October 30th?

20 Sep 72P on CP pays about 1500 percent at my target of 63$.

The risk is that they reach a deal (unlikely) or that the government mandates all rail traffic as essential (simply not possible). DYOR.
Hmm. Interesting.

But I'd imagine Trudeau will cave. Libs are very pro-passenger rail, one of the few policy positions that happens to be on the left that I actually like. Cutting VIA or GO service would probably hurt his base pretty significantly.

Bookmarking this thread though. Very interesting.
What's to stop Castro Jr from breaking the strike, or freezing the Teamsters' individual bank accounts? That "hurr durr, I'm just a vapid drama teacher" mask falls off quick when the money of Trudeau's owners is at stake.
There's also a possibility Trudeau is ousted and replaced by Carney.

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Allahu Akbar !!!!
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Easiest way would be to distribute it among $250,000 accounts of different banks
100% trust, but they only have around 10,000 USD which is nothing. What the hell can I do with that? (no wonder I got full scholarship that included food and transportation expenses, we must look like beggars to the country). I had some hopes this morning since I expected them to have saved some money, but I guess my medical bills were that expensive, at least I am finally healthy.
I literally can't do anything with that shitty amount besides paying for some nice trip for them so they can relax for once in their lives.
I can also go to court to force the pension management company to give us all the money, but that will only give me around 40,000 USD and only if I win the case.
For now, I just put it into some short term deposit and considering their current earnings, I can save around 400 usd per month (expenses removed since we finally managed to pay all of our debts).
If you threw your cash into utility tokens like QAN at the start of the year, you'd be up 10x by now. Use the dip to slurp up more instead of wasting time on shitcoins.

and god killed his mom for that very reason

it was part of god´s plan to kill his mom to get him $200k to get a 5x to get a post on this imageboard
It's infinitely harder to 100x 6 figures than it is to 100x 3 figures.

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im trying to save you from suicide when you dont invest now or god forbid decide to short
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now zoom out
listen, I don't have like another 10 years to just double 50 dollars potentially.
just zoom out man

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It's dumping again...
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>29 days ago
Gosh, this board is dead
Most investors aren't permaNEET moonboy faggots who can squat on their bags for a decade. They need to cash out to pay for stuff.
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>1 month ago
we did it bros
Gentlemen, a toast.
To the dumperino thread that survived a whole month.

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Who aped kermit with me on ETH

next apu?

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Strap in for the altcoin bullrun, the bottom is in
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I just sold. I need to shore up my personal finances, I was tired of the exposure to crypto, and I was like 50% down. Something had to give. Is there any hope? Did I miss something?
you made the right move. the baggies ITT will be praying to sell for 9c in a week.
I'm going long on FTM and QAN. They are the two blockchain gems are so bullish on.
You're unironically going to rope in 3 to 6 months.

He sold at 13.8$ now he is going into memes pfff hazhaghahahahha, he might have been the sacrifice we needed for the singularity
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I was talking to him earlier today and he said he did it because his friend on the Twitter named crediblecrypto told him LINK will be 7$ dollars next week.
lol remember when CLG sucked Maren's cock at the ETH Denver after party?
kek I bet he's in to star signs too
He is autistically pushing Solidly and is also the one shilling it on biz. He only got 15m onchain right now but I believe in 2021 he was one of the top holders of fantom (somewhere around 9 figures). There were rumors about him getting liquidated at the end of the bullrun but he should at least have made some profit.

Because in the end he is just a one in a million lucky retard who started as a link marine on biz and somehow perfectly rotated his profits into the biggest gainer of the 2021 bullrun. The guy called his twitter account KingsFantom and had an Apu profile pic for the longest time.
as memelines go, those are some pretty terrible ones

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VERY relevant charts now with dillution announced LMAO
Top kek
This was their one and only chance
>we scrounged up enough and i put it everything my wife and me had on gme at 30
>i fucking KNEW i was going to sell at 200, even 100

No but muh short squeeze (which already happened years ago)

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besides getting a job, whats the best thing a NEET can do today to start making some money, assets, investments ect....
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Think of it this way.

Anytime there is a new method of making tons of money, the amount of people who use that method gradually rises. As the number of ppl rise, so do the number of skilled people who are doing it. Eventually, most of the market is dominated by a few big players. Some examples could be those YouTube chill/lofi hip hop livestreams. Or bots within games like TF2, or whatever else you may see.

Crypto pump and dumps are similar. Right now, the 50x, 100x, 500x baggers are impossible to find and buy in on legitimately. You’d need to be in the know beforehand which is impossible for most. Don’t try to get into crypto to rug and steal from others, man. It’s a waste of time, money, and most importantly morals.

Don’t listen to that other idiot
it's a shame, pump.fun was actually a lot of fun. I could even handle it if it were like 50% scams and 50% made it to Raydium. But it's literally all jeet rugs. Awful
sell plasma and/or your ass...or somebody elses plasma and/or ass
Yep. Alll losers on there.

Crypto fags are not arrogant because they think crypto is better than the stock market. They are arrogant because they’re upset they didn’t rig the stock market

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Metal is back baby. Sorry crypto conners, your fake internet money is old hat, people want real currency when it matters.
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Someone being invested in silver is a great filter. It means they are either a doomer who understands very little about finance, or a low IQ poorfag who enjoys the feeling of having a lot of silver coins as opposed to 1 or 2 gold coins.

Everything goes up when the financial system is flooded with liquidity, but silver continues to be one of the worst possible investments out there for the simple reason that it’s a very common byproduct of other metal and mineral mining operations, which means the the market is continously being fucking flooded with silver and there’s not enough demand in manufacturing to keep up
Why can't these shitcoiner spastics understand that silver is used for industrial reasons.
>the market is continously being fucking flooded with silver and there’s not enough demand in manufacturing to keep up

We've actually been chronically undermining silver, and this is contributing towards the squeeze, in combination with the renewable energy sector needing it for panels amongst other things. On top of that we've got China buying shit tons of it to fuck with America and the attempts to short and slam it are now failing.
new ATH within this summer!
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>literal by product of mining for other metals
my sides

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crypto trading/investing is literally just 2,000 people making decent money, 8,000 people making some money, and the other 1 million traders losing everything
All of the 2000 people are on biz. Right guys?
they should just hodl
Just don’t trade. Buy gems, hold through cycle sell. Simple.
wait till you find out about the pareto distribution

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how much money would it take for you to never have to work again?
how would you use that money to ensure this?
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Yeah. I could live on this for sure.

80k/yr is far from destitute for a man with no family and middling standards
>how much money would it take for you to never have to work again?
probably as low as few hundred thousand, live on a budget and do medium to long term trades
Somewhere between 500k and 1 mil, I don't mind the monk life. Mainly I'd use the existing financial system, have a decently diversified stock/bond portfolio, if that crashed we'd probably be looking at a total collapse scenario and mostly no amount of money will help you then. Except I would put a little into prepping ahead of time (supplies, a house in the countryside, etc), so I can stack the odds in my favor for that scenario as well.
>how would you use that money to ensure this?
I'm throwing a chunk into QAN and ONDO, and the rest is going into housing near a hospital.

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What are your red pills about crypto? Any valuable info to share? Also, how do I become a better trader?

Cheers anons
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buy low
sell high
The red pill is trading is the worse way to get really rich in crypto. Only thing you need to know is cycles. You buy when everyone hates crypto and btc has bottomed. Then you sell your low cap gems when the market is eurphoric at btc tops. This cycle you sell sometime in 2025 when btc is 250k. Forget memes they are for third worlders. You can’t hold in a meme 99% if time and holding gems is how you get genuinely rich. Last cycle I got in early and rode quant and Fantom. This cycle I will ride Tectum and KNS and will move into super whale status. Seethe and fud all you want. I always win.
Crypto is negative sum. Thus, much like a casino, you are statistically likely to lose money. And most people do. However, most gamblers are ashamed to talk about their losses and their addiction, even on an anonymous board. So you won't see many negative takes posted online. Be wary of the pseudo-positivity in the crypto community. These people are not genuine.
Big banks and WEF won't let crypto be what it's supposed to be (delisting of Monero from Binance and making CZ fold), thus XRP will moon and the least you can do is make money to buy guns and land, just like the billionaires are doing.
Bitcoin will go up forever. The only question is how long can you hold on.

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Sup, choads, im starting a one page shopify t shirt shop as a creative outlet and just wondering if anybody has the btdt on it? Like, are people gonna accidentally order the default size and return it a lot... will putting my domain on the shirt hurt the sales numbers... that kinda thing. Dont tell me there is a reddit for that.
Whatever designs you post will be immediately stolen and listed on other T-shirt clone sites and they will undercut your prices and they will file cease-and-desists against your own works.

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There's over $35M in LINK that was used to mint stLINK, the only LST for Chainlink staking.

How do we feel about LINK LSTs? can it gain market share like Lido's stETH?

Discuss anons.
unlike steth, staking space is limited and yield will go up when the staking pool is backing more jobs. curious to see what kind of premium stlink will carry in the future

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