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This is an on-topic thread, I believe. But delete it if you must.
Just 1 month ago, all 4chan users' attentions were drawn to the stock market. They were presented with a simplified market where as long as you played it smart you could get insanely rich quickly. This was made apparent by seeing wealthy anons sprouting up all over the site via their names.

I'm about to make a huge non-logical leap, but have you noticed how some biz generals are always up? /GME/ for example. It seems like the bakers don't sleep... Or there's a team.

I propose this theory: 4chan is one a network of many where the goal is to get us to get filthy rich/collapse the stock market, possibly to lead to a new regime, or maybe in a more boring alternative, just so manipulators can get richer.

The April fools was programming the anons here. I bet millions of anons started to look into stocks after that.

Also notice how GME was one of the only few real stocks.
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Please don't ever take your meds.
the problem with that faux market was it was randomized and the chart didnt move off actual orders
It should really be required for all OPs to disclose what medication/drugs they're taking. It's important context when trying to decipher this gobbledygook.
>4chan totally ran a stock market April fools (one that included GME btw) for NO REASON IN PARTICULAR despite the GME shit being THREE YEARS prior to this year's April fools, and GME jumped 8x in a week just 1 month after this year's April fools, totally unrelated btw
I see you.
>I bet millions of anons started to look into stocks after that.
There's maybe 15 of us here daily.
We all buy high sell low here
it was this year's april fool's for the entire site
Its a canary. We then had the /biz/ dox via email shortly after. Now we had a minidox wait time of 15 min. Rumor on otherboards is that is enough time for the glowie tools to track you in detail. Both shat relies on cookies though and there's always plausible deniability options ala campus, wardriving, bumming off a connection, botnet, 7 vpns, etc etc.
Millions is an understatement. QUADRILLIONS of people were introduced to the STOCK MARKET thanks to this year's psyop.
I think the email thing was also to draw attention to biz from other boards
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>the chart didnt move off actual orders
Excuse me? Yes it does!
This is supposedly the only Anon place left on the net. Why is that?
It’s compromised to hell and all the info here is controlled.
In SBF’s court appearance he mentioned he and his partners spent a ton of time here on this board.
This site has 22million unique visitors per month
Good times, I wish it was that easy.
i made it in only a few hours
i mean lets be real isn't that our goal? to make all of us rich at the expense of the current top holders in the market? we have normies buying all our memes
gme generals (and general threads in general) are still around because the threads are made by estonians, or some other shithole country, who will shill for pennies. someone paid like 20 bucks a couple years ago, forgot about it a long a time ago, but the subscription is still going.
Based millionaires
Are you a gme baggie who still didn't get out the last exit pump?
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Sorry chud but stonks follow market not some random neet
flags, but for pills? I like it
all completely correct anon
I suspect 4chan is a freemason (or similar) initiative these days, at least since Moot left

I also suspect it's rather a bribe to make influential/smart people accept the coming horrific changes
GME threads are always up because gmetards are the biggest and most delusional bagholders on earth, many without employment, seeing their big chance in GME, in need of others supporting their delusion
freemason? why freemason?
also according to the protocols, the freemasons are just golems as well so in the end we go back to talking about the parentheses tribe as always
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There aren't millions of anons, anon. It's all just me and millions of VPNs.
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Dont care, still posting from pc plugged directly into modem. Ross Ulbricht had nothing to do with silk road. 9/11 was mossad. John McAfee didnt kill himself. I was gifted 10,000 bitcoins from the original organization that created bitcoin (not satoshi btw). The president of Iran didnt die in a helicopter crash. The moon landing was fake. Hawaii burned because of satellite photon weapons to clear up land for developers. Vitalik Buterin is a pedophile. The 2024 election was rigged. Aliens arent extraterrestrial. And most importantly, Terry Davis did NOTHING wrong.
Nah you're right, I thought the same thing
/biz/ is close to ATL post count right now bro... And that's after the mail cancellation
Go on...

also can I have a btc?

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