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What are the historical implications of The Sopranos’ 25-year-long cultural impact?
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A lot of really shitty, low-achieving men who listen to too many self-help podcasts

Like a commander!
20 years in persia
bought the farm
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That's respect!

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What has been the best way, historically, to deal with existential pains? Deep down we all know all great men and all insignificant men also toil because of death. Every culture, religion, kings, heroes, celebrities, scholars... even simple fornicators - all do everything to attain some form of immortality, be it through cultural impact or genetic. Is this all there is? So much trouble, beauty and ugliness, love and fear, pleasure and pain, creation and destruction... All for this?
What do you tell yourself and the world?
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I'm chosen superdeterminist, I don't worry anything about afterlife. Universum is a story far longer than tangles in enthropy, thay is called our lifes. How many of you remembers all of your great grandparent's names?
>Couple of East Asians wave hands
We count you out of this
I forgot to say, that as a superdeterminist, I think there is only two true religions fighting against:

Luckyist goes either in hell or heaven, depending what he believes, if there is a Higher Being.

Karmaist just gets assfucked by hell-goers on livetime and either born again as dungbeetle or as like me, doesn't believe in any kind of afterlife.
Who knows what happen after death?
Accept your role in providence, however small it may be. Do your best to act according to the nature you were made for.
No one, that is the reason of my post. Death is the great unknown hence the things i mentioned. We all have a hunch though.

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I think there's morality and wisdom worth following in the Good Book, but do I have to believe snakes can talk? Do I really have to accept that some guy walked on water and turned it into wine? Or that some 900 year old man built a boat with a pair of each species on it?

It's just....quite frankly ridiculous.
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Just larp as if yo believe it
That's what most young christians do
Morally owning the libs is more important that whether you believe every word of the bible
Isaiah 55:10-11
>10 “For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven and do not return there but water the earth, making it bring forth and sprout, giving seed to the sower and bread to the eater,
>11 so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it.

The Law fulfilled its purpose
Isaiah did not write that.
Check it
Unless you were saying that people wrote from Isaiah’s pov which is correct he didn’t write the entire book

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So I was watching The Mummy movies, and it made made me think about how much better the world was back then. Think about it. Most areas outside of the west were not industrialised, over populated shitholes. Planes weren't widely available. Technology was limited. Empires still existed. The world was full of mystery, intrigue, and adventure. You could explore exotic lands and locales and boast about discovering old ruins from long lost civilisations. You would be treated with respect and reverence from locals. God, I was born in the wrong time. Pulpy adventure media is an escape for me. Globalism has ensured the death of adventure. Everything is soulless now, unless you decide to venture into a REALLY remote place. Even then, it will still feel artificial and fake
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Orwell was too optimistic
>Only party members get spied on
>Winston gets an (incompatible but still attractive) government mandated wife to lay back and think of the Party with
S-A re-exploring had just started.
>muh king solomons mines
You aren't that kind of person now and you wouldn't be back then either.
>loser projecting On others

This man is worshiped by the Droite Catholique in France. The same Droite Catholique that descends from the notoriously antisemitic Action Française and called to the murder of Jews with many members of the organization collaborating with the Nazis during Occupation. Yet Charles de Gaulle, as trad and nationalist as he was, sold weaponry that was extremely critical to Israel's survival in 1967 and 1973 especially the famous Mirages dabbing on Arab planes. How do Catholiques cope with that?
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Hehehehe may 68
Haha cool quote from the dragon novel about the princess who shits all the time.
after ww2 the leftists had a huge control over the republic. leftists controlled the local institutions and the best non-leftists could do ie follow degaulle. He managed to neuter the leftists for a few decades. But right after his death, leftists gain control of the national level, in 1980, and they retained it so far. Ever since, france has been a shit hole.
French have the richest literature.
They hate Muslims more?

Now that the dust has settled, who was right?
>Inb4 Neither, Fuck Christcucks!
Reddit is down the hall and to the left.
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Jesus is the fulfillment of the Old Testament, you refuse to accept him because you're arrogant and see yourself as God.

So according to you, the omnipotent God is unable to enter the physical world
Except he did...
Genesis 17:1: When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the Lord appeared to him and said, “I am God Almighty; walk before me faithfully and be blameless.

Genesis 18:1: The LORD appeared to Abraham near the great trees of Mamre while he was sitting at the entrance to his tent in the heat of the day.

Jacob WRESTLED WITH GOD. PHYSICALLY. in Genesis 32. The man is not referred to as a spirit AT ALL.

So God can enter the world, cool.

OT prophecies mentioning Jesus.

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Silence, foul mouthed idolater. You desecrate the name of God with your lies.
Galatians 1:8
The Book of Mormon is false

See the link between Hebrews 1:10-14
And Psalm 102:25-27
Jesus is Fully God of the OT
As far as I know the Orthos didn't spend the better part of a century shuffling homosexual priests around various parishes to avoid the embarrassment of a scandal, so they win by default
>No Response
You've baited me, good job

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This is a very interesting topic because there are many historical groups that did not begin as what we would call, “white” today like Hungarians and Bulgarians but who are very much so white Europeans today. I myself am about 81 percent white, Cajun dad, typical white mother. I have enough of a tribe myself to avoid darkening the blood again like some of my ancestors did. To be honest and frank, even though 100 percent purity is no longer possible given any time or any reasonable time, would you guys consider a line that eventually ends up 90/95/98 percent white, white again?

Or another wueetion, when does mulatto/half and half become mixed and when does mixed become “only mixed technically”?
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Creole was a meme adopted by half black mutts in lousiana to pretend like they were french
okay, but the point is that the level to which someone though hungarians were mongols had little to do with hw mongol hungarians were, but rather the amount to which you thought hungarians were mongols depending on whatever opinion you had of hungarians in the first place
Depends heavily on the quality of the genetics in question not just their race but generally speaking 85% whites look and act indistinguishable from 100% whites. Indeed some 100% whites are fuck ugly wiggers because they are descended from the lowest of peasants and their genes are further twisted by mutational load.
There are a million questions of "where does x become y" and the answer is always pretty much arbitrary. It's not a particularly interesting question and is mostly just used as a way to fallaciously claim that x and y aren't real.
It depends
I’ve met a few people that are exactly half African, like proper jungle African. They still sometimes just look like Quadroons or Meds, sometimes they even have straight hair. It’s entirely possible to be mixed in the first generation and pass for white.!

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>Be me
>Have manic breakdown in February
>Get checked into the loony bin at my mom's behest.
>My roommate's a violent asshole
>All the clothing is confiscated
>Have schizophrenic neighbor who keeps repeating code phrases (creepy as shit)
>Strict ban on Vidya (cable's not so bad I guess)
>All the windows are barred and doors locked
>The staff are rude as fuck and just throw drugs at everyone. One dude was breaking down in tears over being molested and his nurse basically told him she didn't give a shit.
>If you want to get out you have to be lucid enough to fill out a shit ton of paperwork and sit through a court hearing and do it within the right time slot
>Expect you to remember the names of everyone working with you if you actually want help because apparently even the people who spend their entire shift on the computers can't look shit up.
>Have a seizure due to them fucking with my meds and become fall risk
>Get put on a 24 hour watch and can't even go to the bathroom in private.
>Try to leave but since my status was changed to involuntary I'm stuck for the whole month.
>Have to wait 2 extra weeks because my lawyer who was supposed to have me declared sane again just throws the case.

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>rabbi seething
The only point to that is that they can't kill you, the idea is that being alive is better regardless of the conditions, which is debatable but that's the idea
yeah, the way mental health is treated is still kinda fucked.
People are taking it more seriously and from what I've experienced shit like going to a therapist is a lot more socially accepted than it used to be
Also I suppose it varies greatly from country to country
most doctors are retards. experienced this myself with type 1 diabetes. they dont know the basics of diseases.

Nah, /x/ is worse. Way worse. Even if 75% is role playing its filled to the brim with the genuinely ill.

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I took a DNA test as a mainly English-American and got 5% Western Asian. Most of my ancestors came from England from colonial times to the 1800s, so how the fuck is this possible? Is there historical reason or an error?
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show your results.
He’s counting Paki as west Asian lol, way worse than the Arab one lol
you're armenian
time to rename urself chang
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>mfw dna test tells me I’m 2% Polish

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Chinese, Malay, and Filipinos I get, but why do Koreans whine about Jap imperialism so much? Japanese brought them industry and civilization. A lot of their modern rail is still just shit the Japs built.
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Because we're not the retards that cheer modern culture while being governed like you sea monkeys. Look at the difference between you and our achievements now and that was one of the worst periods of the peninsula.
Korea was among the largest recepients of American aid in all of history. The Korean economy was built off the backs of American Gibs.
this. Koreans supported Japanese military by working in coal mines and chemical factories and mass volunteered to Imperial Army in fact often described as most vicious and cruel to captives
>Look at the difference between you and our achievements now and that was one of the worst periods of the peninsula
Park Chung Hee was a massive weeaboo by all accounts so
notice you didn't say conquered

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All negrito groups do not speak a SINGLE language that are not basically creole languages of dominant Austroasian/Austroasiatic people in the region.
Even areas around Papua, those where the natives had contact with Polynesian seafarers often speak a derivative of Austronesian rather than a native Papuan language.
Why is this the case? Did they barely have a functional language prior to the Mongoloid migrations? I would expect one language isolate of negrito groups to be somehow preserved in Southeast Asia, but nope.
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That’s fucking retarded. So basically every single negrito tribe just completely forgot their own language, but still ended up with a creole?
Creoles are not mutually intelligible with the source language. Creoles do not develop to speak to speakers of the source language, but to other speakers of the creole.
Melanesians aren't Negritos
they are not huge either but big enough that they can play contact sports
Andamanese speak Negrito languages
Anyway island SE Asia is weird when it comes to Austronesian languages and it's not restricted to Melanesians and Negritos
Former Austroasiatics in Malaysia and Indonesia speak Austronesian too despite usually having less Austronesian admixture than East Melanesians and no one has come up with a sensible explanation for it
only the Nicobarese survived due to isolation
In papua native langaiges are more common than austronesian ones, moron

>Deity for hunting
>Make it a woman, the only gender that doesnt hunt

what was their fucking problem?
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The take on Artemis I got from pic related. She has 6 series on the great courses, each one is excellent. By far my favourite teacher from the great courses, she’s just amazing. And a total pro; old school, no PC bullshit
>the only gender that doesnt hunt
There's nothing in that link.
>sallust and cicero
i dont know if sallust wrote in greek or latin but im assuming latin as hes roman. I want it from the greeks themselves and also because i can somewhat read greek but not latin.
the arcaic terminology and spelling is probably too much for my level of greek and im guessing it requires a lot of reading between the lines rather than a philosopher being more straightforward, but its probably the originator of a lot of greek mythos.
ugh, homer is probably easier to read.
Just an ancient version of what Chan girls are nowadays

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The Muslim invasions had driven Christendom into the northern fringe of Spain, a region of mountainous terrain, poor soil, and geography isolating them from the rest of Europe while the Muslims held all the fertile lowlands and major cities. The Goths, Suevi, Christian Berbers, and Iberian Celts had been forced into the Cantabrian Mountains where the Moors pursued them but were checked at the battle of Covadonga in 718 by an army led by the Goth Pelayo, who became king of Asturias and so founded the Spanish monarchy. After the Frankish kingdom defeated the Muslims at Tours, Alphonso I (739-57) pushed the Christian frontier in Spain into Galicia, Lusitania, and Viscaya. His grandson Alphonso II (791-842) took Leon and made Oviedo his capital.

It was during the second Alphonso's reign that a major event in Spanish history occurred--a shepherd allegedly followed a star to a marble coffin in the mountains which contained what were thought to be the remains of the Apostle James. A chapel was built on the site and later a magnificent cathedral, Santiago de Compostela. This site became a goal of Christian pilgrimage second only to Rome and Jerusalem and the sacred bones were often used as a morale and fundraiser for the crusades against the Moors. St. James became the patron saint of Spain and carried the name Santiago to three continents.
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el cid selling christian captives to populate the mines and harems of North Africa says what?
shhh nordcuck it didn't happened it were Jews and freemasons Spain always good Spain did nothing wrong they wuz kangz and invented writing and seasoned chicken
Never happened. El Cid only fought with Muslims against other muslims. Arguably it gave him a better knowledge of their military and that's one of the reason he was so succesful against them later on
>invented writing
Well you're using our alphabet in case you forgot. Also blatant samefag
That was Leon, not Castille.
You can't even seethe properly

on what drugs are you on?its alphabet on ancient Romans not their wewuzzing rapebabies

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if Evola was aware of Kaliyuga in the 30s why did he write Ride the Tiger only 20 years later?
He was of the sentiment something could be done and that a state of organisation could be set up as a bulwark for Tradition.

The failure of the Axis and the subsequent division of the world between communism and liberalism crushes that notion. That's why he wrote Ride the Tiger, for people who had lost all hope for politics.
>why did a person's views and opinions change over the course of 2 decades?
He realized with the failure of the Axis that he needed to leave a guide for future generations
what is the book that came after ride the tiger?
He was living in thriving Fascist Italy, the desire to be a blackpilled terrorist is lesser in such circumstances

Did the CIA do this?
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That’s because communism is anti-American, the more anti-American it is the communister it is.

>new developments in leftshitter theory
Name a single far right nationalist Japanese party at the time that wasn't controlled opposition.
did it remind them of their history of assassinations that lead to their complicated military government that ultimately lead to ww2 and spook them off?

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