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In this thread we'll list our favorite historical misconceptions. I'll start:
>China was an advanced civilization even in ancient times
Not really. They did build some impressive structures, such as the Great Wall, long before contact with western Europeans. However, the astronomy, philosophy, and even writing system of China are recent advancements. The Ming emperor was said to be shocked and amazed when he first saw that Portugese ambassadors could store information on paper, and he ordered the creation of a written language in response to this. Furthermore, a similar situation played out in Japan, hence the similarities between Japanese and Chinese calligraphy.
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>They did build some impressive structures
the construction of large monuments is t indicative of general technological advancement, it betrays the fact of subjection of the general populace to some ruler or party. it is instead indicative of functional slavery and therefore speaks more about the political and cultural rather than the technological state of a society
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Due to lack of white pussy btw
this is trolling by the script=language schizo.
Made for my BIC
coping Brazilian pardo weeb created this

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Prove Jesus could turn water into wine
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>Not one generation shall pass
Do it again TITVS!
>And that's how OP proved Julius Caesar was a man
Prove your mom didn't fuck my dog
He also founded Adrianople II on the ruins of old Jerusalem. Hadrian giveth after he taketh away. A just and merciful emperor.
>And that's how OP proved Julius Caesar was a man

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Will other monarchs recognise and respect a self-proclaimed King of a Micro Monarchy and of a City-State.



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many snownigger countries have histories only a few centuries old
as far as americans are concerned for example, everything before 1700 is prehistory and some of their christians consider the universe to have started around 5000bc

it is natural from their point of view democracy as some big deal that changed everything from the antiquated and irrelevant past, like some toddler who perceives 1 year to be a long time and sees 2 years into the past as "forever ago"
yes, they will recognise him/her.

I suppose yes
All of those monarchs are in the process of selling out all their people’s values for money.

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Pre-christian jewish mystics who worked on the sephirots believed in keter, binah and hokmah, something which would later be called "the body of god" in kabbalah.

Hokmah means "knowledge" and is related to arabic "hikmah", keter means "crown" and binah means "understanding"; these compose what would later be called "the supernal triad" in the jewish occult, hokmah is considered the meaning of something, binah is the capability of processing it and keter would be the subject processing it.

During the second temple period, the high priests started codifying the law, because they started noticing some strains of heteropraxy among the jews and didnt know how to organize them, what they did is debate it all out, without using their intuition or reasoning, in a lawyer-like manner.

Jesus is considered the incarnation of the truth, or what would have been hokmah, the meaning of the law made man, confronting the fact that one can do something like another, without understanding it, and giving people the ability to be in touch with the truth intuitively, this is why his biggest complaints are always on the misuse of the holy spirit (binah).

The premise of philosophy is similar: the sophists (pharisaic types), insult what would basically be considered common sense today, by using reason to come to retarded conclusions, just to prove themselves right in every instance.

Socrates is a character who does not know the truth, and merely tries to give expression to his intuition via questioning, which eventually proves truth, without having come in contact with it.

Modern philosophy is in this sense self-defeating, what is true is not something to be codified, it is something known mystically, plato did not make socrates ask questions for people to ask more questions, he did so to make you self-aware about the fact that you already know certain things and possess deep, mystical intuition.

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Kabbalah is probably post Christian. Not that there were not older systems of Jewish mysticism that do predate Christianity, but Kabbalah probably wasn't one of them.
>Pre-christian jewish
Not a thing, Judaism does not exist until the 5th century AD
>yeah i heckin typed AD
This stuff wasn't pre Christian; it came about in the Middle Ages.
"Do not cast pearls to swine"

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The leader of American Christianity is currently on trial for bribing people to fraudulently hide that he paid a porn star for sex shortly after his wife had just given birth. At his trial, just kind of hanging out, is the Christian congressman who trafficked children across state lines for sex, who he paid over venmo, and the Christian congresswoman who gave a handjob at a children's musical and had a meltdown when asked to leave. Where do these people get their objective morality from?
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>leader of American Christianity
Who is this?
>christian congressman trafficker
Who is this?
>christian congresswoman handjob
Who is this?
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Trump is the most high profile Christian in America today. When he speaks, the church listens. Have you bought your Trump Bible yet?
trump is not the leader of american christianity
this is like saying george w bush was the leader of american christianity
Why do Americans love guns so much? It's not like they invented them, so stupid. That should be burger instead.
lmao, if anyone can be leader of American Christianity by say-so, I nominate Hasbulla.

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What are the most liminal nation-states next to Belgium?
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Countries are very real lol, try becoming a citizen of one
I'll be honest I hate romanians as much as the hunigga but I cannot help but feel like they deserve Moldova in it's entirety. Why is it even called Moldova?
a tumor of a tumor
>nd the upper-class often spoke French.
Why? I guess it makes sense since they are next to France, but do you know the specifics?

Now that the dust has settled, who was right?
>Inb4 Neither, Fuck Christcucks!
Reddit is down the hall and to the left.
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Silence, foul mouthed idolater. You desecrate the name of God with your lies.
Galatians 1:8
The Book of Mormon is false

See the link between Hebrews 1:10-14
And Psalm 102:25-27
Jesus is Fully God of the OT
As far as I know the Orthos didn't spend the better part of a century shuffling homosexual priests around various parishes to avoid the embarrassment of a scandal, so they win by default
>No Response
You've baited me, good job
no, they honestly do hate each other.

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Michael Bruce Ross, "The Egg Man", murdered eight teenage girls and young women in Connecticut in an early 1980s spree of destruction. He ended up in the Nutmeg State's death chamber, the last person to be executed in New England. Ross was born in Putnam on July 26, 1959, the eldest of four children born to Daniel and Patricia Ross--the Rosses ran a chicken farm in the town of Brooklyn, hence Michael's nickname. Patricia was best described as a victim of the less-enlightened America of pre-women's lib days. Her husband knocked her up in high school and they had a shotgun wedding. Pat had not wanted to marry Daniel Ross or be the wife of a chicken farmer, but in the 1950s she had little choice and took out her wrath on the children she'd never wanted to have.

Needless to say, she was a woman with serious psychotic and anger management issues. Pat deserted her family at least once, spent time in a mental hospital, and beat her children although Michael, who as the eldest was the entire reason she landed in this predicament in the first place, got the worst of it; she insisted his father actually did the beatings and she just held the kids down for it. He was reportedly molested by a teenage uncle who committed suicide in 1967 and he molested two younger girls when he was 12, although he insisted they were just playing a game of show-me-yours-and-I'll-show-you-mine. He was beaten for this offense.
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Oh and this guy too.
He only did this because of free will, however.
Got off on a plea bargain.
I was there in 2014. Relatives say small town Connecticut was nice back in the 60s.

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I want to ask you guys this. I know many nordfaggots will act like they weren’t simply because “they were olive, waaaaaaaaaaah, they weren’t white like the nordic Roman’s were, they were brown”

The reality is a lot more complicated than that. From all the research I myself have conducted into Eastern Roman history from 476 AD to 1453, they not only saw themelves as Roman, but Greco-Roman culture continued to evolve under them, as well as the continuation of Roman/greco Roman law and culture. They still referred to emperors with their formal, Latin titles in formal settings as well. Although ethnically Greek , or perhaps a cross of ancient Latin and Greek dna, they were in My eyes, Rome.

This makes the whole idea and advent of the crusades that much more tragic in my eyes. Because the father of most of European civilization (literally since Greeks also fathered it ) was a being swarmed by inbred Islamic Turkmen who flooded into Anatolia, which until then was as white as Greece itself. I wonder if later western historians called them Byzantium simply because they couldn’t handle the guilt that the west killed THE Roman Empire in the long term with the retarded kike pushed 4th crusade.

One of the most important bits of evidence is that they literally came out of the old unified Roman Empire, making up the eastern half. All existing Roman cultural and political pillars that existed before, were split between east and west. Eastern Rome never became “The empire of the Greeks “ or “Hellas” or anything like that after this until its death in 1453 at the hand of inbred Islamic invaders. Speaking of a part of me fears Europe may follow its ancestoral empire of Rome into the arena of Islamic domination and eviseration… and that scares me.

But I wanna hear YOUR opinion on this matter.
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>it just changed over time
Yes, largely because of an influx of foreigners into Roman cities and rampant race mixing. A hundred years from now, if America is 60% Hispanic and 30% Asian, and some mutted form of spanglish has become the national language, would you really consider it to be the same country as America from 1776, or even 2000? At that point, it wouldn't matter if there was continuity of government or if the people "identified" as Americans, because the culture and character of America would be entirely alien to original America- not merely an evolved version of it.
There was only one Emperor between Odoacer and Charlemagne.
A lot of Romans in the West weren't racially "Roman" either lol.
It had to do with Westerners not liking that the Roman Empire continued on in the East for any number of reasons. I think the term "Byzantine" was promulgated by Humanists who idolized the pagan Empire.
>Julius Nepos this Syagrius that
No one cares. Whether the empire ended with one puppet emperor, another puppet emperor, or Constantine XXX Popodopolous Onassis is just an exercise in autistic pedantry. The Roman Empire was a hopelessly decadent muttfest by the 3rd century AD, and I'm guessing that most true Romans- with names like Cincinnatus, Scipio, and Fabius- would have preferred a quick death for the late empire if they could see the future. Thinking that the emperors should be the focus of Roman history, and memorizing all their names and summaries of their reigns is like modern teenagers obsessing over niggerrap while ignoring centuries of much better music available to them at the touch of a button
Fuck a goat Muslim, not everyone wants to be circumcised and have a room remot iq caused by cousin fucking. Islam is the destroyer of civilizations, same as Judaism. You’re both the exact same.
I don't understand why we have this thread every week.

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So atheists believe that things like time, fundamental forces, atoms or mathematics suddenly came into existence from a big explosion?
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Ever heard of a communist personality cult, anon?
It's a point that approaches infinite density and temperature. I would call that a near-singularity.
He used the word properly, you're the one who doesn't know its meaning.
The middle east is western?
christans think mathematics predates god who is incapable of overcoming it. of course they "think" this only when the debate depends on god not being actually omnipotent. otherwise they keep asslicking their invisible friend with assurances that he is indeed the GOAT omnipotent omnieverything lest he becomes tsundere and throws them into magic lava.

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post when it historicly backfire
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I will start

What were marital relations like between the WHG and the ANF? Was it violent based on wife stealing or was it something more peaceful? I don't think the different language is a good argument, my Italian great-grandfather was basically a country pastor and managed to marry a northern European woman without speaking her language
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>The male child (7 to 10 years old) lying in a crouched position on his left side with his skull facing northeast. His arms were folded with his hands in front of his face. Spots of rot were traced on the bones of the limbs. The inventory included a copper awl, a tempered clay vessel, two anthropomorphic figurines, and four jet beads. Skeleton dating: 3900-3653 calBCE (4978±28 BP, MAMS-48819)
G2a male.

>The male child (7 to 12 years old) was buried in a crouched position on the left side with the skull facing northeast. Bands of brown ocher were visible on the lower jaw. Spots of rot were traced on the skull and leg bones. The grave goods consisted of three vessels made of clay tempered with shell. Skeleton dating: 4445-4345 calBCE (5545±27 BP, MAMS48822).
R1b male.

>The adult male individual was buried in a crouched position with his head facing west. The grave goods were absent. Skeleton dating: 2910-2705 calBCE (4242±27 BP, MAMS-48823).
R1b-Z2103 the poor Yamnaya was male.
Try again>>16640687
.transsea trade in obsidian, jade, ivory, amber.
.First known mortise and tenon joints on boats (La Marmotta)
.wooden pits, the first to reach and colonize Lampedusa, Cyprus, Ustica, Malta, Pantelleria etc. .Mediterranean size statue (Lady Tarxien)
.invented the wheel (TBK or Baden)
.first to melt copper (vinca)
.first to use gold (Varna)
.first to build cities (cuctenti-trypillia)
.first to build tombs (megalithic culture)
What did WHG and WSH do? the richest Yamnaya and Corded tombs were the poorest for their time
hunter gatherers bvll

>I1 and I2 WHG haplos very common across Europe
>farmoid haplos almost non-existent

>Jomon bvll D haplo very common, Japanese are almost majority D on average
In Europe, the replacement of the bugs'Y-DNA happened sometime in the Middle Neolithic, long before the arrival of the steppfools Practically all of Europe, outside the Balkans and Italy, was dominated by I2 lineages already at the end of the Neolithic.
the list is huge, in fact we have the case of the The same happened with the Austronesians and the Papuans. Most Polynesians today carry Papuan Y-DNA. And in Tibet Chinks got fucked by local HGs who carried D
In the Epic of Gilgamesh, they literally gave Enkidu a woman to civilize him because they couldn't get rid of him etc etc

Basically His masculine HG phenotype was so revered that Pharmoid men had them breed their females on purpose to preserve it.
hgs are hobos, farmbulls are real hunterz
>Zagrosian girls lost

Any bros studying history and humanities in university?
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I’m starting a masters degree in the fall. Pretty excited desu. I was a big fuck up for a long time working shitty min wage jobs. So it feels like I turned it around by getting in
Dont read to into it, classics fags are always unimaginative and hate having an opinion so think actual research and reflection is verboten
>classics fags are always unimaginative
For real. Greece is the gruel of history and archaeology, everyone's over it.
Nah, doing electrical engineering
Archeology just collects the data for historians
>muh rocks and field trips!
Grow up. It’s up to the big boy historians to actually write and sell the books that translate your rocks into knowledge

What should Canada’s foreign policy be?
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>India is highly subversive since they are genetically predisposed towards pedophilia and legalized child pornography recently.

based India
100 million Canadians.
With such a population, Canada will be well-positioned to play the role it aspires to on the world stage.
Canada is such a pathetic non country. I know people like to joke about other countries not being real, but this one isnt a joke, Canada is just a big nothing up north. They have no real history, culture, or legal tradition, they are united under the banner of not being American and that it. Within that black hole of existence, they just absorb everything else which is now why Canada brags about being nothing and everything. Gay tranny sihks and Chinks and everything else. Housing prices through the roof, and a stupid globalist bimbo for the PM.

For all their LARPing as an indepdent country (they arent) they are still part of the British Empire and this is their only way out. They shouldn embrace their anglo heritage and try to make accommodations with the French even though they started this move into oblivion out of spite.
We do need more people but not more fucking browns

/his/ still cannot explain this one.
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Not true she averaged out as a person from Chad which could mean she was either from the Sahara or had mixed East/West African heritage
considering she had a genetic abnormality the former seems a bit more likely
Make New Guinea and Africa white again
>yt crakkka Ceasar
Found the wh*te person pretending to be black. The Romans where Africans fighting against wh*te colonizers.
duh, they make the best slaves...
How? We launched the 2 biggest slave rebellions in history.

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