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Now that the dust has settled, who was right?
>Inb4 Neither, Fuck Christcucks!
Reddit is down the hall and to the left.
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Silence, foul mouthed idolater. You desecrate the name of God with your lies.
Galatians 1:8
The Book of Mormon is false

See the link between Hebrews 1:10-14
And Psalm 102:25-27
Jesus is Fully God of the OT
As far as I know the Orthos didn't spend the better part of a century shuffling homosexual priests around various parishes to avoid the embarrassment of a scandal, so they win by default
>No Response
You've baited me, good job
no, they honestly do hate each other.

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>vodka turnover alone collected 8% of all taxes, and 5% of GDP (with turnover on sin items like vodka + wine + tobacco turnover being at 10% and 7%)

Stranger than fiction.
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Why does a planned market with control over its own money need taxes to sustain itself?
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There is a point where declining productivity incercepts with increasing alcoholism, and you want to stay under that point. Russia didn't.
And that point is ever lower, as automation removes the dumbest jobs and "watering the planets" no longer requires 500000 employees empire wide, and those people are too drunk to do "changing the oil in the pump".
>If I devalue the GDP enough I can make any wild claim I want
This wasn’t uncommon btw. Soviet soldiers throughout the war died by the hundreds from guzzling any fluid rumoured to have even a slight amount of alcohol in it and all the drunken accidents that heavily armed alcohol-filled dumbass slav conscripts entailed. I believe there’s a quote from marshal Konev where he said something along the lines of “if we didn’t have drunkenness this bad we would have won the war two years earlier”
ZOMG. Vodka is frickin' EPIC.. LOL.. epic Russia..

Is it the Norman/French ancestry?
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>Northern Europeans (Nordics) can have dark hair and eyes
Pontic steppe is a part of europe, brownoid retard.
>He's an example of someone who looks incredibly distinct for the country he comes from
In what sense?
No. This is what Neolithic Britons looked like before the Bell Beakers invaded.

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>Not my problem
Imagine how shitty and gross life was back then. There no sink in there. There’s no TP. You just know you will take a shit and not feel clean. Medieval Europe is like present day India

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What are these guys talking about there are tonnes of good arguments for atheism
>there is the argument from...well that one kinda sucks
>there is also the...well that one doesn't even make sense
>I'm sure they like exist though we just haven't discovered them yet
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The only argument you need for atheism is "there's no proof for religion so I choose not to believe in it." You could go further but you don't need to.
Have my gold kind stranger!
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Here's your (You) now come back with your argument
My argument is I'm a Christian and even I find your thread to be worthless
It's an inductive argument
You are of course free to reject of accept the premise
It's not going to be a forceful argument against people who presuppose that disembodied minds, like ghosts or gods exist

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Michael Bruce Ross, "The Egg Man", murdered eight teenage girls and young women in Connecticut in an early 1980s spree of destruction. He ended up in the Nutmeg State's death chamber, the last person to be executed in New England. Ross was born in Putnam on July 26, 1959, the eldest of four children born to Daniel and Patricia Ross--the Rosses ran a chicken farm in the town of Brooklyn, hence Michael's nickname. Patricia was best described as a victim of the less-enlightened America of pre-women's lib days. Her husband knocked her up in high school and they had a shotgun wedding. Pat had not wanted to marry Daniel Ross or be the wife of a chicken farmer, but in the 1950s she had little choice and took out her wrath on the children she'd never wanted to have.

Needless to say, she was a woman with serious psychotic and anger management issues. Pat deserted her family at least once, spent time in a mental hospital, and beat her children although Michael, who as the eldest was the entire reason she landed in this predicament in the first place, got the worst of it; she insisted his father actually did the beatings and she just held the kids down for it. He was reportedly molested by a teenage uncle who committed suicide in 1967 and he molested two younger girls when he was 12, although he insisted they were just playing a game of show-me-yours-and-I'll-show-you-mine. He was beaten for this offense.
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Oh and this guy too.
He only did this because of free will, however.
Got off on a plea bargain.
I was there in 2014. Relatives say small town Connecticut was nice back in the 60s.

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Why was lesbianism never condemned as harshly as gayness?
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We tolerate the bullshit of women in order to breed with them. Gays, trannies, and other queers invoke all the bullshit of women with none of the benefits.

Straight men have a baseline of respectful behavior because otherwise people get hurt. Women don’t, which is part of why they will say the most insane things that would get a man punched or stabbed or shot. Queer men share the feminine tendency to run their mouths disrespectfully, but lack the shield of the female sex to keep them from getting retaliation.
The worldwide AGP conspiracy
>invoke all the bullshit of women with none of the benefits

speak for yourself retard
They were bi most likely
>I would say the big reason is male homosexuality necessitates at least one man becoming "the woman" of the relationship
No it doesn't.

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I want to ask you guys this. I know many nordfaggots will act like they weren’t simply because “they were olive, waaaaaaaaaaah, they weren’t white like the nordic Roman’s were, they were brown”

The reality is a lot more complicated than that. From all the research I myself have conducted into Eastern Roman history from 476 AD to 1453, they not only saw themelves as Roman, but Greco-Roman culture continued to evolve under them, as well as the continuation of Roman/greco Roman law and culture. They still referred to emperors with their formal, Latin titles in formal settings as well. Although ethnically Greek , or perhaps a cross of ancient Latin and Greek dna, they were in My eyes, Rome.

This makes the whole idea and advent of the crusades that much more tragic in my eyes. Because the father of most of European civilization (literally since Greeks also fathered it ) was a being swarmed by inbred Islamic Turkmen who flooded into Anatolia, which until then was as white as Greece itself. I wonder if later western historians called them Byzantium simply because they couldn’t handle the guilt that the west killed THE Roman Empire in the long term with the retarded kike pushed 4th crusade.

One of the most important bits of evidence is that they literally came out of the old unified Roman Empire, making up the eastern half. All existing Roman cultural and political pillars that existed before, were split between east and west. Eastern Rome never became “The empire of the Greeks “ or “Hellas” or anything like that after this until its death in 1453 at the hand of inbred Islamic invaders. Speaking of a part of me fears Europe may follow its ancestoral empire of Rome into the arena of Islamic domination and eviseration… and that scares me.

But I wanna hear YOUR opinion on this matter.
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>it just changed over time
Yes, largely because of an influx of foreigners into Roman cities and rampant race mixing. A hundred years from now, if America is 60% Hispanic and 30% Asian, and some mutted form of spanglish has become the national language, would you really consider it to be the same country as America from 1776, or even 2000? At that point, it wouldn't matter if there was continuity of government or if the people "identified" as Americans, because the culture and character of America would be entirely alien to original America- not merely an evolved version of it.
There was only one Emperor between Odoacer and Charlemagne.
A lot of Romans in the West weren't racially "Roman" either lol.
It had to do with Westerners not liking that the Roman Empire continued on in the East for any number of reasons. I think the term "Byzantine" was promulgated by Humanists who idolized the pagan Empire.
>Julius Nepos this Syagrius that
No one cares. Whether the empire ended with one puppet emperor, another puppet emperor, or Constantine XXX Popodopolous Onassis is just an exercise in autistic pedantry. The Roman Empire was a hopelessly decadent muttfest by the 3rd century AD, and I'm guessing that most true Romans- with names like Cincinnatus, Scipio, and Fabius- would have preferred a quick death for the late empire if they could see the future. Thinking that the emperors should be the focus of Roman history, and memorizing all their names and summaries of their reigns is like modern teenagers obsessing over niggerrap while ignoring centuries of much better music available to them at the touch of a button
Fuck a goat Muslim, not everyone wants to be circumcised and have a room remot iq caused by cousin fucking. Islam is the destroyer of civilizations, same as Judaism. You’re both the exact same.
I don't understand why we have this thread every week.

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So atheists believe that things like time, fundamental forces, atoms or mathematics suddenly came into existence from a big explosion?
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Ever heard of a communist personality cult, anon?
It's a point that approaches infinite density and temperature. I would call that a near-singularity.
He used the word properly, you're the one who doesn't know its meaning.
The middle east is western?
christans think mathematics predates god who is incapable of overcoming it. of course they "think" this only when the debate depends on god not being actually omnipotent. otherwise they keep asslicking their invisible friend with assurances that he is indeed the GOAT omnipotent omnieverything lest he becomes tsundere and throws them into magic lava.

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"Governor Dukakis, would you still oppose capital punishment if your wife Kitty was raped and murdered by Willie Horton?"
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ha ha oh boy are you wrong. the system does not care about you being murdered unless you're an economically valuable person.
Only 176 executions in 100+ years feels pretty damn low actually, considering there must definitely have been well over 1000+ homicide cases throughout that time.
Actually I oppose the death penalty because I've worked with lawyers before and believe me the last thing you want is for a state appointed prosecutor to have the power to get you sentenced to fucking death.
False accusations, shitty investigations, etc. all have led to innocents being executed for crimes they did not commit. Pro-death penalty retards are the same breed of brainlet who thinks that making something illegal will delete it from society, you're literally just putting your faith in the state's ability to do their job correctly 100% of the time.
>Only 176 executions in 100+ years feels pretty damn low actually, considering there must definitely have been well over 1000+ homicide cases throughout that time.
The South has always been the region that uses capital punishment the most. If you will compare Southern states during the same time period they executed over 3x as many people (even if worth nothing that 60% of these were blacks).
>either by pardoning and supporting them unconditionally like leftists want
Man, I just want humane facilities and no death penalty because I work on the assumption that there must be at least once falsely convicted innocent man in the crowd of criminals.

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South brazilian guy here with germanic (bohemian) ancestry.
Is it possible I have phoenician or cathaginian ancestry?
What exactly you guys look at when you see these informations? I'm good at history and geography, but I'd like to see other people's opinion on that.

For me it is obvious the mediterranean, once I have portuguese descent. Also some african and native american as I live in the americas. But the other informations are kinda blurry to me. Is that arab blood from "mozarabic" or "moriscos" in the iberian peninsula?
I may have some turkish or levantine blood in it, but not sure how to locate it on a map.
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вocтoчныe cкaндинaвы этo cвeaлaнд, yппcaлa, cтoкгoльм, тaм caмoe бoльшoe cкoплeниe n1c
Moкшa вooбщe нe пpи дeлaх.
Кopoчe вocтoчныe шнypoвики из Лaтвии(c пoвышeнным Бaлтийcким HG) зaмeнили пoлoвинy нaceлeния Швeции в кoнцe бpoнзoвoгo вeкa.
Boт, вoзмoжнo peчь oб экcпaнcии R1a z284.
Дa, eщё ecть пpeдпoлoжeния o тoм чтo этo были вooбщe изнaчaльныe нocитeли гepмaнcких языкoв.
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> R1a z284
этo ceльcкий кoпpocyбклaд, paбы n1c-l550 pюpикa и кopoля из фyллepo
я eхг кcтaти
Moкшa ты…

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I don't get it
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Moor rapebabies
It's one /int/schizo who's gf fucked a Spaniard so he seethes and crossposts on /his/.
>Reclaims his ancestral land in the Name of Christ.
Nothin' personnel judeonafris
People don't hate them in real life they don't like them online because of lack of self-conscioussness but I will not detail it because arguing with a Spaniard is like speaking to a monkey
>Liberates your city
>Refuses to elaborate
>Is exiled
>Fights for the Moors
>Hears of his people's plight and RETVRNS
>picks up the Holy War once again
Spanish history is kino.

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post when it historicly backfire
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I will start

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Historically was anti gay always promoted by closeted gay men or is that a new phenomenon?

I know the catholic church historically was filled with gay guys while being anti gay
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This. Nick is a fed. Once you realize that everything he has ever done makes sense.
To answer the question: glowies. Feds literally infiltrate a movement directly or at least astroturf secret gay men into these roles. Gay men never were priests prior to the 20th century. Gay men were never political conservatives prior to the 20th century. Some time in the 1920s cabals were made (probably in the jewish mafias) to make push homosexuality and make it considered normal.

Take for example that Milk fag. They pretend that gays got excuted before his rise to political influence, but that's all nonsense. Why is it even conservatives in the media go along with that lie? Because feds have subtly directed the conversation.
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>I don’t know anyone who is anti-pedo who is actually secretly a pedo.
Major Cloog
Not always.Christianity was historically a femcel cult and femcels and old hags hate men doing what they want. Same reason why they hate on men dating teenage or Asian girls despite it being natural since man first evolved
>don’t know anyone who is anti-pedo who is actually secretly a pedo

Lol don't come into their basement buddy
I'd rather come into their basement than a NAMBLA member's basement that's for sure

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>Marriage 1 male & 1 female only
>Legal age: 16 years for males and 14 years for females
>Sex for Reproduction Only
>Have as Many Children as Possible
>No Pre-Marital Sex
>No Divorce
>No Abortion
>No Sodomy (Anal/Oral)
>No Condoms, No BirthPills
>No Lesbian/Gay Sex
>No Incest
>Chasity a Virtue
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Well, marriage isn't a piece of paper. The purpose of the rule is monogamy. If you truly love your girlfriend and intend to stay with her (at which point she is practically your wife), you're probably in the clear.
Perhaps, but "racism" clearly goes against the actual religion of Christianity.
Not how it works, Catholics are not supposed to have sex before being formally married.
god wants you to get married and then pop out dozens of good little Catholic children
Catholicism is what I want it to be.

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