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Did the ancient Romans look like this?
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>nords immediately start larping as nigs for some reason

built for BBC etc
>built for BBC etc
only americucks
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>yes, ideal women are med and ideal men are Nord
>The entire history of europe is WSH rich northern men taking medbunny southern farmer princesses
it's how the modern Europeans were formed
the guy looks like a blonde Med lol
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Hummels is swarthy and exotic, but his facial skeleton looks Germanic. Germans often have such squarish and broad-jawed faces (Scandinavians are more long-faced though).

The stereotypical Mediterranean morphology is different, the skull is longer and narrower. Also, Roman portraiture often depicts individuals with reduced, more gracile features, Augustus di Prima Porta being a textbook example.

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Forget delusional ZOGbots like Kyle Lamb. Philip Larkin mogs them all. A true titan.
/lit/ be thattaway, bwoy -->
No, I said /lit.
And I said

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You will go to hell while I go to heaven
and you will be happy
Isn't the idea that some people don't go to either because they don't have souls and aren't people?
How do you know you’re part of the elect?
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You would know if you were one
No, but seriously?
This is so funny. There is so many damning things shown on TV which severe the plebian's ability to be holy.

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Historically speaking why are the french viewed as southern meds when they're nothing of the sort?
pure french are nordic. frenchmen collaborated with british pirates in fighting spaniards and nordic french huguenots were massacred by med spaniards in the americas
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French are tremendous swarthoids
nobody in first century rome was white
>the boundary
It's the Loire. Some French geneticist did a study a few years back, and showed that. Historically, makes sense.

>inb4 French are Latins
They're southern counterparts are closer to the Spanish
Once i had to convince a person from a Nordic country that blondes existed in France. They couldn't believe it.
I think the issue is the media has blurred the line between an Algerian and a Frenchman too much.
People just assume Algerians are French.
This is made up.

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Michael Bruce Ross, "The Egg Man", murdered eight teenage girls and young women in Connecticut in an early 1980s spree of destruction. He ended up in the Nutmeg State's death chamber, the last person to be executed in New England. Ross was born in Putnam on July 26, 1959, the eldest of four children born to Daniel and Patricia Ross--the Rosses ran a chicken farm in the town of Brooklyn, hence Michael's nickname. Patricia was best described as a victim of the less-enlightened America of pre-women's lib days. Her husband knocked her up in high school and they had a shotgun wedding. Pat had not wanted to marry Daniel Ross or be the wife of a chicken farmer, but in the 1950s she had little choice and took out her wrath on the children she'd never wanted to have.

Needless to say, she was a woman with serious psychotic and anger management issues. Pat deserted her family at least once, spent time in a mental hospital, and beat her children although Michael, who as the eldest was the entire reason she landed in this predicament in the first place, got the worst of it; she insisted his father actually did the beatings and she just held the kids down for it. He was reportedly molested by a teenage uncle who committed suicide in 1967 and he molested two younger girls when he was 12, although he insisted they were just playing a game of show-me-yours-and-I'll-show-you-mine. He was beaten for this offense.
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A stab in the eye would 100% immobilize that twink in OP, nvm just read the rest, you're just retarded
A woman can’t do that. Even a twink can rape a strong woman who does MMA.
He was literally fucked up by a offduty roasty lol>>16639783
>he abducted a 16 year old, dragged her into some woods, and gagged her but was caught by police and arrested for false imprisonment. He paid a $500 fine and received probation.

>Fined $500 and was given probation

genuinely what the fuck was wrong with boomers? what kind of "justice" is this?
Justice system is still the same, she probably was afraid of being slut shamed (beyond retarded in this context but shocked victims arent thinking straight) and refused to testify against him properly or she had a shitty lawyer

Where's the lie?
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>seething this hard
ok what is it? Titus or Hadrian?
Are you saying everybody loves das juden? kek
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There will be serious consequences if they don't.
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>Implying the sons of Mars have anything to fear from the spawn of moloch.
I hear there's some trouble down in Ivdaea. The Imperator will not be pleased.
Faggots are sadomasochists and they have a fetish where they want to be tortured and raped by homophobic men.

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>Good guy is called go(o)d
>Evil guy is called d’evil
Who wrote this crap?
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Good guy is called Elohim.
God comes from guda if I recall correctly
That's the cheese guy who sat under a tree for 49 days right?
*cave *months
The best cheese!
It's actually "angry manjew"

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Why did the savior of Turkey have blue eyes and a European profile? Are the Turkish elites Islamized Europeans?
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Rıza was part of his father’s name. He didn’t have a last name before Atatürk.
Unlikely and unnecessary, having a single ancestor 1000 years ago doesn't meaningfully raise the chances of having blue eyes today
He did and he won it himself like a chad.
Kemal = brilliant cause he had straight A's apparently.
This is how he used to show up at school btw.
That would be likely if the crusades took place in 1965 and not 1095.
Assad is secular literally only a few steps away from being a full on atheist.

>a deluded gunman (heh)
what did he mean by this
If you slow it down you can see that he saw something in the crowd that was funny to him that made him smile.

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modern historian be like
>did you know the most important force in history is.. le black women?
>did you know the most interesting events in history are.. le climate changes?
>did you know the most important work in historiography is ... le intersectionality?
and then every single person in the seminar stands up and starts clapping
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They have to retroactively reinterpret history into a NATO Cognitohazard propaganda model civic religion framework if they want there department to stay open. Because if they don't they US government will shut them down due to some made up charge. And they'll be in jail for the rest of there lives.
Ty for attending the seminar and bravely presenting your paper titled “Negotiations of Identity and Otherness in 13th Century Rajastan: Intersections of Class and Gender in Decolonizing the Black Experience in India”
rent free
take your meds
But this is facts doe.

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How much does morality extend to animals?
Is it moral to kill and eat conscious beings because they're not human?
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Why does it matter if it's legal and culturally appropriate? There are bad laws and bad customs, and arbitrary customs.
Sure some customs are bad, but only according to other customs. You live in a cultural system and your peculiar opinions are informed by it, such as something as arbitrary as dogs being pets and cows being food.
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I know that, but the thread is about how we should treat animals in general and general rules that can be applied across species, not what just is culturally accepted.

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What happens when American history comes to an end?
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You might even have Texas and California lead expeditions into Mexico to pacify a chunk of the north to stop the cartels to win legitimacy in the civil strife. I can see Alberta in Canada taking the chance to cause shit by importing weapons from the US rebels and Quebec just being their usual smug selves
Either the path of Yugoslavia or the Weimar Republic.
Mormons have better lore but Amish have the best barns.
Yes, and after that some other country will be pre-eminent power on earth.
Probably China. Which also means a lot of other countries are fucked.

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>muslims put scissors on their battle flags and standards
yeah that's because they're trannies who cut their own dicks to please their moon god
Masonic influence. They are merely slaves for higher forces.
But really is that supposed to be double edged sword zufilkar?
I mean when I hear double-edged sword, I think about european cruciform swords.
a scissor can be a deadly weapon, look at Ryuko and Satsuki
the top is forked or something

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who was corded pottery people from 3000 BC/5000 BP? did they spóke germanic?
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First mobile pastoralists. Genetically they were similar to early CWC, but carried different Y-DNA, buried their dead in kurgans, had wagon graves and copper weapons.
CWC used stone tools with polished stone axes as their weapons. This weapons was apparently an evolution of local Funnelbeaker weapons, same with pottery.
>this board
It's not this board. I think this obsession goes back to Anthony and Mallory. They saw Yamnaya as the late Indo-Europeans. Corded Ware were supposed to be locals influenced by Yamnaya. Ancient DNA changed this view.
those are globular pottery, not corded pottery
yamnaya were irrelevant peasants with different material culture and range, it was CWC the elite ones and conquerors, R1a and R-L51
later on we see srubnaya r1as exterminating the r1b-z2103 from the pontic steppes
nah they spoke germanic
You mean in the same way that modern Italians speak the latin of Romans?

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God obviously wanted Eve to eat the fruit because he knew exactly what would happen in the future and He still created her, knowing that. This is literally common sense if you believe that God is omnipresent and infinitely intelligent, so why is it such a controversial statement?
Show me this word in the bible. People make up an idea of what they expect God should be and then act as if God has to fit this mold they created for him. You make no effort to read the scriptures and figure out who God actually is because you already made up your mind about who God should be according to your own deductions.

Its always: A God wouldn't do this, a God wouldn't to that, A God would be able to do this or that. How do you know? Have you ever met a God to know what God should and shouldn't be or can and cant do?
If adam and eve are white then where do non-white people come from?
Do you actually think God doesn't know the future?
Ah, you've chosen the door #2: "god is able to stop evil, but will not."
I think the Epicurus' answer to that is:
"Then why worship him?"
>"Then why worship him?"
Because He is supreme.

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