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>"We are a tolerant multicultural society mate, stop playing the race card!"
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Jews destoyed us
I'm glad someone else has noticed this. How does this guy have any credibility and how does he work for a legit news publication (5 pillars)? The guy who runs 5 pillars btw, Sri Lankan Roshan Salih is an even more extreme Islamist than Dilly yet they are untouchable. Very strange.
You're the same.
Britain sold its soul long ago, so it's no surprise they let these guys run about

Why did China build so many Buddhist statues in the last 50 years
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tried destroying buddhism 50 years ago and it didnt work so now theyre trying to make it into communist propaganda, hence why american college professors (aka chinese agents) all promote buddhism as 'atheism'
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Xi likes it
Maybe China is the real India and India is a LARPer state since India is Africa-tier and China is hyperborea
vgh... the modern emperor taizong
leftists are atheist

Donald Middlebrooks, Tammy Middlebrooks, and Robert Brewington were convicted of the racially motivated torture-death of a black teenager in Tennessee in 1987. That April 26, a Sunday, Kerrick Majors, 14, and four friends went to Gallatin Road in East Nashville. In the early evening they ran into a table covered in items that belonged to three homeless white youths--Donald Middlebrooks, 24, his 17 year old wife Tammy, and a 16 year old friend named Robert Brewington, who was a teen runaway. They had been setting up a flea market to sell the various items. As the four black kids approached the table, Tammy told them to go away and leave the items alone. During the ensuing ruckus, a vase was knocked over and broken. Majors and his buddies ran for it and were chased down by the trio.
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>In 2024, Tennessee saw moves to allow the death penalty for defendants convicted of child rape.[12] It passed the Tennessee House of Representatives with a 77-19-1 vote. and it passed the Tennessee Senate with 24-5.[13][14][15] Governor Bill Lee would sign the bill into law on May 2024
'Hol up, didn't the Supreme Court say you can't do that?
you mean Kennedy v. Louisiana? either they're retarded enough to not know that (quite likely since this is Tennessee and they're all inbred FAS victims) or they're trying to b8 a court challenge in the hope of getting it overturned.
The latter wouldn't surprise me. There's been a lot of rhetoric about executing pedos and rapists lately.

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The National Socialists were actually socialist though. Yes they were fascists also. But why pretend like socialism and fascism are exclusive? They were both.
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Socialism is not handouts
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I don't think the Soviet Union ever privatized banks. Actually one of the strange things about the country is that a lot of things were state-owned by the Tsarist Empire and the communists took them over. But then in the 1930s the state seized and collectivized all land in the country and turned them into massive, state-owned collective farms:

which is something the Nazis did NOT believe in and had no intention of doing. The Nazis made inroads into private property and undertook socialistic measures but it was nothing like the Soviet Union. The Third Reich didn't even switch to a total war economy until the battle of Stalingrad.
Nazism is socialism in decline desu
Bolshevism only ever succeeded in producing state monopoly capitalism and you’ll notice that every attempt at producing full socialism (war communism, collectivization) were the periods in which millions starved. Parliamentary socialism in germany and west europe had demonstrated its weakness and opportunism through the experience of ww1 and weimar. The natural conclusion was to substitute mysticism of the blood for the kind of egghead ‘scientific materialism’ in vogue among marxists, as a more firm and enduring metaphysical foundation for their socialism.
Private property was still allowed, yet only on a conditional basis, in practice it resulted in a kind of state monopoly capitalism not unlike that that existed in Russia, something totally antithetical to the kind of anglo-liberalism usually implied by the term capitalism.
They were socialists, being that they wanted to gear their nation towards a common social good, yes. Rather than they capitalist systems which don't even believe in a common society and think the state should just be a means for individuals to enrich themselves.

The Nazis big break with the other socialists was their intense racism and nationalism. The Bolsheviks advocated pride in one's nation, but we're against any nation declaring itself supreme over another.
Socialism =/= communism
And which banks were privatized by the nazis?
Selling stock in a government owned bank that can be taken from you at any time at the government's wish is not privatization.

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He was found before the sun rises (so around 4AM) in a park with a naked young boy (one of his apostles). With nothing but a linen cloth around the boy's penis. Jesus was high at this time on some poison cocktail. The apostles were all prepubescent boys. Jesus was having sex with them. They were his prostitutes. Jesus was dead before he was on the cross due to the drug cocktail he was taking.

The true identity of Jesus was occulted, hence why you have insiders, modern priests, committing sex crimes against Christian children.
What sort of mental illness causes you to make these threads?
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Wow. I saved this image. I didn't know this about the state of Jews. This is crazy. How does a person prove that they are a Jew? Can any kind of criminal do this?
This board is History and Humanities. Not False Prophets and Humanities.

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Alcohol is a poison, harmful to the soul and body, therefore it is a great sin to drink alcohol and to offer it to others, and it is a greater sin to produce and to sell this poison
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Paul said a little wine is good for you. Jesus first miracle is turning water to fine wine. You are just a mad teetotaler
You can always go to to the imagined Hell of your own making, Christcuck! The Teetotalers created the biggest "crime" wave the US had ever seen up to that point! Those Christcuck "moralist" bastards created the rise of Organized Crime, and it was the only Amendment of the Constitution to be superseded by another one! The most amazing thing is that your damn religion didn't go extinct in the aftermath!
>Alcohol is a poison, harmful to the soul and body, therefore it is a great sin to drink alcohol and to offer it to others, and it is a greater sin to produce and to sell this poison

>alcohol is a gift from God to gladden the heart of man (Psalm 104:14-15)
I've heard of people doing this but I just buy my alcohol which is made by the experts

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Making a christianity iceberg. Give me some good topics for the bottom three tiers.
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>Jesus was a Jew
Probably above the water.
Jews are descended from Phoenician converts whereas Jesus' ancestors were from the hill country around lake Gallilee.

It's like saying a Frenchman and a Romanian are the same thing because they share a distant common ancestor.
So, what you're saying is: Jesus was a Muslim?
get in the fucking oven.

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Why is reality set in specific rules where some things are possible and some things are not possible? Why isn't it possible to see in the dark, or to lift a 10 ton boulder with my hands, or to levitate, or to run 500 mph, or to get a gf, why such specific restrictions and non-restrictions?

Even if we know the reason why things are possible or impossible, if you keep asking why, you'll either reach a dead end of "it just does" or you'll circle back to the same answers.
>Why is reality set in specific rules where some things are possible and some things are not possible?

Possibly unknowable. Possible answers: it is designed like that deliberately; it happened to be like this; it changes from time to time.

>Why isn't it possible to see in the dark, or to lift a 10 ton boulder with my hands, or to levitate, or to run 500 mph, or to get a gf, why such specific restrictions and non-restrictions?
1. Seeing requires light; there is no light in the dark.
2. You do not have the strength to lift a 10 ton boulder on Earth.
3. There is no mechanism by which you can levitate. A directed gravitational field is on this planet, where you evolved, so you are designed with that field in mind.
4. You do not have the musculature or strength to run at 500 mph.
5. This is possible.
6. The rules are what they are - your design is based on the environment that you grew up in, and the challenges your ancestors overcame (and how they overcame them).

>Even if we know the reason why things are possible or impossible, if you keep asking why, you'll either reach a dead end of "it just does" or you'll circle back to the same answers.

Ask better questions. What do you really want to know or get out of a question you're asking?
>Seeing requires light; there is no light in the dark.
Why didn't we evolve to be able to, retard?
Unironically what actually functions as the arbiter for the laws of physics? They obviously have a basis in something, and that something is so utterly rock-solid that you cannot break them under any known circumstance (arguably black holes but that's likely just that we don't fully understand them yet), but that has to come from some kind of something right?
>What do you really want to know or get out of a question you're asking?

My goal is to manipulate reality into my own liking by setting my own set of rules on how reality operates, where I can decide that 2 + 2 =5, I can move faster than the speed of light, to create a square circle, or become chad without any effort. But instead I'm forced to obey the laws of the universe like a slave since I am limited. I hate how pathetic and fragile the human body is, I want to have super human powers with extreme strength and intelligence with other capabilities. These current rules suck ass.
Better yet, why didn't we evolve to simply be omniscient so that vision is obsolete? Why didn't you evolve a higher IQ, retard?

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Why are assholes so obsessed with with interacting with them? Why can't they just be left alone?
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Two fishermen who strayed on to the island in 2006 were killed - and one week after their deaths, their bodies were hooked on bamboo stakes facing out to sea.

And police are now studying that case in the belief tribesmen could do the same to Chau.
>he says, in Phoenician derived script
I'm not buying that any longer since this was discovered. Greek is older than Phoenician and did not derive from Phoenician. They only started adopting Phoenician after the destruction the Sea Peoples caused.

Minoans were more related to Middle Easterners than North Europeans
I never mentioned anything about North Europeans. You made a linguistic post.

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Why did we stop making food that combined both savory and sweet elements? Traditional preparations of medieval foods like biryani are largely savory but have distinct elements like raisins which add strong sweetness into almost every bite - this isn't really something you see anymore in contemporary dishes. Why is there now a far more clear dividing line between "savory" and "sweet" foods than there was in the past?
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It survives in Italian food too.

>the Irish sell their food rather than eat it
>this is the fault of the British
Much of the British establishment believed it was divine punishment for the papist paddies to starve.
The anglican church, at the bequest of queen victoria was the largest fund raiser for famine relief and the soup kitchens saved millions of lives.

unfortuntely the nationalist republicans spread dishonest rumours and conspiracies that the soup kitchens were actually a ploy to convert Catholics to Protestantism. unfortunately millions died because of these rumour. the republicans then blamed the british for these deaths,
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>be British
>put ketchup on every dish
>luv the sweet taste on my savory chips and sausage roll
> think that this post is retarded

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Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.
Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.
Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.
Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.
Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.
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Blue = boy, pink = girl. I don't remember what the white meant. Weirdly infantile flag now that I think of it.
That heaven thing sounds really awful, especially if you'd have to be a 'bride of christ' up there.
I looked it up on Wikipedia and it seems you are right, it's about young boys and girls specifically.

Weird, you could almost say there's a pedophilic subtext, given that it's adults who wave it
6 The Lord works vindication
and justice for all who are oppressed.
7 He made known his ways to Moses,
his acts to the people of Israel.
8 The Lord is merciful and gracious,
slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.
9 He will not always chide,
nor will he keep his anger for ever.
10 He does not deal with us according to our sins,
nor requite us according to our iniquities.
11 For as the heavens are high above the earth,
so great is his steadfast love toward those who fear him;
12 as far as the east is from the west,
so far does he remove our transgressions from us.
13 As a father pities his children,

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I think it's more infantalizing than pedophilic.

aren't memetics just dialectics with a biological framing?

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So let me get this straight…

England colonised Ireland.

England sought to replace the Irish with anglos

England genocided the Irish and horribly oppressed them, attempting to wipe them out but somehow failing even though they had total control of Ireland for hundreds of years

How exactly did ireland remain mostly Irish if they did all this?

Seems more likely England didn’t try to do all these things
>how did ireland remain mostly irish
The only real attempt at settling Ireland was ulster, and those settlers weren’t English, they were almost entirely Scottish

Also one of the big reasons they migrated was because of a famine happening in Scotland from 1696-1698

Notice how this is not called a genocide of the Scottish people. Or remembered as some horrific atrocity. Even though the Irish famine and the migration of Irish people to various places outside of Ireland is the exact same phenomenon

Apparently the British were trying to destroy the Irish population by… letting them migrate to England and become the majority of cities like liverpool
>How exactly did ireland remain mostly Irish if they did all this?
>Seems more likely England didn’t try to do all these things
Ding Ding Ding! We have a winner. If England had tried even half of the shit it gets accused of by the Irish Ireland would still be ruled from London. At this point we're only a few years away from Irish 'historians' claiming that the evil Brits were raping Irish babies and then feeding them to the dogs for sport.
The Irish, just loke the Jews, were badly treated but if they were treated in any similar way to contemporaries (cathars or ptotestants in france) they would have ceased go exist
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>England colonised Ireland.
>England sought to replace the Irish with anglos
Only in urban areas in certain places, they kept the Irish around for labour on farms. Many were displaced though.
>England genocided the Irish and horribly oppressed them, attempting to wipe them out but somehow failing
Not really, the genocide accusations aren't taken seriously by Irish historians. Millions were displaced forcibly, yes, but not exterminated. However you're right, it took centuries for them to consolidate their control over Ireland due to a mix of incompetence in their efforts and fierce resistance from the Gaels at various points.
>How exactly did ireland remain mostly Irish if they did all this?
Read all of the above, although as someone pointed out Irish culture was almost wiped out.
>Ding Ding Ding!!!
Most Irish historians would disagree with OP's understanding of Irish history. Making things up and saying "uh, doesn't sound right to me!!!" doesn't make it some big very smart thing. We aren't "a few years away" from Irish history becoming less anglophilic, it already happened in the late 20th Century/early 21st Century during and after the Troubles.
Your post goes too far in the other direction. Ireland's history since approximately the 14th Century has been one completely dominated by (negative) interactions with England. The sole period of what can be called conifdent+pragmatic governance of Ireland was a couple of decades at the end of the 19th Century, when Britain threw money at Land Reform after the Famine-and that was only because they wanted to kill off the Home Rule movement which sought to undo the deeply unpopular Act of Union.

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